Comedian Mikhail Zadornov. Mikhail Zadornov died, health status in recent days, cancer, latest news

  • 16.04.2019

Mikhail Zadornov: biography, personal life Everyone in the post-Soviet space knew the famous writer and satirist Mikhail Zadornov. His monologues were especially popular. The biography of Mikhail Zadornov and personal life today are of interest to many fans of his work. It is known that the artist had a family and a daughter, Elena, whom he loved very much. Mikhail Zadornov was born in Jurmala in 1948. His father creative person and a famous writer, mother is a representative of the ancient noble family. From an early age, the child was interested in the world around him, loved to listen to fairy tales and stories that his parents read to him. At the age of seven, Misha became a student at one of the most prestigious gymnasiums in Riga. Studying was very easy for the future satirist. Having completed secondary education, he entered a technical university. After studying the first two courses, Mikhail transferred to Moscow to the Faculty of Aircraft Engines of the Aviation Institute. During his studies, Zadornov participated in skits, and in his final years he performed in KVN. In 1974, he began working as a leading engineer at the same institute where he studied. Creative path The future satirist began with the comedy “Who is Louder” written by him. In the late 70s, Mikhail became a playwright and director of student theater. The artist’s first performance on television took place in 1982, it was a short monologue in a letter from a first-year student to his parents. In subsequent years, Zadornov developed as a satirist, his speeches received standing ovations. IN last years During his life, Mikhail Nikolaevich wrote several books, actively gave concerts, participated in radio broadcasts and made films. The biography of Mikhail Zadornov is probably known to many fans. In his personal life there were two marriages, there could have been children, but there is only one daughter. First marriage Mikhail's first chosen one was the girl with whom he studied together at the gymnasium, and then in Moscow. Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina was the daughter of the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia. Future artist courted her for a long time before winning Velta’s favor. In the early 70s, Mikhail and Velta submitted an application to the registry office and got married a month later. Mikhail's wife was educated and, she supported all his creative endeavors. It was Velta who was the first to listen to the works of Mikhail Nikolaevich for many years; she can rightfully be called the artist’s real muse. From the biography and personal life of Mikhail Zadornov it is known that there were no children from his first marriage. Today ex-wife Mikhail holds the responsible position of professor of the department in English Faculty of Philology in Moscow. At the very peak of his creative career in the 1980s, Zadornov met another woman, Elena Bombina. They met at one of the humor festivals, where the girl worked as an administrator. Mutual feelings arose between them, and Mikhail had to lead a double life. Even on tours, women often took turns with the artist. Lena was sixteen years younger than Mikhail Nikolaevich. In 1990, the couple had a daughter, she was named after the comedian’s mother Elena. In the first years, Zadornov managed to hide his secret personal life, and the public perceived the satirist as a decent and loving family man. The first wife did not know about the existence of Elena Bombina, however, rumors quickly spread. Most likely, this happened when Mikhail, in one of his interviews, threw out the phrase “My older wife.” Of course, everyone took these words as a joke, but soon Mikhail Nikolaevich appeared at one of the premieres with his young beautiful woman, among his friends he introduced her as his wife. The first wife did not take the relationship between Mikhail and Elena seriously for a long time, but she was still able to be happy for her husband, because he had a daughter. Despite the age difference, Elena always loved Mikhail and remained his faithful wife. Mikhail loved his daughter Elena very much. When the girl was very little, Mikhail spent a long time reading children’s books to her and playing with her. A little later, the famous father began to take Lena with him on tours and travels. Zadornov tried to show her the world; together they got acquainted with the United Arab Emirates, Vienna, Paris, Greece, Africa and many other countries. Elena and her dad visited many remote, non-tourist corners of Russia. Zadornov, like anyone loving father , tried to give his daughter everything that he himself was deprived of in childhood. Zadornov's daughter is smart and beautiful girl never used my name famous father . She did not take part in TV shows or other television projects. Mikhail Nikolaevich was proud of her and was glad that Elena Bombina and her daughter appeared in his life. Today the daughter of Mikhail Zadorny is 27 years old, it is known that the girl graduated theatrical arts. We remind you that from the biography of Mikhail Zadorny and his personal life it is known that the satirist has no children in his first marriage with Velta Kalnberzin. In October 2016, the satirist began to have health problems. So at one of his concerts he fainted. The arriving doctors hospitalized Mikhail Nikolaevich and conducted examinations. Soon a disappointing diagnosis of a brain tumor was made. At that time, the satirist was active creative life , performed, wrote books, took part in filming. Zadornov did not hide the diagnosis from fans and spoke about his illness himself. Zadornov battled cancer for two years. Concerts were canceled and Mikhail began undergoing treatment. It is known that in Germany such a complex procedure as a brain biopsy was carried out, after which doctors selected a treatment regimen for him. The first chemotherapy gave some improvement in health, after which a course of treatment with strong drugs was again required. When Mikhail Nikolaevich realized that the doctors were unable to help him, according to rumors, he tried to be treated by Altai shamans. After which Zadornov spent some time in his country house in Latvia with friends and family. On its pages in in social networks there were a lot of “health” wishes from fans and friends. The satirist’s relatives did not give interviews about the condition of Mikhail Nikolaevich, but there were disappointing rumors. Recently the satirist was baptized in Russian

