Personnel documents. How to select and approve mandatory personnel documents for an LLC from scratch? What personnel documents should an individual entrepreneur have?

  • 22.09.2019

From January 1, 2017, all micro-enterprises do not need to issue local personnel regulations. The changes provided for Federal law dated 07/03/2016 No. 348-FZ.

If you work in a micro-enterprise, there is no need for your company to develop, for example, internal rules labor regulations, regulations on remuneration, bonuses, certification and other documents.

What is a micro-enterprise?

A micro-enterprise has an annual revenue of last year and the book value of assets should not be more than 120 million rubles, and the number of employees cannot be more than 15 employees over the past year. Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2007, as amended and supplemented.

All conditions of an employee’s work can be stipulated in the employment contract. Employment contracts must be concluded on the basis of a standard form approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2016 No. 858. This form is mandatory for use if you switch to “simplified” personnel records.

If you lose your micro-enterprise status, you will have 4 (four) months to prepare the entire package of necessary personnel documents. This is exactly the period given to the enterprise by law.

There is no need to put a stamp in the work book

An organization may not put a stamp in the work book if it does not have a seal. Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2016 No. 588n on amending the instructions for filling out work books.

The assessment “according to the professional standard” was regulated

Since 2017, the Assessment Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2016 No. 1204, have come into force.

If earlier the centers for assessing the qualifications of workers each functioned on their own, now they have become part of a unified system. Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 238-FZ “On Independent Assessment of Qualifications.”

An assessment is an examination of an employee or candidate for suitability professional standards. You can take it at an independent assessment center. The organization must pay for the center’s services if it sent the employee for assessment.

Not only an organization can initiate a professional assessment. The employee has the right to independently contact the center for an independent assessment of his qualifications. In this case, he will pay for the assessment himself. An independent assessment is not mandatory. It can be replaced by certification and carried out in the organization, without contacting qualification centers.

An assessment from the Qualification Assessment Center is not enough to dismiss an employee. If an employee performs his duties well, the position of an “independent appraiser” is not grounds for dismissal. The organization still needs to prove that the employee is unsuitable for the position held or the work performed due to insufficient qualifications confirmed by certification results. Clause 3 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

But you can refuse to hire someone if your qualifications are assessed negatively. Failure of a professional examination is a legal reason for refusal to hire.

HR administration from scratch, step by step instructions which are of a general nature, includes the preparation of a regulatory framework and standard set documents, as well as the appointment of a director.

Every aspiring entrepreneur will be interested in HR administration from scratch, step-by-step instructions for which we will consider below.

When the work has already been established, such issues are dealt with by a specialized personnel department.

On initial stages Personnel changes are handled part-time by one of the employees - the secretary or chief accountant.

Let's figure out in order how work in this area is organized and where to start for a new personnel officer.

Who is entrusted with the work with personnel?

Question personnel records management in 2017, it is relevant for all enterprises with employees.

The powers are assigned to the employee by issuing an order.

Depending on the number of employees, two options are possible:

  1. Personnel records management is undertaken by the manager. To do this, he issues an appropriate order, which secures these obligations.
  2. As employees are hired by the enterprise, the work with personnel can be entrusted to one of them. An order confirming the authority is also issued. Responsibilities are also specified in the job description.

Step-by-step instructions for personnel records are not legally defined.

Nevertheless, when developing it, one should be guided by regulations, including GOST R 7.0.8-2013.

Although a unified procedure has not been established, it is provided general plan, allowing you to systematize personnel records and organize its maintenance.

When accounting for personnel, you should also focus on the norms of labor legislation.

Many instructions on office work are published. There are also documents accepted by local authorities.

Let's get started - action plan

To keep personnel records correctly, you need to start with the registration of the first person - the manager.

How this work will subsequently be carried out depends on the number of employees and the specifics of the enterprise’s activities.

So, let's go - let's list the main stages of personnel records management from scratch:

  1. Preparation of an information base - specialized reference books, software, regulations.
  2. Familiarization with constituent documents enterprises.
  3. Drawing up a list of papers that will be at the disposal of the personnel employee.
  4. Manager's design.
  5. Preparation of local standards, including staffing schedules and labor regulations.
  6. Preparation of a corporate sample employment contract.
  7. Development of other accounting documents, including order forms, accounting books, and so on.
  8. Registration of an employee who will be responsible for maintaining work records.
  9. Assigning workers to their places.

