What Soviet schoolchildren read. From Harry Potter to Kafka: how literature is studied in schools around the world

  • 30.04.2019

The study of foreign literature in elementary and high school as a means of forming communicative universal actions (from work experience).

Litvinova E. A., teacher of Russian language and literature

MOU secondary school No. 84 Central region Volgograd

H.G. Wells, who visited Russia in 1920, wrote: “In this incomprehensible Russia, at war, cold, hungry, experiencing endless hardships, a literary undertaking is being carried out, unthinkable now in rich England and rich America ... hundreds of people are working on translations, books , translated by them, are printed and will be able to give the new Russia such an acquaintance with world literature, which is inaccessible to any other people.

In Soviet times, the study of foreign literature was given great importance. So, the program of the senior classes in 1927 was built according to the epochs of style. Each topic, from grade VIII, covered some important stage in the development of literature. We must pay tribute to the consistency with which the People's Commissariat of Education included Western classics in the school curriculum of those years.

In subsequent years, the increase in program material did not make it possible to restore foreign literature to its former volume. The quantitative reduction of the material has given rise to a misconception about the place and significance of world literature in the system of secondary education in general.

Thus, the most important direction of teaching Western European literature at school should be the study of its monuments in direct connection with Russian literature, since the latter did not develop in isolation from the world literary process, but was its organic part.

Russian literature has been included in the European literary process since about mid-eighteenth century, and already in the XIX century. it is impossible to imagine Russian and European literature isolated from each other. It is worth noting that the Russian classics themselves understood this well.

In one of the recently published letters of K. I. Chukovsky to V. A. Kaverin there is an important observation: “Let's not forget that Dostoevsky knew two foreign languages ​​perfectly, Turgenev - three, Herzen - four, Tolstoy - five, and all the literature in these languages they have studied the originals.” And not without reason, K. I. Chukovsky concludes from this: “All of them are great writers because they were introduced to world culture.”

In connection with the foregoing, some features of the study of the work of foreign writers at school should be emphasized.

With a sparing selection of names, it is very important to make a concentrated, rich use of the time allotted by the program and, first of all, to consider such questions that cannot be posed on the material of only Russian literature. After all, the task is not for schoolchildren to receive extra information, remember five more names and learn the content of five more works.

These names are designed to help introduce students to the world historical and literary process, to make them feel some broad patterns, so that everything learned in the lessons about Russian literature fits into this process. The study of foreign authors should be arranged in such a way that it becomes obvious to everyone - both teacher and student - that without these five names there will be an impoverished understanding of schoolchildren about literature in general. As a result of these lessons, a new concept of "world literature" will be learned.

Therefore, the very structure of a lesson on the work of a Western writer should be fundamentally different from the usual scheme of a lesson on Russian literature. The lesson should be aimed at solving the main problem formulated above - familiarization with the concept of world literature.

Now let's turn to the content of the lesson. What to study?

It should be noted that foreign literature is interesting for students, however, this is, first of all, even the most active and inquisitive students have information about modern foreign literature very fragmentary and largely random. Many have read S. Lem, R. Tolkien, R. Zelazny, K. Simak, but might not have heard of B. Brecht. You also need to take into account the fact that with special interest the guys read works where the fate of their peers is affected.

So, I finish the study of literature in the 5th grade with a quiz lesson based on Mark Twain's novel "Tom Sawyer". The lesson involves preparation. I divide the class into 4 groups, and I try to do it according to the list. Further, I propose to choose a captain in each group, since they will have to play for the team in the spelling contest (I propose to write complex names from the novel). 2 weeks before the lesson, I suggest that each group choose an excerpt from the work for dramatization. As a rule, the lesson does not go smoothly. Since students are just learning to work in groups. Therefore, I invite them to evaluate the performance competition themselves and express their point of view: what they liked and why, whose performance was more interesting. But the most important thing is still a conversation about their peer Tom Sawyer, his adventures, about good and evil, about love, friendship, nobility.

