Scaligerian chronology - history with white spots.

  • 24.09.2019

Read about it yourself on Wikipedia. I'll just quote from there:
Before Scaliger, historians used those chronological systems that they found in the sources: for example, to describe the events of antiquity - according to the Olympiads, according to consuls, from the founding of Rome, and when comparing dates, they relied on some well-known synchronisms. Scaliger was the first to set the task of a systematic study of the correlation of various calendar systems and chronological eras.
You know what's the funniest thing? This paragraph practically repeats my thoughts that I expressed in the post. About the fact that we did not have any through chronology before. And that means there was no history.
But that's not even the most interesting part. Scaliger had a conceptual work - De emendatione temporum (On the correction of chronology,) 1583. And you can even find it online. Here he is . It's just hard to read it. It is written in Latin. And, as I understand it, it has not been translated into other languages. But why? This is essentially the bible for historians. Well, it's clear before. Latin was taught in schools in the 19th century. But now why is there no translation? I'm sure it would sell in a very large circulation. And there would be no problems with the copyright holders. Well, publishers, but even Fomenko spared money for all this. But on the basis of this translation, several books could be bungled, smashing Scaliger to smithereens. But no. Something interferes.
And I'll tell you what. There is another story. Quite another. Which refutes even such an alternative as Fomenko.
Unfortunately, this book is almost impossible to read. Even Google translator gives out 1 sane word out of 100. Although it seems that if Latin has been a dead language for God knows how many years, then in theory it should not change. But apparently it has changed.
But I found a translation of the book's table of contents into Russian. Moreover, as I understand it, this is the site of Fomenko's opponents. But even they did not understand what they had translated.

So what is the actual title of this book?

Like this. He turns out to be the son of Julius Caesar. What is written, by the way, at the beginning of each chapter. And the book itself is dedicated: CUM PRIVILEGIO CAESAREAE MAJEST- A DEDICATION TO THE GREAT CAESAR.
Do you really know all this converge, which was, most likely, just in those years when Scaliger lived. And he could actually be the son of one of the Caesars. And dedicate your work to the now reigning Caesar.
From the title of the first four parts of the book, I could not get anything out. But with the fifth, something more intelligible and interesting begins.

De Mundi conditu-On the Creation of the World

De Diluvio-About the Flood

De Exodo Hebaeorum- On the Exodus of the Jews

De primo anno Sabbathico - On the first Sabbath year

De Ilii excidio-On the fall of Ilion

De conditu Templi Solomonici-On the construction of the Temple of Solomon

De Encaeniis Templi Solomonici-On the Consecration of the Temple of Solomon
De anno primo Samaritanorum - About the first year of the Samaritans

De initio Olympiadum - About the beginning of the Olympics

De primis palilibus Urbis Varronianis - About the first Palilii of the City according to Varro

De primo Thoth Nabonassari-About the first Thoth of Nabonassar

De initio Merodach, sive Mardocempadi-On the Ascension of Merodach or Mardocempadi

De excessu Romuli - On the death of Romulus

Doesn't this remind you of anything? It's like the Bible. In fact, there is nothing so strange for that time there. Our "Tale of Bygone Years" begins with the flood. And the Slavs descended from one of the sons of Noah.
Listen, are you sure that Scaliger invented the reckoning from the birth of Christ? And here's something I've been wondering about. By the way, I came across a more or less sane line there in the section "On the Creation of the World" .- The exodus from the founding of the House of Solomonici ícriptura puts 480 years. from the foundation of the world to the foundation of the Temple of Solomonici assembled in 2933. cafum sedekia on it? king and temple vaftation.
But in order to understand all this, again, a translator is needed. Ohohoho.
True, the section "On the fall of Ilion" is knocked out of this biblical chronicle. This is the second name of Troy, by the way. Actually the name of the book "Iliad" came from here. And the Olympics somehow do not fit here.
And then even more interesting:



De vero anno natalis Regis Messiae - About the true year of the birth of the King Messiah

De vero anno et die passionis Dominicae - About the true year and day of the Lord's passions

De interuallo a baptismo ad primum Pascha - On the interval between baptism and the first Easter

De interuallo a baptismo ad secundum Pascha - On the interval between baptism and the second Easter

Those. logically, it turns out that this King Messiah is Christ. But I didn't find that name in the book. Well, why talk unfounded, here is the index of names and titles:

That is, something is written about Christians in the book. But specifically about a person with the name Jesus Christ, it turns out not.
And at the very end of the book there is this section:
Epilogismus temporum Epocha hvius operis absolutiThe absolute epoch of the end time of this work

Here's what it looks like:

Those. if I understood correctly, then this is a plate of what year it was at the time of writing the book according to one or another chronology. And there, at the end, there seems to be some kind of king Messiah, the Son of God. But how many years have passed since his birth or death, I still do not understand.
Again, the Roman numerals in this passage are somehow not very large - 11, 12, 25. This is what, the serial numbers of the kings? And where are the actual numbers here, how many years have passed in one or another system of chronology?

UPD: I looked through the book again and I got the strong impression that nonsense was written there. But those four last words are the date, something like a year - one thousand five hundred and eighty something.
In Russia, at least they did it honestly, they simply introduced the chronology from zero in 1492 and began to count the years from this date. But the West is the West. They can't do it without perversions.

History under the question mark Gabovich Evgeny Yakovlevich

Scaliger and others about Scaliger

Scaliger and others about Scaliger

However, the list of Scaliger’s merits before history does not end with the creation of a chronology and the restoration of historical sources by the power of imagination: in 1606 he published the essay “On Monetary Affairs”, in which "appreciated the importance of coins for historical science"[Anonymous]. It is important to note the following amazing fact: despite the role of the founder of the chronology of world history, which is not disputed by anyone - but firmly forgotten by modern historians, the works of this founder - and precisely his most important works - have not been translated into any modern language.

The only exception is his autobiography and individual letters, with most of the autobiography being translated into French in 1873. Scaliger's letters were published the year after his death. A particularly complete edition of them appeared in 1627 and was reprinted a year later. In the next two centuries, letters were published in various editions that were not included in this collection.

Of course, people interested in the origins of chronology must know languages. Including the now dead language of Latin, in which Scaliger mainly wrote. But after all, it is better to read the "Roman" classics in the "original". However, almost all the leading authors of "ancient" Rome and even the Middle Ages, who wrote in Latin, have been translated into the leading languages ​​of the world: let an educated person read them, even if he does not know Latin.

But Scaliger, let him not read better! I wonder why? Maybe when reading his works on chronology, the reader will have too many "wrong" ideas about the beginnings of this science, maybe he will begin to doubt the validity of the reasoning and results of the great chronograph? Or he will notice with surprise that in most cases Scaliger has no reasoning at all and no critical analysis of historical dates, but only references to the “ancient” authors corrected by him divinatorically, i.e. to authorities.

It is interesting that in the book “The History of the Culture of the Countries of Western Europe in the Renaissance”, written under the editorship of L. M. Bragina and recommended by the relevant Russian ministry as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the humanities, the name of Scaliger is not mentioned at all. And although in the chapter “Culture of France at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 17th century” there is a section “The Birth of History”, there is not a word about the birth of chronology - oh yes, by this time Scaliger had already moved to Leiden - there is not a word in it. There is no mention of him in the corresponding chapter on humanism in the Netherlands, neither in the section on Juste Lipsia, nor in the sections "Science" and "Literature".

In the case of a brilliant scientist, the founder of several new scientific disciplines and the most brilliant humanist of his era, such silence is more than expressive. However, when comparing this book with Weinstein's book, I noticed that almost all indications of exposing historical forgeries and fakes, which are full of the second book, cannot be found in Bragina. This topic is actively hushed up. A rare exception to this rule is a brief note on the chronicle of the Polish author M. Stryikovsky (1582), which says that in the case of historical ignorance, violent fantasy was used (I see no reason to attribute this remark only to Stryikovsky: was it not characteristic feature of all the historical work of the era of humanism?). Isn't this blatant formula of silence about Scaliger a peculiar - and helpless - ideological reaction to the emergence of a new chronology in Russia?

Authors who wrote in Latin are, of course, also translated into Russian. Quite recently, the “Life of Charlemagne” was translated and published by his supposedly contemporary Einhard (Einhard; was Charles already called the Great during his lifetime?) and, in general, several very dubious historical works under the general title “Historians of the Carolingian era” (M., 1999) . They are also dubious in the sense that the era described in them, most likely, never existed (the fictional era of the Carolingians), as well as the “historians” to whom the translated chronicles are attributed. But what about the works of Scaliger? After all, at least he really existed once! Jean Boden (allegedly 1539-1596), whose contribution to the creation of the chronology is clearly less than Scaliger's, has recently been translated into Russian. Let's see if at least two of Scaliger's main chronological works will be translated in the coming years.

The biography of Scaliger was to some extent known to both his contemporaries and subsequent generations. He left a brief but quite informative autobiography (see [Scaliger]), although it does not cover the last 15 years of his life. In addition, his will and two speeches read by his students and colleagues about his funeral are known. True, all these texts existed for hundreds of years only in Latin, and their first English translations were published in 1927 [Robinson].

