The nominations for students are comic. Fun nominations for graduates

  • 27.04.2019

“Square of Stars” is a favorite holiday that students, parents and teachers look forward to at our school. This holiday is a good tradition of recognizing the merits and achievements of children, awarding best students schools and those who helped them achieve their achievements.

This holiday ends school year. They prepare for it very carefully. Everything should be at its best: stage design, concert program, gifts - so that all participants in this holiday will be interesting, easy, and fun. Preparatory work begins long before the holiday. Lists of students nominated for awards are compiled, indicating all achievements for the academic year. Nominations are determined (“First steps”, “Successful debut”, “Our hope”, “Application for success”, “To the top of Olympus!”, “Inspiration”, “Pride of the school”). Material for the holiday is collected, a script is drawn up, the place and time of the holiday is determined. Certificates are prepared, gifts are purchased, and a multimedia presentation is created. The most solemn and touching moment holiday - honoring the best students of the school. In each category, students are invited one by one to the stage, where certificates and gifts are presented. The best students are awarded badges “Winner of the nomination...”. The entertainment part of the holiday includes concert numbers between nominations. A separate page of the gala event is dedicated to teachers and parents. For them - words of gratitude, flowers, gifts, applause and recognition.

Holiday scenario

It's April again in this world.
On the school joyful planet
Nature comes to life again
It rings, blooms, smells fragrant.
And this is a miracle in this room,
What kind of schoolchildren we have gathered!

Here is a sea of ​​smart, clean eyes,
Here youth enchants us,
Here souls are full of anticipation,
An unexpected confession of love,

Solemn excitement reigns,
The usual introduction sounds
For everyone who has been waiting for this moment for a long time,
It has arrived, it has joyfully arrived...

The presenters come out:

Presenter 1. Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to the traditional holiday young talents"Square of Stars"

Presenter2. By tradition, this holiday in our school takes place at the end of the school year. Here we honor the most talented and intelligent,

Presenter 1. The strongest and most dexterous, -

Presenter 2. All those who bring good glory to our school and make the life of the school itself interesting and joyful.

Presenter 1. What was remarkable about this year?

Presenter 2. This academic year is a jubilee year.

Presenter 1. Yes, this year our district turns 70 years old.

Presenter 2. Our home school is 80 years old.

Presenter 1. And therefore, we want to dedicate the holiday to the best students and teachers of our school.

Leaders (in unison). For all of us.


Song “Little Country” (performed by the ensemble “Knopochki”)

A school is a small country, a small state, and it has its own laws.

In order not to stray from the right path, in order to set the movement vector,

The school has a fair and strict, but the best principal!

The floor is given to the director of our school, Vera Alexandrovna Lodyagina.

Presenter 1. Each school has its own merits. But there is also something that makes them similar and unites them. These are their graduates. Our school is rightfully proud of its graduates.

Presenter 2. What we are absolutely sure of is that wherever our graduates work, they are always distinguished by search, experimentation, and innovation.

Presenter 1. We are pleased that today in this hall there are graduates of our native school No. 27, graduates who are the special pride of the school, who have chosen not the easiest, not the most profitable, but the most important profession in society - the profession of a teacher.

] Presenter 2. The floor to present the nomination “First Steps” is given to a school graduate, teacher primary classes- Oborina Olga Vladimirovna.

Every person takes the first step in his life. The first step towards mother's gentle hands. Towards the teacher. The first step on the path to knowledge, success, and victories.

The “First Steps” nomination includes:

  1. Albycheva Lera
  2. Alikin Vova
  3. Achintseva Daria
  4. Bashirova Karin
  5. Belyaev Vlad
  6. Boldina Yulia
  7. Vshivkova Sofia
  8. Galitsyna Lisa
  9. Golenko Egor
  10. Enukidze Danil
  11. Zavyalova Daria
  12. Zorina Anna
  13. Ivanov Nikita
  14. Covina Lera
  15. Komissarova D
  16. Konyakhin Kirill
  17. Lomilov Kostya
  18. Lukina Masha
  19. Maltsev Sasha
  20. Melnikova Yana
  21. Metlyakov Nikita
  22. Mokrushina Anna
  23. Muzafarova Ange
  24. Nekrasova Maria
  25. Nikulin Andrey
  26. Ovechkin Nikita
  27. Pershin Kirill
  28. Plotnikova Yulia
  29. Ponomareva Katya
  30. Rossomakhina Lera
  31. Romanov Saveliy
  32. Sokolov Nikita
  33. Smetanin Daniil
  34. Smolentsev Sergey
  35. Efremova Varya
  36. Shubin Sasha
  37. Yurina Veronica
  38. Morozov Denis


The winner in the “First Steps” nomination was -.... (last name, first name, achievements).

Well, what can I wish for you? To study, of course -

You will achieve heights and depths in your studies!

Presenter 2. We thank our nominees.


(3a grade students perform a dance.)

Presenter 1. We continue the award ceremony.

They are trying to protect their own school

It’s great to win at competitions and shows.

And they also want to be first in their studies.

Let it not always work out

But they are not sad.

Presenter 2. The “Successful Debut” nomination is presented by a school graduate, primary school teacher - Nina Nikolaevna Lazareva

The “Successful Debut” nomination includes:

  1. Balandina Veronica.
  2. Berezovik Alyosha
  3. Bondarenko Katya
  4. Borisova Yulia
  5. Borovikova Nastya
  6. Bronnikov Artem
  7. Buzikova Polina
  8. Bushuev Maxim
  9. Vasilevskaya Ksenia
  10. Grigorieva Daria
  11. Efimova Ksenia
  12. Zinnurova Sofia
  13. Zhetikova Lera
  14. Kazakova Tanya
  15. Kipenko Nastya
  16. Kopytova Liza
  17. Matyaeva Diana
  18. Leontyeva Nastya
  19. Nikonova Lisa
  20. Oborin Gleb
  21. Onishchenko Katya
  22. Onyanova Nastya
  23. Oshchepkov Ivan
  24. Oshchepkova Vika
  25. Pigasov Maxim
  26. Silkin Ilya
  27. Tryascin Nikita
  28. Tulyakov Nikita
  29. Ustalova Katya
  30. Khudyakova Natasha
  31. Chirukhina E
  32. Yudina Vika
  33. Yukseeva Irina

Students go up to the stage. They are awarded certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the “Successful Debut” nomination was -.... (last name, first name, achievements)

May every school day be a good one,
You need to know a lot, a lot,
To become like the hero Gagarin,
To conquer the depths of the Earth and Space!

Presenter 2. We thank our nominees.