Orthodox Church

, repented and received the sacrament of unction. Zadornov resorted to treatment with alternative medicine. The event took place in Moscow in the Kazan Cathedral. With the permission of the relatives of Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov, this information was shared by the rector of the church, Archpriest Novikov. This morning it became known about the death of Mikhail Zadornov, a famous satirist and writer. Mikhail Nikolaevich turned 69 this summer. Relatives reported that the satirist Mikhail Zadornov will be buried in Riga at the Forest Cemetery, next to his father.

The main belt asteroid 5043 Zadornov, discovered in 1974, was named in his honor, so Mikhail Nikolaevich will remain not only in the memory of his contemporaries, but also in space, which he loved and studied.

Damaged application form

Zadornov was born in Jurmala on July 21, 1948. His father was Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov, who became the author of famous historical novels. Mother, Elena Melkhiorovna, met her second husband while working at a Ufa newspaper. She had a son from her first marriage Lolly.

Both grandfathers of Mikhail Zadornov went through the Gulag. My paternal grandfather was a simple veterinarian in Chita. He was credited with the destruction of livestock and was imprisoned. Pavel Zadornov died in prison and only after death Stalin was rehabilitated, which the family did not know about for a long time.

The mother of the future satirist generally had such ancestors that it was better to hide them in the USSR. Her maiden namePokorno-Matusevich. It is believed that this ancient noble family has its ancestor Stefan Batory, Polish king and commander of the 16th century.

Mikhail Zadornov's great-grandfather was a priest, and his maternal grandfather Melkhior Iustinovich- a royal officer. He was sentenced to three years and later became an accountant.

Son of the laureate

Those critics who considered themselves the most “Marxist Marxists” often reproached their father, Nikolai Zadornov, for not adhering to a “party” view of history in his novels. But in 1952, Zadornov Sr. was awarded the Stalin Prize, which he was very proud of later, when the prize was renamed the State Prize and began to be distributed “right and left.” At the same time, there was no cult of Stalin in the family, and when they arrested Beria, the parents, according to Mikhail Nikolaevich’s recollections, drank wine on this occasion.

Creative genes

It’s interesting that Mikhail Zadornov’s father started out as an actor and director, albeit in provincial theaters in Siberia and the Far East. Mother, the daughter of a tsarist officer, seriously studied vocals and piano. She had a very good voice.

Photo by Sergei Minaev

First steps on stage

Mikhail Zadornov's first public performances took place at the Riga school where the future satirist studied. He studied in theater club and debuted in the role of Turnip, which was “dragged” from the ground. Misha portrayed the efforts of the root crop so funny that the audience in the hall demanded to repeat the process.

Success in sports

As a child, Zadornov loved handball and played for the Latvian youth team. And I even wanted to enter the Riga Institute of Engineers civil aviation because there was a great team there. But one day during training, Mikhail fell and was seriously injured. I had to give up sports, and Zadornov went to the capital of the USSR, to the Moscow Aviation Institute.

In those years, the MAI became increasingly interested in playing KVN. Mikhail did not stand aside. Long years he worked at the MAI "Russia" propaganda theater, with which he traveled all over the country.

Literary debut

At the age of 18, he brought his first story, “The Intersection Point,” to one of the magazines. By the way, he wrote it after, at the insistence of his father, he worked on an expedition to the Kuril Islands. But the story did not impress the publishers. Zadornov began publishing only in 1974.


Flew past space

Zadornov received a degree in mechanical engineering at the Moscow Aviation Institute and then worked for four years at the department of aerospace thermal engineering. But he was much more attracted to the creative and even bohemian life. Zadornov's friend and senior mentor was the future famous actor, director, poet Leonid Filatov. Alas, the friends loved to drink, they even used cologne.

Subsequently, the writer was able to cope with an excessive craving for alcohol, led healthy image life, but without fanaticism. He followed many of the precepts of Eastern medicine.

"The Ninth Car"

For the first time, television viewers saw Mikhail Zadornov on the screen in 1982 with the miniature “Letter from a First-Year Student to Parents.” It became a real hit, mind-blowingly funny story“The Ninth Car”, which the country heard in 1984. The phrase from there is “My carriage is empty!” has become a meme of sorts. Zadornov took the story of how two cars with the same number were attached to a train from real life Soviet railways.

