“Dream Interpretation Former Friend dreamed of what the former Girlfriend was dreaming of in a dream. Former best friend dreams

  • 16.10.2019

In a dream, an ex-girlfriend always personifies competition or rivalry. Why else is this character dreaming? The dream book will try to figure out all the details of the image.

What are you afraid of?

Have you seen your best, but already forgotten friend? In real life, get help from an unexpected side.

Why dream that your best friend is crying? The dream interpretation suspects that your personal problems will affect the people around you.

If your best friend appears too often at night, then you are clearly afraid of something, and this feeling is associated with lack of confidence in your own strengths or dependence on a situation over which you have no control.

Wait for the guests!

Why dream that an ex-girlfriend is hugging? The dream interpretation advises to prepare for the arrival of uninvited guests. Most likely these are acquaintances from the past.

Did you dream about a friend's wedding? Alas, you or your friends are in for serious trouble.

A fight with a longtime acquaintance in a dream signifies the desire for something deliberately unrealizable. Perhaps the dream is coming true, but it will not be soon.

Have you sinned?

Did you dream about the ex-girlfriend of your own husband? This means that in reality you are afraid of his betrayal or are simply terribly jealous.

The appearance in a dream of the husband's past passion marks the decision that it would be necessary to diversify intimate life in the most unexpected way.

Sometimes seeing your husband having sex with a sweetheart from the past literally means that you are trying to calm your own conscience after your own betrayal.

Do not invent!

Why is a bosom friend dreaming of a girl? The dream book is sure that all your fears and terrible fears have no real basis.

If in a dream there was a quarrel with a friend, then the girl herself is destined for total bad luck.

An old acquaintance can dream of a girl before a scandal and even separation from her lover.

Get ready!

Why is a married woman's ex-girlfriend dreaming? The lady will become the object of unpleasant gossip and gossip.

If in a dream the girlfriend strives to quarrel every time, then the woman will have to go through a divorce.

For a man to see a forgotten sweetheart is a romantic infatuation. If a classmate has come, you will soon meet people from the "past."

Where are you climbing?

Had a dream that you had a chance to communicate with an old friend? The dream book is sure that you need some information or new knowledge.

If you had to communicate in a raised voice, then you will be accused of shameless interference in the affairs of outsiders.

In a dream, communicating joyfully and in a friendly way means that a streak of luck and prosperity is coming.

If you happened to talk literally on the go and you did not quite grasp the essence of the conversation, then in real life you misjudged a certain event or started a little business in which you do not understand anything.

Important details

To have a more accurate interpretation of sleep, the dream book recommends remembering other actions in the night adventure. Their decoding will shed light on future events.

If, for example, you dreamed that your ex-girlfriend spat in her face, then you should not be upset. In reality, you will be returned a debt that you have long forgotten about.

  • Swearing - to important negotiations.
  • Fighting will get around troubles.
  • Making peace is prosperity.
  • Saying hello is a tiring visit.

All perfectly!

What is the dream of an ex-girlfriend with whom you do not communicate at the moment? The dream book guarantees a prosperous family life, good luck and wealth, even in spite of temporary difficulties.

Sometimes seeing a girlfriend with whom you do not communicate reflects an internal conflict between separate parts of your own Ego.

Get rid of unnecessary things!

Did you have a chance to make up with a friend after a long-standing conflict? The losing streak will end very soon, and things will go well. Reconciliation in a dream is sometimes an inversion and heralds a new scandal.

If you dream all the time that your ex-girlfriend is tearfully asking for forgiveness, then old grievances or deep feelings do not allow you to live. The dream interpretation is sure that it is mental disharmony that leads to further troubles.

Miller's interpretation

What is the dream of an old friend from Miller's dream book? He is convinced that soon you will learn the sad news associated with the illness of a relative or dear friend.

Many people think that there is no female friendship, but this is certainly not the case; perhaps this is why girls often have dreams with the participation of girlfriends with whom they constantly communicate. The image of friends can appear in the subconscious during sleep and mean different things. It is often said that I dreamed of a friend with whom I do not communicate , or have no clue about what a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming of .

In the interpretations, the dream book speaks of competition in reality. But in order to give a more detailed prediction, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the dream.

The psychologist interprets this to what an old friend is dreaming of: soon you will find out the sad news. Miller suggests that they are related to the deteriorating health of a relative or friend.

Hidden fears

In a dream, met your best, but already forgotten friend? In reality, when there is nothing to hope for, support will come unexpectedly.