The ensemble “Knopochki” performs a song about school


Song “Interplanetary Cruiser”

Presenter 1.

How wonderful it is that there are children at school
Whose intelligence and knowledge bring glory to her.
After all, it is about them that one day they will say:
“You are the pride and hope of our days”

Presenter 2. The floor to present the nomination “Our Hope” is given to a school graduate, primary school teacher - L.S. Bryzgalova.

The nomination “Our Hope” includes:

  1. Agreste Eva
  2. Andreeva Daria
  3. Anishchenkova Polina
  4. Beresneva Sasha
  5. Bronnikov Nikita
  6. Vozhakova Nastya
  7. Glushkova Katya
  8. Gribkova Anna
  9. Dudina Ksenia
  10. Dudko Lisa
  11. Zakirova Natalya
  12. Kichev Ivan
  13. Kolosova Tatyana
  14. Kostareva Anna
  15. Krinitsin Ruslan
  16. Lyashenko Yulia
  17. Melnikov Mikhail
  18. Naumenko Nikita
  19. Nechaeva Polina
  20. Oborina Sofia
  21. Soinova Masha
  22. Tutynina Vasilina
  23. Khudorozhkov Maxim
  24. Sharafutdinov Marat
  25. Yurina Alisa
  26. Mazurina Maria

Students go up to the stage. They are awarded certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the “Our Hope” nomination was -.... (last name, first name, achievements)

Huge achievements to you,
And there are many good solutions!
Lots of joy, warmth,
Let your dream come true

Presenter 1. We thank our guys for the results achieved.

For our “hopes” the saxophone sounds.


Presenter 2.

Sports surnames of the country
Known to the world, we are proud of them!
There are glorious sons of the fatherland!
The Motherland is proud of its athletes!

Presenter 1.

And it all starts - sometimes at school,
In a simple physical education lesson,
Then - years of hard work,
The path to becoming a master is work without hackwork.

Presenter 2. A school graduate and physical education teacher, Natalya Viktorovna Solovyeva, is invited to present medals to the best athletes.

In the category “To the top of Olympus!” presented:

  1. Bolonkin Kirill
  2. Demin Grisha
  3. Egozova Masha
  4. Kamenskikh Daniil.
  5. Kovalev
  6. Kopytova Liza
  7. Chicken Angelina
  8. Lazarev Sasha
  9. Lipatova Masha
  10. Ovechkin Nikita
  11. Pachin Nikita
  12. Rossomakhina Lera
  13. Tarantin Sasha
  14. Terebilo Artem
  15. Tulyakov Nikita
  16. Filippov Lev
  17. Steinle Andrey
  18. Yurin Danil

Sportsmen and women are beautiful and smart.

You are the pride of our school – the hope of the whole country!


(Variety dance)

Presenter 2. The school is famous for its activities,

The school is famous for its students.

In sports, in studies, in work, in entertainment

Our school has its own achievements

Presenter 1 The “Application for Success” nomination is presented by the winner of the city competition “Teacher of the Year 2011” - Yulia Anatolyevna Prokhorova.

  1. Alkinskaya Sasha
  2. Gushchina Polina
  3. Istomin Ilya
  4. Kamenskikh Maxim
  5. Kamynin Misha
  6. Klimenko Irina
  7. Kopylova Yulia
  8. Kuchukbaev Danil
  9. Laskarzhevskaya Hive
  10. Lelkina Christina
  11. Lipatova Masha
  12. Pishchalnikova Sofia
  13. Poroshina Ksenia
  14. Postupinskaya Alena
  15. Proleeva Ksenia
  16. Razumova Alena
  17. Rybakov Daniil
  18. Salikhova Anna
  19. Samoilenko Kolya
  20. Stafeeva Irina
  21. Tudvaseva Nastya
  22. Fedoseeva Lena
  23. Filonenko Alina
  24. Chernova Vika
  25. Shveeva Daria
  26. Chebykin Edgard

Students go up to the stage. They are awarded certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the nomination “Application for Success” was -.... (last name, first name, achievements)

You were born at the turn of the century.
to you in new Age open the road.
Today and always we must be together
Decide, search, create, dream


(Fiction reading)

Presenter 1 The “Inspiration” nomination is presented by the winner of the city competition “Teacher of the Year - Olga Vladimirovna Malykina”

  1. Alexandrova Polina
  2. Berezin Egor
  3. Gorbik Daniil
  4. Gorbunov Sergey
  5. Demin Grisha
  6. Kalinina Valya
  7. Komiljonov Yura
  8. Lukoyanova Victoria
  9. Mekhonoshina Anna
  10. Murygina Maria
  11. Pachin Andrey
  12. Pimenova Maria
  13. Serebrova Ekaterina
  14. Tolkachev Denis
  15. Yurin Danil

Students go up to the stage. They are awarded certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the “Inspiration” nomination was -....(last name, first name, achievements)

Wishing you success in your studies,

More joy and laughter

Pass all the tests without any problems,

So that everything in your life is "five".


(A song performed by a 2a grade student)

Presenter 2.

The fanfare has stopped, the dancers are tired,
The main action awaits in this hall,
Waiting for the award ceremony
The highest award for a year of study.

Presenter 1.

Let the holiday of the stars light up,
Let everyone at our school know
Which star team
We are winning today.

The nomination “Pride of the School” is presented by a school graduate, primary school teacher, Elena Aleksandrovna Tarasova.

  1. Derbenev Alexander
  2. Gogidze Polina
  3. Eremina Sasha
  4. Ilyina Anna
  5. Kamenskikh Daniil
  6. Mazeina Irina
  7. Mazunin Maxim
  8. Mansurova Sofia
  9. Popkov Ilya
  10. Sagyndykov Timur
  11. Fedorishcheva Maria
  12. Khramtsova Lyudmila
  13. Chernitsin Igor
  14. Shevchenko Sofia

Students go up to the stage. They are awarded certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the “Pride of the School” nomination was -.... (last name, first name, achievements)

Let your studies be bright, stellar,
May you find out more
So that the ringing, hot, late spring
Pass any exam again with an A+!

Presenter 2.