The preface to this book by the compiler and translator George Robinson characterizes Scaliger as the greatest scientist of all time and raises the question of whether he should share the palm with Aristotle or not. In any case, Robinson believes, none of the scientists of modern times (the meaning of this concept is not specified, but it seems that we are talking about the last 5-6 centuries) can compete with him. The Phoenix of Europe, the light of the world, the boundless ocean of science, the bottomless depth of erudition, the indefatigable dictator of letters, the greatest work and miracle of nature, the conqueror of time - these are some of the epithets and characteristics that Scaliger was awarded during his lifetime and after his death.

Trying to explain why, nevertheless, no one seriously undertook - before the publication of his book with Scaliger's autobiography - to write a detailed biography of the great scientist, Robinson puts forward the thesis that only the second Scaliger can handle such a task. Mark Pattison tried to realize this grandiose idea, wrote a detailed English response to the book [Bernays], but died before he had begun the work to the end. In full, Robinson believes, this plan is hardly feasible and therefore one should be happy that at least a relatively short book [Bernays] to some extent gives an idea of ​​​​the life and work of Scaliger. In addition, Robinson names several articles about Scaliger published in encyclopedias and specialized collections.

Since Scaliger modestly wrote his autobiography 15 years before his death (wisely deciding that after it he was unlikely to be able to cope with this honorable task), and published it in 1594, just in the year when he began to lead the department in Leiden, Robinson was faced with the difficult task of choosing from the countless letters of Scaliger a small number of those that best characterize the last period of his life.

There are few books dedicated to Scaliger. This is all the more surprising if we are dealing with a person who left a mark in history that is quite comparable to that of Martin Luther or Erasmus of Rotterdam. In the end, the religion created by the efforts of the latter (evangelism, Protestantism, Lutheranism) captured the minds of only a few hundred million people. And the traditional chronology, the purely religious nature of which makes the comparison of Scaliger with the founders of one of the Christian religions quite justified, is today mandatory for all six billion inhabitants of our planet.

Fig.?10.2. The spiritual father of the Reformation in France was John Calvin (1509-1564), who turned French-speaking Swiss Geneva into the spiritual center of the Reformation (was the Reformation a Reformation? Was it the process of becoming one of the forms of Christianity where the ideas of Catholicism were never accepted? ). Supporters of Calvin settled in Switzerland were designated by the word "Swissman" (Eidgenosse). Then the French made a new word "Huguenot" from this German word.

The first book about Scaliger, his biography [Bernays], was also written half in Latin, the second half of which is a set of quotations from his works and letters with brief German explanations. Judging by its introduction, in the form of a letter to a teacher, a professor from Bonn, this book was compiled on the basis of rather limited biographical material. Scaliger's handwritten legacy was scattered across many libraries, although many of his letters were published. But, most importantly, according to the author Bernays, the available material was incomprehensibly underestimated (that is, no one wrote books about Scaliger based on this material).

This is all the more incomprehensible to the named author, since he highly appreciates the personality of Scaliger. True, he sees him in the role of a great writer, not a historian (in the middle of the 19th century, history was still considered - and quite deservedly - as part of literature, as its specific genre, and only in the 20th century did historians try to win back the rank of representatives of a certain “historical science” ) and writes the following about him: "No one has deserved more worthy attention from modern German philology."

The literature on Scaliger in Russian is so poor that I could not deny myself the pleasure of quoting without abbreviations the pages dedicated to Scaliger from [Weinstein's] book. His assessment fully fits into an absolutely positive - but not advertised in modern times - vision of Scaliger's activities within the framework of TI and is in this regard in accordance with Bernays' book, although Weinstein wrote about this book itself in a footnote to the information about Scaliger given in the frame as follows:

“in this excellent book, however, the achievements of the Italian humanists are excessively belittled, L. Valla is incorrectly regarded as a “loner” who had no followers, and the merits of Scaliger’s rival and his predecessor at the department of Leiden University Justus Lipsius (Justus Lipsius, 1547–1606) are significantly belittled."

However, Weinstein does not report anything specific about these merits. Obviously, they still lay not in the field of historiography, but in philology, philosophy and political thought, although this most famous of the Dutch humanists after Erasmus, a scientist (allegedly 1547-1606) was a professor of history in Jena (Germany), Louvain (today Belgium , at that time - the spiritual center of the Netherlands thanks to the Catholic University founded in 1425), Leiden (Holland, a Protestant university founded by William of Orange in 1575) and at the end of his life again in Louvain. It is not surprising, therefore, that Lipsius, who eschewed interfaith disputes, repeatedly had to change his religion. His main spiritual strength was a brilliant knowledge of "ancient" literature and Latin style. Contemporaries who imitated his style proudly called themselves Lipsians. His editions of Latin authors, from Tacitus to Seneca, are considered epochal. In political philosophy, he is called the founder of the idea of ​​absolutism. It is not surprising, therefore, that Scaliger, who took the chair of Lipsius at Deiden after the latter's return to the then more famous University of Louvain, was regarded as a rival to the famous Netherlander. Personally, they never met, although Leiden and Louvain are located quite close to each other, but for 30 years until the death of Lipsia they were in correspondence.

From the book Empire - I [with illustrations] author

7 How guilty are Scaliger and Petavius? An important conclusion follows from the foregoing. Scaliger and Petavius ​​in the 16th-17th centuries only completed the writing of a global distorted history of the world. But they were not the first.

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NII-885, NII-88, OKB-1 and others portion of German specialists who

From the book Empire - II [with illustrations] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

6. Why Herodotus imagined the chronology of Egypt in a significantly different way than Scaliger We may be told: Brugsch adopted such a “dating method” from Herodotus. Indeed, as G.K. for 100 years”, p.69,

From the book 400 years of deceit. Mathematics allows you to look into the past author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2. Scaliger and Petavius. Creation in the XVI-XVII centuries of the now generally accepted version of the chronology and history of antiquity and the Middle Ages The chronology of ancient and medieval history in the form in which we have it now was created and largely completed in a series of fundamental

author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2. Scaliger, Petavius, other church chronologists Creation in the 16th-17th centuries AD. e. currently accepted version of the chronology of antiquity The chronology of ancient and medieval history, in the form in which we have it now, was created and largely completed in a series of fundamental

From the book What Age Is It Now? author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

11. Scaliger and the Council of Trent Creation of the Scaligerian chronology of antiquity in the 16th-17th centuries We noted above that phantom duplicates on the global chronological map were found only earlier than the "Scaliger era", but no later. Thus, we are again faced with

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author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2. Scaliger, Petavius, other church chronologists Creation in the 16th-18th centuries AD. e. modern version of the chronology of antiquity The chronology of ancient and medieval history, in the form in which we have it now, was created and largely completed in a series of fundamental

From the book Introduction to the New Chronology. What is the current age? author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

11.3. Scaliger and the Council of Trent Creation of the Scaligerian chronology of antiquity in the 15th-16th centuries It was noted above that phantom duplicates on the global chronological map were found only earlier than the “era of Scaliger”, but not later. Thus, it is again found

From the book Apocalypse in World History. Mayan calendar and the fate of Russia author Shumeiko Igor Nikolaevich

author Gabovich Evgeny Yakovlevich

CHAPTER 10 THE GENIUS FOUNDER OF MODERN CHRONOLOGY JOSEPH JUST SCALIGER If chronology did not exist, it would have to be invented. Karl Marx. "History is heroin for the people." (Complete Works. Vol. 128. P. 27.) Historians love to talk about supposedly sporadic

From the book History under the question mark author Gabovich Evgeny Yakovlevich

The founder of chronology, divinator Scaliger At the origins of modern chronology was not some scholastic little-known to his contemporaries, but a leading scientist of the late 16th - early 17th centuries. Joseph (Joseph) Just (Justus) Scaliger (allegedly 1540–1609), the last great representative of the era

From the book History under the question mark author Gabovich Evgeny Yakovlevich

The polymath Scaliger (Weinstein, pp. 375–377) The solidity of the critical method, the richness of the sources used, the scientific and comparatively complete picture of the early periods of French history - all these features of the studies of Fauchet and Paquier already portend the pioneering works of the

From the book To lie or not to lie? – II author Shvetsov Mikhail Valentinovich


2. Scaliger, Petavius, other church chronologists Creation in the 16th-17th centuries AD. e. modern version of the chronology of antiquity The chronology of ancient and medieval history, in the form in which we have it now, was created and largely completed in a series of fundamental

From the book Numbers Against Lies. [Mathematical investigation of the past. Criticism of Scaliger's chronology. Shifting dates and shortening history.] author Fomenko Anatoly Timofeevich

16. Scaliger and the Council of Trent Creation of the Scaligerian chronology of antiquity in the 16th-17th centuries We noted above that phantom duplicates on the global chronological map were found only earlier than the "Scaliger era", but no later. We are faced again with what time

Joseph Scaliger (1540-1609), father of modern historical chronology.

What does the usual Julian counting of years go back to: real events or fakes based on Kabbalism?

One day I noticed that the spelling of the name Jesus Christ, common in the past - IC XC - can be read as Roman numbers 99 and 90 (). Perhaps these "divine" numbers appeared as a result of a simple manipulation with the number 9 (which also gave rise to 99 names of God in Islam), which allegedly was given special significance from antiquity; perhaps the opposite happened.

