Cobain and Courtney Love. Courtney Love wrote Kurt Cobain's suicide note

  • 13.06.2019
0 July 7, 2017, 10:59 pm

Courtney Love will turn 53 on July 9. The star's life was rich in a variety of events. But one of the most striking was the relationship with Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain. People knew about her short marriage to the musician. literally All. Moreover, their relationship is still the subject of loud discussions. Already during their first meeting, it became clear that they had found each other. the site decided to remember under what circumstances they met.

By 1990, Kurt Cobain had already established himself as an artist. He gave concerts in many cities and continued to gain popularity. The musician managed to organize a group, which, however, broke up just a year after its creation. Creative search led to the birth of Nirvana. Bleach's debut album was released in 1989. Then no one had any doubts that the newly minted Music band success awaits.

Cobain was able to determine the mood of the listeners in a very timely manner, which is why his compositions were such a resounding success. And Courtney Love, by the way, was one of the army of Nirvana fans. She herself was actively involved in music, trying herself in different directions.

In 1990, Courtney Love managed to attend a Kurt Cobain concert. She was so delighted that she definitely wanted to meet him. By the way, we didn’t have to wait long. Their first meeting took place quite soon, although under very strange circumstances...

It all happened on the evening of January 12, 1990 in one of the nightclubs in Portland (Oregon). That day, Kurt and the group were preparing to present their compositions to the audience, where Love came with her friend.

Courtney saw Kurt just a few minutes before the band went on stage.

You look like David Perner

- Love burst out.

There was some truth in Courtney's phrase: the Nirvana lead singer really looked like the leader of the band Soul Asylum with his long hair. But David washed his hair only once a week and looked rather unkempt. Of course, such a comparison offended Kurt. But for Courtney there was only a way to meet the musician she liked. Cobain reacted very sharply and pushed Love.

It happened in front of the jukebox, which was playing my favorite song by the rock band Living Color... recalled Courtney Love.

Both fell to the floor, but Courtney was quicker than Kurt. She was taller than him and physically stronger. They almost hurt their heads, but everything was turned into a joke. Kurt helped Love up and handed her one of his talismans.

Later, the leader of Nirvana admitted that he immediately felt physical attraction to the girl and wanted to get to know her better, but she very soon left the establishment.

This is one version, but there is another... Some argue that Corny insulted Kurt with an impudent remark: she said that his songs were uninteresting. The musician flew into a rage and attacked the girl, but the fight almost escalated into hot sex: trying to calm Courtney down, Kurt kissed her passionately.

No matter how the details of that evening in a club in Portland are retold, one thing is certain - this meeting turned their lives upside down. At that time, Cobain was still in a relationship, and Corney had only recently gone through a divorce, so both of them, it would seem, could not even entertain the idea of ​​having an affair with each other...

More than a year later, in May 1991, they crossed paths at a concert in Los Angeles. A series of performances and constant travel around the country did not allow the future spouses to meet earlier. But, in the end, they ended up together on the same site. And a conversation began between them. And of course there was some flirting here. Cobain said he lives at the Oakwood Apartments, and she lives just a few blocks from the Palladium Sports Complex.

The stars exchanged phone numbers. The Nirvana singer took the first step and called Love at three in the morning... The rest is history!


Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love

Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love met in 1989. Nirvana moved back and forth in Portland, Oregon. Perhaps it was love at first sight. The couple did not see each other for two years; they met again only in 1991. They both realized that the liking was still mutual and they decided to hang out together. But with so many other relationships in rock 'n' roll, constant concerts and as Nirvana became increasingly popular during 1991, the two saw very little of each other. But they maintained their love by talking frequently on the phone and tried to see each other as often as they could. Nothing could stop their love for each other. In December 1991, the couple decided to get married. Some believe that Courtney pushed the marriage because she saw the increasing popularity of Nirvana's Nevermind album, and wanted a piece of the pie.

On February 24th, 1992, the couple married on a cliff in Hawaii. Kurt was wearing green pajamas, and Courtney was wearing an old dress that once belonged to Seattle Actress Frances Farmer. Kurt didn't want it to be a big ceremony because he was afraid he would cry. Chris Novoselic and his wife Shelley were not present at the ceremony because the two couples had just had an argument over Chris and Shelley blaming Courtney for influencing Kurt, and more specifically for using heroin. They found out everything later, but best friend Kurta did not attend his wedding. By the way, Kurt was crying. Nirvana was supposed to play Saturday Night Live for the first time (they played it twice). Courtney found out that she was pregnant. The media immediately decided to highlight the couple's drug use. After the news of her pregnancy became known, Courtney went a bit off drugs; Kurt, however, doesn't. Courtney later became the victim of the worst tabloid article ever written about the couple; Lynn Hirshberg of "Vanity Fair" decided that she would pester Courtney apart, write a lousy article regarding her and heroin use. She decided to make their life hell on earth. “Fuck off, everyone smokes during pregnancy,” Courtney defended.