I want to say something about my parents separately,
Who knows how to worry about you like they do?
With whom can you share your joy and sorrow?
Whose tears on your eyelashes do you sometimes not notice?
Your parents are sitting next to you,
And they look at you with excitement, as if they saw you for the first time
The best of your guys

Presenter 1 We invite the parents of the “star team” to the stage:

  1. Fedorishchev Nina Anatolyevna and Valery Sergeevich
  2. Ilina Yana Sergeevna and Alexey Alekseevich
  3. Derbenev Olga Alexandrovna and Andrey Vladimirovich
  4. Popkov Liliya Railevna and Alexander Anatolyevich
  5. Chernitsins Alexander Vasilievich and Tatyana Evgenievna
  6. Sagyndykov Artur Khatybovich and Yulia Arturovna
  7. Shevchenko Larisa Anatolyevna and Taras Stanislavovich
  8. Kamenskikh Svetlana Anatolyevna and Pavel Vitalievich
  9. Mazein Svetlana Andreevna and Sergei Valerievich
  10. Mansurov Natalia Timofeevna and Rustam Anatolyevich
  11. Gogidze Tatyana Pavlovna and Roin Gurgenovich
  12. Mazunin Olga Leonidovna and Sergei Gennadievich
  13. Eremin Olga Alekseevna
  14. Khramtsov Mikhail Yurievich

Parents receive letters of gratitude


Presenter 2. Behind each of you is a person whose concerns, professional skill and love led you to creative victories in studies, sports, and creativity

Option No. 1

nomination "Miss Charm"
nomination "Miss My Little Precious"
nomination "Miss (or Mister) Fidget"
nomination "Miss Grace".
nomination "Miss Humor".
nomination "Miss and Mister Resourcefulness".
nomination "Miss and Mister Artistry".
nomination "Miss and Mister Charm".
nomination "Miss Spring".
nomination "Miss Energy".
nomination "Miss Style".

nomination "Miss Intelligence".
nomination "Miss Magic Voice".
nomination "Miss Audience Choice".
nomination "Miss Creativity".
nomination “Soul of the Group”.
nomination "Mr. True Gentleman"
nomination "Miss Kindness".

Nomination "for a clear smile"

nomination for the best appetite...

nomination The fastest
nomination for the most fun

Option No. 2

1.The most slender!
2. the most advanced!
3.The most charming!
4.The most sporty!
5. The most unpredictable!
6. Charming!
8. Storyteller!
10. Hunter!

Cypress wrote:

1. Nomination "Smart Men and Women"!

How wonderful it is that there are guys in the group,
Whose intelligence and knowledge bring her glory,
After all, it is about them that one day they will say:
You are the pride and hope of our days!
The right to announce the winners of the “Smart Men and Women” nomination is granted to _______.
The winners were: __________________.

2. Nomination "Miss Charm".

There is no less in your life than knowledge,
Charm will come in handy.
The right to announce the winners of the Miss Charm nomination is granted to ___________.
The winners of the nomination were: ______________.
(Medals are presented, applause.) Fanfare.

3. Nomination "Soul of the Group".

Becoming a leader in a group is not easy,
You need to be interesting to everyone,
The stars are unlikely to help you here,
It is important to know and love people.
The right to announce the winner of the “Soul of the Group” nomination is granted to _________.
Winner of the nomination: ___________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

4. Nomination "A True Gentleman".

Gentleman is not just a title,
What is given to you from God,
To be a gentleman is a calling,
Take it and try it yourself!
The right to announce the winners of the “True Gentleman” nomination is granted to _________.
The winners of the nomination were: ______.
(Medals are presented.) Fanfare.

5. Nomination "Photomodel".

Since everything is beautiful in a person:
Face and thoughts and clothes,
Then maybe it’s not in vain
There is hope to become a fashion model.
The right to announce the winners of the “Photo Model” nomination is granted to __________.

(Medals are presented.) Fanfare.

6.Nomination "Miss and Mister Charm".

If someone smiled at you,
And suddenly a radiance spread around -
Fortune has suddenly returned to you,
That's what the charm did.
The right to announce the winners of the Miss and Mr. Charm nomination is granted to ________.
The winners of the nomination were: _________.
(Medals are presented.) Fanfare.

7. Nomination "Miss Kindness".

Among all human qualities
It is valued for a reason:
Life can't go any other way
As long as there is kindness in the world.
The right to announce the winners of the Miss Kindness nomination is granted to ________.
The winners of the nomination were: _______.
(Medals are presented.) Fanfare.

8. Nomination "Sun of the Group".

It doesn't matter what the weather is today,
Even if it rains outside,
It’s easy in the soul and heart in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.
The right to announce the winners of the “Sun Class” nomination is granted to _______.

(Medals are presented.) Fanfare.

9. Nomination "Girls' Dream".

Girls dream of princes since childhood,
And they are waiting for Gray under a scarlet sail,
Without noticing that they are together
Their dreams go through life side by side.
. The right to announce the winners of the “Girls’ Dream” nomination is granted to _______.
The winners of the nomination were: _____________.
(Medals are presented.) Fanfare.

10. Nomination "Miss Artistry".

If you are given the talent to shine,
No need to bury it in the ground.
The right to announce the winner of the Miss Artistry nomination is granted to _______.
The winner of the nomination was: _____________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

11. Nomination "Mr. Independence".

How rare it is in our lives
The person is completely independent.
The right to announce the winner of the Mr. Independence nomination is granted to _______.

(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

12. Nomination "Mr. Veselchak".

From the blues and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
1. The right to announce the winner of the “Mr. Veselchak” nomination is granted to _______.
The winner of the nomination was: _____________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

13. Nomination "Mr. Hope and Support."

Life won't seem complicated
When you can lean on a friend,
And despite all the changes,
Reliability was valued at all times.
The right to announce the winner of the “Mr. Hope and Support” nomination is granted to _______.
The winner of the nomination was: _____________.
(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

14. Nomination " Faithful friends".

We are with you - you and me
We've been friends for 4 years now.
Such a devoted friendship
Anyone will be jealous.
The right to announce the winners of the “True Friends” nomination is granted to _______.
The winners of the nomination were: _____________.
(Medals are awarded.)

The popular idea of ​​assigning various nominations at festive, especially final, events is very suitable for graduation ceremonies. Moreover, it can easily be combined with the presentation of certificates and an entertainment program.

We offer a very funny and at the same time solemn scenario - Graduation in 4th grade "Student of the Year Award Ceremony", which contains congratulations, skits, and entertainment for young graduates and their parents. The entire program is structured in such a way that the fairy tale or game that follows the presentation of a certain nomination is associated with its name. For example, after the presentation of “The Most Hardworking” there is a fairy tale “Turnip on new way", etc., which makes the script especially interesting and original.

Scenario for Graduation Party in 4th grade

Children on stage dancing a waltz (Melody from the movie “Anastasia”)

Presenter 1

Greetings, parents and mothers!

Today may be a different day

But it must be beautiful today!

We summarize the teachings at school

And let’s remember what was most memorable.

Presenter 2.

But where are the heroes of today's meeting?

