Scenario for the reading competition: “and I love my native places.... Educational portal "nika" Competition I love my hometown

  • 23.06.2019

Thank you very much to the Adyghe Foundation, they sent me prizes, I don’t know why... I wrote an essay for the competition, original, not published before. Well, I decided to post it. If anyone is interested, read it.

I am very lucky, I know an incredible number of people, residents of, in fact, all the North Caucasian republics. When visiting different regions, I certainly came across the hospitality, traditions, ambitions and independence of the peoples inhabiting them. And I can say with certainty that I love my large mountainous region and here’s why.

The Caucasus sounds proud!

They live in the Caucasus proud people. It is difficult to meet a man oppressed by his position. Even if so, he will never admit it. Trying to stay on an equal footing with someone who is higher than you in status is some amazing skill and property that is not given to everyone, but it exists! Sometimes pride creeps into people in an exaggerated form, when they desperately try to tell others that “I AM HERE, BY THE WAY!!!” In a word, pride has different shapes. Sometimes, perhaps, “from the outside” it looks presumptuous, funny, absurd, but in reality, it is not simple. It seems to me that for a man to be able to stay “on horseback” and with “his own face” and a clear conscience is tantamount to a manifestation of courage and bravery. Although, in our globalized World, this does not always help to become “successful”.

Those who have renounced knowledge.

There are also sad trends in the Caucasus, one of them is a “turn against” science, and not only science, but also knowledge. I don’t know why, but many members of the older generation don’t even care about the quality of their children’s education in institutes, universities, colleges and even schools. Children do not care about the quality of knowledge and often have no desire to learn. For some, going to the library is considered disgraceful. Alas, the limitations of the younger generation will echo loudly. Although, I remember, from the stories of my elders, how people with “institute education” were treated. Now most people have it, but what’s the point? I'm not talking about 100% of people, but this is a strongly developing trend. Who will work, teach and treat in 20-30 years?

Territory of “aspirants”

Well, despite the losses in education, I want to acknowledge the fact that there are a sufficient number of people living in the Caucasus who are striving to “achieve” something. Probably the most shining example- Dagestan, over thirty nations! get along in a relatively small area. And, by the way, by nature, they are fighters, wrestling is not only a sport, but also a kind of life ideology, if you like. Everyone is fighting for a place in the sun, preferably on a soft chaise longue and with an umbrella. Maybe it's just the southern temperament.


I understand that for residents central Russia These words may seem strange, but! There are still many hospitable people in the Caucasus. Yes, many peoples have “sewn into” the theme of hospitality, a sort of “hospitality gene”. Moreover, this is best manifested when a guest comes from afar. The guest will be offered the maximum possible comfort, will try to surprise, amuse and keep the stomach regularly nourished. Unfortunately, I cannot speak for all regions, but this is felt especially strongly in Abkhazia, Georgia and Kabarda. Moreover, in some of the regions listed above, you will be presented with history and stories in such a way that you will believe in both the green dragon and that the companyChopard(Swiss premium watch manufacturer class) was founded by the Kabardian family of Shaparovs. And here there is no need to be upset or offended about such fantasies, take it as a certain part of traditions. In fact, everything is done for guests from the heart and the owners want every guest to leave in good mood, well-fed and pleasantly impressed by the quality of the time spent.

In reality, there are many factors, traditions and habits that unite the peoples of the Caucasus. A kind of unity in diversity. We are different, but so the same!

I don’t know what a comedy about Shurik would be like now, and what incredible adventures he would take part in. Perhaps it would be low “Basins” and showdowns with dancing in the central squares, well, like dancing, are there a lot of them? Lezginka. It seems to me that he would be such that he would meet the expectations of millions. They live quite well in the Caucasus normal people, with its own characteristics, there are good and bad, strong and weak, kind and evil, but understanding the incredible depth of the philosophy of the peoples of the Caucasus allows you to relax and enjoy all the gifts of our fertile land. I don't know where else you will see these different mountains, waterfalls, valleys and turbulent rivers, where you will see two people stopping their cars in the center of the intersection just to say hello from the heart, where you will see so many Lada admirersPriorawhere you can eat very delicious kebab and others, for real delicious dishes. True, we are different, and it is for this difference and uniqueness that I love my Caucasus! Everything here is real and I like it. I believe that the Caucasus is not a separate territory labeled “for Caucasians”; many ethnic groups live here. Not without problems, of course. We are nominally divided into subjects, but every small nation imagines itself as a hegemon that once owned territory from sea to sea (Well, everyone Northern Caucasus). And let it be a common land of the peoples inhabiting it, large and small, a land of goodness, peace and harmony!