Friendship with Yeltsin

As the head of Boris Yeltsin's security service testified in his memoirs Alexander Korzhakov, Mikhail Zadornov and the first president of Russia became friends in Jurmala. Yeltsin loved Zadornov very much, played tennis with him, and the writer deliberately laughed and gave in during the game.

Mikhail Nikolaevich became the only person who, instead of the president, addressed the country on the eve of the New Year. This happened on December 31, 1991, immediately after the collapse of the USSR.

In 1993, Zadornov even received an apartment in the same building as Yeltsin on Osennaya Street in the Krylatskoye district.

Personal life

With my only one official wife Mikhail Zadornov met at school in Riga. Velta Kalnberzina was the daughter of one of the secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia. The young people left together to enroll in Moscow. They got married in 1971. There were no children in the marriage.

Zadornov's common-law wife became his administrator Elena Bombina. She bore him a daughter, also Elena.

Interestingly, in 1992 Sergey Nikonenko directed from the script by Mikhail Zadornov Feature Film“I Want Your Husband,” where the writer himself played main role. His hero rushes between his legal wife and his young mistress.

Mikhail Zadornov - family, childhood

The Jurmala coast is a heavenly place, living there is quite good and prestigious. The father of the future satirist is a successful writer, his mother is from a noble family, with roots going back to Polish kings. You have money, the sea is nearby, what else do you need? Child! In 1948, a son, Misha, was born into the family of Nikolai Zadornov and Elena Matusevich. Capable and open-minded, he loved to learn and explore the world. From an early age he was already performing on stage with all his might, and after playing the role of a turnip in a school production, he was taken to a theater studio, from which he literally never left.

Mikhail Zadornov – studies

Despite his son’s visible talent, his father insisted that Misha go to study at the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation. Zadornov Jr. entered there without difficulty, and later transferred to the Moscow Aviation Institute, where he distinguished himself not only for his academic success, but also for his activity in social activities. Yes, plus I sat down for literary work- in his story “Intersection Point,” an 18-year-old student reflected his impressions of a trip to the Kuril Islands.

They didn’t want to let such a student go and after college they offered to stay and work there. Mikhail himself did not want to leave the student theater, which he himself had created; Things were going so well there that they even gave the Lenin Komsomol Prize! Zadornov was a playwright, director and ideological inspirer right up until 1980.

Mikhail Zadornov – Science fiction comedian

Zadornov began publishing in Soviet magazines at the age of 26. In “Youth” he even headed the section of satire and humor. And in the early eighties
got on television with his monologue “A Student’s Letter Home.” But business card Mikhail began the monologue “The Ninth Car” - remember? - a completely real-life situation about how two cars with the same number were attached to a train. Not a single episode of “Funny Panorama”, “Full House” and “Satirical Forecast” was complete without Mikhail - everyone was looking forward to his performance. But Zadornov was not greedy

– he gave his works to his colleagues in the shop; people did not even suspect that the jokes of Petrosyan and other comedians belonged to the pen of Zadornov.

However, the most significant event in creative biography artist was his performance in New Year's Eve before the inhabitants of a newly collapsed country. Ceased to exist on December 26, 1991 Soviet Union. Citizens who had not yet recovered from the news were quite surprised when Mikhail Zadornov suddenly appeared on the screens instead of President Boris Yeltsin, who had not yet taken office.

It was he who delivered the address to the people that the head of state always addresses. He was ironic about the secession of Ukraine, free prices, democrats, economic reforms and market relations - everything that was still so unusual for our ears. He delayed his speech by a full minute, so even the chiming clock was delayed. This has never happened in the history of the country!

Mikhail Zadornov – Criticism of “stupidity”

In his speeches, the comedian did not mince words about powerful of the world this, but nevertheless he managed to gain approval from Boris Yeltsin. They established contact by often playing tennis together, and later the president even gave the satirist an apartment - next door to Chernomyrdin and himself. However, Zadornov always loved his native Latvia more. Despite difficult situation in the country, he continued to work actively: he did not leave the screens, wrote scripts for films and even acted!

The beginning of the new century turned out to be the most fruitful in his career. He always went on stage in a suit and with a pile of papers, and during the performance he could suddenly do the splits or stand on his hands and walk around the stage, clapping his feet. His schedule was simply crazy - once he had to give 8 concerts in a day!

Just then main theme His speeches became relations with America. The scandal at the Olympics in Salt Lake City, when the Russian team was discriminated against, added fuel to the fire. Because of this, Zadornov demonstratively canceled his American visa, and barbs against America began to rain down. The phrase “Well, stupid!” became his trademark.

Of course, not only Americans received from the artist. Ours were also subjected to harsh satire: Zadornov loved to be sarcastic about the education system, the Unified State Examination and Minister Fursenko.

