Return to native meaning. Meaning of the word penates

  • 24.09.2019

Ov, plural outdated Home, home. Return to native land. □ Sipyagin turned his head with dignity a couple of times, as if examining his privates. Turgenev, Nov. [From lat. Penates - gods of the hearth] Small academic dictionary

  • Penates - (Penates) - the ancient Romans were the gods of household food or pantry (penus = food supplies). They were revered at the hearth and stood close to the cult of Vesta. Since Vesta was the personification of the spiritual family principle, so... encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron
  • penates - orf. penates orthographic dictionary Lopatina
  • PENATS - (penates) - family cults (geniuses) in Other. Rome. See Ancient Roman mythology and religion. Soviet historical encyclopedia
  • penates - PENATES -s; pl. [from lat. Penates - gods of the hearth] Shuttle. Home, home. Return to native land. Dictionary Kuznetsova
  • Penates - I Penates among the ancient Romans were gods - guardians and patrons of the hearth, and then of the entire Roman people. Each family usually had two P., their images were placed near the hearth. State cult... Big Soviet encyclopedia
  • penates - 1. penates pl. Home, home. 2. Penates plural. The gods are the guardians of the hearth and peace (in ancient Roman mythology). Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • penates - noun, number of synonyms: 13 god 375 house 111 hearth 5 spirit 136 blood 12 hearth 19 ashes 10 patron 40 native ashes 4 native blood 6 native hearth 6 family hearth 4 guardian 18 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • penates - Penates, penates, penates, penates, penates, penates Grammar dictionary Zaliznyak
  • Penates - The Romans have guardian gods, patrons of the hearth, family, and then the entire Roman people. Peren. - home, home. Dictionary of cultural studies
  • penates - [lat. Penates] - among the ancient Romans - gods, patrons of the hearth; * native penates - home, home Big dictionary foreign words
  • penates - PENATS, ov (outdated and humorous). Native home, native shelter [on behalf of the penates of the ancient Roman gods, patrons of the hearth]. Return to your native land. Leave family p. Fatherly p. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • PENATES - (Penates, from penus, penetralia - internal, secret part of a dwelling, temple) in Roman mythology, guardian deities. P. are family or “fatherly” guardians of the home and, above all, food supplies; later... Mythological encyclopedia
  • penates - penates pl. "household deities", poet. (Zhukovsky). Through him. Penaten or French. pénates (plural) from Lat. renates. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • PENATES - PENATES - the Romans had guardian gods, patrons of the hearth, family, and then the entire Roman people. IN figuratively- home, home (“return to one’s home”). "PENATY" - museum-estate of the artist I. E. Repin in the village. Repino (b. Large encyclopedic dictionary
  • (Penates Publici Populi Romani). Each family usually had two Penates, images of which, made of wood, clay or stone, were kept in a closed cabinet near the hearth, where all family members gathered.

    The state cult of the Penates - as representatives of public welfare - was in charge of the high priest, who made sacrifices to them in the Temple of Vesta. Both cults were interconnected; not only among the Latins, but among all Italics in general, each city had its own Vesta and its own Penates. In Elea there was a temple of the Penates, according to legend, brought by Aeneas from Troy; it was decorated with statues of two youths with spears.

    It is believed that the word penates derived from penus(pantry) where food supplies were stored. Cicero wrote that it “is derived either from penus- after all, this is what they call everything that people eat, or from the fact that they live inside ( penitus), and for this reason poets also call them Penetrales(Penetrating)". Fest pointed out that the word penus means "a hidden place in the Temple of Vesta, surrounded by curtains." Various opinions of Roman authors about the Penates are given in the work “Against the Pagans” by Arnobius and in the “Saturnalia” of Macrobius. Some of them suggested that "Penates are those gods, thanks to whom we can breathe, thanks to whom we have a body, thanks to whom we have a rational soul."

