The latest of Sergei Belikov's songs. Radio chanson broadcast

  • 26.05.2019

Sergei Belikov - Soviet and Russian singer, member of the group "Araks" and VIA "Gems", musician, composer, football player, Honored Artist of Russia.

Sergei Grigorievich Belikov was born into a simple working-class family on October 25, 1954. His father was a driver, and his mother devoted herself to working in a transport convoy. The boy spent his childhood in a small town in the Moscow region. Hometown Krasnogorsk gave Sergei happy memories of a serene adolescence.

Belikov was very active child, spent a lot of time in outdoor games with peers. Children of that time played football, swam, and went to the skating rink; Sergei was no exception. My musical career The singer began in Krasnogorsk, performing popular foreign compositions at dances.

Sergei became interested in music in early youth. At the age of 13, he picked up a guitar for the first time, and the young man tried to pick out a melody. The parents encouraged the interests of their son and his creative growth. Future artist graduated music school and decided not to stop studying. He became a student at the music pedagogical school. The young man chose folk instruments as his specialization.

Sergey Belikov is a graduate of the Moscow state university culture and arts.

Music career

The singer began his professional musical career at the age of 17. The first group in which Belikov tried himself as a musician was assembled from his college classmates. The guys played hits of foreign pop music at the dance.

The next musical group in which young Belikov was able to work was the rock group “WE”. The youth of Krasnogorsk were delighted with this project. The artist was noticed while performing one of the rock band’s numbers and the talented guy was offered a job in the capital.

Since 1974, Alexander began performing with the Moscow rock band Araks. The team collaborated with, Gennady Gladkov,. The musicians also performed songs own composition. By the time Belikov appeared in the Araks group, the group was already part of the troupe of the Lenin Komsomol Theater.

Over the 6 years of working with rock musicians, Sergei became a member of many interesting projects, met outstanding composers and recorded songs for several films.

at VIA “Gems”

In 1980, Belikov moved from the Araks group to VIA Samotsvety. The reason for his departure from the successful team was serious conflict. In an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Belikov mentioned that at Araks he earned a month an amount equivalent to ten average Soviet salaries.

The Gems ensemble became a stepping stone for Sergei to a solo career. In this group he proved himself not only as a vocalist, but also as a music author. Three years after the start of cooperation with the ensemble, Sergei decided to start a solo career. Belikov collaborated with,. His repertoire consists of simple but soulful songs that evoke a lively reaction from the audience.


In the early nineties, the singer went through difficult times. Centralized concert organizations refused to organize the artist’s performances, popularity fell, and people began to forget Belikov. At that time, football saved the artist.

In his youth, Sergei was seriously interested in football. He even became a prize-winner at the Moscow Championship as part of the Red October sports club team. Thanks to his youthful hobby, Belikov became a member of the Starko star football team, formed in 1991.

Over the years of participation in the project, the singer and his team visited almost one and a half hundred cities in Russia and six European countries. Belikov became the top scorer of the football team of pop stars, and received a lot of positive feedback about his game.

Thanks to the Starko sports project, notes about Sergei began to appear in the press again, and in 1994 the singer released a new single, “Night Guest.” The composition returned the artist's popularity.

Best songs

Most famous song, which was performed by the artist in composition of VIA“Gems” became the composition “Everything I have in life.” The song “Live, spring, live,” written by Belikov, helped him become famous as a solo artist.

Then there was the composition “I Dream of a Village” proposed by Leonid Derbenev. Popular compositions performed by Sergei Belikov: “I Remember”, “Moscow Gives the Start”, “A Dream Comes True”, “Aleshkina’s Love”, “Night Guest”.

The most famous song performed by Sergei Grigorievich was the composition “Trouble Has Green Eyes,” which was recorded in 1979 for the film “Dangerous Friends.” The melody and voice of the singer were remembered by the audience.

A year earlier, Belikov performed one of the compositions for the film “June 31”. In a musical comedy with leading role Sergei performed the song “A Dragon Called Nightmare.” In the film, it came from the lips of a dubious contender for the role of Princess Peradora's fiancé.

As part of the Araks group, Sergei performed songs that were featured in the film “Take Care of Women,” among them was the composition “Rainbow,” which was loved by the audience. Belikov’s vocals were heard in the films: “Oh sport, you are the world”, “Get to know me”, “Big adventure”, “Mom, I’m alive”.

