Presentation - Preparation for the essay - Thematic direction “The Path. December essay topic “The Path” - materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language Quotes and phrases for the direction “The Path”, speech cliches

  • 30.06.2020

List of literature on the topic “The Path”
  • V. Nekrasov "Vasya Konakov",
  • M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"
  • F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
  • A.P. Chekhov "Ionych", "Gooseberry",
  • M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"
  • I.S. Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons",
  • N.V.Gogol. "Dead Souls" Chichikov's Path,
  • L.N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace",
  • B. Vasiliev. "My horses are flying"
  • M. Gorky. "Old Isergil",
  • R. Bradbury. "451 degrees Fahrenheit",
  • V. Astafiev "Zatesi", "Hymn of Life",
  • I. Kurampshna "Filial Duty"
  • N. Teleshov "White Heron",
  • M. Gelprin "The candle was burning..."

Quotes and phrases for the direction "The Path", speech cliches

  1. Our path in life is strewn with the wreckage of what we began to be and what we could have become.
    Henri Bergson
  2. Man is free because God's ways are inscrutable and man is given the choice to choose his own path.
    Vladimir Mikushevich
  3. In life as immortals, nothing is precisely indicated to us,
    And we don’t know the way to please the deity.
  4. No matter how much a person rushes in one direction or another, no matter what he does, he will still return to the path destined for him by nature.
    Johann W. Goethe
  5. The world is filled with light for the one who knows this, and covered in darkness for the one who loses his way.
    Rabbi Baruch
  6. Around every turn new crossroads await.
    Jerzy Lec
  7. Guilt and unhappiness are not the end, but only a possible path to a new beginning.
    Lion Feuchtwanger
  8. Fortunately, life is not yet too serene, otherwise we would travel the path from cradle to grave much faster.
    Winston Churchill
  9. The straighter the convolutions, the more tortuous the path.
    Arkady Davidovich
  10. To make our way in the world, it is useful to take with us a large supply of forethought and forbearance: the first will protect us from damages and losses, the second - from disputes and quarrels.
    Arthur Schopenhauer
  11. There are ways that seem right to a man; but their end is the path to death.
    Bible Prov. 14.12.
  12. The path of a noble man is born within himself, but is tested by the people.
  13. The only honest road is the path of mistakes, disappointments and hopes. Life is the identification by one’s own experience of the boundaries of good and evil.
  14. Sergey Dovlatov
  15. No reasoning can show a person a path that he does not want to see.
    Romain Rolland
  16. Slander and slander would not have such power if stupidity did not pave the way for them.
    Alexander Dumas son
  17. The fallback path of hatred is contempt.
    Herve Bazin
  18. The path to the ability to live in peace with the world, but not to submit to it, is hard.
    Lion Feuchtwanger

1. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” (Lao Tzu)

2. “Either I will find my own path, or I will make it myself.” (F. Sydney)

3. “Follow your path and let people say whatever they want.” (Dante Alighieri)

4. “There is only one important thing for everyone in life - to improve your soul. Only in this one task is there no hindrance for a person, and only from this task does a person always feel joyful.” (L.N.T fat)

5. “Each of us has only one true calling - to find the path to ourselves.” (G. Hesse)

6. “You can be consoled only when you understand that life is in the content, and not in the vessel.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

7. “From every position there is a way up and a way down...”

8. “There are no accidents in fate; man creates rather than meets his destiny.” (A. Vilmain)

9. “The only honest road is the path of mistakes, disappointments and hopes.” (S.D. Dovlatov)

10. “To reach a goal, a person needs only one thing. Go". (Honore de Balzac)

11. “To be in the world and not have anything to indicate your existence - this seems terrible to me.” (N.V. Gogol)

12. “An ideal is a guiding star. Without it there is no firm direction, and without direction there is no life.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

13. “Don’t swim with the flow, don’t swim against the flow - swim where you need to go.” (Eastern wisdom)

14. “If life does not seem like great joy to you, it is only because your mind is misdirected.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

15. “Whoever fastens the first button incorrectly will never fasten it properly again.” (I.V. Goethe)

16. “Always choose the most difficult path - you will not meet competitors on it.” (Charles de Gaulle)

17. “Fate is the path from the unknown to the unknown.” (Plato)

18. “Where there are roses, there are thorns - such is the law of fate.” (N.A. Nekrasov)

19. “The wise fight against fate, the foolish lose heart.” (Shota Rustaveli)

20. “A person with a clear goal will move forward even along the most difficult road. A person without any goal will not advance even on the smoothest road.” (Thomas Carlyle)

21. “The main thing in this world is not where we stand, but in which direction we are moving.” (Oliver Holmes)

22. “The one who carries a lantern stumbles more often than the one who follows.” (Jean Paul)

23. “When a person does not know which pier he is heading towards, no wind will be favorable for him.” (Seneca)

24. “Only he lives who does not live for himself alone.” (Menander)

25. “The measure of life is not how long it lasts, but how you used it.” (Michel de Montaigne)

26. “Strive not for success, but for your life to have meaning.” (Albert Einstein)

27. “To find your way, to find out your place in life - this is everything for a person, this means for him to become himself.” (V.G. Belinsky)

28. “A person lives a real life if he is happy with the happiness of others.” (I.V. Goethe)

29. “The only happiness in life is a constant striving forward.” (Emil)

30. “Life should and can be an unceasing joy.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

31. “Let your deeds be great, as you would like to remember them in your declining years.” (Marcus Aurelius)

32. “The true mirror of our way of thinking is our life.” (Michel de Montaigne)

33. “And you can travel in different directions on the same train.”

34. “If you are heading towards your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach your goal.” (F.M. Dostoevsky)

35. “Don’t raise dust on the path of life.” (Pythagoras of Samos)

36. “You can climb a high tower only by a spiral staircase.” (F. Bacon)

37. “Knowledge of the countries of the world is the decoration and food of human minds.” (Leonardo da Vinci)

38. “Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.” (Anatole France)

39. “The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self. And the only person you should be better than is you now.” (S. Freud)

40. “Three things make a person happy: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel!” (I.A. Bunin)

41. “Travel, as the greatest science and serious science, helps us find ourselves again.” (Albert Camus)

42. “Happiness is not a station, but a way to travel.”