Mikhail Zadornov - biography of personal life

in his personal life, Mikhail was married only once. On his classmate, and later classmate Velta Kalnberzin, the daughter of a high-ranking Latvian politician. They lived together for a very long time, but when the artist’s career began to rapidly gain momentum, their marriage broke up. And probably for the most banal of reasons: Mikhail began dating someone else.

Elena Bombina was 16 years younger, and also worked as his administrator. Velta tried her best to keep the family together and turned a blind eye to her husband’s adventures, but... After the divorce, Mikhail began to live with Elena. It was with her that the 42-year-old artist became a father for the first time - he and Velta had no children, but common-law wife Elena gave birth to a daughter, Lenochka. Elena Zadornova followed in her father’s footsteps: the 26-year-old girl already has a diploma from the Russian Academy of Arts.

On November 10, 2017, at the age of 69, the famous satirist Mikhail Zadornov passed away. The cause of his death was cancer.

Let us recall that Mikhail Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala (Latvia) in the family of the famous Soviet writer and actor Nikolai Zadornov and mother Elena Zadornova, who came from a noble Polish family.

Mikhail Zadornov: personal life

The satirist met his first wife at school. They studied together at the same elite educational institution. After school, Mikhail Zadornov and Velta Kalnberzina (daughter former first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Latvian Communist Party Jan Eduardovich) entered the Moscow Aviation Institute together, which brought them even closer together.

The lovers got married in 1971, but then divorced. The couple had no children together. Velta currently works as a university teacher and leads an active life.

Mikhail Zadornov met his second wife at the time when he became the host of the programs “Full House”, “Funny Panorama”, “Satirical Forecast”. Elena then worked as an artist administrator. Later, the satirist admitted that he paid attention to his future wife thanks to her success at work.

Note that lovers for a long time hid their relationship, probably due to the fact that Elena is 16 years younger than Mikhail. By the way, the couple never formalized their relationship.

In 1990, Elena gave birth to her husband’s daughter. Mikhail Zadornov did everything so that his daughter would remember her childhood as the most best time. The satirist's daughter Elena grew up to be an educated and versatile person. She never tried to take advantage of her father's fame, but on the contrary, she believed that she had to achieve everything on her own.

They say that the biography of Mikhail Zadornov consists entirely of humorous philosophy and pan-Slavic zest. The satirist is loved and respected not only in Russia - he is known in all countries of the post-Soviet space. His subtle humor is sometimes so sharp that he is no longer allowed into some countries (for example, Ukraine and America), due to being offended by the barbs. The heroes of Mikhail Zadornov’s monologues are taken directly from life, which is why they are so recognizable and “convex”. Many of the writer’s expressions become aphorisms and are disassembled into quotations. He is rightfully considered the best comedian in Russia.

The satirical writer comes from the most beautiful resort town Latvia - Jurmala: here he was born in the summer of 1948. His father Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov was an actor and famous writer. Most of his works are historical character. For the novel "Cupid the Father" he was awarded the Stalin Prize. Mikhail Zadornov’s mother, Elena Melkhiorovna Pokorno-Matusevich, is of noble origin.

She comes from a family whose roots stretch back to the King of Poland, Stefan Batory. Her marriage to Mikhail Zadornov’s father is her second. The first husband was a ministry employee, from whom the woman had an eldest son, Lollius, the half-brother of the satirist. Elena Melkhiorovna worked as a proofreader in one of the Ufa newspapers. There she met her second husband. In this marriage Mikhail and his elder sister Lyudmila, who became an English teacher.

Mikhail Zadornov as a child Little Misha grew up in a world of fantasy, literature and travel. In addition to children's fairy tales, the father read to his son works by Ivan Goncharov, and.

The future satirist studied at the Riga elite school No. 10, where mainly the children of high officials were educated.

Mikhail Zadornov's theatrical career began back in school years. Little artist first appeared on stage in 2nd grade. He was entrusted to play the turnip. The audience liked the scene of pulling the turnip out of the ground so much that they asked to repeat it for an encore. Mikhail also convincingly portrayed the costumed bear from Alexander Ostrovsky’s production of “A Profitable Place.” He growled so naturally that he was accepted into the school drama club. permanent basis.

When the young artist grew up, he actively performed at all events with his own humorous works and even created a school miniature theater.

After graduating from school, Mikhail Zadornov, at the request of his father, entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, which he successfully graduated in 1974 and received a degree in mechanical engineering. Over the next four years, he worked within the walls of the Moscow Aviation Institute at the Department of Aerospace Thermal Engineering, where he achieved considerable success: from an ordinary employee he “grew” to a leading engineer.