Belief in the cyclical nature of time and "knowledge" of divine numbers could give rise to the idea that history consists of periods, one way or another connected with these numbers: 90, 99 or their sum - the full name of IC XC. In some of my materials, I tried to show that traces of a similar approach to its construction () remained in world history.

These traces can also be found in the chronological calculations themselves. So, the ancient Greek scientist Meton in 433 BC. proposed to count the years according to the lunar cycle, equal to 19 years, and this date is obviously artificial. Since if the cycle of Dionysius, built on the cycle of Meton (19x28 years), was counted from it, then, by a strange coincidence, it would end in 99 AD.

Chronologists also noticed an eight-year cycle, since it fairly equalized the solar calendar with the lunar one: eight years contain 99 lunar months. This example, by the way, shows how the number 99 could fall into the sphere of sacred knowledge.

Obviously, chronology in the past, like any other science, was inextricably linked with theology, and you can see what place the main chronologist, Joseph Scaliger, assigned to the “numbers of God”.

For the convenience of chronology, this scientist introduced the Julian period, describing it in his book "De emendatione temporum". This period is equal to the product of the values ​​​​of three cycles: lunar, solar and indict (19x28x15), which in the end is 7980 years, and begins in 4713 BC. The indict has absolutely nothing to do with it, but this is not so important: the scientist needed a sufficiently long period and he got it. The question is why did Scaliger consider that this period should begin precisely 4713 BC, or, in other words, why should the era of Christ begin after 4713 years from its beginning?

The question is very important, since the history that we know is built on the chronology of Scaliger, and it was built by him on the basis of this very period of his. Even until now, according to it, according to the Julian period, astronomers keep track of time. Therefore, if we understand that Scaliger relied on theology and cabalistics, then his entire chronology, and with it the traditional history of the ancient and medieval worlds, will fly into hell.

So why does the Julian period begin in 4713 BC?

It is believed that Scaliger used the above three cycles already introduced into chronological circulation. More precisely, not by the cycles themselves, but by linking their years to the years of the Julian calendar. So, the indict originated from 313 AD, and the lunar cycle - from 1 BC. Despite the fact that the first was established during the life of Emperor Constantine, and the second - retrospectively by Dionysius the Lesser, who lived in the 6th century, in the late Middle Ages, scholars sometimes used the calculation of years according to these cycles.

Each year in the Julian calendar corresponded to a specific year number of any of the three cycles. So, Scaliger himself gives an example with the year in which he lived at that time: 1582 from the Nativity of Christ corresponds to the 6th year of the lunar cycle, the 23rd solar and the 10th indict. Obviously, once every 7980 years, the numbers of the first years of all three cycles must coincide, and this year is the beginning of the Julian period.

Probably, having made calculations, Scaliger established that the last years of the cycles will coincide in 3267 AD, and the next year will be the first year of all three cycles. Knowing the year of the end of the Julian period, he easily calculated the year of its beginning: 7980 - 3267 = 4713 BC. Everything seems to be clear, but one detail is alarming, which casts doubt on everything that is written above about the three cycles and their use in the distant past.

The fact is that the number 3267 has a pronounced numerological character, being the product of 33 earthly years of Christ by 99 "divine" ones:

33 x 99 = 3267

If we give 3267 the meaning of the last year, as it is in the Julian period, and associate it with the end of a certain period in the history of mankind, then the analogy with the age of God, from the point of view of occult thinking, is quite logical here. Therefore, it is extremely unlikely that we have a random coincidence.

In addition, in 3267, not just one or even several cycles will end, but cycles whose countdown was historically started at different times and without connection with each other. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine that their simultaneous end - an event that occurs once in several millennia - fell on such a year. But if it's not a coincidence, then...

Then it turns out that historically, the date of the end of three cycles was first determined, moreover, in the chronology of the Christian era. This date, 3267, was set for numerological reasons and had nothing to do with the calculations of these cycles. They and the years of their beginning were already then calculated retrospectively, by counting into the past from this date. And the year 313, when Constantine allegedly decided to introduce an indiction, and the dates in the calculations of Dionysius, like himself, must be considered historical fakes, since they have no historical basis in this case. And then there is the birth of Christ, and the early church, and in general the mass of medieval sources devoted to Roman and Christian chronology ...

Who was the first to introduce the year 3267 into the chronology?

On the one hand, before the publication of Scaliger's book "De emendatione temporum" in 1583, books of a chronological and astronomical orientation were already published, in which the binding of the described cycles to the Julian calendar was recorded. Then it turns out that the year 3267 has already been established as the end of the cycles before Scaliger. Or it must be admitted that these books were written later, and the dates of their publications are falsified, which is somewhat more difficult to do.

On the other hand, it is surprising how Scaliger himself describes and explains the essence of the Julian period he proposes. In theory, if we proceed from the traditional explanation, which assumes that Scaliger simply extended three cycles into the past, having received the point of their common beginning, he should have done just that. This is not difficult to do, but for some reason Scaliger does it differently.

Firstly, for some reason, he first determines the date of the end of his period, and, based on it, receives its beginning, although this is obviously redundant, and no one will need the date of the end of the period in the future. It seems that the beginning of the period cannot be calculated otherwise, which, given the known dates of the beginnings of the cycles, looks absurd.

Secondly, Scaliger does not calculate the date of the end of the period either. He does not give any calculations and does not write at all that the year 3267 is obtained as a result of mathematical operations to extend the cycles into the future. He simply states that this year is the last for all three cycles. And it does not at all follow that he means cycles already tied to the Julian calendar.

Thirdly, he demonstrates what cycle year numbers 1582 has, doing this at the very end of his presentation of the Julian period, although the Julian period is not needed for this, and any scientist who knows the subject could then tell what year the cycle is in the yard, even the lunar , at least sunny, at least indicative.

Below is a fragment of a page from Scaliger's book, in which he describes the essence of the period he proposes and establishes its beginning. You can, of course, consider the page number on which and only on which Scaliger gives the date 3267 (198 \u003d 99 + 99) as an accident, but it is unlikely that the numerology of this date is just as random.

Based on the description of the Julian period, it is obvious that Scaliger relies in all his subsequent calculations on the end date of the period. Therefore, this date is very important. However, the author himself uses it only twice, and even then the second time only as a consequence: therefore, they say, 3267 is the last year of the period. Why "therefore" is difficult to understand. As I wrote above, Scaliger states that this year the last years of all three cycles are coming, but he uses the phrase “as it is usually considered”, and it is not clear what he refers to. Or - to the account of the year, which seems redundant, since he writes that this is the year from the birth of Christ; or - to what should be this year. The latter is more likely, as it explains the author's stinginess regarding the explanation of this date: everyone already knows it.

Be that as it may, Scaliger is repelled in the creation of his hypercycle from 3267, and this number is obtained numerologically. And it is not so important who: by Scaliger himself or by one of his predecessors.

The fact that this is not an accident, by the way, is confirmed by the following calculations by Scaliger. Immediately after the presentation of his period, he proceeds to calculate the era from the creation of the world, right on the same page. Before him, Western European chronologists of the 15th-16th centuries believed that the world was created 5199 years before Christ. Some of Scaliger's contemporaries "slightly" edited this figure, reducing it by more than 1000 years. Probably because she "did not fit" into his period, Scaliger followed their example, besides correcting them, reducing it a little more.

With the help of manipulations with Old Testament numerical data (his hands are not so easy to follow), he calculated that the world began in the year 765 of the Julian period. Naturally, he does not write about the fact that this number consists of the sum of "speaking" 666 and 99. (He also agrees that the flood occurred after 1656 years from the creation of the world, which leads to almost the same symbols - 666 and 990).

Further, Scaliger proceeds to the Jewish date of the creation of the world. And it turns out that it coincides with the year 954 of the Julian period. He writes so: the difference between the Julian and Jewish dates is 189 years. And this (here I say, not him) is the sum of 99 and 90 years. Or simply - IC XC.

Such, here, calculations ... By the way, three cycles converged at the starting point - 4713 BC. - quite well for Scaliger. He just got lucky. After all, if this happened a thousand years later (which, with a period of almost eight thousand years, would be very likely), all known dates of the creation of the world would be “overboard”, and if it were two thousand years earlier, it would be out of the period its author himself.

All this, of course, says nothing about the fact that Scaliger (or one of his predecessors) radically lengthened the chronology. But it shows what methods they used and what principles they followed in writing history. With this approach to business, the lengthening of Christian chronology by a dozen centuries does not seem to be something unusual, strange or impossible.

Joseph Just (Joseph Justus) Scaliger(fr. Joseph Just Scaliger, lat. Josephus Justus Scaliger; August 5 - January 21) - French humanist-philologist, historian and warrior, Italian by birth, one of the founders of modern scientific historical chronology, publisher and commentator of ancient texts. Son of Jules César Scaliger, grandson of cartographer Benedetto Bordone.


