Family sculpture. Monuments dedicated to family, motherhood and childhood in Russia Sculptural composition “Happy Family”,

  • 29.06.2019
A touching and at the same time dynamic monument to the family was erected in the city of Saransk in 2008 at the intersection of Democratic and Sovetskaya streets. Sculptural composition depicts life-size large family: head of the family with youngest child on the shoulders, the mother “in position” and two more children at the edges, holding on to their parents. The monument is realistic and dynamic - all people are captured at the moment of movement. The author of the composition of a happy family is sculptor Nikolai Filatov. The bronze sculptural composition was made at the Zhukovsky foundry. The initiator of the monument large family became the head of Mordovia - Nikolai Merkushkin, expressing a desire to establish a symbol of unshakable family values which are the true foundation of society. The location of the monument has also become symbolic - opposite Cathedral St. Theodore Ushakov. The monument to the family in Saransk was recognized as the most soulful composition among other sculptures of similar meaning located in other cities of Russia. On their wedding day, the newlyweds must visit the monument to a happy family, sincerely believing that the sculptural composition will bring them good luck.

2. Monument "Family at the Camera", Belgorod

The appearance of one of the most memorable sculptures in Belgorod was directly related to the “Year of the Family” held in 2008. In this regard, the young author Taras Kostenko, specializing in urban genre sculpture, proposed an original solution for a decorative and symbolic composition depicting a happy family. this work is a “motivator”, it is based on the principle of associative perception of what a happy, full-fledged family should be like: beautiful people, enjoying life; the “2+3” principle, emphasizing large families as a natural norm of life. “Contact” execution is designed to realize the idea as much as possible. The choice of installation location was also based on the stated primary task. The park is a place for family recreation. Kostenko tried to perform the multi-figure ensemble as realistically as possible, and the romanticism and fantasy characteristic of his work was manifested in a detail - an old camera in front of the “family”. The sculpture was opened on December 12, 2008. It was installed on the alley of the park named after. Lenin, directly on the sidewalk. Architecturally connected with a fountain, which serves as the background of a multi-figure, full-view composition. All elements are made of bronze. The figures and subject plan are made in full size. “Family” plastically combines two main volumes: mother and daughter in a static pose and father and sons in dynamic interaction. The viewer can arbitrarily evaluate the composition from different points - there is no “façade”.

3. Composition "Family", Moscow

The monument was installed at VDNKh (near pavilion No. 8), the sculptural composition includes a mother, father and their three children.

4. Monument to the “Gorbunkov Family”, Sochi

In August 2010, a monument to the Gorbunkov family was erected in Sochi: Semyon Semenovich (Yuri Nikulin), his wife (Nina Grebeshkova) and children. The authors of this sculptural group are Vyacheslav Zvonov and Alexander Butaev from Sochi.

5. Monument "Young Family", Yoshkar-Ola

The monument is installed on Pobedy Boulevard, opposite the city perinatal center, is a messenger of transformations, a bright and joyful life, a symbol of the fact that main value for a person it is family and family traditions.

6. Monument "Family Ties", Tomsk

The monument was erected on June 11, 2008 in honor of the celebration of the Year of the Family in Russia. The sculptural composition depicts two hugging figures, a woman and a man, holding a baby in their arms. The parents in this family are an indivisible whole. A heart-shaped hole was cut in the sculptural composition. The monument is located at the intersection of Frunze and Shevchenko streets.
In honor of the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, we have prepared a selection for you best monuments, dedicated to family and motherhood throughout Russia.

A touching and at the same time dynamic monument to the family was erected in the city of Saransk in 2008.

The life-size sculptural composition depicts a large family: the head of the family with the youngest child on his shoulders, the pregnant mother and two more children at the edges, holding on to their parents.

Monument “Family at the Camera”, Belgorod.

The sculpture was unveiled on December 12, 2008. This work is a “motivator”; it is based on the principle of associative perception of what a happy, full-fledged family should be like: beautiful people enjoying life; the “2+3” principle, emphasizing large families as a natural norm of life.

Composition “Family”, Moscow.

The sculptural composition includes a mother, father and their three children.

Monument to mother, Tyumen.

The monument was unveiled on June 1, 2010. The bronze monument depicts a heavily pregnant woman with her children next to her. Initially, it was planned to install a figure of the pope nearby, but the author of the monument abandoned this idea; nevertheless, a wedding ring appeared on the woman’s hand.

Monument "Family" in Astrakhan.

Sculptural composition on the observation deck in front of Swan Lake was opened in the fall of 2013. The sculpture is made of bronze. The monument depicts a father, a pregnant mother sitting next to him and their two children.

Monument to motherhood in Koita, Komi.

Monument " Family bonds", Tomsk.

The monument was erected on June 11, 2008. The sculptural composition depicts the hugging figures of a woman and a man holding a baby in their arms. The parents in this family are an indivisible whole. A heart-shaped hole was cut in the sculptural composition.