    Meaning “to return home, to the hearth, home"The expression "return to one's own land" is used. It is a mistake to use the expression “return to the penates.”

    see also

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    Excerpt characterizing Penates

    He got on horseback and rode to Semenovsky.
    In the slowly spreading powder smoke throughout the entire space through which Napoleon was riding, horses and people lay in pools of blood, singly and in heaps. Napoleon and none of his generals had ever seen such horror, such a number of people killed in such a small space. The roar of the guns, which did not stop for ten hours straight and exhausted the ear, gave special significance to the spectacle (like music in living pictures). Napoleon rode to the heights of Semenovsky and through the smoke he saw rows of people in uniforms of colors that were unusual to his eyes. They were Russians.
    The Russians stood in dense ranks behind Semenovsky and the mound, and their guns continually hummed and smoked along their line. There was no more battle. There was an ongoing murder that could lead neither the Russians nor the French anywhere. Napoleon stopped his horse and fell back into that reverie from which Berthier had brought him out; he could not stop the work that was being done in front of him and around him and which was considered to be guided by him and dependent on him, and this work for the first time, due to failure, seemed unnecessary and terrible to him.
    One of the generals who approached Napoleon allowed himself to suggest that he introduce old guard. Ney and Berthier, standing next to Napoleon, looked at each other and smiled contemptuously at the senseless proposal of this general.
    Napoleon lowered his head and was silent for a long time.
    “A huit cent lieux de France je ne ferai pas demolir ma garde, [Three thousand two hundred miles from France, I cannot allow my guard to be defeated.],” he said and, turning his horse, rode back to Shevardin.

    Kutuzov sat, with his gray head drooping and his heavy body slumped, on a carpeted bench, in the very place where Pierre had seen him in the morning. He did not make any orders, but only agreed or disagreed with what was offered to him.
    “Yes, yes, do it,” he responded to various proposals. “Yes, yes, go, my dear, have a look,” he addressed first one or the other of those close to him; or: “No, no, we’d better wait,” he said. He listened to the reports brought to him, gave orders when his subordinates required it; but, listening to the reports, he seemed not to be interested in the meaning of the words of what was said to him, but something else in the expressions of the faces, in the tone of speech of those reporting, interested him. From long-term military experience, he knew and with his senile mind understood that it is impossible for one person to lead hundreds of thousands of people fighting death, and he knew that the fate of the battle is not decided by the orders of the commander-in-chief, not by the place where the troops are stationed, not by the number of guns and killed people, and that elusive force called the spirit of the army, and he watched over this force and led it, as far as it was in his power.

    Di Penates, Penates) - in ancient Roman mythology, guardian gods and patrons of the hearth ( dii familiares), and then the entire Roman people ( Penates Publici Populi Romani). Each family usually had two Penates, images of which, made of wood, clay or stone, were kept in a closed cabinet near the hearth, where all family members gathered.

    The state cult of the Penates - as representatives of public welfare - was in charge of the high priest, who made sacrifices to them in the Temple of Vesta. Both cults were interconnected; not only among the Latins, but among all Italics in general, each city had its own Vesta and its own Penates. In Elea there was a temple of the Penates, according to legend, brought by Aeneas from Troy; it was decorated with statues of two youths with spears.

    It is believed that the word penates derived from penus(pantry) where food supplies were stored. Cicero wrote that it “is derived either from penus- after all, this is what they call everything that people eat, or from the fact that they live inside ( penitus), and for this reason poets also call them Penetrales(Penetrating)". Fest pointed out that the word penus means "a hidden place in the Temple of Vesta, surrounded by curtains." Various opinions of Roman authors about the Penates are given in the work “Against the Pagans” by Arnobius and in the “Saturnalia” of Macrobius. Some of them suggested that "Penates are those gods, thanks to whom we can breathe, thanks to whom we have a body, thanks to whom we have a rational soul."

    In the metaphorical meaning of “returning home, to the hearth, home”, the expression “returning to one’s home” is used.

    There is an opinion that it is erroneous to use the preposition “in” in the expression “return to penates”, since in the borrowing language the word penates means "god, image, idol." There is also an opinion about the admissibility of using the preposition “in” in the expression “return to penates”, since its meaning is used in the form of a metaphor, inheriting declensions. In addition, the meaning of "return to penates" is more authentic to the etymological meaning penates from penus"pantry".