Creative career

In 1974, Mikhail Zadornov created the student agitation theater "Russia", whose creative activities won fans throughout the post-Soviet space, and also passed the test of strength in government authorities, which resulted in the prestigious Lenin Komsomol Prize.

Along with theatrical creativity Mikhail also developed his writing activity. After the publication of his bold work, “An Open Letter to the Secretary General,” he began to be recognized not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

Zadornov’s debut on television took place in 1982, but his great popularity came two years later, in 1984, after reading his satirical story “The Ninth Car.”

Since the early 90s, the writer and artist became the author-scriptwriter and host of the famous television programs “Funny Panorama”, “Full House”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Satirical Forecast”.

The humorist-satirist considers his most famous performance New Year's greetings Russians in 1991, because of which the broadcast of the chimes had to be shifted by a minute. During that difficult period in the fate of the country, it was he who was entrusted with the main television performance of the year.

Since 1990 creative career Zadornova gained momentum, and many of his books were published. The legendary works of the satirical writer were “I don’t understand!”, “Zadorinki”, “The End of the World”, “The Return”, “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”.

For his creative work, Mikhail Zadornov received many prestigious awards. He is the winner of the Ovation, Golden Calf and Cup awards.

Thanks to his unique talent, the artist received an apartment next door to high-ranking officials, such as Alexander Korzhakov and.

The achievements of the humorist writer include the library he opened, named after his father, as well as his appearance on the big stage, who is still friends with Zadornov.

The episodes of the program “Neformat with Mikhail Zadornov”, which air on Humor FM, are extremely popular. The satirist’s sharpest, “unformatted” jokes are heard here.

Mikhail Nikolaevich is also known for his sharp attacks and dislike for America and its inhabitants. He devoted many jokes to this topic, accompanied by the meme “Well, stupid!” There is a whole program called “American Stupidity” dedicated to America. In it, Zadornov discusses the influence of the United States on the culture and psychology of Russians, ridicules ridiculous imitation and thoughtless copying American image life.

A few years ago, Mikhail Zadornov at the competition “ New wave“I met a young musician and performer from Germany, Brandon Stone. He not only sings himself, but also writes songs for many famous European artists. In collaboration with Brandon, Mikhail Nikolaevich performs at many of his concerts. For example, in 2011, at Zadornov’s “Laughter Through Laughter” concert, Brandon Stone performed response lines from new songs, complementing the comedian’s performances.

The friendship between Mikhail Zadornov and, which has grown into cooperation, has long been known. Often the two stars met to joke together. Many of their meetings appeared on YouTube and became popular among Internet users. The satirist and the director met on Mikhalkov’s author’s channel “Besogon TV”, where they talked about politics and some of the ugly events of modern life.


Throughout creative activity The satirical writer was repeatedly subjected to merciless criticism. He was accused of plagiarizing historical and humorous stories, for which he sometimes had to pay impressive amounts of compensation.

In 2009, Mikhail Zadornov was caught plagiarizing from the blog of Israeli writer Victoria Reicher. The satirist admitted that he borrowed Reicher’s retelling of the story about the cat scientist and settled the dispute monetary compensation amounting to 100,000 rubles.

Adaptation is also widely famous story Mikhail Zadornov entitled “Notes of a Brick Hunter”. It is based on an American urban legend.

In 2010, at one of his concerts, which was broadcast on Channel One, the satirist allowed himself to insult the female population of Vladivostok. He said that in the city all the women are dressed like in glossy magazines, “that is, all the girls in Vladivostok look like prostitutes.” The satirist did not apologize for this “joke,” although a considerable online community in the northern city demanded this from him.

Residents of Vladivostok “punished” the artist in a unique way: in the spring of 2010, the toilet paper“Bully Bear” and “Paper with a Hitch”, on the packaging of which a satirist was depicted.

Mikhail Zadornov insulted the women of Vladivostok

Not everyone welcomes the historical and philological “research” of Mikhail Zadornov, calling them pseudo-historical and ignorant. For example, Viktor Zhivov, Doctor of Philology, professor at Moscow State University, specializing in the history of the Russian language, told the satirist in the program “Gordon Quixote” that he was a layman and was bringing “ignorance to the masses.”

Mikhail Zadornov is used to being the center of tabloid attention

IN Lately The satirical writer paid special attention, for which he was included in the “black” list of persons non grata of the Ukrainian government, prohibiting him from entering the territory of Ukraine. Let us remind you that many other stars of Ukrainian and Russian show business also fell out of favor.

But Mikhail Zadornov did not consider his ban on entry into Ukraine a tragedy. “It would be worse if I were banned from leaving this country,” the comedian commented on the Ukrainian political decision.

Zadornov was banned from entering not only Ukraine, but also the United States.