The essence of this technique is that the arrangement of people and objects should physically symbolize intra-family relationships given time, determining how the place of each individual in the family system is seen. Each family member creates his own living portrait of the family, arranging his closest relatives according to his own view of the distance between them, the activities that they carry out in relation to each other, and the feelings that they experience. Thus, everyone's experience is embodied in a living picture and projected onto the map. Papp, Silverstein, and Carter (1975) and Duhl, Duhl, and Watanabe (1975) are among the strategic therapists who have used this technique extensively.

One of the many benefits of sculpture is its ability to overcome the over-verbalization, over-intellectualization, various defenses, projections and accusations that often exist in the family system. Family members are not allowed to interact with each other through the usual verbal hints, but are forced to communicate on a qualitatively different, more spontaneous level. When triangles, alliances and conflicts are visually and symbolically depicted, various possibilities arise for interaction based on feelings in their subtlest shades. In this regard, sculpture is a pretty good diagnostic tool.

Another advantage of sculpture is the effect it has on family members, forcing them to think of themselves as a kind of unity in diversity, where the whole is important, and each of its elements is valuable in itself. human personality. It is impossible to isolate any subsystem of intrafamily interaction without taking into account the consequences that they will have for the entire family. The sculpture not only unites the family, it also emphasizes the individuality of everyone. In addition, it requires a family member to generalize his personal experience, comprehend it, and then interpret it.

Sculpture also provides the therapist with the opportunity to directly intervene in the family system. The structural therapist helps family members redistribute their positions in the family, thus contributing to the creation of more acceptable boundaries within family subsystems. In this context, it can be argued that sculpture is used to bring positive changes to the family, for its full functioning.


Technique " Family sculpture"is used at any stage of diagnosis and therapy. To carry it out, at least three or four people, a certain amount of easily movable furniture and objects that are used as a replacement for family members absent from the session are sufficient. The sculpture can depict both the present and the past of the family and include any number of extended family members required for therapeutic purposes.

Introducing clients to this technique, the psychotherapist explains that it helps, first of all, to feel what it means to be a member of a given family. Sometimes it is easier to show it than to say it. Each family member takes turns showing their vision of family relationships, depicting them in living sculpture so that their poses and positions in space reflect actions and feelings towards each other.

Papp suggests that the sculptor treat family members as if they were made of clay. The sculptor puts everyone in a position that could characterize him non-verbally. At the same time, the psychotherapist takes the place of the sculptor himself in the family sculpture, as the sculptor himself sees him. The "sculpting" continues until the sculptor is satisfied with his creation. It is important that other family members allow the sculptor to freely treat themselves as "material", knowing that they will then change places with him.

When each family member has created their own “real” family sculpture, reflecting the emotional situation in the family at the moment, you can also ask to create a sculpture of the “ideal family”.

The psychotherapist has the opportunity to intervene in this process, offering his own options and directly commenting on what is happening. Subsequently, you can turn to the sculpture of the “ideal” family in order to trace the dynamics of the psychotherapeutic process. At the same time, the discrepancies between the ideas about the structure of the family of its various members are very significant and are easier to identify with the help of family sculpture than on the basis of traditional verbal techniques.

There are many options for using the Family Sculpture technique. Some therapists who use this technique ask the sculptor to create for each family member a word or phrase that best describes that person's behavior. Family members should then say them in sequence. In this case, not only a visual, but also an auditory effect is achieved.

Not only the entire sculpture as a whole is discussed, but also its individual parts. The therapist may also ask the following questions.

1. (to each family member) How do you feel in this place?
among your relatives?

2. (to the whole family) Did I surprise you? this sculpture?

3. (to each family member) Did you know before that the sculptor
perceives you exactly as he portrayed it?

4. (to the whole family) Do you agree that your family functions
does it appear exactly as depicted in the sculpture?

5. (to the sculptor or family) What changes in the life of the family do you
would you like to see?

6. (to the sculptor, before all other questions) Come up with a name
recognition of your work.

You can also organize a discussion between the family, the sculptor and the psychotherapist right at the session about the work done.

The sculpture is also used in individual psychotherapeutic work. In this case, the roles of family members are played by furniture or other large objects located in the office. Although this approach sometimes lacks the presence of family members, it also helps to bring positive changes to the family system.

At the same time, the sculpture should not be interpreted too harshly, since it does not reflect an objective intra-family situation, but only the subjective opinion of one of the family members, subjective reality his inner world.


This technique is used to work with almost any small social group and any individual - with married couple, subsystems "parents - children", "brothers - sisters", with complete family, with a team of psychotherapists or any other work team, and even with an entire industrial corporation, although the conditions may differ significantly from each other. Sculpture can be used as a means of assessing the system and as a means of intervention in it, and even as a special mechanism for communicating with clients. It is a powerful counterbalance to various kinds of resistance and dead ends that arise during the psychotherapeutic process.