43. “The whole world is on a journey, the route of which has not yet been determined anywhere.” (Ernst Simon Bloch)

44. “A journey is judged by the friends it makes, not the miles it travels.” (Tim Cahill)

45. “The only way to achieve lasting stability in life is to continually move forward.” (Henry Wales)

46. ​​“No goal is so high as to justify unworthy means to achieve it.” (A. Einstein)

47. “Our path in life is strewn with the wreckage of what we began to be and what we could have become.” (V. Bergson)

48. “The purpose of life is the search for perfection, and the task of each of us is to bring its manifestation in ourselves as close as possible.” (Richard Bach)

49. “Every ascent is painful. Rebirth is painful. Without being exhausted, I won’t be able to hear the music. Suffering and effort help the music to sound.” (A. de Saint-Exupéry)

50. “Life is a constant change. As soon as the movement stops, the person grows old and dies.” (A. Maurois)

Essay topics in this area



Declarative sentences

Why is life compared to a journey?

“Each of us has only one true calling - to find the way to ourselves” (Herman Hesse)

Stepped into immortality.

What attracts us to travel?

“Rus, where are you rushing to? Give me the answer" (N.V. Gogol)

The road leading to happiness...

What is the road about?

“Eh, path-path, front line...” (B. Laskin)

The road is lifelong.

Why do literary heroes so often go on a journey?

“If you love what you do, it’s not a job, it’s an exciting journey towards a dream.” (Confucius)

The path of life is like a road of honor.

What are we looking for when we go on the road?

“Living life is not a field to cross” (proverb)

Travels of literary heroes.

Do you need to set a goal at the beginning of your life's journey?

What is a sense of life? Serve others and do good" (Aristotle)

The path of the righteous.

What path can be called the road to nowhere?

“The road is only good when it leads home” (Maria Semyonova. “Wolfhound”)

  1. Ah, the path, the front line...
  2. Long way home...
  3. Life path
  4. Path of knowledge
  5. The path to eternity (Man comes from eternity.)
  6. Road to nowhere...
  7. Road of honor
  8. Type of "Russian wanderer" in literature
  9. “No limits have yet been set for the Russian people - there is a wide path before them” (N.A. Nekrasov)
  10. The path of fidelity to nature is the right path (Yoon Seongdo)
  11. The way to yourself...

Examples of finished essays on the thematic area "Path"

Essay samples. The essays offered below should not be perceived as verified and perfected cheat sheets. These samples are intended to form students’ understanding of the full or partial disclosure of the topic of the final essay. We recommend using them as an additional source of ideas when forming your own presentation of the topic.

“The one who walks can master the road,” some sage once said. At first glance, this is a common, banal phrase for those who are on a journey, life or spiritual. Let's try to think about this phrase. Upon reflection, we note that the meaning of this phrase is much broader and deeper than we saw the first time. But indeed, a confident, purposeful and persistent person will master the path of life. Any business can be brought to its logical conclusion if you put effort into it. And then any road will be within our reach.

Often, while on the road, we make casual acquaintances and trust him with our most intimate thoughts. This happened to M.A. Sholokhov when he met Andrei Sokolov on the way. When we met, Andrei told the writer about his life and destiny. This is how the wonderful story “The Fate of Man” was born.

The main character of this story is an ordinary Russian man with the most ordinary fate. Before the start of the war, he worked at a factory, got married, had children and lived like an ordinary person, but the war put everything in its own way.

Andrei Sokolov, together with his eldest son, voluntarily goes to the front. He didn’t have to fight much, because... he is captured. While in captivity, Andrei behaves very courageously and bravely. The episode of Andrei Sokolov's interrogation is one of my favorite episodes. The hero, without snacking, drinks 3 glasses of vodka for his death and the victory of the Soviet army! The episode in the prison cell also evokes respect. Even there he behaves like a Man with a capital M - he shares a piece of lard and bread with all his cellmates. This act is a clear example of mutual assistance and support during a difficult period. After escaping from captivity, Andrei ends up with our people, and after the hospital he goes to visit his family. Grief, despair, and horror overcome him when he sees a crater in the place of his house. His wife and two sons died... The climax of the story, in my opinion, is the episode of Andrei’s meeting with the boy Vanyusha, whom he decides to adopt. This is my favorite moment in the story! Vanya’s words shake me to the core: “Folder! Dear! I knew you would find me!” - this is my favorite moment in this work! Vanya brought Sokolov back to life, and Sokolov gave Vanya a chance to live.

After reading this work, I thought about the main character, about his difficult fate, and I wanted to adopt his best traits. Indeed, with a character like his, you can master any road. Our life is a long, unknown and difficult road that we have to travel. Now we are 11th grade graduates. In six months we will graduate from school, fly off in different directions and each choose our own path. And it will depend only on us how we follow our path.

412 words

The image of the road, the motif of the path, are archetypal both for foreign and Russian literature. Their semantic content is deep and extensive.
The reasons for such diversity may lie both in the ambiguity of the very concept of “path”, “road”, and in the individual approach of the author, who focuses on a certain aspect of these concepts.

First of all, the image of the road can be the basis of a compositional device - a travel device. Radishchev is considered one of its founders in Russian literature. His “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” became an unprecedented case of using the motif of the hero’s journey for a panoramic and reliable description of social reality. The reality with its pictures of the humiliation of the enslaved peasantry turned out to be so plausible that the work faced the yoke of censorship.

The same compositional technique was used by Gogol in the poem “Dead Souls”. The adventurer Chichikov is quick in his movements, because in pursuit of profit he has to communicate with a variety of representatives of society. Traveling from one estate to another, he allows the reader to observe the contrast that opens up to his eyes: the fortress of life of the Sobakevich men is adjacent to the complete devastation on Plyushkin’s estate.