Personal life

Officially, in his personal life, Mikhail Zadornov was married only once. His chosen one was the daughter of the ex-Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia, Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina. The future satirist studied with her at the same school, and then at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Velta, a beautiful and intelligent girl from a wealthy family, knew her worth. Mikhail had to look after her for a long time and win her favor. The beauty “gave up” only in the early 1970s. Then the couple got married. And although there were no children in this marriage, all the acquaintances of the satirical writer considered the family strong.

Mikhail Zadornov and Velta Kalnberzina

As it turned out, the marriage began to fall apart at the seams in the late 1980s, when the artist’s career was rapidly gaining momentum. It was then that Mikhail Zadornov met a beautiful young woman who worked as an administrator at the festival in which he took part. Elena Bombina was 16 years younger than the artist. The romance did not become a simple affair, as many thought, but grew into something more.

The personal life of Mikhail Zadornov and Elena Bombina turned out happily. They lived in a civil marriage. In 1990, a woman gave the artist only daughter Elena.

Mikhail Zadornov with his wife Elena and daughter

The wife, with whom Mikhail Zadornov lived for 38 long years, found out about her husband’s second family when his daughter was born. Velta Yanovna, of course, was upset by her husband’s “double” life, but managed to cope with her feelings. In the end, she even found the strength to be happy for her husband, because he had a child, which she could not give him.

Rumor has it that Mikhail Zadornov never dissolved his legal marriage with his first wife.

Mikhail Zadornov and Elena Bombina

The artist's friends said that he was at the height of happiness when he had a daughter. He tried to give her everything that he was deprived of as a child. Elena Zadornova with youth traveled with dad around the world. She visited Vienna, Paris, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Greece and Africa. Traveled to all corners of Russia.

The daughter inherited his artistic genes from her father. Elena Zadornova graduated theater university(RATI-GITIS). It is noteworthy that the girl managed not to get sick " star fever", as happened to many children famous artists. She does not appear on TV, does not use her father’s influence to achieve any goals, does not give interviews and does not go to various rating shows to become recognizable.


In late autumn 2016 it became known that. The artist first felt unwell at a concert in the capital's Meridian Palace of Culture. Doctors diagnosed him with a brain tumor. The artist himself announced this on his page on the social network. He said that most concerts, especially those that require long flights, had to be canceled because doctors recommended that he urgently undergo chemotherapy. Zadornov was forced to leave the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” program, which was successfully broadcast on NTV.

At the beginning of winter of the same year, Mikhail Zadornov underwent a course of treatment in a German clinic. He had a brain biopsy in December.

The alarming news that the artist beloved by millions was ill and had cancer instantly spread across the information space. He confirmed the rumors in his program. After this, there was no point in hiding the diagnosis, although the satirist did not want to advertise the state of his health.

Mikhail Zadornov did not deny the information, but asked his fans not to worry and not to make unnecessary noise. He also assured everyone that he was following the recommendation of Daria Dontsova, who had the same illness, “not to give up and keep yourself in good shape.”

And his loyal fans helped Mikhail Zadornov stay in good shape. They send their favorite artist humorous videos, which he enjoys watching on the Internet. Zadornov even asked his subscribers to send him more videos, the best of which he promised to reward with prizes.

At the very beginning of 2017, she informed about the health of the legendary satirist. She confirmed that Mikhail Zadornov suffered complex operation and underwent a long course of treatment and rehabilitation.


Shortly before the death of the satirist, the media reported that Mikhail Nikolaevich had chosen Archpriest Andrei Novikov as his mentor. On November 8, the priest administered unction to Zadornov.

The pattern is what we can see. What do you see in the Pattern? You understand that just a quick glance is enough and it becomes absolutely clear that this is not just a chaotic set of squiggles and crosses. This is a language, this is a code. How to read it and understand it?

Now it is fashionable to say all sorts of words that are incomprehensible, even to scientists, such as meditation. Our ancestors simply saw the whole Universe in the Patterns. Is this Universe opening up to you?

An excellent example of the use of Slavic patterns is folk embroidery. Embroidered patterns were used to decorate towels, wedding valances, tablecloths, curtains, festive shirts, white canvas sundresses, light outerwear, hats and scarves.

Example: a towel is a symbolic and multi-valued product. It not only decorates everyday life, but is also a symbolic reminder of the invisible connections that connect each person with his family, ancestors, and is a piece of art. We can say that the patterns of embroidered towels are an encrypted story about the life of the people, about nature and people.

It is believed that embroidery was used to decorate those parts of the costume through which, according to our ancestors, evil forces could penetrate the human body. Hence the main meaning of embroidery in ancient times - protective. The collar, cuffs, hem, and neckline were embroidered with a protective pattern. The fabric itself was considered impenetrable to evil spirits, since its production involved objects richly decorated with incantatory ornaments. Therefore, it was important to protect those places where the fabric of clothing ended and the human body began.
But The main thing: the pattern on the clothes said a lot about the owner himself. A pattern on clothing as a talisman is not its main purpose. Your own shirt is closer to your body because it is like skin, only yours, for you and about you.