Scaliger proposed a simple weather chronological scale to which all historical dates could be given - the Julian period. It is based on a cycle of 7980 years, which is obtained by multiplying three periods characteristic of the Julian calendar - 28 years (the period of repetition of the days of the week), 19 years (the period of repetition of the Easter lunar cycle) and a 15-year cycle of indicts starting on January 1, 4713 BC e., when the first years of all these cycles coincide. This system was later adapted for the convenience of astronomical calculations by Herschel, who suggested that all dates be expressed in terms of the number of days that have passed from the indicated beginning of the Scaliger cycle (Julian day).

Before Scaliger, historians used those chronological systems that they found in the sources: for example, to describe the events of antiquity - according to the Olympiads, according to the consuls, from the founding of Rome, and when comparing dates, they relied on some well-known synchronisms. Scaliger was the first to set the task of a systematic study of the correlation of various calendar systems and chronological eras.

Joseph Scaliger based his version of the chronology on the chronological writings of Eusebius of Caesarea and his predecessor Sextus Julius Africanus, restored by him on the basis of extensive citations from Byzantine historians, as well as the works of their successors Jerome Stridon and Idacius. Scaliger wrote detailed commentaries and notes on the Chronicle of Eusebius. The "Notes" are followed by a systematic presentation of the beginnings of chronology, with tables of calculations, references to ancient documents, etc. The humanistic scholarship of Joseph Scaliger surpassed the knowledge and methods of his predecessors. In the essay “On Coinage” (“De re nummaria”, Leiden), Scaliger was the first historian to appreciate the importance of studying ancient coins. The German reformer Guther, on the initiative of Scaliger, published a set of ancient inscriptions (), to which Scaliger compiled a whole network of indexes, which were a model for future works of this type. Scaliger's work was developed in studies on the chronology of the Jesuits Dionysius Petavius ​​and Giovanni Battista Riccioli, and the Irish Bishop James Ussher.

However, the mathematical knowledge of Joseph Scaliger was not so significant. It is known that he considered himself the author of the true squaring of the circle, which he published in 1594 in the book "Cyclometrica elementa duo". Although his method was disputed by contemporary geometers (François Viet, Christopher Clavius, Adrian van Roomen and Ludolf van Koelen), Joseph Scaliger insisted on being right: according to his erroneous reasoning, \pi would be equal to the root of 10 (approximately 3.16 ...), which was less accurate than even Archimedes (22/7 = 3.142 ...).

Scaliger made an important contribution to linguistics. In the work “Discourse on the languages ​​of Europeans” written by him in 1599 (“Opuscula varia antehac non edita”; published in, posthumously), Scaliger actually for the first time formulated the concept of “language group”, or, in his terminology, “matrix” (matrix) , dividing all the European languages ​​\u200b\u200bknown to him into 11 groups descended from 11 proto-languages-matrices (linguae matrix). These matrices are: Greek, Latin (in modern terminology - Romance languages), Teutonic (Germanic languages), Slavic, Epirus (Albanian), Tatar (Turkic languages), Hungarian, Finnish (Scaliger attributed Finnish and Sami languages ​​to it), Irish (Celtic of Ireland), British (Celtic of the British Isles and French Brittany), Cantabrian (Basque). However, Scaliger did not notice the fact of kinship between the “matrix languages” themselves (this step was taken 100 years later by Leibniz); according to Scaliger, all 11 proto-languages ​​originated from Hebrew after the Babylonian pandemonium.

Compiled and published by him in 1572, the dictionary of the ancient Greek language “The Treasury of the Greek Language” (“Thesarus linguae Graecae”) enjoyed the greatest popularity among similar ones and was repeatedly reprinted with various additions and changes (the last time in 1865).



  • Thesaurus temporum (Treasury of Times, Leiden, 1606)
  • De re nummaria (On the coinage, Leiden, 1606)
  • Lettres françaises inédites de Joseph Scaliger (Genuine French Letters of Joseph Scaliger)
  • Opuscula varia antehac non edita (Paris, 1610)

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  • Jacob Bernays. Joseph Justus Scaliger. Biography & Autobiography. - Berlin, 1855.
  • Anthony T. Grafton. Joseph Scaliger: A Study in the History of Classical Scholarship, 2 vol. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983, 1993.
  • Weinstein O. L. Western European medieval historiography. - M.-L.: Science, 1964.
  • Brief Literary Encyclopedia. T. 6. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1971. - S. 883.
  • Aldous Huxley. Luden demons. - M.: Terra, 2000. - S. 62-63. - ISBN 5-273-00065-3
  • F. Mishchenko.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Excerpt characterizing Scaliger, Joseph Just

- C "est un sujet nerveux et bilieux," said Larrey, "il n" en rechappera pas. [This man is nervous and bilious, he will not recover.]
Prince Andrei, among other hopelessly wounded, was handed over to the care of the inhabitants.

At the beginning of 1806, Nikolai Rostov returned on vacation. Denisov was also going home to Voronezh, and Rostov persuaded him to go with him to Moscow and stay at their house. At the penultimate station, having met a comrade, Denisov drank three bottles of wine with him and, approaching Moscow, despite the bumps in the road, did not wake up, lying at the bottom of the sledge, near Rostov, which, as it approached Moscow, came more and more into impatience.
“Soon? Is it soon? Oh, these unbearable streets, shops, rolls, lanterns, cabbies! thought Rostov, when they had already written down their holidays at the outpost and drove into Moscow.
- Denisov, come! Asleep! he said, leaning forward with his whole body, as if by this position he hoped to speed up the movement of the sleigh. Denisov did not respond.
- Here is the corner of the crossroads where Zakhar the cab driver is standing; here he is and Zakhar, and still the same horse. Here is the shop where the gingerbread was bought. Is it soon? Well!
- Which house is that? asked the coachman.
- Yes, at the end, to the big one, how can you not see! This is our house, - said Rostov, - after all, this is our house! Denisov! Denisov! We'll come now.
Denisov raised his head, cleared his throat, and said nothing.
“Dmitry,” Rostov turned to the lackey in the box. “Is this our fire?”
- So exactly with and with daddy in the office glows.
- Haven't gone to bed yet? BUT? how do you think? Look, don’t forget, get me a new Hungarian at once, ”added Rostov, feeling his new mustache. “Come on, let’s go,” he shouted to the driver. “Wake up, Vasya,” he turned to Denisov, who lowered his head again. - Come on, let's go, three rubles for vodka, let's go! Rostov shouted when the sleigh was already three houses from the entrance. It seemed to him that the horses were not moving. Finally the sleigh was taken to the right to the entrance; above his head, Rostov saw a familiar cornice with broken plaster, a porch, a sidewalk pillar. He jumped out of the sleigh on the move and ran into the passage. The house also stood motionless, unfriendly, as if it didn't care who came to it. There was no one in the vestibule. "My God! is everything all right?" thought Rostov, stopping for a minute with a sinking heart, and at once starting to run further along the passage and the familiar, crooked steps. The same doorknob of the castle, for the uncleanliness of which the countess was angry, also weakly opened. A single tallow candle burned in the hallway.
Old man Mikhail was sleeping on the chest. Prokofy, the visiting lackey, the one who was so strong that he lifted the carriage by the back, sat and knitted bast shoes from the hems. He glanced at the open door, and his indifferent, sleepy expression suddenly changed into ecstatic fright.
- Fathers, lights! Count young! he exclaimed, recognizing the young master. – What is it? My dove! - And Prokofy, shaking with excitement, rushed to the door to the living room, probably in order to announce, but apparently again changed his mind, returned back and leaned on the shoulder of the young master.
– Healthy? Rostov asked, pulling his hand away from him.
- Thank God! All thanks to God! just ate now! Let me see you, Your Excellency!
- Is everything all right?
- Thank God, thank God!
Rostov, completely forgetting about Denisov, not wanting to let anyone warn him, threw off his fur coat and ran on tiptoe into a dark, large hall. Everything is the same, the same card tables, the same chandelier in a case; but someone had already seen the young gentleman, and before he had time to run to the living room, something swiftly, like a storm, flew out of the side door and hugged and began to kiss him. Another, third, similar creature jumped out of another, third door; More hugs, more kisses, more cries, more tears of joy. He could not make out where and who is dad, who is Natasha, who is Petya. Everyone was screaming and talking and kissing him at the same time. Only his mother was not among them - he remembered that.
- But I didn’t know ... Nikolushka ... my friend!
- Here he is ... ours ... My friend, Kolya ... He has changed! No candles! Tea!
- Kiss me then!
- Darling ... but me.
Sonya, Natasha, Petya, Anna Mikhailovna, Vera, the old count, embraced him; and people and maids, having filled the rooms, sentenced and gasped.
Petya hung on his feet. - And then me! he shouted. Natasha, after she, bending him to her, kissed his whole face, jumped away from him and holding on to the floor of his Hungarian, jumped like a goat all in one place and squealed piercingly.
From all sides there were tears of joy shining with tears, loving eyes, from all sides there were lips looking for a kiss.
Sonya, red as red, also held on to his hand and beamed all over in a blissful look fixed on his eyes, which she was waiting for. Sonya was already 16 years old, and she was very beautiful, especially at this moment of happy, enthusiastic animation. She looked at him, not taking her eyes off, smiling and holding her breath. He looked at her gratefully; but still waiting and looking for someone. The old countess hasn't come out yet. And then there were footsteps at the door. The steps are so fast that they couldn't have been his mother's.
But it was she in a new dress, unfamiliar to him, sewn without him. Everyone left him and he ran to her. When they came together, she fell on his chest sobbing. She could not raise her face and only pressed him against the cold laces of his Hungarian coat. Denisov, not noticed by anyone, entered the room, stood right there and, looking at them, rubbed his eyes.
“Vasily Denisov, your son’s friend,” he said, introducing himself to the count, who looked at him inquiringly.
- Welcome. I know, I know,” said the count, kissing and hugging Denisov. - Nikolushka wrote ... Natasha, Vera, here he is Denisov.
The same happy, enthusiastic faces turned to the shaggy figure of Denisov and surrounded him.
- My dear, Denisov! - Natasha squealed, beside herself with delight, jumped up to him, hugged and kissed him. Everyone was embarrassed by Natasha's act. Denisov also blushed, but smiled and took Natasha's hand and kissed it.
Denisov was taken to the room prepared for him, and the Rostovs all gathered in the sofa near Nikolushka.
The old countess, without letting go of his hand, which she kissed every minute, sat next to him; the rest, crowding around them, caught his every movement, word, glance, and did not take their eyes off him with enthusiastic love. The brother and sisters argued and intercepted places from each other closer to him, and fought over who would bring him tea, a handkerchief, a pipe.
Rostov was very happy with the love he was shown; but the first minute of his meeting was so blissful that it seemed to him that his present happiness was not enough, and he kept waiting for something more, and more, and more.
The next morning the visitors slept off the road until 10 o'clock.
In the previous room, sabers, bags, carts, open suitcases, dirty boots were lying around. The cleaned two pairs with spurs had just been placed against the wall. Servants brought washstands, hot water for shaving, and washed dresses. It smelled of tobacco and men.
- Hey, G "bitch, t" ubku! shouted the hoarse voice of Vaska Denisov. - Rostov, get up!
Rostov, rubbing his eyes that were stuck together, lifted his tangled head from the hot pillow.
- What's late? “It’s late, 10 o’clock,” Natasha’s voice answered, and in the next room there was a rustling of starched dresses, a whisper and laughter of girlish voices, and something blue, ribbons, black hair and cheerful faces flashed through the slightly open door. It was Natasha with Sonya and Petya, who came to see if he got up.
- Nicholas, get up! Natasha's voice was heard again at the door.
- Now!
At this time, Petya, in the first room, seeing and grabbing sabers, and experiencing the delight that boys experience at the sight of a warlike older brother, and forgetting that it is indecent for sisters to see undressed men, opened the door.
- Is that your sword? he shouted. The girls jumped back. Denisov, with frightened eyes, hid his shaggy legs in a blanket, looking around for help at his comrade. The door let Petya through and closed again. There was laughter outside the door.
- Nikolenka, come out in a dressing gown, - Natasha's voice said.
- Is that your sword? Petya asked, “or is it yours?” - with obsequious respect he turned to the mustachioed, black Denisov.
Rostov hurriedly put on his shoes, put on a dressing gown and went out. Natasha put on one boot with a spur and climbed into the other. Sonya was spinning and just wanted to inflate her dress and sit down when he came out. Both were in the same, brand new, blue dresses - fresh, ruddy, cheerful. Sonya ran away, and Natasha, taking her brother by the arm, led him into the sofa room, and they started talking. They did not have time to ask each other and answer questions about thousands of little things that could interest only them alone. Natasha laughed at every word that he said and that she said, not because what they said was funny, but because she had fun and was unable to restrain her joy, expressed in laughter.
- Oh, how good, excellent! she said to everything. Rostov felt how, under the influence of the hot rays of love, for the first time in a year and a half, that childish smile blossomed in his soul and face, which he had never smiled since he left home.
“No, listen,” she said, “are you quite a man now? I'm awfully glad you're my brother. She touched his mustache. - I want to know what kind of men you are? Are they like us? Not?