In the 6th grade, in addition to the proposed works, I conduct a lesson on the story of D. London "Where the paths diverge." It is not always possible for students to answer the question: is Hitchcock right in rescuing a girl from a tribe and thereby putting his friends in danger. I put this question beforehand for consideration. As a rule, the class is divided into two groups, those who condemn Hitchcock, and those who consider his act to be right. I help each group in advance to formulate their pros and cons of Hitchcock's act and to formulate their questions to each group. During the discussion, I try tocTi them to a single solution. I help the guys to find out that the argument and the discussion are not the same thing. Discussion is a process that changes under the influence new information. Be sure to follow the rules of the discussion.

In this form I conduct a lesson in the 6th grade based on the novel by Cervantes "Don Quixote". I bring up the question for discussion: "Who is he, Don Quixote - a madman or a sage?" No less interesting and controversial for sixth graders is the question of whether Matteo Falcone did the right thing by killing his ten-year-old son, Fortunato, for treason.

In the 9th grade, a lesson on studying the tragedy "Hamlet" by Shakespeare can be held as a debate and discuss the questions: What is the character of Hamlet? Do you consider him a strong or weak-willed, active or passive person? Does Hamlet love Ophelia? If he loves, then why does he behave so strangely with her? Also, problematic issues can be proposed for discussion when studying Goethe's Faust. Why does Mephistopheles consider Margarita a sinner, whose place is in hell, and the Voice from above justifies her? How does Mephistopheles make you feel? If sympathy, then why? Explain the meaning of the "Prologue in the Theatre". What requirements for the theater and dramaturgy does Goethe put into the mouths of his interlocutors? Which of them do you think is right?

The works of foreign literature, and above all "Faust", allow us to more fully reveal the concept of convention in art. Schoolchildren, who paid most attention to realistic works, were accustomed to highly appreciate the persuasiveness of motivation (for example, social conditions, psychological situations, etc.), usually dealt with a consistent depiction of the course of events, and therefore with a more or less accurate depiction of the passage of time and correlation of historical time with events in the life of the hero. In Faust they will meet with a conventional time and a conventional place of action; here the motivations will also be different (in comparison with the motivations in the literature of the 19th century), the characters and circumstances here are to a certain extent conditional.

The foreign section of the program leads us to the origins of "eternal images" - Hamlet, Faust, and if we recall what was passed in the 6th grade, then to Don Quixote.

Literature in 11th gradeXXin. Scientific and pedagogical approach to the study of multifaceted literature different countries of the world should manifest itself in the fact that it will be presented to students as an example of creativity that does not have complete analogies in Russian literature.

With the smallest amount of information, this will help students to join the artistic world of other peoples, to understand that artistic consciousness is not standard, that there are different ways of aesthetic exploration of reality. On the other hand, students should also feel the common features of all the wonderful works of world literature: humanistic orientation, imagery, the desire to cover the problems of their time.

In my opinion, it is more expedient after studying the literature of the Silver Age to get acquainted with the work of F. Kafka, Remarque and Hemingway. When studying F. Kafka's novel "The Metamorphosis", I offer 4 groups 4 different points of view on the "transformation" of Gregor Samza: D. Zatonsky, A.V. Karelsky, V. Nabokov and Daniel Burt. I suggest that each group choose the wording with which they agree, to argue their answer. As a result of the discussion, we come to the conclusion that all 4 reading options are possible, since the symbol-metaphor is always polysemantic and involves many interpretations.

It goes without saying that acquaintance with the work of several Western European writers in the classroom does not solve the problem of familiarizing schoolchildren with the treasures of world literature. Therefore, it is very important that these lessons are supplemented by a whole series of activities, primarily on the organization of extracurricular reading. It is necessary that the design of the school literature classroom should include the presence of world classics.

A useful form of familiarization with world literature is the holding of evenings associated with the next anniversaries.

