World Fishing Day. Celebrating World Fisheries Day: when and how World Fisheries Day

  • 06.08.2023

Professional fishing is not a type of active recreation in nature, but hard and serious work of a large number of people. Changing mining methods and the deterioration of the environmental situation in the world required increased attention from the world community to the needs of the industry. This is how World Fishing Day was born, which is joyfully celebrated not only by professionals, but also by amateurs. We invite you to talk about the difficult activities of people engaged in honorable work.

History of the emergence and development of fishing

The traditional occupation of man originated in the ancient Paleolithic era. Tribes living on the banks of reservoirs and not raising livestock obtained their food by fishing. For many centuries, the way of life, tools and religious dogmas were subject to harsh necessity. Fishing was the main occupation of people living in North America, Alaska, the territory of modern Scandinavian countries. Residents of the northern and Far Eastern regions of Russia also fed on sea prey.

Archaeological research has confirmed the invention of the first fishing rod more than fifteen thousand years ago. Until this time, fishermen used primitive means in the form of baskets with ropes and nets.

The first hooks began to be made only in the 3rd millennium BC. Primitive devices were made from animal bone, wood knot, and pieces of iron. Modern devices are made from stainless metal alloys.

Attempts to streamline the ancient occupation appeared in the Middle Ages. For example, in France, fishing was allowed only to noble people, clergy and workers in processing shops. The British have created an extended manual with a detailed description of the types of gear, devices, types of bait and other intricacies of the profession.

Fisheries were later divided into three categories:

  • commercial– large-scale production that has a significant impact on the economic development of the country;
  • consumer– individual fishing for aesthetic pleasure and gastronomic pleasure;
  • sports– international championships for catching certain types of fish, with an approved set of rules, regulations, as well as permitted types of gear.

The record achievements of sports catchers are recorded in international protocols; the winners are documented by personal photos with a catch in their hands.

Goals and objectives of World Fisheries Day

Nowadays, when progress tirelessly moves forward, methods of catching fish have also become more advanced. Unfortunately, some of them have acquired the form of barbaric consumption, when people do not think about the future, but are concerned only with today's result. Illiterate actions and deliberate poaching have led to the fact that many fish species have become under threat of complete extinction.

Another big problem on a global scale is the delimitation of mining areas. The chaotic movement of schools across the vast oceans limits the possibilities of fishermen.

To solve these and many other problems, representatives from different countries periodically meet at symposia on the development and stabilization of the industry. At one of these events in June 1984 in Rome, Italy, it was decided that World Fisheries Day would be celebrated every June 27th. In the calendars of the Russian Federation and several countries of the former USSR there is a similar celebration - Fisherman's Day. The honorary date is celebrated annually on every second Sunday of July.

How is the special day going?

Official trade associations and organizations prepare reports with information about the actual state of the industry. Representatives of government authorities at ceremonial events encourage leaders with awards and valuable prizes.

On the holiday, congratulatory speeches are heard in fishing cooperatives, concerts, competitions, and competitions are organized. This significant date is another opportunity for fishermen to show their talents and skills in fishing competitions.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Today we will talk about such unusual holidays, like World Fisheries Day And Fisherman's Day .

Fishing is one of the most popular human hobbies. Anyone who has at least once rested on a pond with a fishing rod and managed to catch a fish will never forget these emotions.

Fishing is an opportunity to relax, enjoy peace and tranquility, and the joy of communicating with nature.

The process of fishing is very exciting. It’s not for nothing that it most often develops into passion. Only truly passionate people, for the sake of fishing, are able to climb into remote, remote corners, freeze in the cold and get wet in the rain.

Fishing, along with hunting, is one of the most ancient human crafts.

The ancient Egyptians, for example, considered fishing not only a means of obtaining food, but also an exciting entertainment. The ancient Romans considered the process of fishing to be an activity that contributed to the development of observation and insight.

When is Fisherman's Day and World Fisheries Day?

Fisheries Day is celebrated around the world on June 27th. The history of the holiday dates back to 1985, when this international holiday was officially proclaimed.

Well, Fisherman's Day is traditionally celebrated in countries such as Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR on the second Sunday of July. This holiday was established back in 1968.

Fishing today is not just a hobby. This is one of the most common hobbies in the world. Fishermen gather in clubs, communicate on forums, create their own websites and share their experiences. Fishing enthusiasts are increasingly visiting various countries around the world for the sake of a good catch.

