A person's appearance. Similar and dissimilar

  • 16.06.2019

Number 6 is the hero of many fairy tales and other oral genres. folk art. People considered this number unlucky and tried to avoid it. However, today, when old superstitions are gradually becoming a thing of the past, it is very interesting for children to study this number, because it is so similar to an inverted nine.

To attract children's attention to studying numbers, use riddles, poems, proverbs, tongue twisters, little rhymes and sayings. No matter what class a child goes to, he will always be interested in looking at photos, pictures and presentations. Coloring can play a big role in the development of fine motor skills.

Photo pictures

An excellent technique for attracting the attention of preschoolers and children who go to 1st grade can be the question: what does the number six look like? The guys may answer that it looks like a nine if you turn it over. What else could a six look like? Let the children express their assumptions, sometimes the most unexpected ones. Such questions stimulate the development of imagination, creative thinking. You can also ask the guys what a Roman numeral looks like. She looks very unusual, and looks like an old woman leaning on a stick.

To make it easier for children to show their imagination and find associations, a picture, photo, presentation will help you, where you will find many objects similar in appearance with the number 6.

Poems, counting rhymes

Floorboards, sayings, tongue twisters, poems, and riddles will be excellent assistants for teachers and parents in working with children. You can download them on our website. Children who go to grades 1-4 can be given a homework assignment to choose a rhyme that involves the number and number 6. Let them select the material and learn it by heart.

Riddles play a huge role in the development of thinking. They represent special kind oral folk art, in which a description of an object or phenomenon is given, and the child must guess what it is about we're talking about. Riddles use a special kind artistic expression, called a metaphor. Riddles about numbers will help kids better remember what the number and number 6 look like.

Proverbs and sayings are also genres of folk art, but they acquire a more edifying character. Proverbs and sayings can be used during the lesson for children who go to grades 1-4 in order to develop speech. Children can be asked to find proverbs and sayings at home that contain the number 6. Such tasks develop independence and thinking skills. It is not without reason that proverbs have become an expression of folk wisdom.

Rhymes, tongue twisters, or poems by modern authors are perfect for developing speech. There are not only folk tongue twisters, but also original ones.

If you take poetry for lessons with kids, then it is better to use poems written by S. Marshak, A. Barto and other famous modern authors. Such poems are created specifically for children.

Visual techniques

Coloring is a great way to get preschoolers interested in learning the number 6. Also, coloring will be useful for children who go to grades 1-4 to develop fine motor skills.

An excellent visual aid for working with children would be a picture, presentation, or photo. Interesting photos can be shown on video, they can also be included in a presentation. The photo could include the number “six” surrounded by objects that kids need to count. The presentation can also be aimed at introducing examples where the number 6 is involved. They need to be solved with a teacher or together with parents. The presentation and photos are on our website: they can be downloaded for free.

How to write correctly?


Number composition

Developmental tasks and recipes

I suggest printing and doing simple and interesting tasks about the number 6.

So what awaits us?

  1. You will need to count 6 multi-colored hearts.
  2. Find the number 6 among the other numbers and circle it.
  3. Count the umbrellas, lightning bolts and monkeys (there will be 6 of them).
  4. Draw a line and find the numbers 6 hidden in the hearts.
  5. Circle the large number 6, starting from the arrow, with different colored pencils.
  6. Draw 6 stars around the moon.
  7. Find the number six in the picture with the bunny and color it.

The tasks themselves about the number six can be downloaded for free here.

Lesson type: a lesson in explaining new material (a lesson in developing initial subject skills and learning skills, mastering new subject skills).

Objective of the lesson: to teach students to recognize and write the number 6.

Lesson objectives.

Educational (subject):

Develop the ability to recognize the number 6 in a symbolic environment (in a series of numbers, letters and symbols);
teach how to correctly write the number 6 and correlate the number of objects with the number (from 1 to 6).



To facilitate the implementation of a trial educational action - searching for the number 6;
create the opportunity to plan your actions together with the teacher in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;
develop the ability of a primary school student to control his activities as he completes a task.


Develop the ability to analyze, compare, contrast and generalize;
help highlight and formulate a cognitive goal;
continue to work on developing the ability to navigate a textbook and notebook for independent work.


Create conditions for educational cooperation with the teacher and peers;
facilitate the interaction of the child with his deskmate;
Help your child argue his or her opinion.