To summarize: the law does not establish a strict list of instructions for personnel records management from scratch.

Above is rough plan, which begins with the preparation of an information and documentary base, registration of the director and other employees.

Let's look at each of these points in more detail.

Formation of the regulatory framework

In order for an enterprise to operate in accordance with labor laws, you need to familiarize yourself with all the requirements.

  • Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of January 4, 2001;

To collect information, you can use specialized reference books.

The HR employee is expected to not only master all current regulations, but also to be aware of all changes made to labor legislation.

This will require regular reference to regulations.

Important: To be aware of changes in labor legislation, it is worth obtaining access to one of the information databases.

Another point is the search and implementation of suitable software.

As of 2017, 1C is very popular. However, there are many programs that have already bypassed this system in terms of its functionality.

The advantage of 1C is that in any city there are enough specialists who work with this software.

Stage two - study the Charter

Continuing the step-by-step instructions, we proceed to familiarize ourselves with the constituent documents.

The Charter, which is mandatory for, contains the following information:

  • the procedure for appointing a director (including the term of service with him, the amount of salary);
  • procedure for appointing employees to management positions;
  • formation of staffing.

The activities of a personnel employee should not contradict the requirements in the constituent documents.

He needs to monitor changes that are made to the Charter.

What documents should the personnel officer have on hand?

At the next stage, you need to prepare forms that will be kept in the personnel department and used to register employees.

Let's look at a few names.

  1. Order forms. Forms should be developed in case of hiring, transfer to another position and dismissal. They will be stored for 75 years as this data is used to determine seniority. The second group of orders are personnel orders. This includes orders regarding vacations, business trips, bonuses, and fines. A registration book is also being prepared, where notes on all issued orders will be entered, and a business trip logbook.
  2. . Notes should be made on them within three days of accepting a new employee. It is worth noting that in 2017 their registration is mandatory even for individual entrepreneurs who have passed. Along with these forms, a book is opened to record the movement of work books and inserts.
  3. Cards in T-2 form. They contain key employee data. They are either kept separately or filed in a personal file.
  4. Form of employment contract. It will be concluded with each new employee, regardless of how long he is employed. In some situations it is applicable.
  5. Special assessment of working conditions (SOUT). These documents are created for each workplace. They are replaced in most cases every 5 years.
  6. Staffing schedule.
  7. Local labor regulations.
  8. Documents on the basis of which the appointment is made wages.

These forms are mandatory for registration in the personnel department.

If necessary, additional regulations and models may be issued, for example,.

Important: not required by law, but job descriptions and collective agreements may be helpful.

Once the list of forms that will be in the personnel department has been determined, step-by-step instructions recommend creating a Regulation on the conduct of personnel records.

Development of a standard employment contract

It is a big mistake to think that it is not necessary to conclude employment contract with workers employed for a short period of time.

In fact, the document is signed by all employees.

HR records management from scratch includes the preparation of a corporate template.

The form includes the following items:

  • full employer organization, legal and actual addresses;
  • details of the employer's representative - full name;
  • employee details – full name;
  • the position he will hold;
  • duration of the contract;
  • type of activity - main job or part-time job;
  • job responsibilities(either a list or a link to step-by-step job instructions);
  • size (it is advisable to set out all the details in detail directly in the contract);
  • opening hours;
  • the results of the environmental assessment system for a given location;
  • employer and employee data;
  • signatures.

The employer may add additional clauses to the document.

Registration of the first position

Who should be hired first? It is not difficult to guess that personnel records management from scratch involves first appointing a director.

How to complete this task?

Much depends on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise. Let's consider three typical situations.

  1. Organization with founders. In this case, they will be the ones who will sign the order appointing the director.
  2. Individual enterprise (or organization with a single founder). Then the individual entrepreneur himself (or the founder) will sign the agreement both for himself and for the employee.
  3. The director is appointed based on the results of elections. Then the second party to the employment contract will be the chairman of the elected body.

Important: Regardless of who appoints the director, two operations remain mandatory - signing an employment contract and issuing an order for hiring the director.

The personnel employee is required to follow the chronological order of issuing orders.

The appointment of the director will be the first and should include the date on which he will begin to perform his duties.

