Subculture golden youth or majors. Youth subculture

  • 18.06.2019

Emo is short for "emotional" - a term meaning special kind hardcore music, based on the crushing strong emotions in the vocalist's voice and the melodic, but sometimes chaotic musical component. Squealing, crying, moaning, whispering, breaking into a scream - distinctive features this style.

Today this style of music is divided into: emocore, emo-rock, cyber-emo, punk-emo, emo-violence, screamo, French-emocore hardcore San Diego, etc. Fans of emo music, identified as a special subculture, are called emo kids . The concept of emo is very common among modern youth. In addition to bright outfits, hair and makeup, these guys have other ways to express themselves. Through music and heightened emotions about everything that happens in their lives.

subculture youth emo

Majora subculture

Majors are the Soviet golden youth of the period of “developed socialism”. IN socially close to yuppies and kogars. Appeared in the late 1970s. The major is not interested in ordinary everyday problems, since all such problems have been solved for him by his parents. He is not short of pocket money. He wears scarce clothes and shoes, can drive his own car (usually owned by one of his parents), and owns foreign-made audio and video equipment. He can spend time at his parents' official dacha, if they are entitled to one according to their rank. Some have the opportunity to travel abroad, including to capitalist states, and live there with their parents.

Among the majors, the position of parents in society and the prospects associated with it are assessed own life and careers. However, it is also appreciated high level performance at school and university. The attitude towards peers from “simple” families is patronizing, condescending or contemptuous, although more often it is indifferent.

St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics

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The concept of subculture and youth subculture.

In a broad sense, subculture is understood as a partial cultural subsystem of the “official” culture, which determines the lifestyle, value hierarchy and mentality of its bearers. That is, a subculture is a subculture or a culture within a culture.

In more in the narrow sense subculture is a system of values, attitudes, behavior patterns and lifestyles of a certain social group that differs from the dominant culture in society, although related to it.

IN modern society There is a significant variety of such subcultures, but in sociology this concept is most often used in the study of youth cultures and deviance. For example, it is believed that delinquent or criminal subcultures have as their task solving the problems of their members, who see in belonging to the subculture some compensation for their “failure in the big society.” Youth cultures, often viewed as deviant, develop through distinctive styles of clothing and music that distinguish them from other members of society. Some researchers view the practice of subcultures as an expression of opposition to the dominant culture. Subcultural attributes, rituals as stable patterns of behavior, as well as values, as a rule, differ from those in the dominant subculture, although they are associated with them. M. Brake that subcultures, as “systems of meanings, ways of expression or lifestyles,” developed social groups, who were in a subordinate position, “in response to dominant systems of meaning: subcultures reflect attempts by such groups to resolve structural contradictions that have arisen in a broader societal context.”

The values ​​of a subculture do not mean a rejection of the national culture accepted by the majority; they reveal only some deviations from it. However, the majority, as a rule, treats the subculture with distrust and disapproval.

Sometimes a group actively develops norms or values ​​that clearly contradict the dominant culture, its content and forms. On the basis of such norms and values, a counterculture is formed

Typology of youth subcultures

There are two types of youth subcultures:



Ingroups are groups with which a young person identifies himself.

Outgroups are groups from which a young person separates himself and feels different.

According to the specific behavior of group members, the following are distinguished:




Prosocial – groups that do not pose a threat to society, are positive and helpful.

Asocial - they criticize some of the foundations of society, but this confrontation is not extreme.

Antisocial - not only criticize social orders and foundations, but also strive to destroy them.

Frolov S.S. proposed the following typology of subcultures:

1. Romantic-escapist subcultures - focused on escaping real life and building their own philosophical systems (hippies, Tolkienists, Indianists, bikers).

2. Anarcho-nihilistic groups - rejection of generally accepted standards, a critical attitude towards many phenomena of life (anarchists, punks).

3. Entertainment-hedonistic – focused on providing leisure time (“golden youth”, ravers, snowboarders, rappers).

4. Criminal subculture - focused on opposition to law and order (goths, skinheads, gangs, gopniks, lubbers).

Characteristics of some subcultures

Hippie subculture– one of the oldest youth subcultures. The movement formed in San Francisco in the mid-60s. XX century as a protest against philistinism. The hippie ideology was based on philosophical teachings associated with the “Jesus movement.” They adhere to pacifist views, profess the idea of ​​“non-resistance to evil through violence,” and are prone to creativity.

Close in many respects to hippies Rastafarians. Rastafari (Rasta) is the religion of the universal Lord Jah (distorted “Jehovah”).