Why dream that your best friend is crying? When creating difficulties, keep in mind that the consequences of actions will be reflected not only on you, but also on those around you.

If your best friend appears too often in a vision, then you are tormented by fear. You probably doubt your ability to correct the state of affairs, feel dependent on another person.

Guests on the doorstep

Why dream that an ex-girlfriend is hugging? Expect guests. These are old friends from whom there has been no news for a long time.

The wedding of a friend in a vision portends a difficult test for your family and loved ones.

The dream book deciphers a fight with a friend as an attempt to bring the unrealizable to life. Perhaps the cherished dream will come true someday, but this will clearly not happen now.


Did you see your husband's ex-girlfriend in a dream? Fortunetellers say: you do not trust your spouse and are very afraid of infidelity.

The dream book interprets the past passion of her husband, who appeared in a dream, as monotony in intimate life. Take the initiative and diversify it. You both benefit from this.

In some cases, having sex between a husband in a dream with his ex is an attempt to calm his conscience after his infidelity.

Stop fantasizing

Why is a bosom friend dreaming of a girl? You are an overly impressionable person. Most fears are far-fetched, and you are not in danger.

A quarrel with a friend in a vision is a harbinger of trouble and failure.

An old acquaintance appears to a lady in a dream before a quarrel, perhaps even parting with her beloved.

Get together

Why is a married woman's ex-girlfriend dreaming? Dirty gossip and rumors will go about you, the source of which will be difficult to find.

Being in dreams often, the girlfriend tries to quarrel every time - get ready for a divorce.

Think first

Did you have a chance to communicate with an old friend in a dream? To proceed further, you need to get additional information, master new skills.

If you had to communicate in a raised voice, the dream book foresees: you will be prohibited from getting into other people's affairs without asking.

We communicated joyfully and in a friendly way - in the near future, events will turn out in your favor.

In a dream, it was not possible to have a normal conversation, as they communicated on the go, and part of the conversation eluded you - in reality they misjudged the state of affairs. The dream book warns: you run the risk of taking on obligations that you cannot fulfill.

Important nuances

For a more accurate interpretation of the plot in a dream, it is necessary to recreate the events of the dream in memory as accurately as possible. Then you can correctly decipher what you saw.

  • The ex-girlfriend spat in the face, the dream book is encouraging - in reality, the old forgotten debt will be returned.
  • I had to swear in a vision with a friend - responsible negotiations are coming.

  • Fighting with a friend in a dream - you will be able to avoid serious troubles and get out of the water dry.
  • Putting up with an ex-girlfriend - in reality, you can reach unprecedented heights. Any business will argue.
  • The dream interpretation claims: greeting a friend in a dream portends a meeting that will exhaust and tire.
  • If a woman has a conflict with a good friend in reality, and in a dream she comes and silently looks at the sleeping woman; this may mean that the acquaintance is left with unspoken words and not splashed out emotions. It is worth calling and talking to establish contact.
  • If a friend is in a dream, is worried about something and is in sadness, it says that in the future you can expect trouble and discord with loved ones. It is better to be more attentive to your words and try not to offend anyone.
  • What is the dream of a former girlfriend, with whom the connection has long been lost, means that the sleeping person has deep experiences that require them to be dealt with immediately; it is possible to go on vacation or set aside time for doing yourself and spending time away from eyes and bustle. You may have to think about something and rethink.

Everything is great!

What is the dream of your beloved ex-girlfriend with whom you do not communicate in reality? Although this is not an easy time, visionaries promise that family life will soon improve.

If in a vision you meet a girlfriend with whom you do not communicate, it means that you have a discord between beliefs and aspirations.

Throw out the excess

In a dream, reconciled with a friend after a long-standing conflict? The troubles will soon pass, and luck will smile on you. According to another version, the seers assure that this is a shape-shifting vision that portends a new quarrel.

The dream book, if a former girlfriend tearfully asks for forgiveness in a dream, notes: you still cannot let go of the past, cling to old insults and humiliations.

Pregnant or with a baby

Why is a pregnant girlfriend dreaming , it is not always possible to accurately interpret, but if a woman sees a dream, this may indicate that she does not want to be realized as a keeper of the home, a mother and a loving wife. For her, her own freedom and independence is more important.

In a dream, they learned about the pregnancy of an ex-girlfriend. In reality, you will receive a huge amount of money, most likely, relatives will help improve your financial situation.

