Interesting comic nominations for school graduates. "Square of Stars" festival dedicated to honoring the best students of the school"

  • 22.04.2019

"The ringleader"

Look at Gladkikh Christina,

How sweet, slim, and beautiful she is.

And in addition to appearance

She is optimistic and cheerful.

She will support anyone with a joke,

She is talented, sympathetic, kind.

The soul of the company and the leader,

There will never be a dull moment with her.

With data like hers,

She just needs to be an actress

I wish she could play roles in plays and movies,

And we would all be proud of her.

"School Pride"

Kalugina Valera has a gentle look,

Like in portraits Italian masters.

And a wave of curls carelessly

It falls on your shoulders like a silk cover.

She is always responsible, hardworking,

And I’m ready to provide emergency assistance,

And if necessary, then elegantly and beautifully

And the machine will be able to disassemble it at speed.

She has a lot behind her

Victories in regional and regional Olympiads.

And your own GTO score

She did a great job, just the way she should.

"School Pride"

Tanya, dear Tatiana,

She matches Larina.

Also proud and silent,

And just like Larina, she is smart.

Tanyusha wants to become a teacher,

Dedicate yourself to perky children.

We are sure that she will teach them

Faith, truth and, of course, kindness.

We congratulate you on the last call,

We only want to pass the Unified State Exam with “excellent” marks.

"Miss Kindness"

Always shy, quiet,

With a sweet smile and a long braid.

We are talking about Ponomareva Anastasia,

Who became famous for her kindness.

In any case - an organizer, an activist,

She has a talent for uniting people.

So let the first path through life

It will be difficult and thorny

So as not to turn towards side paths.

Let your conscience be everywhere for you

Your advisor and compass.

"For talent and optimism"

Our glorious Natasha

And beautiful and slim,

All our guys know:

She wants to become a doctor.

But Natasha will treat

Neither you nor me

Will help animals

After all, they are our friends.

We are confident in Natalia and wish her victories,

And we are proud that we studied

She has been at our school for 11 years.


Violetta is a beautiful girl,

Besides, she's a coquette.

Her talent sometimes sparkles,

Like a shiny silver coin.

Violetta values ​​herself highly,

What are the girl's plans?

It’s already far from here...

Let dreams swarm

What wonderful visions.

And life will be a plot

In a line of a poem.

"For the ability to secrecy"

Vanya is a guy anywhere,

It combines both fire and water.

This guy is very tough

And he is always serious.

He is a member of the brass,

And he is a star in the class.

We know what Vanyusha decided

Connect yourself with the FSB.

And that’s why we want to pass the exams with an A.

Keep striving for your goal

Don't give up,

And then you will see, Vanya,

Nastya is friendly, loves to communicate,
She loves to joke and laugh.

Every concert is happiness for her.
And the beauty contest has been dreaming about it for a long time.
She would have taken all the prizes there,
But Nastenka is attracted to studies,

And also starting a family.

Be more serious, be responsible,
May you be happy life path.

And we just want to wish you happiness,

To overcome all bad weather in life.

"Undiscovered talent"

This guy is very kind

He is calm and simple.

And with the girls from class

He will find a common language.

He has a lot of talents

This guy is where it's at:

Activist, athlete, artist,

He jokes often - he is a humorist. And if he had been too lazy to overcome his mother, He would have become a scientist... but maybe not. May your dreams come true, May you achieve everything in life. You will conquer peaks and do everything in life with A's!

1. Nomination - For activity and initiative
You show activity in any matter,
you captivate everyone with new ideas,
You help the trash, you lead them!
always good, interesting with you!

2. Nomination - GIRLS' DREAM
He knows how to find an approach to any girl,
They dream about him in the evening and during the day,
Serious passions are boiling in the group,
To spin in a waltz with him.

3. Nomination - For hard work
Both the group and the garden are proud of you, you love to learn,
And you love to work. Make us happy with new successes,
And you can achieve a lot in life!