Educational (personal):

To form a motivational basis for educational activities, positive attitude to ku, lesson, understanding the need for teaching;
promote the manifestation of cognitive initiative in helping fellow students (through a system of tasks that orients the primary school student towards helping the heroes of the textbook);
promote independence in different types children's activities.

During the classes

I. Motivation to educational activities.


Smile at each other. Let's, guys, wish everyone peace and goodness. “I give you goodness, you give me goodness, we give goodness to everyone.”

Now wish each other success in teaching this lesson.

What should we remember (what should we discover) in each lesson? (In every lesson we must discover something new for ourselves)

And to notice something new. What skills should you develop in yourself? (Ability to listen, observe, develop your speech)

How do you want our lesson to turn out? (interesting, fun, educational)

It will depend on how we help each other.

II. Understanding learning objectives

1. A task to develop attention, memory and logical thinking.

Guys, during recess I opened the window. winter wind

He flew into our class and erased the numbers from the board using the examples that I prepared for you. Guys, help restore them.

2. A task to develop counting skills (repetition of number composition).

Game “Day and Night”. The numbers are placed in order on the board. The children call them in unison. At the command “night,” they close their eyes, while the numbers on the board are swapped.

I have a question. (Shows a card with a picture of a question). I want to put it here 012345?

What question do you think I have?

What do you think is the topic of today's lesson?

Who knows the answer to this?

Want to test yourself? (The other side of the question is revealed)

So what is the number behind the number 5?

Which number is greater than 5 or 6? Why?

How much more?

III. Exiting the topic of the lesson in co-creation with children.

Guess the riddles:

There's a commotion in the yard,
Peas are falling from the sky.
Nina ate six peas
She now has a sore throat. (hail)

Cheren, but not a raven,
Horned, but not a bull,
Six legs without hooves.
It flies and howls,
If he falls, he digs the ground. (Bug)

What number is used in these riddles? (Six)

Why do you think? (Topic of today's lesson)

IV. Organizing a dialogue with students to learn new knowledge.

What is connected with the number 6 in your life?

Task No. 1

Masha and Misha also saw a beetle..

Open your textbooks on page 58.

Check with your fingers to see if Misha counted the number of legs of the beetle correctly?

How else can you show it? How else? More?

Task No. 2

Let's complete the following task according to the textbook. No. 2. Find the number 6 and put the circles from the set on them. How many are there?

Who else does too?

The teacher shows a card with the number 6.

What does the number 6 look like? Let's “revive” the number 6? Now let's listen to the poetry, what does it look like?

Number six – door lock:
There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.

This figure is an acrobat,
Either a six or a nine.

S. Marshak

Task No. 3

The activity takes students back to exploring the quantitative meaning of the number 6.

What is shown in the pictures?

Find the picture that shows 6 objects. Place a circle on it.

Physical education minute.

Once - rise, stretch,
Two - bend over, straighten up,
Three - three claps in the palm,
Three nods of the head.
Four - arms wider,
Five - wave your arms,
Six - sit quietly at your desk.

Task No. 4

The teacher demonstrates a table of writing numbers.

Consider how the number 6 is written to represent the number six. Explain how to write it correctly.

Explanation. The number 6 consists of two elements: a large left and a small right semi-oval. We begin to write the large left semi-oval slightly below the upper right corner of the cell, round it off, touching the top side of the cell, and draw it down; round it, touching the middle of the bottom side of the cell, and lead it up, round it without touching the right side of the cell, then round it to the left a little above the middle of the cell.

Write down this number (notebook p. 76 No. 1).

Highlight the most beautiful number.

Task No. 5

Remember the fairy tale “About the Kid who could count to ten.”

And right next to the road, in a pen, a big fat Pig was sleeping.

Oink oink oink! Where are you all going? - asked the curious Pig and started jogging after the others.

Then the Kid also counted the Pig.

One is me, two is the Calf, three is the Cow, four is the Bull, five is the Horse, six is ​​the Pig. One two three four five six!

Look at the drawing. Who was the sixth to approach the kid?

How many animals are there in the picture?

Task No. 6

What is drawn?

Find the sixth board on the left on the fence and place a chip on it.

Count out 6 boards from the right and place a chip on each of them.

