Anton from the show improvisation. Anton Shastun - biography, personal life, photos, programs, rumors and latest news

  • 23.06.2019

Famous Russian comedian and very handsome man Anton Shastun was born in 1989 in the south of Russia, in the city of Voronezh. He spent his childhood in this city. At school, he was a bright and noticeable personality, thanks to the fact that he actively participated in school matinees and children's theatrical performances. His natural acting talent was noted in elementary school. In high school, Anton had already begun to try himself as a screenwriter - he wrote a program for children's parties, which was approved almost without changes, and also as a stage director in the school theater. And what a surprise his teachers were when, after the final exams, the young man applied to the Faculty of Economics of the Voronezh Agrarian University, where he entered without any problems. The study of boring economic disciplines was diluted by playing KVN. Anton became a member of the student team of the club of cheerful and resourceful people in his 1st year, and in his 3rd year he became captain. Under his leadership, the team performed brilliantly in the city student league and entered the Russian Center League, where they almost immediately became its champion. And this was already a serious bid for success. Anton was already feeling cramped in the KVN student team; he dreamed of TV. But it turned out to be quite difficult for a simple boy from the provinces to get onto the silver screen. Anton came to the program Comedy Battle, where he hoped the star jury would notice him and appreciate his humor. The young man's first performance was more than unsuccessful.

But he did not despair and came to the program a second time. His humor was appreciated, Anton passed qualifying round and several more stages in the fight for Grand Prize, but did not make it to the finals. I had to return to Voronezh. The young man began to earn his living by performing in local nightclubs as a showman. He organized several Stand Up Shows, which were successful with the local public. The talented guy began to be invited to private parties, corporate events and other events as a host and simply as a warm-up. Despite the fact that over time Anton Shastun became well known in Voronezh, his dreams of Moscow and filming on TV did not leave him. He continued to attend fashionable castings and finally received a long-awaited invitation from the TNT channel to take part in the improvisational show “A Controversial Question.” He had to professionally act out the plots invented by the audience. There has never been a show of this format on TV screens in our country. Anton worked on this show for 6 years and earned the love of TV viewers. They began to recognize him on the street, but real success lay ahead of him. A new show “Improvisation” has launched on the TNT channel. Anton Shastun became one of its brightest participants. He works without a pre-prepared script, improvising right on stage. In addition, he often performs in fashionable nightclubs in Moscow and is invited as a host of corporate events and private parties. Anton Shastun's performances are always warmly received by the audience. He is appreciated for his undeniable talent, subtle sense of humor and ability to communicate with the audience.

You can invite or order a performance by a comedy resident for a wedding or your birthday at ProConcert. How much does it cost to organize a comedy event with a popular showman? The cost depends on the format of the celebration, date and location. It will be a little more expensive to invite Anton Shastun as a presenter during the holidays for the whole country, since comedian stars are especially in demand during this period. To find out about Anton Shastun's fee for the holiday, call us.

    The best improviser, in my opinion, is Anton Shastun, the tallest participant in the TV show Improvisation on the TNT channel. And yes, in one of the episodes of the program Anton himself named his height. Shastun's height is as much as 197 cm.

    Despite his height, he copes brilliantly with the improvisation of the Red Room.

    Participant in the show Improvisation on TNT channel Anton Shastun somewhat different from his colleagues in the program. I don’t know about humor, I haven’t had a chance to evaluate the participants from this point of view yet, but his height clearly stands out in the group. Anton is the biggest. His height is 197 centimeters.

    I could play basketball. With such height, players are required for the position of light forward or attacking defender. I wouldn't get lost.

    Few people knew about Anton Shastun before the release of the Improvisation project on the TNT channel. And few people believed that the Improvisation project itself would be delayed for a long time. However, after the first broadcast, the program's ratings were huge. And they grow with every program. As for Anton Shastun, he is one of the most interesting participants. His growth is especially impressive - 197 centimeters (that’s almost 2 meters). In the photo below you can see this very significant difference in height.

    Anton Shastun certainly stands out from the rest of the participants in the Improvisation show. Perhaps his highlight, in addition to his sparkling humor, is also his tall height. Anton himself does not hide this and even named this figure in 1 meter 97 centimeters.

    Anton Shastun immediately attracts attention with his appearance- it’s not so common to meet people whose height is almost two meters - next to Anton, the rest of the quite tall participants in the Improvisation show do not look the most advantageous - he is actually head and shoulders taller than everyone else, because he has grown to 1 meter 97 centimeters, which is also one of his chips.

    Anton Shastun from the Improvisation project stands out from the rest of the participants due to his high growth. Anton, without hiding, said that his height is close to two meters, namely 1 meter 97 centimeters.

    In my opinion, just Anton Shastun stands out in the show Improvisation on the TNT channel not only for his height, but also for his ability to cheerfully improvise, especially in female roles.

    Yesterday, after watching the next episode of Improvisation, I wondered: How tall is Anton Shastun?; answer: 197 centimeters.