The ex-girlfriend is pregnant - the dream book talks about the appearance of problems in family life.

The lady gave birth in a dream - you will be relieved of old debts and obligations. Now you can live in peace.

Have you met a girlfriend with a child in a dream? Much depends on the gender of the child. The boy portends financial stability; girl is happiness.


Died in a vision of a badly separated ex-girlfriend? In reality, good health and a comfortable existence await the dreamer.

A longtime good friend died? Pull yourself together, hard times are coming.

If in reality a deceased friend often comes in visions, the dream book says that the events of the past do not let you go. Understand this issue, otherwise you will not be able to live peacefully on.


The dream interpretation, if a man in a vision met a forgotten sweetheart, predicts a romantic acquaintance with a beautiful woman.

A classmate came - the past will soon remind of itself by meeting old friends.

A friend who was left in a dream by a man can mean imminent love affairs, the price of which may be health.

At the level of the senses

Of course, if unpleasant aspects of the personality were touched upon in a dream, you should not take everything literally, because a lot also depends on the specific day in which the dream was dreamed. Women are more inclined to feel the promises of their intuition at a subconscious level, so they should be attentive to the position of the moon on the night when they dreamed of something special important in their opinion.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting a dream, we think about when dreams come true. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what is the phase of the moon today and what is the lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar day and on the day of the week, one can assume whether the dream prophecy will come true.

Sometimes a person sees in his dreams people who have long passed away from his life, or maybe whom he does not even remember. In this case, the subconscious wants to say something to the dreamer, and this is very important for him.

Our article will tell you what the ex-girlfriend is dreaming of.

General interpretation of a dream about an ex-girlfriend

If a former girlfriend often dreams in a dream, this speaks of a person's emotional attachment to her. Perhaps he harbors evil on her, or, conversely, wants to surprise. In this case, you need to mentally let go of her and try to forget everything. Also, this symbol can promise confusion in business and problems with the authorities.

Why does a woman's ex-girlfriend dream?

If a woman saw her ex-girlfriend in a dream, then she will have unforeseen problems. Swearing with her - to a scandal at work, hitting her - to a quarrel with colleagues. Gossiping with a friend in a dream is bad news. Also, such a dream can promise a distortion of the truth. Most likely, the dreamer is not told something, and she can get into a mess because of this.

If a former girlfriend dreamed of a man

For a man, an ex-girlfriend may portend problems with his wife or with a girl with whom he is now in a romantic relationship. Swearing with an ex-girlfriend is a symbol that someone will tarnish the dreamer's reputation. Dancing with her - a fleeting romance, hitting her - to serious troubles in the personal sphere. If a man in a dream passionately kisses his ex-girlfriend, then this suggests that he still has feelings for her. He should find her and meet, have a heart-to-heart talk; perhaps she will not mind continuing the relationship.

Unexpected events, projecting past grievances into today's situation.

In many ways, the interpretation of what the ex-girlfriend is dreaming of depends on how well the dreamer broke up with her. If the breakup was painful and negative, then the dream speaks of a resentment hidden by a friend. If parting with a friend happened easily and without mutual claims, then soon the dreamer will expect a change in life, receiving pleasant news.

Comments of famous interpreters

    Miller's dream book

    For a woman to dream about her ex-best friend means that rumors and gossip of various kinds are circulating around the person of the dreamer... Also, a dream may indicate a relative of the sleeping person who envies her and unknowingly tries to harm her.

    For married women, a dream promises the appearance of a rival in, a spouse's mistress... For a man to see his ex-girlfriend in a dream promises deception on the part of a woman.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    Seeing an ex-girlfriend in a dream portends a major scandal with a loved one... Quarreling in a dream with an ex-girlfriend predicts a successful outcome for a woman, and an acquaintance with an amazing girl for a man.

    Fight with an ex-girlfriend means that the dreamer behaves badly with the closest people... This behavior greatly offends the environment of the sleeping person.

    Dream interpretation Longo

    Ex-girlfriend in a dream - it is a harbinger of a changing situation, a large number of events taking place... The dreamer runs the risk of getting lost in this whirlpool of life. For a young girl, such a dream predicts a quarrel with a loved one.

    Invite a friend to the house means that the discord in love relationships was due to the dreamer's fault... Drive a friend out of the house indicates the end of all conflicts and quarrels, the achievement of harmony in the relationship.

