Divine horoscope. Which goddess from the Greek pantheon are you? What Greek goddess are you according to your zodiac sign?

  • 29.09.2019

This type of horoscope is exclusively for female representatives, but the information will be useful for men too. It is them, earthly beauties and clever women, who are elevated to the rank of goddess by men of all ages and nations. An unusual fact: each zodiac sign corresponds to the signs and traits of one of the goddesses of the Greek pantheon, endowing the lady with the qualities inherent in the goddess. It's not that simple, but it's interesting!

Capricorn - Hestia

Hestia is the first Olympian, the eternally young patroness of the family hearth and sacrificial fire. By the way, Apollo himself wooed Hestia, but was turned away, because the vow of chastity is no joke: if you give it, you keep it. Capricorns are the same: all this love nonsense of yours is a good thing, of course, but who will think about the important things? Pushkin? No, Capricorn will think! Like Hestia, who gave Prometheus fire for unfortunate mortals. Capricorns will first take care of others, and then about themselves, well, that’s how it looks from the outside. In fact, Capricorns don't need to take care of themselves because everything is fine with them. I mean, they do it anyway, we just don’t notice. And here's another thing: the Romans called Hestia Vesta. The priestesses of the goddess Vesta had to maintain virginity - not forever, but only until the end of their service. But for this they received substantial benefits: they were freed from the power of their father, had the right to dispose of their property, pardon criminals and execute those they disliked. Capricorns would agree without hesitation.

Aquarius - Nika

Nike is the goddess of victory, a symbol of a happy outcome. Nike was often depicted winged or in a pose of rapid movement above the ground. Attention, question: has anyone ever seen an Aquarius who will quietly cower in a corner and sit quietly there? Ha, even if the Aquarius young lady is forced to sit there, she will begin to gesticulate and speak at such a speed that everyone will be sure: Aquarius, as usual, is running along the ceiling, why be surprised? It’s just that Aquarius has an inexhaustible supply of vitality and optimism, that’s how they are built. And by the way, Aquarius always wins. No options. So, if you urgently need to win a competition with fate, pray to Nike. I mean, make friends with Aquarius. Nika is a generous goddess, she doesn’t mind victory for you, she still has it.

Pisces - Aphrodite

There is no doubt that Aphrodite was born under the sign of Pisces. Because the goddess of love is one. Because the goddess of beauty is two. And also because she knew a lot about suffering. Aphrodite was in love with the handsome Adonis, but the unfortunate man, alas, died hunting. Aphrodite did not survive the grief and, running away, jumped from the Lefkad rock straight into the sea. Well, why not jump if you are immortal, right? If Pisces could, they would jump too. However, even without this, Pisces know how to suffer in such a way that the hearts of those around them clench and tears well up in their eyes. Oh, how subtly she feels, how beautifully she suffers! Those who have resisted the beauty of Pisces or their mystery fall for this bait. In general, no one has a chance. It's good that Aphrodite is a good goddess.

Aries - Athena

Athena is perhaps the most revered goddess. Athena personifies wisdom, patronizes science and crafts, art, knowledge and ingenuity. But, in general, her main specialization is military strategy. Athena is the only goddess who uses male attributes: armor, helmet and spear. The question arises: why did the Greeks need a goddess of war? They also had Ares? But because the god of battles was treacherous and cunning and started wars for the sake of wars themselves. Athena patronized only the war that was started out of necessity. This is Aries, without a doubt. Aries girls are also not averse to spearing unwanted people, but only for a reason, and not because they are in a bad mood. Just like that, Aries will only slam his shield from above - for edification. True, some can’t stand it, so let them crawl away, weaklings. The cult of the goddess of war is not for brats, you know.

Taurus - Demeter

Demeter is the goddess of fertility and patroness of agriculture. Farming is hard work, so the cult of Demeter can be briefly described as follows: now we will all work hard, and then we will heartily treat ourselves to what the goddess sent us. The goddess usually sent not only food, but also wine. And more, more! There is no doubt that Demeter is a Taurus: few people know how to appreciate simple joys like delicious food, good wine and, by the way, honest work. However, one should not think that Demeter is a harmless patroness of work and goodies. One day, Hades kidnapped her daughter Persephone, and what do you think she did? She pulled the brat out of the underworld and poured it into him from the heart. So, the poor guy agreed to let Persephone go to mommy every year, and he hid back in his hell and didn’t shine anymore. Taurus warns: this will happen to everyone who dares to touch what is dear to Taurus. Whether you were Hades or a bald devil.