There are not so few people who are dissatisfied with the existing chronology. A.T. is usually quoted. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky. However, their followers of the Chronotron group also have many interesting provisions. I have already quoted this group; I want to contact her again.

Table of contents:

  • The basis of Scaliger's chronology.

    « A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky discovered chronological shifts: the events of history are repeated after 1800 years, 1053 years, 360 years, 333 years. Unfortunately, in their latest books, scientists round their numbers up to 1050, or up to 330; evidently the mystics themselves did not understand them. And all these numbers have a magical meaning. The creators and supporters of the New Chronology believe that repetitions in our history arose as a result of Scaliger's mistake. I will show that they are “constructed” artificially by him. He based his calculations on the so-called numerology, a philosophical system according to which all the secrets of the world are hidden in numbers.". So writes Alexander Mikhailovich Zhabinsky in the chapter "Occultism of the Scaligerian chronology" of the work. I note that the occult is usually attributed to pagan religions, but not to Christianity. It is all the more interesting to look at Zhabinsky's argumentation.

    « And this is reflected in our traditional history. If you think about the number of years through which many events repeat, it becomes clear that before us is pure occultism! Could the timing of “repetitions” correspond so exactly to the “magic” numbers 333 and 360, if our “traditional history” had a natural course?.. Judge for yourself, events from antiquity to the Middle Ages are repeated with the following periodicity».


    Next, Zhabinsky shows the number of repetitions: “ 333 years (half of 666). 360 years (half of 720). 693 years (360 + 333), "Arabic" repetition. 999 years (333 + 333 + 333). 1026 years (360 + 333 + 333). 1053 years (360 x 2 + 333), “Christian” repetition. 1413 years (360 x 3 + 333), “Roman” repetition. 1773 years (360 x 4 + 333) and 1800 years (360 x 5), "Greek" repetitions. 2133 years (360 x 5 + 333), "Jewish" repetition. 2466 years (360 x 5 + 333 x 2), "Babylonian" repetition. 2799 years (360 x 5 + 333 x 3), “Egyptian” repeat. 3132 years (360 x 5 + 333 x 4). 3465 years (360 x 5 + 333 x 5).

    In any case, the numbers 360 and 333 are present. We met the number 360 in a conversation about the precessional circle. It can be considered as a divine number, put by God as the basis for the rotation of the earth. And the number 333 is diabolical, half of 666, the Number of the Beast. I won’t say why half was taken, but the fact remains: at the heart of Scaliger’s story is the number of “God” and the number of the “beast”.

    Further “games” with numbers that make up the world chronology invariably lead to three sixes:

    (360 + 360 + 360 + 360 + 360) : (360 - 333) = 1800: 27 = 66,6 666 666...

    Or: 360: (360 - 333) x 2 \u003d 360: 54 \u003d 6.66 666 666 ...

    There can be no accident in the formation of such “historical repetitions”. They are specially designed. However, we must take into account that Kabbalistic chronology should have arisen long before Scaliger, and he became just the finalist of a certain tradition».

    So, it was not I who attributed the Scaligerian chronology as KABALISTIC, but A.M. Zhabinsky. But, I note, he was not the first, because he refers to N.A. Morozov, who wrote: So, if necessary, the ancient historian had to restore the number of years of the reign of the ancient rulers with some Kabbalistic actions over the letters of their names, that is, it’s the same as figuring out cards that also have a direct connection with Kabbalistics ... On this basis, attempts should inevitably have arisen Kabbalistic definition of all historical events, - attempts to create Kabbalistic chronology starting from the definition of the time of the creation of the world”.

    The traditional chronology that we have as a “textbook” is only a remnant of the original idea. The works of our main chronologist were supplemented and modified by the efforts of his followers, the largest of whom was Dionysius Petavius. The Scaligerians, father and son, apparently, were representatives of the philosophical concept, according to which this imperfect world was created by God, and the devil leads it, and therefore they based their chronology on the Number of the Beast from the Apocalypse - 666».

    And this is very similar to the ideology of the Masons.

    Three understandings of history.

    The Chronotron group remarks: “The word History refers, firstly, to the natural process of development of human communities on planet Earth, their real evolution in all its manifestations. Second, history is descriptions the very evolution that participants in the events, eyewitnesses, or even strangers perform. Finally, thirdly, History is the officially accepted version of the course of events, canon, which ensures uniformity of thoughts among subjects and which should be learned by heart without discussing: such are school textbooks and the lives of saints».

    In other words, the term "history" in the first sense means the real historical process, in the second sense - historiography, and in the third sense - historical ideology. This is exactly what we are looking at now.

    Lopatin on the numerology of the date of the beginning of the Julian period.

    In my article, I quoted Lopatin: “ For the convenience of chronology, this scientist (Scaliger) put into circulation, describing in his book "De emendatione temporum", the Julian period, equal to the product of the values ​​​​of three cycles: lunar, solar and indict (19x28x15), which in the end is 7980 years. The indict has absolutely nothing to do with it, but this is not so important: the scientist needed a sufficiently long period and he got it. The question is, why did Scaliger consider that this period should begin exactly 4713 BC, or, in other words, why should the era of Christ begin after 4713 years from its beginning?