To whom will we speak passionate speeches?

Come on, friends, come into the hall!

Leave the jokes and gags!

We will celebrate now

(They perform the song Small Country)

Student 1

Introducing our 4th grade!

Nimble, sporty,

Brave, active,

Smart, inquisitive,

In general, attractive.

Everyone is smart, beautiful,

Crafty, happy...

Student 2

That's what others say about us.

And this is how we talk about ourselves.

Students take turns

4 "A" class is

Large friendly team

The average age is 10 years, and the total is well over a hundred

Those who like to talk to their neighbor

Fans of playing various games

This is a kindergarten

Cheerful bunch of guys

Headache.. (teacher's name)

If we get down to business, things won't go well

We are proud of the beautiful half of our team, that is, the girls

Our favorite day of the week is Sunday

Presenter 1- Good afternoon, dear children and dear parents!

We're all a little worried today. I remember not only the kids, but also us, when we first came to school: we didn’t know how to write or read, everything was a novelty for all of us. I remember our first lessons, how we learned everything together letter by letter, step by step. And lines from a poem by Agnia Lvovna Barto

This is my first time at the lesson.

Now I'm a student.

The teacher entered the class, -

Should I get up or sit down?...

They told me - go to the board, -

I raise my hand

How to hold a chalk in your hand,

I don't understand at all.

But 4 years have passed and you have learned a lot. Now you can even teach others many interesting things.

Presenter 2- And today, in a solemn atmosphere, allow me to open the ceremony of presenting the school OSCAR award “Student of the Year -20...”.

For 4 years, a competent jury observed all the students and chose the most worthy. All the best of the best students of our school gathered in this class at this hour.

Every year there were 4 qualifying rounds and so on for 4 years. After each qualifying round, the guys were given a vacation to gather new strength for further struggle. And after 15 qualifying rounds they survived the most, the most, and now we have to get to know them.

Presenter 1

We came to school

At "4" and at "5".

We'll take a lot of books on the road

Let's study together.

- So, 1 nomination “THE MOST DILIGENT STUDENT”.(Last names in envelope)

In this nomination, the respected jury chose children who try to learn something new and useful every day. The right to award the first prize is granted to ………..

Oscar statuette “The Most diligent student» are awarded….. (students' names are heard)

Interview with the awardees:

Tell me, are you happy?

Your impressions...

Keep it up in the future and don’t slow down. Go to your seats in the hall.

And now the guys will show us the fairy tale “Cinderella”.

Fairy tale "New Cinderella"

Note: all roles in the fairy tale are played by boys.

It was a long time ago. There lived one man in one kingdom. He had a wife and daughter. When his wife died, he married again...

Stepmother:(stands on a chair, commands)

Put away! Wash! Sweep it up! Get to the garden now! March to iron the clothes! (her orders are followed by everyone in the house)

Stepmother: Cinderella! Wash the floors! And as soon as you wash it, chop the wood, and once you chop it, fix my favorite chair - its legs have fallen off! (Cinderella runs and fusses)

King: Well, when are you getting married?

Prince: I don't want to get married!

King: Well, get married!

Prince: I won't!

King: You will!

Prince: No!

King: You will!

Prince: No! Okay, but I’ll only marry the one the stars show me!

Astrologer: Give me your hand, Prince!

Prince: For what? After all, the stars will indicate my fate!

Astrologer: The stars say that your destiny is a girl with a hammer.

Prince: How? And where can I get it?

Astrologer: The stars say: “We need a ball.”

Stepmother: Well, Cinderella, did you sew me a dress? What about the sisters?

Cinderella: What are you doing, mother? You only told me last night!

Stepmother: Wow, “just yesterday”! I told you yesterday, but you still haven’t done it!

1 sister: And you didn’t sew it for me?

2nd sister: Where are my bows and lace? Where's my dress?

1 sister: You're a mean girl!

2 sister: You are lazy and mean!

Stepmother: Come on, get to work, Cinderella! And so that in 3, no, 2 hours, everything was ready!

Cinderella: (takes out dresses) I hope she will at least allow me to go to the ball!

Stepmother: Ah, Cinderella, my child! What a young man you are! I made it! For this, I allow you to go to the ball, but just do a couple of things before leaving: (bends fingers) iron everything out bed sheets in the house, wash all the stairs and railings, water all the flowers in the garden, weed all the beds, plant cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and onions... and, Cinderella, don’t forget to paint our gates blue.

Fey: Hello Cinderella, here I am. Tell me quickly, what would you like most now? Hurry up, I have a party today too.

Cinderella: (angrily) How tired I am of all this! Wow, how I would like to be in front of this evil stepmother now, I would arrange for her...

Fey: Fulfilled, my precious (waves a handkerchief).

Cinderella: Oh! (in surprise, he drops the hammer right on the Prince’s feet).

Prince: Ah-ah-ah!

All: Ooo!

Fey: But, in general, this fairy tale is that only those girls who know how to do everything, everything in the world or very much: chop wood, repair chairs, iron, and wash - receive a prince and a kingdom as a reward. in addition, and then live happily ever after, which is what we wish for you, dear girls.

Musical number…………….

Presenter 2

Clouds, clouds -

curly sides,

Curly clouds,

Whole, holey,

Light, airy -

Obedient to the wind...

- 2nd nomination "THE DREAMEST STUDENT." Envelope with names

Why clouds? All dreamers love to fly in the clouds, indulge in daydreams, and in dreams... there is so much..... The right to be awarded the first prize is given to ………..

The “Most Dreaming Student” statuette is awarded to...... (students' names are heard)

Interviews with the awardees:

Please name your deepest dream.

We wish you success in achieving your dreams. Take pride of place in our hall.

And now we present to your attention...

Medley on the topic: "FOURTH GRADER'S SCHOOL DAY"

To the tune of “Conversation with Happiness”

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked.

Everything became clear to me now.

As always, I was late for class.

She didn’t want to, but she said again:

That the alarm clock let me down again,

The elevator got stuck and the bus left

And then I ran so fast,

But again I was late for class.

2. Mathematics

To the tune of "Blue Car"

Slowly the minutes float away into the distance

Water flows from pipe to pipe.

My problem can't be solved

Oh, this plumbing for me!

Slowly, slowly our lesson drags on.

They will give me a bad mark, because there is no solution.

Believe in the best for everyone, everyone

Maybe someone can tell me the answer.

Sketch "Mathematics"

Teacher: The problem is being solved... Inna. (Inna goes to the board) Listen carefully to the problem statement. Dad bought 1 kilogram of sweets, and mom bought another 2 kilograms. How many... (Inna heads to the door) Inna, where are you going?!