Gemini - Iris

Iris is an unusual messenger of the gods, her task is to carry orders throughout the world: to the earth, to the depths of the sea and even to the kingdom of the dead. The Thunderer once sent Iris to Hades, giving her a cup. And what do you think? She finally scooped up some water from the Styx and delivered it to Olympus. The water, if you remember, symbolized not only the inviolability of vows, but also primitive horror. In general, we do not recommend washing your hands in Styx. And Iris doesn’t care about this, just like Gemini. Geminis are capable of the most incredible things, but with only one condition: let it be very, very interesting, please! Geminis are avid travelers, party girls and everyone's friends. And Geminis don’t care about any contrived boundaries. Iris easily flew into the chambers of Zeus, so the Gemini young lady would meet the president of the country if such a hunt came to her. Because lightness and charm are the keys to all doors. And Gemini has them.

According to ancient beliefs, each Greek goddess commanded a certain sphere of the Universe and was fully consistent with her image and character. Quite a few girls have thought more than once about what kind of celestial goddess from Olympus they could be now. Do you want to understand which goddess you are based on your zodiac sign? Then look for it among this list!

Aries (Athena)

The goddess of wisdom was one of the patroness of sciences and crafts

Athena is associated with wisdom, is a symbol of science and art, and along with these qualities she is also a professional in strategic military operations.

She is perhaps the only representative of the goddesses who is always depicted in armor, wearing a helmet and holding a spear. Despite her belligerence, Athena started fighting only when necessary.

So Aries women, like their Greek prototype, never provoke conflicts and scandals. But if the representatives of this zodiac sign are pissed off, they will without hesitation pierce their enemies with a spear and slap them in the face so that they do not relax.

Taurus (Demeter)

Demeter was the patroness of legal marriage

Demeter is the patroness of agriculture and good harvests. Agricultural work is quite hard, so the cult can be characterized as follows: first we will work hard, and then we will enjoy what the earth goddess has sent. I must say that she sent a lot of food and alcohol.

The Taurus woman is Demeter by nature. She appreciates good food, knows wine and loves honest work.

But we should not forget that Demeter is not so harmless. She properly gave in to the offender of her daughter Persephone - Hades. Taurus can also respond to the enemy, just by angering them.

Gemini (Iris)

According to legend, Iris originated from a cloud, which is why she is so easy to climb, mobile and airy

Iris is the goddess of the rainbow, she carried orders to anywhere in the world: from the bottom of the sea to the kingdom of Hades. So Geminis are capable of crazy things, they are ruled by interest. Representatives of this zodiac sign are true party girls and lovers of exciting adventures.

The goddess Iris could easily fly into Zeus’s bedroom, and Gemini girls also easily gain the trust of men.

It will not be difficult for them to get to know even the Prime Minister.

Cancer (Gaia)

The Greek goddess Gaia is the owner of a developed maternal instinct Gaia is the mother of all life on Earth, the goddess of the sky, seas, oceans and titans. Cancer girls also have a maternal instinct; they are always trying to raise someone.

These ladies will tear apart anyone who offends their charges. Under the sensitive attention of Cancer women are not only children, but also people much older and stronger than themselves.

Constant control over the actions and moralizing of Cancers often irritate those around them.

Leo (Hera)

The goddess Hera always strived to be in charge in everything, just like the Leo girls They always strive to be in first place in relationships and in work matters. They eliminate their rivals without regret.

Virgo (Themis)

The goddess of justice also had the gift of divination

Themis is the goddess of justice, impartiality and a symbol of fair decisions. It was she who was the voice of God and voiced all the instructions of Zeus.

Virgos borrowed the features of Themis; they speak only the truth. They are not interested in personal motives; representatives of this sign evaluate exclusively facts. Even if the interlocutor does not like the conversation with the Virgo girl, he will still have to listen to her to the end.

