The hardest hit in the world. Boxing technique

  • 20.10.2019

Hello dear readers! Today in the article we will try to talk about how they are called, and how you can protect your life when attacked by intruders. Let's say right away that today few people hope for the help of the police when hooligans find him in a dark alley.

Here you always have to rely on your own strength, but if a person does not have a special and does not know combat techniques, then he can simply be killed. Our article is not simple and will help many people learn how to effectively protect their lives in any situations. This applies to both men and women.

Boxing punches

Every novice fighter should know what punches are there for boxers. All of them can be divided into several types: these are usually direct blows. There are also attacks from the flanks. There are more than 10 of them in boxing. They differ in direction of movement and length.

Distance always plays an important role. The boxer's kick depends on her. In this case, the hand can perform the movement in different ways. For example, when a long-range strike is made, here you have to straighten your arm completely. When in close combat, the arms are bent. Naturally, the most powerful blows have always been considered.

What are the blows

If we talk about what the blows can be, then they can differ in type. For example, you can take the hit "". It is usually applied to the chin. This straight blow is always done with the right hand, but there is a variant when it is performed with the left hand. When doing it, you need to push off with your right foot and move quickly forward.

Weight is transferred to the opposite leg. This blow can be considered the most effective today. If you want to defeat the enemy, then you need to inflict a direct knockout blow on him. Here, a violation of the heartbeat can occur and the person will most likely lose consciousness. In boxing, this is called a knockout.

A blow to the liver by a boxer can stop the person breathing, leading to fainting. As for the solar plexus, it is also always vulnerable, and if you hit this place, you can bring a person to a loss of consciousness.

If you execute such a blow, it will most likely shock the opponent. He may stop breathing for a while.

The most important thing in boxing is the psychological factor. Some are simply afraid of the enemy, others are afraid to inflict on him. In such cases, the boxer's kick usually becomes indistinct and movement is constrained. The main tenet of boxing is the ability to distance yourself from what is happening. Emotions are a bad helper here. If the boxer is calm, then he can win a landslide victory.

It is necessary to learn how to move correctly, only in this case you can apply. A boxer's punch will always be much more powerful if you just stand still. You need to defend yourself with the whole body and always the force of the blow depends on what position your legs and back are in.

The force of impact can always be formed due to the fact that the center of gravity is transferred and the body turns. There should be one goal - to win quickly. If there is no competent combination of punches and the correct technique, and you deliver single punches, then they will be ineffective.

In order to perfectly master all boxing techniques, it is necessary, first of all, to obtain information on how to correctly execute the punches. It is necessary to constantly engage in psychological preparation.

In any situation, you must be calm. It doesn't matter how many opponents are in front of you. One strong blow can overwhelm the attacker and put him to flight.

All students need to remember that they do not win a quick and strong blow from a boxer, but if it is done correctly and in a timely manner. Any sport requires a strategy and tactics of warfare. Each technique must be applied at a specific time.

If you want to be confident in your strength, you can buy a course to start boxing classes today. It is safe to say that after you fully study all the movements and, you will be able to stand up for yourself and your loved ones. You will always be able to protect them.

The most important means of fighting in boxing is a blow - a technical action that is a reciprocating movement of a hand of an impulsive, explosive or ballistic type with a straight or curved trajectory.

A boxer's skill level is determined by the breadth of his punches and the ability to apply them in a variety of situations. A good professional boxer, of course, knows how to perform all the punches, but in his arsenal he has several especially effective techniques. In this case, the concept of "technique" is defined as a combination of technical and tactical actions or a separate action, movement, a way to achieve a goal in a specific combat situation.

The effectiveness of the blow depends on the following factors.

Accuracy. First of all, the blow must be accurate and hit the most vulnerable spots on the opponent's body.

