Inexpensive modern business or your own business. What determines the profitability of a business? Which business is better to open? How to choose a simple, profitable and promising business

  • 11.10.2019

Currently, such sectors of the economy as large and small businesses are developing rapidly. It is difficult to imagine the life of Russians without cafes, restaurants, shops and cinemas. Most of these establishments belong to individual entrepreneurs and bring them a lot of income. Small business is very popular today. It includes many different areas and industries in which you can invest. The most common and profitable are the following: trade, service and entertainment, farming, online business, and so on.

You can open a successful business without investing a lot of money. currently in Russia, namely in Moscow? It is impossible to give a definite answer. Let's take a closer look at the most profitable business in Moscow. Moscow is the largest metropolis, where all areas of entrepreneurship are developed and there is very strong competition. Due to all this, the question arises of which ones are the most promising and are in great demand here.

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Main directions, documents for starting a business

Business in Moscow is not an easy matter.

The main ideas of entrepreneurship are as follows: a good idea might be to open your own store in Moscow, a cafe, or a restaurant.

A very profitable business in trading movable and immovable property. Having your own small beauty salon, including a hairdresser, will also be beneficial. Since Moscow is a very large city, the capital of our country, due to this it can become very relevant. In a big city there is always a shortage of natural and healthy products, and agriculture can solve all these problems.

Whatever business is organized, first of all, a new entrepreneur needs to register with the local tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option is the most optimal, since in this case you can save some money, and the number of papers to fill out will be less. It is necessary to keep in mind the fact that when registering as an individual entrepreneur, it will be possible to provide services only to individuals. To open your own business, you need to collect the necessary documents, namely the conclusion of the fire and sanitary-epidemiological services, local territorial property management.

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Opening your own store

You can start a business by creating your own store. It could be a grocery store, a clothing store, a jewelry store, a department store, or a large shopping center. The most profitable and profitable option is a grocery store. These establishments are in constant demand, so they bring regular profits to their owners. This is a very profitable business. The most important point in it is the creation of your business plan, which will clearly describe all further work. It should include: choosing a location, purchasing equipment, collecting the necessary documentation, determining a pricing policy, organizing operating hours, and so on.

The first step is to register with the Federal Tax Service. Then rent a room. Building a store from scratch is not recommended because it will require a lot of money. Obtaining permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service is of great importance. Grocery stores are public catering establishments, and they are closely monitored by the sanitary service. This is carried out in the form of preventive and ongoing sanitary supervision. During it, the compliance of the technological process and construction with regulatory documentation is determined. Planned events are held every 3 years.

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Purchase of equipment

What store can operate without equipment? Of course, there is no way without this. You will need: refrigeration equipment, display cases, shelving, food storage containers, cash registers, microwave ovens and similar equipment. But before this, you need to install all the necessary means of communication, namely electricity, heating, water supply, sewerage and waste disposal systems, air conditioning. Storage conditions for products, especially perishable ones, are of great importance.

To create a profitable business, you need to hire service personnel. The staff of the store should include a manager, a personnel manager, cashiers, a cleaner, a security guard, and a loader. All personnel must wear special clothing. Since food industry workers belong to a decreed group, they are required to check the availability of personal medical records, the frequency of medical examinations and tests. In order to do so, you need to decide on its location. The most profitable option is to locate it in central areas with busy traffic.

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Opening a farm

What business, besides shops, cafes and restaurants, is most profitable in Moscow? Your own farm outside the city can bring profit. There are very, very many options here. You can breed large and small cattle, poultry, rabbits, and pigs. In addition, growing agricultural crops (cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries) is popular. Beekeeping and reproduction with subsequent sale of flowers can bring great profits. The first thing you need to do is decide on the direction. Among other things, you can breed animals for several purposes: for selling young animals, for meat and other raw materials.

First you need to determine the scale of the farm and the number of livestock if you plan to breed it. All further work, expenses and profits will depend on this. If you raise cattle, you don’t need to build a farm from scratch; you just need to find an abandoned farm and rent the land. To buy livestock you will need a lot of money. One cow costs from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. A large amount of money will be spent on food and equipment. It will be necessary to purchase equipment for feeding feed, dispensers, and devices for removing and removing manure. In addition, you will need your own transport to sell products. You can sell meat, milk and other products both at the market and take them to nearby retail outlets and restaurants. But you need to know that purchase prices are often low. A large farm will require several workers: milkmaids, livestock specialist, manager, butcher, cleaner and, of course, a veterinarian. Animals require certain living conditions.

Many budding entrepreneurs grab hold of an attractive idea and begin their journey to the top of the business with great enthusiasm. However, among them there are many who eventually suffer serious losses and quit the race.

Having experienced disappointment, some begin to blame themselves, others - the government, and still others try to find errors in the calculations and again study in detail the business plan, if one was ever drawn up.

There can be a great variety of reasons leading to collapse - natural disasters, financial crises, theft, illness and even minor family troubles. But why then do some businessmen receive a good income even in “bad weather”, while others cannot earn money in the most ideal economic conditions?