Rastafarians– convinced pacifists, especially protest against racism. Two features confirmed the worldwide nature of the Rasta movement - marijuana and reggae. Rastafarian life also provides for a healthy lifestyle, a ban on tobacco and alcohol, vegetarianism, and art classes. Their symbols are a red-yellow-green “Pacific” cap, pulled over dreadlocks (“dreadlocks”). Rastafarians can often be found in the company of hippies. Speaking about Russia, it should be noted that most young Rastafarians are simply fans of reggae music (this type of music originated in the 60s of the 20th century in Jamaica).

Punks. The punk movement began in the mid-1970s. XX centuries in England during a period of severe economic crisis. The main slogan of punks is “No future!” The philosophy of punks is the philosophy of the “lost generation”, simple to the extreme: in a pigsty it is better to be pigs yourself. They finally decided that it was impossible to change the world for the better, and therefore life and career in the old sense of the word were put to rest. According to their political leanings, punks are considered anarchists. Hence their main symbol is the stylized letter “A”.

The standard punk hairstyle is considered to be a “mohawk” - a strip of long, vertical hair on a cropped head. Punks prefer torn, dirty clothes. Punks are the most avid party-goers, great “specialists” in drinking, drugs, fights - apparently from idleness.

The punk subculture entered the USSR in 1979. One of the first punks were famous St. Petersburg rock musicians Andrei Panov (“Pig”) and Viktor Tsoi.

Gothic originated in the late 70s. XX century on the wave of post-punk. The early goths took a lot from the punks, they looked just like the punks, with the only difference being that the dominant color of clothing and hair was black (with accents of white, red or purple) and silver jewelry. At first, only fans of gothic musical groups were called goths. Gradually, the Goths acquired their own lifestyle, value hierarchy and mentality.

The modern Gothic image is quite complex and varied, it includes clothes, shoes, jewelry, accessories, make-up, and hairstyle. Gothic aesthetics are extremely eclectic in their range of symbols, using both Egyptian, Christian and Celtic symbols. Occult symbolism is quite widely represented - pentagrams, eight-pointed stars (symbols of chaos), symbols of death. The Goths developed their own original style of makeup and manicure. Using makeup or powder, the face is given a deathly pale shade, black eyeliner is applied, and lips and nails can also be tinted black. Black is the dominant color, but other colors are acceptable.

Emo– short for “emotional”, a term that denotes a special type of hardcore music based on the crushing strong emotions in the vocalist's voice and the melodic, but sometimes chaotic musical component. Squealing, crying, moaning, whispering, breaking into a scream are the distinctive features of this style.

Today this style of music is divided into: emocore, emo-rock, cyber-emo, punk-emo, emo-violence, screamo, French-emocore hardcore San Diego, etc. Fans of emo music, identified as a special subculture, are called emo kids . The concept of emo is very common among modern youth. In addition to bright outfits, hair and makeup, these guys have other ways to express themselves. Through music and heightened emotions about everything that happens in their lives.

Majors- Soviet golden youth of the period of “developed socialism”. Socially they are close to yuppies and kogyars. Appeared in the late 1970s. The major is not interested in ordinary everyday problems, since all such problems have been solved for him by his parents. He is not short of pocket money. He wears scarce clothes and shoes, can drive his own car (usually owned by one of his parents), and owns foreign-made audio and video equipment. He can spend time at his parents' official dacha, if they are entitled to one according to their rank. Some have the opportunity to travel abroad, including to capitalist states, and live there with their parents.

Among the majors, the position of parents in society and the associated prospects for their own life and career are assessed. However, a high level of academic performance at school and university is also valued. The attitude towards peers from “simple” families is patronizing, condescending or contemptuous, although more often it is indifferent.

The future of the major is cloudless and does not cause any worries

Yuppie– a youth subculture whose representatives lead an active business lifestyle as an urban professional. Yuppies have high-paying jobs and prefer clothing business style, follow fashion, visit fitness centers. The main criterion for belonging to a “yuppie” is success. A self-respecting yuppie wears a formal suit (preferably a three-piece), woolen and very expensive, does not wear rings on his fingers and does not pin his tie with a ruby ​​pin - this is bad taste. The most he can afford is cufflinks with diamond dust or an antique chronometer “with rehearsal”. But even this is not recommended.

The best way to learn about yuppie life is through the magazines that yuppies publish for themselves. The circulation of these publications is tiny, and they are distributed mainly among their own people.