Libra (Persephone)

The indecision of the goddess Persephone resembles the hesitation of the Libra girls

Persephone refused two potential suitors at once - Ares and Apollo, only because she could not choose anyone. Hades took advantage of this, taking her to the Underworld.

Libra girls also love that nothing depends on them. They do not know how to make independent decisions. The ideal option for Libra is when everything is done for them. However, this does not make them any less beautiful in the eyes of the modern gods who gaze at them.

Scorpio (Hecate)

The goddess Hecate is one of the most popular among warlocks

Hecate is a symbol of folk wisdom; she gives good luck in hunting and war. But this is all just to show off. In fact, she teaches witchcraft to the dead, communicates with lost souls and controls witches.

Likewise, Scorpio girls are multifaceted: on the one hand, they are quiet and calm, and on the other, in the representatives of this zodiac sign there lives someone worse than Hades himself.

Those in love with them are afraid to even come close. But Scorpios don’t care much about this: they know that sooner or later they will do whatever they want with the object of desire.

Sagittarius (Artemis)

Goddess Artemis is graceful and curious

Artemis is a versatile nature. She is the goddess of the hunt, the guardian of female chastity, helps during childbirth and protects all life on Earth.

Sagittarius girls are similar to Artemis: with clear argumentation, they are ready to agree with different points of view and will happily accept any idea and religion.

Two opposing sides coexist perfectly in them.

Capricorn (Hestia) They put the needs of their loved ones first, and relegate their own to the background.

Aquarius (Nika)

The goddess of victory is also responsible for a number of competitions, for example, musical or sports

Nike is the goddess of victory and a happy outcome. Everywhere she is depicted in rapid motion. Aquarius girls are also active, they cannot sit still, their conversation is always accompanied by intense gesticulation.

Representatives of this sign are born winners and possessors of inexhaustible vital energy.

Pisces (Aphrodite)

The goddess awarded the Pisces girls the ability to love and suffer beautifully

Aphrodite is the goddess of love and the one who knows how to suffer beautifully. It was her fiancé Adonis who died during a hunt, and she threw herself from the Lefkad rock out of grief.

Pisces girls also know how to show their suffering in such a way that the hearts of those around them begin to clench.

All girls are goddesses at heart. And it doesn’t matter what traits you have. Today you can be a desperate Iris, and tomorrow you can be a chaste Hestia. The main thing is to always remain yourself and live as your heart dictates.

The fact that we women are goddesses is an indisputable fact. But who exactly? Read and find out!

Aries – Athena

The goddess symbolizing wisdom, science and art are under her protection. But Athena's main specialty is military strategy. She is the only one of all the goddesses who uses male attributes: armor, helmet and spear. Therefore, Aries girls will willingly deal a crushing blow to unwanted people if the need arises.

Taurus – Demeter

Agriculture is under the patronage of the fertility goddess Demeter. As a rule, her gifts included wine and food. There is no need to go to grandma here, Demeter is a real Taurus, no one is better able to appreciate honest work, first-class wine and quality food.

Gemini – Iris

The purpose of Iris was to deliver news to all corners of the world: from the bottom of the sea to the kingdom of the dead. She began to carry out the assignment without fear, going to Hades. So Geminis are capable of any madness, however, they must be interested in it, otherwise they won’t move. These are avid travelers. Their charm is the key to any closed door.

Cancer – Gaia

The mother goddess of everything that is on earth lives and grows on it. She is also the mother of the sea, the sky, the titans and giants. In a word, everyone's mother. Therefore, Cancer needs to always take care of someone, protect and educate someone.

Leo – Hera

Patron of marriage, who was the wife of Zeus. Although Zeus had wives before her, she was considered the first lady of Olympus. Who remembers his first wives? Hera, like a typical lioness, does not tolerate competition. She always comes first and is singular.

Virgo – Themis

A goddess who is a symbol of justice, fairness and impartiality. Through her lips, like the lips of a baby, the truth always speaks. She takes facts into account, not personal motives.

Libra – Persephone

The first suitors of Olympus, Ares and Apollo, sought her hand. However, none of them heard a positive answer. Why? Because she's a Libra, try to figure out what's best. The best thing for her would be if one of them took the decision and came to her with it.

