Miguel's dancing conflict. Egor druzhinin about his difficult relationship with Miguel

  • 30.08.2019

The fifth season of the show “DANCES,” which started on the TNT channel on August 25, promises to be the most unusual and intriguing: for the first time, three mentors are recruiting a team - Miguel, Tatyana Denisova and Yegor Druzhinin, who has returned to the project. Miguel shares his plans and expectations.

Are you happy about Yegor's return to the project?

I don’t know... I’ve already been through this, I can imagine how it ends... His return will add new colors - that’s for sure. It will be interesting for me to see how the relationship between Yegor and Tatyana develops.

Have you already talked to him or will the first meeting take place only on set?

We've already met. But Yegor, as always, was very businesslike and busy, and immediately ran off somewhere to do his own business.

Last season, you prioritized creativity rather than the victory of your team, although you combined both. What are your plans for this season?

With the advent of a third mentor, the project will become even more interesting. Defeating two at once will be cool! I haven't seen the participants yet; as soon as I look at them, I'll understand my plans. I think this will happen at the first casting.

In one interview you said that Tatyana is emotionally closed and it is difficult to find her vulnerable sides...

I didn’t know them then, but now I know everything!

Is attacking other mentors during the show a strategy or just emotion?

Just emotions, of course. I'm a harmless boy. Only if some kind of aggression appears in my direction, I begin to arise.

The project is already 5 years old, it has had a strong impact on both adults and the younger generation of dancers. Is this evident from those who come to the “PROdance” camp?

There are more and more of them there thanks to the show. We are looking for forms that are attractive to young people. A creative atmosphere always attracts people, it’s very cool to be involved in this.

Which of the participants would you like to work with again on the project?

With Yulia Kosmina and Dima Bonchinche - they did not reveal themselves enough last season. Dashka Soleil is a generally underrated dancer.

Did you have a vacation? Where did you go?

There were a lot of vacations. I spent almost the entire summer riding around Europe, traveling all over Israel in a month. I just rested and did nothing.

Why are you interested in knowing whether the guy and the girl who came to the casting together are dating?

This greatly influences the desire to win the project. If only one goes through the project, the second one will definitely pull it back. The trash starts. I asked to see if these people could cope with the challenges of the project, and later it turned into a joke. Now, if a couple forms on a project, that’s completely different. This helps them support each other.

This season, three mentors will fight for each dancer. How will you resolve conflicts of interest?

Let's find a compromise. Last season we had a serious fight with Tanya, she puts pressure on the fact that she is a girl. This is her tactic. I have my own and it wins.

What are you most looking forward to from the fifth season of DANCING?

New dances. And new people. I really missed new people, “fresh blood” that would fill me creatively.


Watch the show “DANCING” every Saturday at 21:00 on TNT channel

The final of the TV show “Battle of Champions” took place in Volgograd, the main jury of which was the famous Russian choreographer, ex-mentor of the popular television project “Dancing” Yegor Druzhinin. On creative meeting he answered questions from journalists and young dancers - he told why he no longer took part in the popular program, what dances he didn’t like, what he thought about modern choreography and what he would do if he chose a different career. About this and much more - in the material "AiF-Volgograd".

“I don’t trust the project anymore”

- Why did you leave the “Dancing” project?

Everything has its time. I'm already tired of this project, it seems to me that it needs some kind of “new blood”. There are, of course, many pitfalls, but let them remain a secret, it would be wrong to talk about them. The main thing is that I no longer believe in this project. I have nothing to do there - everything that I wanted to achieve there, I have already achieved. The essence of the project is for you to prove something, so that there is a conflict, but I have nothing left to prove.

Did you really have a tense relationship with Miguel (Russian choreographer, mentor in the show “Dancing” - approx. “AiF-Volgograd”) or is this just a scenario, a confrontation for the spice of the broadcast?

Yes, it's true, this is not a script. I think when people dislike each other, it shows. We're just going down different paths with him.

- What is the state of modern choreography in your opinion?

She in Lately suffers from a lack of quality. We love the kind of choreography that is simple and specific, but there is no zest in it, it doesn’t convey the mood enough, it doesn’t tell a story, it looks like physical education. I like the choreography that requires the dancer to get used to the style of the choreographer, to understand what nuances he conveys, otherwise it is consumer goods, pop choreography.

- What is dance for you?

Dance is a state of freedom. Anna Sigalova (Soviet and Russian choreographer, actress - approx. “AiF-Volgograd”) once objected to this: a dancer must perform someone’s text, remember large quantities things, constantly control your movements, where is the freedom? But when you're on stage, nothing can stop you. All choreographers with their comments, critics and well-wishers remain behind the scenes. You can do what you see fit on stage. Three minutes of “communication” with the viewer is your moment of truth, freedom in “conversation” with him using movements, no one will interrupt you.

- Do you have a favorite dance style?