However, given the variety of themes in Gogol’s lyrical digressions, it is also appropriate to talk about the motive of the historical path. In the famous digression about the three-bird, Gogol, comparing Rus' with a trio of horses rushing forward, asks her and himself: “Rus, where are you rushing? Give an answer. Doesn't give an answer." The lyrical hero of Pushkin’s poem “The Bronze Horseman” echoes him, addressing the monument to Peter I, the symbol of the state: “Where are you galloping, proud horse, and where will you put your hooves?”

Thinking about the fate of Russia is a sure indicator that in their spiritual development the authors have evolved so much that they moved from focusing on the particular to concerns about the general, overcame individualism and turned to super-personal values.

That is why works devoted to this topic usually appear in the late periods of the authors’ creativity. Spiritual development is also a unique path, thoughts about which the authors embody in their works. An essential feature that contributes to the development of this theme is the focus on the author’s personality, the atmosphere of lyricism and the tendency towards autobiography. So, the path of internal evolution, i.e. the path to God is described by Lermontov in the poem “I Go Out Alone on the Road”: “...The desert listens to God... I seek freedom and peace!..” Leo Tolstoy also gives us a classic example of creativity organized by the idea of ​​path, development and quest (“Confession ", "Childhood and adolescence"). The dominance of the category of path and its importance for A. Blok is an indisputable fact. The loosening of the social soil and the process of its restructuring during the period of his life were a stimulus for the transition to new spiritual spheres (from the cycle of poems about the Beautiful Lady to “On the Kulikovo Field”). Later, Blok interpreted his development by comparing it with a spiral, on the upper turn of which the poem “12” was located, and the cycle “Snow Mask” was located on the corresponding lower turn.

Quoting literary critic D.E. Maksimov, we can say that “the theme of the path is the creation of a dynamic, restless, restless consciousness during a period of ideological fermentation and breakdown.” Each of the writers experienced such periods in their own way, which is why the theme of the path sounded differently throughout the history of Russian literature.

Nikitina Valeria

450 words

The image of a road (path) can be called an archetype: it is present in the culture of various eras. In Russian literature, the motif of the path sounded even in ancient Russian works: Prince of Novgorod-Seversk Igor Svyatoslavovich went on a campaign “to the Polovtsian land”, wanting to take revenge on the nomads for the insults inflicted on the Russian people; Prince of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich (“Zadonshchina”) led the army to the battle with Khan Mamai; The Tver merchant described his journey in “Walking across Three Seas.”

Later we will see this motif in the famous “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by A.N. Radishcheva.

The theme of the road is also heard in A.S. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” (Chatsky arrives in Famusov’s Moscow at the beginning of the work and leaves it at the end; we see the restless hero in search, on the way), in “Hero of Our Time” M Yu. Lermontov's theme of travel in the plot of the novel reflects the loneliness and loss of the main character - Pechorin.

But the words “road” and “path” have multiple meanings: they can denote not only a piece of space between any points, but also stages in the life of both an individual and an entire nation. And in this sense, we can talk about the life path of the hero, the historical path of the people. It turned out to be short for the heroine of the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's “The Thunderstorm”: from a happy childhood (“I lived - I didn’t worry about anything, like a bird in the wild”) to premature death, which the pure and free Katerina prefers to life in the house of her mother-in-law Kabanikha. In a similar vein, one can consider the path of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812 (the epic novel “War and Peace”), when different segments of the population from the commander-in-chief Kutuzov to the “most needed person” in the partisan detachment - Tikhon Shcherbaty and the “elder Vasilisa, who beat a hundred French,” rallied in a single patriotic impulse to liberate Russia from foreign invaders.

And how majestic the image of the road appears to the readers of the poem “Dead Souls”, along which “like a brisk, unstoppable troika,” Rus' is rushing! Gogol's lyrical digressions are full of reflections on the historical path of Russia, on its place and significance in the whole world.

Alexander Blok, a poet who found himself at the crossroads of two centuries - the 19th and 20th, also reflects on the path of Russia and the Russian people in a number of his poems. This topic is revealed especially deeply and unusually in the poems “Rus”, “Russia” and in the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field”. In the poem “Rus,” the reader is presented with an image of a mysterious, witchcraft country, “where all the paths and crossroads are worn out with a living stick.” The Fatherland is on the road, in perpetual motion, and appears in the poem “Russia,” which begins with the words:

...And the painted knitting needles knit(Blok's spelling)
Into loose ruts...

In the poem “Russia” this image is endowed with a number of meanings: “the impossible is possible, the long road is easy,” and Russia, with forest and field, in a “patterned scarf up to the eyebrows,” will give the tired traveler “an instant glance from under the scarf.” And, finally, as the personification of the peak of the frantic movement of Blok’s Russia, the metaphorical image of a “steppe mare” is presented, flying “through blood and dust” forward, into peace, because “we only dream of peace,” and “eternal battle” awaits the Russians.

So, the image of the road in Russian literature is multifaceted and deep. Among the works of Russian writers one can find its most varied aspects: the path as the personal destiny of a person, the path as the road of the soul to God and harmony, and, finally, the path as the fate of Russia and a movement in the history of an entire people. The latest understanding of the image of the road makes a special impression on any Russian person, finding a pure, patriotic response in his soul.

Gulidova Arsenia

503 words

Author's materials, materials from the Internet, materials from I.A. were used. Suyazova


– direction “Time” in the final essay 2015-2016
– direction “Home” in the final essay 2015-2016
– direction “Love” in the final essay 2015-2016

The fourth direction is "The Path".

Here is the definition given by FIPI: “The Path” - this direction actualizes the specific and symbolic meaning of the concept “path”, aiming at its moral and philosophical understanding. The range of reflections is wide: from road impressions to thoughts about the fate of a person, his way of life, the choice of a goal and the means to achieve it.” This is how this direction is commented.

PATH. The widest direction of all presented. It invites you to reflect on such a concept as “path”, and it is possible to consider it from different angles: from impressions after road adventures to reflections on the path of development chosen by humanity and the results to which this path can lead.