The actions of Muhammad Ali were especially precise. This boxer did not have the strongest punch, but he had an amazing sense of distance and timeliness, which allowed him to send the most ferocious opponents to the floor. When looking at the knockouts in his performance, one gets the impression that some of the decisive blows he inflicted were somehow defective, unsightly and even frankly weak. However, his opponents fall. Why? The answer is very simple: these are very accurate and well-timed strikes. And they hit vulnerable points on the enemy's body.

One of the greatest coaches of our time, Cus D'Amato, who trained such champions as Jose Torres, Floyd Patterson and Mike Tyson, paid particular attention to the ability to strike at weak points. From the very beginning of his studies, he demanded that his students hit not just in the torso or in the head, but in four main, in his opinion, points: the liver, the left lower rib, the chin and the corner of the jaw under the ear.

The speed of the blow. The higher the speed, the more imperceptible the blow and the less time the enemy has for defensive actions. The impact speed depends on:
on the speed of the percussion movement. The higher the speed, the faster the fist will reach the target;
the shortness of the shock movement. The shorter the trajectory of the fist, the sooner it will overtake the target;
the period of contact of the fist with the target. The shorter this period, the greater the impact force. According to research by IP Degtyarev, the impact lasts 14-18 milliseconds. When this time is increased to 30 milliseconds, the impact turns into a push.

Floyd Patterson, Lennox Lewis, Muhammad Ali were especially quick to hit. Among today's champions, Zab Judah, Oscar de la Hoya, Roy Jones Jr., Fernando Vargas stand out.

In American boxing literature, there is such a semi-mythical concept as the irresistible "six-inch" punch, that is, a 6-inch (15 centimeters) punch that results in a knockout or knockdown.

Rocky Marciano possessed such a blow. This boxer quickly realized that, due to his small stature, it was beneficial for him to box at close range. It took the study and improvement of short strikes. Marciano was the first boxer to practice water strikes. He did it every day for two hours and as a result became the owner of very short punches that were monstrous in strength, which allowed him to achieve fantastic results: 83% of his fights Rocky Marciano ended with a knockout.

The "six-inch" punch can be seen in the fights of young Mike Tyson. The amplitude of his blows was at times so short that it was even difficult to see them.

Impact force. The stronger the blow, the more damage it inflicts on the enemy and the faster it reduces its combat effectiveness.

The force of the blow depends:
on the speed of the percussion movement. The higher the speed, the greater the strength;
boxer weight. The greater the weight of the boxer, the greater the impact mass (the total weight of the hand, forearm and shoulder), and hence the power of the impact;
impact stiffness. It is the more, the less movements in the joints of the shock arm of the hand. To increase rigidity, it is necessary to block movements in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints with their tension;
forms of shock movement. The force of the blow from the leg and body is better transmitted to the target through the arm when the shoulder, forearm and hand lie on the same line - the blow.

It is believed that Ernie Shavers had the strongest punch in the entire history of boxing. Second place is given to David Tua. Both of them played in the heavyweight division, but despite the fact that they had the strongest blows, they could not conquer the boxing Olympus - to win the title of the absolute world champion. This suggests that the power of the punch, although it is of great importance in boxing, is still not the main thing.

According to the rules of the competition, punches can only be delivered with a clenched fist and a boxing glove. When struck, the hand receives a significant load, so it is necessary to correctly squeeze it into a fist. If the fist is clenched incorrectly or its position at the moment of contact with the target is incorrect, this can lead to injury to the hand.

The hand is clenched into a fist as follows. The fingers bend and press against the palm. The thumb is pressed against the middle phalanx of the index finger.

The heads of the metacarpal bones serve as the striking surface of the fist.

The position of the fist at the moment of contact with the target can be very different: horizontal, vertical, inverted vertical, intermediate.

Depending on the direction, punches in boxing are divided into straight, side and bottom punches.

If you visit several boxing clubs and ask to show some kind of blow (for example, a right straight), then, perhaps, the techniques you saw will be slightly different. Moreover, even in the same club, coaches can show the same kick in different ways. How to be? Which of what you saw is correct? The answer is very simple. Each blow has several ways to execute, and they, in turn, have several options.