Traditionally, these holidays are accompanied by fishing competitions. Here it is important to catch not only as many fish as possible, but also larger ones. Such events bring together both novice fishermen and those with extensive experience. Recently, women can be seen among them.

In many cities this holiday is accompanied by festivities.

These days, it is worth congratulating not only avid fishermen, but also those who have at least once paid attention to this hobby.

We bring to your attention interesting congratulations on Fisherman's Day and World Fisheries Day.

So, Fisherman's Day - congratulations:

World Fisheries Day
We will celebrate together,
On a beautiful fishing day
We can't sit still!

Let's go fishing now
After all, this is so important and necessary for us.
We'll cook the fish and treat the guests -
Colleagues, relatives, acquaintances and friends.

Friend, you and your beloved fishing rod
Ready to sit all day
It is necessary for you
Bring home your catch.

This thing is interesting
Seriously interesting
Hook prey boldly
And skillfully - no question.

On fishing day I wish
I only catch these -
Make sure the fish is big
Enough for three!

You are a fisherman and I am a fisherman,
You and I are colleagues!
We are sitting on the banks
They're strategists!

There's a float under the water
Slowly goes away
Wait a little longer -
The fish leads the line...

I wish, fisherman,
To catch a fish
Please accept my congratulations
Bloom your smile!

The air is fresh and the river
Improves health
Your life will be easy
And full of love!

Well, there's a hook on it.
And, of course, the float...
Going out into nature
Don't forget about them, my friend.

Is it possible on a fishing day?
Sit on the sofa
And even without a break
Do you still watch TV?

And it doesn’t matter if you’re traveling with a friend,
Or will you dream in silence -
Fresh air, enjoy
Breathe deeply.

May luck smile
Your catch will be “noble”
You'll cook fish soup for everyone.
“Nose to the wind”, fisherman!

Happy Fisherman's Day,
We wish you rich catches,
Let the fish in the net go in schools,
May good luck await you on every fishing trip,

So that the gear is in order,
So that the fish themselves swim to you,
Let everything in life be cool,
We wish you an active bite!

We will celebrate Fisherman's Day together
Big fishing family
And we will celebrate this holiday
Everything is outdoors and with fish soup.

And so that the soup tastes better,
Let's pour 100 grams under it
And at that moment we will become more friendly,
And everything around will brighten.

Fate is a fishing villain,
Today you will catch a pike perch,
And tomorrow there will be only glue,
That's why fishing is good.

I'm relaxing fishing
Although I get up at 5 in the morning,
I can't imagine life without her
I need her like air!

Let the catch be rich,
And let your nets not break.
Health, happiness and love
Let them fall on your hook.

We congratulate the fisherman
Happy fishing holiday.
And let's tell everyone: for sure,
The tale of the catch will be honest.

They came up with a great day
For fishing lovers,
If you are a decent fisherman,
With skill and ingenuity,
We wish you happiness
So that there is a huge catch,
So that the miracle gear does not break,
And you were always happy!

I wish you a big catch
And the sky is always clear,
So that they understand you at home,
Congratulations on Fisherman's Day.
Fishing is your whole life,
So let it be successful
Let it carry you mentally upward,
From all problems and dark thoughts.

A fisherman dreams of successful fishing,
About a quiet river and about big fish.
He will catch fish even with a stick,
After all, he loves fishing with all his heart!

Good place, catch with a bucket
And clear skies above your head.
Let the river smile at you warmly,
And the shore will delight you with its beauty.

Fishing rod, spinning rod - our weapon!
On Fisherman's Day, congratulations to my colleagues!
For me there is no entertainment more beautiful...
Do you like to fish? So, our man!

On Fisherman's Day, I heartily congratulate you:
Fishing rod, fish, fish soup, fire,
The squeak of mosquitoes, and vodka, of course...
Anyone who doesn’t understand is far from fishing.

Congratulations to the fisherman!
Let your river roar
To have a lot of fish,
So that the heart doesn't get cold,
To fish for hundreds of years,
Lived without grief and without troubles!

Happy Networking Day!
Fishing and tackle!
More large fish for you,
Be fishing longer!
So that the fish loves you,
She led a round dance in the river!

May you catch a goldfish,
May the net bring her to reality!
The fisherman always dreams of a bite,
Let him fulfill his wish!