The answer to this question will be two mistakes of unsuccessful entrepreneurs - a poor understanding of the essence of a successful business and the wrong choice of project.

An experienced businessman takes on only the most promising ideas that can bring guaranteed profits in a short time. The degree of his interest in any direction will be influenced by several factors: the required start-up capital, the existing demand for products, the level of competition and the complexity of the project. In other words, a successful businessman will never be attracted to the process just for the sake of the process.

What business makes a profit?

Profitability criteria are the same in any business segment. Firstly, the most profitable direction will be the one in which the most money rotates, so you should not look for your own exclusive and small niche, hoping for a lack of competition.

If you compare a hairdresser and a violet shop, you will notice that such a flower business has much fewer competitors than a beauty salon, but is in little demand among the population.

Secondly, often an entrepreneur makes a big profit by only selling goods and not producing them. To organize the production of your product, you need to make considerable investments in renting production premises, purchasing equipment, as well as the necessary raw materials.

You will need a large staff of employees involved in the manufacturing process of the product. You can start trading on your own or with one person on your staff, investing only in advertising.

Small business

This type of business has the main advantage – mobility. It is much easier for a businessman to find a profitable place to sell and change it if necessary. The same advantage applies to the goods sold - you can always change the assortment without significant losses, and the manufacturer will need to dismantle old equipment, sell raw materials and, possibly, hire new staff.

At the moment, the most profitable goods will be products from countries with low production costs. It is worth paying attention to China and other Asian countries that supply various products - cosmetics, clothing, accessories, sporting goods and much more.

If you don't like trade, pay attention to the service sector. Activities such as furniture repair, pillow restoration, and even tattooing always generate income. But don’t forget about advertising and the effectiveness of word of mouth.

Medium business

In the medium segment, profit per unit of goods may be a slightly smaller percentage compared to small businesses, but large sales volumes will provide significant final income. But a successful start will require an initial investment.

The most profitable niches are construction organizations that sell materials and provide repair or installation services; transport companies - taxi services or car rental; retail chains; themed cafes; pharmacies.

Big business

This segment includes financial and credit organizations, the oil and gas sector and the extraction of other minerals.

The ideas listed above can serve as a push in the right direction, but only a well-written business plan will reduce the number of obstacles in your path. Even if you did not study at the Faculty of Economics, it is quite possible to compose it if you wish and due diligence.

Write in your own words, analyze the activities of competitors, study supplier prices, and do not forget about monthly expenses.

Try to depict the model of your project on paper as completely as possible, and a lot will become clear. Build your business with care - this will definitely bring you closer to success!

Is it possible to open your own business without investment and how to do it correctly? What kind of business is profitable to start so that your investment amounts to a maximum of 3,000 rubles?

Hello, dear friends! With you is Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and one of the authors of the business magazine

Today we will talk about starting your own business without investment from scratch. In this article I will cover this topic in detail and give answers to the most common questions from beginners. All the information you learn is based on my practical experience or the experience of my entrepreneur friends.

Therefore, dear readers, be sure to study this material to the end and feel free to implement the thoughts, approaches and ideas you like!

1. Why is it profitable to open a business without investments?

Dear reader, as you may have guessed, the most important benefit is savings on investments, and, therefore, much lower risks.

For example, if you are opening a restaurant, then most likely you will need several million rubles.

Can you imagine how much time it takes to first get your money back, and only after that can we talk about making any money.

In most cases, such projects pay off in more than a year (usually 2-3 years, not earlier).

According to statistics 95% all newly opened businesses are closed without lasting even a year !

Therefore, dear friend, if you do not have experience in business, I will give you advice - never invest your last money in business, which is also intended for urgent needs. Moreover, do not take out a loan to open a business (I repeat, if you have no experience).

More than once I saw how my friends lost money, and I myself found myself in unpleasant situations due to the fact that I overestimated my strength.

Ask yourself, what happens if my business fails?

At a minimum, you will lose most of your money. And if you took them on credit... Just a nightmare!

That is why, start a business so that your investments are minimal or even zero.

In general, starting any business, no matter whether it involves investing money or not, begins by asking yourself the question:

“What do I have that I can give to people and they will pay me money for it? »

For example, you can write articles well, play a musical instrument, or you have teaching talent.

Then make your business based on what you do well.

Let's look at a practical example.

The same person who knows how to play the guitar well can earn money in several ways:

  • Method 1. Stand in the street (underground) passage and play, collecting money from passers-by (by begging). This method will be acceptable for some, but humiliating for others. However, it is the simplest and most obvious. It still has not outlived its usefulness, because in every major city there will always be such musicians.
  • Method 2. Play guitar in a group of performers. This method is suitable for people whose dream is to perform as part of a group (to create their own musical group). The benefits of this method are that you can become rich and famous someday. However, it is not without its drawbacks - for most people it is a rather long and difficult path.
  • Method 3. Teach people to play the guitar, replicating your talent. This is exactly what you need if you know how to do something well.

Developing the guitar theme...

