Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group “Meeting in the forest. Musical leisure in the senior group of kindergarten "travel on a musical train"

  • 10.05.2019

Summary of entertainment “Miracle Tree”

Description: The proposed entertainment summary will be useful for music directors, educators, and the proposed games can also be used by parents. The selected games are designed for children of older preschool age.
Target: Systematize children's knowledge with the help of musical and didactic games.
Tasks: Develop creativity, sense of rhythm; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other; continue to teach how to speak out about music.
Look what an unusual tree appeared in our hall. Do you know why it is unusual? Because this tree grew in the land of Music and itself became musical. Do you want to know what task is hidden behind the number 1?

Didactic game"Money box"
Purpose of the game: Learn to speak out about music
Progress of the game: When the children have listened to a piece of music (“Morning” from E. Grieg’s suite “Peer Gynt”), the teacher asks them to cup their hands and then address them:
- What a capacious piggy bank each of you has! What are we going to put in it?
Children respond by offering various options.
- Let's put it in your piggy banks beautiful words that correctly describe the music we listened to.

Number 2 invites us to play with the cube.
Didactic game "Fun cube"
Purpose of the game: Develop creative manifestations in feasible emotional and expressive transmission of images.
Progress of the game: Any simple, cheerful melody sounds, and the participants pass the cube to each other.
You need to take a funny cube,
And pass it around.
What will this cube show?
We need to show it to the kids!
The player who has the die throws it on the floor in a circle. The teacher asks who is depicted on the top edge of the cube. The teacher suggests showing to the music how this animal moves.
Number 3 hid an unusual task from us. Now I will tell you a story that happened to one lazy cat. And you help me bring the fairy tale to life.
Didactic game "Cat and Mice"
Purpose of the game: improve children's ability to distinguish dynamic shades, develop creative imagination, the ability to expressively convey a musical and playing image.
Progress of the game: The presenter reads the poem, the participants perform actions according to the text and dynamics.
There lived a cat Vasily.
The cat was lazy!

Sharp teeth and a fat belly.
He always walked very quietly.
Loudly and insistently asked to eat.
Yes, I snored a little more quietly on the stove.
That's all he knew how to do.
A cat once had a dream like this:
as if he had started a fight with mice.
Screaming loudly, he scratched them all

With your teeth, your clawed paw.
In fear, the mice quietly prayed:
“Oh, have pity, have mercy, do me a favor!”
Then the cat exclaimed a little louder, “Scram!”
and they scattered.
While the cat was sleeping, this is what happened:
The mice quietly came out of the hole,
Crunching loudly, they ate the bread crusts,
Then they laughed a little more quietly at the cat,
they tied his tail with a bow.
Vasily woke up and sneezed loudly;
He turned to the wall and fell asleep again.
And the mice climbed onto the back of the lazy man,
They made fun of him loudly until the evening.

Number 4 invites us for a walk.
Didactic game"Walk in the park"
Purpose of the game: Develop a sense of rhythm in children.
Progress of the game: Today we will go to the park to the playground. This walk is unusual as we will only imagine what we are doing. So, let's begin. It was a beautiful day, and you and I decided to go to the park. We got dressed and began to go down the stairs ( imitate on metallophonesgoing down the stairs - from upper register to lower register). We went outside and ran up the path, straight to the playground. (imitated on metallophones by sounding from lower register to upper register in a fast rhythm). They saw a swing and started swinging on it, singing a song:
Here is a swing in the meadow,
I'll run to swing
Up down,
Up down.
We rode on a swing and started playing ball, saying:
My cheerful ringing ball,
Where did you run off to!( imitate a bouncing ball on metallophones).
But suddenly it started to rain. At first he walked slowly, and then faster and faster: Drip... drip... ( the sound of drops on metallophones). We were afraid of the rain and ran to the kindergarten: stamp, stamp, stamp.

And number 5 offers us the game “Magic Fan”
Didactic game"Magic Fan"
Purpose of the game: Develop imagination and creativity, consolidate knowledge of music genres, form a sustainable interest in various types and genres musical art.
I have a magic fan. Yes, not just one, but how many. He can transform into various objects. Think about what else can be made from a fan, how can it be folded? Music will help us in this game.
So, if you hear a waltz, the fan will remain a fan, if a march, we will make a straight path out of the fan, if a polka, the fan will turn into a skirt, and if a song plays, the fan will become an accordion.