Much has been written about the enormous merits of the project method, in which the student himself obtains information, selects the most significant, sets goals, and so on. At the same time, the teacher becomes the organizer of joint work with students, facilitating the transition to real cooperation in the course of mastering knowledge. During the study of foreign literature, I propose such a form of the project as a cover for a book. Covers can be created individually or in pairs. Usually these are the final lessons in which students learn to defend their work. I use many covers in handwritten books. So, together with the students, they worked on the handwritten book “Through the Pages of Favorite Books”, where a considerable share was occupied by works of foreign literature. In addition to covers, such a project as creating a poster is interesting. In the 8th grade, I give two weeks for such work after reading the comedy-ballet by J.-B. Molière "The tradesman in the nobility." Before such work, we usually consider well-known posters using the resources of the Internet, or I suggest that students independently consider the posters of the Youth Theater, the Youth Theater. That is, work is underway on what the poster should contain.

Working on a personal project, students have the opportunity to realize a cognitive motive by choosing topics related to their hobbies. So, in the 8th grade, a student prepared a computer presentation about Japan (a lesson on the study of haiku). These can be presentations about the life of Goethe, Shakespeare, and so on. In the 11th grade, for a lesson on creativity, F. Kafka offered to make a slide show about painting at the beginning of the 20th century.

Thus, the study of foreign classics and modern foreign writers opens up great opportunities for expanding the theoretical horizons of schoolchildren, helps to raise the level of understanding of literature as an art, and will undoubtedly create the basis for a deeper understanding of native literature, which is an integral part of the world literary process. And this approach is enshrined in the "Concept of School Philological Education", which refers to the importance of studying, along with domestic classics, works of foreign literature.

Discussions about literature lessons in Russian school are carried out constantly. Recently, officials called for the return of “literature” to schools and now they are discussing with renewed vigor what to read to children and what should be included in this very “canon”. And what do high school students read at literature lessons in schools around the world? It turns out that most Western countries There isn't even an item with that name. But there is a "native language" and "literature".

For those who work at school and love their profession very much

Germany. Interpret, debate, defend

In Germany, the “native language” school curriculum is developed at the regional level - each federal state can have its own. Children in German schools read less than in Russian, but in more depth. They start with modern works, and then they study the classics. Composition - the final part of a large preliminary work development writing. This is how the German translator Vera Komarova, who, together with her daughter, moved from Moscow to one of the villages in Bavaria, spoke about studying literature in Germany.

Classics in schools begin to be read from the 8th grade. “From grade 9 they read Goethe and Schiller, as well as Hoffmann, Buchner, Lessing, Fontane, Storm, Hauptmann, Schnitzler, Kafka, Brecht,” lists Komarov. - Modern authors, of course, also exist: Frisch, Suskind, Timm, Kelmann, Schlink, Grass.

From the 9th grade, German students must read Goethe

In essays on read works, the main thing is not knowledge of the content or biography of the writer, but the ability to interpret what is read, clearly express one's thoughts, lead a discussion, and defend one's point of view. “In the gymnasium, the texts being studied become more difficult from year to year,” says Komarova. - Letter (private and official), report, minutes, newspaper article, public speech, report or presentation. schoolchildren explore literary means, with the help of which they are created, they try to write something similar themselves.

France. The main thing is style

A huge role in the fact that the French managed to preserve their culture “was played by the absence of self-digging, self-condemnation, which is customary for Russians, a reverent and creative attitude towards the national cultural tradition,” Vasily Knyazev said on the pages of the September 1 newspaper. “This respect, along with a readiness for dialogue, is brought up in France from the school bench,” he writes. “Lessons of literature in the French school are important precisely because they fit a person into the context of language and culture.”

The Ministry of Education quite strictly regulates the list of literature for exams, but teachers themselves form the program. In France, as in Germany, the personality of the author of the work is not put at the forefront. The emphasis is on the style and language of the book. “Already at the first lessons in college, children are given the task: to finish the passage in the style of Moliere, in the style of Racine, in the style of Voltaire,” says Knyazev.

In the senior classes, emphasis is placed on the philological analysis of works. At the same time, the teachers' works, fundamental in terms of volume, are left at the mercy of the students - if they want, they will read it. And you can evaluate the elegance of literature by excerpts or small works.

In French colleges, children are given the task of completing a passage in the style of Voltaire.

“French teachers say that they are especially pleased when students show a sense of language, interest and attraction to the beauty of expression,” writes the author of the publication. - For example, a boy or a girl says: “Georges Simenon? Françoise Sagan? Well, maybe it's interesting, but it's badly written. You stumble over every word." And instead of reading detective stories from the "black series" or romance novels, recites Ronsard and du Bellay".