If a few years ago you could simply give private lessons in playing an instrument and charge a time fee for them, for example, 300 rubles per hour, then today everything has changed.

Thanks to the Internet, you can sell your knowledge an unlimited number of times by creating your own information product. That is, replicate your product and receive money many times for the work once done.

So goods may be an e-book or video lessons (training video course).

Yes, friends, this is a business, not just tutoring.

This is how you can open a business without investment, and most importantly, you can receive your first profit literally the next day.

Nowadays, more and more people earn tens of thousands of rubles a month in similar ways.

This is food for thought for you. After all, you can monetize your talents* in different ways.

Monetization- the process of turning any activity into money (from the word coin or extract a coin).

In the case of the ability to play the guitar, these are different ways to earn income from your talents, which I described above.

Maria Ivanovna became a private tutor, and Ivan Petrovich opened a men's suit store. Let's immediately make a reservation that both of our entrepreneurs are specialists in their field. Maria Ivanovna is a good teacher, and Ivan Petrovich knows a lot about costumes.

Comparative table of business projects
Maria Ivanovna and Ivan Petrovich:

Business assessment criteria Maria Ivanovna - tutor Ivan Petrovich - owner of a costume store
Initial financial investmentMinimumEssential
Periodic financial investmentsMinimumEssential
Time costsAverageAverage
Technical difficultyRelatively easyPretty hard
Business flexibilityHigh degree of mobility (adaptability)Low degree of mobility (adaptability)
CompetitionRelatively highRelatively high
Revenue growth potentialShortAverage
Time to reach break-even pointVery fastRelatively long
Market capacity (demand for product/service)Quite tallQuite tall

Of course, this is only a superficial analysis and does not reflect all the nuances. But even here it is clear that Maria Ivanovna has much less risks. And the task of a novice entrepreneur is to minimize risks.

The most interesting thing is that in order for Maria Ivanovna to earn 40,000 rubles per month, she needs to invest approximately 8,000 rubles (travel, advertising, communications, taxes).

But for Ivan Petrovich it’s much more difficult here, since in order to earn the same 40,000 rubles per month, he needs to spend about 200,000 rubles over the same period (cost of goods, rent of premises, more expensive advertising, higher taxes, wear and tear commercial equipment, staff salaries if necessary).

From this we can conclude:

  1. When starting your own business from scratch (with minimal investment), focus on providing services(if you do not have other resources: money, connections, client base, etc.).
  2. Don't try to do everything perfectly right away. Instead, do everything on the principle of gradual improvement. This will reduce your time and financial costs. This way you can open a business without money or with minimal money.
  3. Identify your strengths and make yourself known through advertising and personal contacts.

And, perhaps, the most important condition at the start of your new project is action.

Remember, only actions lead to results!

Just before you act, check if you have at least a small cash reserve, because even if you start your own business, there are still risks that your project will not be as profitable as expected, which means that you will have to cover current expenses from other sources.

4. How to open a business without investment - 7 proven business ideas for 2018

All the ideas described below I have personally tested or described them based on the experience of my friends who are successfully doing business in these areas.

All you have to do is choose the type of business you like and start immersing yourself in it.

You can also read another article on our website about which ones are relevant and successful this year.

Business idea 1. Cooperation with a network marketing company

Uninitiated people often have many misconceptions about this, believing that network marketing is a scam, a pyramid, and so on. I assure you that this is not so.

Let's figure out what advantages of network marketing over classic business:

  1. Minimum investment: from 10 to 100 dollars
  2. Obtaining basic business skills:
    • ability to negotiate;
    • planning your activities;
    • team management;
    • tracking trade turnover;
    • profit calculation, etc.
  3. Opportunity to create passive income for yourself, that is, such income that does not depend on your daily activities. Here you can regularly receive money for work once done.

I personally know people who earn several thousand dollars a month in network marketing. At the same time, they do not run around with bags and catalogs, like girls at the subway. This method of starting a business on your own without large investments is perfect for sociable and open-minded people.

Business idea 2. Business partnership with your employer

Let's look at this business idea with an example.

You work in the sales department of a small company that sells computers. You have a salary and a bonus for meeting or exceeding the sales plan.

Naturally, your employer is interested in you selling as much computer equipment as possible. In this case, you need to find a way to significantly increase sales in the company.

To do this, you may need to open a branch of your company in another city or region, go on a business trip, reach wealthier clients, and so on.

Prepare a written proposal to your boss (business owner), he will probably only be happy with your initiative. If it is adequately assessed and you cope with your task, then after some time you will be able to become not just an employee, but a managing partner of this company, having your share in the total profit of the company.

It was in this way that an entrepreneur I know, his name is Nikolai, immediately turned two employees into business partners.

One of the employees was a hired director, and the other was a lawyer. Each of these guys took over one area of ​​business that Nikolai is involved in, and began to develop them, receiving the status of managing partners in his company.

Business idea 3. Selling your knowledge online

There is a famous expression: “Knowledge is power!” Especially if it is practical knowledge supported by results.

Do you know how to do something well: sing, draw, program, take photographs? There are thousands of people who want to do this just like you.