Exercise for the eyes.

V. Primary consolidation.

Task No. 3

Let's get ready to write the number 6.

I'll open my notebook,
And I’ll put it on an angle.
I, friends, will not hide it from you,
I'm holding the pen correctly.
I'll sit straight, I won't bend
I'll get to work.

Task No. 9

So, let's summarize the lesson.

What should we have learned in the lesson?

Did you cope with the task?

What would you like to tell your parents?

What did you like most about the lesson?

VII. Reflection on learning activities in the classroom.

Draw a magic ruler in the middle of the sheet. united With a green dot, mark the place where you managed to climb today while gaining knowledge in class. Show.

Appendix (Lesson progress as edited by the author)

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Proverbs and sayings about the number 6

I had 6, I have seven left (they say this jokingly to someone who has made a mistake when counting, a gypsy proverb).
Giving, taking, sharing secrets, asking questions, giving treats, accepting treats - these are 6 signs of friendship (ancient Indian).
When 6 women go to mourn, each one cries for her own thing (Kyrgyz).
He has 6 tricks and five deceptions (Tuvan).

Nadyusha has five notebooks,
There are blots in them and a mess.
Nadya needs a draft.
Vasya, first student,
I also gave Nadya a notebook
How many notebooks does she have?

And to my friend Tonya
I had a chance to sit on a pony,
And Tony and his ponies
There were legs right away...
Answer: Six

If the padlock
The proboscis will rise up,
Then we'll see here
Not a lock, but the number six.
We soaked the grain.
It sprouted quickly.
He has a sprout.
With him, grain is like the number 6!

I'll tell you as an example:
The water meter has six legs.
And beetles have six legs,
Bees, flies and moths.

Six looks like an apple:
Same tail, same roundness.
And her sister is a nine.
But, let's take it in order.

Number six-door lock:
There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.

Stop being afraid of the number six!
If there is a mouse tail,
That doesn't mean at all
What the six paws are hiding.

Six is ​​sitting at the table.
There is a pile of cookies in front of her.
Six huge chocolates,
Six transparent gummies,
Six boxes of marshmallows,
Six bottles of kefir.
Six ate everything, stood up,
And then she got stuck in the door!
“Ah,” sighs number Six,
- Apparently, we need to eat less!
Six little mice are laughing at her,
Six bumblebees hover over the number!
- Hey, six, your belly
It definitely won't fit through the door!
To get through this door,
You need to go on a diet!

Six guests came to the Cat,
To chat a little.
Two kittens, two elephants,
Hedgehog and Antoshka.

Number six is ​​the door lock,
On guard day and night.
Once hung on the door,
The beast is not scary at all.
And you also need to know
Likes to welcome six guests.
Six plates, spoons, forks,
Six glasses, six bottles
With lemonade and wine.
Everything is arranged wisely.
Six elegant cups of tea
And pie, so you don't get bored.
Six, as we see, is not a lazy person -
A very nice hostess.

But for what? But for what?
Is the number SIX similar to ours?
Imagine! Imagine!
And give me ideas!
There's something about the letter "B"
Baba, Pants, Blouse
Just a rounder number!
How do you like the load?

Six athletes, six guys,
Puck, sticks, ice, hockey.
The score is 6:6, and again: “Goal!”
Our coach is very angry!

At dawn from SIX yards
SIX cows came out to the meadow.
They will bring you back from the meadow
SIX buckets of milk.

There are six cucumbers on a branch,
We can't eat that much at once.
Let's make a delicious salad,
Let's treat all the kids to it

What does the number six look like?
On my grandfather's phone, that's right.

(G. Vieru)

Number six - door lock:
There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.

(S. Marshak)

This figure is acrobats:
Either a six or a nine.

(V. Danko)

One remarked:
"Zero with a tail."
Another: “With a tail,
But only a cat."
And the third
He was silent for a while.

(F. Daglarja)

To the bagel
Glue it.
But don't you dare eat it.

This is not a pretzel
To eat.
But simply -
Number six!

(V. Bakaldin)


Pythagoras considered 6 an amazing number, since it has a remarkable property: it is obtained by adding or multiplying all the numbers it is divided by. Six is ​​divisible by 1, 2, 3. And if you add or multiply these numbers, you get 6 again: 14-2+3=1x2x3=6. No other number has this property. Want to know what 6 means as a name number?