In addition, schoolchildren, like their peers in neighboring Germany, analyze parliamentary debates and records of old radio broadcasts. Literature lessons in French schools are often formed on certain topics: “Description of oneself”, “Declaration of love”, “City”, “Irony”. “My daughter in the last grade had, for example, the topic “Liberty of morals” (Libertinage), during the study of which they read excerpts from “Dangerous Liaisons” and the works of de Sade,” Alla Yarkho, who taught for several years, quotes “September 1” at the Sorbonne.

United Kingdom. TOAD and OWL

National Curriculum - this is the name of the document regulating the program schooling In Great Britain. It is compiled by the government of England and adjusted every few years. The plan does not contain specific instructions, only "necessary skills and knowledge." Among them, for example: “at least one play by Shakespeare, one novel XIX century, published anywhere, and one work of fiction or drama written after 1914 in the British Isles.

There are no literature textbooks in the UK either. What to read to the student, the teacher decides

“The curriculum says that children “should appreciate the depth and power of English literary heritage, - writes Natalia Lizorkina on Ucheba.ru. - Therefore, teachers are advised to pay attention to the classics, non-fiction authors and journalistic texts. Shakespeare for the British, as for us - Pushkin, that is, "our everything", a special emphasis is placed on his plays.

“In literature, you need to write term papers about Shakespeare, about military poetry, about the play and short stories,” a Russian woman who studied in England shared her memories with Novaya Gazeta. - It's not very easy because of the language barrier. But you should not be afraid, because the English themselves do not understand the language of Shakespeare.

The British have a wide choice of literature - it can be Shakespeare with Dickens, and JK Rowling

However, schoolchildren are taught to learn to write, think, analyze with lower grades, that's what the emphasis is on. “Immediately after learning the alphabet, schoolchildren write essays,” Tatyana Bogacheva, whose grandson is studying in England, told Gazeta.ru. - First about myself, about my family. Dima wrote fairy tales at the age of seven. The teacher tells how to build a plot, how to describe the characters and the scene, how to make the text expressive, what kind of ligaments there are.

Reading, in addition, is presented as a pleasure, hence the breadth of the choice of literature - it can be Shakespeare with Dickens, or JK Rowling with Harry Potter. They don’t force you to cram anything, and even during the exam you can take books with you, based on which topics are set. Exams, by the way, are just the same TOAD and OWL from Hogwarts. In the real world, they are called GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and GCE (General Certificate of Education).

USA. 10 books and 10 criteria

"Teachers have a responsibility to consider the diversity of worldviews of their students," reads a preview of the recommended reading list for Polk County Public Schools. This list is formed before August 31 of each year, and it must contain at least 10 books selected according to 10 criteria. The recommended list is large: it includes dozens of authors and works. The authors are mostly American or British. But there is also Pasternak, and Tolstoy, and Turgenev, and Dostoevsky. And also Remarque, Poe, Moliere, Le Guin, Kafka, Homer, Hugo.

In addition to American or British authors, students in the US also read Pasternak, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoyevsky.

In addition to being well-written and recommended by leading American libraries, the book should, in its content, reveal fundamental themes for humanity and the individual, inspire and enlighten its readers. LiveJournal user hettie_lz talks about how literature is studied in an American school. Hetty was born and raised in St. Petersburg, and then moved overseas. In the village of Palatine, Illinois, near Chicago, three of her children studied. To “finish school somehow,” she writes, you need at least four years of studying English, which, in addition to the language itself, also includes literature. And in order to enter a “normal college”, a graduate must meet several requirements. For example, "to read and understand literary works relating to different eras, societies and ideological directions," as well as "to be able to express one's thoughts in writing on various topics." In addition, you need to "be able to listen and speak effectively in different situations" and "know the language to the extent necessary to receive and transmit a variety of information."