The problem is that they don't know where to start. Help them learn it (learn) for money. Share your experience in something you love and do well.

I already wrote above that you can not just give consultations and lessons on some topic, but also replicate your training by creating a paid information product.

My English teacher, Alexey, has been teaching people English and German via Skype for several years now.

A few months ago, he decided to record his original method of learning a foreign language in a year, in the form of an information product, and began selling it on the Internet.

Now he has active income from teaching and passive income (without his participation) from selling training courses on the Internet.

This is one of the forms of doing business online.

There are many more ways to make money online. You can learn about them from our article “”. This article will be especially interesting for beginners.

Business idea 4. Creating an online business

It’s not the easiest path you have to go through if you decide to organize a business on the World Wide Web. But believe me, it's worth it!

This business idea is suitable for those who want to earn money and develop their business without being tied to a location. That is, you can manage your business project from anywhere in the world where there is a computer and the Internet.

Understanding Internet technologies, you can create custom websites and organize your own web studio. About how my friend Vitaly and I made money on this more than 500,000 rubles, I told in the article “. This can also become your online business. After all, for this you don’t even have to have an office and you can work with customers remotely.

For example, I am now on the Black Sea in the city of Sochi and at the same time doing business on the Internet.

And I’ll tell you honestly that it’s very cool! After all, at any time I can go for a walk to the sea, meet with friends or just relax. I have no bosses, but only clients and business partners.

If you feel empowered to start a full-fledged information business online, then this will be the best decision, provided that you are willing to invest time in your project.

For example, the website, where you are now reading this article, is one of my business projects. It took me and my partner Vitaly more than a month of hard work to create and promote it, but now the project is thriving and brings good profits from the advertising that is placed on it.

If you are also interested in making money on the Internet and want to find out how you can earn tens of thousands of rubles by creating your own visited Internet resource, be sure to check out my article “.

Above, I already wrote about such a concept as passive income. So, friends. Your visited website is a great opportunity to create a source of such income for yourself.

Business idea 5. Reselling things using electronic bulletin boards

The simplest business you can start is regular resale or, more simply, speculation. You buy something cheaper and then resell it for more.

But since in the article we are talking about business without investments or with insignificant investments, you and I will not open a store, immediately register officially and purchase a bunch of goods.

What I suggest you do.

First, practice and sell unnecessary things from home. This could be an old laptop, a bicycle, a closet or children's toys.

If you just inspect your home, and also look in the garage or on the balcony, then I assure you that you will find a lot of things that you don’t need (and someone else really needs them, believe my experience), and you will find “junk” at least several thousand rubles.

Personally, when I carried out an inspection of the apartment, I found almost 50,000 rubles worth of all sorts of things. And this is only a superficial examination.

Next, take photos of these items and post them online. The best place to start is the popular electronic board “Avito” ( Now you can also use the capabilities of the Yula website. This is also a popular bulletin board through which you can sell your things and engage in mediation.

All you have to do is receive calls and meet buyers' homes.


An expanded and more progressive option for reselling goods online is “Business with China”. Its essence is that you purchase and then sell an interesting and inexpensive product through the same bulletin boards, online store or one-page website.

Now this topic is very popular and has high profitability. You can make money on the “Chinese theme” 100-200 and even 500 thousand rubles per month.

I have a friend, his name is, who is successfully engaged in such a business and teaches it to others. If you also want to make money selling Chinese goods, I recommend taking Evgeniy as your mentor.

Look at the review of his wife’s student, Igor Galaev, who shares his results after completing business training with China:

Let's get back to making money on message boards...

But you don’t have to limit yourself to just the Avito website. Each city, as a rule, has its own local website with the ability to post free advertisements. If you want, you can advertise the items you sell, even with ads in local newspapers like Hand to Hand or All for You.

This will also reduce your sales time.

Next, when you already have experience in making money in this way, simply repeat all your steps again, and also start looking for contractors and suppliers of goods (the same things) and sell them on Avito and similar sites.

I guarantee that in this way you can earn money, even in the first month, comparable to the average salary in your locality.

Business idea 6. Organization of a household errand service “Husband for an hour”

Business idea “Husband for an hour* » is not new, but it becomes more relevant every year. Our people are busy, and given the large number of single women, this service will always be popular.

A popular popular name for services for minor household repairs in the house, which are usually performed by a man.

If you are a man and have the skills to repair plumbing, electrical, you can “nailed a shelf” or replace a door lock, then in principle you will not end up with clients, thanks to your skills and proper advertising.

If your “handedness” has helped you out more than once in household chores, then why not start selling your services?

A good friend of mine, his name is Evgeniy, opened the “Husband for an Hour” service in our city of Stavropol. This is the third year he has been engaged in this activity, he has already recruited a team of assistants and takes a percentage of the work they complete.

Place advertisements on Avito. Walk around the area and post up advertisements offering your services.

Once you have several satisfied customers, orders will come to you based on their recommendations. The “word of mouth” effect will work.