Inna: I ran home to eat some candy!

Teacher: Dima, if you have ten rubles and you ask your brother for another ten rubles, how much money will you have?

Dima: Ten rubles.

Teacher: You just don't know math!

Dima: No, you don't know my brother!

Teacher: Mitya, please answer how to find the area of ​​a rectangle?

Mitya: Marya Ivanovna, I will answer your question only in the presence of my lawyer!

3. Change

To the tune of "Pursuit"

Fatigue is forgotten, the lesson is over

The guys finally broke the chain.

Don't stand on the threshold, otherwise you will disappear.

And you can’t stop them.

They rush, they rush, they rush, they rush

And you can't stop them.

Scene "The Cat and the Lodari".

4. Russian language

To the tune of "Chung-Chang"

I'm sitting in class again.

I don't take my eyes off the window.

It’s already spring there, the streams are ringing.

Well, they keep telling me: teach, teach, teach.

I'm tired of bowing down,

I'm tired of conjugations.

I'm tired of adverbs and verbs.

I'm tired of studying, I want to fly like a bird,

Eh, I wish I could finish this school soon.

Sketch "Russian language"

Teacher: What was given at home ?

Student: Find all the nouns in the text and determine the case in them.

Teacher: Read Student: “Mom and dad scolded Vova for his bad behavior. Vova was guiltily silent, and then made a promise to improve.”

Teacher: Continue!

Student:"Father and mother". Who? What? Parents. This means the case is genitive.

Scolded someone, what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. This means the case is nominative.

Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has the instrumental case.

Vova was silent guiltily. This means that here “Vova” has the accusative case.

Well, the “promise,” of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!

That's all!

Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring me the diary, Egor. I wonder what rating you would suggest giving yourself?

Student: Which one? Of course, an A!

Teacher: So, five? By the way, in what case did you name this word - “five”?

Student: In the prepositional form!

Teacher: In the prepositional? Why?

Student: Well, I suggested it myself

Jokes on the topic: "The world around us"

Teacher: What are dense forests? Answer, Nastya!

Nastya: These are the kind of forests in which... it’s good to doze off.

Teacher: Veronica, please name the parts of the flower.

Veronica: Petals, stem, pot.

Seryozha holds out his hand.

Teacher: What do you want, Seryozha? Is there something you want to ask?

Seryozha: Mary Ivanna, is it true that people descended from monkeys?

Teacher: Is it true.

Seryozha: That's why I see: there are so few monkeys!

Teacher: Vlad, please answer, what is the lifespan of a mouse?

Vlad: Well, Mary Ivanna, it depends entirely on the cat.

5. Change

To the tune of "Pursuit"

Three lessons have passed, it's time for us again,

Throw away your notebooks and go to rest.

We don’t get tired of screaming and running around.

We don't care.

We've got a change, we've got a change,

We don't care.

Sketch “Teacher and student”

Presenter 2

Why and for what?

For what? For what? To whom?

We will answer the question

Be it complex or simple.

- 3rd nomination “MOST CURIOUS STUDENT”.

All questions can be answered in the book. The inquisitive student does not stop and his question “Why?” always sounds. The right to award the first prize is granted to ………..

The “Most Inquisitive Student” statuette is awarded to...... (students' names are heard)

Interviews with the awardees:

What new and interesting things did you learn in Lately?

We wish you continued success. Take your seats in the hall.

Song performed by girls of 4th "A" class Song about

Presenter 1 - And now I invite you to play

Game "Girls, boys"

(You need to finish the phrase correctly: where necessary, you must say the word “girls, girls,” and where necessary, “boys, boys,” but be very careful).
1. For a drawing on motorcycle racing
They only strive... boys
2. They play with bows and bears,
Of course, just... Girls
3. Any repair will be carried out delicately,
Of course, just... boys
4. Dandelion wreaths in spring
Of course, they only weave... Girls
5. Bolts, screws, gears
You will find it in your pocket... boys
6. Tie bows for yourself
From different films, of course... Girls
7. The skates drew arrows on the ice,
We played hockey all day... Boys
8. We chatted for an hour without a break
In colorful dresses... Girls
9. Test your strength in front of everyone,
Of course, they only love... boys
Dance “School everyday life”.

Presenter 2

Rattle toys,

Leave it for the kids.

Grab your clubs quickly

Go play hockey.

- 4th nomination “BEST ATHLETE”.

We have guys who are very friendly with sports and for 4 years defended the honor of the class in various types sports The right to award the first prize is granted to ………..

The “Best Athlete” statuette is awarded to…..( the names of the students are heard)

Interviews with the awardees:

Tell me, please, how do you feel becoming the owner of this honorary title?

Let's wish them good luck. We are proud of you. Please take your seats.

Sports grandmas scene

Game "When it happens"

Presenter 1- If you agree, then answer: “Yes”, if you do not agree, then: “No”
When the leaves fall

And the cloud covers the light
This all happens in winter
Did I say correctly? (No)
Heat, foliage, flowers around
And the birds sing hello
Tell me, dear friend
Perhaps it's autumn? (No)
We wear hats and fur coats
In a blizzard, snow and cold
And at night the wind howls in the chimneys
Does this happen in the summer? (No)
When the icicles around you melt
And the water runs like a stream
This all happens in the spring (Yes)

Well done! We continue our ceremony.

I took a pencil and paper

I drew the road

I drew a cat on it,

And next to him is a cow.

I made the cat pink

Orange - the road,

Then there are clouds above them

I drew a little.

- 5th nomination “BEST ARTIST”.

These guys always have beautiful drawings and a developed sense of beauty. These are talented guys.

The right to award the first prize is granted to ………..

Figurine " Best Artist» are awarded….. (students' names are heard)

Interviews with the awardees:

Tell us about your plans for the future.

Could you draw something funny as a keepsake right now?

Thank you. Bon Voyage! Take your seats in the hall.

Dance "Turtle"

Presenter 2

There is always something for skillful hands to do,

If you take a good look around.

And the one who doesn’t find the case,

They will be known as lazy.


- “Patience and labor will grind everything down”, “Without labor you cannot catch a fish from a pond.” Through work one learns a person and his character. He who loves to work is not afraid of any difficulties. The right to award the first prize is granted to ………..

The “Most Hardworking Student” statuettes are awarded to..... (students' names are heard)

Interviews with the awardees:

What would you do if our chair broke right now?

Well done! We wish you good luck. Go into the hall.

Presenter 1

We suggest watching the fairy tale “Turnip” in a new way.

The scene "Turnip" in a new way.


Grandfather is a “new Russian”, banker Dedov.