In the future, you need to make sure that all orders are numbered in chronological order. This point is checked by supervisory authorities.

Registration of employees for other jobs

According to the step-by-step instructions, after the director, you need to appoint an employee responsible for maintaining work records.

They refer to forms strict reporting, therefore require careful handling.

If the manager has not hired anyone yet and he has to independently manage personnel records from scratch, he can take on these responsibilities.

For this purpose, a corresponding order is issued. Subsequently, the maintenance of work records can be entrusted to a hired employee. This is also done by order.

Important: the requirement to formalize an order to maintain work books by issuing an order is established by the Government Resolution.

Personnel records management from scratch includes one more stage - hiring employees.

A package of forms is prepared for each new employee, including:

  • employment contract;
  • job description;
  • order of appointment to a position;
  • individual card T-2;
  • and other documents.

You will also need to fill out a work book and put the necessary marks in it.

The forms are included with the job application and are attached to your personal file.

All necessary papers are transferred to the accounting department for further payroll processing.

Let's summarize the above. Step-by-step instructions for starting HR administration are only general.

They include the selection of regulations, compilation of a list of personnel documents, registration of the director and other employees.

In 2017, as before, all employees must sign an employment contract.

Lecture 1 HR administration for beginners, employment contract

We will tell you how to competently organize work with company documents, as well as their accounting and storage. Step-by-step instructions for 2019 will help you.

From the article you will learn:

Regulatory framework

Office work is recognized as an activity that ensures documentation (creation of official documents) and determines the procedure for organizing work with official documents. Of course, the question of whether it is necessary to think through the order of working with documents arises when finding a specific document causes difficulty. On the one hand, we must be happy that the company is developing and growing, but on the other hand, a new task is on the agenda - how to properly and conveniently organize document flow.

An expert from the "Secretary's Handbook" magazine will talk about the main types of letters in an organization.

It is easier with office work in official institutions - there this process is regulated by special regulations:

  • Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated April 16, 2014 No. 78 “On approval of the Rules of notarial office work” (together with the Rules of notarial office work approved by the decision of the FNP Board of December 17, 2012, order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated April 16, 2014 No. 78) approved the rules of document flow for notaries;
  • The decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated May 5, 2015 No. 46 “On the Rules for Internal Document Management in the Eurasian Economic Commission” determined the rules for working with documents in the EEC;
  • By Order of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2003 No. 36, the Instructions for judicial records management in the district court were approved;
  • Resolution of the Central Election Commission of Russia dated January 20, 2016 No. 321/1831-6 adopted the Instructions for office work in the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2009 No. 477 approved the Rules for office work in federal executive authorities.

There are also specific regulations that mention how organize office work in certain organizations, for example, Federal Law No. 66-FZ dated April 15, 1998 “On horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens” prescribes the procedure for conducting office work in such entities.

In private companies, all issues of organizing office work are decided by the owners. Or rather, to develop office work from scratch: step-by-step instructions 2019 are entrusted to specific performers - sometimes HR officers, sometimes secretaries. Since such an order has matured, it means that there really is a need for such regulation.

How to organize office work

Office work: step-by-step instructions for 2019 will help you decide where to start and what result you should strive for. Ideally, the organization should adopt an internal document - instructions for office work. If the company is large, with divisions and branches, then the adoption of several local acts regulating these issues is justified.

Step 1.

The first step is to decide which documents will be subject to the instructions intended to regulate document flow. Let us recall that the entire mass of papers is divided in the organization into internal (local), outgoing and incoming. The procedure for working with them will be different, so it is worth describing it in different sections.

Step 2.

Writing instructions (its sections). Separately provide for local acts: how they are adopted, how employees are familiarized with them, where and with whom local acts are stored. Based on incoming documentation, it is necessary to describe who and where registers incoming documentation, within what time frame, how the transfer of a document for execution is recorded, where the incoming document is stored after a response to it, and other procedural issues. For outgoing calls, similarly resolve the issue of the registration procedure, rules for sending, and signing.

Step 3.

The instructions must indicate which documents have an approved standard form, and when drawing up which documents should be guided by the approved GOST.

Step 4.

We determine the responsible persons for the implementation of each section of the instructions. We decide in what order, where, and under whose responsibility the documents will be stored.

Step 5.