Hackers– computer users, programmers who adhere to an active, offensive line of behavior in the network space. The targets of hackers' attacks are other people's websites and servers, which they hack and disable. In 1988, the world first experienced the power of one of the most effective hacking tools - a computer virus.

Some experts predict the emergence of a web mafia that will engage in cyber espionage and cyber terrorism. At the same time, hackers as such are opposed to corporatism; they value freedom and self-will above all else.

Hackers are mainly university students and high school students with a focus on physics and mathematics. It is difficult to determine the exact number of hackers, because they communicate primarily through computer networks. In addition, not all hackers recognize themselves as a kind of community with their own values, norms, and specific style.

Extreme sportsmen– those who love life like no other, but are ready to take risks again and again for the sake of an unforgettable feeling of freedom.

Some modern sports that have been promoted in the world since the 50s. XX century, gradually became commonly called extreme. These sports include skateboarding, snowboarding, skydiving, rock climbing, etc. Extreme sports are emerging every day. They are characterized by a high degree of danger to the life and health of the athlete, a large number of acrobatic stunts, and a high level of adrenaline, which is released by the athlete during sports.

Ravers .

"Rave" (from the English rave - to rave, nonsense, incoherent speech, also: to rage, roar, howl, rage, speak with enthusiasm) is interpreted in T. Thorne's Dictionary of Modern Slang as " wild party(a wild party), dancing or a situation of desperate behavior." The source of life guidelines for ravers became musical style, or more precisely, examples of the lifestyle of their idols, musicians. Ravers basically take the behavior model of nightclub regulars. According to this model, the raver's lifestyle is nocturnal. Their appearance and behavior promote man's departure from nature.

Rave - not only music, but also bright synthetic clothes, dyed hair (often exotically colored squares, circles), special earrings, fennies, dance. Their life is pure entertainment. Entertainment - not only discos, drugsand other pleasures, but also cinema, painting, and less often - theater. The ideology of ravers is based on fun and non-interference. They do not believe that their parents should necessarily give them money. They agree to earn extra money, but where they don’t have to work hard to earn their living. In a reputable, prestigious company: for big money - please. This is also one of the expensive lifestyles. It is still very common among young people. Typically, ravers are simply called “party people.” Acid players join the ravers. They also wear exotically bright clothes and hairstyles; they see the meaning of life in entertainment.

Majors .

These are young people who worship English - “pseudo-English”, French - “pseudo-French”. Dressed and shod in what is made in the respective countries.
Using clothing from any other country is frowned upon.

Majors gather near foreign tourist hotels, in places where there are many foreigners. They show off their clothes and are proud of the fact that they are dressed in the latest fashion of the countries where these clothes come from. An enterprising young man who knows 2-3 foreign languages. They are against alcohol and drugs, and many of them are involved in fashionable sports. Punks don't like majors... Clashes often occur between them.

R a s t a m a n s .

Subculture that emerged in the 20s. XX century in Jamaica and has its roots in the syncretic cults of Africa and the Caribbean. Red-yellow-green (colors flag of Ethiopia) berets, hair braided in braids (dreadlocks) - these are the most striking features appearance Rastafarians.

Where did they come from?

Feel free to assert that few of the young Russians who have tried on this style are deeply familiar with the ideology of the national-religious movement of the African-American population of Jamaica, which saw in the Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie a messiah, a kind of collector of “dispersed” immigrants from Africa. In 1930, distant Jamaica represented explosive mixture African sects with names that are difficult to pronounce. Marcus Mosiah Garvey, expelled from the United States, actively preaches the idea that Jesus Christ was black, so we should wait for the coming of a great king from Africa - the savior of the black race.

On November 2, 1930, Prince Tafari Makonen (or Ras Tafari - hence the name of the movement) was crowned Emperor of Ethiopia. Thousands of people found the prophecies to come true. This is how Rastafarianism was born.

Rastafarians believe that everything valuable to humanity originated in Africa. Africa is a paradise on Earth where Rastafarians live, according to the will of the great Jah. They declare war on Babylon (white culture). From their point of view, you can: love people, smoke weed, sit back, understand the meaning of life, tell others about Rastafari, philosophize, play the drums, fight Babylon, wear dreadlocks and listen to reggae; You can’t: eat pork, shellfish, salt, vinegar, fish without scales, cow's milk, smoking tobacco, drinking rum and wine, carrying things from someone else’s shoulder, eating food prepared by others, playing gambling, touch the dead, preach to the unworthy.