4. Nomination - For exemplary behavior
The course you have chosen is correct - you are behaving exemplary,
respectful, obedient, doing everything you need to do!
Everyone admired you, looked up to you in everything!
Let patience and effort help you gain knowledge!

5. Nomination - Mr. neatness
He is always careful in everything,
All things are in order, nice to look at.
Dirt, disorder and untidiness -
This boy won't stand it.

6. Nomination - Mister Sweet Tooth
No cookies, no candy
They don't give me lunch...
I could use some creamy toffee
It would have jumped much better!
And from the strawberry waffle
I could run better!

7. nomination - Mr. Shyness
Smart and well-mannered, a hero in life,
You just get shy sometimes.
Always try to be brave in life
Then there will be no trace of shyness left.

8. nomination - Mr. modesty
he is quiet, modest, charming,
and attentive in class.
If only I could speak louder,
but apparently there is no strength for it

9. nomination - Mr. sedateness
leisurely in his movements and smart,
He knows how to carry on a conversation.
is thoughtful, sees the future,
sometimes he gets so clever - you’re amazed!

10. Nominated - Mister Sportsman
For dexterity, strength and dexterity,
Hard work in training,
For composure, nerves of steel,
And for the desire to be first,
For courage and patience,
Talent, drive and inspiration

11. Nomination - Mister Artist
the guy likes to draw,
Loves to help adults.
He has many talents.
Let there be a bright road!

12. Nomination - Mister Justice
Fair and calm
Always worthy of praise.
all the guys respect
Everyone wishes him success.

This child knows everything around him
Learns the science of life INDEPENDENTLY,
He'll fry the eggs himself if necessary.
He will definitely wash his clothes!

14. Nomination - MISTER X
He is a mystery to everyone in the area,
He can achieve what he wants if he wants,
He always goes his own way.

Nothing can surprise him
He will always bring everyone up to speed,
Who brought what, where did they go?
He will tell you quickly and skillfully!

16. Nomination - A REAL GENTLEMAN
He is helpful, neat,
no doubt neat.
Many years without change -
a real gentleman!

17. Nomination - MISTER ARISTOCRAT
Slightly lazy and a little imposing,
Dressed neatly and handsome,
He, like a DANDY from a magazine, is also important.
Anyone can confirm this to you now!

18. Nomination - Miss Imagination
Oh guys, look -
These are raindrops
I want your strawberry,
They ask for a visit, waking up.
On the window - knock and knock -
A booming sound is heard;
Knock back,
Smile, say hello!

19. Nomination - Miss Curiosity
Apparently you were born inquisitive!
You were in a hurry to get on the road!
The world is limitless, you can find out everything in it!
And of course, tell us!

20. Nomination - Miss Smart
You can quickly
It is good to understand and judge,
That two plus two is always four,
And it can’t be any other way!

21. Nomination - Most attentive
Quiet, modest and charming,
And she is attentive in class.
You will help anyone, you will not let anyone down
You will tell me a poem, you will sing a song.

22. Nomination - Miss obedience
You're behaving like
You are always attention itself
And that's probably why.
You are an example to follow.

23. Nomination - Miss Fashionista
There's a fashionista in our group,
How difficult it is for her!
Loves fashionable glasses
And high heels!

24. Nomination - Miss Cutie
Sweet face, beautiful eyes,
She dresses like a princess from a fairy tale.
Beautiful, slender, like a daisy in a field
You can call her in one word - cutie!

25. Nomination - Miss whimsy
Like our nominee
There's a big pocket somewhere!
And there are no pictures there,
No scarves, no shoes,
No candy and no book,
And whims live there!

26. Nomination - exemplary behavior
You have chosen the right course -
you behave like
respectfully, obediently,
you do everything you need to do!

27. Nomination - best singer
You are a soloist in our choir,
After all, you barely open your mouth,
You can hear it even in the corridor,
Everyone knows who sings.

You love to sing from birth,
In karaoke you are a star.
You dream about Eurovision
Come out when you grow up.