Japan. Structurization of thoughts

“The Japanese school cultivates the national spirit of the Japanese, forms appropriate moral standards in its pupils, lays down and develops traits of a national character in them,” says Vladimir Pronnikov and Ivan Ladanov in the chapter devoted to education in the book “Japanese: Ethnopsychological Essays”. Interestingly, the school year in Japan begins in the spring, on April 1st. The country has a unified educational and methodological manual. According to him, second-graders, for example, should "listen with admiration to reading children's story and fairy tales; understand the development of events when listening to a short story; convey the content of what he heard in his own words, isolating the main idea; be able to speak in front of the whole class; when retelling, observe the sequence of presentation; understand the questions on the content of the listened to and answer them.

Classical Literature is a subject that appears in the curriculum of the general education department of the secondary school of the second level (kotto gako) for girls and boys aged 15 to 18 years. “There are no analogues in Japanese literature studied at school, and there is no emphasis on long grandiose epics such as Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace,” Yuri Panchul writes in his LiveJournal (his wife studied at a Japanese school). “The Japanese are introverts, so the most significant (from the point of view of the Japanese public) novels consist in the gradual structuring of the thoughts of the characters.”

Although the textbooks different schools may be different, but there is something in common. For example, everyone reads “Kokoro” (“Heart”) by the writer Natsume Soseke. Everyone also reads Rashomon by Akutagawa, filmed in 1950 by Kurasawa. “The key thought-maker and writer-philosopher is considered by modern Japanese to be Yukishi Fukuzawa,” writes Panchul. Modern authors (XX-XXI century) also teach: Mukoda Kuniko, Haruki Murakami, Shiba Ryotaro, Seicho Matsumoto.

The course "Foreign Literature" is an integrated program that includes elements of such academic disciplines as "Literature" and "Foreign Language". This course is designed for one year of study in grades 9-11 in the humanities and philology to introduce students to the Western cultural space of Europe and the USA in accordance with the norms and values ​​of an open society.

The regional content of the course is designed to complete the formation of the idea of ​​world literature among high school students. Students get acquainted with factual information about the literature of foreign-speaking countries in different historical periods.

Acquaintance with the culture of foreign countries is based on the constant comparison of the acquired knowledge with knowledge about one's own country, oneself. As a result, a kind of dialogue of cultures takes place, which contributes to unification, rapprochement, development of understanding and good attitude towards the country, its people and traditions. Comparison also requires students to show their own opinion, their own active life position on any issue, which in turn stimulates and motivates the desire to constantly increase and deepen the amount of knowledge about their own country and other countries.

Home task of the educational aspect of the program"Foreign Literature" is the systematization, generalization and further consolidation of the material in the academic disciplines "Literature" and "Foreign Language", as well as preparing students for exams in accordance with the requirements of the state standard.

In the field of reading, the task is to improve the three most common types of reading: reading with a general content coverage, reading with a detailed reading comprehension, search reading. Reading is taught on the basis of authentic texts that correspond to the age interests of students.

Due to the fact that training is based on translated and authentic texts of a different nature, great importance is attached to the independent reference of students to the linguistic and regional reference book, the tasks of which include: firstly, to expand the general educational horizons of students when familiarizing them with regional information, and secondly, to form a need and develop the ability to use reference literature such as lexicons, encyclopedic dictionaries, thereby stimulating the cognitive activity of students.

This elective course is designed for work in grades 9-11. Classes are held once a week for one year. Lectures, practical (seminar) classes and ongoing monitoring of students' reading are expected. The course is designed for 32 hours and ends with a credit.

General concepts used in the study of the course

  1. The concept of literature as the art of the word, enshrined in writing.
  2. Types of Literature. Epos, poetry and drama. Their differences depend on the position of the author in relation to the depicted material. Various genre forms within genera. Novel, story, short story, short story, epic poem, fable, aphorism in epic. Comedy and tragedy in drama. Lyric poem, a poem in lyrics.
  3. An artistic image, a trope is a special form of reflection of reality, a “magic crystal” (A.S. Pushkin), which transforms the phenomenon of life. The concept of metaphor and epithet.
  4. The theme of the work as its concentrated content. The idea is the main idea of ​​the work.
  5. Construction of a work of art. The concept of composition, plot, climax and denouement. The plot as a "chain of causes and effects" (B.V. Tomashevsky).
  6. The concept of classicism, baroque, romanticism, realism, modernism.

