It became known who got the first kiss from the “bachelor”. It turned out which of the “Bachelor” participants got the first kiss from Ilya Glinnikov Lesya, have you watched the previous seasons of the “Bachelor” show?

  • 21.06.2019

It became known which of the girls was kissed first by bachelor Ilya Glinnikov.

25 girls passed the casting and had the opportunity to personally meet the star of “Interns” Ilya Glinnikov. As a result of the selection, the man left only 15 participants who fought for his heart for several weeks. But already from the first issue, the actor’s curious fans dreamed of finding out who would be able to impress the star and get the coveted kiss.

Initially, bets were placed on three girls: the rose of the first impression - Madina, timid Dasha, who went on a first date with Glinnikov, and Snezhana, who managed to interest Ilya in an unusual way. But thanks to a frame that appeared on Instagram, it became known that the bachelor destroyed all the fans’ guesses. The scandalous Lesya Ryabtseva received a tender kiss. Scandalous star“The Bachelor” Lesya Ryabtseva: “Sex? It was difficult for me to control myself"

The photo shows how the celebrity kisses the project participant, cupping her face with his hands. Judging by the light in the photo, this happened at night. Probably, before this, the young people had a romantic date, after which both felt passion and merged in a kiss.

True, not all subscribers to the community dedicated to “The Bachelor” were delighted with Glinnikov’s choice. Some users social network noted that they would be happy with any other heroine. Lesya, in their opinion, behaves too defiantly. Others, on the contrary, considered Ryabtseva an ideal candidate for the title of the artist’s bride.

“I don’t even remember who Lesya is. I can't remember. But he was better with Madina or Dasha,” “I don’t know about you, but I like Lesya. She makes faces, but no one knows what’s inside her, so don’t judge people by the cover!”, “I think Lesya is an unusual girl! At least not a carbon copy, like half of the project participants. And Ilya is not an ordinary comrade,” “But not this... Both Katya and Lesya... It would be better if it was either Dasha Klyukina or Madina,” TV viewers wrote on the microblog.

Interestingly, in an interview, the famous journalist admitted that she did not go to the project for love, even though deep down she believed that it was possible. Lesya believes that her independence interfered with her previous relationships. Having met Ilya, she realized what qualities were really important to her in a partner and noted that she had long dreamed of a family.

“He is very kind, humble, patient, brave and accepting. Ilya really helps me open up, I constantly feel his support, as if he is always there. But ideal people can not be. Ilya's drawback is his huge, open heart, because of this he often suffers. But he is real, which is what people lack so much. “I’m ready to accept a person with all his troubles, as long as he is sincere and not playing someone else’s role imposed by someone,” StarHit quotes Ryabtseva.

25 girls passed the casting and had the opportunity to personally meet the star of “Interns” Ilya Glinnikov. As a result of the selection, the man left only 15 participants who fought for his heart for several weeks. But already from the first issue, the actor’s curious fans dreamed of finding out who would be able to impress the star and get the coveted kiss.

Initially, bets were placed on three girls: the rose of the first impression - Madina, timid Dasha, who went on a first date with Glinnikov, and Snezhana, who managed to interest Ilya in an unusual way. But thanks to a frame that appeared on Instagram, it became known that the bachelor destroyed all the fans’ guesses. The scandalous Lesya Ryabtseva received a tender kiss.

The screenshot shows how the celebrity kisses the project participant, cupping her face with his hands. Judging by the light in the photo, this happened at night. Probably, before this, the young people had a romantic date, after which both felt passion and merged in a kiss.

True, not all subscribers to the community dedicated to “The Bachelor” were delighted with Glinnikov’s choice. Some social network users noted that they would be happy with any other heroine. Lesya, in their opinion, behaves too defiantly. Others, on the contrary, considered Ryabtseva an ideal candidate for the title of the artist’s bride.

“I don’t even remember who Lesya is. I can't remember. But he was better with Madina or Dasha,” “I don’t know about you, but I like Lesya. She makes faces, but no one knows what’s inside her, so don’t judge people by the cover!”, “I think Lesya is an unusual girl! At least not a carbon copy, like half of the project participants. And Ilya is not an ordinary comrade,” “But not this... Both Katya and Lesya... It would be better if it was either Dasha Klyukina or Madina,” TV viewers wrote on the microblog.

Interestingly, in an interview with StarHit, the famous journalist admitted that she did not go to the project for love, even though deep down she believed that it was possible. Lesya believes that her independence interfered with her previous relationships. Having met Ilya, she realized what qualities were really important to her in a partner and noted that she had long dreamed of a family.