28. Nomination - Most stylish
Every day with a new hairstyle
It's fun to go to school:
That one with a two-meter pigtail,
Then suddenly you’ll have curls.

The one with straight hair
Repaint them again...
In front of the mirror for hours
You're ready to stand.

29. Nomination - Most Responsive
Always responds to requests
And he will invite guests to his place;
From a joke he will immediately laugh,
He will tell you a lot of news.

30. Nomination - the kindest
You radiate like the sun
You are warm and kind.
you help everyone clean up,
Keeping it clean...

If the apple is in your pocket,
You will definitely treat me.
For those who did not have time themselves,
You will solve all the tasks.

More nominations can be viewed here

A few months before graduation, students begin to look forward to it an important event, hoping that it will be remembered for a lifetime. Having composed original comic nominations for graduates, teachers will be able to make the holiday unique and even brighter!

Basic rules for drawing up comic nominations

Comic nominations for 11th grade graduates should be both original and not offensive. Even if teachers want to emphasize positive traits student, with harsh epithets they can offend him a lot. That is why teachers should carefully select words when drawing up such nominations, so that the holiday takes place without other people’s experiences and wounded pride.

Another rule for a successful graduation is that all nominations must be true. That's why for so much creative work The teacher should be hired who knows the class very well, all the students, their strengths and weaknesses. By the way, in such comic nominations it is necessary to emphasize the positive qualities of the students, even if some of them did not prove themselves in any way in academic or creative activity. For every child, graduation is important holiday, and therefore the teacher should mark all children, regardless of their achievements.

If teachers want a great graduation, they should choose different categories for all students. At the age of seventeen, children want to emphasize their own individuality and the difference of others as often as possible. That is why, if nominations are repeated, it can offend graduates, leading them to think that the idea itself was poorly developed by teachers.

And, of course, such nominations will look more interesting and brighter if they are included in the context of the graduation ceremony itself. For example, the presentation of certificates may take place during the announcement of nominations. If the teacher wants to stand out and make the graduation unforgettable, you can even stylize everything that happens as some kind of award, for example, an Oscar or an Emmy. This announcement of nominees and winners will definitely be remembered by graduates for life.

Even if the categories for awarding students cannot be included in the main idea of ​​the script, it is better to organize the announcement of nominations to music. Then it will be more fun for both the children and the presenter to pronounce comic nominations. If, in addition to this, each child also has his own individual award, reflecting his services to the school, the graduate will definitely remember the holiday for the rest of his life.

It is very important that attention at the award ceremony is paid to all children without exception, regardless of their merits. If teachers come up with nominations only for excellent students or exclusively for activists, the rest of the graduates will be clearly uncomfortable and offended. In addition, teachers should take into account the time period for such an award. Nominations should not be too long or contain lengthy explanations, otherwise the award ceremony will drag on for the entire evening.

Examples of comic nominations

To begin with, teachers should decide on the topic of their nominations. If they like the standard options, then you can only characterize the child’s main merits to the class. For example, the nominations “Head of the Class” for the smartest, and “Head of the Year” for the most active student will be very relevant. You can also always note those students who have obvious creative inclinations. Nominations such as “ Main voice countries" for a musician and "Salvador Dali Schools" for an artist will definitely delight students with creative abilities, emphasizing their uniqueness.

Graduation can be made even more interesting if you think about a specific topic for nominations. For example, the theme of Hollywood cinema is popular, in which all nominations will be somehow related to cinema. For example, the nominations “James Bond class” for the strongest and bravest boy, “Federico Fellini from science” for the smartest student and “Marilyn Monroe class” for one of the students will delight children with their originality. Such nominations highlight best qualities students, and besides, they also seem very unusual. To make graduation even brighter, teachers can think of awards for children in each category. Since the graduation is dedicated to the theme of cinema, then a copy of the Oscar statuette can serve as a reward.