Number 6 invites us to feel like orchestra musicians
Didactic game"Musicians"
Purpose of the game: To increase interest in music, develop children’s natural musicality and initial music-making skills.
Progress of the game: There are musical instruments on the table: tambourine, drum, spoons, pipe, rattles and maracas (these same instruments are depicted on the faces of the cube.) Participants stand in a circle and pass the cube to each other to the music with the words:
Everything plays and sings.
The cube will tell who will start!
The player who threw the dice names the instrument shown on the top face, takes it from the table and plays a simple rhythmic pattern. Everyone repeats the rhythmic pattern with clapping.

A caterpillar hid behind the number 7. She wants to become a singer, but doesn't know how to learn to sing. Shall we help her?
Didactic game"Teach the caterpillar to sing"
Purpose of the game: Development of vocal skills, learning to sing according to patterns.

What else has our music tree prepared?
Didactic game: “Musical locomotive”
Purpose of the game: Develop the ability to distinguish the timbre of different musical instruments.
Progress of the game: Look, there’s a steam locomotive,
He brought the trailers.
His journey is long
After all, the train is musical.

The phonogram of a musical piece sounds, the participant names the instrument that sounded. The named tool takes up space in the trailer.

What is the next task awaiting us? And we are waiting for a meeting with our favorite cartoons.
Didactic game"Multi-remote"
Purpose of the game: Teach children to determine the nature of music, develop diction when singing, pure intonation, develop emotional responsiveness to a song they hear.
Progress of the game: Using a counting rhyme, a “driver” is selected:
One, two, three, four, five - we're going to play,
A butterfly flew to us and told you to sing.

The player is asked to sing a children's song, the picture of which appears on the screen.

And we just have to complete the last task.

Didactic game: "A toy shop"
Purpose of the game: Development creativity, creativity.
Progress of the game: Dili-ding, dili-ding,
We are opening a store.
Come on, come on,
Choose what you want!
The selected participant answers what he wants to buy. Then everyone portrays the given toy. The “buyer” chooses the one who portrays it better.
Well done! You have completed all the tasks of the Miracle Tree. In memory of the meeting, I reward you with the “Young Musician” emblems.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 17"

Musical leisure V senior group

"Journey on a Musical Train"



Antropova N.A.

Arzamas 2017

Children's age 5-6 years

Type classes - music leisure

Materials and equipment: interactive whiteboard, tape recorder, audio recordings of playing musical instruments, chairs

Didactic games used: “Top”, “Cockerel, hen, chick”, “Make a pattern (rhythmic pattern)”, “Loud-quiet”, “Guess what I’m playing on”

Target:development musical abilities and deepening children's understanding of the means musical expressiveness



    Bring joy to children

    Develop children's imagination and creativity

    Foster a love of music and develop an aesthetic sense

    Give children an idea of ​​timbre diversity and its meaning in music.

    Development of children's musical and auditory abilities, a comprehensive understanding of different heights musical sounds and their interaction.

    Developing in children the ability to reproduce a rhythmic pattern in clapping, slapping, stamping, on a musical instrument and through movements.

    Expanding children's musical and sound understanding and enriching their musical experience.

Introductory part

An image of a train appears on the interactive board, and the sound of a steam locomotive sounds in the background.

Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us. Who is this? What is he doing? (Engine)

Educator: This train is not simple, it is musical and on it we can go to musical journey with various interesting stops. Do you want to take a ride on this train?

Educator: Then take your seats, It's time for us to go.

(Children sit on chairs)

Main part

Educator: In order for our musical train to become fast, let’s sing a song about it:

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: So we got to the first station. Stop.

Our first station is "Pesennaya". What do you think we will do with it?(To sing songs)

Educator: That's right, we will sing songs on it. And in order to choose a song, I have a magic top. We will spin it and the arrow will show us who we will sing the song about.

The didactic game "Top" is being played

Progress of the game: The driver or the children take turns spinning the top with the arrow. On the circle there are pictures of familiar songs. The children sing a song about which picture the top stops at.

Educator: How much good songs we know, and it’s time for us to continue our journey.

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: So we got to the second station. Stop.

Our second station is "Igrovaya". What do you think we will do with it?(Play)

Educator: That's right, we will play the game "Loud and Quiet", which is very similar to the game "Hot and Cold".