    (Latin from penus - food supplies). Roman household gods are guardians of both individual families and the state.

    Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


    lat. Penates, from penitus, inside. Roman household patron gods; they were attributed beneficial influence on inner life and farming.

    Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


    in the ancient Romans. family gods, represented the souls of deceased ancestors; Sacrifices were made to them, they were revered as guardians of families and households. Now I've used it. in figurative sense; to return to one’s native land is a figurative expression, which means to return home.

    A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


    The Romans had their souls dead.

    ancestors, revered as patron gods of their homes, families and households. Their images were stored every day. family in particular to the shrine near the hearth, where sacrifices were made to them., 1907 .

    Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F.

    (Penates lat.


    1) according to the beliefs of the ancient Romans - guardian gods; people who looked after the well-being of the entire state, as well as guardians of the family and home were revered;

    2) home, home. New dictionary, 2009 .

    foreign words.- by EdwART,


    lat. Penates ] - among the ancient Romans - gods, patrons of the hearth; * native penates - home, home, 2007 .

    foreign words.- by EdwART,

    Large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing House "IDDK" ov, units, unused (Penates m.
    1. Penates). shower
    2. , with a capital letter. In ancient Roman mythology: guardian gods who looked after the well-being of the family and home, the entire state., trans. outdated And joking Home, home..

    Return to your home, 1998 .

    Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language:


      See what "PENATES" are in other dictionaries: - (Penates). Ancient Latin deities, patrons of home and state. Their images were placed in that part of the house that was considered the center of the family, near the hearth in which the fire was constantly burning. All deities included in the Penates...

      Encyclopedia of Mythology From ancient Roman mythology. Penates are gods who, along with other deities (lares), are the patrons of the hearth and home. Returned to his penates, Vladimir Lensky visited the Neighbor’s humble monument. (A.S. Pushkin. Evgeny Onegin, 2,... ... Dictionary winged words

      and expressions Spirit, patron, ashes, house, native shelter, family hearth, native ashes, native hearth, home hearth, keeper, hearth, shelter Dictionary of Russian synonyms. penates, see house 2 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian... ...

      Synonym dictionary Penates - Penates. Relief fragment of the Altar of Peace: Aeneas makes sacrifices in the sanctuary of the Penates. 13 9 BC Rome. Penates. Relief fragment of the Altar of Peace: Aeneas makes sacrifices in the sanctuary of the Penates. 13 9 BC Rome. Penates in the myths of the ancient Romans are guardian gods,... ...

      Encyclopedic Dictionary "World History" PENATES, penates, units. no (book poet. obsolete). Home, hearth, symbolized in the image of the ancient Roman gods, the patrons of the hearth. “Fatherly penates, oh my nurturers!” Batyushkov. “They broke into the defamator’s apartment, and he meant... ...

      foreign words.- by EdwART,- Penates. Relief fragment of the Altar of Peace: Aeneas makes sacrifices in the sanctuary of the Penates. 13 9 BC Rome. PENATES, in Roman mythology, guardian gods, patrons of the hearth, family, and then the entire Roman people. In a figurative sense, home,... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

      In the myths of the ancient Romans, the gods are guardians, patrons of the hearth, family, home, and food supplies. Like the Lares, with which the Penates were sometimes identified, they were a symbol home. The penates of the Roman people were considered one of the main... ... Historical Dictionary

      Domestic gods. Wed. They broke into the defamator's apartment, and he, in view of his domestic penalties, was subjected to corrective punishment... Saltykov. Little nothings of life. Reader. 3. Wed. I came to life when I was dressed in a robe, I made peace again with the abandoned... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

      The Romans have guardian gods, patrons of the hearth, family, and then the entire Roman people. In a figurative sense, home, home (return to one’s home) ...