In the course of studying the course "Foreign Literature", students form a concise dictionary of basic literary terms and supplement it with examples in the process of listening to the course. For example, the theme of Homer's Iliad is the Trojan War. "Wrath of Achilles" and the consequences of this anger. The idea is the priority of the public over the personal. Love for the motherland is higher than selfish interests.

Course program

Theme Classes, h
theory practice Total
1. Literature of Antiquity 1 2 3
2. Literature of the Middle Ages 2 2 4
3. Transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance 1 2 3
4. Rebirth 2 3 5
5. Literature of the 17th century 1 2 3
6. Literature of the 18th century 1 2 3
7. Romanticism in European and American Literature 1 3 4
8. Realism in European Literature 1 2 3
9. Modernism in the literature of the XX century 2 2 4
Total 12 20 32

1. 1) Literature as an art form. A thousand-year history of the written form of the art of the word. The oldest literary monuments of the East and West. The concept of myth and epic. The Iliad by Homer is a classic example of an epic. - 3 hours.
2) Medieval literature of Western Europe. Heroic epic. Romance. Urban literature - 3 hours.

2. Literature of the Renaissance. General characteristics of the Renaissance. Dante Alighieri as the last poet of the Middle Ages and the first poet of modern times. Features of the Renaissance in Italy ("The Decameron" by G. Boccaccio, the sonnets of Petrarch), England (the work of W. Shakespeare), France (the novel by F. Rabelais "Gargantua and Pantagruel"), Spain (the novel "Don Quixote" by M. de Cervantes) - 5 o'clock.

3. Seventeenth century in European countries. Baroque and Classicism. The triumph of absolutism in France. French theater of the 17th century. Molière's comedies - 3 hours.

4. General characteristics of the Enlightenment in Western Europe and North America. The ideology of the Enlightenment as a reaction to the feudal system. Enlightenment as the ideological basis of the War of Independence 1775-1783. The revolutionary character of the Enlightenment in France. English educational novel by D. Defoe and J. Swift. Philosophical story of M.A. Voltaire J.J. Rousseau and Russoism. The Sturm und Drang movement in Germany. Creativity I.V. Goethe and F. Schiller - 3 hours.

5. Literature of the first third of the 19th century. Romanticism as an artistic method and style. Socio-methodological prerequisites for the emergence of a romantic direction and its national characteristics England, France, Germany, Italy. J. Byron and Byronism. Historical novel by W. Scott and W. Hugo. Romantic poetry and drama. Germany is a classic country of romanticism. Tales of E.T.A. Hoffmann - 4 hours.

6. Realistic conditioning of a person by the social environment in the literature of the 19th century. The concept of a typical hero in typical circumstances. Realistic principles of plot construction, depiction of a person and living conditions. O. de Balzac - the creator of the "Human Comedy", the father of the social novel. The story of a young man in the novel "Father Goriot". - 3 hours.

7. Modernism in the literature of the 20th century. Depiction of the gap between the spiritual experience of the individual and the course of social life. features of postmodernism. English novel of the 20th century - 1 hour.

8. The creative path of B. Shaw. The concept of "intellectual drama". Discussion, paradox, grotesque in "unpleasant plays" Shaw - 1 hour.

9. Creativity G. Wells. Socio-philosophical fantasy. The main themes of the novel "The Invisible Man" - 1 hour.
Socio-philosophical novel by W. Golding. Symbolism and parable beginning - 1 hour.

10. Postmodernism in English literature. aesthetic bases. The principle of the game. The artistic originality of the novel "The French Lieutenant's Woman" by Fowles - 1 hour.

11. Detective in modern English literature. Features of the genre, composition. System of images - 1 hour.

12. The main trends in the development of English-language science fiction. Problematics and artistic originality. The nature of psychologism in the novel by S. King " Green Mile". Features of the dystopian genre. Creativity of R. Bradbury - 2 hours.