Progress of the game: First, we need to choose an object that we will hide and the driver. We blindfold the driver and send him out the door so that he does not see what we are doing. At this time, the children in the group hide the selected object so that it is not visible at first glance. Then the driver is called. Instead of the words “Hot and cold,” children will sing a song to tell the driver the place where the object is hidden. If the driver is far from him, the children sing quietly, if he comes close, they sing very loudly.

Educator: Who wants to be a driver? (If children are shy, you can choose a driver using a little counting rhyme.

A musical and didactic game "Loud and Quiet" is being held

Educator: You are very good at using a song to suggest where an object is hidden and to look for it. It's time for us to continue our journey.

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: So we reached the third station. Stop.

Our third station is "Notnaya". Look, our friends meet us there - Cockerel, hen and chick. Do you want to play with them?

The didactic game "Cockerel, hen, chicken" is being played.

Educator: Well done. It's time for us to continue our journey

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: So we reached the fourth station. Stop.

Our fourth station is "Instrumental". What do you think we will do with it?(To sing songs)

Educator: At this station we will guess musical instruments.

The game "Guess the Instrument" is being played.

Progress of the game: The teacher turns on audio recordings of musical instruments, and the children guess and imitate playing this instrument. One of the children shows a picture of an instrument from the didactic game "Musical Instruments."

Educator: Guys, what is the name of playing several musical instruments?(Ensemble) Do you want to play in an ensemble?

An imitation game "Ensemble" is being played.

Progress of the game: Children choose a musical instrument and memorize it. The teacher plays an audio recording of several musical instruments playing. When the child hears his instrument, he begins to imitate playing the instrument. As soon as his game ends, he stops “playing”.

Educator: We have a wonderful ensemble, and it’s time for us to continue our journey

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: Now we have reached the last station. Stop.

Our fifth station is "Dance". What do you think we will do with it?(Dance).

Educator: Boys, invite the girls to a fun dance.

The dance song “Get in a circle quickly, dance with me, my friend...” The children dance.

Final part

Educator: Our journey on the musical train has come to an end. Did you like it? What do you remember most? What other stations would you like to visit?

Educator: Next time we will definitely go on a new journey on a musical train and visit new stations and meet new friends, but for now it’s time for us to say goodbye to him. Goodbye train!!!

Musical entertainment for the senior group.

Subject: I am a resident of Russia.

Target: To instill a sense of patriotism in children through music. Teach children to be friendly and help others.

Equipment: poems about the Motherland, illustrations about the Motherland, toy cat Vaska, musical instruments,

Repertoire: Listening to the poem “About our Soviet Motherland”, music. game "Vaska the Cat", song "Merry Holiday" » , Game song "Kitten".

Guys, where do we live? (in Russia). And who can tell me what our country (Motherland) is for us? Many poets write poems about our Motherland. Read an excerpt of a poem about the Motherland. What are the poems talking about?

But one Russian composer loved his homeland so much that he wrote a song about it. Let's listen to her.

What did the composer want to tell about in the song? What was his mood?

There is a rustling sound.

Who is that rustling? Let's listen.

The melody for the game sounds.

Game song "Kitten".

Who came to us? Cat. And what is his name? Vaska. He probably also wants to listen to music and play and dance with you. Let's sing a song for him. We sing the song “Guests have come to us.”

Oh, Vaska doesn’t know this song. Shall we help him learn it?

Let's help Vaska the cat learn a song.

Well done guys, you helped our Vaska learn a song and he invites you to play with him.

Children play music. game “Vaska the Cat” 2-3 times.

Oh, we played, we played, and we were a little tired and wanted to sing songs with you. Vaska knows what song. A fragment of a song is played and the children must guess the song. Song "Merry Holiday".

What kind of song is this guys? Let's help our cat remember it, otherwise he knows the melody, but has forgotten the words. Let's remind him of this song.

Well done guys, you helped the cat remember the words of this song.

We guys sang songs, listened to poems, played, and now let's show you how we play musical instruments.

Children perform a melody on musical instruments.

Let's ask if Vaska liked being with us today.


What mood were you in today? What poems and songs did we remember and listen to? What mood did the song have? What else did you like?

Vaska also enjoyed singing and dancing with you, but it’s time to say goodbye. Let's say goodbye to Vaska.

The children return to the group.


Game song "Kitten".

The presenter sings a song, encouraging the children to sing along with onomatopoeia.