Scorpio – Hecate

Hecate's responsibilities include: teaching magic to mortals, communicating with the souls of the dead, disposing of witches and poisonous plants. Many people are drawn to Scorpio, but it’s scary to approach him, because it feels like someone tougher than the devil is hiding in the still waters. Although, a true Scorpio does not care about this.

Sagittarius – Artemis

Goddess of the hunt, patron of all living things. Artemis also helps women in labor and guards female chastity. Patronizing such different concepts, how is this possible? Easily. One look at Sagittarius is enough to understand that they and cognitive dissonance were not close. Any point of view, idea and belief - they are ready to accept it.

Capricorn – Hestia

The eternally young goddess Hestia, under whose protection is the family hearth and sacrificial fire. Apollo showed signs of attention to Hestia, but was dismissed because the goddess gave a chastity lunch. So it is with Capricorns: love is undoubtedly good, but a sense of duty comes first.

Capricorn - Hestia

Hestia is the patroness of the hearth, and to be precise, the goddess of the fire itself, burning in the hearth. Calm, balanced and chaste like no other. She even refused to Apollo himself because of her vow. Capricorns are the same. They think about what is important and do not give in to excessive feelings.

When the Hestia archetype is present in a person, the turbulent events of the world around him do not have the same impact on him as on other people. Such people feel whole; neither other people, nor circumstances, nor ordinary human vices have power over them.

Like Hestia, who gave Prometheus fire for the suffering, Capricorns will first take care of others, and then take care of themselves. But in fact, they don’t need to take care of themselves, everything is already fine with them.

It is very important for the Hestia woman to learn not to hang on one side of life and switch. You must always remember that, in addition to the internal, there is also the external.

Aquarius - Nika

Nike is the goddess of victory and a symbol of a happy outcome. Since ancient times, the winged girl has patronized warriors. She was always depicted moving above the ground. So it is with Aquarius. These are not the people who will sit quietly in the corner. No, they will strive for new achievements, and will also persistently prove what they have imagined for themselves.

The thing is that Aquarius has an inexhaustible supply of vitality, optimism and what they want to prove to you. They have a lot of determination. No wonder they are patronized by the goddess of victory. They always win, no matter what. All plans will be carried out, all thoughts will be supported, and in the end everyone will be in love with the charming Aquarius.

Pisces - Aphrodite

There is not even a shadow of a doubt that it is Aphrodite who protects Pisces, and there are three reasons for this: she is the goddess of love, she is beautiful and understands suffering better than anyone else. Pisces also has no equal in suffering. Like Aphrodite who jumped from the cliffs into the sea, Pisces takes their suffering to the absolute level.

They are vulnerable, gentle and very sensitive, and also charming and attractive. Those who can resist their external beauty will definitely not resist their sensuality and the beauty of suffering. There's simply no chance.

Aries - Athena

Did anyone think it could be different? Athena represents wisdom. Her main specialty is military strategy. She is depicted with many male attributes: armor, helmet, spear. And it seems rather strange that the patroness of war is a woman. But everything can be explained. Ares, the god of war, was hot-tempered, unbalanced and started wars just for the sake of carnage and blood.

Athena patronized the war, which was fought out of necessity. And this is simply the embodiment of Aries. These people have a developed sense of justice like no other. They are not averse to taking revenge on their offender and piercing him with a couple of spears, but only for the sake of it. They are no strangers to belligerence, but not mindless, but clearly thought out.

Taurus - Demeter

Demeter is the goddess of fertility and patroness of agriculture. A simple goddess with simple joys in life: work hard, and then have a nice treat. And there is no doubt that this is a Taurus. Who else knows how to sincerely appreciate simple earthly joys, such as good wine, food and honest work?

Taurus people take pleasure in what others consider boring and routine. But this is the beauty of Taurus, they know how to enjoy little things, to find beauty where it could not be. They are calm, level-headed and, frankly, beautiful.

But until they touch what they love. When Hades kidnapped Persephone, Demeter did not stand by, no, she gave him a good scolding to dissuade him. The great and powerful Hades even agreed to her conditions and tried not to interfere with her anymore. Likewise, Taurus - for what is dear to them, they will stand like a mountain.