Tip on topic:

Order yourself business cards and hand them to each client. Write on your business card that your client will receive a discount if they contact you again. 10% for services.

This will help you quickly gain regular customers.

If you organize your work correctly, do it efficiently and build good relationships with clients, then soon you will have a flurry of orders and you will have to hire assistants.

My friend Zhenya and his “husband for an hour” service did just that. According to this scheme, you can also open your own business without investment, the most you will need is minimal money for advertising and for your instrument.

When providing such services, it is advisable to have your own car, but this is not a prerequisite.

Try it if you feel that this activity is up to you.

Business idea 7. Home business to provide your personal services

The last business idea on our list will not relate to a specific field of activity, but rather to something that you know how to do and can make money from it in the very near future right from your home.

For example, if you are a man and you have your own garage next to your house, start providing car repair services by organizing your own small “home” car service.

If you are a woman, and, for example, you are interested in yoga, trained as a hairdresser or know how to do a manicure - you can make money from all this.

So my friend Anna Belan, who was passionate about handicrafts, first made crafts at home and sold them, and now she has opened her own creative studio, where she teaches children this art.

Moreover, Anya’s clients have only increased; now large companies order her to make branded crafts for the holidays, and she makes money from it, doing what she loves.

Interested in her experience, I interviewed Anya, which tells. I recommend that you read it, especially if you are a girl or a man who is looking for something to do with his wife and improve her financial situation. :)

Remember, probably one of your friends or acquaintances is running a business at home, using their skills and abilities in various fields.

Chat with this person and learn from his experience. I am sure that over time you will become an equally successful entrepreneur.

5. Conclusion

Dear reader, I hope that the thoughts, ideas and visual examples in this article will help you start your own business without investment. If you are just starting out in entrepreneurship, are looking for business ideas to start your project, or want to open a business on your own, then visit the pages of the business magazine more often.

Today we have discussed in some detail the most important topic for aspiring entrepreneurs.

What are the benefits of trading in a small town? What is the best business to run at home? How to open your own business with minimal investment?

Working for yourself is like growing up. Anyone who wants to gain independence sooner or later leaves their home - leaves the hired service and begins to work exclusively for themselves.

Good, The choice of areas for personal business is unlimited. The only problem is to find the type of activity that will truly reveal your talents and abilities to the fullest.

Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on the HeatherBober portal on economic and financial issues. In a new article I will tell you what business to start to earn a lot and consistently, what business ideas are the most promising today and now, and what is more profitable - a YouTube channel or a home photo studio.

Don’t switch – you will learn a lot of interesting things.

1. Business with minimal investment - let’s stop work and let's begin earn

There is an opinion that you need to be born a successful businessman. They say that this requires a special mindset, extraordinary abilities and a specific character. Millions of people believe that entrepreneurship is not for them. That they won’t be able to work for themselves. That their business will fail. That they don’t know how to count money, etc.

Of course, we are born with different abilities and inclinations, there is no doubt about that.

However, I personally prefer this point of view: every person from birth is an entrepreneur. When he is born, he already has a ready-made company - himself. It depends only on you whether this company will become successful. You are the manager of this company, its general director and the owner of a controlling stake.

Thousands of people are working for themselves right now. They do not expect a salary from the employer, are not afraid of dismissal, and set their own working hours.

This does not mean that their life is complete euphoria. There are enough problems in the life of a businessman. Perhaps there are even more of them than an employee. But all the disadvantages of “free swimming” are outweighed by a big plus - you become the master of your life and your time, set your own goals and determine your priorities.

And a few more advantages:

  • a huge selection of areas for commercial activity– if you want, teach everyone how to paint in your own studio, if you want, make soap in the garage;
  • the amount of income is unlimited– you set the upper limit yourself in accordance with your ambitions and goals;
  • free schedule, vacation not when allowed, but when wanted– you independently manage your main asset – time;
  • you are not tied to a workplace– work wherever you want: at home, in the garage, in an Internet cafe, on a personal plot;
  • you set the rules yourself– no one obliges you to follow strict regulations and schedules.

If you fail to achieve results in one area of ​​business, you always have the right to change the direction of activity to the diametrically opposite one. If your online business is not working out, get involved in purely earthly technologies - open a shawarma shop or start a business.

I have a friend who dealt successively with: animal feed, video equipment, Indian gems and jewelry (he brought it from India himself), equipment for private (home) cinemas, commercial real estate, and information products.

Not to say that he failed in every type of activity - on the contrary, reaching a certain level, he realized that he was losing interest in the chosen topic, and saw broader prospects in another area.

But do not confuse freedom with sloppiness, indifference and projectism. A naturally lazy and undisciplined person is unlikely to achieve serious success in business. The money will not be transferred to your account on its own– simply because you declared yourself an entrepreneur.

You will definitely have to work hard and persistently. Perhaps even more than in the office or production. You will need self-control, self-confidence, the ability to calculate options and make decisions on your own.

Being an entrepreneur means working hard and being a multitasker.

Is it necessary to have initial capital? It all depends on the type of activity you plan to engage in. If you open an online store, you will have to purchase goods and launch a website. And this requires money.