The clothes seemed unique picture its owner and carried a rich semantic load. Not only by the cut of the clothes, but above all by the pattern, one could understand where the person was from, who he was, what his occupation was, what his spiritual status and idea of ​​the world was, and so on. And the pattern carried a security function as a matter of course. Let me give you an example - if baby is coming hand in hand with his father, the father will of course protect his child in case of danger, but this has nothing to do with where they go and what they talk about along the way.

Children's clothes were usually made from parents' old clothes - not only and not so much because they have already been washed many times and are therefore soft and will not harm or rub the child's skin, but because they have absorbed parental energy and strength and will protect them. , will protect the child from the evil eye, damage, and misfortunes. The girl's clothes were sewn from her mother's, and the boy's, of course, from his father's, thus predetermining proper development depending on gender, the power of motherhood was transferred to the girl, and masculine power to the boy.

When the children grew up and already acquired some kind of their own protective power, them got my first shirt, from the novelty. This was usually timed to coincide with the time of the first age initiation - at three years old. From the age of twelve, a girl received the right to wear her own (though still a girl’s) neva, a boy relied first pants-ports.

Since clothes for children under three years old were often repurposed from their parents’, the protective embroidery on them, of course, remained the same, the parent’s. Changing it was not only inconvenient and impractical, but also impractical - after all, it provided, in addition to the protective function also the connection of generations, kinship and continuity. So, if the child’s father was a hunter, then the amulets on his clothes were associated with hunting, and it was they who were passed on to the boy with these clothes. Exactly the same female line the craft was “passed on” to the girl. Or rather, not the craft itself, but the power of many years parental experience it protected the child. Everyone protects in their own way, right? The weaver will protect the fabric with a special pattern, the spinner will protect it with nauzes, the hunter will protect it with the fang of an animal... And the result will be the same.

But the protective embroidery for a child’s own clothes was already different from the amulets of adults. Firstly, the color of protective embroidery for children was always red, while for adult clothing it could be different. Thus, women often used black in embroidery in addition to red - the color of Mother Earth, thus trying to protect their womb from infertility. Men often needed blue or green colors– blue protected from death from the elements, green – from wounds. The children did not have this. It was believed that children are under the care and protection of their kind. On a girl's shirt, the embroidery was mainly along the hem, sleeves and necklace, but on a married woman - the chest, collar, the embroidery along the hem was wider - it also reflected a new relationship, belonging to the husband's clan.

The main protective symbols for the girl were: the patron goddess of fate, gender symbol, woody ornaments, the symbol of the patron saint of her birthday, symbols of the earth (again, different from women’s symbols of the earth - for those it was mainly represented either plowed or already sown) and women’s crafts.

Boys (as well as girls) up to the age of twelve wore shirts without belts. The main symbols protecting boys were: symbols of fire, solar symbols, images of totem animals, of course, also symbol of the patron clan and the patron spirit of the birthday, bells and symbols of men's crafts.

Until adulthood, boys and girls could also wear common amulets. Going through initiation at the age of twelve, the boy’s amulets changed and became (like the girl’s) more gender-specific. A belt appeared and, of course, there were fewer amulets - after all, its own strength grew.

Images of Gods already appeared in embroidery, not so much for protection as for patronage; for young girls - symbols of fertility, for young boys - symbols of war. Of course, neither the girl nor the boy needed them. In addition to embroidery on clothing, many items that were hung over the baby’s cradle, a girl’s or boy’s bed, and then worn on the shoulder or belt, often served as children’s amulets. All this performed not only protective and protective functions, but also served as a connecting link between man and Nature.


Often ancient masters depicted signs that designated the sun. This solar signs. Over the millennia, the sun has received a great variety of image options. These include a variety of crosses - both in a circle and without it. Some crosses in a circle are very similar to the image of a wheel, and this is not without reason: a person saw how the sun moved, that is, “rolled” across the sky, like a fiery wheel. Perpetual motion The celestial body was marked with a hooked cross, a swastika. The swastika meant not only the moving sun, but also a wish for well-being. It is especially common in northern embroidery, both on towels and shirts, and in bran weaving.

Protective patterns

The essence of amulets exactly corresponds to their name: their calling is to protect people, especially during hard times, during periods of military conflicts and other adversities. In other words, to protect its owner from any directed negative impact, whatever it may be and wherever it comes from. Negative impacts There may be purely physical influences - such as diseases (by the way, often caused not only by natural causes, but also those that have overcome us due to the evil eye or damage). Charms can protect their owner from any impact on his psyche, soul, or emotional sphere. They will protect you from the imposition of someone else's will, love spells, suggestions from the outside and from severe depression.

