How to make three-dimensional paintings on canvas. Paintings for the interior: unique design with your own hands

  • 26.06.2019

Paintings created independently will help give a tired interior design a new character and flavor, as well as add a fresh spirit to the design of the kitchen, bedroom, and nursery. You can make unique paintings with your own hands from any available materials; this absolutely does not require professional art education. Stylish works of art that rightfully occupy a dominant role in the home are the ones bright accent, which can enliven the interior, filling it with individual features.

In fact, you can make a painting with your own hands from almost anything. Yes, yes, this is not a joke. Using imagination, all the creativity and creativity, you can really use any available materials: coins, shells, buttons, threads, pieces of fabric, leaves, dried berries, small branches, cutlery, sewing accessories, personal photographs and even miniature children's toys.

An excellent solution not only for the kitchen, but also for the bedroom, living room, and children's room. Such modular compositions look holistic due to a single trunk and branches extending from it. The background of each individual element corresponds to a specific season (autumn - orange, summer - emerald, spring - light green, winter - blue). The button foliage is also done in a tone that matches the seasons represented.

Button painting

Composition of buttons “Seasons”

A few more buttons

Buttons are an ideal material for creating interior paintings yourself. Using structure, size, shape and materials wisely, you can create real masterpieces without having to art education.

fluttering butterfly

Cat for cat lovers

Seascape from buttons

Color spectrum - rainbow

Leather products

Although leather is quite easy to process, painting is not so easy to handle. This requires an understanding of working with the material, knowledge of the basic properties of leather, considerable patience and perseverance. Therefore, it is recommended to first try to make small test compositions, and then move on to large-scale, fundamental works.

The most commonly used color palette in paintings made from genuine leather is brown-beige. But some daredevils are happy to use green, red, orange, and yellow scraps.

The main advantages of leather images:

  • Exclusivity – due to the originality of the material, it is impossible to repeat the picture exactly the same;
  • Relief – depth, elevations, highlights and shadows create an unsurpassed 3D effect, thanks to which the picture “comes to life”;
  • Availability - small pieces of leather can be found either at home or purchased at a flea market or from shoemakers for literally nothing.

Still life of colorful leather

A game of contrasts (red, black and white patches are used)

Convex leather flowers

Video master class: DIY leather painting

Panel of products

One of the most current techniques for creating paintings for the kitchen is considered to be object appliqué. Moreover, in this case, the most in demand are cereals, coffee beans, small dry vegetables and fruits, citrus peels, spices and the like.

Panels made from food products look harmonious in the interior of the kitchen, as they look not only stylish, but also appetizing.

Monochrome composition of black and white beans

Landscape of various cereals and seeds

Round panel made of legumes

Wallpaper in frame

Wallpaper paintings are a very budget-friendly addition to the interior. Moreover, you can create in several techniques at once: appliqué, 3D format, stretching on a wooden base, etc. The good thing about wallpaper is that it fits perfectly into any room in style - after all, the remnants of rolls purchased in abundance are used.

Ornament elements

creative collage

Panel from leftover wallpaper

Wallpaper frames

Applique of dried flowers and leaves

Pictures made from pre-dried vegetation also look unusual on the wall. Buds, flower buds, petals, small twigs, leaves, blades of grass - everything goes into use. Having drawn a pencil sketch on paper, the necessary elements are simply pasted on top, taking into account the preferred color and shape.

Vase with Flowers

Volumetric picture of dry vegetation

Unusual applique of flower petals

Photography in the kitchen interior

For those who prefer to follow the path of least resistance, wonderful way add color to the room - photographic paintings. In this case, it is enough to select a photo on the Internet or from personal archive, and print it on a wide-format color printer.

DIY photo triptych for the kitchen

Thematic composition of several photos

Photo collage on canvas

Fabric designs

Fabric paintings are also widely used in kitchen decoration. They always look original, colorful and stylish. To prevent dust and grease from penetrating inside, upon completion of the creation of a work of art, textiles are usually treated with varnish. For fabric products, synthetic material, burlap and silk are best suited.

Textile applique in 3D format

Flat applique from fabric scraps

Fabric painting made using a sewing machine

  • When creating a picture for the interior with your own hands, it is best not to be colorful with colors, but to use a tone that matches the design of the kitchen. You should also always adhere to the style of the overall interior design concept. For example, in a classic room, leather goods and linens painted in oil are acceptable. The following materials are suitable for high-tech style: glass, metal, mirror. Provence can be filled floral ornaments and paintings from cereals. Volumetric works look harmonious in modern and combined styles kitchens.
  • The color palette should include three primary colors and several (at the owner’s request) similar shades. Cold tones are allowed to be diluted with warm accents, but you need to take colors from the opposite spectrum.

Color spectrum: correct principles for combining shades

  • For convex shapes, you should always use alternating light and dark tones. Moreover, oversized dark volumes on a light plane look best. The principle of tandem of glossy and matte materials is approximately the same: matte should protrude above the glossy. This way, greater depth of the paintings and maximum 3D effect are achieved.
  • When making paintings yourself, be it applique or drawing, it is important to observe the basic compositional principles, dynamics and balance.