“He is very kind, humble, patient, brave and accepting. Ilya really helps me open up, I constantly feel his support, as if he is always there. But there are no ideal people. Ilya's drawback is his huge, open heart, because of this he often suffers. But he is real, which is what people lack so much. I’m ready to accept a person with all his troubles, as long as he is sincere and does not play someone else’s role imposed by someone,” Ryabtseva told StarHit.

Published 04/07/17 23:26

“Bachelor”, season 5, episode dated 04/08/2017: Ilya Glinnikov invited two project participants on a date.

Episode 5 of Season 5 of The Bachelor will feature the first elimination date. The hero of the project, Ilya Glinnikov, decided not to let the conflict between Ekaterina Nikulina and Veronika Murashkina take its course in order to check whether they are ready to make peace or will stand until the last.

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As a result, at the end of the date, Ilya Glinnikov will decide which of the girls will go home. It is known that one participant will wish her rival to go to hell, and the other, left alone with the bachelor, will shock him.

"She just brought my intkbbee world. Something broke inside me,” he admitted after the date.

"The Bachelor", season 5, episode 5: watch online VIDEO announcement

Meanwhile, a frame appeared on the Internet in which Ilya Glinnikov tenderly kisses the scandalous journalist Lesya Ryabtseva. Apparently, this happened during a romantic date. The shot with the kiss shocked fans of the project: many said that the ex-protégé of the editor-in-chief of Echo of Moscow was not the best option for Ilya.

“I don’t even remember who Lesya is. I can’t remember. But he was better off with Madina or Dasha,” “I don’t know about you, but I like Lesya. She makes faces, but no one knows what’s inside her, so Don’t judge people by their cover!”, “It seems to me that Lesya is an unusual girl! At least not a carbon copy, like half of the participants in the project.” “But not this... Like Katya, like Lesya... It would be better. it was either Dasha Klyukina or Madina,” such comments are left by Internet users.

The fifth season of the show “The Bachelor” is in full swing on the TNT channel. Main character project, actor Ilya Glinnikov, and his potential brides came to Sri Lanka. The groom has already gone on several dates and got to know many of the girls better.

In the last episode of the show, Snezhana Samokhina was awarded an individual date. The actor organized the meeting with the girl in the style of the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland.” The blonde did not hide that she was hoping for a kiss and even gave Glinnikov five seconds of permissiveness. However, the artist admitted that he is not yet ready to take this step.

It is possible that Snezhana is simply not the girl Ilya would like to give a kiss to. On the eve of the airing of the new episode of the show, a photo appeared on the Internet in which the actor kisses one of the participants in the project. It turned out that this was journalist Lesya Ryabtseva.

Not all fans of the show were happy about this outcome. Many said that Lesya is not the girl they would like to see next to Glinnikov. In their opinion, Ryabtseva behaves impudently and defiantly.

05 April 2017

Got on the Internet touching moment from a “bachelor” date with one of the participants.

The new hero of the fifth season of the show “The Bachelor” was the actor and ex-lover Aglai Tarasova Ilya Glinnikov. 25 beauties are fighting for the heart of a handsome man. However, many of the girls have already left the project. In an interview former members the show said that after talking with him live, but apparently, one of the potential brides still managed to win the heart of the former “intern.” Today a frame appeared on the Internet where Ilya Glinnikov tenderly kisses the scandalous journalist Lesya Ryabtseva. Judging by the surroundings, everything happened during a romantic date. Having seen the frame, many fans of the project were horrified. According to skeptics, Ryabtseva is not the best option for Glinnikov. However, there were also those who called Lesya an ideal candidate for the actor’s chosen one.

“I don’t even remember who Lesya is. I can't remember. But he was better with Madina or Dasha,” “I don’t know about you, but I like Lesya. She makes faces, but no one knows what’s inside her, so don’t judge people by the cover!”, “I think Lesya is an unusual girl! At least not a carbon copy, like half of the project participants. And Ilya is not an ordinary comrade,” “But not this... Both Katya and Lesya... It would be better if it was either Dasha Klyukina or Madina,” the TV viewers commented on the situation.

Let us remind you that at the casting of the fifth season of the show “The Bachelor,” Lesya Ryabtseva said that she did not come to the project for a relationship. The girl wanted to look at the “inner kitchen” of the program, but apparently, Glinnikov charmed the participant so much that she betrayed her principles.