Another one great idea for nominations, it is to consider the success of children in certain sciences. “Thunderstorm of Test Tubes”, “Albert Einstein of the Year”, “Lord of the Legs and Hypotenuses” - each of these nominations is interesting and original in its own way. To add individuality to the holiday, you can think of your own reward for each child, for example, figurines in the form of a test tube, chemical formula or books for literary genius. Such nominations are directly related to the educational process and highlight the contribution of each child that evening.

To create nominations, teachers can travel into the future, imagining what careers await their students. Such nominations as “Born Doctor”, “Engineering Genius”, “Businessman from God” will definitely not leave children indifferent. To make accurate and up-to-date nominations, you should find out what your children’s life plans are a few months before graduation. Having found out which universities graduates will enroll in and what field of activity they see themselves in, teachers will be able to create relevant and truly interesting nominations.

It would be great if teachers show imagination not only in drawing up the nominations themselves, but also in announcing them. For example, you can think of short quatrains that will succinctly tell about the abilities and talents of the nominee himself. Such poetic congratulations should also contain only positive notes. Even if a student behaved badly during the year, this should not affect his graduation.

As the main idea for the graduation ceremony, the organizers can choose time travel, and then the nominations for graduates should not stand out from the general mood. For such topics, the nominations “Catherine the Great of Our Days”, “Wise as Peter I”, “Talented as John Lennon” and so on are suitable. Such nominations will not only delight children with their originality, but will also force them to once again learn something new and interesting within the walls of their home school. The most important thing is that historical figures are known to children. Also, you should not choose those historical figures for nominations that have left a negative mark on international history.

The holiday dedicated to time travel can be celebrated using other nominations. For example, teachers can fantasize about what time a graduate could live in. This is how the nominations “Best Pharaoh of the School” or “Winner of the Greek Olympiads” can be born. Such nominations, of course, are a little peculiar, but they are certainly original and funny. To make the holiday seem even more interesting, teachers can award awards not in alphabetical order, but in historical eras, beginning with ancient civilizations and ending with modernity.

Worst graduation nominations

As mentioned above, humorous graduation nominations should not offend the child or highlight his shortcomings. For example, the nominations “Hooligan of the Year” or “Best Loser in the World” should be abandoned. Perhaps there is a bit of humor in such nominations, but they can offend not only the child himself, but also his parents.

You should not make categorical nominations. So, for example, if one of the students is named the main beauty of the class, this can greatly offend the rest of the girls. You shouldn’t deliberately flatter students, as this can put them in an uncomfortable situation, spoiling general impression from graduation. The more sincere the nominations are, the better for general atmosphere holiday.

Teachers should not use long-prepared phrases that were already used at graduation last year. If students are awarded every year in the categories “The Smartest” or “The Most Athletic,” this is unlikely to surprise or please anyone. The brighter the main idea of ​​such an award, the more interesting it will be for children to attend it.

Even if teachers cannot come up with something original, they should always avoid standard phrases that do not express anything. For example, the nomination “The Smartest” can be replaced with “Brain of the Class”, and instead of “The Most Beautiful” the “Miss Charm” award can be inserted. Such nominations are unlikely to offend or offend anyone, and besides, they will have some kind of individuality of their own.

Sometimes school graduations turn out to be uninteresting, largely due to the fact that teachers do not try to make the holiday bright for schoolchildren and their parents. By coming up with excellent nominations related to the main theme of the holiday, teachers will definitely be able to give schoolchildren a graduation they will never forget.

At many graduations, schoolchildren are awarded in comic categories, but not always such an idea turns out to be justified and funny. Teachers should think in advance about original categories for rewarding students so that this evening leaves them with exclusively positive memories of school and learning.

Option No. 1

nomination "Miss Charm"
nomination "Miss My Little Precious"
nomination "Miss (or Mister) Fidget"
nomination "Miss Grace".
nomination "Miss Humor".
nomination "Miss and Mister Resourcefulness".
nomination "Miss and Mister Artistry".
nomination "Miss and Mister Charm".
nomination "Miss Spring".
nomination "Miss Energy".
nomination "Miss Style".

nomination "Miss Intelligence".
nomination "Miss Magic Voice".
nomination "Miss Audience Choice".
nomination "Miss Creativity".
nomination “Soul of the Group”.
nomination "Mr. True Gentleman"
nomination "Miss Kindness".