Similarly with production - consumables and equipment require investment. But there are different options - leasing, renting, finding investors.

But if you sell exclusively intellectual services, then capital is not required. You'll only have to waste your time. But time doesn’t pay off right away. It is necessary to acquire clients, develop skills, and ideally undergo training.

Give up the hope that a couple of weeks or even months after launching a business, gold coins will start pouring into your wallet. Business, especially small business, requires patience and hard work. Everything will happen, but not right away - remember this phrase!

And for those who need a reliable and proven option with a guarantee of profitability, we offer to invest money in a ready-made business - purchase a franchise from the company. The co-owner of a chain of restaurants serving Japanese and Pan-Asian cuisine is Alex Yanovsky, an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience, the owner of his own School “Business Behind Glass”.

The founders of HeatherBeaver magazine know Alex personally - his business schemes really work and generate income.

Moreover, our good friend Sergei opened a business under this franchise in the city of Maykop - he launched a point in the “island” format. His investment of 1.5 million rubles paid off within six months. So we can confidently recommend his franchise to both beginners and experienced businessmen.

Alex Yanovsky about the advantages of a franchise:

2. 5 popular areas in business

In fact, there are more directions, but these five are proven and well-trodden paths along which thousands of aspiring businessmen like you are successfully and confidently walking right now.

Let's look at all the pros and features the most popular areas of small and medium-sized businesses.

1) Resale of goods

The most accessible type of business.

Its principle is simple and has not changed since ancient times: buy goods in bulk in one place at a low price and resell them in another at a higher cost.

Stable income comes from those goods that everyone needs - food, clothing, shoes, household chemicals, cosmetics. The consumer goods market has billions of dollars in turnover and the same profits.

Another thing is that large corporations take the lion's share. Beginners are left to look for narrow niches and maneuver between mass-market products and exclusive goods.

When choosing the profile of your company, focus not only on demand, but also on the state of the economy. For example, during a crisis, most people have no time for luxury - Swiss fountain pens with a platinum nib are unlikely to be sold quickly and profitably in a small town, where the average salary is half the cost of this very fountain pen.

In such populated areas it is worth choosing a more popular product– for example, open a stock store with inexpensive branded clothing. Or a smartphone store - analogues of well-known companies, but originally from the People's Republic of China.

Small towns, on the one hand, offer excellent prospects, but on the other hand, they are unpredictable in terms of business development.

The table will outline the situation with trade in small towns more clearly:

The universal salvation for any modern trade is the Internet. Here the audience is not limited geographically. Live in Torzhok, and send goods to either Moscow or Nizhny Novgorod.

2) Provision of services

You don't have to sell material things. Professional services are no less in demand than clothing or food.

There are many examples:

  • accounting services;
  • printing center;
  • Interior design;
  • writing texts to order;
  • organization of banquets;
  • creation and promotion of websites;
  • Internet Marketing;
  • Pizza delivery;
  • repair of bicycles or household appliances;
  • writing term papers, etc.

Any matter that you understand or want to understand is suitable. The modern world is differentiated and belongs to narrow specialists. Family lawyer, tutor, commercial writer and other specialties are no longer a curiosity and are constantly required.

3) Production

More and more small enterprises are opening in the Russian Federation: in conditions of crisis and sanctions, domestic producers entered new markets.

Are in stable demand natural food. If you focus on quality, then even the relative high cost of production will pay off due to a higher price. The modern consumer is ready to overpay for healthy and environmentally friendly products.

You will find more details about production activities in the article “”.

4) Real estate transactions

An option for those who have substantial starting capital. The real estate market, despite gloomy forecasts, continues to bring profits to owners of liquid housing. Earnings from rentals, sales and other operations with residential and non-residential premises are traditionally high.

5) Business on the Internet

The most promising modern direction. And the least expensive if you sell not a product via the Internet, but your skills or services.

But first, you need to master at least one of the most popular professions - website designer, SEO promotion specialist, copywriter, social media administrator. Or make money on your website, affiliate programs.

It's not as difficult as it seems - the main thing is not to be lazy and not stay too long in the status of a beginner. If you want to succeed, read the large article on our website, which is called “”.

3. What kind of business can you start - TOP 10 ideas for a beginning businessman

Let's get down to specifics.

Ten promising ideas for beginners with minimal experience.

1) Homemade soap making

The first private soap makers of our time made soap right in their apartments. Some people still do this, but it is better to have a separate room for these purposes.

I have a friend who lives in Chisinau. Katerina started making handmade soap 7 years ago. The first experiments - multi-colored ellipses of soap with herbal scents, which she sent me as product samples - cost her too much. In addition, in Moldova the demand for this product was almost zero.

She gradually improved the technology, accumulated a customer base and now has a full-fledged online store, where, in addition to designer soap, there are a lot of other exclusive and natural products. The high price does not bother buyers from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. They care about quality, original execution and purely natural ingredients.

2) Tutoring

If you are fluent in foreign languages, a six-string guitar, school subjects, and other useful skills and knowledge, no one will forbid you share your experience with others for money.