Teenagers usually make excellent sculptors because of their sensitivity to what is really going on in the family and because of their natural desire to manipulate their immediate family. Introverted children are also good sculptors, although their creations are often stereotypical and idealized. Moreover, the so-called “prosperous children” can express through sculpture their secret loneliness, fear or hostility, those feelings that, as previously thought, “disadvantaged children” should mainly experience. For various reasons, it is difficult to encourage young children and parents to “sculpt”: the former due to a lack of understanding family problems, and secondly, for fear of losing one’s dignity. However, when the initial awkwardness passes, they can show themselves to be talented sculptors, and then a very interesting competition arises between family members in which everyone's point of view is expressed freely and openly.

During the implementation of the technique, family role models begin to appear - triangles, alliances, specific emotional relationships, as well as problems such as the struggle for power, intimacy, distance, boundaries. Family sculpture technique - good remedy observations of all this, especially in families accustomed to using sophisticated verbal manipulation, or in those who resist traditional psychotherapy talk.

In the center of the city, at the new puppet theater there was a sculptural composition “Family”. It is made in tradition Dymkovo toys, a famous folk craft. A woman with a baby, a man with an accordion, a child, and animals - a cat and a dog. The whole "Family". You can sit on a bench nearby, feel like a member of the family and take a photo.

This holiday was presented to the city by the Megafon company. On the day of the presentation, more than 2,000 residents and guests of the city of Kirov attended the opening. During the opening concert, artists from many genres performed. From Russian collectives folk song, to youth teams performing folk rock and breakdancing.

The sculptural group “Family” will become a real treasure of the Kirov region, a symbol of fulfillment of desires. This magical feature was experienced by the newlyweds Konstantin and Ekaterina Bulychev, who on this day wished for well-being and addition to the family from the sculpture.

It is also symbolic that nearby, a few meters away, is the “zero mile”. This is a symbol of the beginning of the entire Vyatka land.

IN Lately Many beautiful and symbolic monuments and memorable places began to appear in Kirov. It’s nice that one of them combines the traditions and pride of the Vyatka land with such eternal value how is the family.

The family is a symbol of unshakable values ​​that are and will be the foundation of society. This is your own island of love and support in a foreign world. People who will always accept and understand...

Sculptural composition “Family”, Desnogorsk

The bronze composition was installed on the square near the Church of Stephen the Great. Her “heroes” are mom, dad and children.

The idea of ​​creating the sculpture belongs to the Council of Enterprise Managers, because family is the basis of every society, the foundation on which the future is built. This is what makes our people strong, and Russia a strong state. This is exactly what became driving force bringing the project to life.

The author of the sculpture is Ivan Melnikov, Honored Artist of Russia, full member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts. Artistic concept The sculptor was turned into bronze by Smolensk craftsmen from the artistic monumental casting workshop of the Olaks company (Katyn).

Sculptural composition “Family”, Orel

The sculptural composition “Family” is located in Orel on the territory of the GRINN mega-complex.

The composition represents a young couple leading their children by the hand: the girl is about to enjoy a portion of ice cream, the boy pulls his mother to the side, apparently having noticed something interesting. A man and a woman look into each other's eyes - they are in love and happy.
The author of the sculpture is Yuri Kireev.

“Family is the foundation of the city. Everything begins with her and, ultimately, we work for her,” said the head of the Orel administration, Mikhail Bernikov, at the opening of the sculptural composition.

Sculptural composition “Family”, Astrakhan

The sculptural composition on the observation deck in front of Swan Lake in the city of Astrakhan was opened in the fall of 2013. The monument represents collective image, in which many families will be able to recognize themselves and their loved ones.

Sculptural composition “Hello”, Sterlitamak

The composition is located on the alley along October Avenue. Passers-by have a view of a family on a walk - dad, mom, children and their little pet personify the usual Russian family, the preservation of which is so important for every child.

The monument to the family was donated to the city by Sterlitamakskiye LLC railways" The author of the idea is Sterlitamak sculptor Alexander Pimenov, implementation and modeling by sculptor Nikita Mazaev (Moscow). Execution and casting in bronze were carried out by the sculpture and production enterprise "Lit Art" (Zhukovsky).

Monument to the family, Kazan

The monument to the family is located in the courtyard on Adoratsky Street. Next to the monument is a sign that says: “Family is happiness. And you know that they are waiting for you and you have somewhere to hurry.”

The sculptural composition represents a happy married couple, with two children and their dog. The woman carefully holds the baby, gently touching him with her face, the man and the eldest son look at them with delight and love, a beautiful and well-groomed dog lies at her feet.

Sculptural composition “Happy Family”, Samara

Monument " A happy family» located near the village of Krasnaya Glinka, on Krasnoglinskoe highway. It is installed right next to the road and is located on some elevation, representing a sculptural composition of the figures of a father, mother and daughter sitting in the arms of a man. The monument can be seen from afar, as was planned during the development of the project.

This sculptural composition is considered an important place, because newlyweds come here to capture one of the happiest moments of their lives. It is considered the starting point to the present family life. Those who have been here say that the monument seems to add vitality and energy, helps to believe in true love.

When you see this monument, lines from immortal novel“Anna Karenina”: “All happy families are equally happy, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

Depicted by an unknown sculptor are beautiful and strong people are the personification of genuine family happiness. In 2010, the sculptural composition was restored, and the area around it was landscaped.