There isn't just one. A person who loves dance should appreciate it in all its versatility. In any direction there is something interesting, important, captivating.

- What dances do you not like?

I don’t like vulgar types of dances, as well as those that are not suitable for the performers and look inorganic. I don’t like twerking performed by three-year-old children, but this has nothing to do with the direction itself.

- When you started dancing, what was the first direction for you?

These were jazz dances. Then my father’s band and I tried rock and roll and tap dancing. At the age of 14 I began to breakdance, then classical. In America, he began to study street, hop, modern, flamenco, ballroom dancing and more.

I don’t like vulgar types of dances, as well as those that are not suitable for the performers and look inorganic. I don’t like twerking performed by three-year-old children, but this has nothing to do with the direction itself.

“I’ve never been happy with how my choreography was performed”

Have you often talked about the fact that you started dancing late? How old were you and what prompted you to do this?

In fact, I started studying when I was preparing to film a film about “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin” (in the popular Soviet picture Egor Druzhinin played Petya Vasechkin - approx. "AiF-Volgograd"). Together with my father’s group, each lesson began with jazz dance. But at that moment it seemed to me that I was not dancing yet, this was happening unconsciously.

I consciously started dancing quite late, when I was already studying at the theater institute. We had dances there, but they were not at all what I wanted. When I graduated from university and went to America, I began to study them more seriously.

- You used to work a lot with pop singers. Why don't you choreograph dances for the stars anymore?

At some point I became uninterested in working with them, because there was no development. This is now starting to appear new music, and then it was the same, and it was difficult to dance to it, it did not fascinate.

- And now would you like to choreograph a dance for one of the artists?

There are no such ambitions. In my practice, there were very good dancers and famous pop artists who moved poorly. I wish I had met someone more interesting. I was never completely happy with the way people performed my choreography. Either they weren’t up to par as an actor, or they didn’t feel the movements.

“Dance school is not a business”

- Do you have your own dance school or are you currently working only on television?

Television projects are not my main job, they are odd jobs. In general, television itself is a random thing. Today there is a project or season of transmission, tomorrow there is not. I mainly deal with theater and the search for interesting genres in it. I don't have a school yet. I believe that this is not a coincidence. A lot of things have to come together for you to be willing to devote time and energy to her. You cannot create a school as a business, for example, like Todes, or just because a project arose, and now it would be convenient to draw attention to this school in its wake. The location in which the school will be located is important, it is important that it looks good, that the children feel comfortable in it, that parents know who they are sending their children to. Not every person who gets on television can be a teacher, this is a gift, a talent.

I don't have a dance school yet. I believe that the creation of a school is not an accident. You can’t make a business out of it, for example, like Todes. Not every person who appears on television can be a teacher.

- Do your children dance too?

Our children dance, but we don’t force them. Younger son turns on the music and moves as God pleases, and he really likes it. Nobody teaches him. Eldest daughter She used to dance, it comes very easily to her, but she is not drawn to it. The burden of responsibility weighs on her - her father famous choreographer. Therefore, unfortunately, I don’t work with her myself, but take her somewhere. Wherever she dances, everyone really likes her. But she herself, being a demanding person, believes that she either has to dance no worse than me, or not dance at all. But it seems so to me, we don’t often communicate with her on this topic. The middle son moves in a very specific way. He’s also dancing now, but his dancing is a bit strange; he’d probably be able to do tectonics if he knew what it was.

It often happens that a dancing group with the same performance at one competition she receives first place, and at another the judges harshly criticize her. Why is this happening?

Many choreographers are sick people. They see the world through the prism of their preferences and views. They reason in the spirit of “if I did this, it would be good, but the way someone else does it is bad.” It's inevitable.

- How do you feel about your fame?

I don't treat myself like a star. I can easily take the subway and go somewhere. Yesterday, some guy swore at me in the parking lot because I beeped at him one more time. He asked me: “If you are shown on TV, are you the most important?” A star is a person who is noticed. I don’t feel any fame, life hasn’t changed in any way after film and television projects.

I like the choreography that requires the dancer to get used to the style of the choreographer, to understand what nuances he conveys, otherwise it is consumer goods, pop choreography.

- If not dancing, what would you do?

There would be many prospects. Now, for example, I do choreography less and less, because I like to devote myself to directing. The time when I was fascinated by choreography has passed. I am now fascinated by people, I love the way people exist on stage, regardless of whether they dance on it or sing. Even if I worked in a factory, it would still be quite a creative mission for me. I've always liked doing things with my hands. My grandfather worked as a mechanic at a company and he and I spent a lot of time together, inventing all sorts of things, making airplanes. Besides, I draw well, I could play the piano, although music school never finished. I would find something to do. Well, besides, I have an education as an actor, I could continue to work in theater or cinema.

On Saturday evening, November 24, 2018, TNT viewers will traditionally see new release project "Dancing" Season 5 is called one of the brightest in the entire history of the show, because the teams were formed by 3 mentors at once, which means the competition on the project is simply off the charts.