Grandma is the wife of the “new Russian”.

The granddaughter is a modern girl.

Zhuchka is the dog of the “new Russian”.

The cat is Matroskin the cat.

The mouse is nimble, businesslike, economical.


Storyteller. We'll show you now old fairy tale in a new way. How did the fairy tale begin? That's right, grandfather planted a turnip...

The curtain opens and Repka is sitting on the stage.

Grandfather (with mobile phone). Yes, the banker Dedov is listening. Yes... No... Well, give them half a million... Where?.. Yes, at the dacha. Yes, we need to reap the harvest here. Not for long! Listen, you... (sees Repka) wow ... (Vtelephone) OK, bye (puts the phone in his pocket, ho-dits around Repka). There you go! Here I am born! Trying to pull the turnip out of the ground.

Storyteller. The grandfather began to pull the turnip out of the ground - he pulled it, but he couldn’t pull it out. The grandfather called the grandmother for help.

Grandfather (calls on a mobile phone). Hello, old lady, come downstairs, I have a cool little thing here that I’ll show you!...

Grandma. Well? Have you bought a new Mercedes, dear?

Grandfather. Look here! Look what a turnip! Need to get it out!

Grandma. What is this, or what? (Points to his companychangeover.) Look at me! And my nails! (Pretentious.)

Grandfather. Come on, come on, take it!

Storyteller. Grandma for Dedka, Grandfather for the turnip: they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Grandmother called her Granddaughter.

Grandma (thoughtfully). Grandfather, call your Granddaughter, she was really going to the disco, maybe she hasn’t left yet?

Grandfather (calls Granddaughter). Granddaughter, go down to the garden and I’ll show you!

Granddaughter (capriciously). Grandfather, what's the matter? I'm late, they're waiting for me at the disco. The car is already at the fence costs! Ka-what problems?

Grandfather. Come on, help me pull out the turnip!

Granddaughter. Here's another thing, I'll be poking around in the ground! (Snorts.)

Grandfather. Come on, come on, otherwise you'll be left without dinner!

Storyteller. Picked it up again. Granddaughter for Grandma, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for the turnip: they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Then the granddaughter called to Zhuchka.

Granddaughter. Come on, Bug, let's help Grandfather!

Bug (imitating the hostess). Well, here’s another thing, we’re just back from the hairdresser: we’ve had our hair cut by the master, we’ve washed ourselves with shampoo, we’ve sprayed ourselves with perfume, I’m still going to get my paws dirty!

Grandma (strictly). Take hold of your Granddaughter, we’ll pull the turnip! Otherwise you won’t see “Chappie” in the evening!

Bug (dog-like joy). I want Chappie!

Storyteller. Bug for Granddaughter, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for the turnip: they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. The Bug called the Cat.

Bug (patronizing). Hey, Matroskin, there is work!

Matroskin(concerned). Leave me alone, I have a lot of things to do, Murka hasn’t milked me yet, Gavryusha hasn’t fed him, I was going fishing with Uncle Fyodor... (gainedreally) well, what's there?...

Bug (boastfully). Look at the owner's harvest! And we're just from the hairdresser... come help!

Storyteller. They took up again: the Cat for the Bug, the Bug for the Granddaughter, the Granddaughter for the Grandmother.” Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull, but I can’t pull it out.

Matroskin. And I just saw a Mouse here, let him come to the rescue...

Mouse (runs out of the curtains - all in worries):“Mouse, Mouse”, what is “Mouse”? Is it weak without the Mouse?

Matroskin (busily). Talk less, you need to work!

Mouse (waves his hand). Now!...

Storyteller. Again they pull and pull the turnip. Mouse for Cat, Cat for Bug, Bug for Granddaughter, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for a turnip. They pull and pull, pull and pull, once... and they pulled out the turnip...

Grandfather. This is what a team means! What a big, strong turnip, right up there!

Presenter 1

A friend will not leave you in trouble,

He won’t ask too much.

This is what a true friend means.

- 7th nomination “KINDEST STUDENT”.

A friend should always have such a character trait as kindness. It’s not in vain that they say that kindness will save the world. The right to award the first prize is granted to ………..

“The Kindest Student” statuettes are awarded to... (students' names are heard)

Interviews with the awardees:

How do you feel after being awarded this title?

Take your seats.

Song "First Teacher"

Dance "Flashmob"

Presenter 2

That's all. Everyone received their well-deserved awards, but... the award ceremony does not end there. The jury decided to play additional nomination “BEST PARENTS”.

Our dears, you are good!

How can I say thank you for everything?

In our time, unthinkably complex,

It is very difficult to raise children.

We were so unbearable at times,

We would like everything at once.

You gave all your strength to the end

To my daughters and sons.

Dear you are our parents!

So who else will love us?

You will live in the world for a long, long time,

Wise, happy and good!


Figurines " Best parents" And letter of thanks family are awarded (surname sounds)……(each family is awarded)

Game "Exam for Parents"

Presenter 1

And now, dear parents, a small exam for you. We will ask questions, and you must give the correct answer.

1. What is the name of the universal school subject, which, in addition to its direct purpose, can replace an umbrella, a ball, a pillow, a chair and much more? (Briefcase).

2. This word can be used to describe a teacher, a student, a policeman, and a doctor. (Duty).

3. The most favorite word any student. (Holidays).

4. What is the name of the manager school life, to whom the director himself reports. (Call).

5. You won’t be able to pick it up, but the less you bring from school, the more you’ll get at home. (Grade).

6. It can be thick and thin... It can be scientific, children's, cool... The teacher loves to wear it...


7. An institution where illiterate people are admitted. (School).

8. Sometimes it’s simple, sometimes it’s complex, and sometimes it’s too much for the whole family. (Task).

9. There are oral, there are written. If you don't complete them, you can get a bad grade. Parents sometimes check on them. (Hometasks).

Presenter 2

Well done moms, dads and grandmas, they coped well with the exam and are moving on to 5th grade.

Poem "Thank you parents"

Students take turns reading poetry.

1. At this hour we must say

About those who gave us life,

About the closest people in the world,

About those who help us grow,

And it will help in many ways.

2. Parents follow us invisibly

Both in joy and in the hour when trouble came.

They seek to protect us from sadness,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

3. You will forgive us. Dear, dear,

After all, besides you, we have no more valuable people.

As they say, “children are the joy of life,”

And you are our support in it!

4. We say thank you very much

Today we are our parents.

Your care and patience

They always help us like that.

5. But we admit with regret:

Sometimes we were deaf

We are here for your requests and concerns,

Doubts, sorrowful reproaches.