    It is believed that Scaliger took advantage of these three cycles already introduced into chronological circulation. More precisely, not by the cycles themselves, but by the correspondence of their years to the years of the Julian calendar. So, for example, the indict was counted from 313 AD, and the lunar cycle from 1 BC. Despite the fact that the first was established during the life of Emperor Constantine, and the second - retrospectively by Dionysius the Lesser, who lived in the 6th century, in the late Middle Ages, scholars sometimes used the calculation of years according to these cycles. Each year in the Julian calendar corresponded to a specific year number of any of the three cycles. So, Scaliger himself gives an example with the year in which he lived at that time: 1582 from the Nativity of Christ corresponds to the 6th year of the lunar cycle, the 23rd solar and the 10th indict. Obviously, once every 7980 years, the numbers of the first years of all three cycles must coincide, and this year is the beginning of the Julian period. Probably, having made calculations, Scaliger established that the last years of the cycles will coincide in 3267 AD, and the next year will be the first year of all three cycles. Knowing the year of the end of the Julian period, he easily calculated the year of its beginning: 7980 - 3267 = 4713 BC. Everything seems to be clear, but one detail is alarming, which casts doubt on everything that is written above about the three cycles and their use in the distant past. ».

    And then follows the unexpected conclusion of Lopatin: “ The fact is that the number 3267 has a pronounced numerological character, being the product of 33 earthly years of Christ by 99 "divine" ones: 33 x 99 = 3267».

    On the advantages of ancient genealogy.

    « Having proved their antiquity, the people can make very good money, and literally, in terms of money. Take, for example, "old Britannia". It clearly shows that the more a person boasts of his ancient origin, the louder he shouts about the purity of his blue aristocratic blood, the more likely that all this is a myth that has given rise to delusion. The modern lord, peer, mayor, or sir is ready to fight in the blood, defending his belonging to the oldest aristocratic family. He is sure that he is right, his dad told him, grandfather told him, maybe great-grandfather managed to convey something, besides, there are ancient letters, correspondence, all kinds of church books, where there are references to his great glorious ancestors. But if everyone was glorious and great, then where did the villains go? And the villain took and stole the name, wig and costume of great-great-grandfather, and for a hundred and fifty years the descendants of the villain have been choking with pride in their ancient family, and they are unaware that there is not even a drop of blue aristocratic blood in their blood. British DNA studies have confirmed that their islands are inhabited by the most motley rabble from all over Europe, and it’s simply ridiculous to talk about the antiquity and purity of the birth. All their elite, blue blood does not go deeper into antiquity than into the nineteenth century. It's that simple. But the antiquity of the family gives so many advantages! A peer will not count pounds from paycheck to paycheck, it is not a peer's business to borrow three to pay. According to the same principle, Europe is “aging” its supposedly great civilization. How does it age? Yes, there are thousands of tried and tested methods. One of them is to just take and burn all the books, and write new ones instead". - So believes "Kolymchanin".

    I think he is referring to the real decision of the Council of Trent, which ordered the burning of all books in which dating is not given according to Christ.

    « The second way is to take and correct in the books what you need in accordance with your appetite. The third way is not to burn or transport anything, but to pass off the existing as the desired. Everything is very simple, take it, and declare to everyone that the letter “I” is not “I”, as it may seem to someone, but the number “1”. To the question: - “What then does the letter“ J ”mean - do not worry. You already have the answer. Feel free to lie that this is also the number "ONE". People eat, rest assured. People loves to be mistaken, he BELIEVE what is written, but does not want to KNOW anything».

    Illustrations found by Kadykshansky.

    Rice. 1. Book of Dionysius Petavius

    He comments on this drawing: Oh, and the French messed up with history. More precisely, not the French themselves, but the French Freemasons. But during their lifetime, people were still very well aware of exactly when Jesus was born. And the tradition of the calendar account was observed strictly literally in the literal sense, sorry for the tautology. People specifically wrote "From the birth of Jesus 463"". And then offers rice. 2. However, he comments on it like this: “ Look carefully at the letter "I" in the word "DNI" (by the way, do Russian readers need to translate this word?), and compare it with the alleged number "1". In my opinion, it is obvious that "I" is not the number "times", it is a letter, and the capital letter of the name Jesus. So, we get: From the birth of Jesus 463 years».

    Rice. 2. An enlarged fragment of an engraving allegedly from the 15th century

    Here I am forced to upset Kadykshansky. The words "an. Dni" does not mean "AN DNI" in Russian, but "annodomini", that is, " YEAR OF THE LORD» in Latin. In other words, FROM THE BIRTH OF CHRIST . But then there really is a reduction: JESUS ​​463, that is, " From the birth of Jesus 463 years».

    The next engraving interests us with a large photograph of the date. This is an engraving by the German artist Johans Baldung Green. Regarding fig. 3 Kadykshansky remarks: “ Here it is already difficult to assert that the first character in the inscription is a number. It is possible to compare with the real figure "times". It is written between two "fives" and the first sign is undoubtedly the Latin "I". So the sixth century turned into the sixteenth».

    Rice. 3. An enlarged fragment of an engraving with a date

    The following is an engraving of the title page of the book by Adam Olearius "Description of a Journey to Muscovy" . Kadykshansky exclaims about this: “Russian suits are just brilliant!” And in fig. 4 he gives a close-up of the date and remarks: “ Let's increase the date, and .... Is there at least someone among you who dares to say that the first character in the date is the number "one"? Is she eating? Well, brother, you have a fantasy! Look at the next picture» .And on the image of a child - the first part of the figure is represented by the letter "i" of the word Iisus.

    Rice. 4. Dating of the book by Adam Olearius

    In the same book there was an illustration with the inscription " PRINCE ALEXEY MIKHAILOVICH, GRAND DUKE OF MOSCOW AT THE AGE OF 34, AND 664". And then Kadykshansky scoffs: “ Let's look at the date. What is this, "odnerka"? No, the guys are democrats, you don't need to hang noodles on your ears. We have our own voices working».

    Indeed, the date of 1664 was written as I 664. It is quite possible to agree with the arguments of this author. And then he remarks: And every artist has his own handwriting! Everyone writes this "I" in their own way. Here, take a look at this". And a portrait of Maria Mnishek is given.

    Fig.5. Portrait of Alexei Mikhailovich

    Kadykshansky comments: “ There are two points here. We are all presented with the mythical MariNa Mnishek as the wife of False Dmitry I. But Adam Olearius claims that he was acquainted with a lady named MARIA MNISHOVNA ZONADEM. Who's lying, Adam or the history teacher at school? But we're not talking about that. Look at the date: L 609. Only a frantic dreamer, or an impenetrable dumbass, will manage to make out the number "one" to the left of the number 609. It's anything but a number, or kill me if I'm wrong". Here, there is a letter in front of the number, which is depicted as a cross between the Russian letter “L” (SUMMER) and the German “J” (JAHR), which means the same thing (YEAR). However, the German letter "J" can also mean the word "JESUS" (JESUS).

    Rice. 6. Portrait of supposedly Maria Mnishek

    Further, Kadykshansky gives another example. " And here is the coat of arms of the glorious German city of Nuremberg(NR N GTB - H about R s H a B e R e G y - nests of swifts? The river Pegnitz flows there, "Peg" from German - a peg. Swifts build their nests on the sandy steep banks, digging minks, very similar to the traces of stuck pegs.) Why do I rely on the Russian language? So you are reading this text now, so your eyes are working. Look at the center of the coat of arms? Wow! Nuremberg in 658 was part of the Russian Empire, so you know. So we don't need to compose who is older. Documents testify that back in the seventh, according to the official chronology - in the seventeenth century, Germany was part of Russia, therefore the Romanov tsars were not foreigners, they are ours, relatives. Do you understand how important it is to know history? This radically changes the situation, and turns our attitude towards ourselves and our ancestors. If we understand that foreigners have never ruled us, then there will not even be an attempt to justify the current dominance of agents of imperialism in power and the media».

    Rice. 7. Coat of arms of the city of Nuremberg

    And then Kadykshansky comments: “ ANNO means DATE from J Jesus - "Jesus". Everything is clear without an interpreter 658 year from the date of birth of Jesus Christ. But for some reason everyone looks into the book - they see a fig. One said that this is one thousand six hundred and fifty-eighth year, the rest, like parrots, repeat, despite the fact that the Eyes are on, they work, but the image does not reach the brain, how millions of Yeltsin did not reach Primorye».

    Coats of arms of German cities are always interesting. But below Kadykshansky gives an example of the latest date in the way indicated above.

    Rice. 8. Fresco of the Swiss castle of Chillon

    Here the author of the article can no longer restrain his emotions: “ This is a fresco from the wall of the Swiss castle "Chilien", near the city of Montreux, on the shores of the Geneva Sea.A Russian Cossack in a red caftan with "conversations" on his chest, with symbols of alleged Judaism and alleged Mohammedanism, what is he doing there, in the heart of "civilized" Europe? Stopped in transit? Well no. It's just that in the seventh (seventeenth) century, Switzerland was also a republic of the USSR. Now it is clear why so many forces and means were spent on distorting the true events? To deprive Russia of the rights to territorial claims, that's why. The entire "epoch of the reformation", all these crusades, wars and revolutions - a reflection of the current situation in the world. In the same way, slices are broken off from Russia at the edges and independent countries with ancient "sovereignty" are created in them. And the inhabitants of these countries, literally after twenty years of zombification, begin to frantically beat themselves in the chest, and fiercely hate the Russians, feeling guilty for treason and a subconscious desire to return the true great past. This is precisely the main reason for Russophobia - a longing for lost greatness, and a sense of guilt for betrayal. And the most effective cure for this mental pain is hatred. Examples? Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, the Baltic States, Georgia, continue?»