In the summer of 2016, the artist was invited to perform in Suzdal, where Belikov had an accident. During the concert, the street stage below the artist collapsed, and the musician fell onto the cobblestone street. This happened during the performance of one of the first songs. Spectators and the son witnessed the incident.

After the fall, structural elements of the platform on which he performed fell on the singer. Fortunately, serious injuries were avoided. Belikov lost consciousness, but quickly came to his senses. The artist decided not to cancel the planned hour-long concert. He performed all the songs in his program, despite the bruises and pain.

Personal life

In his youth, the singer married a young dancer from the Beryozka ensemble, whom he met during a tour. His wife Elena gave birth to Belikov’s two children. The children of Sergei Belikov have long grown up and live separately from their parents.

Eldest daughter Natalya married an Englishman and now lives in London. Youngest son Sergei named him Grigory after his father. In 1997, the singer’s daughter gave birth to a girl named Jordan, so Belikov became a grandfather. Sergei's son is involved in club music. The young man is married to a girl named Yulia, who together with her husband met her father-in-law’s guests during the filming of the program “While Everyone is Home.”

In one of the interviews, the artist said that when he performed with the Araks group and VIA Gems, his personal life was under threat many times. The young wife was very jealous of her husband’s persistent fans. The musician is convinced that his wife had no reason to worry, since he always remained faithful to her.


  • 1989 - Morning Light
  • 1990 - Dancing in the Dark
  • 1993 - Champagne ends...
  • 1994 - Best songs 1974 -1994
  • 1997 - Evening call

Order a performance for the celebration of Sergei Belikov.

Sergey Belikov is known for his participation in the groups “Gems”, “Araks”, and is a singer, composer, and musician.

Questions about organizing Sergei Belikov’s performances, or if you want to invite Sergei Belikov to a concert, then call one of the phone numbers listed on the website.
You can order a performance by Sergei Belikov for a presentation, anniversary, or corporate party. Organization is also carried out solo concerts Sergei Belikov in Moscow, the region and other cities.
Sergei Belikov began his career in the Soviet Union and continues it in the modern Russian stage. Between the 70s and 80s, the singer participated in famous team"Gems", then showed himself in the ensemble "Jolly Fellows" and finally moved to "Araks".
Being a member musical group, the artist simultaneously works with Mark Zakharov in his theater and takes part in musical productions. Premieres take place from great success and draws full houses.
Around the same time (mid-70s), Belikov collaborated with David Tukhmanov, performing one of the compositions on his album. Belikov, as a singer and vocalist, attracted many composers. His voice inspired such masters as Yuri Antonov, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Alexander Zatsepin. Sergei Grigorievich recorded soundtracks for several films. Sergei Belikov's tracks were in great demand.
In the 80s, Belikov was at the peak of his fame. He is called the best singer of the year, Sergei Belikov’s photo is published by almost all media, the performer’s voice is heard on all radio stations, and his songs reach the first places in the domestic charts.

In 1985, the artist went into a solo career, marking it with collaborations with such venerable authors as Leonid Derbenev and Vyacheslav Dobrynin.

As a result collaboration new hits appear, and the musician again finds himself in the center of everyone's attention.
Anyone can get acquainted with the musician’s rich repertoire on the official website of Sergei Belikov. There you will also find a video of Sergei Belikov, his biography, photo album and much other information.
The singer successfully performs at various venues. You can also invite Sergei Belikov to perform at a concert for a corporate holiday or anniversary. The gala event will become much more interesting and fun if you order a performance by Sergei Belikov.

Sergey Belikov - performer and participant in the creation of famous songs:

"Trouble's eyes are green"
"Everything I have in life"
"Live, spring"
"Rainbow (White Sun of the Day)"
"Moscow gives the start"
"The Mirror and the Jester"
"Alyoshka's love"
"I've dreamed about heights since childhood"
"I Dream of a Village"
"Night Guest"
"I remember"
“Mirror”, “A Dream Comes True”, etc.

Sergei Grigorievich was born on October 25, 1954 in the city of Krasnogorsk near Moscow. Graduated from music school and School of Music named after Gnesenkh by class folk instruments.

Since childhood, Sergei was seriously interested in football. At the age of 13, I passed a competitive selection in football club"Red October" in Tushino, where it lost for six years. Later he was enrolled in the selection group for the reserve team of Lokomotiv Moscow. At the same time, he played on the dance floor as part of the very popular vocal and instrumental ensemble “WE” in Krasnogorsk. Since things were developing quite successfully in both fields, it took me a long time to make a final choice.