Gemini - Iris

Iris is the messenger of the gods. Her main task is to spread the news around the world. One day Zeus sent her to the kingdom of Hades to collect some water from the Styx. And she, of course, did it, without a shadow of a doubt. This is the embodiment of Gemini.

They are real daredevils, ready for any adventure, travel, as long as it is very interesting and exciting. They are easy-going, they have a lot of friends and they don’t care about any boundaries. Lightness, charm and a bit of madness - this is the formula for Gemini life.

Cancer - Gaia

Gaia is the mother of all living things: animals, plants, sky, sea, titans. Just like Cancer. Just give him someone to educate, and he won’t need anything else. The Cancer woman is a model mother who will kill anyone for her children. And, by the way, not only a child can be a child. Cancers consider everyone they love dearly to be their children.

Here is such an endless stream of love, care and warmth. Well, and moral teachings, instructions, but without this there is no way. Such a nature.

Leo - Hera

Hera is the patroness of marriage, protector of mothers. But few people remember this. Everyone knows Hera as the wife of the Thunderer himself. Not the first, really, but the third. But she was the brightest among them. She, like a real lioness, did not tolerate any rivals next to her.

So are Leos. What belongs to them cannot belong to anyone else, ever, and they will fight for theirs to the last. They must be one and only.

Competing with Leos is a lost cause. Do you know what happened to those who competed with Hera? Exactly, nothing good. So think about it now.

Virgo - Themis

Themis is a symbol of justice and impartiality. The lips of Zeus, which voiced his will, truthfully and impartially. What does it mean? It is true that the truth speaks through the lips of the Virgins. If Virgo tells you something you don't like, you will still listen to her. Virgo does not make mistakes; she draws conclusions based only on facts.

Pedantic, fair, serious and balanced - everything you need to know about Virgos.

Libra - Persephone

The story of Persephone is an illustration of the typical life of a Libra. Not literally, of course, but the image is exactly the same. The young goddess could not choose a groom for herself; give her Ares, or Apollo. She couldn’t decide, but life decided everything for her. Hades came and snatched her away, and everything worked out on its own.

So Libra needs it to be like this. Don’t decide anything for someone to come and decide everything for them. Unlike Virgos, they never balance out. This is their essence.

Scorpio - Hecate

Hecate is a goddess who bestows wisdom, good luck in war and rich spoils in the hunt. But all this is just a cover, because in fact she is the goddess of the Underworld. She teaches witchcraft to mortals, commands witches and deals with all sorts of similar things. Did you recognize Scorpio? Exactly.

There are devils in still waters, and this is just about them. Falling in love with a Scorpio is a matter of one minute. They are attractive, charming, and simply impossible to resist. But what opens up later is a different story. Scorpios are unpredictable and very versatile.

Sagittarius - Artemis

Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, she patronizes all living things. She is also the embodiment of female chastity and an assistant to women in labor. How can you be a symbol of two contradictory concepts? Very easy and simple. This is Sagittarius.

They are integral natures and can combine even the most awkward things. Sagittarians are ready to accept any point of view, agree with any opinion. But they will never refuse to participate in a dispute. The main thing is to get involved in the mess, and then whatever happens. They are like a magnet for opposites and can spark an argument out of the blue.

Each zodiac sign, according to astrologers, has its own patroness. Find out which Greek goddess you are according to your zodiac sign!

The zodiac consists of twelve constellations, each of them has its own name and resembles an animal or human figure in shape. Ancient astrologers began to use these names to refer to the twelve astrological signs.

Ancient Greece had its own original star chart, which used not the usual zodiac signs, but Greek goddesses. Modern astrologers have been able to compare information and now every representative of the fair sex has the opportunity to recognize their patroness.

Hestia is the first Olympian goddess, the eternally young patroness of the family hearth and sacrificial fire. By the way, Apollo himself wooed Hestia, but was turned away, because the vow of chastity is no joke: if you give it, you keep it. Capricorns are the same: all this love nonsense of yours is a good thing, of course, but who will think about the important things? Pushkin? No, Capricorn will think!

Like Hestia, who gave Prometheus fire for unfortunate mortals. Capricorns will first take care of others, and then about themselves, well, that’s how it looks from the outside.