      Museum estate of the artist I. E. Repin in the village. Repino (formerly Kuokkala), near St. Petersburg. In Penates, where Repin lived in 1899-1930, there is a house, a park with the artist’s grave, and park buildings. The museum opened in 1940 (burnt down in 1944), restored and reopened in... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


    • Penates. Museum-estate of I. E. Repin, E. G. Levenfish. "Penates" is the first museum associated with the life of Repin, a national monument of our people - like Pushkinsky Reserve, Yasnaya Polyana L. N. Tolstoy, the house-museums of A. P. Chekhov in Yalta and P.…

    Synonym dictionary

    penates, units no (book poet. obsolete). Home, hearth, symbolized in the image of the ancient Roman gods, the patrons of the hearth. Fatherly penates, oh my nurturers! Batyushkov. They broke into the defamator's apartment, and he was subjected to corrective punishment in view of his home life. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Sipyagin turned his head with dignity a couple of times, as if examining his privates. Turgenev. return to the penates or to your penates (return home). Returned to his penates, Vladimir Lensky visited his neighbor’s humble monument. Pushkin. (From the Latin plural Penates - household gods, father's house.)

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.

    Synonym dictionary

    Ov (outdated and humorous). Native home, native shelter [on behalf of the Penates - ancient Roman gods, patrons of the hearth]. Return to your native land. Leave family n. Fatherly n. SINGING see sing.

    New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

    Synonym dictionary


    Synonym dictionary

    The gods are the guardians of the hearth and peace (in ancient Roman mythology).


    Synonym dictionary

    Home, home.

    Synonym dictionary

    Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

    The Romans have guardian gods, patrons of the hearth, family, and then the entire Roman people. In a figurative sense - home, home (“return to one’s home”).

    Synonym dictionary

    museum-estate of the artist I. E. Repin in the village. Repino (formerly Kuokkala), near St. Petersburg. In "Penates", where Repin lived in 1899-1930, there is a house, a park with the artist's grave, and park buildings. The museum opened in 1940 (burnt down in 1944), restored and reopened in 1962.

    foreign words.- by EdwART,

    Mythological dictionary

    foreign words.- by EdwART,

    Mythological dictionary(Roman) - ancient Roman guardian deities. P. were divided into domestic and state. Domestic P. were considered the guardians of the home, hearth and food supplies; they were usually placed near the hearth and sacrifices were made to them during family celebrations. Public policies protected the well-being of the Roman people and were considered a guarantee of the invincibility and integrity of the state. According to legend, they were brought by Aeneas from Troy to the city of Lavinium, and then transferred to Rome and placed in the interior of the Temple of Vesta. Wooden or marble figurines of great gods (Jupiter, Vesta, Mercury, Juno, Minerva, etc.), as well as objects considered sacred, were used as P. "Penates", museum-estate of I. E. Repin in the village of Repino (formerly Kuokkala), near Leningrad. Branch of the Leningrad Research Institute. Museum of the USSR Academy of Arts. In "P." the artist lived 1899≈1930; M. Gorky, V. G. Korolenko, A. I. Kuprin, V. V. Mayakovsky, V. V. Stasov, K. I. Chukovsky and others visited here. Museum “P.” (opened in 1940; burned down in 1944; after the Great

    Patriotic War

    1941≈45 restored and re-opened in 1962) includes the artist’s house, park buildings (since 1900) and a park where the grave of I. E. Repin is located. In the exhibition "P." materials about the life and work of Repin, more than 100 of his works, as well as works by B. M. Kustodiev, F. A. Malyavin and others.

    Lit.: “Penates”. Repin Estate Museum. [Guide. Text by E. G. Levenfish, L., 1973].

    • Wikipedia
    • Penates (meanings)

    foreign words.- by EdwART,

    Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F. Penates are guardian gods and patrons of the hearth. dii familiares), and then the entire Roman people ( Penates Publici Populi Romani Penates - Museum-Estate of I.E. Repin in the village of Repino near St. Petersburg.

    The state cult of the Penates - as representatives of public welfare - was in charge of the high priest, who made sacrifices to them in the temple of Vesta. Both cults were interconnected; not only among the Latins, but among all Italics in general, each city had its own Vesta and its own Penates. In Elea there was a temple of the Penates, according to legend, brought by Aeneas from Troy; it was decorated with statues of two young men with spears.