Thanks to Skype you can teach people all over the world

3) Management of corporate events and holidays

An idea for people with organizational and public speaking skills. Creative thinking, self-confidence and a little courage, and you will become the soul of any audience.

The ingredients for success are as follows: constant practice, original scripts, competent room design, and a constantly changing repertoire.

4) Equipment repair

If you were born with a screwdriver in your hands, clearly understand how household appliances work, and understand electronics, why not turn your skills into a source of income?

Modern technology has a low safety margin. Most people are better off getting their washing machine repaired than buying a new one. Meanwhile, repairing one “washing machine” costs from 2 to 5 thousand rubles . Several orders a day, and the income is enough not only for bread and butter, but also for an annual vacation to Bali.

Minimum costs – tools, diagnostic equipment, spare parts. If you have a garage, then the problem of renting a room disappears. Large equipment can be repaired at the customer's home.

5) Food delivery

In Novosibirsk, where I live, you can order anything to your home or office, from hot corn to a full meal from a Chinese restaurant.

Such a business requires investments - renting premises and transport, purchasing raw materials, paying employees. Permits from sanitary services are needed: the premises must have ventilation, all necessary communications, and employees must have sanitary records.

6) Transportation of goods

Are you the owner of a truck? Engage in the transportation of large-sized cargo. You don't even have to buy a car - rent or lease it.

You will need 2-3 responsible workers, and not people from the street, but experienced riggers who know how to properly transport furniture and household appliances, how to pack fragile cargo, how to lower a piano from the third floor.

7) Video channel on YouTube

The YouTube channel's audience is more than a billion viewers. This is every third Internet user on the planet. Promoted TV channels bring their owners millions in profits. Some of the presenters are not even 15 years old.

The ingredients for success are as follows:

  • popular destination– video games, beauty blog, TOPs and lists, entertainment;
  • signature feature– original image, unique format;
  • competent promotion– use professional techniques.

Most Internet users are young people raised on gadgets. They prefer to see it once rather than read a long text, which is why video blogs are so popular.

A little educational program from popular YouTube video bloggers:

8) Home photo studio

You will learn how to take satisfactory pictures in a couple of weeks. You will need professional photography equipment and equipment for printing photographs. And then work in the format that you prefer - photo for documents, wedding photography and videography, prom albums, image processing and photomontage.

Just six months after the start of her career, she was invited to major city events as an official photo-chronicler. I don’t know why, but clients like her photographs even more than photographs of experienced professionals.

9) Growing vegetables and fruits in a greenhouse

An idea for those who are interested in gardening and gardening. One greenhouse will give you several harvests a year, and people need fruits, herbs, vegetables and flowers every day.

Before buying a greenhouse and seedlings, take care of the product market, study the competitive environment, price, read specialized literature and thematic sites.

A greenhouse is an excellent tool for your own business

Additional income: canning, processing and freezing vegetables, selling seedlings and seeds.

But this is a long-term business for the patient and smart. If you want, read the special publication.

10) Seasonal storage of tires, skis, bicycles

Income close to passive. Very nice idea. You just need to prepare the room: an empty garage is best suited for these purposes. Install shelves, insulate the room, install a security system. In summer, store winter tires, sleds, skis, snowboards here, in winter - bicycles, scooters, summer tires, etc.

TOP 7 profitable business ideas

Business ideas that make a profit, or ideas that no one believed in? Brave Russian entrepreneurs have mastered unoccupied niches (joint purchasing, ice cream parlors, quests) and were right on target!


According to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the share of small businesses in the country’s GDP should increase to 30% by 2020. SMEs in total will account for at least half of the gross domestic product. Such forecasts are not unfounded: every year more and more successful business ideas for small businesses appear, which are implemented by entrepreneurs not only in various Russian regions. The most original and profitable ideas of entrepreneurs will be discussed in this article!

Not by bread alone...

  • Idea: sturgeon farm
  • Entrepreneur: Victor Kozemsky
  • Region: Belgorod region
  • Description: In 2014, in the Gayvoronsky district of the Belgorod region, the construction of a farm for growing sturgeon fish in recirculating water supply (RAS) systems began. The enterprise was named “Belosetr” and, according to the creator, was designed to produce up to 0.5 tons of caviar annually, starting in 2017.

Previously, Kozemsky was engaged in fish farming in Donetsk, after which he decided to launch a unique project for Russia - a fully automated sturgeon farm. Kozemsky and his colleagues have been developing equipment for keeping and feeding sturgeon for over 10 years, using their own developments.

At the moment, the plant has more than 7 tons of brood fish stock at its disposal. The company also has a workshop for growing fry, that is, the implementation of the second stage of a large-scale project has now begun. At the end of 2015, the company sold:

  • 0.2 t black caviar;
  • 1.5 tons of fish.

Let us recall that the average cost of 1 kg of black caviar on the Russian wholesale market reaches 28 - 30 thousand rubles. Now the farm plans to produce 2 tons of sturgeon and sterlet caviar by 2018.