Dear participants!

The 7th anniversary annual competition from our company has ended. We are very glad that over the years many girls and boys (as well as their parents) have demonstrated their talents to us. And we, in turn, got the opportunity to encourage them) We hope that in the future the number of participants in our competition will only grow, and their creativity and creativity will know no bounds!

Congratulations to the winners!!!

Grand Prize - 2 tickets toState Opera and Ballet Theater Udmurt Republic named after P.I. Tchaikovsky+ sweet gift- receives Khokhryakov Damir, 4 years old, Votkinsk.

monument to P.I. Tchaikovsky, Votkinsk

"The photograph shows a majestic monument to the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, which was erected in 1989. Before that, a nondescript bust of a man stood in that place. The modern landmark is located next to the estate museum, where the young talent lived as a child."The Nutcracker" Ondine, Swan Lake - it is difficult to find a person who has not heard of these immortals musical works. And the name of the author of these works is probably familiar to everyone. And here small homeland Pyotr Tchaikovsky is precisely Votkinsk. For me personally, the monument to P.I. Tchaikovsky is the memory of a great fellow countryman, pride in my homeland, and simply one of the attractions of our city and our Republic.

-- In the photo is my son Damir Khokhryakov, age 4.5 years, Votkinsk. I drew the map myself and colored it. The map shows the path from Votkinsk to Perm (World of Gifts), where every year he receives a wonderful, sweet New Year's gift." Shaikhieva Albina (Damir’s mother)

More 5 winners get Gift Baskets from LLC "World of Gifts":

Tushov family: Sergey, Vlada 9 years old, Sveta 5 years old; Tolyatti

“We are from Togliatti! We love to walk in the Komsomolsky forest. The main attraction here is the “health path”. In winter, we ski here and ride cheesecakes, in summer we ride bicycles, and in other seasons we always walk and admire the beauty. We made an excellent feeder from your gift box!!! In winter it is very important to feed the birds, which is what we do especially on such frosty days (-20)." Natalya Tushova

Krasnoselskikh Vitaly, 9 years old, Perm

"Eiffel Tower in Perm

Many of us dreamed of visiting France and seeing the Eiffel Tower in all its splendor with our own big and enthusiastic eyes. Now for every resident of Perm this dream has become feasible. The Eiffel Tower, although not French and not 324 meters high, but a reduced miniature one with a height of only 11 meters can be seen, touched and photographed.

The steel tower is located in my area where I live and study, in the industrial area, on Ryazanskaya Street, 19 (not far from my house). The tower was installed by employees of JSC Magpermmet in 2009 and weighs 7 tons (the weight of the French celebrity is 10,100 tons). IN evening hours the tower is illuminated by several lanterns, through certain time changing color.

We really liked the new landmark; the tower attracts attention and is proudly visible from afar. Now it is a popular meeting place for couples in love. There are especially many people who want to take pictures at the tower on Friday on their happiest day in life - their wedding day. Many married couples come to the tower in the evening hours of weekends to get a bit of the gentle, romantic, sophisticated French mood." Krasnoselskikh Olga

Kozlov Evgeniy, 7 years old, Perm

“PPP or Perm. Walks. Planetarium".

I love my favorite city!

The city of Perm is very dear to me!

Streets, bridges and rivers

Everything is close to me here forever.

We're on a family walk

We visit many places.

Parks, squares and museums

We collect trophies.

Our planetarium in Perm

You won't find anything better in the world!

He will tell you about the Universe,

About a big, instantaneous star

And about the sun, the moon

It all lives in me!