The impact of amulets is associated with the colors of the spectrum of the human aura. By putting on a talisman of the appropriate color, we get the opportunity to quickly patch up energy breakdowns in one or another part of the aura, which can be dangerous to our health and even life. From the point of view of a person who is able to see the aura, this will look like an increase in the glow of a certain color of the aura when putting on the amulet.


  1. A wavy line is a sign of Water. Rain is depicted by vertical lines, rivers, underground waters - horizontal, "heavenly abysses" - horizontal.
  2. Gromovnik ( six-pointed cross in a circle or hexagon). Sign of Thunder (and Perun). Used as a talisman against lightning; is also a military amulet.
  3. A square (or rhombus) divided into four parts by a cross - (plowed field). If there are dots inside, the field is sown. These are signs of Earth and fertility.
  4. Kolokres (cross in a circle). Sun sign. a barrier and aversion to evil, a sign of closure.
  5. Krada (“lattice”) is a sign of Fire. Krada is a sacrificial or funeral pyre.
  6. Cross (equilateral cross: straight or oblique) is a sign of Fire (and the God of Fire - Aguni).
  7. Month – Sign of the moon, month. The “lunar” pendants are known.
  8. The cockscomb with seven ridges is the sign of Fire.
  9. Cornucopia. A sign of wealth, abundance.
  10. Yarga (swastika). Otherwise it’s a whirlwind. There are options for style great amount. Yarga is the sign of the Sun (and, accordingly, the Sun Gods: Khorsa, Dazhdbog, etc.). Based on the direction of rotation (salt/anti-salt), a distinction is made between the sign of the light Sun (sun of Yavi) and the sign of the dark Sun (sun of Navi). The Sun of Reveal is a beneficial, creative Power; The Sun Navi is a destructive Force. According to Slavic myths, after sunset the Sun illuminated the Underground (Nav), hence the name. We know that the Sun is not under the Earth at night, but it is difficult to doubt that the Sun has a destructive aspect... There are two interpretations for determining the direction of rotation of a sign; the traditional one, as far as I know, is this: the ends of the rays are bent against the direction of rotation.
  11. A tree (most often a Christmas tree) is a symbol of the interconnection of everything in the world, a symbol of long life.
  12. The spiral is a symbol of wisdom; if the color scheme is blue-violet - secret knowledge. The most powerful sign of disgust for everyone dark entities shadow world - if the color is red, white or black.
  13. The triangle is a symbol of man; especially if accompanied by small dots or circles on the apex side. Symbol of human communication.


Woman with raised palms: Makosh.
With lowered ones: Lada.

WITH unusual side this image is revealed in the article "Ivan. Kupala etymology"


  1. The bull is the sign of Veles.
  2. The wolf is the sign of Yarila.
  3. Raven is a sign of wisdom and death.
  4. A tree is a sign of life and fertility; or – the Universe (World Tree).
  5. The serpent is a sign of Earth, wisdom. Connected with the Lower World.
  6. The horse is a sign of the Sun, the Solar Gods.
  7. The swan is a sign of Mary, death, winter.
  8. Bear is the sign of Veles.
  9. A deer (important) or a moose cow is a sign of the Goddesses of Fertility (Rozhanits).
  10. Eagle is the sign of Thunder, Perun.
  11. The Rooster is the sign of Fire, Aguni.
  12. Falcon is a sign of Fire, Aguni. There is an opinion that the “trident” (the coat of arms of the Rurikovichs and modern Ukraine) is a stylized image of a falcon in flight.


Specifically, the colors of the amulet are associated with the protection of one of the seven chakras of a person. Red - for the lowest, located in the coccyx area and responsible for the genitourinary system, rectum, and musculoskeletal system. Orange - for the second, located a few fingers below the navel, responsible for sexual energy and kidneys. Yellow - for the third chakra (solar plexus area) - the center of vital energy, which is also responsible for all the organs of the abdominal cavity. Green - for the fourth, heart chakra. It controls the activity of not only the heart, but also the lungs, spine, arms, and is responsible for our emotions. Blue - for the fifth, throat, responsible for the respiratory and hearing organs, throat and skin, as well as creative potential person. Blue - for the sixth (the “third eye” zone), responsible for our intellectual abilities. Purple - for the seventh (crown), connecting us with By higher powers, with God blessing.

  1. White. Associated with the idea of ​​Light, purity and sacredness ( White light, White Tsar - a king above kings, etc.); at the same time - the color of Death, mourning.
  2. Red – Fire, (and the Sun – like heavenly Fire), blood (vital Force).
  3. Green – Vegetation, Life.
  4. Black – Earth.
  5. Golden – Sun.
  6. Blue – Sky, Water.
  7. Purple is rarely found in Russian embroidery.