    A man walking with an ex-girlfriend predicts high risk in business, the likelihood of betrayal by friends or business partners... For a woman, a dream indicates her frivolous behavior, because of which impartial rumors soar around her.

    The death of an ex-girlfriend or a fight with her portends a happy period in life, getting rid of adversity.

    English dream book

    For women, ex-best friend dreams of troubles in his personal life, the appearance of a rival in the struggle for the love of a man. For business men to see an ex-girlfriend in a dream portends problems, the breakdown of contracts, the emergence of a strong competitor in business.

    Modern dream book

    The appearance of an ex-girlfriend in a dream promises a big trouble, big trouble associated with the business or financial sphere... The dream indicates that in his trouble the dreamer will be left alone - he will not receive help from relatives or friends.

    Fight with a friend in a dream means that you will have to fight for your dream, even go over your heads or against your conscience. Each step towards the goal will be given with great difficulty, you will have to make titanic efforts for this.

    Dream interpretation of Felomen

    See an ex-girlfriend in a dream means the dreamer's subconscious desire to establish former friendships. Also, a dream prophesies a meeting with an interesting person with unusual views on life.

    To a young girl to see an ex-girlfriend in a dream portends disturbing emotions, remembering past grievances and troubles. It is likely that in reality there will be a meeting with an ex-girlfriend.

    A married woman has a dream like that portends idle gossip and rumors, quarrel with a loved one, discord with her husband.

    Seeing a former best friend in a dream means that she is bored or holds a grudge against the sleeping person... If in reality a good relationship remained between the dreamer and his girlfriend, then such a dream predicts future emotional experiences.

    To see in a dream a friend with whom the dreamer has not communicated for a long time, indicates that now is the best time to relax, to reload your ideas and intentions... To see a pregnant girlfriend in a dream for a woman means her subconscious desire to become a mother, and for a man - his desire to start a family with his beloved.

    If a man dreams of his ex-girlfriend's girlfriend, then in reality, misunderstandings and quarrels await him in personal relationships... Also, a dream predicts dramatic changes in the dreamer's life.

    Quarrel with an ex-girlfriend in a dream portends a gift of fate, the successful completion of a difficult case... Hugging with a friend in a dream indicates the dreamer's desire to improve relations with this girl.

    A woman fighting in a dream with her ex-best friend portends obstacles in life, serious trouble at work. Perhaps the dreamer takes on too much responsibility that she cannot cope with.

    If a man dreams that his ex-girlfriend is dying, then in reality, he should be wary of the intrigues of rivals, the appearance of new enemies.

    Make peace in a dream with an ex-girlfriend indicates the desire of the sleeper to feel human warmth, regain the old friendship or romantic relationship.

Her actions in a dream

To see an ex-girlfriend in a dream portends the appearance of help from an unexpected side. Seeing a crying girlfriend means that in reality the dreamer's personal affairs will become known to the people around him.

If in a dream the ex-girlfriend hugs the dreamer, then in reality portends an unexpected visit from guests... An ex-girlfriend's wedding predicts trouble in the personal or professional sphere.

Quarrel or fight with an ex-girlfriend indicates the dreamer's desire for something impossible, unrealized... It will take many years and tremendous efforts to achieve your goal.

If in a dream an ex-girlfriend makes love to someone, then in reality, the dreamer is tormented by conscience due to his own wrong behavior... A woman to see how her husband enters into an intimate relationship with his ex-girlfriend indicates the dreamer's jealousy, her distrust and suspicion of her husband.

If a friend makes a scandal in a dream, then in reality the dreamer will face trouble and total bad luck. If the ex-girlfriend herself spoke to the person, then in reality the dreamer will receive answers to his questions.

The ex-girlfriend spits in the face of the dreamer - to return a debt that he had forgotten about. Saying hello to a friend indicates an unpleasant and tiring visit to someone.

If an ex-girlfriend came to put up in a dream, then this promises prosperity and enrichment to the dreamer... Seeing a dancing girlfriend in a dream indicates unnecessary material spending.

Deceased girlfriend

Seeing that a former girlfriend has died portends difficulties and losses, possible disappointment in your lover. Often to see the death of an ex-girlfriend in a dream means that the events of the past do not give the dreamer peace, bother him.

If you dream of a friend who died in reality, then it indicates unfinished business or an unfulfilled promise. Seeing a naked dead girlfriend portends a period of loss and hardship.

Dreamed of a deceased girlfriend in a wedding - this is indicates the danger hanging over the dreamer... For a girl, such a dream indicates an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy.