  1. Vasiliev K.B. The English Tutor. English tutor. Textbook for English. Book 2: British Literature. – M.: Intellect-Centre, 2001.
  2. Grekhnev V.A. Verbal image and literary work. The book for the teacher. Nizhny Novgorod, 1997.
  3. Brief dictionary of literary terms. Book for students. Any edition.
  4. Literary encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1987.
  5. Encyclopedia for children. World Literature. Volume 15. Part 1,2. - Moscow.: Avanta +, 2001

List of references for the course

  1. Legends and myths of ancient Greece.
  2. Homer. Iliad.
  3. Song of Roland.
  4. Song and the Nibelungs.
  5. Bedier J. Tristan and Isolde.
  6. Dante A. Divine Comedy. Hell.
  7. Rabelais F. Gargantua and Pantagruel (books 1-2)
  8. Shakespeare W. Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Sonnets. Twelfth Night.
  9. Boccaccio J. Decameron. (optional)
  10. Cervantes M. Don Quixote. (book 1)
  11. Corneille P. Seed.
  12. Moliere J.-B. Tradesman in the nobility. Tartuffe.
  13. Volter M.A. Candide.
  14. Swift J. Gulliver's Travels.
  15. Defoe D. Robinson Crusoe.
  16. Goethe I.-V. Faust. The suffering of young Werther.
  17. Schiller F. Intrigue and love.
  18. Hoffman E.T.A. Golden pot.
  19. Hugo V. Notre Dame Cathedral.
  20. Scott W. Ivanhoe.
  21. Byron J.G. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage.
  22. Balzac O.de. Gobsek. Father Goriot.
  23. Dickens C. Oliver Twist.
  24. According to E.A. Crow. Novels.
  25. Twain M. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Novels.
  26. Saint-Exupery A. de. The little Prince.
  27. Kafka F. Transformation.
  28. Show B. Plays.
  29. Wells G. The Invisible Man.
  30. Golding W. Lord of the Flies.
  31. Christie A. Detectives (selection).
  32. Fowles. French lieutenant's woman.
  33. Kinga S. The Green Mile.

The school curriculum in literature complies with the "Mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs", includes a basic component of literary education, ensures the implementation of state standards.
This program is a continuation of the elementary school program "Reading and Primary literary education”(authors R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva) and together with her compose a description of the continuous course “Reading and Literature” (grades 1–11).
In general, the program is focused on the "Concept of Modernization Russian education”, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation, recognizing the spiritual and moral value of literature as a priority for a student - a future citizen of his country, who loves his people, language and culture and respects the traditions and culture of other peoples. The main distinguishing feature of the program is that the study of literature as an aesthetic and national-historical phenomenon is seen not so much as the goal of teaching, but as a means of harmonious development of the individual.
From here the purpose of literary education in primary, secondary and high school is defined as the education of a literate competent reader, a person who has a strong habit of reading and the need for it as a means of knowing the world and himself, a person with a high level of linguistic culture, a culture of feelings and thinking.
The competence of the reader assumes:
- the ability to fully perceive literary works in the context of the spiritual values ​​of national and world artistic culture;
- readiness for independent communication with a work of art, for a dialogue with the author through the text;
- mastering the system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject; development of speech, intellectual and creative abilities;
- mastering through the subject of literature ideas about the world that contribute to the successful social adaptation of students.
In accordance with the goal set, literary education is understood as the development of literature in the process of creative reading activity.
The purpose of literary education determines its tasks:
1. Maintain the interest in reading that developed in elementary school, form the spiritual and intellectual need to read.
2. To ensure the general and literary development of the student, a deep understanding of works of art of various levels of complexity.
3. Preserve and enrich the experience of a variety of reader experiences, develop the emotional culture of the student reader.
4. Provide comprehension of literature as a verbal art form, teach to acquire and systematize knowledge about literature, writers, and their works.
5. To ensure the development of basic aesthetic and literary-theoretical concepts as conditions for the full perception, interpretation of a literary text.
6. To develop the aesthetic taste of students as the basis of independent reading activity, as a guideline for moral choice.
7. Develop functional literacy (the ability of students to freely use reading and writing skills to obtain textual information, the ability to use various types of reading).
8. Develop a sense of language, skills of coherent speech, speech culture.
In the program for grades 5–8, works “for textual study” and “for review study” are distinguished. This approach allows, while maintaining a large "author's circle"*, to avoid overloading students, to use in practice the personally oriented minimax principle (with the maximum proposed by the authors, the student must master a certain minimum). When recommending approaches to the study, the significance of a particular work for revealing the main idea of ​​the section, the course as a whole, its artistic and aesthetic value for students of this age were taken into account. It is assumed that works “for textual study” are considered in many ways, in different aspects (content, literary criticism, cultural studies, etc.). Works "for review study" are read and discussed primarily in terms of content in accordance with the needs and abilities of students. It is important that the text, read from a certain point of view, can later be analyzed from a different position.