  • "Golden Youth"- a common name for young people whose life and future were mainly arranged by their influential or highly paid parents, which is why it became easy and carefree, and they themselves became its burners. Without the support of their parents, they rarely become anything themselves.

  • Close in meaning to the rougher “major”.

  • The expression appeared in France, during the era of the Directory, as the name of certain groups of young people who served as an instrument of reactionary politics.

The most popular educational institutions among "majors".

  • The most popular educational institution is still MGIMO. As the MGIMO students themselves claim, students in one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the country can be divided into several categories:

  • Children of diplomats whose parents will help them make a career. Such boys and girls study in different ways, mostly well.

  • Children and relatives of the business elite, who are already destined for good positions in large, successful corporations.

  • Children without a pedigree, but with a head.

  • The offspring of leaders of Russia and CIS countries, prominent politicians.

Representatives of Russian golden youth and their lifestyle.

    Major is a lifestyle, a certain attitude. Knowledge, as we know, is power, and the major knows better than others that he is the “golden” child of “golden” parents. All this is in his important gait, and in his arrogant look, and mocking smile. His red Renault or black Lexus will never stop in the yard; they will always drive up to the main entrance. This is what he is all about - endlessly demonstrating himself and being impeccable.

  • Impeccable in everything, even in the smallest things: majors write with the most expensive pens, their paper bills are tightly tucked into the most expensive wallets, and their clothes must have the most famous label on them. All this is like a seal: stylish, expensive, do not touch it with your hands.

  • “Open your mouths, take off your headdresses - On daddy’s Volgas there are major boys,” Yuri Shevchuk once sang. Since then, almost nothing has changed: if previously it was prestigious to drive a Volga, today the favorite of the “rich kids” may well be a Mercedes or BMW of the latest model.

    The majors have their own party; there are no and cannot be unfamiliar faces here. Here, those who do not wear an Armani suit, Gucci shoes, Cartier watches and Chanel perfume are looked down upon, and people try not to communicate with them. Money is the main indicator of whether you can become a member of the party. At the same time, the topic of money in itself is closed, but it is money that interests everyone the most. It is interesting not who, with whom and when, but for how much! How much did you tip the waiter, how much did you buy a dress or phone for, how much did your hair and manicure cost? Everyone around is talking about money: an obscenely expensive car, a well-dressed companion, and coffee ordered at a bar.

  • Representatives of the Russian Golden Youth. Vivid examples from opposite strata of society. Find 10 differences: Video

Ksenia Sobchak is one of the most famous socialites of the capital.

  • Ksenia Sobchak is a socialite who casually changes men, diamonds and outfits.

  • Ksyusha became the number 1 figure in the Moscow social scene, and this is virtually an impossible thing for people from other cities who have not been around here for 20 - 30 years. Ksyusha did it in four years. She is a physically strong girl, because to party, you need remarkable endurance: to be in time everywhere where it’s cool, to maintain the pace and at the same time look chic.

Parents are not chosen

  • Majors, of course, have their own age: these are young people under twenty-five. They live off their parents, regularly visit fitness clubs, dine in restaurants, play bowling, and in the morning they take aspirin and complain of a headache from the alcohol they drank at the party the night before.

  • Wealthy parents can give their child all the best, without thinking at all about who will come out of it all. A spoiled child, accustomed from childhood to the fulfillment of any of his desires and whims. Majors consider themselves an elite, they are raised as an elite by secular circles of society. But often they behave in completely inappropriate ways.

  • Many parents understand that a golden child is a good investment. All wealthy people try to invest in their own child. Private schools and universities are opening. Young people are taken abroad to study. This is, of course, very prestigious. It’s hard to imagine that in this situation a leap up the career ladder is not guaranteed.

Kids having fun

    It’s hard to imagine majors at lectures. They, of course, come to the university, but somehow closer to lunch and not at all in order to listen to boring macroeconomics or Greek. The entire university elite gathers at a local cafe, naturally, not the one where you can buy coffee bags and whitewash. It’s as if these establishments with comfortable chairs, clean tables and freshly squeezed orange juice are opened especially for rich boys and girls. This is where the majors hang out, discussing the new spring collection at MaxMara, yesterday's party and Petya's car, which has gone out of fashion.

    So-called closed parties have become increasingly fashionable. When the whole club is filmed for some party. Before dawn, it turns into a place where the entire youth elite gathers. The main thing is to go through face control with the organizer and sponsor of the celebration, receive an invitation, and only then with the security service, which strictly ensures that vacationers are not disturbed by suspicious individuals.