A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Either I will find my way, or I will make it myself.
Follow your path and let people say whatever they want.
We are given the opportunity to choose, but we are not given the opportunity to avoid choice.
Way home.
My exciting journey.
Spiritual quest of the main characters.
Life is a journey.
Sometimes you want to go to nowhere.
When you're on the road.
A road without beginning or end.


Homer "Odyssey".
A.N. Radishchev "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow."
A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", "The Captain's Daughter".
M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time".
L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".
A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet".
I.A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco", "Clean Monday".


Afanasy Nikitin “Walking across Three Seas.”
L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina".
F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".
N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls".
ON THE. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'.”
N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer".
M.A. Bulgakov “Running”, “The Master and Margarita”.
A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin's Dvor".
V.A. Kaverin "Two Captains".
Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince".


Proverbs and sayings about the road that “accompanies” us all our lives.

The road ran from village to village and led across the entire land.
The road together, tobacco in half.
The one who walks, albeit slowly, will overcome the road.
The one who walks will master the road.
You eat for a day, but take bread for a week.
If you give your enemy a way, you yourself will be left without a road.
The familiar road seems short.
A familiar crooked road is shorter than an unfamiliar straight path.
Those who travel quickly will have no trouble on the road.
He who knows the way does not stumble.
To each his own way.
I started walking and got halfway there.
Don't look for a country road when there is a highway.
Don't boast about leaving, boast about arriving.
To go alone is a long road.
The road is open to an open heart.
It’s bad when a distant path emerges from a nearby road.
Sometimes, without even leaving home, we set off on a long journey.


And the range of thoughts is wide, and the range of literary works is correspondingly wide. Today we will look at a work on the material of which you can write a final essay on the thematic area “The Path”.
This is a novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". After all, this novel is not about fathers and sons, but about a person’s journey!

1. Introduction Biographical is appropriate here.

I.S. Turgenev, the great Russian writer of the mid-19th century, although he belonged to the nobility, always looked and listened sensitively and with genuine interest to everything that did not belong to this privileged layer. In “Notes of a Hunter” he portrayed peasants with deep sympathy, and in his novels he portrayed heroes just coming onto the Russian historical stage. In the novel “Fathers and Sons” this is Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov, who is not at all like Turgenev’s other heroes. The author peers at the hero with genuine interest. Who is he? Will he survive the path of life prepared for him?

2. Main part

Before we begin the main part of the final essay, let's ask the following questions:
What path (from what to what) does the main character take?
What changes in his views and in himself?
What does the hero come to in the end?
Before you is an essay plan, from which we will not deviate.
In the novel, Evgeny Bazarov goes from an irreconcilable nihilist, a materialist, a person with simplified views on life to a person aware of the complexity and diversity of life.
This is the thesis. Let's prove it.
1. In the novel there is Bazarov’s external path: he travels around the province, meets different people. These are the parents, the Kirsanov brothers, Anna Odintsova. Each of the characters brings something into Eugene’s life that enriches the young man’s views and life, changing his worldview and attitude.
2. At the beginning of the novel, this is a person who does not accept someone else’s position. He considers the aristocracy to be an obsolete class, does not recognize any authorities, the spiritual life of man, the role of art, and romanticism and love for the hero are “women’s tales” and games of the mind. But he still accepts the strength and dignity of Pavel Kirsanov (they shake hands at the end, saying goodbye after the duel).
3. A meeting with Anna Odintsova reveals to Bazarov the power of love. He is simply overwhelmed by the feeling, if not crushed, because this refutes his theory of the materialistic nature of man. No, it turns out that he is also capable of loving and suffering from this feeling.
4. After breaking up with Odintsova, Bazarov returns to Maryino a little different. He is no longer so harsh and irreconcilable. Turgenev subtly illustrates the change in his views in a dream before the duel: Pavel Petrovich dreams of the hero in the form of a dark forest. And such a forest in the popular consciousness is something incomprehensible, unknown. Bazarov cannot renounce his views, but he already recognizes the complexity of life, as well as the ambiguity of his opponent’s personality.
5. Before his death, Bazarov admits: “Does Russia need me? Apparently, it’s not needed...” Such a confession is bitter, but we like the hero because he has outlived his categorical and categorical attitude.

These are just abstracts! You need to select illustrative material from the novel for them.

3. Conclusion

Here you need to repeat the thesis or paraphrase it, not forgetting to mention the author of the novel.

I.S. Turgenev treats his hero with respect, but “tests” the strength of his views, guiding Bazarov through the pages of the novel, showing that a person’s path is not exhausted and is not motivated by his worldview, and life is not equal to a simple sum of knowledge. Bazarov’s path is most accurately expressed in the popular saying: “Living life is not crossing a field.” It’s just a pity that the hero realized this too late.

Make sure that the words “path”, “movement” are used in the essay, that is, the key words of the topic.


on the topic “A road without beginning or end”

“The one who walks can master the road,” a sage once said. At first glance, this is a common, banal phrase for those who are on a journey, life or spiritual. Let's try to think about this phrase. The meaning of this phrase is much wider and deeper than we saw the first time. But indeed, a confident, purposeful and persistent person will master the path of life. Any business can be brought to its logical conclusion if you put effort into it. And then any road will be within our reach.
Often, while on the road, we make casual acquaintances and trust strangers with our most intimate thoughts. This happened with M.A. Sholokhov, when he met Andrei Sokolov on the way. When we met, Andrei told the writer about his life and destiny. This is how the wonderful story “The Fate of Man” was born.
The main character of this story is an ordinary Russian man with the most ordinary fate. Before the start of the war, he worked at a factory, got married, had children and lived like an ordinary person, but the war put everything in its own way.
Andrei Sokolov, together with his eldest son, voluntarily goes to the front. He did not have to fight for long, as he was captured. While in captivity, Andrei behaves very courageously and bravely. The episode of Andrei Sokolov's interrogation is one of the most powerful episodes. The hero, without taking a bite, drinks three glasses of vodka for his death and the victory of the Soviet army! The episode in the prison cell also evokes respect. Even there he behaves like a Man with a capital M - he shares a piece of lard and bread with all his cellmates. This act is a vivid example of mutual assistance and support during a difficult period. After escaping from captivity, Andrei ends up with our people, and after the hospital he goes to visit his family. Grief, despair, and horror overcome him when he sees a crater in the place of his house. His wife and two sons died... The climax of the story is the episode of Andrei’s meeting with the boy Vanyusha, whom he decides to adopt. Vanya’s words shake me to the core: “Folder! Dear! I knew you would find me!” Vanya brought Sokolov back to life, and he gave Vanya a chance to live.
After reading this work, I thought about the main character, about his difficult fate, and I wanted to adopt his best traits. Indeed, with a character like his, you can master any path. Our life is a long, unknown and difficult road that we have to travel. Now we are 11th grade graduates. In six months we will graduate from school, fly off in different directions and each choose our own path. And it will depend only on us how we follow our path.