IN. A kitten came to us, little kitty:

He plays with the children and sings songs:

“Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.”

Little white Vaska walks,

Vaska's tail is gray,

And he runs like an arrow.

The eyes are closing,

The claws are straightened,

Teeth like a needle.

The footstep is barely audible,

Vaska has lush fur,

Soft like linen.

Only mice will scratch.

Sensitive Vaska is right there,

He'll catch it in an instant.

Rules of the game:

“Vaska the Cat” and several “mice” are selected for the game. All children stand in a circle and join hands. The mice go outside the circle, but the cat remains in the middle of the circle. Depending on the content of the couplets, the cat walks in a circle, closes its eyes, straightens its claws, shows its teeth, walks on its toes, and listens for mice to scratch.

At the end, the children standing in a circle raise their clasped hands up and make collars. The cat begins to catch mice, running through the gates, and the mice run away from him. The game ends when all the mice are caught. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Musical entertainment in mixed age group

(middle, high, preparatory)

“We have fairy-tale heroes visiting us.”

Types of children's activities: musical and artistic, communicative, gaming.

Software tasks:

    learn to distinguish by ear dance music from a lullaby with the help of the musical and didactic game “The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping”;

    developing the ability to sing a melody clearly and pronounce words clearly;

    encourage the dramatization of the content of the song “We went to the meadow”;

    promote correction speech disorders, phonemic hearing;

    develop dialogical speech;

    develop gaming skills;

    develop children’s ability to control “lollipops”

    cultivate emotional responsiveness when perceiving musical works.

    cultivate the desire and ability to listen to a fairy tale, follow the development of the action.

Planned educational results (targets as possible development achievements):

    the child shows interest in listening, responds emotionally to musical works of a contrasting nature;

    expressively conveys the character of the game characters in movement;

    takes an active part in musical games;

    interacts favorably with peers in joint activities;

    interestingly follows the development of the plot of the fairy tale;

    shows positive emotions and interest in participating in a puppet show.

Equipment : button accordion, computer, music center, toys (bear, goat, bunny, gnome), cards for the didactic game “The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping,” a bunny mask, a screen for a puppet theater, decorations, toys on sticks for the fairy tale “Teremok” ( mouse, frog, hedgehog, bunny, squirrel, cockerel, dog, fox, wolf, bear).


    “Hello” is a rhythmic game with singing.


    Teddy Bear . Musical and didactic game “The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping.”

    Goat . Logorhythmics.

    Bunny . “We went to the meadow.”

    Gnome . Fairy tale "Teremok".

    Fairy-tale heroes say goodbye to the guys.

Progress of entertainment:

Musical director: Hello guys! Let's sing our welcome song with you.

    “Hello” is a rhythmic game with singing. Music and lyrics by S. Korotaeva.

Guys, I’ll tell you a secret, today someone will come to visit us.

Guess the riddle:

This funny animal is made of plush:
There are paws, there are ears.
Give some honey to the beast
And make him a den! (Teddy bear).

A bear appears on the stage of a puppet theater .

Musical director : Look at this, guys. Mishka came to visit us. I accidentally found out that our Mishka loves to dance, but after dancing he gets so tired that he immediately falls asleep. Mishka has prepared a task for you. Now I will give everyone 2 pictures of a bear. In one picture he is dancing, and in the other he is sleeping. When you hear the music, try to determine what the bear is doing, dancing or sleeping.

    Musical and didactic game “The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping.”

(Children are invited to listen to 4 example muses: 2 lullabies and 2 dance songs)

Well done boys. They correctly identified what Mishka was doing. Well, Mishka, stay with us. Sit here and look at the guys. And someone else is in a hurry to join us guys. Guess who?

She gives us milk
But it's not a cow
Horns will instruct, if anything happens
I don't like it from the start
Standing by a stream of water,
Grazing, chewing grass,
So that when you come home in the evening,
Give everyone plenty to drink. (Goat)

A goat appears on the stage of a puppet theater.

And here is our Goat! Look, guys! This is not the first time the goat has come to visit us. Let's remember what unusual song we learned the last time the Goat came to us.

Let's try and sing this song especially for our guest, let's try to sing every syllable expressively

    Logorhythmic exercise GOAT .(sung on 2 sounds - sol-mi)

PS, PS, PS, PS, it became boring without a goat,

ZE, ZE, ZE, ZE, I picked grass for the goat,

ZU, ZU, ZU, ZU, I brought home a goat,

FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, I have a goat.