Methods of performing blows differ in the number, sequence of switching on and the degree of participation of the muscles of the body, as well as in the amplitude of movement of the joints. In total, there are four methods of strikes in boxing.

Strong blows. All muscles of the body are equally involved in their implementation. They are included in the kinematic chain of technical action sequentially: from bottom to top. In accordance with the given direction, the fist moves to the target along the shortest path.

Short blows. In the performance of technical actions of this group, the participation of various muscles of the body is unequal. The range of motion of the joints is limited. Strikes of this kind, as a rule, are applied at medium and close distances and are characterized by a short amplitude of execution.

Fast strikes. The participation of body muscles in them is minimal, which allows performing technical actions with considerable speed, but leads to a loss of strength.

Long strokes. In the execution of the blows of this group, all the muscles of the body are sequentially involved. The amplitude of movement of the joints and the trajectory of movement of the striking surface towards the target are significant. Due to this, additional acceleration develops and the blows acquire great strength, but at the same time they lose in speed.

There are several options for performing strikes:

The body weight during the performance of a technical action can be on the left leg, on the right, or evenly distributed on both legs;

The body weight during the performance of a technical action can move from one part of the support area to another, or it can remain in place;

Hand action can be performed simultaneously with the setting of the same leg, opposite leg, both legs;

The action can be performed before setting the leg (s), after setting and simultaneously with it;

Different links of the striking lever at the moment of contact with the target can be both in the same or in different planes

It's no secret that many people enjoy watching an exciting action called boxing.

Periodically heard names - hook, uppercut and others - are types of punches, and in order to fully understand the nuances of this sport, it would be nice to get acquainted with them.
A truly masculine sport cannot leave indifferent not only professionals, but also those who accidentally turned on a sports channel on their TV. It would seem that the process itself is quite simple, since punches can be applied exclusively with hands, non-professionals cannot even see the difference in the methods of attack or defense. However, this is not the case.

Types of blows

Depending on the area of ​​application, several types of blows are distinguished:

Head punches;
- straight lines;
- lateral;
- uppercut;
- blows to the body.

If everything is clear with the strokes that indicate the direction, then some unfamiliar words can be misleading, although in fact they are ordinary transliteration from English.

As you know, boxing appeared in Great Britain back in the century before last, and therefore it was in this country that, as they would say now, “professional slang” was invented. Its geography gradually expanded, now on any continent you can find boxing leagues of different levels, as well as belonging to a certain country, for example, Thai boxing. Regardless of the type of participants in the duel, and in the competition is held, the professional names still remain the same.

The origin of the names of punches in boxing

The loudest names are always heard, but not everyone knows the order of their application and what they mean, although in reality everything turns out to be not so difficult:

Uppercut - the name comes from the English uppercut, which can be translated as "chopping from below" and means a backhand attack with a fist along the inner trajectory, with the fist turned towards itself. This blow, like its name, also comes from traditional English.

Swing is a side blow, the name comes from the English verb swing, that is, a blow from the side and from a long distance. It also belongs to the traditional, but it is mainly used there.

Jeb - the name comes from the English word jab, a sudden blow, jab, is one of the main blows used in the modern.

Hook - the name comes from the English hook, meaning hook, since it is applied with a hand bent at the elbow, sometimes the Russian name can also be used.

In addition to these basic ones, there are also a lot of auxiliary techniques that can be characteristic of individual athletes, they make boxing even more vivid and spectacular.

Dempsey's strike, which is also called "the sun", looks like a rotation of the body along the trajectory of the number 8, its meaning is the simultaneous protection from enemy strikes and attacks. Its author is boxer Jack Dempsey.

People have always wanted to be famous, popular and recognized. Someone achieves this through acting, others through talent to earn money.

But there are also those who have the physical ability to do incredible things that are impossible or very difficult to replicate. They set all kinds of records that glorify their skills all over the world.