    It is believed that the word penates derived from penus where food supplies were stored. Cicero wrote that it “is derived either from penus- after all, this is what they call everything that people eat, or from the fact that they live inside ( penitus), and for this reason poets also call them Penetrales" Fest pointed out that the word penus means "a hidden place in the Temple of Vesta, surrounded by curtains." Various opinions of Roman authors about the Penates are given in the work “Against the Pagans” by Arnobius and in the “Saturnalia” of Macrobius. Some of them suggested that "Penates are those gods, thanks to whom we can breathe, thanks to whom we have a body, thanks to whom we have a rational soul."

    In the meaning “to return home, to the hearth, home”, the expression “to return to one’s home” is used. It is a mistake to use the expression “return to the penates.”

    Examples of the use of the word penates in literature.

    The princess guessed that the doctor did not value his position in the house and was ready at any moment to exchange the saint’s halo for a valet’s livery in penates, and therefore she strictly ordered all residents of her state not to take their eyes off Gavrila, day or night.

    On Pinda my neighbor, And you hid from the muses, A minute homebody, With penates goodbye!

    Why did you have to go overseas on a wide-winged, many-legged ship, taking with you your laurels and Synonym dictionary, am I here alone?

    With the departure of the young people who were in the habit of visiting this resort, the season at Leamington came to an end, and the widow Gum went to her family for the remaining months of the year. penates.

    And now, when in the middle of the night field she suddenly came to his mind, Bogushevich thought with sadness that it would be nice for him to receive such a pitiful thing from his father’s land, maybe it would lead him faster to his family penates.

    Well, let’s act wisely as Solomon taught: there are certainly legends about Kromeshnik, but everything else is family Synonym dictionary, shelved.

    If Lyadov just wanted to visit his family Synonym dictionary, he wouldn’t attack Nikolaich, right?

    Conscience, however, does not leave us alone, and so we rise from our place, approach the gate, behind which stand those who, due to such an urgent need and far from ordinary reason, needed shelter, and at the sight of the martyr’s face of this unfortunate woman, our hearts ache. woman's heart and we explain in appropriate words the reason for our refusal - the house is full, they say, of people, sons and daughters, grandchildren and granddaughters, sons and daughters-in-law, therefore we cannot provide you with hospitality, but our slave will take you to the cave where we used to raise cattle held, but now it’s empty, and it will be convenient for you - and now, having said all this and listened to the gratitude of these poor fellows, we return to our Synonym dictionary, feeling in the depths of my soul that incomparable peace that only a clear conscience gives.

    Upon final return to home Synonym dictionary It will take a lot of strength to reintroduce yourself into something that you have already gotten used to, and there won’t be any left for any ideas or imagination.

    The ancients had lares and Synonym dictionary, the deities of home, hearth, relatives, Christianity crushed them, civilization sweeps away even the fragments, for in a small-sized house there is no shelter for any brownie, there are no nooks and crannies, no hiding places, everything is bare, open, as if on a deck.

    Of course, it was not only food that attracted Mitya and Pasha to their family Synonym dictionary, and an opportunity to relax and unwind.

    Iul, Anchises the father and the Trojans penates I hand it over to my faithful Companions, having hidden them in the bend of the valley, I myself return to the city in the sparkling armor.

    Report that today at dawn the consul Gnaeus Acerronius, crowned with a laurel wreath, sacrificed penates Rome's ram in front of the temple of Apollo, the people and Servius listened indifferently.

    “Master,” Mahbonai ben-Shuni half-sang, “here you reign, surrounded penates of this house, and in the corners, at a distance from your ephod 13, your envious ones, the gods of Moab and Caphtor and Canaan and Heth and Cush and Mizraim, crowded together.

    There was a teacher from Napoleonic tambour majors, who five days a week lovingly fattened turkeys and piglets on his farm, or snooped around in public places on his own and neighbors’ legal matters, and two days, on a quick fix, fed other people's children with problems from French dialogues and grammar in order to quickly return to their four-legged and two-legged penates, or to the scales of Themis.