In fact, Capricorns don't need to take care of themselves because everything is fine with them. I mean, they do it anyway, we just don’t notice.

And here's another thing: the Romans called Hestia Vesta. The priestesses of the goddess Vesta had to maintain virginity - not forever, but only until the end of their service. But for this they received substantial benefits: they were freed from the power of their father, had the right to dispose of their property, pardon criminals and execute those they disliked.

Capricorns would agree without hesitation.

Nike is the goddess of victory, a symbol of a happy outcome. Nike was often depicted winged or in a pose of rapid movement above the ground. Attention, question: has anyone ever seen an Aquarius who will quietly cower in a corner and sit quietly there?

Ha, even if the Aquarius young lady is forced to sit there, she will begin to gesticulate and speak at such a speed that everyone will be sure: Aquarius, as usual, is running along the ceiling, why be surprised?

It’s just that Aquarius has an inexhaustible supply of vitality and optimism, that’s how they are built.

And by the way, Aquarius always wins. No options. So, if you urgently need to win a competition with fate, pray to Nike. I mean, make friends with Aquarius. Nika is a generous goddess, she doesn’t mind victory for you, she still has it.

There is no doubt that Aphrodite was born under the sign of Pisces. Because the goddess of love is one. Because the goddess of beauty is two. And also because she knew a lot about suffering.

Aphrodite was in love with the handsome Adonis, but the unfortunate man, alas, died hunting. Aphrodite did not survive the grief and, running away, jumped from the Lefkad rock straight into the sea. Well, why not jump if you are immortal, right? If Pisces could, they would jump too.

However, even without this, Pisces know how to suffer in such a way that the hearts of those around them clench and tears well up in their eyes. Oh, how subtly she feels, how beautifully she suffers! Those who have resisted the beauty of Pisces or their mystery fall for this bait.

In general, no one has a chance. It's good that Aphrodite is a good goddess.

Athena is perhaps the most revered goddess. Athena personifies wisdom, patronizes science and crafts, art, knowledge and ingenuity. But, in general, her main specialization is military strategy.

Athena is the only goddess who uses male attributes: armor, helmet and spear. The question arises: why did the Greeks need a goddess of war? They also had Ares? But because the god of battles was treacherous and cunning and started wars for the sake of wars themselves.

Athena patronized only the war that was started out of necessity. This is Aries, without a doubt. Aries girls are also not averse to spearing unwanted people, but only for a reason, and not because they are in a bad mood. Just like that, Aries will only slam his shield from above - for edification. True, some can’t stand it, so let them crawl away, weaklings.

The cult of the goddess of war is not for brats, you know.

Demeter is the goddess of fertility and patroness of agriculture. Farming is hard work, so the cult of Demeter can be briefly described as follows: now we will all work hard, and then we will heartily treat ourselves to what the goddess sent us. The goddess usually sent not only food, but also wine. And more, more!

There is no doubt that Demeter is a Taurus: few people know how to appreciate simple joys like delicious food, good wine and, by the way, honest work.

However, one should not think that Demeter is a harmless patroness of work and goodies. One day, Hades kidnapped her daughter Persephone, and what do you think she did? She pulled the brat out of the underworld and poured it into him from the heart. So, the poor guy agreed to let Persephone go to mommy every year, and he hid back in his hell and didn’t shine anymore.

Taurus warns: this will happen to everyone who dares to touch what is dear to Taurus. Whether you were Hades or a bald devil.

Iris is the messenger of the gods, her task is to carry orders throughout the world: to the earth, to the depths of the sea and even to the kingdom of the dead.

The Thunderer once sent Iris to Hades, giving her a cup. And what do you think? She finally scooped up some water from the Styx and delivered it to Olympus. The water, if you remember, symbolized not only the inviolability of vows, but also primitive horror.

Geminis are avid travelers, party girls and general friends. And Geminis don’t care about any contrived boundaries. Iris easily flew into the chambers of Zeus, so the Gemini young lady would meet the president of the country if such a hunt came to her.

Because lightness and charm are the keys to all doors. And Gemini has them.

