Biography. Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov: latest news, high-profile scandals What kind of education does Aliana Gobozova have?

  • 30.06.2020

A girl with an exotic name for many, Aliana, was born in a famous city with a heroic history, located on the banks of the great and mighty Russian Volga River - Volgograd. This significant event took place for the Hasratyan family (the father of the future beauty is an Armenian) on the eve of the 1994 offensive - December 31, 1993. In the family where, in addition to the girl, her younger brother Gegham, named after his paternal grandfather, grew up, according to Svetlana Mikhailovna, the mother of the future media personality, there were often quarrels, sometimes not without assault. This atmosphere left a certain imprint on the girl’s character.

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Aliana spends her childhood and adolescence in her hometown. Here he graduated from secondary school and entered the law faculty of a local university with a correspondence course. My 16th birthday was overshadowed by my parents' divorce. However, the strained relationship with his father, which was the norm before his separation from the girl’s mother, miraculously improved. The young beauty became a frequent guest in the new family of Arthur Gegamovich, the father of the future celebrity. Even the incredible happened for a man with strict patriarchal views on life - he paid for his daughter’s training in modeling, although initially he was against her doing this.

From a young age, Aliana Ustinenko (her mother’s maiden name, which the girl took) showed diverse interests. I spent eight years of childhood – the most beautiful stage in any person’s life – studying vocals. At the same time, she became interested in hip-hop and enthusiastically studied dance, and also mastered playing the piano.

But the most interesting thing is that this seemingly fragile brunette was involved in wrestling and athletics! This is what Armenian blood means! The future conqueror of men's hearts began working quite early - at the age of 16. Having signed a cooperation agreement with a modeling agency, she leaves to conquer the catwalk in Milan.

At the end of the New Year's festivities, the producers of the reality show "Dom-2" decided to slightly increase the number of characters in the perimeter, where all the events of the scandalous "TV set" develop. To do this, they invited six additional participants on January 23, 2013, including Aliana Ustinenko, who had celebrated her 19th birthday by that time. All the “newcomers” were left without a vote, and the girl immediately began to implement the main goal of the television project - building relationships, expressing her sympathies to Oleg Miami (in the world, Krivikov). However, the young man was completely absorbed in solving the problem of getting his ex-girlfriend back, so the brunette beauty abandoned this idea.

The first serious attempt on the project is Alexey Samsonov. It was with him that Aliana Ustinenko tried to build a relationship, inviting her to a romantic rendezvous with tender hugs and kisses. But the universally acclaimed reality show ladies' man said that Ali was not his type! To which there was an immediate reaction - a tasty slap in the face! Only working video cameras saved the enraged beauty from reprisal. The next “victim” of the energetic and purposeful girl was Sergei Sichkar, who was alone after a quarrel with his passion. Breakfast in the morning, watching movies together in the same bed, solitude in city apartments - all in vain! Two days later they broke up. He accused her of mismanagement. She is his - that Sergei disappears in the evenings and does not help her! The next failure in the attempt to build a social unit was associated with Alexander Bovshik. He quarreled with his lover and moved to a clearing, where Aliana Ustinenko spent the evening with him. Accustomed to radically solving problems, Ali invites the guy to go to the city in order to evict his ex from the apartment, so that the two of them can subsequently settle in this living space. The former lady of Alexandra's heart, who met them on the threshold, did not believe in the sincerity of the feelings that arose so spontaneously. The situation was heating up, and in order to stop the scandal and prove the authenticity of feelings, the purposeful brunette began openly kissing Alexander. The ensuing fight between the girls is not the end of the story. The “thoughtful” guy said a day later that he used Ali! Shocked, the girl fell unconscious...

Personal life

The specifics of working in the modeling business imply the absence of long-term relationships. This is due to constant travel. So the personal life of the fiery brunette began in full on the project, when Alexander Gobozov became its participant, who immediately publicly voiced his sympathy for the girl! From that moment on, truly passionate relationships began in the widest possible range - from hot love moments to unbridled quarrels! In early November 2013, Ali announced that she was pregnant. On November 30 of the same year, Ustinenko was already Aliana Gobozova, who took the surname of her beloved after registering her marriage. Soon there was an addition to the family - a beautiful child was born, who was named Robert, which did not stop the young people from continuing their squabbles. Such a relationship led to divorce in April 2015, but already on January 30, 2016, the guys again legalized their relationship, unable to live without each other!

Aliana was born and raised in the city of Volgograd. Until she turned sixteen, she lived in a complete family with her younger brother. Later, her parents divorced.