    Anton Shastun is a participant in a show called Improvisation. Moreover, Anton Shastun is the tallest participant and many TV viewers are interested in the issue related to his height. So, Anton Shastun’s height is 1 meter 97 centimeters.

    Relatively recently, TNT began showing new comedy show called Improvisation. Naturally, most viewers asked various questions about the participants, and one of them was how tall Anton Shastun is. Anton stands out significantly due to his height compared to other participants - his height is less than 3 cm, two meters or 197 cm.

    Improvisation. The four main participants of this sparkling show are distinguished by their originality. And Anton Shastun, in addition, also stands out noticeably for his very tall height. In one of the programs, he named the figure 197 centimeters.

Participant name: Anton Shastun

Age (birthday): 19.04.1991

Voronezh city

Education: State Agrarian University named after. Peter the Great, Faculty of Economics and Management

Job: show performer Improvisation

Family: not married

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Anton Shastun was born and raised in the city of Voronezh. After graduation high school the young man went to enter the State Agrarian University named after Peter the Great, which easily submitted to him. In his interviews, the young man said that he would not have been able to sit at work in the office and if he had not started doing humor, he would have dreamed of making it in football, because he long years in love with this sport.

As a springboard for obtaining future profession Shastun chose the Faculty of Economics and Management. Since childhood, Anton was distinguished by an extraordinary sense of humor, at school he himself wrote jokes, and his idol from childhood was the actor and comedian Jim Carrey. He began to develop as a comedian at the university, in the team of the Cheerful and Resourceful “BV” Club. Very quickly the young man became the captain of the team and under his leadership it became the champions of the Russian Center League “Start”.

At the moment when Shastun finished studying and playing in KVN, he was faced with the acute question of what to do next. AND future artist I chose humor and television, and work in these areas was carried out in two cities at once! In Voronezh, Anton began performing in the improvisation show “Disputed Question”.

Anton Shastun was well remembered by the audience as its youngest participant. In Moscow, he tried several times to get into the “ Comedy Club"through the selection process that took place in the Comedy Battle project.

The first attempt completely failed and did not even go on air, but the second, in 2013, became a breakthrough. The young man easily passed several rounds and “fell” only before the final. And here and there Shastun is known as an excellent actor of the stand-up genre. As a result, Anton’s talent as a comedian did not go unnoticed, the young man was invited to new project TNT channel "".

Together with another Voronezh colleague, the young man embarked on this unprecedented project and has now become known throughout the country. Artistic and talented team, consisting of four heroes (Anton Shastun, Arseny Popov, Sergey Matvienko and Dmitry Pozov), together with the host Pavel Volya and celebrity guests, regularly delights regular viewers of the TNT channel.

Also, the artists of the Improvisation show themselves take part in other shows on TNT as guests., and also delight fans from the regions with their live performances. The Improvisation tour in Russian cities is in great demand and is a huge success. So popularity allowed the artist to become the face of advertising, for example, in 2018 you can see an advertisement for Tizin with Anton Shastun.

About the personal life of a young man for a long time did not tell. Anton Shastun admits that he puts too much effort on stage and does not have the strength to build relationships. But fans believe that this is temporary.

According to rumors, the young man has a girlfriend, her name is Irina Kuznetsova and she, like Shastun, is from Voronezh. Irina works on television and does not like to publish photos with her chosen one on social networks. However, on the Internet you can find great amount fanfiction about Anton Shastun and Irina Kuznetsova. Young people don’t really hide their relationship, but they don’t share photos together with your subscribers.

Photo by Anton

Anton constantly posts selfies and photos from filming on Instagram.

When to joke, and when it’s better to remain silent, how to break up with a girl and make a person laugh: Anton Shastun, a participant in the “Improvisation” show on TNT, told us.

Does your mother call you some kind of affectionate word that makes you ashamed in front of your friends?

No, and never did. They always called me Antosha, Antoshenka, just a diminutive and I’m not ashamed of it.

What about the girls?

Girls also don’t call them any kind words, cat, bear, or bunny. They probably don’t associate me with an animal, and maybe that’s offensive.

How to make someone laugh at your jokes if they don't find it funny?

You just need to become the boss for this person, and he will laugh at all the jokes.

Do you allow yourself to joke with a girl in bed?

If you lie with a girl and just watch TV, then of course yes. But if it’s in the process, then no, if we both laugh at my jokes, nothing good will come of it.

What phrase can be said both in bed and at a family dinner?

Real jam. You just need to say it in different intonations.

What do you need to do to make a girl leave you?

Here I am not an adviser at all, I really don’t know how to lie. And here you need to lie something like: “I’m actually a specialist. agent who carried out the task, it’s time for me to return,” or “I’m an astronaut and I need to fly to another planet for 16 years,” or something simple - “I’m gay,” or better yet, say everything at once, she’ll think you’re crazy herself will leave.