The Guinness Book of Records collects and records such achievements throughout the planet Earth, giving great pleasure to its readers. But many people do not like the fact that there are such records that cannot be attributed to competitive or sports - they are simply crazy or meaningless so that no one even wants to repeat them.

Also, the Guinness Book of Records does not record the power of impact in a particular sport. Often this is due to the impossibility of instantly determining the force of the blow, since this forces a bunch of sensors to be hooked, which can pose a danger to the life of an athlete during a fight.

But don't be upset, in this article you can find answers to such questions and understand who has the most powerful blow in history.

It's hard to judge

As already mentioned, it is very difficult to determine the force of a blow. For example, in football it is impossible to run with a football player all the time and measure the speed of the ball, or in boxing it is impossible to stand in the ring with athletes and record the power of each blow struck.

But sports fans, as well as experts and observers, often make their own ratings in which they celebrate the achievements in the strength of certain athletes.

Answering the question of who has the strongest blow, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, since the strength depends on many factors. An important point is which limb was struck and under what circumstances.

In addition, the ratio of the athlete's weight to the strength of his blow is also an important point. Of course, the outgoing force is influenced by the ejected mass and the impact speed. But it very often happens when an athlete weighs 50 kg less, and his impact force approaches the heavyweights for 120 kilograms.

Who owns the hardest punch?

There are many types of martial arts in the world where they teach how to hit hard. But, in order to measure the force of an impact during a battle, you must have special equipment. In this matter, only boxing and kickboxing are progressing.

Boxers have always been considered athletes who can deliver powerful punches. The most famous representative of the boxing world is Mike Tyson, whom absolutely everyone knows, despite the fact that he ended his professional career long ago.

Powerful Mike

It was believed that he has the most powerful punch. There is a photo of Mike on many rides where you need to hit a special pear to test the force of the blow. They say that the force of his hand blow is 800 kg.

This figure is truly outstanding, and we can say that he has the strongest punch in boxing. Considering the fact that to knock out another person it is enough to have a punch with a force of about 15 kilograms, but you need to hit the jaw clearly with a sharp throw of your hand along a circular path - this is really an amazing force.

David Tua

When asked who has the strongest punch in boxing, many cite David Tua, the Samoan boxer. Experts believe that with his left hand he struck with a capacity of 1,024 kilograms.

His rivals are not to be envied. If today he was in the same shape as in his best years, then perhaps he would have been a good rival for Wladimir Klitschko, otherwise too often he comes across weak opponents.

Who owns the strongest kick?

No less worried about the issue of incredibly strong kicks. Initially, it was believed that only karate and taekwondo fighters became the owners of such blows with the lower limbs.

But recently, thanks to mixed tournaments, muay thai and fights have been added to the martial arts, in which they hit hardest.

From time to time, various TV shows are shown with popular fighters in which they compare the strength of their blows. But the results of such experiments are often subjective. After all, each of them has its own technique of performance, and this greatly affects the output power.

So, for example, the kick performed by the heavy league mixed style fighter Mirko Krokop reaches the power of 2703 kg! Let's compare the power of this blow with the capabilities of Mike Zambidis, who, with a weight of 70 kilograms, manages to beat with his right foot with a force of 1870 kg.

Of course, it is not clear how and where the force of the fighters' blows is measured, but it is difficult to deny that it is better not to pester them in a dark alley.

Elbow and knee strikes

Muay Thai fighters are rightfully considered to be the true masters of knee and elbow strikes. In competitions, very often with such blows, they literally cut the opponent's skin.

Because of this, it is very often possible to observe a bloody spectacle, and not a duel. Some people like it, but some don't. Of course, because of the smaller leverage, the impact is more powerful.

But can everything be measured in kilograms per square centimeter? Impact force is a relative measure that must be matched with efficiency. The Thais prove that with a weight of 40-50 kilograms, you can deliver such blows that are capable of knocking out the enemy the first time.