Do you think the Goat liked how we sang a song about her?

Goat! Stay with us and watch the guys play.

And another guest is hurrying to us, guys:

He loves to eat carrots
Ears sticking out.
Our timid "jumper"
Kids, who is this?......(Bunny)

The Bunny toy appears.

Musical director : And here the bunny came to us! The bunny wants to see how you can dance in a circle. Let's hold hands and playgame “We went to the meadow.”

    “We went to the meadow.” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko)

You guys know how to have fun and play. I think the bunny liked it!

Bunny asks if he can stay with you?

Sit down, Bunny.

Who else is rushing to us?

He came to us from a fairy tale,

I knocked softly on the house,

In a bright red cap -

well, of course, it’s...(gnome)

The Gnome toy appears.

Oh, guys, this is a fairy-tale gnome. Do you know that when the gnome comes, he always tells the children fairy tales. Guys, today let’s tell the Dwarf a fairy tale ourselves. And we won’t just tell you, we’ll show you!

Dwarf, sit down, and the guys and I will show you a fairy tale.

Well, artists, take your toys apart. We will show the fairy tale to the Dwarf and our guests.

    Puppet show. Screening of the fairy tale “Teremok”


And now, artists, come out from behind the screen, we’ll look at you!

The roles were played by.....

Do you think the Gnome, Bear, Bunny and Goat liked our puppet show? Thank you guys. And now it's time for us to say goodbye fairy-tale characters. But they will definitely come to us again... and more than once.

Now we get up in pairs and go to the group.



(The tale is compiled based on the methodology of Ekaterina Zheleznova. Disc " Musical tales»)

Characters: mouse, frog, hedgehog, hare,squirrel, cockerel, dog,

fox, wolf, bear


There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.

He's not short, he's not tall, he's not tall

There is a mansion in the field, a mansion...

A little mouse came running


Mouse: Tower - tower, who lives in the tower?

Narrator: Nobody responds.

And the little mouse began to live in the little house.

The frog-frog jumped up


Frog: Tower - tower, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I am a little mouse. And who are you?

FROG: I am a frog frog.

Mouse: Come live with me

Narrator: And the mouse and the frog began to live together in the little house.

A hedgehog came running - no head, no legs


Hedgehog: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I am a little mouse.

Frog: I am a frog frog. And who are you?

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, neither head nor legs.

Mouse and Frog: Come live with us!

Narrator: The three of us began to live in the little house.

The runaway bunny came running


Bunny: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I am a little mouse.

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs. And who are you?

Bunny: I am a running bunny.

Hedgehog, mouse and frog: Come live with us!

Narrator: The four of us began to live in the little house.

The Fluffy Tail Squirrel galloped up.


...five of us.

The golden comb cockerel has arrived.

No. 7 Cockerel.

...six of us.

The Empty Dog came running.

#8 Dog of us.

The little fox-sister came running.


Chanterelle: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I am a little mouse.

Frog: I am a frog frog.

Bunny: I am a running bunny.

Dog: I am an empty-headed dog. And who are you?

Fox: I am a little fox-sister!

Hedgehog, mouse, frog, bunny , squirrel, cockerel, dog: Come live with us!

Narrator: They began to live in a little house in eight.

A wolf came running, clicking his teeth

№10 WOLF

Wolf: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I, the mouse, am a bitch.

Frog: I am a frog frog.

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs.

Bunny: I am a running bunny.

Squirrel: I am a fluffy tailed squirrel.

Cockerel: I am a cockerel - a golden comb.

Hedgehog, mouse, frog, bunny and fox: Come live with us!

Narrator: Nine of us began to live in the little house.

Here comes the bear.

№11 BEAR

Bear: Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I, the mouse, am a bitch.

Frog: I am a frog frog.

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs.

Bunny: I am a running bunny.

Squirrel: I am a fluffy tailed squirrel.

Cockerel: I am a cockerel - a golden comb.

Dog: I am an empty-headed dog.

Fox: I am a little fox-sister! And who are you?

Bear: I am a bear, your house is finished.

All: We invite you to live with us, you will guard the house!

Narrator: And they began to live in the little house, ten of them.

Together in our mansion,

Let's start dancing!