Gaia is the goddess of the earth, the mother of everything that lives and grows on it, as well as the mother of the Sky, the Sea, the titans and giants. Everyone's mother, in short. Just like Cancer. Just let Cancer give birth to and raise someone: that’s all, nothing else is needed, leave Cancer alone with all sorts of nonsense, don’t you see, the person is busy with business, and not with this nonsense of yours!

True, Gaia was sometimes called Chthonia, and the adjective “chthonic” personified the wild natural power of the earth, and the underworld too, by the way. And this is about Cancers, without a doubt. Cancers are standard mothers who, if anything happens, will bury the offender of their children in the deepest depths. And by the way, “baby” is not necessarily a child.

Everyone Cancers love are their “babies”. Such a nature.

Hera is the patroness of marriage, protecting the mother during childbirth, but no one remembers this. But everyone remembers that Hera is the wife of Zeus himself, the first lady of Olympus.

Actually the third, because Zeus already had two wives before her, but does anyone know about them? Of course not. Hera, whose name translates as “mistress,” did not tolerate any rivals next to her. Natural Lioness: either she will be the first and only, or it would be better to look for some other Olympus.

This, however, has never happened before, because who in their right mind would compete with the Lioness? Some tried to compete with Hera, and do you know how it ended? Correct: “In general, everyone died” ©.

Themis, the same wife of Zeus that no one remembers. I mean, no one remembers that she is married to the Thunderer, but just try to forget that she is the goddess of justice!

Themis is a symbol of impartiality and justice, and she is also the voice of God: it was Themis who voiced the will of Zeus, so that, therefore, all sorts of weaklings would not become deaf from the thunderous voice of the supreme god.

Are you smart? If Virgo says something, the truth speaks through her lips. If Virgo says something that you don't like, you will have to listen to it, because Virgo is not mistaken: she is not interested in your personality, Virgo evaluates the facts.

As you know, Persephone was wooed by the most eligible suitors of Olympus - Ares and Apollo.

But, apparently, the charming daughter of Demeter was born under the sign of Libra, because she couldn’t choose just one, what a shame! However, her personal life was still settled: the beauty was kidnapped by the god of the kingdom of the dead, Hades, and they began to live quite happily.

An ideal option for Libra: you don’t need to decide anything, they will come and decide everything themselves! True, mother Persephone and her son-in-law somehow didn’t work out, so a marriage contract was imposed on the young couple: Persephone lives for two thirds of the year on Olympus, and a third in the underworld.

Libra, give them free rein, would also live like this: two options, and both are correct - this is a personal paradise for Libra. Personal heaven and personal underground hell - everything is so delicious!

Hecate bestows wisdom in public assemblies, happiness in war and rich prey in the hunt. She does all this just to divert attention, of course, because in fact she is the goddess of the Underworld.

Hecate teaches mortals witchcraft, commands witches and poisonous plants, and hangs out with dead souls at crossroads. In general, so you understand, Hecate is the same goddess who is feared even by those who called Hades an earthworm.

Do you recognize the Scorpio lady? Yes, that's her.

People fall in love with Scorpio at first sight, but are afraid to approach: they sense with their skin that in this still pool there are not only devils, but some worse ones. Scorpio, however, is not worried about this: she will still be worshiped, sooner or later, one way or another.

Do you doubt it? Then know that, according to one version, the famous Statue of Liberty is... Yes, yes, that's right! This is Hecate. It was she who wore the spiked crown. And have you ever wondered why the symbol of freedom needs a torch? Lighting the way for people? Well, yes, that's right. A path in the darkness that Hecate commands.

Artemis is the goddess of hunting and the patroness of all living things. She is also a guardian of female chastity and an assistant to women in labor.

But how? How can you patronize completely opposite concepts? And it's very simple. Look at Sagittarians: Sagittarians are such integral natures that the concept of cognitive dissonance is, in principle, alien to them.

Sagittarians are able to accept and understand any idea, any belief and any point of view. This, by the way, does not mean that the Sagittarius girl is ready to share all this. She has one universal answer to any question: the main thing is to get involved in the mess, and then we’ll figure it out along the way. And he understands it, which is surprising.

Moreover, the opposing sides believe that Sagittarius fully and completely supports them. With this, they are reconciled in the end, and Sagittarius sets off to attract some other opposites to each other.