6. But we often keep our feelings secret,

And sometimes only restraint

It prevents us from admitting it.

7. Dear parents!

Let our pranks

Don't bother you too much

Accept all Revit -

He will calm you down.

8. You have a lot of work, we know

But we really invite you

And for the holiday and for the gathering,

For lessons and for argument.

9. Any advice on who to become? How can we cultivate the will?

How to be friends with girls? How can one live in the world?

Come, don’t be shy and don’t be offended by us!

We are good children, we are all like you!

10. And to your parents

We say thank you!

And for helping,

Try not to let you down!

Presenter 2.

Our dear parents, now you will have to do a little work. We will need seven people: three moms and four dads.

Theater - impromptu "Teremok"

Props: text of the fairy tale, sheets with roles.

As soon as a character is named, he must speak his words:

Characters and lines:

Teremok (Creak-creak!)

Mouse-norushka (Wow, you!)

Frog-wah (Quanterous!)

Runaway Bunny (Wow!)

Foxy sister (Tra-la-la!)

Top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts-tyts!)

Clubfoot Bear (Wow!)

Fairy tale text

Stands in the Teremok field. Little Mouse runs past. She saw the Teremok, stopped, looked inside, and the Mouse thought that since the Teremok was empty, she would live there. The frog-frog galloped up to the Tower and began to look into the windows. The Little Mouse saw her and invited her to live together. The frog-frog agreed, and the two of them began to live together. A runaway bunny runs past. He stopped and looked, and then the Little Mouse and the Frog Frog jumped out of the Teremok and dragged the Runaway Bunny into the Teremok.

Little fox-sister walks by. He looks - Teremok is standing. I looked out the window, and there the Little Mouse, the Frog and the Runaway Bunny lived. The fox-sister asked pitifully, and they accepted her into the company. The gray barrel top came running, looked in the door and asked who lived in Terem. And from Teremok the Little Mouse, the Frog the Croak, the Running Bunny, and the Little Fox Sister responded and invited him to their place. The gray barrel top ran to Teremok with joy. The five of them began to live together. Here they live in Teremka, sing songs. Mouse-norushka, Frog-frog, Bunny-runner, Little fox-sister and Top-gray barrel. Suddenly a clubfoot bear walks. He saw Teremok, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs.

The Little Mouse, the Frog, the Runaway Bunny, the Little Fox and the Gray Barrel Top got scared and invited the Clubfoot Bear to live with them.

The bear climbed into Teremok. I climbed, climbed, climbed, couldn’t get in and decided that it would be better to live on the roof. The Bear climbed onto the roof and just sat down - the Teremok crackled, fell on its side and completely fell apart. We barely had time to jump out of it, the Little Mouse, the Frog, the Runaway Bunny, the Little Fox, the Gray Barrel Top - all safe and sound, but they began to grieve - where would they live next? There was nothing to do, they began to carry logs, cut boards and build a new tower.

They built it better than before!

And the Little Mouse, the Frog the Croak, the Runaway Bunny, the Little Fox Sister, the Gray Barrel Top and the Clubfoot Bear began to live in the new Teremok.

"Fifth-grader's oath."

Presenter 1

The best of the best have gathered in this hall, and on this solemn day I would like to wish you only the brightest, only the best. May all your dreams come true.

ATTENTION! The most solemn moment is coming. Now you guys must take the “Fifth-Grade Oath.”

“Joining the ranks of students high school, in the face of my comrades, in the face of my martyred parents, in the face of my working teachers, I solemnly swear: (They only answer “I swear”)

Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, don’t let a single question pass by, even the most difficult and tricky one. I swear

Do not bring teachers to a boiling point - 100 degrees C.- I swear

Be fast and swift, but not exceed a speed of 60 km/h when moving along school corridors.- I swear

It’s not the veins to be pulled out of teachers, it’s not the sweat that’s squeezed out, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills.- I swear

Swim only “good” and “excellent” in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths.- I swear

Be worthy of your teachers.- I swear

Presenter 1

And now you can say the cherished phrase

ALL: HOORAY! WE are fifth graders!!!

Song “It’s cool you ended up in fifth grade.”

Presenter 2

I wish everyone that life never ends.

Trouble and sadness were not encountered along the way.

Great happiness, great friends,

Health, success and sunny days!

Leader 1 and Leader 2 together

Good luck, friends!

For the option of awarding an individual nomination to each student, see the document:

(download by clicking on the file)

Awards in humorous categories are usually a fun ending to the official part entertainment program. It relieves the tension and brings a festive mood to the event.

In every team you can always single out the person who is late, or who amuses everyone, or who dances well, who is the most erudite, etc. This will be your clue in the nominations. Try not to repeat nominations.

Comic reward options

  • medals
  • certificates, diplomas
  • Oscar type figurines
  • funny ID cards
  • T-shirts with unique inscriptions
  • mugs

All this can be ordered in special places, and if you have craftsmen, then do it yourself.

More ideas:

  • You can purchase children's dolls from the Barbie and Ken series and decorate them with ribbons with appropriate inscriptions (original, beautiful, and many will definitely keep such a souvenir as a keepsake).
  • Option with photographs: make funny photo collages of each graduate (process them in Photoshop and put appropriate inscriptions on them, for example: “Miss Charm”, “Mr. Intelligence”). Then you buy interesting paper holders and attach ready-made photographs to them - the souvenir is ready! Such a souvenir will also fit perfectly into any apartment and will remain as a keepsake.
  • The easiest and most economical option is to make a wall newspaper with photographs of graduates and under each photograph of the graduate write in which category he is the winner. You can also come up with funny epigrams or wish poems.

Nomination options for awards

Nominations for awards may reflect personality traits character of the recipient, his business qualities or rely on some single, but all famous case. You can also use a person’s favorite phrases, his habits, outstanding external characteristics, gastronomic preferences and hobbies for nominations.

It is very important that the nominations please both the audience and the recipient himself. You should not make fun of people with sick pride or without a sense of humor. Jokes can only be used in relation to a person who is able to laugh at himself without irritation or other negative feelings, and you must be 100% sure that this person will not be offended.

Remember, your main task when drawing up nominations is not to spoil anyone’s holiday mood!