Nomination "for a clear smile"

nomination for the best appetite...

nomination The fastest
nomination for the most fun

Option No. 2

1.The most slender!
2. the most advanced!
3.The most charming!
4.The most sporty!
5. The most unpredictable!
6. Charming!
8. Storyteller!
10. Hunter!

Cypress wrote:

1. Nomination "Smart Men and Women"!

How wonderful it is that there are guys in the group,
Whose intelligence and knowledge bring her glory,
After all, it is about them that one day they will say:
You are the pride and hope of our days!
The right to announce the winners of the “Smart Men and Women” nomination is granted to _______.
The winners were: __________________.

2. Nomination "Miss Charm".

There is no less in your life than knowledge,
Charm will come in handy.
The right to announce the winners of the Miss Charm nomination is granted to ___________.
The winners of the nomination were: ______________.
(Medals are presented, applause.) Fanfare.

3. Nomination "Soul of the group".

Becoming a leader in a group is not easy,
You need to be interesting to everyone,
The stars are unlikely to help you here,
It is important to know and love people.
The right to announce the winner of the “Soul of the Group” nomination is granted to _________.
Winner of the nomination: ___________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

4. Nomination "A True Gentleman".

Gentleman is not just a title,
What is given to you from God,
To be a gentleman is a calling,
Take it and try it yourself!
The right to announce the winners of the “True Gentleman” nomination is granted to _________.
The winners of the nomination were: ______.
(Medals are presented.) Fanfare.

5. Nomination "Photomodel".

Since everything is beautiful in a person:
Face and thoughts and clothes,
Then maybe it’s not in vain
There is hope to become a fashion model.
The right to announce the winners of the “Photo Model” nomination is granted to __________.

(Medals are presented.) Fanfare.

6.Nomination "Miss and Mister Charm".

If someone smiled at you,
And suddenly a radiance spread around -
Fortune has suddenly returned to you,
That's what the charm did.
The right to announce the winners of the Miss and Mr. Charm nomination is granted to ________.
The winners of the nomination were: _________.
(Medals are presented.) Fanfare.

7. Nomination "Miss Kindness".

Among all human qualities
It is valued for a reason:
Life can't go any other way
As long as there is kindness in the world.
The right to announce the winners of the Miss Kindness nomination is granted to ________.
The winners of the nomination were: _______.
(Medals are presented.) Fanfare.

8. Nomination "Sun of the Group".

It doesn't matter what the weather is today,
Even if it rains outside,
It’s easy in the soul and heart in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.
The right to announce the winners of the “Sun Class” nomination is granted to _______.

(Medals are presented.) Fanfare.

9. Nomination "Girls' Dream".

Girls dream of princes since childhood,
And they are waiting for Gray under a scarlet sail,
Without noticing that they are together
Their dreams go through life side by side.
. The right to announce the winners of the “Girls’ Dream” nomination is granted to _______.
The winners of the nomination were: _____________.
(Medals are presented.) Fanfare.

10. Nomination "Miss Artistry".

If you are given the talent to shine,
No need to bury it in the ground.
The right to announce the winner of the Miss Artistry nomination is granted to _______.
The winner of the nomination was: _____________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

11. Nomination "Mr. Independence".

How rare it is in our lives
The person is completely independent.
The right to announce the winner of the Mr. Independence nomination is granted to _______.