Gali, Bori, Dasha, Lisa, Igori, Yulia and Tanya! Listen and remember.

How the name number 6 foretells success in business. Great fame awaits you in society thanks to your exceptionally valuable scientific and philosophical discoveries, but on the condition that your words match your deeds. After all, society expects from you not words, but deeds. And your honest, kind, good deeds will lead you to a high goal.

Try not to let us down ancient science and justify her predictions.


Guys, let's keep counting...
Following the top five
Six is ​​coming.
I have a neighbor in my house,
He was six years old.
He is inquisitive, smart,
He doesn't go to school yet
But he knows all the letters.
I read the primer and am very glad.
He told his mother and grandmother:
- I caught up with the first-graders.

(G. Kaytukov)


Look! -
The people are surprised -
Along the path
By myself, by myself
The bouquet is coming.
Amazing bouquet
In school uniform
The satchel is new
Behind the back,
White bow
Over your head...
-Who is this?
- This is ours
Six-year-old Natasha! -
People smile:
- To school The girl is walking!

(S. Pshenichnykh)


Have you heard the good news?
I'll be exactly six soon!
And if a person is six,
And he has notebooks,
And there is a backpack and there is a uniform,
And you can’t count the counting sticks,
And he tries to read,
That means he (or rather, I),
That means he (or rather, I),
He's going to school!

(I. Tokmakova)

I have six servants,
Agile, daring,
And all that I see around is
I know everything from them.

They are at my call
Are in need.
Their names are: How and Why, Who, What,
When and where..

(R. Kipling)

Six kittens are hungry.
Give them porridge with milk,
Let them lap with their tongues,
Because cats
Don't eat from a spoon.


I don't need helpers.
I myself am a whole brigade:
In the first paw there is a trowel,
In the third - a piece of pebble,
And the fourth and sixth
I will mix the solution thick.
And the second and fifth legs
I play the harmonica.
I don't need helpers.
I myself am a whole brigade.

(E. Chapovetsky)


You are a hamster
And you are a ferret.
You are a little bunny, jump and jump.
You are a fox.
You are a marten...
You are a craftswoman beaver.
You are a hunter...
Oh, trouble!
Run away in all directions!

(How many animals did you count?)

I will drink from six springs, I will eat six stacks of grass, I will grow big horns, I will gore all the bulls.


Sasha quickly dries the dryers.
Sasha dried about six of them.
And the old ladies are in a funny hurry
To eat Sasha's sushi.

Praskovya exchanged crucian carp
For three pairs of striped piglets.

(How much is three pairs?)

Polycarp's catch is three crucian carp, three carp.


Six legs, two heads, one tail. Who is this?

(Rider on a horse)

There's a commotion in the yard,
Peas are falling from the sky.
Nina ate six peas
She now has a sore throat.


Cheren, but not a raven,
Horned, but not a bull,
Six legs without hooves.
It flies and buzzes,
If he falls, he digs the ground.


A house without windows and doors,
Like a green chest
There are six chubby children in it
It's called...


Guess what, guys?
What kind of digital acrobat is this?
If it stands on your head,
It will be exactly three more.



The hero stands rich,
Treats all the guys:

Vanya - strawberries,
Tanya - bones,

Mashenka is like a nut,
Petya - russula,

Katya - raspberries,
Vasya - a twig.

(Which hero are we talking about in this riddle? List what the forest can offer.)

Turnip in the ground
She sat down tightly
One can't handle it alone
And behind the old grandfather
The tail is long and stretches.
Everyone came, one by one.
How many are there now?

On a large sofa in a row
Tanina's dolls are sitting:
Two bears, Pinocchio
And cheerful Chippolino,
And a kitten and a baby elephant,
Help Tanya,
Count her toys!

Three and three - add it up, children.
“I can’t,” Andrey replied.
Loudly behind the doors immediately
The dog barked in a row...

(six times.)

One stands like a sentry,
The other one is lying - the grass is overhead.
And four on the sunny edge
They play hide and seek with their ears on top of their heads.
Count it, my friend, do it,
The whole hare cheerful family.

Three big, three small,
Small, remote -
The whole family again.
How many of them are sitting on the stump?

The doll has five elegant dresses.
What should she wear today?
I have some wool for the doll.
I’ll knit it and there will be dresses...