We determine the need for additional sections of the instructions. Depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities, it may be necessary to indicate the procedure for making copies, the procedure for working with seals and stamps, and the procedure for exchanging documents between departments.

A number of documents may be subject to other local acts, for example, under the approved procedure for working with personal data or the procedure for preserving the organization’s trade secrets. It is advisable to make references to these local acts. In addition, work with documents in a number of organizations may also be regulated by special legislation - for example, document flow in credit organization falls under the Federal Law “On Banks and banking", which regulates the procedure for handling bank secrecy. These points should also be taken into account when drawing up instructions.

Step 6.

Approval of instructions and bringing them to the attention of employees. After this stage, the local act comes into force, and its implementation becomes mandatory for all employees of the company.

How to organize personnel records management

It is equally important for the company to think through personnel records management, step-by-step instructions 2019 will help with this.

The stages of organizing personnel document flow are, in principle, no different from the stages of establishing office work as a whole. A list of documents that will be compiled, amended, copied and distributed in accordance with the instructions for personnel records management is also determined. Here it is necessary to take into account that the organization has much less room for “imagination” in relation to personnel documents - what must be present in the company for personnel records is indicated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations. And for the absence or incorrect execution of personnel documents, considerable fines are provided. Therefore, the preparation of this instruction must be approached with the utmost seriousness.

Sections of the instructions for personnel records management should contain information about the standard documents developed in the company (for example, the approved form of an employment contract, orders), as well as the procedure for familiarizing employees with the documents. It is also necessary to reflect specific aspects of the activity specific organization: if schedules are drawn up, then in what time frame and in what order they are submitted for approval; if protective equipment is issued, then in what order records will be kept, etc.

It should also be taken into account that for organization of office work, including personnel, special software has been developed to automate these processes. Large companies currently use them, but this fact does not eliminate the need to develop and comply with instructions.

The changes in personnel records management in 2016 and those that will come into force in a few days are quite significant. These include new rules for hiring individual employees, simplified personnel records for micro-enterprises, and changes in the rules for assessing the skill level of employees. Let’s look at the main innovations that every HR manager needs to know about.

1 Simplified personnel records in micro-enterprises

Starting next year, thanks to Federal Law No. 348-FZ dated July 3, 2016, personnel records for micro-enterprises will be simplified. The management of such companies may completely or partially refuse to approve local regulations containing standards labor law. It's about, in particular, on internal labor regulations, provisions on wages and bonuses, shift schedules and other local personnel regulations.

At the same time, entrepreneurs will have to include all the conditions regulated by the above documents directly in the employment contract, the standard form of which was approved by government decree No. 858 of August 27, 2016. The work books of micro-enterprise employees have been retained, therefore, for those responsible for their accounting and maintenance, next year nothing will change.

Only companies with micro-enterprise status can forget about local regulations. This can be either legal or individual, which has no more than 15 employees, and income for the past calendar year does not exceed 120 million rubles. If individual entrepreneur or the company loses its micro-business status, within four months he/she will have to complete all “traditional” personnel documents.

2 Independent assessment of qualifications

From January 1, 2017, regulations regarding independent qualification assessment will come into force. It's a kind of test vocational training employees for compliance with established standards and qualification requirements. Personnel workers should remember that Federal Law No. 239-FZ of July 3, 2016 obliges the employer to provide an employee sent for a qualification assessment exam with all the guarantees established by labor legislation, collective agreements, agreements and other local regulations. That is, such an employee retains his place of work and average salary, he is also reimbursed for travel expenses.

Since undergoing an independent qualification assessment requires a fee, the legislator has provided the opportunity to compensate for the costs incurred. If an employee pays for the trip and the cost of the exam on his own, then he has the right to a personal income tax deduction for the amount of expenses incurred, but not more than 120 thousand rubles. If the employer paid for the qualification assessment, he is allowed to include all costs associated with testing as other costs associated with the production and sale of goods (work, services).

Please note that next year the qualification exam will not be mandatory. At the same time, officials do not hide that they plan to develop a list of positions for which only persons who have the appropriate testing certificates will be able to apply.