Thematic areas of the final essay 2015

Everything remains the same: you are offered thematic areas for preparation, and you will learn specific topics 15 minutes before the start of the exam. There will be a lot of topics and, most likely, you won’t be able to guess them.

Last year, the thematic areas were formulated differently; they were more like essay topics, for example: “ How do people live?», « Questions asked of man by war», « Why is it important to be able to have compassion for others?“This year, a special council under the Ministry of Education and Science, chaired by N. D. Solzhenitsyn, managed to propose a new approach. No hints: direction is not a topic, it is precisely the direction of your future thoughts and searches. Each direction is indicated by only one word.

Special words have been chosen for you: Time. House. Path. Love. The list is completed by the phrase Year of Literature. This is the name of a cultural event that lasted in our country throughout 2015.

Let's try to understand: you have been offered special words. These are stimulus words, image words, symbol words. They denote key concepts for language, society and the individual. They evoke a response in the minds and souls of people. This means that they can be interpreted, interpreted, interpreted. You are expected to reflect on these concepts and describe in essay form how you perceive them. You are given complete freedom of expression.

Freedom. It would seem good? Who is against freedom?
But the guys are confused, they don’t know how to approach preparation, where to start. I receive letters: “SOS! Help!!!",
“I don’t know how to prepare. I asked the teacher, but she didn’t advise anything,” “I can’t imagine where to start.”

I can’t promise much, but I’ll give you some starting points. Creativity is an intimate matter. The more direct the answers, the worse: everything can again come down to template topics and clone essays. Therefore, I provide further information in dotted lines.

I don’t like FIPI’s commentary on this year’s thematic directions. He reeks of officialdom. The style conflicts with the idea of ​​helping graduates find their way. But it is FIPI that will develop the topic bank. That's why we read.

"Time"- the direction is focused on a broad understanding of time as a historical and philosophical category, perceived in the interaction of the momentary and the eternal, the real and the imaginary, the personal and the universal, the past and the future. At the center of the discussion are man and time, society and era.

"House"- the direction is aimed at thinking about home as the most important value of existence, rooted in the distant past and continuing to be a moral support in today's life. The ambiguous concept of “home” allows us to talk about the unity of small and large, the relationship between material and spiritual, external and internal.

"Love"- the direction makes it possible to look at love from different positions: parents and children, men and women, man and the world around him. We will talk about love as a lofty phenomenon that ennobles and elevates a person, about its bright and tragic sides.

"Path"- the direction actualizes the specific and symbolic meaning of the concept “path”, aiming at its moral and philosophical understanding. The range of reflections is wide: from road impressions to thoughts about the fate of a person, his way of life, the choice of a goal and the means to achieve it.

"Year of Literature"- the direction, on the one hand, is connected with the celebration of literature held in Russia in 2015 as the greatest cultural phenomenon, on the other hand, it is addressed to the reader living the next year of his life with a book in his hands. The breadth of this topic requires the graduate to have a certain reading horizons and the ability to talk about great literature.

What is important to consider?

All words that are chosen as thematic areas allow not only a narrow, everyday, but also an expanded, socio-cultural interpretation. We interpret meanings easiest for children.

- Mom, what is the path?
- Path.

But then the understanding of words in our minds expands. House- these are not only walls and a roof with a chimney (this is how children draw houses), but also native a home that one misses when apart. The person gradually realizes that homemade There are not only slippers or pies. There is also such a concept: home. And for someone house- jail. Why? What's wrong with this house? Parental house. The roots of our childhood go back to it.

Unravel the tangles of associations. Collect associations. This will help expand the horizons of your view and find your own perspective.

I already wrote that in words time, home, path, love key concepts for the language and people are identified. Therefore, we find a whole storehouse of images and meanings in folklore. Proverbs and sayings, fairy tales, songs, epics... This is all material familiar to you. Search your memory, look for examples on the Internet, select what is close or interesting to you.
And then expand the search circle, attract literary material.

I also recommend getting acquainted with commentary by N. D. Solzhenitsyna, Chairman of the Special Council under the Ministry of Education and Culture. Listen, think about it. This post contains a lot of useful first-hand information. Participants in the conversation: Dmitry Livanov - Minister of Education and Science, N. D. Solzhenitsyna and S. V. Volkov. Perhaps someone will change their attitude towards the upcoming essay and look at it as another opportunity or even a stage of personal growth.

Now let's try... no, guessing topics is a waste of time. I will try to help you in selecting literary material. To do this, let’s see whether the concepts are reflected time, home, path, love in literature.


"The Passage of Time in Russian Literature"
Think about how time passes for literary heroes. The characters' sense of time. Time is subjective and objective. Reflection of a person and his time, hero and era in literature. Time at war.

A. S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”, “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, “The Bronze Horseman”
M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”
N. V. Gogol “Dead Souls”, “The Inspector General”, “Portrait”
I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”
L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”
I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”
M. A. Bulkakov “The Master and Margarita”
K. Simonov “The Living and the Dead”
V. Grossman “Life and Fate”

R. Senchin “Flood Zone”

"Times don't choose"
We don’t choose the time: everyone has their own. In times of any historical collisions, people lived while remaining human. How to remain human at any time?