No. 12 DANCE

Topic: “In the world of beauty”

teach children to emotionally perceive and comprehend the holistic musical image various means of artistic expression.
teach children to convey character piece of music through visual arts. Strengthen children's knowledge about a musical instrument.
promote development dance creativity through writing dance moves to the music.
contribute to the creation emotional well-being children, an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation.

Material: flannelograph with the image of a staff, keys cut out of cardboard, sheet music with pictures of a man, tassels, balalaikas according to the number of children.

Center fine arts : Whatman paper, foam rubber, brushes, watercolor paints, jars of water, wax crayons, palette.

Musical Instrument Center: cards with images of tools, colored cards.

Progress of the lesson

Children go into the hall, the teacher invites the children to sit down comfortably, smile, so that the close circle becomes warm and cozy.
Educator: “Guys, today we received a telegram at the kindergarten, do you know where from? From the Kingdom of Arts! There's a problem there! Evil Wizard kidnapped the Fairy of Music and unusual chaos reigned there. Imagine: the drums are thundering, the strings of guitars and balalaikas are strumming, the trumpet does not stop. All residents lost ear for music, they ask for help. Do you want to help the inhabitants of the kingdom? Then let’s hold hands, close our eyes and listen to music.”

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers"

Listen to how light the music is
She looks like colored clouds
To a multi-colored round dance of flowers,
To the anthem of spring blooming gardens
She takes us into the world of Art
That world is woven from subtle feelings.
How beautiful, good the music is!

Educator: “Here we are in the Kingdom. But we need to open the main gate of the castle, and for this we need a key. Guys, look, there are many different keys on the table, but we only need one, musical. What is it called correctly? (Treble clef).

Children find a treble clef from the proposed clefs and place it on a flannelgraph with a staff. (Gates)

Educator: “So we opened the gate. And who will meet us now, find out:
Guess the riddle -
So everything will be fine.
We'll all get to the country
Not in a dream, but in reality.
Seven sisters, seven wonderwomen,
We will meet them in every song.
They all live together.
Guess what the name is?

There are only 4 notes here. Let's sing them in order: do, re, mi, fa (Sing)
The little princesses are called notes
We will meet them now, and they are waiting for us.”

The teacher brings the children to the table where cardboard notes are laid out. There is a picture pasted on each side of the note.

Educator: “How can you greet the inhabitants of the land of the Arts? (Song “Hello”) But the notes are not simple, they will tell us what needs to be done to disenchant the Queen. The note with the image of a brush invites you to listen to music and draw a musical collage. The note with the image of a balalaika invites you to find out what instruments the musicians play in the orchestra and what color corresponds to the sound. And the note with the image of a man suggests that you will convey the music with your movements.”

Children choose a note with an image of the activity they would like to do and position themselves next to the symbols corresponding to the center. Throughout the work of all children, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “Swan Lake” is heard.

Center for Fine Arts (depicted by the “brush” symbol). Making a collage “The Sound of Music” using unconventional technology drawing on a large Whatman paper.

Center for Musical Instruments (represented by the “balalaika” symbol). Didactic game “Recognize the instrument and color it.” Children listen to the music and find pictures with the instruments that are present in this melody. Then a colored card is selected for each tool. Sound is correlated with color.

Rhythmoplasty center (depicted by the “man” symbol). Children improvise music with movement. They can show how the wind blows, flowers bloom, butterflies fly in, etc.

Work continues until the end of the music.

Educator: “In order for the first note to appear on stave, we need to find out who the author of the music we listened to” (Children’s answers).
The music flows, sparkles, sparkles!
Joy and celebration! Sun and light!
As if telling all sorrows to be forgotten
Music of Happiness – first concert!
(S. Drozdova)

Of course, you recognized P.I. Tchaikovsky’s music from the ballet “Swan Lake”.

The note “C” is placed on the flannelgraph, and the children sing it.

Educator:“To open the second note, our guys drew music”
Presentation of the Center for Fine Arts.

The note “D” is placed on the flannelgraph. Children sing two notes.
Educator: “In order to open the third note for us, we need to be friends with dancing.”
Presentation of the rhythmoplasty center.
Children improvise movements to the music. The note "E" opens. Children sing: do, re, mi.

The presentation of the center of musical instruments is carried out in a similar way, the note “F” appears.
Music is playing. The Fairy of Arts appears and thanks the children for miraculous salvation. Children dance with the Fairy of Arts.