There lived one burbot in the river,
Two ruffs were friends with him.
Three ducks flew to them
Four times a day
And they were taught to count:
One two three four five.

(How many fish and birds are there in total?)

I pull the net and catch fish.
There were quite a few.
Two perch, three crucian carp,
One brush goes into the pot.
I’ll cook fish soup and treat everyone.
How many fish will I boil?

Natasha has a Masha doll.
The teddy bear is from Pasha.
Tanya has a cat.
Zhenya has a nesting doll.
The horse is from Pavlusha.
Ilyusha has the car.

(How many toys are there in total?)

At our Alenka's
Cabbage in a barrel
Cucumbers in a tub
Carrots in the garden.
At our Shark's
Potatoes in a saucepan
Beans on the window
Parsley in the palm.

(How many types of vegetables did you count?)

Arranged by Andryushka
Two rows of toys.
Next to the monkey -
Teddy bear.
Together with the fox -
Bunny oblique.
Following them -
Hedgehog and frog.
How many toys
Did Andryushka arrange it?

Six funny little bears
They rush into the forest for raspberries.
But one kid is tired,
I fell behind my comrades.
Now find the answer:
How many bears are there ahead?

Granny fox gives
Mittens for three grandchildren:
- This is for you for the winter, grandchildren,
Two mittens each.
Take care, don't lose,
Count them all!

Three people are reading. And these two
They draw something carefully.
A problem for a neighbor about a pond
It definitely needs to be decided.

Here's a problem for you, my friend:
How many friends are gathered around?

Six scarves. And two of them
Embroidered with patterns.
How much embroidery do we have left?
We'll do the math soon.

Take one, my friend, a pencil
And put it with the other five in the box.
Now tell me: how much will you give me?
So that there are only three pencils left?

Me, Seryoga, Kolya, Wanda -
Volleyball team.
Zhenya and Igor for now
There are two substitute players.
And when they learn,
How many of us will there be?

There is a steep hill,
There's a big pumpkin on it,
And lower too
Three pumpkins are younger.
And under the hill in the grass
Two more.
Come on, who's to say now?
How many pumpkins do we have in total?

Here's a naughty kitten
He leaned towards the saucer of milk.
Here's another one. He's funny
Seeing the dog through the window.
Here's another one sitting
Quietly guarding the mouse.
My three other kittens
They sleep, purring quietly.
Here's a task for the guys -
Count all the kittens!

One day a few stupid goats
They went into the forest to feed,
And them, of course - what a question! -
The wolves smelled it and found...
There were six of them, these stupid goats,
And here's one Gray wolf carried away
It's sad, of course - what a question! -
But how many goats came home?

Brought by the mother goose
Six children take a walk in the meadow.
All the goslings are like balls.
Three sons, how many daughters?

Two Klavochkas were sitting on a bench,
We divided the pins:
- For you, Klavochka, a pin,
And for me, Klavochka, a pin.
And it turned out for every Klavochka
Three pins each.
How many pins does Klavochka have?

Five puppies
Plus mom-like.
How much will?
Count it!

Why are you limping, bug?
- I hurt my leg on a twig.
Previously on my six
He could crawl very quickly.

(How many legs does the bug crawl on now?)

Quiet evening has fallen
Above the forest path.
The squirrel clicked when we met -
She greeted me.

(How to divide six honey mushrooms in half?)

On a bush in front of the fence
Six bright red tomatoes.
Then four came off,
How much is left on the bush?

One little frog was sitting by the pond,
Two ducks are swimming to no one knows where,
Three fish splashed quietly near the shore
And they dived back into the blue water.

(How many of them are there?)

They flew into the girl's window
Two small birds.
Then follow them at the same time
Four more birds.
Birds fluttered over the table,
They tweeted and sang,
Almost a minute and then
They flew off somewhere.
Back - flutter - through the window,
One, followed by four.
So how long will it be with that girl?
Are there any left in the apartment?

I found it in a squirrel's hollow
Five small hazelnuts.
Here's another one lying
Carefully covered with moss.
What a squirrel! Here's the hostess!
Count all the nuts.

Masha has two cubes,
Natasha has four,
You are all these cubes
Count quickly, children.