The girl’s main childhood dream is to become a singer or actress. And at the same time, she attended sections on wrestling and athletics. But her most important talent is singing. Ustinenko studied and developed her vocals for about eight years, and was also interested in hip-hop. And that's not all she did. She plays the piano well and is also an excellent masseuse.

After completing eleven years of schooling, Aliana went to study at a modeling school, while enrolling in the Faculty of Law at Volgograd University, in the correspondence department. Having signed a contract with a modeling agency, she went to work in Milan at the age of 16.

Project "House 2"

Aliana was invited to this project on January 23, 2013. At that moment the girl was 19 years old. Once in “House 2”, Aliana immediately tried to develop a relationship with Oleg Miami. But alas, the attempt was unsuccessful. And Aliana did not give up, and went to Evgeny Kuzin, and then to Alexey Samsonov. But Alexey said that Aliana was not his type, for which he received a slap in the face. And only video cameras saved the girl from violent reprisals.

After this, Aliana seemed to get along with Sergei Sichkar. But after a week of dating, Sergei broke her heart. A little later, they got back together. And unable to bear living together, Sergei made Aliana shed tears.

The girl’s next lover was Sasha Bovshik. At that time, he quarreled with Tanya Kirilyuk, and our heroine decided not to miss her chance. They spent the night together, and the next morning Aliana persuaded Sasha to go to his city and evict his “ex” from the apartment. A scandal broke out at her doorstep. Tatyana and Aliana even got into a fight. And after this incident, Sasha said that he used the heroine discussed in this article. Upon learning of the betrayal, Aliana fainted.

In the spring (April 2013), Aliana reached the finals of the Miss Airy Charm beauty contest, which surprised many.

A little later, Alexander Gobozov returned to the “House 2” project, with whom Aliana Ustinenko began a long affair. There was a lot going on in their relationship. Starting from tender kisses to scandalous quarrels.

Just at the moment of one of these quarrels, both mothers of the lovers arrived to help them. As a result, they were unable to resolve the situation and quarreled among themselves. At the moment, the girl does not communicate with her mother-in-law.

Family life

In the fall (October 2013), Aliana announced her pregnancy from Gobozov. A month later they got married, and Aliana became Gobozova. During their honeymoon, the newlyweds managed to quarrel and fight, and then made peace and went on a trip to the Maldives.

In the spring of the following year, the guys had a son, who was named the beautiful name Robert. But unfortunately, the birth of a son did not reconcile the parents. It got to the point that Alexander took nights off from the show organizers. Aliana was often told, by sending photos, how her husband spent his days idly with other young ladies. Ustinenko endured his bullying for a long time. Soon, she gave birth to the song “Moth”, which tells about the love story between Aliana and the father of her child. Later, a video was shot for the song.

In December 2014, the couple separated. And the official divorce occurred in 2015. In May, Alexander Gobozov left the project. Aliana also did not stay long in “House 2”. Another scandal forced the girl to pack her things and leave the gate with her son in her arms.

In 2016, the couple got back together, getting married for the second time.

Unfortunately, in the fall, Aliana’s mother, Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko, died of brain cancer. Her daughter, Aliana, published a post on the VKontakte social network asking her to say kind words about her mother.

In 2017, the relationship with Alexander was over, and now Aliana is alone.

Aliana's life at House-2 changed dramatically after returning to the revolutionary project. He immediately set his gaze on the oriental beauty.

Their relationship developed rapidly, and already in October the couple found out that they were having a child. In November 2013 they got married, and in May 2014 their son Robert Gobozov was born.

Wedding of Aliana and Alexander Gobozov

The couple's family life was far from ideal. Pregnant Aliana often set conditions for her husband and fought with her mother-in-law, who came to the project to help the young people. Sasha also did not lag behind his wife, he often went outside the perimeter for a walk and a drink, after which unpleasant photographs appeared on the Internet. All this led to the couple breaking up and starting to talk about divorce.

Difficult family relationships did not prevent Aliana from winning the “Person of the Year” competition at Dom-2 in 2014, the prize of which was an apartment in Moscow. There were rumors that Sasha and Aliana were arguing specifically to win the competition, but their tense relationship even after the competition proved the opposite.

The most scandalous TV show on our television is “Dom-2”. Its point is to build relationships. The biography of Aliana Ustinenko, despite the girl’s young age, is quite interesting. We will talk about it in this article.