(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

12. Nomination "Mr. Veselchak".

From the blues and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
1. The right to announce the winner of the “Mr. Veselchak” nomination is granted to _______.
The winner of the nomination was: _____________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

13. Nomination "Mr. Hope and Support."

Life won't seem complicated
When you can lean on a friend,
And despite all the changes,
Reliability was valued at all times.
The right to announce the winner of the “Mr. Hope and Support” nomination is granted to _______.
The winner of the nomination was: _____________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

14. Nomination " Faithful friends".

We are with you - you and me
We've been friends for 4 years now.
Such a devoted friendship
Anyone will be jealous.
The right to announce the winners of the “True Friends” nomination is granted to _______.
The winners of the nomination were: _____________.
(Medals are awarded.)

The presentation of certificates to graduates is a very important and solemn moment, but, as a rule, modern eleventh-graders prefer to include elements of show or theatricality in the script for this traditional ceremony. Therefore, the organizers try to think through and design this part very carefully. High school prom. A winning idea is to award it to everyone, by analogy with film festivals, because you can add your own content to it, and the ceremony can be tailored to specific graduates, making it individual, and therefore interesting to the heroes of the occasion, their parents and teachers. You can name the ceremony, for example, “Graduate - 2018”, having thought through the statuettes and nominations in this theme.

In the proposed version - Oscar-style “Star Issue” ceremony for presenting certificates to graduates, the idea of ​​the Cannes Film Festival is taken. Graduate presentations for such a scenario are offered by teachers or an initiative group of graduates; suitable nominations are selected from a list of titles of Russian and foreign films. The image of the presenters is built “on contrast”: one is classic, the other is cool, and the entertainer is based on an unobtrusive “squabble” between them, which brings liveliness to the ceremony for receiving statuettes and raises the festive mood in the hall. At the same time, the certificates themselves are presented by someone from the school administration or the class teacher.

See the document for a list of movie titles to choose from

(download by clicking on the file)

Oscar-style graduation ceremony


Tray with envelopes, with nominations and names of Oscar winners, figurines



Verka Serdiuchka

An excerpt from the song “Film, film, film” is played. - the presenter comes out, singing:

Leading(sings or speaks in a recitative):“Whoever came into this world became happy forever” Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, you and I were lucky enough today to plunge into this magical atmosphere, to touch its magic, thanks to the star cast of graduates (you can call school! And I have the honor to inform you about the opening of the awards ceremony for the nominees of the film festival “Star Issue - 2017”!


Leading: And we will begin our celebration with the most important, and the most serious: the presentation of the main world award in the field of cinema - the Oscar.

Verka Serduchka runs in with a figurine in her hands

Verka Serdiuchka: Am I late? Here he is, handsome! ( Shows the figurine). God, what a man! (whispers loudly and mysteriously) Can I keep one for myself, purely as a keepsake?

Leading: You have to earn this reward!

Verka Serdiuchka: And I sho all conscious life do I? You can say, without sparing my belly, I bring culture to the masses!

Leading: (strictly) Vera, bring the Oscar here for now, and we’ll discuss your contribution to culture later, today only the actors of the series “School Years” are nominated!

Verka Serdiuchka: (offended) Ty!

Leading: (pulls Verka by the dress) Enough already, smile, otherwise I’ll replace you with Seryoga Zverev!

Verka Serduchka bursts into a Hollywood smile and waves her hand at the audience in greeting.

Leading: (looking away adult company) . Our film festival is, indeed, a bright event of the year, and it is not without reason that it was honored with its presence by distinguished guests - teachers, “Honorary Members of the Film Academy”, who have special powers: after all, they were the ones who chose the most worthy. Worthy of this high award! (Takes the figurine from Verka Serduchka and raises it high above her head.)


Verka Serdiuchka: A very high reward! (whispers loudly to his co-host) Lift it higher!

Leading: The floor is given to the President of the Cinema Academy (name of director or head teacher)

The director (head teacher) comes out to thunderous applause: he says parting words and gratitude to his students. Including the text below.

Director: Of course, our festival is not as large-scale as in Cannes or Venice. But I assure you, friends, it is no less significant for our nominees. Agree, making even the most brilliant film is probably easier than raising little fools into smart, beautiful and worthy People like our graduates. You can talk for a long time, but it’s better to see once...


Leading: Yes, Dear friends, we can talk for a long time...