  • The easy way to make the picture original - to bring the internal drawing beyond the basic contour. For example, extend the image onto the frame or, with relief shapes, beyond the border of the frame.

Four simple master classes

Photo final result

You will need:

  • an empty candy box or any deep frame
  • double-sided colored paper
  • simple pencil, eraser
  • cardboard scraps
  • sharp scissors
  • PVA or transparent stationery glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. At the bottom of the candy box you need to draw a big heart. It is advisable that there be a distance of at least 20...50 mm to the frame (depending on the size of the box).
  2. Make several templates from cardboard different sizes in the shape of hearts.
  3. Cut out multi-colored paper hearts using cardboard templates. Fold each heart in half vertically.
  4. Glue together two hearts of the same color and size. Gluing is done along the edge of the upper figure.
  5. Place a composition of double miniature hearts inside the frame. It is important that you cannot go beyond the contours of the drawn big heart.
  6. Glue all the elements according to the laid out diagram. Glue should only be applied to the edges of the hearts.
  7. The volumetric 3D painting is ready! Then you can decorate it by painting a plain frame or using hanging decor (sweets on ribbons, paper butterflies on a fishing line, etc.).

DIY drawing

Photo of the final result

You will need:

  • colored cardboard
  • simple pencil, eraser
  • ruler
  • black marker or felt-tip pen
  • PVA glue
  • scissors

Even a child can make such a picture on his own. After all, exact shapes and proportions are not important here. The main thing is to skillfully use a ruler and pencil, and also have at least a little creative potential.

How to draw a picture yourself: step by step

Tip: The drawing can be left in monochrome or painted with colored pencils, watercolors, and wax crayons to match the interior color.

How to make a modular composition yourself

Photo of the final result

You will need:

  • piece of fabric (the size must be generous - each piece needs a margin of at least 10 cm in width and 10 cm in height)
  • pieces of plywood and wood slats for the frame
  • foam or chipboard for the base
  • furniture stapler
  • scissors
  • tape measure or long ruler
  • a simple pencil or chalk (chalk is useful if the fabric is dark in color)

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Two options for creating a base for a painting with your own hands:
  • Making a stretcher with your own hands. Saw the ends of the slats at 45 degrees and connect them with glue or a stapler. For reliability, it is recommended to fix small isosceles triangles at the corners of the frame. Triangles can be made from plywood or fiberboard. Also, for structural rigidity, you can stretch the fabric around the perimeter, attaching it with a stapler.

    Making a subframe with your own hands

  • Cut the finished base strictly to size from chipboard (16...25 mm) or prepared polystyrene foam.

    Chipboard base

    1. Fixing textile fabric. Cut the fabric to a size larger than the stretcher, taking into account all the folds. Next, you should slightly moisten the material and only then begin to stretch it onto the base. Corners require special care and attention.

    Advice: first you need to stretch the long sides of the future painting, and then the short ones.

    Before fixing one of the sides, you need to make sure that the material is not crumpled or crushed.

    1. That's all - modular picture ready. Using the same principle, you can make a photo decoration for the interior.

    DIY kitchen decor made from threads

    Photo finished work

    You will need:

    • base - you can use wood, laminated chipboard, cork board, etc.
    • miniature carnations with wide heads (so that the thread does not slip off)
    • medium-thick ball of thread
    • scissors
    • hammer

    Step-by-step master class

    This technique of creating paintings yourself is only the first step towards making masterpiece works of art from threads. Having learned the basics, you will be able to make paintings of the most complex configurations from multi-colored threads.

    Thread paintings: video master class

    Be bursting with ideas, create and get creative - let the interior paintings made by yourself please not only you, but also amaze, amaze, and delight your guests! Stylish interior the kitchen and the whole house are the merit of proactive owners who are not afraid to experiment.

Decorating your home yourself is a matter of honor for craftsmen and craftswomen who prefer original and unique interior. Modern trends in interior decoration dictate the use of relatively modest and laconic objects.

Do-it-yourself modular paintings are just such minimalist types of decorations. Their simple geometric shape, the absence of frames, glass and other unnecessary details, allows you to create them yourself.

What are modular paintings?

As the name suggests, these decorative elements consist of several individual parts(modules) that are united by a common artistic idea and are placed on the wall in a certain order.

As a rule, do-it-yourself modular paintings made from photo wallpaper or other materials, just like factory-made products, have a certain thickness. That is, they form a three-dimensional composition. The depth of individual modules can be the same (most often) or different. In the second case, the difference in volume allows you to create the effect of a three-dimensional image.

DIY modular paintings: types

The main material for creating such decor can be used:

  • wallpaper (regular or photo wallpaper);
  • photos;
  • colored paper;
  • textile;
  • canvas.

Products drawn by hand on paper or canvas become truly original. However, the ease of making modular paintings opens up wide opportunities even for those who are far from the world of creativity. When using ready-made painted materials, the main skill required is the accuracy of a home craftsman.