L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”
A. N. Rybakov “Children of Arbat”
K. Simonov “The Living and the Dead”
V. Grossman “Life and Fate”
V. P. Nekrasov “In the trenches of Stalingrad”
A. I. Solzhenitsyn “The Gulag Archipelago”
V. T. Shalamov “Kolyma Tales”
R. Senchin “Nubuck”, “Flood Zone”

"Time travel"
Historical novels take us to another time. History, features and signs of the times: past and present in literature. .

A. N. Tolstoy “Peter the First”

V. G. Yan “Genghis Khan”, “Batu”
E. G. Vodolazkin “Laurel”
Walter Scott "Ivanhoe"

"Time in Dystopia"
Traits and signs of the times in dystopia. Time is real and imaginary. Man and time in the era of totalitarianism.

E. I. Zamyatin “We”
Ray Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451"
George Orwell "Animal Farm", "1984"

"Signs of the times in Russian literature"
How writers talk about time. A work of literature as a portrait of time. The XVIII century, the XIX century, the XX century in the works of Russian writers.

D. I. Fonvizin “Minor”
A. S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”
A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”
N.V. Gogol “The Inspector General”, “Dead Souls”
I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”

A. I. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”, “The Gulag Archipelago”
K. Simonov “The Living and the Dead”
V. Grosman “Life and Fate”

V. M. Shukshin Stories
V. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”, “French Lessons”
R. Senchin “Flood Zone”, “Nubuck”

"Books for all times"
The demands of time, the test of time... What is in the books that are considered books for all time? Eternal and momentary. Personal and universal.

Russian and foreign classics of your choice. Examples:

A. S. Pushkin “Little tragedies”
A. de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”
V. Grossman “Life and Fate”
K. Simonov “The Living and the Dead”


"Houses and Their Inhabitants"
What can his home tell about a person? Images of houses that have entered the history of literature. Different people - different houses. Material and spiritual. Person and place.

N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”
L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”
F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”
M. A. Bulgakov “The White Guard”. "Master and Margarita"
R. Senchin “Yeltyshevs”
R. Senchin “What do you want?”
R. Senchin “Nubuck”

“Beautiful and terrible houses in Russian literature”
Home as a world order. Foundations. External manifestations of deep processes. Valuable and priceless in the perception of heroes and authors of Russian literature.

D. I. Fonvizin “Minor”
A. S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”
A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”
I. S. Turgenev “Mumu”, “Fathers and Sons”
A. N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”, “Dowry”
I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”
L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”
M. A. Bulgakov: “The Master and Margarita”, Heart of a Dog”
R. Senchin “Yeltyshevs”
R. Senchin “Minus”
R. Senchin “Nubuck”
R. Senchin “Forward and upward on dead batteries”

"Happiness in the Home"
“All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” (Leo Tolstoy). What do we find in common in happy homes? What makes a happy home?

L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”
T. L. Sukhotin-Tolstaya “Memories”

What is it like to lose your home and loved ones? Find yourself without a home from birth? Orphans. The fate of people with disabilities. Losses and gains.

Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego "White on Black"
M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”
V. Zakrutkin “Mother of Man”

“Famous houses: house in Obukhov
History of the house. Fantastic and real. The world of Professor Preobrazhensky.

M. A. Bulgakov “Heart of a Dog”

“Famous houses: house on Sadovaya”
“Bad Apartment” is the location of the events of M. Bulgakov’s novel.

M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”

"Journeys of Literary Heroes"
Literary heroes change places. Why do literary heroes travel?

A. S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”
M. Yu Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”
N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”, “The Inspector General”
F. M. Dostoevsky “Idiot”
M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”

"Meeting on the Way"
Encounters that show us who we are. Unexpected meetings. Fateful meetings. Random encounters. Meeting as a stage of life's journey.

A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”
N. V. Gogol “The Inspector General”
M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”
Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of Men", "The Little Prince"

"The Knight at the Crossroads"
Literary heroes face a choice. Difficult choice of literary heroes.

F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”
M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”
V. Bykov “Sotnikov”

"Choosing a Path"
Young man: formation and choice of life path. Values ​​and anti-values. Finding and losing yourself.

N. V. Gogol “Portrait”
Oscar Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
Jack London "Martin Eden"
Guy de Maupossant "Dear Friend"

"Road to nowhere"
Life's dead ends. Actions that lead to punishment. Crimes against oneself.

F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”
Theodore Dreiser "American Tragedy"
V. Rasputin “Live and Remember”
V. Bykov “Sotnikov”

"Paths and Crossroads of War"
A man at war is a man on the move. Difficult roads of war.

K. Simonov “The Living and the Dead”
V. Grossman “Life and Fate”
V. P. Nekrasov “In the trenches of Stalingrad”


"Power of love"
The ability to love as a human characteristic.

M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"
Stendhal "The Parma Monastery", "Red and Black"

"Waiting for Love"
The love languor of youth. Gusts of the soul. Pain.

W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet"
A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”, “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”
I. S. Turgenev “First Love”, “Asya”
L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”
A. V. Ivanov “The geographer drank his globe away”
A. V. Dmitriev “The Peasant and the Teenager”

"Unrequited love"
If love is not returned? The agony of love for the loving heart and the object of unrequited love.

A. S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”
A. I. Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet”
A. N. Ostrovsky “Snow Maiden”, “Dowry”

"Love and fidelity, love and betrayal"
From a sense of fidelity to marital duty (Tatiana) to adultery (Anna Karenina) - how Russian literature traces the transformation of the love of its heroines. Selfishness and selflessness. Female sacrifice. Russian literary heroes in love.

A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”, “The Captain's Daughter”.
L. N. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina”, “War and Peace”.
A. N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”.

Year of Literature is a website dedicated to the year of literature in Russia. Here you can find many interesting facts that can be used as source material.

"The Man and the Book"
"Reading Circle for Literary Heroes"
“A poet in Russia is more than a poet”

What is good?

Quite a lot has been said and written about the quality of literary material. I will repeat my opinion.

Fine write from a work that you know: you have read yourself (preferably recently) and which you really remember.

Very good write based on a text that made a strong impression on you. Your reactions will be sincere.