3 Additional information for employment

Starting next year, the list of documents required to conclude an employment contract will expand. Following the requirements of Part 1 of Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, personnel officers are now requesting from persons applying for work an identification document, a work book (if available), SNILS, military registration documents, and education data. In certain cases, a criminal record certificate and other documents established by federal law are required. From January 1, 2017, in accordance with Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 230-FZ, the list of additional documents is supplemented by a certificate stating whether the person was subjected to administrative punishment for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances substances. Such paper will be needed when applying for a job related to activities that are not permitted for persons subject to administrative punishment for drug use.

4 Permissible proportion of foreign workers

Personnel officers should also be aware of the permissible share foreign workers set for next year. The relevant Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 8, 2016 N 1315 states that it is allowed to attract up to half of foreigners from the total number of workers into the field of growing vegetables. This restriction does not apply to Krasnodar, Stavropol and Khabarovsk Territory, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Moscow, Rostov and Saratov regions.

In the field of sports it is allowed to attract up to 25% of foreign workers, and in companies engaged in retail trade in specialized stores alcoholic drinks and tobacco products, foreigners should be no more than 15% of the total number of employees.

As in 2016, foreign workers are not allowed to perform pharmaceutical work, as well as retail trade in non-stationary retail facilities, markets and other retail trade outside shops, tents, markets.

At the same time, the permissible share of foreign workers in the field of land passenger transport is reduced. Core companies that employ people from other countries must ensure that their number does not exceed 30% of the total number of employees, that is, 10% less than in 2016. Organizations in the field of road freight transport reduced the share of foreigners next year 35 to 30 percent.

Let us also remind you that from June 1, 2017, a ban on the admission of drivers with foreign licenses will come into force. Organizations that have employees with driver's licenses issued in other states should take care in advance to ensure that they do not violate the law, starting next summer.

5 Increasing the minimum wage and regional minimums

The minimum wage, as is known, is used to pay wages and calculate benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as for other purposes of compulsory social insurance. From July 1, 2016, the government increased this figure to 7,500 thousand rubles. In addition, Federal Law No. 460-FZ dated December 19, 2016 approved a parameter that will be in effect from July 1, 2017. It will be 7800 rubles.

At the same time, the increase in minimum wages in a particular region should be taken into account. If the salary at the enterprise is lower than that established for the subject, it is necessary to make an increase. Otherwise, according to the rules introduced by Federal Law No. 272-FZ dated July 3, 2016, the company faces large fines, and its officials- monetary sanctions and even disqualification for up to 3 years.

6 New deadlines for filing claims in labor disputes

Federal Law No. 272-FZ also increased the deadlines for going to court in connection with non-payment or incomplete payment of wages and other payments due to an employee. From October 3, 2016, an “offended” employee has the right to go to court within one year from the date deadline payment of the specified amounts. Previously, it was possible to file a complaint with the court only within three months, which allowed unscrupulous employers to avoid making full payments to their subordinates, especially if they quit.

Let us remind you that the reason for filing a claim may be low wages compared to the regional minimum, violation of payment terms, refusal to pay compensation in the amount of 1/150 of the key rate of the Bank of Russia for the delay in funds due.

7 Electronic sick leave

Officials insist that next year there will be new look documents confirming the temporary disability of citizens - electronic sick leave. The corresponding bill has already been approved in the first reading by deputies and after New Year's holidays the document may be accepted in its final form.

This does not mean that the authorities will abandon traditional paper hospital records: so far, not all medical institutions have the appropriate material base to connect to the automated information system and enjoy electronic signature. However, since the introduction of a new type of sick leave, HR officers and accountants should become much more less work. An electronic document is much more difficult to falsify and can always be verified. In addition, the new system will simplify interaction with the Social Insurance Fund, which, even after the transfer of rights to administer insurance premiums, will continue to monitor the correct calculation of social benefits.

8 Professional profile "HR and accounting" in Consultant Plus

In the fall of 2016, the developer of the Consultant Plus program released an update with which all HR employees were able to customize the program for themselves with one click. The new product is called “professional profile for accounting and personnel.” Its task is to simplify the work of specialists and optimize the time spent searching for materials on relevant topics. .

What changes approved by the authorities this year seem significant to you? Be sure to share with us and your colleagues in the comments to this material so that we can talk about it in detail.

The HR department is one of the most important links in any modern organization. Only thanks to the specialists of this service is it possible to effectively manage the activities of an enterprise.