What were the players able to mark

Football is the title of the game of millions. Indeed, millions of TV viewers gather to watch football matches, not to mention tens of thousands of fans on football fields.

Football is the most popular game. Footballers must have a strong and accurate kick on the ball in order to score a goal.

And in this field very often football experts, journalists note the players who deliver incredible blows.

To date, the Brazilian midfielder Givanildo Vieira de Sousa is the holder of the title "The Strongest Shot of a Football Player". He is known to everyone as the Hulk.

Incredibly, playing against the Shakhtar-Donetsk team, he managed to score a goal with a ball that flew into the net at a speed of 214 km / h. The goalkeeper, of course, could not do anything.

For example, the legendary footballer Roberto Carlos, who was also a footballer of the Brazilian national team, was able to hit the ball at a speed of 198 kilometers per hour. Since then, he has long been considered the strongest punch player in football history.

Of course, such records of football players are not entered in the Guinness Book of Records, but it is simply impossible not to tell about them.


New records are set in the world every day. Thanks to Guinness for coming up with a great way to inform people about someone's interesting accomplishments.

Not all human records can be written into one book. Such a nomination as the strongest blow cannot be found there. But for this there are sports experts who somehow manage to fix more and more champion records. And although such figures can be criticized and questioned their correctness, they make one think about the physical capabilities of a person.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the people who have set and continue to set such records. And it doesn't matter if you have the strongest blow or can jump the highest - you will always inspire people to overcome impassable obstacles and become better.

There are many different types of punches in boxing, but, in fact, they are all varieties of the five basic ones. Since the punches in boxing are called and what is their peculiarity, we will now tell you.

Many of you, even those who do not understand this sport, probably at least once, but have heard the names of boxing punches, simply did not attach any importance to it.

In fact, the types of punches in boxing are not so difficult to distinguish, all you need to remember are the technical features of the five punches.

Jeb (straight kick in boxing)

The jab is the most common hit in boxing. There is even a saying in this sport - a boxer without a jab, not a boxer.

Such a blow is delivered to the head or body. During the blow, the athlete's fist is kept parallel to the ground, and the hand is fully extended during the blow. At the same time, the free fist covers the face, and the elbow covers the solar plexus (to reflect possible attacks of the opponent).

If we talk about the pros and cons of the jab, it is worth mentioning that the force of its application is not as great as that of any other blow. But at the same time, thanks to the jab, the opponent is always in tension. Also, the pluses include the fact that thanks to this blow, the boxer can defend himself from the opponent.

Often such techniques were used by Vitaly and Vladimir Klitschko.

Cross (far-hand strike)

The name of the punches in boxing is easy to remember if you understand what they mean. With the help of the cross technique, the opponent gets on the head or body with the fist of the hand, which is farther away.

The main advantage of this type of strike is maximum accuracy. It is also considered safe for the athlete who attacks, since it is easier to return to a defensive position with a cross.

The downside of the cross is that this is not a natural movement of the human body, as it requires serious training.
Ernie Shavers was a prominent figure in the world of boxing, who often used cross.

Hook (bent hand blow without swing)

In another way, a hook is a side kick in boxing with a bent hand. The hook is only used in close or medium combat. During the blow, the athlete's arm is bent at the elbow, directed to the head or body of another boxer.

The bend of the elbow during the hook should be at a 90-degree angle, due to which the hit is more powerful.

The advantage of the hook is that it is considered to be the most powerful, other main punches in boxing cannot boast of such. The main thing is not to open up during the strike, as you can get a retaliatory blow from the opponent.

Joe Fraser has used this punch a lot in his career.

Swing (swing with a straight arm)

During the swing movement, the hand describes a large radius and "lands" right on the head of the opponent.

The advantage of swing hitting is that the hand travels a long distance during its application, therefore, the blow gains great strength. But the disadvantages include the fact that it all takes time, during which time the enemy can strike.

Shannon Briggs is considered a prominent representative who loved to use swing blow in boxing.