How should you break up?

I'm a wimp in this regard. I say we need to break up, then the question follows: “Why?” And then I start: “Well, blah, blah, blah,” the main thing is to mumble something, mumble confidently, and it will lead somewhere.

Why are not you married?

I don't want. It’s too early for me, and I already have a lot of rings on my hands, and I don’t even have anywhere to hang another one.

On the show “Improvisation” you get shocked, which of your colleagues don’t you mind sending to play?

I don't feel sorry for anyone. Let them all play, let them all: Arseny, Dima, Seryozha and Pasha play with them. The main thing is that I don’t play! By the way, in the new season of the show, TNT viewers will see new improvisations. One of them is “Strange Restaurant”. Star Guest will guess the name of the establishment based on clues from one of the comedians.

How would you portray your favorite restaurant?

I would say: “Free cash desk”!

What should you do to appear smarter?

You just need to be silent. It's mysterious to be silent. This is a proven scheme, believe me: remain mysteriously silent and answer everything in monosyllables. Everyone will think, “Wow, he knows something.”

Have you ever borrowed money and never paid it back?

No, this has never happened, but if I owe money to anyone reading this interview, then I will pay it. It seems like I always gave to everyone.

How much do you earn?

I earn good money, but I absolutely do not know how to handle money. I spend them very thoughtlessly, I can buy very expensive stupidity.

Dear stupidity, is this normal?

For example, I recently walked into a children's construction store and there was a Darth Vader figurine, and I thought, “Oh, how cool.” I bought it, but it was expensive. Now it just sits on the shelf.

Do not miss! Starting August 10, new episodes of the show “Improvisation” are waiting for us. By the way, a special message for fans: the show has moved from Friday to Thursday at 22:00! Anton Shastun often stars in other TNT projects; soon he can be seen in one of the episodes of the new show “SOYUZ Studio”. And on September 16, a concert of the “Improvisation” show will take place at the Vegas City Hall.

Why are you the most popular actor“Improvisation” on social networks?

Hard to tell. It seems to me because I look younger than everyone else. And just younger and fresher than these three old men. But seriously, I don’t know. Somehow it happened that way. I didn't do anything specifically for this. Maybe it really is due to age. After all, the audience is such social networks, like Instagram and VKontakte, are young and very young people. So we decided that it was better to subscribe to a guy who always feels 18.

If you hadn't become a comedian, what would you have been?

I probably wouldn't be able to work in an office. Sedentary work is definitely not for me. My diploma says “manager”. But I would make a very bad manager. I enjoy performing in front of people. Perhaps I would try my hand at something other than humor. I also like football. I love this sport. I would love to be a football player. But as the coach told me at the first and last training session of my life: “Football is too much for you. quick view sport".

Who is the most funny man in Russia right now? In the world?

It's difficult to single out just one. There are many people who can be equaled in humor: Pavel Volya, Garik Martirosyan, Ivan Urgant, Ruslan Bely. Two more people stand out for me - Misha Galustyan and Garik Kharlamov. It’s difficult for me to adequately evaluate them, because everything they do is funny to me. As for the whole world, I have always had one idol. This is Jim Carrey. He's the funniest!

The secret of success for girls?

There is no secret. Moreover, I don't think I'm using any incredible success from the opposite sex. Sometimes someone writes something, someone says something. But no more than my colleagues, for example.

Our funniest editor is also from Voronezh. Why does Voronezh give the world funny people?

I don’t know this. And I’m surprised by this too. Maybe because Voronezh is a very student city. We have many universities, and they also love humor very much. There are two official KVN leagues in our city. At the same time, for a long time there were few comedians from Voronezh who became widely known. Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely became the first. And then somehow it burst. Nowadays, a lot of people from Voronezh not only perform on stage, but also work behind the scenes. Including the project “Improvisation”.

The hardest part about coming up with jokes?

For me, as a participant in the Improvisation show, the main thing is to have time to come up with and tell a joke before my partner suggests something new and it’s too late. If we talk about pre-prepared humor, the most difficult thing for me and my colleagues has always been to come up with the idea for a miniature. Or Stand Up, for example. This took a huge amount of time. And when the idea is thought up, and it’s good, then jokes will be written into it quickly and easily.

Who do you test jokes on?

We test our jokes on the audience who came to our concert or filming. This is the beauty of such a genre as improvisation. There are no “material checks” or “edits.” You're standing on stage in front of a crowd of people, your partner said something to you, and you need to make a joke. Right here and now. You joke and you get it instant reaction, appreciation for your joke. Funny - well done! It's not funny - keep working!

By the way:

Thanks to the project, the genre of improvisational comedy in just a few years grew into a whole movement that captured the whole country, and its regular participants - Anton Shastun, Arseny Popov, Sergey Matvienko and Dmitry Pozov- upgraded your skills to the highest level. Nowadays, guys can make a witty joke on any given topic without hesitation, because they are the best in their business.