Today is a wonderful fisherman's holiday,
Who likes to greet the dawn with a fishing rod,
Congratulations to the sea and fresh fishermen,
So that the fish bites you high five!

Happy Fisherman's Day
We congratulate you!
And from the heart
On this day we wish:

Let your catch
There will be more than necessary
And the fisherman
He will find joy in it!

I love fishing
I catch big fish,
I put it on a hook
Red nimble worm.
And then to the shore
I sit and wait for a bite,
But the fish doesn't come
It floats past a fisherman.
You swim here, fish Ina,
Get into my basket
On a wonderful fisherman's day
There will be a nice soup!

We hasten to congratulate all fishermen:
Near rivers and lakes and other bodies of water;
Let it be work or fun,
We wish you good luck and just luck,
Return home with a great catch,
So that the family loves both in deed and in word,
So that it is for different audiences
More true fishing stories!

To wish you this,
Dear fisherman and man?
Let the secret of a rich catch
It will open for you forever.
A fisherman doesn’t need much:
Fishing rod, water and float.
Suddenly one day a goldfish
Will you get hooked?!

Let the big fish be caught
After all, you are a decent fisherman,
Let the catch be huge
And happiness to you in your personal life!

Fishing is not a hobby
And a great, important skill
May everything work out for you,
Show your top class in fishing!

Congratulations, angler!
Be lucky and healthy!
And I wish with all my heart
Meeting with the golden fish!!!

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it happens where it is felt, where it is expected. A lot has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

World Fisheries Day is celebrated annually around the world on June 27th. World Fisheries Day was first celebrated in 1985. In July 1984, the International Conference on Fisheries Regulation and Development was held in Rome. By her decision, this holiday was established, uniting all fishing lovers.


World Fisheries Day is a truly large-scale event.

Fishing is traditionally considered one of the most popular human hobbies. This hobby provides the opportunity to spend a lot of time in nature and communicate with like-minded people. Moreover, today not only men, but also women are interested in fishing.

The process of fishing is very exciting. From the outside it may not seem very exciting. But once you try it yourself, it’s immediately addictive. Often the passion for fishing develops into an all-consuming passion that is simply impossible to fight.

True fishermen are ready to endure hardships in the form of rain, cold or annoying mosquitoes. They can sit motionless on the shore of a pond for hours waiting for a bite. Many fishermen do not give up their favorite activity even in winter and engage in ice fishing.

Fishing is an excellent way to strengthen spiritual and physical strength. It makes a person more resilient and makes it possible to feel the joy of merging with nature.


The history of fishing has its roots in the distant past. Fishing is one of the oldest forms of human economic activity. Its history began in the Upper Paleolithic era. Many tribes mastered fishing, and it became their main source of livelihood. For example, these include some tribes of northwestern North America. Among pastoral tribes, fishing did not play a special role.

The forms, methods and tools of traditional fishing were quite diverse. Many of them have survived to this day. Fish was then caught using a dam, a net, a basket, a fishing rod, etc.

The first fishing rod was invented 16 thousand years ago. Then it was made from ordinary sticks, and an ordinary vine was used instead of a fishing line. The fishhook first appeared in the Bronze Age. A curved sharpened piece of wood or bone was used as a hook. With the advent of iron, hooks began to be made from it. However, iron rusted from water. Which was not very convenient.

In ancient Egypt, fishing was not only a means of obtaining food. For rich people it was just entertainment. It was in Egypt that fishing nets and nets were invented.

The ancient Romans also loved fishing. They believed that this activity contributed to the development of insight and observation.

In ancient Greece, fishing was treated with disdain, preferring hunting. The Greeks appreciated fishing only in the 5th century. BC e., when they mastered navigation.

During the Middle Ages in France, fishing was regulated by several strict royal decrees. Only organized fishing workshops, priests and aristocrats could fish. Fishing has become an activity for a select circle.

The first treatise on fishing was published in England in 1496. It is noteworthy that it was written by his lady Juliana Berners. It describes various fishing tackles, baits, and fishing techniques. The next work about fishing, entitled “The Angler,” appeared in 1653. After World War II, fishing became a sport and recreational activity.

For many peoples, with the emergence of exchange and trade, fishing gradually became commercial. Then, in modern times, it acquired an industrial character.

Today fishing is widespread throughout the world. Even fishing sports competitions are held regularly in many countries around the world. They are often timed specifically to coincide with World Fisheries Day.