And yet a choice had to be made. Sergei entered the Institute of Culture. But before he had time to change provincial dances to student evenings, playing in a quickly assembled ensemble of freshmen, proposals already appeared. So in the fall of 1974 Belikov became a bass guitarist and

vocalist of the Araks ensemble at the Lenin Komsomol Theater. Together with Mark Zakharov, the young musicians staged the then fashionable performances “Til”, “Autograd XXI”, the rock opera “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murietta”, and later “Juno and Avos”.

However, Sergei does not limit himself to the range of joint recordings and performances. In 1975, he recorded his first song “Sentimental Walk” on David Tukhmanov’s record “In the Wave of My Memory,” and in 1976 he tried his hand at VIA Gems and even becomes the first performer of the hit “Everything I Have in Life.” But the contrast between the musical orientation of the rock group and the traditional VIA in those years was still too great, and Sergei returned to the theater in 1977. As part of the Araks group, Sergei Belikov participates in recording songs for the films “June 31”, “Recognize Me” and others. Later, as part of "Araks", they work together with Yuri Antonov on his new songs, which later became hits - "Dreams Come True", "Mirror", "Rainbow", etc. However, in 1980, as a result of a conflict, Sergei had to leave "Araks" .

On the eve of the Olympics-80, Sergei Belikov records songs by Alexandra Pakhmutova. His own compositions “Nocturne”, “Flowers on the Asphalt”, etc. also appear. Sergei becomes a participant in popular music radio and television programs. At the same time, he chooses between job offers in the most famous VIA: “Leisya, song”, “Jolly guys”, “Autograph”, “Gems”. At Rosconcert they offer him to do a solo section.

In the fall of 1980, Sergei Belikov became the soloist of "Gems", the program of which included a block of his compositions. Looking at the press of those years, one can notice that the attention of young people to the “Gems” of that period increased noticeably.

For example, I really like the way Sergei sings,” says the head of the ensemble, Yuri Malikov. - But he not only has great voice. Good vocal abilities are just a gift of fate. A person must properly manage what is given to him. Belikov moves forward. This quality particularly appeals to me in him. With the arrival of Sergei in the ensemble, we had the opportunity to pay more attention to rock music. Generous vocal abilities, skill that is beyond any doubt, the ability to deeply penetrate into the meaning of the thing being performed - all this gives him the opportunity to sing the most complex works, such as "The Mirror and the Fool". It’s even difficult for me to imagine which singer would be able to perform this piece the way Sergei Belikov does. But it didn’t come right away. During the period when the composition was being prepared, I don’t remember a single day when he didn’t rehearse, search, argue, in a word, didn’t do all the painstaking work that leads to success.

Sergei Belikov's work with the ensemble "Gems" was very interesting and mutually useful for both the ensemble members and Sergei Belikov. As part of the "Gems" Sergei performed many wonderful songs, including "Flowers on the Asphalt", "Mirror and the Jester", "Shakespeare's Sonnet", "The World is the Name of the Earth", the rock composition "Stop, Mr. Reagan" and others. According to the results of the Moskovsky Komsomolets hit parade for 1982, Sergei Belikov took 4th place among singers, losing only to Yuri Antonov, Valery Leontiev, Jaak Joale and beating such singers as Andrei Makarevich, Mikhail Boyarsky, Tõnis Mägi, Alexander Gradsky and others . The composition “Mirror and the Fool” was separately noted as worthy material for the vocal capabilities of Sergei Belikov.

At the beginning of 1985, he took part in the song play “Game of Magic Shooting Range,” which was staged for the Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. However, in the same 1985, Belikov left Gems for the sake of solo career. Soon he recorded the songs “Live, Spring” and “I Dream of a Village,” which became hits. The song “I Can’t Forget” by V. Dobrynin and M. Ryabinin became the best in the 1990 season. And the song “Night Guest” in 1994 took third place in the Russian radio hit parade, behind only the songs of Pugacheva and Kirkorov.

Since 1991, Sergei has been playing football again. This time for a national team of pop stars. The team travels a lot to different cities of the country, playing with teams of local administrations and teams of businessmen. And in 1999, a team of our “stars” took part in the world show business tournament at the famous Wembley Stadium in London, where they took second place.

Currently Sergei Belikov is a soloist creative center"Gems" under the direction of Yu.F. Malikov.