The arrangement of elements can be linear, diagonal or abstract. The modules are given completely different shapes: square, round, arbitrary. True, the simplest one for making a house is still rectangular.

How to place finished products

When thinking about how to make a modular picture with your own hands, you should think about its placement in advance. As a rule, empty areas of walls above sofas, along stairs or between doorways need to be decorated and filled.

The diagram below offers various options for the arrangement of elements of modular paintings, which will also be useful for those who plan to place a large number of photographs or panels.

Paintings on canvas

Do-it-yourself modular paintings, created as an alternative to original canvases, imply the use of high-quality materials and specific technology. The basis for applying the decorative layer is canvas.

Available in art stores wide choose various blanks, including a durable wooden subframe with a canvas stretched over it. The assortment of such stores often depends on the demand for similar products, so find materials in provincial cities may be problematic. The solution is to search and buy everything you need in online stores.

The selected pattern is applied to the finished base using any available technique (oil, pastel). Such modular paintings, made with your own hands, are a real work of art.

In cases where the image cannot be drawn, it can be applied to the canvas using a special printer. A ready-made base with a subframe will not be suitable for this task. You will need to purchase the canvas and mounting for it separately. Canvas printing is a fairly common service offered by many printing houses.

An important point: before you make a modular picture with your own hands, you should carefully plan the location and boundaries of each of its elements. The canvas with the printed design must be stretched on a stretcher, which means that each element of the composition must be printed separately with a sufficient supply of clean canvas around the edges.

Using scrap materials

Unlike the previous method, it is much easier to make modular paintings from wallpaper with your own hands. As decorative material You can use any wallpaper you like, a drawing printed in a printing house, family photographs, portraits of your favorite film artists, or decoupage cards.

For such paintings you will also need a stretcher with chipboard or plywood. You can buy it or make it yourself. Color image lined, cut out and attached to the flat base of the stretcher. For fixation, use special glue, double-sided tape or a construction stapler. The disadvantage of using liquid glue is that the paper softens and deforms, so you should experiment in advance on an unnecessary fragment and select a suitable material.

Before you make a modular picture with your own hands from photo wallpaper, you need to make sure that the finished elements are correctly matched on the wall and create a single plot. Therefore, wallpaper cutting should be carried out taking into account hem allowances. An alternative would be to cover the end of the subframe with another material. In this case, the area of ​​the picture coincides with the surface area of ​​the subframe.

DIY modular painting: master class

Fabric is a fairly popular material for making modular paintings. Its color can be any, at the discretion of the owner of the house. For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • stretcher;
  • decorative fabric;
  • scissors;
  • meter or tape measure;
  • glue or construction stapler;
  • additional elements (fasteners for hanging, tape for finishing the end, decor).

To cut fabric, it is better to make a pattern according to the size of each fragment. Parts with hem allowances should be cut out carefully, especially if we're talking about about material with a geometric pattern. If you allow a distortion, it will be very noticeable and will have to be redone.

The beauty of using fabric is that you don't have to try to match the edges of the future modular picture. This greatly simplifies the work.

The subframe can be wooden or foam. When choosing the second option, you should refuse to use glue, since it will be almost impossible to achieve uniform sizing of the fabric.

Sequence of work

The cut out fragments are placed on the surface of the subframe and fixed with temporary fasteners at several points (pins or thin nails). Then the workpiece should be turned over, allowances should be placed on the wrong side and sequentially attached to the stretcher. You should start with the long sides, then move to the short ones. IN last resort fold and fix the corners.

It is necessary to avoid excessive tension of the canvas, as this will lead to deformation of the pattern. If desired, the ends can be treated with tape, and decorative elements can be attached to the front surface of the painting.

Lastly, the hinges are nailed from the inside out and then the pictures are hung on the wall.

Not every person decides to hang beautiful paintings in their own kitchen. And this despite the fact that designers highly recommend decorating the kitchen with your own hands. After all, they will be able to bring something new and unusual to this room. DIY kitchen paintings are considered a new trend in transforming rooms.

If you want to decorate your kitchen with paintings, then first of all you will need inspiration. But how to find it?

The search for new ideas for inspiration should be drawn from everywhere. Don’t discard even those that initially seem too simple and banal. They may end up being exactly what you need.

Also save up vivid impressions. Find some nice box and put in it all those interesting things that you hope to later decorate your kitchen with.

Realize your potential in new genres. To create something interesting, you need to try new ideas.

Coffee and seasonings for paintings for the kitchen

Make a canvas with my own hands quite simple. For this you only need certain tools and materials:

  • various cereals;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • beans;
  • Bay leaf;
  • coffee beans;
  • thick fabric;
  • cinnamon bark.

Making canvas for a painting

First you need to prepare the cardboard. You will need to cut a rectangle or square from it. It depends on how you want the picture to look.

After this, the resulting blank is traced over the fabric, an allowance of five centimeters is made and cut out.