Fishing today

Nowadays, the fishing and fish processing industries have reached enormous scale. They occupy an important place in the structure of the national economy. The work of fishermen is irreplaceable and necessary for all humanity, which simply cannot do without fish and a variety of seafood. All over the world, fishing is divided into industrial and recreational. Industrial fishing is carried out using fishing vessels, trawlers, seiners, crabbers, etc. These modern vessels are equipped with fishing gear such as trawls, special nets and seines. Recreational fishing is carried out using fishing rods and spinning rods, both from the shore and from boats or other floating devices.

Today you can find a huge number of encyclopedias, books, and manuals dedicated to fishing.

Many modern fishermen prefer extreme fishing. There is a variety of gear on sale to suit every taste and budget.

We cordially congratulate everyone on the holiday, World Fisheries Day!

World Fisheries Day is a professional holiday for everyone involved in this area of ​​activity. Among them are amateur and professional fishermen, crews of commercial fishing vessels. Fishery inspectors, students and teachers of educational institutions specializing in water management consider World Fisheries Day. Their friends, relatives, acquaintances and close people join the event.

In Russia in 2019, World Fisheries Day is celebrated annually on June 27 and is being held at an unofficial level for the 35th time.

The purpose of the holiday is to increase the prestige of the profession, appreciation for the work of specialists and their careful attitude towards natural resources.

For the holiday, fishing competitions and cooking fish soup are traditionally held. Seminars and conferences are held.

history of the holiday

The first celebrations took place in 1985. At the International Conference on the Regulation and Development of Fisheries, held in Rome in July 1984, the participants decided to establish a holiday. It was embodied in the form of a document containing recommendations to governments and commercial enterprises on environmental protection and protection of the biological system. The date of action was determined - June 27.

Holiday traditions

Activities in Russia include trips to nature, to reservoirs and fishing competitions. Its participants compete in the amount of prey caught on a hook, its size and weight. The winners are awarded fishing rods, souvenirs, valuable gifts and themed products. World Fisheries Day 2019 is marked by festive feasts. Lovers and colleagues gather along the shores of seas, rivers and lakes. They are joined by friends, relatives, and close people.

Those present cook food over a fire in the open air. One of the most common is fish soup. Traditionally, congratulations, wishes for health and success are heard. Warm words of toasts are completed with the consumption of strong drinks. Fishermen discuss news, share their experience and tell stories from their lives, show gear and talk about places where there is a good bite. Those gathered take photographs for memory.

The media publish materials about fishing rod masters. Fishing footage recorded in picturesque places is shown. News reports sometimes mention a significant event. The holiday is celebrated not only by amateurs who treat the activity as a leisure hobby, but also by professionals whose tasks include maintaining and supporting the fishery.

In many countries, conferences and seminars are held on World Fisheries Day. Their participants give presentations on current topics. Listeners ask questions and offer solutions to pressing problems. Reports are being prepared reflecting the state of the industry and the scale of illegal extraction of water inhabitants. Ways to combat it are proposed, and draft laws are introduced to improve economic relations in this area.

The review of the situation and recommendations made by the United Nations is considered the most significant. It most accurately demonstrates current affairs in the area, helping to improve them.

Daily task

Make a fish menu for this day. Find recipes and cook fish or seafood dishes. Find out about their properties and benefits for the body.


“We congratulate all fishermen and fisherwomen on World Fisheries Day. Let everyone, at least once in their life, catch their own goldfish, which in turn will fulfill all your cherished desires. More fishing spots for you, excellent bite and unreal catch.”

“We congratulate all fishermen on their holiday. May you always have a good bite, at any time of the year. And let everyone be able to proudly tell others about how big a fish they managed to catch, and let the people close to you always understand and support your passion.”

“Happy Fisherman’s Day to everyone who has had the pleasure of fishing at least once in their life. I wish you all to always have time to relax by the river. May you never have bad days, and may the next fish you catch fulfill your deepest wish!


Fishing gear. Fishing gear or a certificate to a specialized store will be a useful and practical gift for a fisherman.

Kazan for fish soup. Fish soup is a favorite dish of fishermen. A cauldron for cooking over a fire will make fishing more enjoyable and comfortable. An alternative gift could be a picnic set or barbecue.

Clothes for outdoor recreation. Warm and waterproof clothing will be a pleasant surprise for the fisherman and will allow him to do what he loves in the most unfavorable weather conditions.