Aliana before the project

I would like to start with the fact that the girl’s real name is Asratyan, and Ustinenko is just a pseudonym. Why Aliana did not decide to use real data is unknown. Her hometown is Volgograd. Aliana Ustinenko (“House-2”), whose biography is interesting to many, was born in 1993, on December 31. After graduating from high school, she entered Volgograd State University at the Faculty of Law. As far as we know, the girl is not studying now. However, she previously combined university studies and a modeling career. Ustinenko, under contract, participated in shows in Spain, Italy, France and Indonesia, which she is very proud of and dreams of continuing her career further.

Even outside of work, Aliana Ustinenko, whose biography is on the lips of many TV show fans today, led a fairly active lifestyle. While still a schoolgirl, she studied vocals, Greco-Roman wrestling, athletics for about eight years, and was fond of playing the piano and hip-hop dancing.

Aliana's appearance on the project

The girl’s relationship with the opposite sex did not work out. According to her, the longest of them is six months. That is why the model decided to try to build a relationship on the most scandalous television project in Russia, even declaring that she was ready to sacrifice her career for this. Ustinenko’s arrival at Dom-2 took place on January 23, 2013, during the second reboot, when six participants immediately joined the project. What’s most interesting is that now only Aliana Ustinenko remains at the television construction site. Initially, the girl expressed her sympathy to one of the most loving guys - Oleg Miami, with whom, unfortunately (or fortunately), the relationship did not work out. Next, the young girl was amazed by Alexey Samsonov, who received the title of “alpha male” of the project. But he quickly cooled her ardor and the turn came to which Aliana really warmed up. But it was also not possible to build a couple with him, since his sympathy belonged to Alexandra Skorodumova.

The girl was among the singles in the women's bedroom of the television project until the so-called “Revolution at Dom-2” was proclaimed. The biography of Aliana Ustinenko during this period was replenished with scandals and intrigues with the girls of the project. During the coup, old participants returned to the show: Andrei Cherkasov, Rustam Solntsev, Nikita Kuznetsov, and immediately upon arrival, the latter expressed sympathy for Aliana Ustinenko. Their relationship continues to this day, despite many quarrels and insults, and a wedding is already planned. In a recent broadcast, the girl announced that she would soon become a mother, which Alexander was very happy about, because their feelings are quite strong. The relationship between Aliana and Sasha on the project is “fueled” by their mothers. Svetlana Mikhailovna and Olga Vasilievna cannot find common ground and often quarrel. But in view of recent events, most likely these two families will make peace and unite.

Aliana Ustinenko’s biography on the project was quite monotonous before Sasha’s arrival. The girl is confident in her feelings for the guy and even admits that he is her first love. The biography of Aliana Ustinenko will certainly soon be replenished with new events and moments.

Ustinenko Aliana (Aliana Gobozova)– participant of the Dom-2 project since January 23, 2013.


Aliana graduated from high school No. 24 and entered Volgograd State University to study at the correspondence department of the Faculty of Law. Aliana Ustinenko also attended the freestyle wrestling section and went to track and field athletics. Since childhood, Ustinenko dreamed of becoming an actress or singer and studied vocals and danced hip-hop for 8 years. In addition, Aliana does an excellent massage and knows how to play the piano. After eleventh grade, the girl studied at a modeling school. At the age of 16, she signed a contract with a modeling agency and went to work in.

House-2: Aliana Ustinenko


On the House 2 project, Aliana Ustinenko appeared to pair up with Oleg Miami, but the relationship with him did not work out. Not giving up after the first failure, the new participant tried to form an alliance with Evgeny Kuzin or Alexey Samsonov.
Sergei Sichkar did not reciprocate her feelings, and after a week of dating, he broke the girl’s heart. Subsequently, Aliana once again tried to return to Sichkar, but the guy again could not stand it together. After returning to the project, Aeana Ustinenko began a relationship with him.

In October 2013, Ustinenko announced that she was pregnant by Gobozov. On November 30, 2013, Aliana Ustinenko married Alexander Gobozov and took his last name. The wedding took place in the project's decorated gym. Within a few days from the moment of marriage, the guys managed to quarrel, get a divorce (Aliana tore up the marriage certificate and threw the wedding ring in the groom’s face), fight, make up in the toilet and go on a honeymoon to the Maldives.

After returning from his honeymoon, a video surfaced online showing Gobozov cheating on Aliana Ustinenko. She caused a scandal and announced a divorce. After this, Aliana and Alexander met and separated several times, in the end Ustinenko got a new tattoo and left with her son for Volgograd. Gobozov announced that he would sue for his son; just a few days later it became known that he had a new relationship - with Alena Ashmarina, who came to the project specifically to Alexander.

Ustinenko Aliana, photo

Model business






Ustinenko Aliana, video

Wedding of Aliana Ustinenko and Alexander Gobozov