Next, you need to place cardboard on the fabric, cut off the corners of the fabric and glue it to the cardboard. To prevent the fabric from unraveling, its corners will need to be glued with special care. You pull the burlap onto the cardboard very tightly with your own hands.

Drawing for a painting

If you did everything written above with your own hands, then you should have a canvas. Now you need to make a drawing by laying out coffee beans and cereals on the canvas. What the picture for the kitchen will be like depends solely on personal imagination. The material can be laid out either loosely or tightly.

After you have designed the pattern, you need to glue all the elements of the picture. You can use regular glue, but it’s best to find a silicone gun with your own hands, since with its help gluing occurs much faster.

At this point, the process of making this painting can be considered complete.

Paintings from cereals and seeds (video)

Crafts from cutlery for the kitchen

In this case we will not talk about standard paintings for kitchens, but more about the panel.

Paintings from buttons and plates

The more buttons, the much better. They will be the basis for the paintings. They will need to be sewn onto thick fabric. After that, they are inserted into the frame and glued with glue. Interesting plates are hung in the center and on the sides and painted acrylic paints. The masterpiece is ready!

Pictures of spoons and forks

You can also sew forks and metal spoons onto thick fabric. They will need to be painted with enamel, after which you will get a wonderful still life.

Their plastic materials You can make more interesting pictures for the kitchen. Plastic forks and spoons are easy to paint and can be glued to any surface.


With the help of cross stitch you can create incredibly beautiful pictures for the kitchen. Such paintings are considered simply stunning decor for this room. All drawings and pictures can be made from:

  • various products;
  • colors;
  • dishes.

You may not have paid attention to many items before. Now, thanks to the paintings, you will be able to feel all their beauty and charm. In order to make such a picture with your own hands, The following materials and tools are needed:

  • fabric (canvas is best);
  • two scissors (large and small);
  • threads (preferably floss);
  • marker for marking;
  • special warmed needle;
  • hoops (suitable in various shapes, sizes and from any materials).

All these materials are most often included in a general embroidery kit.

Available materials


Mosaic opens up great scope for the implementation of creative ideas for the kitchen. You can make paintings in the form of a mosaic from the following materials:

  • glass;
  • eggshells;
  • broken tiles;
  • rhinestone

Using the instructions below, you can easily do mosaic painting:

  • cardboard of the required size is taken as a basis;
  • glue is applied to it;
  • put all the necessary elements on it;
  • To fix small details, the product is coated with varnish.


In making paintings with your own hands in the kitchen you can use completely non-standard methods. Using ordinary household items the most incredible pictures are created. For example, thanks to ordinary knives and other objects, you can create an incredible composition. Therefore for this you need materials such as:

  • A4 photo frame;
  • glue;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • cutlery in the form of a knife and other utensils;
  • pieces of fabric.

DIY flower painting

The essence of this picture is to collect dried flowers. It's absolutely easy to make. Such flowers can be bought at any specialized store.

We take the base and glue the flowers with glue. Leaves and petals are drawn using pencils and felt-tip pens. If desired, you can even glue dried grass.

Leather painting for the kitchen

In this case, both suede and real leather are suitable. Its pieces are combined with paints, fabric and other materials. The most important thing is that with any such combination the picture will look amazing.

Paper painting

Unfortunately, this picture will not last long. But very beautiful. You can make both origami and quilling. Basically, such masterpieces are made by children, for whom the manufacturing process brings a lot of pleasure.

Paper painting (video)

Decorating with posters

Posters are considered large images, which can convey someone’s image or some idea. Black and white posters are considered the ancestor of posters.

Exists several types of posters:

  • depicted on canvas;
  • printed on paper that imitates canvas;
  • printed on photo paper

Making them for the kitchen is absolutely easy. All you have to do is find the image you need.

Foam painting for the kitchen

A lot of foam blocks remain after purchasing various household appliances. Many people throw it away, and do it completely in vain. After all, if you get creative, you can use it to make a kind of picture for the kitchen.

Initially, you will need to prepare some image. It will need to be glued to the surface of the foam. The sides of the block are also covered with paper of the desired color. To hang the resulting picture in the kitchen, all you need to do is attach a small loop to the back of it.

Master class on making a picture frame (video)


You read in this article about the main types of paintings that you can make with your own hands. As you may have noticed, there is nothing complicated in creating them. So feel free to start experimenting!

Paintings for the kitchen (photo)

A beautiful, sophisticated interior of an apartment is not only about beautiful fashionable furniture, lamps and expensive finishing materials. Since ancient times, paintings have been one of the ways to decorate your own home. Paintings painted by professional artists are modern and stylish, but paintings made for the interior with your own hands are exactly the zest that will give the design your soul and make it more alive and interesting. In this article we will tell you how to make a painting on the wall with your own hands with the least amount of time, effort, money and without any special artistic talent.

Where to begin?

If you decide to decorate the interior of your home own painting, then start by looking for a source of inspiration. Any ideas, even the most fanciful, abstract or completely banal, will be useful to you in the creative process. Prepare a separate box or container in which you will put things to create a picture.