Franziska (Frances) Bean Cobain was born on August 18th, 1992. The baby was away from Kurt and Courtney for some time, although the baby was doing well and was as healthy as can be. The couple spent most of their income that year fighting the media to ensure Frances' safety. They bought a house for her before Christmas 1992. Frances had a very happy childhood. Kurt and Courtney took great care of her. But the couple's reputation began to decline. They also started arguing a lot more often, almost every day. But at the same time, Kurt said that the existence of Courtney and Frances makes him happy.

March 1st 1994, Nirvana played them last concert in Munich, Germany. The rest of the European tour was cancelled. Later that month, Kurt was hospitalized in Rome after a failed suicide attempt (sleeping pills and champagne). "It was an accident" was Geffen's excuse, but those who knew Kurt knew that it was not so. On April 4th, Kurt ran away from a drug treatment clinic in Los Angeles and flew home to Seattle. For unknown reasons, probably depression and stomach pain for several years, he decided to kill himself with a shotgun. Hell on earth was over, millions of fans, wife, child, and friends were left behind. A semi-automatic Remington M-11 20 ended the life of one of the biggest stars in modern rock music. Information about whether Kurt actually shot himself may be inaccurate. Tom Grant is still trying to convince us that it was not suicide, but a murder carried out by Courtney Love herself. Whether this is true or not is unknown. But here's what Courtney said after Kurt died:
"Imagine: You are young. And you have been unlucky all your life. And suddenly, finally, you meet a man with whom you feel good. Nothing like this has ever happened to you before. And you are in love. And you believe that this will last for life. And Here's your reward - he's handsome, and he's rich, and he's a rock star, and he wants to have children, and he understands everything you tell him. finishes your sentences. He is lazy, but he is spiritual, and he wants to be enlightened. And you even have a place where you can live together. He is perfect in everything. ..And then you lose all this..."

Seattle police release previously unknown leader's suicide note legendary group Kurt Cobain's Nirvana. It was found in the singer's wallet after he committed suicide in 1994. The note is addressed to Cobain's wife, Courtney Love, about whom he speaks very contemptuously.

Francis Bean Cobain

The message begins with a kind of wedding vow, but paraphrased in a contemptuous tone:

Are you ready, Kurt Cobain, to take Courtney Michelle Love as your lawful petty wife? Even when this bitch spends all your money on doping and entertainment?

This note was added to the materials of the Kurt Cobain suicide case, but the police still have not established when the musician wrote it. There is practically no doubt that this is the work of the singer - the author’s handwriting is very similar to the handwriting of the frontman of the group Nirvana.

The text and tone of the note are radically different from Cobain's previously released dying message. In the original version, he calls Courtney Love a “goddess” and says that he “feels guilty towards his loved ones and fans.”

The scathing new note is likely to fuel speculation about Cobain's suicide and change perceptions about the role his troubled marriage played in his death. Courtney Love's representatives have not yet commented on the musician's second message.

Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love and their daughter - Frances Bean Cobain

Recall that Kurt Cobain was found dead in his home in Seattle on April 8, 1994, four days after his death. The official version of the singer's death is suicide.

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Romantic meeting


27 year olds club

They were very different: the withdrawn and unsociable Cobain and the hot-tempered, violent Courtney. It is not surprising that the pair quickly became labeled in the spirit of Lennon and Ono. The insidious harpy Courtney lured the humble rocker into a trap - that was the general belief. Close friends, however, did not think so - Kurt was very difficult to push around.

Rocker's Widow

Cobain started smoking marijuana while still in school, then switched to heroin to numb the stomach pain he was suffering from. long years. Courtney, who at first also did not deny herself a dose or two, at some point tried to stop her husband, who was getting more and more bogged down. More and more drugs were needed, depression became deeper.

Shortly before the singer's death, Love placed him in a rehabilitation clinic, from where he escaped. Courtney hired a private detective to search, then blocked the credit card so that Kurt could not buy the dose.