I suggest you wide choose comic nominations:


  • Activity
  • Antipunctuality
  • Amazon
  • Antistress
  • Artistry
  • Carelessness
  • Fighter for justice
  • Veselchak (Joker)
  • Magic voice
  • Know-it-all
  • Fearless warrior
  • Genius
  • Idea's generator
  • Grace
  • Delicacy
  • DJ
  • Kindness
  • Integrity
  • Good nature
  • Friendliness
  • Sole of company
  • Mystery
  • Zateinik (Zateinitsa)
  • Pop star
  • Sophistication
  • Grace
  • Intelligence
  • Seeker of adventures
  • Movie buff
  • Yoke
  • Compromise
  • Handsome
  • Eloquence
  • Creativity
  • Cool guys can do anything!
  • Lightness of Being
  • Best biceps
  • Women's Favorite
  • Animal lover
  • Curiosity
  • Music lover
  • Dreamer
  • Model (Supermodel)
  • Wisdom
  • Observation
  • A True Gentleman
  • A real lady
  • Resourcefulness
  • Extraordinaryness (Extraordinary personality)
  • Unpredictability
  • Fidget
  • Charm
  • Charm
  • An example of intelligence
  • Sociability
  • Optimism (Optimiss and Optimister)
  • Orator, or voice of the people
  • Originality
  • Responsibility
  • Responsiveness
  • Charm
  • Positive
  • Political commentator
  • Popularity
  • Kidnapper women's hearts
  • Psychotherapist
  • Prikolistka (Prankster)
  • Discretion
  • Determination
  • Romantic
  • Knight
  • Heartbreaker (Heartbreaker)
  • Storyteller
  • Modesty (Modest)
  • Quick wit
  • Athlete (Athlete)
  • Justice
  • Style
  • Slimness (Slim)
  • Mystery
  • Privy Councilor
  • Tact
  • Dancer
  • Creative person
  • Confidence
  • Smile
  • Dreamer
  • Tricky
  • Laughter
  • Generosity
  • Energy
  • Erudite
  • Humorist
  • Mr. "I'm busy"
  • It's hard to be a god
  • War is war, but lunch is on schedule
  • Desperate Drybiter
  • Avid Coffee Drinker
  • Best Chipseater
  • Honored Master of Feng Shui
  • Goddess of social networks
  • Photo monster
  • Internet maniac
  • Just a Goddess
  • Bright head
  • Just a Genius
  • Computer genius
  • Our Muse
  • Master gold pens
  • Mr. Bean
  • Thumbelina
  • The Little Mermaid (most long hair)
  • Cowboy Joe, etc.

Award Ceremony

How can you beat this or that nomination at the award ceremony? I offer options for some nominations:

Nomination "Miss (Mister) Antistress"

This is the calmest person in the team. Communication with him puts you in a state of peace, so you want to communicate with him (her) again and again...

Nominations "Mr. Veselchak and Miss Laughter"

From the blues and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
The winners in this category are _____________. Applause!

Nomination “Miss (Mister) Lightness of Being”

Brilliant carelessness and absent-mindedness. He has a magnificent talent of always and everywhere being late, but always and everywhere on time! How does he (she) do it?

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mister) Curiosity"

This is the most inquisitive person in the team. It is he (she) who will beat all the information out of you about everything, everything, everything until the last moment...

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination “Miss (Mister) Speaker, or Voice of the People”

He (she) is the most eloquent person who is not afraid to speak on behalf of the team...

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mister) Responsibility"

Despite crazy traffic jams, global cataclysms and rising prices for gold and oil, he will always appear in the right place and at the right time. For a responsible attitude to the daily routine

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mister) Sunshine"

It doesn't matter what the weather is today,
Even if it rains outside,
It’s easy in the soul and heart in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.
The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

"The ringleader"

Look at Gladkikh Christina,

How sweet, slim, and beautiful she is.

And in addition to appearance

She is optimistic and cheerful.

She will support anyone with a joke,

She is talented, sympathetic, kind.

The soul of the company and the leader,

There will never be a dull moment with her.

With data like hers,

She just needs to be an actress

I wish she could play roles in plays and movies,

And we would all be proud of her.

"School Pride"

Kalugina Valera has a gentle look,

Like in portraits Italian masters.

And a wave of curls carelessly

It falls on your shoulders like a silk cover.

She is always responsible, hardworking,

And I’m ready to provide emergency assistance,

And if necessary, then elegantly and beautifully

And the machine will be able to disassemble it at speed.

She has a lot behind her

Victories in regional and regional Olympiads.

And your own GTO score

She did a great job, just the way she should.

"School Pride"

Tanya, dear Tatiana,

She matches Larina.

Also proud and silent,

And just like Larina, she is smart.

Tanyusha wants to become a teacher,

Dedicate yourself to perky children.

We are sure that she will teach them

Faith, truth and, of course, kindness.

We congratulate you on the last call,

We only want to pass the Unified State Exam with “excellent” marks.

"Miss Kindness"

Always shy, quiet,

With a sweet smile and a long braid.

We are talking about Ponomareva Anastasia,

Who became famous for her kindness.

In any case - an organizer, an activist,

She has a talent for uniting people.

So let the first path through life

It will be difficult and thorny

So as not to turn towards side paths.

Let your conscience be everywhere for you

Your advisor and compass.

"For talent and optimism"

Our glorious Natasha

And beautiful and slim,

All our guys know:

She wants to become a doctor.

But Natasha will treat

Neither you nor me

Will help animals

After all, they are our friends.

We are confident in Natalia and wish her victories,

And we are proud that we studied

She has been at our school for 11 years.


Violetta is a beautiful girl,

Besides, she's a coquette.

Her talent sometimes sparkles,

Like a shiny silver coin.

Violetta values ​​herself highly,

What are the girl's plans?

It’s already far from here...

Let dreams swarm

What wonderful visions.

And life will be a plot

In a line of a poem.

"For the ability to secrecy"

Vanya is a guy anywhere,

It combines both fire and water.

This guy is very tough

And he is always serious.

He is a member of the brass,

And he is a star in the class.

We know what Vanyusha decided

Connect yourself with the FSB.

And that’s why we want to pass the exams with an A.

Keep striving for your goal

Don't give up,

And then you will see, Vanya,

Nastya is friendly, loves to communicate,
She loves to joke and laugh.

Every concert is happiness for her.
And the beauty contest has been dreaming about it for a long time.
She would have taken all the prizes there,
But Nastenka is attracted to studies,

And also starting a family.

Be more serious, be responsible,
May you be happy life path.

And we just want to wish you happiness,

To overcome all bad weather in life.

"Undiscovered talent"

This guy is very kind

He is calm and simple.

And with the girls from class

He will find a common language.

He has a lot of talents

This guy is where it's at:

Activist, athlete, artist,

He jokes often - he is a humorist. And if he had been too lazy to overcome his mother, He would have become a scientist... or maybe not. May your dreams come true, May you achieve everything in life. You will conquer peaks and do everything in life with A's!