Dig into your hidden creative reserves and try yourself different genres. For example, if sewing has always been your favorite pastime, then try making a picture out of fabric. Such products have always been at the peak of fashion. If you like to embroider, then make a picture for the interior using embroidery. This will be the most in a simple way to make a painting for the wall yourself. Start with something simple, and later you can create a small piece of art.

Simple wall decor idea

Making a picture from wallpaper with your own hands is the simplest and most accessible solution to everyone, without exception, because after covering the walls in your apartment with wallpaper, there are still unsold surplus finishing materials. Using your imagination and scraps of wallpaper, you can paste out an image of a fairytale castle, a hut on chicken legs, or a sailboat on the wall of a children's room. The more types of wallpaper you use, the more interesting and colorful the picture will be.

You can also make an abstract picture from wallpaper. To do this, you will need a sheet of hard cardboard, a suitable format, and scraps of wallpaper with the most effective patterns and textures. Place the resulting masterpiece in a frame and hang it on the wall.

Important! The color scheme of the painting should be in harmony not only with the color of the wall, but also with other interior elements. Usually, an abstract picture made from wallpaper is hung in the central place of a plain wall, since it can get lost against a colorful background.

Alternatively, you can insert pieces of wallpaper into frames or use small candy boxes with sides for frames. An original decoration suitable for the kitchen.

  • To fix the cut out elements on the wall, use PVA glue or similar.
  • If you plan to use several wallpaper paintings in one room, then make them based on the same type of material so that similar elements are present in the decor.
  • Place the manufactured product in a visible place - opposite the entrance to the room. Then it will immediately catch your eye and become the main element of the interior.

How to create your own photo wallpaper?

Bright and eye-catching photo wallpapers are still at the peak of popularity. If you do not like any of the images offered for sale, then you can order a print of the selected photograph, drawings, and paste over one wall with the manufactured material or decorate the interior of the room around the entire perimeter.

To make a picture on the wall with your own hands using photo wallpaper, follow the following steps.

Preparatory stage

Decide on the image you want to see on the wall and prepare the materials necessary for the creative process.

To make a masterpiece you will need:

  • A printer.
  • Colored ink for printing designs.
  • Paper for photo wallpaper (thick).
  • High-quality glue with which you will firmly stick the drawings to the wall.

Important! If you decide to make photo wallpaper from photographs, then they must have a high resolution. To adjust the resolution, use the programs BlowUP, Genuine fractals, Magnifier, etc. Low-quality paintings will be blurry and will look unaesthetic, which means that the idea of ​​​​making a painting on the wall with your own hands will not be appreciated.

Print the photo wallpaper on a regular color printer using A4 paper. If you want to print large-sized drawings, then contact specialized companies that provide printing services on large-format sheets.

Creating a painting

You can use the standard method of printing drawings and decorate the wall in the room with them, or you can use the following options:

  1. Create photo wallpaper from improvised materials. Perhaps you have original pictures, as well as a large number of photos you want to display on your wall. Using pictures and photographs, create a custom composition by gluing them on the wall or a separate part of it.
  2. If the image for photo wallpaper has a high resolution and the main shades of the wallpaper are combined with the style of color range rooms, then print out large-format photo wallpapers and stick them on the entire wall. Such a composition can be decorated with additional elements: lamps, neon lighting of the appropriate shade, or framed with the help of decorative strips and moldings.
  3. Above the bed or sofa, you can glue an image from a photo wallpaper and choose a suitable frame. You will get a real picture.
  4. To make a three-dimensional picture, photo wallpaper can be glued to a wooden or other base.
  5. To create a modular picture from photo wallpaper, visually divide the overall picture into several parts. This painting will look great indoors modern style or hi-tech.

Important! For modular paintings, use landscapes or still lifes as images. Do not use portraits, as dividing a character into several parts is unacceptable.

  1. Using photo wallpaper you can make a poster for the wall. The brighter and more saturated the image, the more interesting the picture will look.
  • Before you start printing images, decide what size canvases are suitable for your wall interior. This is especially important if you plan to hang the picture on a limited surface.
  • If you have a free wall in the room, then a huge modular painting consisting of a huge number of components. To make the composition look original, use canvases of different sizes, as well as the principle of asymmetry.
  • To make a picture on the wall with your own hands, use wood, thick cardboard, foam plastic, plastic and other sheet panels as a basis for modular images various materials. Apply the images to the base itself using glue. After complete drying, hang the composition on the wall.
  • To ensure that your original photo wallpaper lasts as long as possible, use a special protective film or clear varnish. This will protect the surface of the drawing from dust and damage.

We decorate the wall with finishing materials

A wall lined with wild stone, mosaic or decorative brick looks very impressive. You can complement the interior of the room with a false fireplace made of plaster.

An interesting way to decorate a wall is to use decorative plaster. This design has many advantages:

  • Helps hide minor wall defects.
  • Lasts a long time.
  • Easy to apply.
  • As a result, you can get a varied relief.