Verka Serdiuchka: And can I?

Leading: (looking angrily at Verka) We can talk for a long time, but the program of our festival is so large that it is better to get straight to the point.

Verka Serduchka presses a button on the screen, an excerpt from the play “The Prince and the Pauper”,in which the priest says, "The coronation begins!"

Verka Serdiuchka: The coronation begins!

Leading: Not a coronation, but a nomination! And it doesn’t start, but is announced. (To the side) God sent a helper! And don’t touch the equipment, I beg you!

Verka Serdiuchka: And I am sho, I am nisho! ( Modestly looking down, he clasps his hands under his chest).

Leading: Dear guests, allow me to begin the ceremony of presenting well-deserved awards.

The Oscars track is playing.

Leading: I would like to draw your attention to the new nominations that have appeared in the regulations of our prestigious cinematic awards on the recommendation of respected Academicians.

Verka Serdiuchka: New? Can I?

Leading: You? Of course, you can... hand over envelopes and announce the name of the first winner of the award in the “Thin Little Thing” category.

Verka Serduchka opens the envelope and reads to herself.

Leading: Well? Read!

Verka Serdiuchka: Aloud?

Leading(ironic): No, to myself!

Verka Serdiuchka: And here it’s not written about me!

Leading: So read who it’s written about!

Verka Serdiuchka: Eh, well, okay! Wins in the "Thin Little Thing" category (name of graduate)- a beauty worthy of the podium.

There is a musical beat and applause.

The girl goes up on stage.

Verka Serdiuchka: Wow, how cool!

Leading: Congratulations, (Name)! Nobody doubts your lucky star. May all your most cherished dreams come true, and may the Oscar help you with this.

The presenter gives (name) a figurine, and at the same time a certificate and gifts are presented, if provided. At this time, Verka Serduchka rummages through the envelopes and takes out one.

Verka Serdiuchka: The next nomination is called "Mr. X".

Leading: We will give the honor of opening this envelope (name of the first nominee).

The graduate opens the envelope, reads out the name and leaves the stage.

A musical beat sounds, applause, and the named eleventh grader comes out. Verka tries to attract the young man’s attention: she winks and makes eyes.

Leading: (Name)- The young man is smart, serious and strict. He is a reliable comrade, strong, brave and loyal friend!

Verka Serdiuchka: Why X? Good at math?

Leading: X, because he has many undisclosed, still unknown to many, talents and virtues! (hands over a statuette + certificate) And now, (Name), It’s your turn to open the envelope and name the winner in the “Lady Luck” category.

(The graduate reads and leaves the stage)

There is a musical beat, applause, and the named graduate comes out.

Verka Serdiuchka: There is no justice in the world, for someone and you, please, lady, and luck to boot, but here... (sighs and looks enviously at the Oscar statuette)

Leading: (Name) Academicians established this nomination for great perseverance in achieving their goals, because they are sure that luck loves the hardworking!

Verka Serdiuchka: Shaw, that means I have a chance too! (rummages through envelopes) Then I continue to work. The next nomination is "Enchanted by Dance"! How is this? Well, who are they?

Leading: And this is for us now (name of the nominee standing on stage) will say.

A musical beat sounds, applause, the named graduate comes out

Leading: (Name)- a real star of the school. The dancing star, without whom not a single holiday or school concert could pass. I wouldn’t be surprised if very soon this talented girl will be winning applause on the big stage (Hands the girl a statuette + certificate).

Leading: (looking at Verka Serduchka’s efforts): To dance like this you need to study for a single year!

Verka Serdiuchka: Yes, I, “Chitu-Drita” without ballet training, know how I rock it, show me?

Leading: Vera, I take your word for it, but we are here for a different reason. (loud whisper) Quickly announce the next nomination and hand over the envelope. (Name), so that she can name the next laureate.

Verka Serdiuchka: What am I doing! (announces) Nomination "Bright Personality". (hands the envelope to the graduate) Come on, enlighten us, who shines without nails?