Together we set to work,
And the work began to boil.
Let's run after the vine
Gopher with red Fox,
The Hedgehog rolled like a ball,
Squirrel and Laska raced too,
Even Mishka the braggart
Then he jumped into action.

How many animals worked here?
What was the answer?

The old lady decided to bake cheesecakes.
I put out the dough and lit the oven.
The old lady decided to bake cheesecakes,
I completely forgot how many of them are needed.

Two things - for my granddaughter,
Two things - for grandfather,
Two things - for Tanya,
Neighbor's daughters...

I counted and counted and lost my way.
And the stove was completely heated.
Help the old lady -
Count it. cheesecakes.

A squirrel sits on a cart
Sells nuts to friends -
To the fat-fifted bear,
Bunny with a mustache,
To my little fox sister;
Sparrow, titmouse.

(How many animals did you count? List them.)

HUMAN APPEARANCE"One of the most useful
lessons that I
life taught is
that a person always remains
human. If he were Norwegian,
Polynesian, Italian or
Russian, wherever and whenever he is
lived - in stone or atomic
century, under palm trees or near
ice edges. Good and evil,
courage and fear, intelligence and stupidity
do not recognize geographical
boundaries, they exist in everyone
Thor Heyerdahl -
traveler, ethnographer, writer.


The biological species of people differs physically
variety: tall and short, plump and thin, brunettes
and blondes. The further people live from each other, the
more distinctive features in physical form


Scientists have always been interested in what people who lived looked like
Anthropology - the science of origins
many hundreds and even thousands of years ago. After all, then there was no
its evolution
MM. Gerasimov -
Soviet anthropologist,
archaeologist and sculptor,
Doctor of Historical Sciences
(1956). Author of the method
restoration of external
human appearance based on
skeletal remains - yes
called "method
Gerasimov" (approx. 200


Try to determine the age of people
presented in the reconstructions. What features
character do you think they have?


Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) –
naturalist, naturalist,
botanist, doctor, founder
modern biological
taxonomist, creator of the system
flora and fauna,
first president of the Swedish Academy of Sciences (since
1739), foreign honorary member
Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1754). Author
"Systems of Nature" (1735),
"Philosophies of Botany" (1751)
and etc.
The first classification of types of people is Asian,
African, American, European


Race is a historical group
humanity, united origin and
hereditary physical characteristics


1. Skin color
2. Facial features
3. Eye shape
4. Color and type


light or dark skin
straight or wavy soft hair
narrow protruding nose
light eye color
thin lips
To the Caucasoid
race include:
peoples of Eurasia
(Russians, Greeks,
French people,
Hungarians, etc.)


To the Mongoloid
dark or light skin
race include:
straight and fairly coarse hair
Buryats, Japanese,
flattened face shape with noticeable
cheekbones and protruding lips
narrow palpebral fissure
Chinese, etc.


dark skin color
curly, spirally twisted
wide and slightly protruding nose
thick lips
To the Negroid race
peoples of Africa:
(pygmies, bushmen,
Australia, etc.


Races were formed under the influence of natural conditions
territories of their origin. Race is the result
adaptation of the human body to those natural
the conditions in which he had to live. But gradually it
the factor loses its significance.


A striking example of the influence of socio-economic
the course of human development on its race can serve
the process of mixing them.


In our country, the Ural and South Siberian peoples
arose from a mixture of Caucasian and Mongoloid races -
Khanty, Mansi, Nenets, Evenks, Yakuts, etc.



Isolation of some peoples from the rest of the world
(impenetrable jungle, high mountains, distant
islands) helped preserve ancient culture And
originality of appearance.


Racism is a theory that ascribes superiority
or inferiority to a particular racial
or ethnic groups substantiating
the right of some people to dominate others
or reject them.
Racism in Nazi Germany
was elevated to the rank
public policy
and served as an excuse
destruction of inferior
peoples in the occupied


Any person, regardless of race
accessories, is a “product”
genetic inheritance and
social environment.
Stone arrowheads brought
from the most distant ends of the Earth and
belonging to the most distant
antiquity, almost identical to each other.
This fact can only be explained
similarity of inventive and mental
abilities of different races."
C. Darwin


Homework: par. 2
Prepare a report about learned travelers who dedicated their
life of study different nations and tribes.
Find information about famous
figures who fought against racial
oppression (short message)