Using decorative plaster on the wall you can create geometric figures, various patterns. An interesting effect is obtained by using plaster with a pearlescent tint, as well as when using multi-colored plaster. There is complete scope for creativity here, thanks to which you can show your talent as an artist and make a very unusual painting on the wall with your own hands.

Using paint for interior decoration

One of in the most beautiful ways wall decoration is painting. Even in ancient times, such decoration was practiced in palaces and temples, and real masters decorated the walls with beautiful frescoes. The wall must be prepared for painting: putty and primer. To create a contrasting wall, use water-based paints, and for artistic painting, use acrylic paints.

We offer you several ideas:

  1. If a plain surface does not inspire you, then use masking tape make it striped or checkered.
  2. By painting part of the wall with special multi-colored slate paints, you will turn it into a large notepad for writing.
  3. With the help of artistic painting you can decorate the interior of a nursery, living room, bedroom. If artistic skills are completely absent, then in order to make a picture on the wall with your own hands, use stencils or vinyl stickers. Stickers, if necessary, can be easily peeled off the wall, and their range is varied.
  4. Using paints you can make panels. You will only need: a base for the drawing, paints and tape to delimit the sectors on the base. Using tools, divide the picture into sectors and paint them with different colors.

Decorate the wall with framed photographs, paintings and mirrors

Paintings and photographs fit into any interior style - you just need to choose the right subject and frame.

Important! There should not be too many paintings and photos, as each of them is a bright accent. Photos can be constantly changed, for example, after joyful event in the family or after another trip. You can create both black and white compositions and color ones. Looks original painted on the wall a big tree, and on the branches there are family photographs. The apartment with family photographs in the interior has a special charm and looks very cozy and welcoming.

Use the following tips when decorating:

  • Do not hang pictures of the same size exactly in a row, as it looks ugly and quite boring. Better to place it in the center a large photograph and Along the edges, create a composition of small photographs.
  • When choosing photos for the interior, take into account the atmosphere of the room in which they will be located, for example, romantic photographs are suitable for the bedroom, general family photographs for the living room, and cheerful, cheerful photographs for the children’s room.
  • If you want to decorate a wall with a mirror, then choose an interesting frame for it, but remember that a large mirror can be placed in the living room, bedroom or hallway, but in a nursery a small mirror or no mirror at all is desirable.

Decorating walls with paintings made of fabric and embroidery

We will offer you several interior design ideas if you are interested in embroidery and textile crafts:

  1. A composition of several paintings with different fabrics, but a common shade of color in each of them, will look good. You can make such wall paintings with your own hands either from one piece of fabric or from individual scraps.
  2. Made from fabric with large drawing You can make several paintings and place them in one composition. In this case, the paintings must be made the same size and hung at a distance from each other. Such remoteness will give the composition a special charm.
  3. You can make a painting on the wall with your own hands from fabric, which repeats an element of the interior with its design.
  4. Pictures made from scarves look interesting. This decor would be appropriate in a children’s room or if you decide to give preference to country or Provence styles.
  5. Fabric paintings look original when stretched onto hard cardboard. There is one more convenience for you personally - over time, the composition will not lose its shape and will look as attractive as when it was created.

Master class on creating paintings for walls

If you can’t determine for yourself exactly what exactly you would like to do or you’re not good at combining materials, we offer a few ideas with step by step instructions. Surely this will help you do it original painting on the wall with your own hands.

Idea 1 – Abstract painting made of blue turquoise tulle

To make a painting you will need: canvas, scissors, glue and scraps of colored tulle (chiffon or nylon tape).

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. Choose fabric for the painting in related shades, such as turquoise or blue.
  2. Cut the tulle into strips of different widths.
  3. Place the prepared strips on the canvas in any order and then glue.
  4. Blot any remaining glue with a piece of cloth.
  5. Hide the ends of the strips on the back side of the canvas.
  6. Secure them.

Idea 2 – Painting made from natural materials and gold paint

This DIY wall painting is unique in that it does not require complex materials to create.

For creativity you will need:

  • thick cardboard or piece of plywood;
  • a piece of any plain fabric;
  • a tin of paint;
  • brush;
  • glue stick;
  • branch of rowan or other tree;
  • gold paint in aerosol.

Instructions for registration:

  1. Cover thick cardboard with fabric.
  2. Paint it, for example, blue with a brush or sponge.
  3. While the paint is drying, put the twig under a press for a couple of days to dry it.
  4. Glue the prepared twig to the fabric (there should be a little glue).
  5. Apply gold spray paint to the entire surface of the canvas.
  6. Once the paint is dry, remove the branch.

Important! Using this method, you can make more than one painting on the wall with your own hands. Use paint of different colors and branches various trees to make a whole plot composition from several elements.

Idea 3 – Fabric butterflies

Fabric butterflies will be a wonderful decoration for walls with drapery, other soft finishes, as well as walls with monotonous liquid wallpaper. Both plain and variegated fabrics are suitable for making butterflies. It is better to attach soft butterflies with PVA glue.