Interesting: According to the Ministry of Agriculture, exports of Russian black caviar tripled last year and reached 4.71 tons during the first and third quarters of 2015. The reason for this is the active development of sturgeon production and a favorable market situation in the context of a falling ruble exchange rate.

Small wholesale: making money on savings

  • Idea: online store in Cash & Carry format
  • Entrepreneur: Elena Drovovozova
  • Region: Moscow
  • Description: in 2014, Elena Drovovozova, a former lawyer at the multi-format trading company X5 Retail Group, founded an online cosmetics store in a format similar to Cash & Carry. The store was named and offers customers cosmetics at retail and wholesale at a discounted price. The idea of ​​crowdshopping was taken as the basis for creating the store. In order to save on the purchase of goods and delivery, people join groups and make joint purchases.

At this stage, the store’s assortment includes more than 20 thousand products. According to Alexa Rank, the store ranks 260,378, it is viewed daily by more than 9 thousand people, and the average cost of the resource is estimated at just over 9.6 thousand US dollars. The success of the store is due to the growing popularity of joint purchases (they account for almost 40% of turnover). Most profitable startups are in one way or another connected with crowdshopping (Rentoid, Uber, etc.), but in Russia the niche has not yet been occupied, and therefore everyone has a chance for success!

“Free online marathon on business with China: find out how to start a business selling goods online in 5 days. Sign up for the webinar."

DIY: Basic Cooking

  • Idea: food designers
  • Entrepreneur: Olga Zinovieva
  • Region: Moscow and Moscow region
  • Description: In 2014, a former McKinsey consultant created a home delivery service for groceries. Its peculiarity is that the products are intended for the preparation of specific dishes: washed, peeled, cut. The kits come with colorful step-by-step recipes that allow you to prepare delicious dishes in 5 to 30 minutes.

Grocery packages are delivered twice a week when you subscribe on the website. The menu for each client is compiled individually based on a preliminary survey. In just one month of work, 120 thousand residents of the capital became participants in the project, which brought the company more than 1.2 million rubles. (according to RBC).

The idea to create a food constructor came to Olga while studying at Harvard Business School. She immediately attracted the attention of the head of the Boston venture capital fund, Lawrence Lepard. The fund invested 200 thousand US dollars in the project in exchange for a 10% share in the business.

In 2016, the Elementaree project managed to attract more than 500 thousand US dollars from an international investor, whose name was not disclosed. The funds received will be spent on platform development (automation of business processes, scaling). The creators plan to create a full-fledged alternative to offline supermarkets within 3 to 5 years.

How to wash money: making money from laundries

  • Idea: self-service laundry network
  • Entrepreneurs: Pavel Glushenkov, Oleg Maslennikov
  • Region: Krasnodar region
  • Description: In 2011, former law enforcement officer Oleg Maslennikov, inspired by self-service laundries popular in the United States, opened the first laundromat in Krasnodar. At first, the entrepreneur encountered problems, for example, choosing the wrong equipment (washing machines with a load capacity of 6.5 kg did not meet the needs of customers). But he successfully chose a location in a new shopping center, which allowed him to save on advertising.

In 2014, having 2 laundries in Krasnodar and 1 in Omsk, the entrepreneur decided to develop the business. At this stage, he was joined by Pavel Glushenkov, who had previously developed his own network of laundries, the first of which was created as a franchise. Currently, the network has 15 points in the regions, including Moscow. 8 of them are located in the premises of the Magnit chain stores, popular in the Southern Federal District.

According to RBC, the maximum income from one point can reach 350 thousand rubles, and the net profit (minus the cost of rent, household chemicals, taxes, the cost of utilities) is about 120 - 150 thousand rubles. According to entrepreneurs, opening a self-service laundry will require 2 million rubles, and the payback period reaches 3 years.

Games that people play: quests in reality as a source of income

  • Idea: quests in reality
  • Entrepreneur: Sergey Kuznetsov, Bogdan Kravtsov, Timur Kadyrov
  • Regions: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod
  • Description: in 2013, the first quest room appeared in Moscow - a room for completing errand games with a planned plot. Bogdan Kravtsov, who previously worked as an IT specialist at Yandex and Artemy Lebedev Studio, was inspired to create the quest by his favorite PC game “Skray,” as well as successful examples in Europe and the West.

In partnership with friends who owned a company producing board games and souvenirs, Kravtsov began developing scenarios for the first two games: “Psychiatric Hospital” and “Soviet Apartment.” The entrepreneurs managed to create scenarios in just a couple of evenings, and the amount of investment to open the first quest room, according to Forbes, amounted to 500 thousand rubles.

At this stage, each quest room of the Claustrophobia network brings in approximately 1.1 million rubles. monthly. The first franchises were sold in 2014. Their cost was 150 thousand rubles, while the royalty rate ranged from 10% for the regions to 15% in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In a difficult economic situation, profitable business ideas should be aimed at people who do not have the opportunity or means to travel abroad. After all, they will look for entertainment in their city. And in these conditions, quests are the optimal solution!