Great, if the work allows you to tell about it in an interesting and meaningful way, and most books of classical literature are just like that.

Wonderful, if you manage to show yourself as a mature reader who does not shy away from the classics, ours and/or foreign. Classic works have passed the most important test - the test of time.

Fabulous, if you use works that you have read beyond the school curriculum. But not examples of pulp literature, cheap detective stories, romance fiction, or works of amateur (non-professional) authors from the Internet. This kind of “literature” is of no interest to anyone. Show that you are familiar with the modern literary process.

If you take the trouble to look through the list offered to you, you will notice that there are books that can be used as a literary basis for essays in any field. I relied heavily on books that are included in the school curriculum and are therefore familiar to you. Perhaps there will be new names for some here. As you read and reread books, think about how they reflect concepts. time, home, path, love.

K. G. Paustovsky “The Tale of Life” (There is so much material here for a variety of arguments that there is still enough left for everyone. But there is nothing stupider than reading Paustovsky just for the sake of arguments!)
S. D. Dovlatov (What to read? Yes, everything! I love everything. Take a three-volume book and read everything)

What to look for on the Internet?

In any case, not ready-made essays, not templates and diagrams.

Look for reader reviews, expert reviews, and interviews with book authors. This material is of a completely different kind. It will significantly raise the level of your own work. This is important for those who intend to submit their work to a university in the future.

Let me give you an example. I recommended here the stories of the modern Russian writer R. Senchin. His “Flood Zone” was included in the shortlist of Russia’s most prestigious national award, “Big Book,” this year. What information about the author should I look for?

Publication in the media

Last year, for the first time, we took the trouble to support those of our visitors who wrote good works.
The guys sent their work for review, and we selected the best of them. Immediately after the exam, the essays were published on the website, and we sent their authors Certificates of publication in the media.
We inform you that we intend to continue this work in the 2015-2016 academic year. You can send your works. works.


In contact with

Biographical is appropriate here.

I.S. Turgenev, one of the galaxy of great Russian writers of the mid-19th century, although he belonged to the nobility, always looked and listened sensitively and with genuine interest to everything that did not belong to this privileged layer. In “Notes of a Hunter” he portrayed peasants with deep sympathy, and in his novels he portrayed heroes just coming onto the Russian historical stage. In the novel “Fathers and Sons” this is Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov, who is not at all like Turgenev’s other heroes. The author peers at the hero with genuine interest. Who is he? Will he survive the path of life prepared for him?

Main part

Before we begin the main part of the final essay, let's ask questions: what path (from what to what) does the main character go through?

What changes in his views and in himself?

What does he end up with?

Before you is an essay plan, from which we will not deviate.

The essay plan can be presented in the form of logical diagrams. Thesis definition - “subthesis” + illustrations from the text (there may be several of them). This way you won’t move away from the topic, and this is the main flaw in the essay.

So, Evgeny Bazarov in the novel goes from an irreconcilable nihilist, materialist, a person with simplified views on life to a person aware of the complexity and diversity of life. This is the thesis.

Let's prove it.

  1. In the novel there is Bazarov's external path: he travels around the province, meets different people. These are the Kirsanov brothers, Anna Odintsova, parents. Each of the characters brings something into Eugene’s life that enriches the young man’s views and life, changing his worldview and attitude.
  2. At the beginning of the novel, this is a person who does not accept someone else's position. He considers the aristocracy to be an obsolete class (and rightly so!), does not recognize any authorities, the spiritual life of man, the role of art, and romanticism and love for the hero are “women’s tales” and mind games. But Pavel Kirsanov still accepts the strength and dignity (they shake hands at the end, saying goodbye after the duel).
  3. A meeting with Anna Odintsova reveals to Bazarov the power of love. He is simply overwhelmed by the feeling, if not crushed, because this refutes his theory of the materialistic nature of man. No, it turns out that he is also capable of loving and suffering from it.
  4. After breaking up with Odintsova, Bazarov returns to Maryino a little different. He is no longer so harsh and irreconcilable. Turgenev subtly illustrates the change in his views in a dream before the duel: Pavel Petrovich dreams of the hero in the form of a dark forest. A dark forest in the popular consciousness is something unknown, incomprehensible, unknown. Bazarov cannot renounce his views, but he already recognizes the complexity of life, as well as the ambiguity of his opponent’s personality.
  5. Before his death, Bazarov admits: “Does Russia need me? Apparently, it’s not needed...” Such a confession is bitter, but we like the hero because he has outlived his categorical and categorical attitude.

These are just abstracts! Match them with illustrative material from the novel!


In conclusion, you need to repeat the thesis at a new level, or paraphrase it, not forgetting the author of the novel.

I.S. Turgenev treats his hero with respect, but “tests” the strength of his views, guiding Bazarov through the pages of the novel, showing that a person’s path (THEME and DIRECTION!) is not exhausted and is not motivated by his worldview, and life is not equal to a simple sum of knowledge. Bazarov’s path is most accurately expressed in the popular saying: “Living life is not crossing a field.” It’s just a pity that the hero realized this too late...

Let me repeat: in order not to deviate from the topic, follow the logical chain: question - answer (thesis) - arguments ("subthesis") - illustrative material from the text.

Make sure that the words “path”, “movement” are used in the essay, that is, the key words of the topic.

The material was prepared by Karelina Larisa Vladislavovna, teacher of the Russian language of the highest category, honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation


Creative path? The path of life's quest? A pedestrian's path from point A to point B? What topics should we expect in this thematic direction and what should we tune in to? Let's try to figure it out together. Here the creators of the final essay come to our aid, who write: the direction actualizes the specific and symbolic meaning of the concept “path,” aiming at its moral and philosophical understanding. The range of reflections is wide: from road impressions to thoughts about the fate of a person, his way of life, the choice of a goal and the means to achieve it. It seems that everything is clear. However, let's look at the details.

Having analyzed the data that the organizers of the essay shared with us, Andrei Georgievich Narushevich, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages ​​at the Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov, formulated the following, very successful in our opinion, list of possible topics within the thematic area of ​​“time”. We recommend using it!