Folding chaise lounge chair. A folding chaise lounge chair will make fishing comfortable and allow you to relax on the shore of the reservoir.


Fish quiz
To hold the competition, you need to prepare in advance a small round aquarium and cards in the form of fish. On the back of the cards you need to write questions or the beginning of sayings about fishing. For example: “If there is no fish, there is no fish,” “You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty,” “If you catch a crucian carp, you will catch a pike,” and so on. Participants in the competition take turns drawing cards and completing the task. For each correct answer, the fish is counted towards the fisherman's catch. To make the competition more interesting, you can add cards with a picture of a tin can or an old shoe. For such a “catch,” the player will have to complete a penalty task: sing a song, tell a joke, make a toast. At the end of the competition, the one with the most loot in his account wins.

The most dexterous fisherman
Participants in the competition are given an improvised fishing rod with a fishing line about 50 cm long. A pencil is attached to the end of the fishing line, and bottles with narrow necks are placed in front of the participants. On command, the fishermen try to hit the bottle with a pencil. The one who completes the task faster wins.

I was born a fisherman
Participants of the competition stand in a line. Each of them must take turns adding the phrase: “I was born a fisherman, I banged my fist loudly, I didn’t catch anything except...”. At the end of the phrase, players add the name of the fish and hit themselves on the chest with their fist. You can't repeat yourself. Anyone who cannot continue the phrase is eliminated from the competition. The last participant remaining wins.

  • The first prototypes of modern fishing rods, according to archaeological research, appeared 30 thousand years ago. Hooks were made from plant thorns, stones or bones. They were tied to a rope made from plant vines or animal tendons.
  • According to the International Sportfishing Association, the heaviest freshwater fish caught was sturgeon weighing 210 kilograms. It was caught by Joy Pallotto off the coast of California.
  • German Walter Kimmerow set a record for the longest cast of tackle. He managed to throw a tackle weighing 30 grams at 176 meters.
  • In the waters of the Amazon there is an electric eel that delivers electric shocks of about 500 volts. Before fishing, local residents drive a herd of cows into the water so that the eels will spend their charge on them.
  • It is common among fishermen to use echo sounders to detect fish at depth. The first devices appeared in 1940 and were used for military purposes. In 1957, the use of echo sounders for fishing became possible.
  • Travel agencies offer their clients fishing safaris, where they can take part in exotic fishing, the main principle of which is: catch and release.

About fishing

Fishermen engage in professional fishing in inland waters, seas and oceans. In their work they use special vessels designed for fishing - trawlers and seiners. They also use special devices - nets, seines and trawls. The caught fish is sent to land for processing. On some fishing vessels, salting and freezing fish production and production of canned food are launched.

The fishing profession requires physical endurance, good health and patience. Fishing depends on weather conditions. Fishermen can spend from several days to months on vessels. This profession involves risk to life, but is well paid. The path to it begins with graduation from a nautical school or technical school.

This holiday in other countries

As in Russia, World Fisheries Day is celebrated on June 27 in Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world.

Fishing is the oldest form of human economy. World Fisheries Day has been celebrated since 1985; the idea of ​​​​establishing this date came from the International Conference on the Regulation and Development of Fisheries. Both professionals and amateurs from any country know what date Fisherman’s Day is celebrated; 27 is celebrated by everyone who is associated with this fascinating process in connection with a hobby or as a result of their work or scientific activities.

Features of the holiday

When Fisherman's Day is celebrated, competitions, competitions, and competitions are organized in industrial cooperatives. Enterprises reward the best employees. Many countries hold training seminars and fishing competitions. Amateur fishermen also do not stay at home, but spend the day on the river bank with a fishing rod. Fun mass competitions are held to see who can catch the most fish by weight or quantity. Fishing can be commercial (industrial), amateur (for oneself) or sport (for recreation and a type of competition). The holiday unites all fishing lovers; joint recreation gives a feeling of special fishing unity.

On this day, representatives of different countries also gather for joint conferences dedicated to problems in the industry, in particular poaching issues.

In most post-Soviet countries there is a similar holiday - Fisherman's Day, which is proclaimed on the second Sunday of July. It was established back in 1968 during the Soviet era. In many cities the holiday is accompanied by mass celebrations.

Fishing makes people more resilient, because often its true admirers suffer hardships in the form of frost, rain, and annoying fish. This activity strengthens spiritual and physical qualities, willpower, and gives a person a feeling of merging with nature.