Later, this detective became one of the supporters of the version of the murder, which he named Courtney as the orderer. The motive for the crime was the most unromantic - money. Cobain and Love constantly clashed recent months and they began to talk about a divorce, as a result of which Courtney would receive only a million of her husband’s money, and not the thirty that she received as a widow.

But further documentaries This conspiracy theory didn’t go well in the books. Kurt's family did not support this idea, knowing his character and state of mind at the time of death, in addition, at big family Cobain had several suicides.

A year after her husband’s death, in a television interview, Courtney tearfully denied all accusations against her, but admitted that she blamed herself, referring to the clinic and blocking of the card, which forced Kurt to go on the run. “I shouldn’t have interfered, I shouldn’t,” she repeated.

20 years later

Courtney Love is now 51 years old. During all these years, she continued to shock the public and create scandals. They say that in 1995, at the Oscar ceremony, the singer tried to beat a journalist who had once written that she took drugs during pregnancy, and Courtney tried to do this with a statuette of Tarantino himself (and he doesn’t have many awards) .

Music scene She also doesn’t think about leaving yet, sometimes she acts in films, in the 90s she played for Milos Forman in the films “The People vs. Larry Flynt” and “Man on the Moon,” and now she can be seen in episodic roles in the series “Sons of Anarchy” and “ Empire".

As for her relationship with her daughter, Courtney’s relationship is not the easiest – in 2009, she received a court injunction preventing her from approaching Frances Bean. And recently the girl secretly got married, which greatly upset her mother.

From time to time, rumors appear about new fans of Courtney, but none of them have been able to take Kurt’s place in her heart. In August this year, on her daughter’s birthday, she posted an old photo on her Instagram account. family photo, captioning it: “I’m so sad. Our child is already quite big. God, Kurt, look at her face, what were you thinking?.. I miss you, we all miss you.”

Narrated by Natalya Popova



Rock love stories never end well. Rockers do not know how to live happily ever after, an example of this is Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love.

Romantic meeting

At the time of their acquaintance, Kurt was already known as the lead singer of the increasingly popular group Nirvana. The debut album was released in 1989, and the famous single Smells Like Teen Spirit - in 1991. Love was the daughter of rich hippies, from the age of 16 she traveled the world, played in the band Hole, which was moderately successful, but did not reach the popularity of Nirvana.

Kurt and Courtney first saw each other in January 1990 in one of the Portland clubs and, according to legend, ... got into a fight. Courtney made a rude comment about him appearance, in her understanding it was flirting, but not in his. Cobain did not remain in debt and pushed the offender to the floor.

“It all happened in front of the jukebox, my favorite Living Color song was playing, and beer was spilled on the floor,” Courtney later recalled this romantic moment.

A few months after such a bright acquaintance, Courtney admitted to their mutual friend, Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl, that she was in love with Kurt, and Dave became their “Cupid.”

They met again at a concert in May 1991, then talked for hours on the phone. Both were children of divorced parents, had difficulty communicating with others, and took drugs.

Despite such a number of " general topics“They didn’t get along right away. By that time, fans had already made Kurt their idol, journalists labeled him “the voice of a generation.” Cobain was not too happy about the decline in popularity. And he pestered his friends by talking about Courtney: “I met the coolest girl in the world!” The next time they saw each other was only five months later.


On February 24, 1992, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love got married. The wedding took place in Hawaii, on Waikiki beach. Only a few friends were present at the modest ceremony.

The groom wore checkered flannel pajamas, and the bride wore a dress that once belonged to Frances Farmer, an actress from the Golden Age of Hollywood cinema, best known for her scandalous and tragic fate, rather than roles.

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On the wedding day, Courtney was already pregnant; on August 18, 1992, the couple had a daughter, Frances Bean (Bean - “bean”, that’s what the father called the girl when he first saw her on an ultrasound).

Kurt loved his daughter very much, in one of his interviews he admitted: “I knew that when I had a child, everything would change, and this pure truth. I can't tell you how much my life changed when we had Frances. When you hold a child in your arms, you feel like this is the best drug in the world.”

"The best", but not the only one. The birth of the child was accompanied by a scandal. By that time, journalists already knew about drug addiction frontman of Nirvana, Courtney's statement that she took drugs during pregnancy added fuel to the fire. An investigation began, and the young parents barely managed to regain custody of their daughter.

27 year olds club

Perhaps no less has been written about the death of Kurt Cobain than about the duel between Pushkin and Dantes, but the debate still continues. His body was found on April 8, 1994. The official version is suicide. He died from a shot in the head; the gun was found there, with a suicide note nearby.