HR administration from scratch, step-by-step instructions

But in order to properly organize its functioning it is necessary:

  • clearly define the job responsibilities of employees responsible for the development and preparation of the necessary documents; know the rules for the formation of executive bodies and appointment
  • managers;
  • correctly recruit new employees, transfer and dismiss them;
  • work on the basis of current laws in the field of personnel records management;
  • create the necessary acts and regulations at the enterprise level.

To quickly and competently organize effective activities HR department It is recommended to develop and use a special algorithm for performing the necessary actions.

Who is responsible for office work at the enterprise?

Before you create a plan for organizing effective document flow, you need to decide who will perform the role of HR specialist. Even in a small enterprise for intra-organizational document flow in staffing table Usually the position of secretary or clerk is included.

There are two main reasons for this:

  • large volumes of documentary work that the responsible person handles daily;
  • the need for a narrow specialization in working with documents, it is desirable that the appointed employee has an education in the specialty of a secretary-assistant, HR manager or clerical worker.

Of course, in practice it is acceptable to assign additional responsibilities to someone who also works with documents, such as a lawyer or accountant. However, this can seriously reduce the efficiency of the employee’s main activities, since paperwork requires a lot of attention.

The responsible person may be overloaded and fatal errors may occur in his work. Therefore, most often preference is given to introducing a separate position.

Steps and walkthroughs

The organization of any personnel records management system will consist of the following stages:

Mandatory documents

To establish stable operation The clerical service will need to create the following documents:

  • Staffing schedule. Contains information about positions existing in the organization. To draw up a document, it is necessary to refer to the current legislation, since its form is completely unified for all enterprises in the Russian Federation;
  • Time is a valuable resource. In order not to waste it on manually drawing up a new contract or job description each time, you should prepare templates for each position from the staffing table;
  • Creating a list of cases or making changes. The nomenclature of files is usually called a list of all types of documents created in an organization and an indication of their place and storage period. Usually it contains many sections, one of which should be devoted to personnel records management;
  • Internal labor regulations, according to which the daily work procedure, rest time and much more will be organized.

Manager's registration

If the organization has not yet appointed a manager, then this will be done first. He will be the one:

  • form administrative staff;
  • register constituent documents;
  • sign organizational, administrative and other documents.

The registration of the director occurs in accordance with the decision that the founder makes collectively or individually. They issue an order in relation to the person appointed as the first person of the enterprise.

Regulatory acts

For proper organization the work of the personnel records management service will require the use of the basic regulations of the current legislation:

Accounting documents

There are several main types of accounting documents, the maintenance of which ensures proper document flow:

  • Accounting sheet (or book) of enterprise personnel. It is entered into brief information on the number of employees;
  • Registration journal of employment contracts. Allows you to track the conclusion of all contracts with employees. Maintaining this journal ensures reliable storage of documents. Nothing will be lost without a trace; it can be used to track the presence or absence of labor agreements;
  • A registration log necessary for prompt tracking of personnel changes;
  • Logs of incoming and outgoing shipments. In them you can see the history of different business correspondence and clarify the sending or receipt of various letters;
  • A book of personal cards, which contains information about forms with personal data of employees. It is needed when there is a need to study the personal data of an employee.

Work books and their storage

Working with work books has two main features that must be taken into account.
An employee who is hired must provide his book to the employer. It will be kept by him until the termination of the employment contract.

If the work at the enterprise is part-time, then the book is not transferred for storage, but certified copies of it from the main place of work are provided.

In this document, the secretary makes a note that the employee has been hired by the organization, indicating his organizational form and name. This record is then certified by the head of the enterprise.

Registration of employees

In order to correctly register an employee, it is enough to follow a simple algorithm:

  • Take an application from the employee in which he will indicate information about what position he is applying for, what salary he is interested in, and what date he will start working.
  • Receive from the employee the necessary copies of documents, such as passport, SNILS, INN, bank details for transferring wages.
  • Conclude an employment contract and issue it under personal signature job description. These documents establish a legal connection between the employee and the employer.
  • Create a personal file, which will include an application and copies of documents. Fill out the card in form T2, in which write down all the necessary information.
  • Issue an order according to which the employee is hired.


Thus, in order to create a personnel records service, it is enough to use the above instructions for organizing its work. The main thing when creating such a service is to rely on the provisions of the current legislation and take into account the needs of the enterprise, depending on its organizational characteristics.