A person's deeds speak about him. Songs about the singer. Almost all of Sergei Belikov's songs became hits. An excellent voice, innate artistry, plus fruitful collaboration with composers and poets. When you listen to Belikov’s songs, it seems that each composition takes us back to the past, as if replaying a film. And we see ourselves young again, in love with songs that contain kindness, optimism, pleasant sadness. However, for a song, as for a woman, age does not play a determining role. If the trembling of a string resonates in the soul, it means that the string has not yet been broken. main connection, which again and again restores the singer's confidence.

Sergei Grigorievich Belikov

Singer, musician, composer, Honored Artist of Russia.

Born on October 25, 1954 in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region. He graduated from music school, music and pedagogical school named after. October revolution(folk instruments), Moscow State Institute culture (orchestral conducting). He started playing and singing at dances in Krasnogorsk. Professional career started in 1971.

In the 70-80s, he was a musician of the then popular ensembles “Gems”, “Jolly Fellows”, “Araks”.

In the mid-70s, as part of Araks, he participated in the sensational musical productions of Mark Zakharov at the Lenkom Theater: “Til”, “Autograd XXI”, “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta”.

At the same time (1975), David Tukhmanov’s legendary disc “In the Wave of My Memory” was released, where “Sentimental Walk” sounds - one of best compositions on the album.

The young vocalist Sergei Belikov, thanks to his rare voice, attracts the attention of many composers. In the 70s, he also collaborated with E. Ptichkin, A. Pakhmutova, Yu. Antonov, V. Dobrynin, A. Zatsepin, recorded songs for films (“31 June”, “Take care of women”, “Dangerous friends”, “Magic voice of Gelsomino”, etc.)

In 1980, as part of Araks, he participated in joint project with Yu. Antonov, who “blew up” the music market with the hits “Golden Staircase”, “A Dream Comes True”, “Mirror”, “Twenty Years Later”, etc.

During this period, Sergei Belikov was at the peak of his popularity, occupying high places in the charts in the category “Best Singer of the Year” in the late 70s and early 80s, and is an artist who attracted the attention of the media. In 1980, Sergei Belikov left Araks and continued his career again in Gems, and in 1985 he began a solo career, which was marked by a new stage of collaboration with V. Dobrynin, A. Derbenev, and the hits “Live, Spring”, “I’m dreaming of a village”, “I can’t forget”.

In 1991, a football team of Russian pop stars “Starko” was created, the ideological inspirers of which are Viktor Reznikov, Yuri Davydov, Mikhail Muromov and Sergei Belikov, who later became the top scorer of this team (In his youth, Sergei Belikov played in the sports club “Red October”, was champion and prize-winner of the Moscow championship, began playing in the reserve team of Moscow Lokomotiv). The press awarded him the title of “Best football player among singers and best singer among football players." Until the end of the 90s, the football-musical project was very popular and in demand (140 cities in Russia and 6 European countries), and Sergei Belikov paid the main attention to it during this period. In 1994, the hit single “Night Guest” appeared, which soared to 4th place in the final hit parade of Radio Russia.

Sergey Belikov - performer and participant in the creation of the famous songs: “Trouble has green eyes”,
“Everything I have in life”, “Live, spring”, “Rainbow (White sun of the day)”, “Moscow gives the start”, “Mirror and the jester”, “Aleshkina’s love”, “I have dreamed of heights since childhood” , “I Dream of a Village”, “Night Guest”, “I Remember”, “Mirror”, “A Dream Comes True”, etc.

He is noted as a performer in a number of music encyclopedias.

Sergei Grigorievich was born on October 25, 1954 in the city of Krasnogorsk near Moscow. He graduated from music school and the Gnesenkh Music College in the class of folk instruments.

Since childhood, Sergei was seriously interested in football. At the age of 13, he passed a competitive selection for the Red October football club in Tushino, where he lost for six years. Later he was enrolled in the selection group for the reserve team of Lokomotiv Moscow. At the same time, he played on the dance floor as part of the very popular vocal and instrumental ensemble “WE” in Krasnogorsk. Since things were developing quite successfully in both fields, it took me a long time to make a final choice.

And yet a choice had to be made. Sergei entered the Institute of Culture. But before he had time to change provincial dances to student evenings, playing in a quickly assembled ensemble of freshmen, proposals already appeared. So in the fall of 1974 Belikov became a bass guitarist and

vocalist of the Araks ensemble at the Lenin Komsomol Theater. Together with Mark Zakharov, the young musicians staged the then fashionable performances “Til”, “Autograd XXI”, the rock opera “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murietta”, and later “Juno and Avos”.