Hugging a deceased friend predicts promotion, success in business and endeavors... If in a dream the deceased was dancing and having fun, then in reality the dreamer will face a series of losses and troubles, exhausting attempts to stay afloat.

If in a dream a friend is trying to say something to the sleeping person, then in reality he should listen to the advice of a loved one and not act under the influence of emotions.

If in a dream a deceased friend gives something to the dreamer, then this predicts an unexpected meeting with a person from the past - a former friend or lover... Also, a dream indicates a complication in relationships with colleagues or relatives.

Pregnant friend

Seeing a former girlfriend in a position in a dream predicts enrichment for the dreamer, an opportunity to develop and be realized, to perform a miracle or an unusual event. A dream predicts an early pregnancy for a woman, and a happy marriage for a young girl.

For a man to dream of a pregnant ex-girlfriend indicates trouble in the personal or professional sphere. For a married man, a dream portends problems in family life.

See in a dream the childbirth of an ex-girlfriend means relief from debts and onerous obligations... Seeing a friend with a child portends a receipt, a sudden enrichment.

If in a dream a friend died during childbirth, then such a dream portends years of happiness and relative serenity... Also, a dream indicates relative material freedom.

Innocent girl see her ex-girlfriend in position prophesies shame and gossip... For a young guy, such a dream indicates that he still has feelings for his past lover.

Former friend or friends

Former friends mean a person's nostalgia, his longing for the past happy times. A happy former friend portends good news, and a sad and painful one portends problems and ill health.

See a campaign of friends from the past indicates the establishment of old ties, obtaining the information necessary for the development... To see a deceased comrade in a dream means trouble and the unwillingness of the sleeping person to compromise, be flexible and patient.

Former best friend dreams of emotional experiences and a lack of love... Also, an old friend dreams of problems in the family, to discord in marital relations. Quarreling with old friends means regretting what you have done.

Drunk Friends Campaign portends joyful events in life, the opportunity to defend your opinion in the circle of important people. Seeing an old friend in a coffin indicates a new stage in the dreamer's life.

The interpretation of this dream must be approached from different angles. Firstly, a former girlfriend can dream of both a man and a woman. For different sexes, the meaning of this dream is also different. Secondly, you need to take into account what actions took place in a dream and what other characters appeared.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed about an ex-girlfriend, then you are still thinking about her and do not let go. You still have hope for a rebirth of the relationship, but this dream is a warning to you that you need to move on and look for a new relationship. If in a dream she dies, then this dream symbolizes a new beginning. If you dream that you had some kind of sexual relationship with her, then in real life a new romantic relationship awaits you. The partner can be new, or maybe you dreamed about it in a dream.

On the other hand, an ex-girlfriend may dream of some fateful meeting. If in a dream you talked to her, then soon your past may appear. If in a dream you quarreled with her or there was some kind of conflict, then perhaps in the near future they will set you up. You will not expect this from this particular person. We fought with her - soon interesting events will happen in your life.

If you dreamed that you kissed her, then in the near future you will meet people whom you have not seen for a very long time, and if you married her, it means changes in your life. If you see her with a new boyfriend, then you have to make a choice.

Dream interpretation Longo

A former girlfriend in dreams can symbolize the upcoming loss. There may be conflicts with relatives or loved ones, or you will incur some kind of monetary loss. Also, this dream can warn you about gossip or gossip. If she hides her gaze, then it means that you are not trusted. If she sleeps in your dream, then everything in your life is going well and all your plans will come true. If in a dream you had a fight with her and at the same time fought, then this means that in reality you are striving for something unrealizable, but this will come true only at the end of your life.

Family dream book

This character appears in dreams when you think about him a lot. The dream suggests that in reality you will receive support from where you do not expect it. If you dreamed that you lost your best friend, then this dream suggests that you have real friends and at any difficult moment they will be with you. If you dreamed that she took your boyfriend away from you, then this dream symbolizes your fear. You are so afraid of something that all your thoughts are loaded with only this. Perhaps this dream warns you about your boyfriend's infidelity. Pay attention to this.

If your girlfriend laughs or looks down on her in a dream, then this means that a crack has occurred in your relationship, and if she just smiles, then changes for the better will take place in your life. A chance meeting is possible.

Some sources also report that a former girlfriend in a dream can symbolize an improvement in your situation in real life, and if you had a fight with her in a dream, then in reality this means that your relations with people will improve.