Patrushev family: Sofia and her brothers, Perm

"Thanks to our daughter Sofia (she was given New Year's party in the kindergarten there is a gift with your box) we learned about your competition! We decided to take part in the competition and send photographs of our house, the history of which begins in 1948. During the Great Patriotic War in 1943, a military plant from Vladimir was evacuated to our area; shells and cartridges for the front were made here. After the war, our village began to bear the name Vladimirsky m/r in honor of the city of Vladimir. Our grandparents came here and began to build this house; the house was built in 1948 as one of the first. Our home is very dear to us; more than one generation of our family has grown up here. Currently there is a large private sector with four streets. In the summer it is very beautiful, calm, and good. We are very grateful to our grandparents that this house has stood for 69 years!” Sincerely, Andrey Patrushev

Mezin family: Sophia 2 years old with her parents and brother, Chernushka

“The photograph was taken at our landmark - at the monument “Bless the Woman” in the city of Chernushka, Perm Territory. The opening of the sculpture was on the eve of Mother’s Day on November 25, 2008 on the square in front of the perinatal center. The “Bless the Woman” project was recognized as the best in 2007. It was then sculptor Rafael Satiev began work - creating a sculpture of a woman-mother with a dove sitting on her hand. For our family, this landmark is very significant - we have a son, and our Sonechka has a beloved brother. And their first meeting took place here. monument (there is a photo in the attachment). Now Yegorushka is already 8 months old and his sister dotes on him, she even calls him son." Mezina Elsa And by phone 8902-80-55188 Olga.

Thanks everyone! Before new meeting!

Maria Polzunova

Project"I I love my city

Relevance: children know little about their native city.

Goals: expand children’s knowledge about their native city, its attractions.


1. Shape general idea about the main architectural structures and monuments.

2. Form children’s understanding of their native land city.

3. To consolidate children’s knowledge about familiar streets where the house is located, kindergarten.

4. Cultivate the ability to see the beauty of one’s native cities, love him, be proud of him and take care of him.

Implementation deadlines: 1 month

Participants project: older children preschool age(5-6 years old, teachers, parents of pupils.

Implementation stages project:

Stage 1 - preparatory

Studying methodological literature;

Drawing up a long-term plan;

Creation of a developmental environment;

Selection of games and equipment.

Stage 2 - implementation project.

Event plan:

1) Looking at photographs of your loved one city, its attractions.

2) "Getting to know your family city» : game travel around native city.

3) D/i "Tell me about your city»

4) Working with parents: consultation "Streets of my native cities»

1) Examination of the map - diagrams cities(check the boxes for the most interesting places cities, places where children have been).

2) Children talk about the places they have been to city.

3) Drawing up a map of the street where the kindergarten is located.

4)Design "Streets cities»

5)Working with parents: suggest finding poems about city ​​of Likino-Dulyovo.

1)Learning a song about city"Likino-Dulyove"

2) Children talk about their favorite places in city.

3) Drawing the home yard where the children live.

4) Working with parents: offer to find information about history cities.

1) Role-playing game "We are builders"

2)D/i "Lay down the monument"

3)View the presentation "Likino-Dulyovo"

4)Working with parents: invite parents to show their children the sights of our cities.

1)Manufacturing « cities» in technology "collage" And "origami".

2) Reading poems about your native city.

3) D/i “Name the street where you live”.

1) Conduct a quiz “Happy holiday, Likino-Dulyovo”

Expected results:

Children have formed ideas about their native city, about architectural structures, monuments;

Ability to navigate using a map cities;

The ability to see the beauty of a loved one cities, rejoice and take care of it;


Parents and educators were convinced of how relevant the topic of studying native language is. cities. Project interested children and adults, rallied parents and children in educating future citizens of their cities and countries. Knowledge gained during project, helped increase the importance patriotic education children, the formation of patriotic feelings in preschoolers.

All stages project went through different types activities, a developmental, integrated approach to each child was used.

list of literature:

1. A. V. Peregudov "In those distant years"

2. “Likino-Dulyovo. Essays on history cities

3. Dulevsky’s website porcelain factory (

Publications on the topic:

“Do you know your hometown” (from work experience)"Do you know your hometown"(from work experience)

The past 2015 became an anniversary year for Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, who turned 85 years old. Connection of generations, love for the Fatherland.

On the Angara River, in December, 60 years ago, the construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station began. Multinational youth from all over the country went to explore Siberia.

Summary of OD “Love and know your city” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution“Child development center - kindergarten No. 7 “Yaroslavna” in the city of Rubtsovsk, Altai.

Summary of the OD “Love and know your city!” Abstract of the OD “Love and Know Your City” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Child Development Center - Kindergarten.

Summary of OOD “I Know My City” Goal: 1. To introduce children to the past and present of our city. 2. Develop an educational interest in the history of your hometown. 3. Educate.