Important! It is better to make butterflies of different sizes, colors and configurations. Then the interior will definitely not look boring. And if you frame them in one or several places, the composition will look like a full-fledged painting on the wall, made by yourself.

Paintings for the interior from crafts

You can attach various crafts made from buttons, coffee beans, and old newspapers to the wall. Let's look at a few easy-to-implement ideas:

  • Old newspapers in frames look original. They can be used to decorate one wall entirely, or by cutting it into small strips, gluing it onto a sheet of paper, cutting out any shape you like and decorating the wall with it. This solution would be especially appropriate if you are decorating your living room in a retro style.
  • You can use buttons to decorate the walls in your home. Take fabric or a piece of wallpaper as a base. Glue buttons of various colors and sizes. For the base, select a frame and hang the picture made from buttons on the wall. Of such small parts You can make a specific pattern or even lay out an entire thematic picture with several characters.
  • The kitchen can be decorated with a mosaic or a painting made from coffee beans. For the base, you can take fabric or a piece of wallpaper, or you can immediately glue the grains onto the wall, in a pre-glued frame.
  • You can decorate the wall with a panel in the form of scales. To make it, you will need paper circles of the same size, spray paint, glue or a stapler, and for the base - chipboard or any other base. Cover the chipboard with circles and secure them with glue or a stapler. Then, using spray paint, paint all the circles golden.

Painting in the house allows you to create home comfort, as well as the atmosphere complementing the style and interior. If the drawings on the wall are made with your own hands, then they will be more beautiful and original than purchased options.

You don’t have to be an artist like Albrecht, the main thing is to remove doubts, choose a material and technique for decorating walls, creating paintings and start working. In addition, photos and videos on the Internet with master classes presented will allow you to create the most unusual drawings for your home.

Looking for an idea for a painting

You shouldn’t expect that inspiration or an idea will come on its own, this option is not suitable, you need to look for a way out and a method of decorating the house yourself. It is recommended not to initially look at how paintings are created online, but to try to trust your instincts. Having made several options that will be written down on the sheet, something will appear. To create paintings, a family, a child, the main desire can be brought into the house, and even concrete walls will look beautiful with a painting.

In addition, it is free, especially when using improvised materials. To create paintings, you can use more than just a brush and paint; coffee beans, varnishes, buttons, a combination of products, kanzashi or quilling are suitable. If the style of the apartment is antique, then it is recommended to use black and white photos for paintings or use old letters, glue dried flowers and photographs onto the canvas.

Knowing what you want, the necessary technology for decorating the painting and the right material are selected. Mothers can use drawings of what their children did when they were in kindergarten and make a panel. Such a pattern is priceless; it can decorate not only children’s rooms, but also the parents’ bedroom. It is recommended to make an art book for the corridor. To simplify it, you can download the Archage program and use it to create the desired image for the walls.

Paintings made of fabric and paper, master class

Making a painting with your own hands from scrap materials is very simple; fabric and paper are often used for this. In addition, you can use not a whole piece of fabric, but only a scrap, different types textiles look good and complement each other in an unusual way. If there is a large pattern on the fabric, then it is recommended to create several paintings at once, but place them as one pattern. In other words, use a modular drawing scheme. You will need to hang them at a distance and make each canvas the same size. This cladding adds charm.

The decoration is made from scarves, satin material is used. This material is best used on children’s walls to create a fabulous decor. Scarves are used for Provence style. For a fabric painting, cardboard or plasterboard is used, on which the material is stretched; you can press the fabric with a nail or staples. Step by step you can make a picture from fabric with tulle or curtains like this:

  1. Select the size and material. Better to use blue colors or white.
  2. Next, the fabric is cut into ribbons of different widths.
  3. The decorative material is applied to the canvas in a chaotic manner, after which all the scraps can be glued.
  4. The remaining glue is blotted off.
  5. The ends of the material are hidden behind the frame and secured using a nail or stapler.

Gold paint and natural materials are used:

  1. Cover the gypsum sheet, plastic, cardboard or board with fabric.
  2. Paint the template in the desired color using a roller or brush, acrylic paints.
  3. While the dye dries, you need to dry the rowan branch or leaves, and then stick the natural material onto the plaster.
  4. A gold can of spray paint is used to process the canvas, creating a pattern.
  5. After drying, the branch is removed and the drawing is ready.

Using this method you can make different compositions; you can use a butterfly, shells, roses, glass, fruit, coin and other materials. A good and creative option is fabric butterflies, which can be draped or other soft material used. This application is suitable for walls on which liquid wallpaper is applied.

To make a butterfly, you need plain and variegated fabric. It is better to use PVA for fastening; it is inexpensive but reliable. It is recommended to create butterflies of different sizes, designs and appearances so that the effect is better and the house becomes a living room. If you add another frame, the imitation will become like a full-fledged painting.

The hallway, hall or bedroom is decorated with paper paintings. The design will immediately transform, in addition, you can use newspaper, make a 3D drawing or use the technique of volumetric decoupage. Below are several options for decorating walls with drawings using different papers:

Windows and slopes can be decorated with paintings made of beads or beads, making abstractions, or with certain skills, show creativity and depict characters. For the kitchen, you can use paintings in the form of panels that resemble scales.