However, Sergei does not limit himself to the range of joint recordings and performances. In 1975, he recorded his first song “Sentimental Walk” on David Tukhmanov’s record “In the Wave of My Memory,” and in 1976 he tried his hand at VIA Samotsvety and even became the first performer of the hit “Everything I Have in Life.” But the contrast between the musical orientation of the rock group and the traditional VIA in those years was still too great, and Sergei returned to the theater in 1977. As part of the Araks group, Sergei Belikov participates in recording songs for the films “June 31”, “Recognize Me” and others. Later, as part of "Araks", they work together with Yuri Antonov on his new songs, which later became hits - "Dreams Come True", "Mirror", "Rainbow", etc. However, in 1980, as a result of a conflict, Sergei had to leave "Araks" .

On the eve of the Olympics-80, Sergei Belikov records songs by Alexandra Pakhmutova. His own compositions “Nocturne”, “Flowers on the Asphalt”, etc. also appear. Sergei becomes a participant in popular music radio and television programs. At the same time, he chooses between job offers in the most famous VIA: “Leisya, song”, “Jolly guys”, “Autograph”, “Gems”. At Rosconcert they offer him to do a solo section.

In the fall of 1980, Sergei Belikov became the soloist of "Gems", the program of which included a block of his compositions. Looking at the press of those years, one can notice that the attention of young people to the “Gems” of that period increased noticeably.

For example, I really like the way Sergei sings,” says the head of the ensemble, Yuri Malikov. “But he doesn’t just have a great voice. Good vocal abilities are just a gift of fate. A person must properly manage what is given to him. Belikov moves forward. This quality particularly appeals to me in him. With the arrival of Sergei in the ensemble, we had the opportunity to pay more attention to rock music. Generous vocal abilities, skill that cannot be doubted, the ability to deeply penetrate into the meaning of the thing being performed - all this gives him the opportunity to sing the most complex works, such as, for example, “The Mirror and the Fool”. It’s even difficult for me to imagine which singer would be able to perform this piece the way Sergei Belikov does. But it didn’t come right away. During the period when the composition was being prepared, I don’t remember a single day when he didn’t rehearse, search, argue, in a word, didn’t do all the painstaking work that leads to success.

Sergei Belikov's work with the ensemble "Gems" was very interesting and mutually useful for both the ensemble members and Sergei Belikov. As part of the "Gems" Sergei performed many wonderful songs, including "Flowers on the Asphalt", "Mirror and the Jester", "Shakespeare's Sonnet", "The World is the Name of the Earth", the rock composition "Stop, Mr. Reagan" and others. According to the results of the Moskovsky Komsomolets hit parade for 1982, Sergei Belikov took 4th place among singers, losing only to Yuri Antonov, Valery Leontiev, Jaak Joale and beating such singers as Andrei Makarevich, Mikhail Boyarsky, Tõnis Mägi, Alexander Gradsky and others . The composition “Mirror and the Fool” was separately noted as worthy material for the vocal capabilities of Sergei Belikov.

At the beginning of 1985, he took part in the song play “Game of Magic Shooting Range,” which was staged for the Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. However, in the same 1985, Belikov left Gems for a solo career. Soon he recorded the songs “Live, Spring” and “I Dream of a Village,” which became hits. The song “I Can’t Forget” by V. Dobrynin and M. Ryabinin became the best in the 1990 season. And the song “Night Guest” in 1994 took third place in the Russian radio hit parade, second only to the songs of Pugacheva and Kirkorov.

Since 1991, Sergei has been playing football again. This time for a national team of pop stars. The team travels a lot to different cities of the country, playing with teams of local administrations and teams of businessmen. And in 1999, a team of our “stars” took part in the world show business tournament at the famous Wembley Stadium in London, where they took second place.

Currently, Sergei Belikov is a soloist of the creative center "Gems" under the direction of Yu.F. Malikov.

A person's deeds speak about him. Songs about the singer. Almost all of Sergei Belikov's songs became hits. An excellent voice, innate artistry, plus fruitful collaboration with composers and poets. When you listen to Belikov’s songs, it seems that each composition takes us back to the past, as if replaying a film. And we see ourselves young again, in love with songs that contain kindness, optimism, pleasant sadness. However, for a song, as for a woman, age does not play a determining role. If the trembling of a string resonates in the soul, it means that the main connection that again and again returns confidence to the singer has not yet been broken.