Leading(irritated): Oh, Saint Mary, what do nails have to do with it?

Verka Serdiuchka: You need to know the classics, young man! (solemnly announces and quotes with pathos) V. Mayakovsky. “Shine and no nails, that’s my slogan and the sun!”

Leading: And my slogan is: “Get the job done and walk boldly in the sun!” Read (girl's name)!

(The nominee reads and leaves the stage)

Leading: The shyest and most smiling young man in school. They say that when (Name) smiles, the surroundings really become brighter! This Oscar is deservedly yours! (a statuette + certificate is awarded)

Verka smiles, flirts, blows a kiss to Sergei.

Leading(Serduchka): Aren't you carried away, girl?

Verka Serdiuchka (quickly glancing at the envelope, he reads it coquettishly, furtively pointing at himself):"The most charming and attractive"

Verka, without taking her eyes off (name), hands him the envelope without looking, he reads it out

Leading(rolling his eyes, takes the envelope from Verka and hands it to the graduate): And who won in this category?

The graduate reads out and switches places with the named nominee, who goes under musical accompaniment and applause from the audience. Verka looks after the departing young man, not noticing the new laureate.

Leading: About (Name) They say: “A sea of ​​charm and an ocean of effort”! Many teachers will miss being efficient and pretty (Name). And this Oscar is being awarded to the right place. Do you agree, Vera?

Verka Serdiuchka(as if waking up): Yes, I agree, I agree! ( grab the next envelope) Wow, what a nomination! "Toughie". And who is this Greek guy? Or coconut? (gives the envelope to the nominee, she reads the name of the graduate and leaves)

There is a musical beat, applause, and the named graduate comes out.

Verka opens her mouth and blinks her eyes, unable to move from her place. Then he follows with his eyes the young man entering the stage, then checks his biceps by touch

Leading: Nikita is a handsome, temperamental young man. I don’t know about the other girls, but my colleague seemed speechless.

Verka Serdiuchka: And you didn’t lose anything? Young man, are you free in the evening?

Leading: Let me tell you, he will be busy! Since he will celebrate winning an Oscar (a statuette + certificate is awarded). And now I’m ready to read the name of the next hero today, in nomination…

Verka Serdiuchka(catching himself): In nomination " Kind heart"! (hands the young man an envelope)

The graduate reads out the name and goes down into the hall, the next nominee goes up to the stage to music and applause.

Leading: About (Name) everyone says that her kindness gives everyone warmth, and her smile lifts the mood of those around her. Even Oscar seems to be smiling on her (hands over a figurine)

Verka Serdiuchka:"Rise and Shine"

Leading: Yes, I'm not sleeping!

Verka Serdiuchka: But I sleep and have a dream, I stand on stage with an Oscar in my hands and sing... (takes a breath, assumes a pose as if about to sing)

Leading: (strictly) Songs later, now - nomination!

Verka Serdiuchka (offended): This nomination is called “Rise and Shine” ( hands the envelope to the graduate so that he can read out the name of the next nominee)

The graduate reads out the name and goes down into the hall, the named nominee goes up to the stage to music and applause.

Leading:"Charming and kind" - they say about (Name) both teachers and friends. He also has a strong character: overcoming his shyness, (Name) successfully performs at school vocal competitions. (a statuette + certificate is awarded)

Verka Serduchka perks up.

Verka Serdiuchka: Young man, do you sing a duet? I'm sure you sing! (the graduate sings along with her or the soundtrack sounds) “Okay, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, I know it!” And I also know that the envelopes are out! (the last nominee goes down to the hall)

Leading: This means that the award ceremony for our Oscar winners has come to an end!

Verka Serdiuchka: But the holiday - the Star Issue Festival continues. There are many good toasts and cheerful songs ahead.

Leading: There will be more wise parting words and interesting competitions.

Verka Serdiuchka: Why won't there be any more kin?

Leading: No! It will be, it will be, because today is movie night... However, more on that after a short break.