    On the fresco, where the letters can be distinguished, one can read the words: SAMUEL TEUNERG… WAS AWOKEN BY LANDFOGT ZU VIVIS. AND CAPTAIN TSU SHILYON OF RYUGEN IN 699.6 YEARS. I draw your attention to the fact that Mr. Tsu Shilyon was from Ryugen, where Arkona, the capital of Spring Russia, was located. And pure Russians lived there, who had “Yarova Vera”. The symbol of Russian Vedism was just an 8-pointed star above the crescent. Almost this is what we see on the coat of arms, but the star is no longer 8, but 6-pointed. And it is precisely such a star that we see in the hands of a man.

    Rice. 9. Maria Miloslavskaya

    Kadykshansky comments: “(The Russian princess, as it were, by the way. Probably, she was in Europe on earnings). Just a masterpiece! Well, who dares to call it "one"? I don't think there are crazy people. It is clearly written: - "Date from "I" 662". And it doesn’t matter what the date is from, from Jesus or from Ingrid, but not “thousand” but just 662". And on the frame of the portrait is written something like: MARIA TSEIKHNA, WIFE OF THE PRINCE SENT TO EUROPE FROM ALL RUSSIAN LANDS. And at the bottom there is a signature: BORN IN 625, SHOWED TWO DAUGHTERS TO THE PRESENT KING AND SENT TWO SONS OF WHICH ONE DIED.

    Kadykshansky is only interested in the date: “ Well, who dares to call it "one"? I don't think there are crazy people. It is clearly written: - "Date from "I" 662". And it doesn’t matter what the date is from, from Jesus or from some Ingrid, but not “thousand” but just 662". But here, after all, the dating comes from Jesus.

    What interests me here is not "tomfoolery", but specific dates for pushing back chronology by a thousand years.

    Yana Vinogradova (reprint of Kukovenko's site).

    « European chronology is a very confusing and dark thing. And the point is not even that in medieval Europe they did not know how to keep track of time. The fact is that the beginning of the year in European reckoning has changed several times. According to one chronology, the year began on September 1st, according to others on March 1st (or March 25th), and on December 1st. The starting point of the era also changed. The beginning of the chronology was, imitating the Romans, from the foundation of Rome (753 BC), from the beginning of the reign of Augustus (43 BC), etc. Then they began to count from the "creation of the world", but even this account did not introduce order into the chronology. In Europe, there were about 200 variants of counting years from the beginning of this era!

    Although the counting of the years “from the Nativity of Christ” was developed in the 6th century AD, it began to be widely used much later. In the VIII century, the first documents with a date from the "Christmas" began to be found. Secular calendars in the XII-XIII centuries. already widely used this new dating, but not universally. Only since the time of Pope Eugene IV (1431) has this era been regularly used in the documents of the papal office. At about the same time, Portugal was the last in Western Europe to count the years from the "Christmas"» .

    The exact date of the introduction of the term "from the Nativity of Christ", 1431, is named here. But the one in dating appears, perhaps in 1699.

    I will give another opinion of Yana: “ The modern dating of the events of world history is based on the chronology of Scaliger. But does that mean she's perfect? Already during the lifetime of Scaliger, many pamphlets were published with criticism and mockery of his system. This criticism continues to this day.».

    Kolymchanin about the role of Masons in chronology.

    Another site says: Oh, and the French messed up with history. More precisely, not the French themselves, but French freemasons . But during their lifetime, people were still very well aware of exactly whenJesus was born. And the tradition of the calendar account was observed strictly literally in the literal sense, sorry for the tautology. People specifically wrote "From the birth of Jesus463"» .

    In other words, both Scaliger and Petavius ​​are declared Freemasons.

    Quote from Fomenko.

    « Not all readers may be aware that "the Eastern Church avoided using the era after the birth of Christ, since disputes about the date of his birth continued in Constantinople until the 14th century.» .

    Byzantium resisted the spread of Catholic Christianity, since the influence of Rus Yar was still strong there.

    The same site contains such quotations from A.T. Fomenko: " The German Privatdozent Robert Baldauf wrote in 1902-1903 his book "History and Criticism", where, on the basis of purely philological considerations, he argued that not only ancient, but even early medieval history is a falsification of the Renaissance and subsequent centuries ", t .2, p.VII-VIII.The well-known English scientist Edwin Johnson (1842-1901), the author of several very interesting critical studies on ancient and medieval history, subjected the Scaligerian chronology to serious criticism.The main conclusion made by E.Johnson after his many years of research in the field chronology, was formulated as follows: "We are much closer in time to the era of the ancient Greeks and Romans than it is written in the chronological tables." Johnson called for a revision of the entire chronology of antiquity and the Middle Ages! E. Johnson's main works were published in the late XIX - early XX centuries».

    Finally, I would like to comment on the quotes from the site of Fomenko himself: “ Above, we noted that duplicates at the MCC were found only earlier than the "Scaliger era", but not later. Thus, we are again faced with the fact that the time of the activity of Scaliger and Petavius ​​is somehow connected with the effects we have discovered in ancient chronology and history. Recall that it was the Scaliger-Petavius ​​group that fixed the “historical tradition” that formed the basis of the “modern textbook” of the GCC. It turns out that the Scaliger-Petavius ​​version was born in a hard struggle that was waged over chronological issues (!) at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries. Moreover, it turns out that Scaliger's version was far from the only one. She was opposed by some other points of view, whose representatives "lost the fight." For example, here is information about some of the events of that turbulent time, the era of the 30-year war in Europe, chaos and anarchy.

    “In general, this whole epoch passes under the banner of the struggle against Protestantism. “In Rome, a central inquisitorial tribunal was created ... An “index of forbidden books” was introduced ... The Council of Trent played a large role in these reactionary measures of the Catholic Church ... All the writings of the Protestants and their teachings were anathematized ... The significance of the Council of Trent for The subsequent activity of the Catholic Church was very great." And in this situation, the chronological work of I. Scaliger is published, which played an important role in substantiating the authority and antiquity of the institutions of the Catholic Church, which grew out of Roman history. In our opinion, it is necessary to raise the archives of the Council of Trent (or what is left of them) and revise all the surviving documents of this turbulent era related to the struggle around the chronology of Scaliger».

    One gets the impression that Protestantism in many ways came from the side of Yarovaya Rus, and the struggle against it was, in fact, a struggle against the influence of Yarovaya Rus.

    Furman provides new illustrations.

    « Looking at old documents: maps, paintings, books, engravings, you can see that their dates were often indicated in a form that is somewhat unusual for us. Indeed, all our life we ​​count dates from the beginning of our era and get values ​​accordingly, for example, 1462, 1765, etc. That is, in the case of dating an event later than the 10th century, we first write a number indicating a thousand years. However, it turns out that this was not always the case. On a number of ancient documents you can see other designations. Let's take a map of the world, officially dated 1626, and take a closer look at the dates. We will notice that i626 is written in the upper right corner, and i578 and i586 are written inside the frame near the coast of South America. In both cases, it is not a unit that is visible, but the letter i with a tail».

    Rice. 10. Fragment of the English "New and accurate map of the world"

    Indeed, one can agree with Nikolai. He further writes: “ We find a similar inscription on the official map of America in 1626. Here i626 is also indicated and also "i" with a tail».

    In fact, we have the same dating designation. But besides this, on the map you can read the words: “ AMERICA with those known parts in this unknown world of both people and ways of building. Described and created in 1626».

    The map itself conveys a fairly recognizable outline of North and South America.

    Rice. 11. Fragment of the map of America

    Fuhrman then examines a drawing by Albrecht Dürer with this note: " The record of the date 1524 on the engraving by Albrecht Dürer is striking. The date is written like this: .i.524. We see that the first letter is not only separated by a dot from the rest of the numbers, but quite frankly written as Latin i, that is, "i with a dot". Indeed, the picture shows the costumes of the ladies from Nuremberg. The date is shown enlarged by Furman. I attached it from below to Dürer's drawing itself.

    Rice. 12. Drawing by Albrecht Dürer

    This is followed by another image with an explanation by Nikolai Furman: “ An even more interesting date designation is found on an old map of Muscovy (RVSSIAE, MOSCOVIAE ET TARTARIAE), the official dating of which is 1570 or 1579. It says j562. That is, not a unit, but the letter j". There are not so many maps of Muscovy of the 16th century, so it is of interest in itself. On it, RUSIA consists of the northern part, which is called SAMOYEDA, and the southern part, called TARTARIA. And the actual territories of the Moscow Principality are depicted on a much smaller scale than the outskirts. But if SAMOYEDS are Finno-Ugric peoples, and TARTARIA are mostly Turks, then it turns out that such a map is just the basis for the Russophobic point of view, as if there are no Russians as such, and only Finns and Tatars.