The singer's body was cremated. Courtney, a practicing Buddhist, donated some of the ashes to make ritual tsatsa figurines (in the Buddhist tradition, the ashes of people considered holy are added to clay to help them be reborn). Courtney kept some of the ashes and a lock of her husband's hair for herself.

The official version of death quickly gained supporters and opponents. According to the unofficial version, Courtney was the culprit.

There are probably many people in the world who would not be somewhat familiar with the work of the group Nirvana. Everyone has probably heard the name of its lead singer Kurt Cobain and his tragic short life. At the age of 24 he achieved worldwide recognition, and at 27 he died, but despite such a short life, he loved and was loved, however, drugs turned out to be the most important thing for him.

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Photo gallery: The love story of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love

So, the future American rock star was born into an unremarkable family. As he himself later admitted, until the moment his parents divorced, he lived just fine, but as soon as this moment came, his life went downhill.

Like most boys, over time he became interested in playing the guitar, which his uncle gave him as a gift. The boy dreamed of an ordinary full-fledged family, but his mother was not at all happy with Cobain’s father.

When it came time to go to college, he refused and his mother gave him an ultimatum - either he would go to work or she would kick him out of the house. Kurt packed his things and left the house.

From that moment on, he wanders around among friends, casual acquaintances, and lives under a bridge. It was during this period of his life that Cobain realized all the delights of a wandering life. At this time, he managed to found his own group and release the first songs that attracted the interest of the public.

After the release of his first album, stunning fame fell on Kurt, he became the voice of a generation, although he himself admitted that he did not understand why his songs were liked so much, because he personally knew many groups that he believed were more talented than himself, but fate decreed otherwise.

Concerning personal life, then after success came to the Nirvana group, its lead singer changed fans like gloves, but over time he began to think about a long-term relationship, since the affairs exhausted him.

And one day he met his future wife Courtney Love. Courtney was a girl from not much rich family, who has been living an independent life since the age of 16.

Since her parents, in addition to being not very wealthy, adhered to the hippie ideology, the girl grew up freedom-loving and loving. She traveled a lot around different countries(worked as a stripper), learned to play the guitar and eventually founded her own group called The Hole, where she was the lead singer. Courtney acted in films, caused scandals, tried drugs, fell in and out of love, and in general was looking for herself. Despite this life, Courtney was far from happy, because her parents divorced and she for a long time lived with her mother, who changed men like gloves. The men in the girl’s mother’s life often changed, and few people paid attention to Courtney.

She first saw Cobain at a concert (1989), and she liked him. Before that, she only knew one of the band members, but later she also became acquainted with the lead singer. They started talking and realized that they had a lot in common, and in 1991 they started dating. When Courtney was already pregnant, the couple got married.

daughter of Kurt and Courtney

During one interview during her pregnancy, Courtney mentioned that she dabble in drugs from time to time, despite her pregnancy. This news caused a storm of indignation in society; they wanted to deprive the couple of parental rights, but despite everything, in 1992 she was born absolutely healthy girl, who was named Frances. Everyone knew that Kurt and Courtney were drug addicts.

Kurt has admitted more than once that in his personal life he is conservative, he wants to have a family, a house with a large greenhouse. After the birth of his daughter, he turned into a real loving father, bought his daughter clothes, took pictures with her and paid as much attention as possible, but despite this, he continued to be a drug addict. At the end of his life, Cobain also became interested in weapons and collected them.

Courtney tried her best to raise her daughter, while not forgetting about her husband. She took his money, blocked his credit cards, used fan letters to somehow distract her husband from drugs, but nothing helped, he constantly relapsed. Kurt wasn't very good healthy child from birth, then he began to take drugs, which further worsened his condition, and in order to somehow drown out the pain, he went more and more into drug oblivion, he also went to a specialized clinic to get rid of drug addiction, but alas, and it didn't help him.

According to the most common version, Kurt Cobain shot himself at home in a greenhouse with orchids, he was only 27. There is also an opinion that Courtney herself ordered the murder own husband, since their relationship in the last months of his life was not the best.

Noteworthy is the fact that heroin was found in Cobain’s blood, which exceeds the lethal dose three times, this means that a person who took such a dose of drugs on his own will not be able to shoot himself, plus, on top of that, there was no one on the weapon with which Kurt shot himself fingerprints.

In general, today it is truly unknown why Kurt Cobain died.

After the death of her lover, Courtney was treated for drug addiction, received a Grammy Award, acted in films, released her successful records and sold the house in which she lived with Cobain.