  • What did the road tell us?
  • Why do people travel?
  • Journey to the future.
  • A journey into the past.
  • Why is the theme of the road often present in many works of literature?
  • Travel to St. Petersburg by F. M. Dostoevsky.
  • Walking around Bulgakov's Moscow.
  • Traveling around Russia with a literary hero (heroes).
  • What is the purpose and meaning of human life?
  • How to achieve your life's goal?
  • What kind of life can be considered not lived in vain?
  • How to resist the blows of fate?
  • True and imaginary values ​​in human life.
  • Does the end always justify the means?
  • The problem of a false goal in life.
  • “Life is boring without a moral purpose...” ( F.M. Dostoevsky).
  • “You need to live not for yourself and not for others, but with everyone and for everyone...” ( N. Fedorov).
  • Searches for a moral ideal in literature.

We recommend, but in no way claim that one of these topics will be “yours” in the final essay! We remind you that topics are compiled individually for each region of Russia and will become known only on the day the final essay is written. Then why do we need this list? Read it carefully again. Isn’t it true, the topics here can be divided into three main blocks: “The path of search, knowledge, spiritual quest” and “Journey, wandering.” But in any case, the path will remain the central concept of a particular topic, which means we can make some preparations even before composing. We can prepare almost the most significant part of the essay - the so-called “strong points of the text.”

What are “strong points of the text”? These are those fragments of text that attract the reader’s special attention and can make a particularly strong impression on him. The epigraph, title, introduction and conclusion are traditionally considered “strong”. We can easily prepare two of these four positions in advance.

As an epigraph to your essay, you can use a short phrase that would be in harmony with your chosen topic. This could be a proverb or an aphoristic statement. There are many websites with thematic collections of proverbs and aphorisms on any topic. Choose ten or twelve you like (preferably, different in meaning), remember them and calmly use them in your essay. By the way, an aphoristic statement can also serve as an element of introduction, argument, or successfully complete your essay. Here are a few aphorisms about the path.

  • Only those who have somewhere to go are lost. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)
  • Do not boast when you are ready to go, but boast on the way back. (Indian proverb)
  • The shortest path is sometimes the longest. (Neil Gaiman).
  • ...For the ways of the Lord are right, and the righteous walk in them, and the wicked will fall in them. (Bible. Old Testament)
  • I walk slowly, but I never move backwards. (Abraham Lincoln)
  • They say the hardest part of the journey is the first step.
  • There are paths that must be traversed with clean hands and will. (Nicholas Roerich).
  • And yet, after all, everyone is heading towards the same thing, at least, everyone is striving for the same thing, from the sage to the last robber, only along different roads. (Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)
  • There are many roads that lead to the top. But the landscape remains unchanged. (Chinese proverb)
  • As with any good story about the Path, the key comes before knowing how to use it. (Max Fry)
  • Everyone has a spirit that needs to be cultivated; a body that needs to be trained; and the path that must be taken. (Morihei Ueshiba)

We have already talked about the types of introductions, we recalled the historical, and the biographical, and the analytical, and many others. When creating the final essay, you can use any type of introduction, but for those who want to be sure and prepare the introduction in advance, we recommend using a lyrical introduction. Those who know what we are talking about may object: after all, a lyrical introduction is often called “aerobatics,” a form of work that is only available to “writers.” Yes, probably, if we are talking about the need to write such an introduction “online”, right here and now. And when there is no need to rush and there is an opportunity to make preparations, this form of entry is available to everyone. And writing such an introduction is also interesting and pleasant.

Use the method that comes in handy when you need to create a text in the essay genre. Without long, boring definitions, an essay can be called a free-form composition that includes the thoughts and feelings of the author. Try to answer the question, what is the path, the road exactly for you. Pay attention to details and sensations. Here you can combine sublime definitions and everyday trifles. You can start by practicing this way: come up with ten sentences that begin with the phrase “The path is this.” The proposals can be very different, for example:

  • The path is the meaning of any person’s life
  • The path may be simple or difficult, but everyone must walk it with dignity
  • The path is an adventure
  • The path is the smell of the railway

When you have a sufficient number of sentences from them, combining them at your own discretion (imagine that you have a constructor in front of you), you will be able to compose not just one, but several lyrical introductions, which you can easily use when creating the final essay.

And one last thing. What works can you use if you are going to reveal the theme of the path in your essay? Here are some examples:

  • “The Captain's Daughter” A.S. Pushkin. Here the path is the first big journey of Petrusha Grinev from home to work, and the life path of the main characters, be it Peter himself, Masha Mironova or Emelyan Pugachev.
  • F.M. Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment. Here, of course, we will talk about the path of spiritual quest of the main character, Rodion Raskolnikov - from a monstrous theory and murder to repentance and finding inner harmony.
  • M.A. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita". Each hero goes through his own path, but it will be especially interesting to look at the path of Pontius Pilate’s spiritual quest, at how his earthly path, especially difficult, almost unbearable at the end, gives way to the eternal path.
  • "Dead Souls". N.V. Gogol sends his main character, Chichikov, on a journey across Russia. While traveling, he meets a variety of characters and finds himself in a variety of “scenery.” From these images the reader can create a portrait of Russia, contemporary to the writer and eternal. No wonder Gogol ends his poem with the most famous lyrical digression: “Rus, where are you rushing to? Give me an answer. Doesn't give an answer. The bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The air, torn into pieces, thunders and becomes the wind; “everything that is on earth flies past, and, looking sideways, other peoples and states step aside and give way to it.”
  • Lyrics. Almost all the classics of Russian literature wrote about the road and the path of life. Here your choice is limitless, and the process of finding the right poems can be quite exciting.

Here we have given examples of classics of Russian literature. However, remember that you can also use examples from modern literature in your essay. You can also use works of foreign authors as arguments.

Get inspired! And don’t be afraid of writing: this is a great opportunity to think about important things, express yourself and discover new talents in yourself;)

O.S. Shadrina, teacher of Russian language and literature, St. Petersburg