    But there is another side to the coin, a completely different “golden youth”. “Golden” does not depend on the amount of money, but on the amount of intelligence. Excellent students, activists, social activists, well-read boys and girls from the “Smart Men and Women” program - they were the ones who were unlucky in life with mobile phones, cars and expensive clothes. Such “golden youth” are the hope of the country; they only occasionally receive meager scholarships or bonuses from the state.

Rublyovka: "Beverly Hills" of rich Russians

  • As we all know, Rublyovka is the golden cage of Russian millionaires, it is a symbol of success, prosperity, wealth, complacency and elitism. This is the world of the richest men and most luxurious women, the most expensive land and the most luxurious mansions, exquisite cars and exclusive outfits.

  • Rublevka is the unofficial name of the territory west of Moscow (along the Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway). There is no administrative unit with this name and never has been, but the name is widely used both by residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, and by employees of real estate agencies.

  • Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway today is populated not only by officials, but also by simply moneyed people: businessmen, expensive lawyers, artists and other “glamour”. At the suggestion of the Rublev residents themselves (who call themselves the elite of Russia) of Moscow and the Russian elite in general - show business stars, politicians, industrial magnates, etc.

How millionaires live on Rublyovka

  • Anyone with less than $10 million in their accounts becomes almost an outsider on Rublevka: along the highway, located not far from Moscow, luxurious villas stand side by side with other ostentatious buildings. Such trends are relatively new - the few remaining old-timers rub their eyes in surprise, looking at the invasion of the rich.

What's fashionable here?

  • What's fashionable here?

  • Rublyovka differs little in fashion trends from the rest of the world. The world was once fascinated by sushi, and so was Rublyovka. Now the world is passionate about yoga, and there is yoga on Rublyovka. Then sports and diets will become unfashionable... Times will come when an unhealthy lifestyle will return to fashion. The most noticeable change in fashion in Rublyovka is cars. In the 90s, the ultimate dream was the BMW-Z3. Then Bentley came into fashion. But now even a Bentley is not considered chic. They look towards fancy Lamborghinis and especially Maserattis. It used to be considered worthy to fly first class on a foreign airline. Now those who flew first class are flying on their own planes. It's getting more and more expensive to be fashionable.

  • Children:

  • Having solved their financial problems, the Rublevskys finally took care of the children. Closely - so as not to lose another generation. Because the generation of Rublev children, who are now 20 years old, is definitely lost. If a girl knows nothing but Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, Kenzo, this is a lost generation. And there are many of them here.

  • There are no real women left - silicone, Botox, swollen breasts and lips. This is the Rublev standard.

  • On the other hand, women cannot be blamed for having artificial breasts or fat pumping. This is not from a good life. It's all the fault of men who always want something more beautiful. But women are also to blame, believing that only external forms can keep a rich husband or lover.

  • Sochi is not a competitor to Courchevel.

  • Just as a cat becomes attached to its home, so rich Russian people became attached to Courchevel. And Courchevel took advantage of this, lowering the quality of service every year and raising prices. And Sochi can be considered as a fashionable Olympic place only when something is built there

"Golden" youth in Finland

    Finland itself is standard European country with clearly observed rules and pronounced equality. In this country it is very difficult to earn millions and live to the fullest. There are a lot of restrictions here. If you earn a lot of money, you are forced to pay a large percentage of taxes. Illegal business and fraud are very strictly prosecuted by law.

    Representatives of Finnish show business mostly achieve everything themselves, without the help of parents and their money, using only their talent and capabilities, which, unfortunately, is rarely found in Russian show business. The so-called VIP children, as in Russia, i.e. There are practically no golden youth here. There are rich people, but they probably don’t exist as much and as much as in Russia. The Finns themselves don’t want to be rich, and probably an entrepreneur named Matti looks poorer than the American Matthew.

  • In some ways this is good, because in Finland people, and especially young people who do not have a penny to their name, have a large number of opportunities to get out into the world and live a full life.

    Everything in the world is done for the sake of money. Many people believe that happiness is not found in money, many believe that it is in quantity. We draw the following conclusion: money spoils people. Of course, this doesn’t happen to everyone, but to the majority, that’s for sure. A person, becoming rich and famous, becomes fixated on himself, not appreciating simple human happiness. The man from the very early childhood must achieve everything on his own, without relying on the help of his parents and their support. This is how he will fulfill himself in life, as every person should do.

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