The mentors for season 5 were Miguel, Tatyana Denisova and Yegor Druzhinin. Hundreds of people wishing to get into the show came to the castings in 10 cities of the country - initially about 200 dancers were selected at qualifying shows, after which the mentors chose teams of 6 people each in difficult tests.

Dancing on TNT season 5 episode 17 (11/24/2018) watch online announcement

There are many pleasant surprises in this series of the “Dancing” show, including Yulia Akhmedova on the jury and rapper Mot on stage, but the main thing is the unreal performances of the participants, which really give you goosebumps and bring tears to your eyes.

There was also conflict. Miguel accused Tatyana Denisova of singling out certain participants from the rest, to which she countered by inviting him to name those whom he singles out. The level of competition is increasing, and the professionalism of the concerts is simply heartbreaking.

Dancing season 5 episode 17 of TNT watch online from November 24, 2018

Photos and names of participants in the project Dancing on TNT Season 5 2018 in Miguel’s team


Alexandra Smirnova was born on July 17, 1997 in the city of Vologda. Before the passion for dancing, girl for a long time I did gymnastics.


Maria Khudorozhkova was born on October 12, 1994 in Chelyabinsk. Works at the Chelyabinsk Theater Modern Dance, and has been dreaming of getting into the popular TNT dance project for a very long time.


Ekaterina Luzan was born on May 13, 1993 in Kiev (Ukraine). Not only Miga, but also Tatyana Denisova liked the girl.


Ulyana Pylaeva was born on July 20, 1986 in Dzerzhinsky near Moscow. She has been dancing since she was 7 years old. In 2018, the girl became a participant in the 6th season of the “Bachelor” project, where she acted as a bachelor popular singer Egor Creed.


Rodica Bukshan was born on March 21, 1996 in the city of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. She has been studying since she was 5 years old ballroom dancing. Now her favorite genre is hip-hop.


Taisiya Borisova was born on May 6, 1995 in the town of Ivanteevka near Moscow. The girl is a professional choreographer; she teaches in several dance studios in the capital.

Photos and names of participants in the project Dancing on TNT Season 5 2018 in the team of Tatyana Denisova


Igor Kotov was born in the city of Ryazan. The guy came to the famous dance project with a rather unusual style of “strip plastic” for a man.


Mark Kuklin was born on October 19, 1992 in the city of Okha, Sakhalin Region. Currently lives in St. Petersburg.


Bogdan Urkhov was born on April 2, 1995 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. Bogdan was already a member of the popular dance project, he placed 4th in season 9 Ukrainian show"Everybody dance!".



Alexey Letuchy was born on April 28, 1996 in Tula. The guy now lives in Moscow, where he works as a choreographer and conducts various master classes.


Valeria Babayan - born July 29, 1995 in the city Pinery Leningrad region. This girl is familiar to regular viewers of the show “Dancing on TNT”

Photos and names of participants in the project Dancing on TNT Season 5 2018 in the team of Egor Druzhinin


Karen Stepanyan (Ronin) - born on July 17, 1990 in Moscow. Ronin dances all his conscious life. His favorite style is hip-hop.


Misha Kilimchuk was born on November 21, 1996 in the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa. This is the most shocking participant in the 5th season of “Dancing”. After all, it was thanks to his well-spoken tongue that he became the star of the project.


Anton Lushichev - was born in the city of St. Petersburg. One of the main dance styles The guy has stripplasty. He admits that living in Russia and dancing in heels is very difficult.


Alexander Lee - born in Almaty. It turned out to be as bright and sunny as his native Kazakhstan.


Sasha Guryanova was born on January 17, 1997 in Moscow. A girl performs in the capital dance group"Girls Community". She has experience working with stars of domestic show business.


Yuval Lamay (Yuvi) was born on November 15, 1993 in Israel. She flew to the competition from Tel Aviv, where she has been dancing professionally since she was 12 years old. There was a break in the girl’s dancing career - military service.

What is the show Dancing on TNT season 5 about?

In August 2018, the 5th season of the show “Dancing” started on the TNT channel. Fans of dance culture froze at their screens in anticipation of a new battle. This year there were three mentors at the judges' table. Miguel is responsible for shocking and fashionable styling. His team consists of girls. We are glad to welcome the participant of season 2 - Ulyana Pylaeva. The girl came to finish the job she started and walk her way across the dance stage. The team of choreographer Tatyana Denisova is also of interest. The composition is exclusively male, but with a “twist” - Leroy Babayan. The girl went purposefully to Tatyana for many seasons, and received a reward - a place on the team.

Yegor Druzhinin also returned “home” to TNT. He assembled the KED team, which includes a girl from Israel - Yuvi and “ prodigal son" - Misha Kilimchuk. Miguel refused to take him, and Yegor promised to show the guy from the lyrical side. Recent seasons The men won the dances. Let the girl win in season 5!