To create you need:

  1. Cut paper circles of the same size and thickness.
  2. Cover the OSB board or other wooden material with cut out pieces and fix it to the panel with glue or staples.
  3. Paint the material gold.
  4. This decoration is cheap and beautiful. Any fastener for a painting can be made from OBS.

Using thread, you can make different designs from paper for garlands, and then secure them to the wall with nails. The wall covering looks modern, and if there is lighting, the painting in the room will shimmer effectively. If wood is used, you can cut it geometric pattern, make a dotted pattern or use the wood burning technique. Placed on the wall as a wooden painting family tree, the method of decoration is interesting and unusual, where the entire family will be represented, how many people there were and are in the family.

DIY interior painting ideas (video)

Coffee and seasonings for paintings for the kitchen

The kitchen is where most of the time is spent, so there must be pictures on the walls. You can decorate kitchen walls with your own hands very simply and for this you can use different materials that nature has provided:

  1. Corn.
  2. Cereals.
  3. Coffee.

In addition you will need:

  1. Cardboard.
  2. Glue.
  3. Textile.

Inside such paintings you can hang trinkets or add a mirror. Pictures made from coffee beans are ideal for the kitchen. The step-by-step creative manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Cardboard is prepared, from which you need to cut out the shape of a square or rectangle. It all depends on the shape of the future painting.
  2. Next, the fabric is marked and cut out, leaving allowances of 5 cm.
  3. The fabric material is applied to the cardboard, the corners are cut off and the material is glued. The fabric can stretch, so it is better to stretch it and paste it carefully so that the picture does not deteriorate through a short time. Burlap is ideal for this task.
  4. To give the finishing of the painting more impact, some grains or grains can be painted before application.
  5. When the canvas is ready, you need to apply the drawing. To do this, coffee beans and cereals are laid out on the canvas. The final picture depends only on the artist’s imagination. You can arrange the material in any way you like.
  6. Having made the pattern, the materials need to be fixed in the picture. For this, glue is used, it is better to use a silicone-based one and use a construction gun, it will be faster and easier.

When the glue has dried, the picture can be hung on the wall. Even brick walls will be adequately decorated with such a painting, especially since this is a homemade copy.

Drawing for a painting

Painting is varied; when decorating the walls of a house, the easiest way would be to paint a picture. The theme can be used differently, depending on preferences and skills. Although even if you don’t have the skills, you can use a stencil and use abstractionism. Different paints are used for work:

  1. Oily.
  2. Acrylic.
  3. Gouache.

Canvas for paintings is used as a basis; if there is no canvas, then the walls are replaced with thick paper or wood, onto which a primer is applied. You can get inspiration in nature, looking at the autumn, forest landscape. If there is no such place for inspiration, then the picture depicts animals, fruits or vegetables, as well as any drawings. A baguette or any other convenient material is used for the frame. Without skills, it is better to find an image that you want to draw, print it and create a picture using a template.

The easiest way to apply a design to a painting is to use paint from a spray can. In this case, the base of the picture should be made of plywood or cardboard. The background is made of a different color so that the drawing in the picture does not merge with it. For example, flowers go well with gold and silver, and the sea breeze can also be depicted on a gold background. A good design move is to create three-layer paintings or modular drawings. If you have no drawing experience at all, then stickers will come to the rescue.

We create paintings from scrap materials

You can make drawings on the walls from various available materials, the main thing is the desire to create beautiful drawing Even a novice artist can do it. As available materials, you can use clay, letters, various types of covering, for example, embroidery, leather. If there is a niche in the house, you can decorate it with tiles, mosaics, or use photo wallpaper, artificial or natural materials for painting on the walls.

Advice! Also three-dimensional drawing on the wall it is done using plaster or putty, but in this case it is necessary to level the wall. The combination of wool, wood and leather looks good. Do-it-yourself photos of paintings made from scrap materials will help you make a choice to decorate your living room, bedroom, and even balcony.

On the wall with the fireplace, you can use brick or tiles. Here are two options for picture frames that go well without canvas, made from unedged board, just drill into the wall and hang the frames. A plasticine pattern for walls is perfect for different rooms; if desired, you can make any design using colored plasticine.

If you use a polymer material, namely clay, then even a small children's room will look beautiful before and after renovation. Wood carving looks gorgeous, but it is very difficult to create drawings from a carved board without skills, so the price for such a drawing for walls is high. In addition, laser devices are used to create high-quality images. If you have money, then it’s worth decorating your living room or hall.

A fashionable look for a room with partitions, if you apply a drawing directly to the partition, it can even be by printing the picture and using a stencil, and if you have drawing skills, then use a simple pencil to create a picture on the wall. The option, as in the photo above, is complemented by a sofa and the room as a whole. Using your imagination, you can make a drawing in the form money tree, on the wall using available material or a family tree.