    Rice. 13. Map of Russia in 1562

    Separately, there is a signature to this map, on which you can make out the Latin inscription: DESCRIPTION OF RUSSIA, MOSCOW AND TARTARY Antonio.

    Year 1562. - The inscription is poorly readable due to the blurring of many letters, so it is possible that this is a map by Antonio Lafreri (1512 - 1577). You can learn about it from the article "Antonio Lafreri Maps of the 16th century" dated June 15, 2009. It says: " Several maps, and their fragments, from the famous Roman cartographer and publisher of the 16th century, Antonio Lafreri (Antonio Lafreri, 1512 - 1577). According to rumors, it is to him that we owe the appearance of the title page in collections of maps, which later will be called atlases. Although this point can be disputed by the equally famous cartographer Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598), who released his "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" in Amsterdam, at about the same time as Lafrery his maps. Actually, all Italian collections of maps of that period are called today “Lafreri Atlases”, and among the authors, except for the Roman himself, such eminent cartographers as the Genoese Batista Agnesi (1500-1564) and the Venetian Giacomo Gastaldi (1500-1566), as well as many others».

    Rice. 14. Imprint on the map of Russia

    Regarding the last image, Nikolai Furman writes: “ A vivid example of a medieval record of dates in the form of J *** is an engraving by Georg Pencz, an artist of the 16th century. The date 1548 is recorded by him as J548. What can such a record of dates mean? Recall that the letters I or j are the first letters of the name Jesus (Isus or Jesus). That is, it may well be that in the Middle Ages the years from the Nativity of Christ were counted in this way: i626 - 626 years from Jesus, i524 - 524 years from Jesus, j562 - 562 years from Jesus, etc. Then the chronologists deftly turned these letter designations in 1000 years. Since then we have been writing. However, a logical question arises: were the maps and engravings shown here made in the 6th - 7th centuries? Or is there something wrong with the dating of the Nativity of Christ?»

    Rice. 15. Engraving by Georg Pentz dated

    It's the same with dating. It’s just that during the XV-XVII centuries, the Latin letters “i” and “j” as the designation of Jesus (more precisely, the dates “from the birth of Christ”) began to be understood as 1 in the sense of “thousand”, which added a thousand years to the date of the birth of Jesus Christ.

    Chronological shifts according to I. Newton.

    « In our time, Newton's research on chronology is hushed up in every possible way. However, there was a time when there were heated debates around them. Today, with the development of the New Chronology, it becomes clear how daunting the task that Newton set himself was. The brilliant scientist chose the absolutely right direction of scientific research. Based on natural science ideas, Newton subjected the Scaligerian version of the chronology of antiquity to a strong transformation in the direction of its REDUCTION. Most of the events dated by historians before the era of Alexander the Great, Newton conveyed with a shift towards our time. True, the changes in chronology proposed by him were not as radical as in the later works of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Morozov, who, independently of Newton, showed that the Scaligerian version of the chronology of antiquity was incorrect until the 4th century AD. e. Newton, in his attempts to correct chronology, did not advance beyond the threshold of the beginning of a new era. He revised only the dates before about 200 BC. e. At the same time, he could not detect any system in the resulting redattributions.

    So what did Isaac Newton suggest? He paid the main attention to the chronology of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece before the beginning of the new era. For example, the generally accepted version of the chronology places the beginning of the reign of the first Egyptian pharaoh Menes (Mena) around 3000 BC. e. Newton claimed that this event dates back to 946 BC. e. The chronological shift here is nothing less than two thousand years. The myth of Theseus dates back to the 15th century BC. e. Newton, on the other hand, argued that the corresponding events took place around 936 BC. e. That is, about 700 years later. The famous Trojan War is dated by historians to around 1225 BC. e. Newton claims that it happened much later - in 904 BC. e. The chronological shift in this case is approximately 330 years. And so on. Briefly, Newton's main conclusions in the field of correction of the Scaligerian chronology can be formulated as follows. Part of the history of Ancient Greece was shifted by him in time by an average of 300 years and moved closer to us. The history of Ancient Egypt, covering, according to the Scaligerian version, several thousand years and starting allegedly 3-4 millennia BC. e., shifted by Newton in a short period of time of only 330 years from 946 BC. e. until 617 B.C. e."- writes Gleb Nosovsky. - In other words, he found shifts 300, 700 and 2000 years long.

    Chronological shifts according to Morozov.

    The article says: " A.N. Zhabinsky implements the idea of ​​N.A. Morozov about the Kabbalistic nature of the Scaligerian chronology, assuming that Scaliger played with two magic numbers with the same gematric value 9: 360 and 333. For example, 333 = 666:2, 1053 = 360×2 + 333, 1800 = 360×5". And in the article we read: One way or another, but the beginning of a consistent criticism of the official chronology was laid by the revolutionary Narodnaya Volya Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov, imprisoned for his political activities in Shlisselburg, where he took up the exact sciences: chemistry, physics, astronomy, and mathematics. He was also seriously absorbed in historical research. In the course of his work, based on the results of astronomical observations and textual analysis of the world monuments of written culture, he discovered significant chronological shifts. Morozov found historiographical "repetitions", which made it possible to talk about the so-called "duplicates". To clarify: if it turned out that the two dynasties were a typological similarity (duration of reign; names that sound differently in different vocalizations and literal translations, but are related in semantics; similar events), then he concluded that we are actually talking about the same dynasty. And the latter leads to a significant "shortening" of the real historical process. Morozov also believed that many ancient texts were the result of later falsification. Do I need to say what a storm of indignation caused such conclusions? However, there were many who were ready to share the opinion of the scientist. However, the works of Morozov, like the chronological studies of Isaac Newton, were also carefully hushed up for a long time. The circulation of books published under Soviet rule until 1932 was small, and it was not difficult for the opponents of the innovative historian to attribute to Morozov statements that did not exist in any of his works, which, due to the latter circumstance, were easy to defeat in the most triumphant way.". So, judging by this data, he was interested in shifts of 333 and 360 years.

    However, Morozov himself indicates other shifts. For example: " 317 Epiphany under Licinius. Aurelius Victor: "OhCaesars." Not confirmed. Deducted from the eclipse of 1163.". The shift is 846 years. " 325 A terrible earthquake in Campania and a total solar eclipse. George Hamartol: Chronicle. Not confirmed. Decommissioned from the eclipse of 393". The shift is 68 years. " 364 Theon's eclipse. Theon's comments. Confirmed, or written from the eclipse of 1126.". The shift is 762 years.

    As you can see, different specific figures are named. Morozov's conclusion: " All this shows that the calendar account was established only from the very end of the 4th or from the beginning of the 5th century, and in previous documents it was apocryphed later, along with the years of our modern or some other era.» .

    In addition, he has a spectacular ending in this chapter: “ So, the famous “Roman Empire” came not from the city of Rome, but from Romania and Rumelia, near which iron began to be produced for the first time in the mountains, but it was fixed not by Balkan weapons, but by the miracles of Italian volcanic forces, which were used by its rulers, who came to be crowned there, in order to give themselves an aura of supernaturalness even in their own eyes».

    Astrological reason for chronological shifts.

    Two researchers from Simbirsk tried to solve this problem. They wrote: In addition to these considerations, A.N. Zhabinsky, we will prove that the "Christian" shift of 1053 years has an astrological explanation only slightly more intricate than the shift of 854 years. It is possible that the shift of 333 years, being close to 337 years, has a similar nature. It turns out that almost all European shifts have an astronomical explanation.».

    In the section "Time of the Scaligers" the authors write: " We assume that the key historical events that gathered events of a lower order of importance around themselves on the global chronological map, in the absence of explicit chronological indications, were dated astrologically. Up to the point that the nature of the event or the people participating in it could be translated into the corresponding “scientifically” horoscope, which, in turn, was dated in the absolute time scale created by Julius Caesar Augustus Bourdin, the father of Joseph Scaliger, in Julian days, after which the date was translated into the era corresponding to the epoch. How this procedure could be done - we will illustrate below, but for now we will try to understand: could Joseph Scaliger perform this grandiose work - perhaps relying on his father's preparations?»

    I believe that the destruction of the previous chronological scale (according to Yar) and the absence of a chronological scale before the birth of Christ (without adding thousands of years to it) created great inconvenience. And the most natural way of dating is astrological, according to horoscopes.

    « The modern assessment of the personality of I. Scaliger is far from unambiguous. In the latest encyclopedias, he is mentioned as "the founder of scientific chronology", but he got there, as well as in popular historical and chronological literature, only after A.T. Fomenko again, after N.A. Morozov, drew attention to this figure. We do not hesitate to assert that wide historical circles learned about I. Scaliger only after the noise around the new chronological works (moreover, sometimes historians confuse Joseph Ustin with his father). Among supporters of historical revision, the assessment of Scaliger and his work ranges from close interest to demonization, and among critics of the New Chronology, the desire to belittle its significance prevails, attributing the honor of creating a global scale to the phantom characters of the Scaligerian map - Eusebius, Jerome and Dionysius the Small (4-6 centuries BC). AD)».

    An interesting historical note is also given with reference to the Munich