* Works for textual and survey study within one section are combined according to the degree of study (for the convenience of the teacher's work with the program). Such a division of texts sometimes violates the logic of constructing a topic, a section in educational books. The teacher needs to focus on the sequence of texts in educational books.

In the case of offering a number of works of equal complexity and volume “for review study”, the teacher has the right to choose the text in accordance with the abilities and interests of students, their own reading preferences. If the work is not included in the "Mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs", the teacher also has the right to independently determine the nature of work with the text (textual study or review). At the same time, it is unacceptable to consider all texts that are not included in the "Mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs" only in the review.
This program also provides for the organization of independent home (out-of-class) reading of students. Recommendations for home reading are given in textbooks. The main feature of independent reading is that students in grades 5–8 read new works by the authors of this section, other chapters of texts studied in a review*, which allows them to implement the principle of a holistic perception of a work of art. In addition, for home independent reading, there are also works by other authors, combined common theme, genre, problem. When working with works for home reading, the choice of the author, the volume of reading remains with the students. Texts taken out for home reading are optional for each student to read, and their discussion in the classroom is possible. This program does not provide for special hours for extracurricular reading lessons, since the program and textbooks offer a sufficient amount of works that are not included in the mandatory minimum and ensure the expansion of the reader's horizons of students. At the same time, the teacher has the right to allocate hours for extracurricular reading lessons (at the rate of one lesson after studying the works of a certain section).

Structure and content of the program

The program is designed in accordance with the structure of the secondary school: grades 1–4, grades 5–9, grades 10–11. The content of the program at the basic and senior levels of education is determined by the range of interests of students, the general aesthetic value of a work of art, and educational standards in literature. Orientation of program sections for grades 5–8 First of all, the age-related reading interests and opportunities of students explain its significant update compared to the current programs.
The basis for the selection of texts for reading and comprehension, the following general criteria:
– compliance with the high spiritual and aesthetic standards of humanitarian education;
- the emotional value of the work;
- reliance on the reading experience of students, on the achievements of the previous stage of literary development.
Also, when selecting texts, one of the following was taken into account criteria:
– national pedagogical tradition of referring to this work;
- the ability of the work to appeal to the life experience of students;
- psychological and intellectual capabilities, interests and problems of students of a certain age group.
The following stages of literary education of schoolchildren:
5th-6th grades- gradual transition from literary reading to the comprehension of literature as an art form, which ensures the continuity of the system of literary education in primary and secondary schools. Students read adventure, fantasy, detective, mystical, historical literature, works about their peers, animals, nature, get an idea of literary genres and genres. Main learning goals: 1) the formation of a personal attitude to what is read; 2) comprehension of literature as a verbal form of art on the material of works that take into account the interests of students of this age group.
7th-8th grades- the period of development of the reading culture of students: their life and artistic experience expands and deepens; acquaintance with the diversity of the life content of literature and the biographies of writers contributes to the comprehension of the content of literature and the forms of its display, affects the development of the individual, and contributes to the emotional perception of a work of art, which is studied as a verbal art form. The circle of reading is changing: in the center of the program are works of moral and ethical themes that raise issues relevant to the teenager. Information on the theory of literature is being studied, explaining to students how a person can be depicted in fiction. Main educational goals: 1) development of the ability to interpret a literary text based on the personal perception of the work; 2) understanding the specifics of a work of literature as a verbal art form.
9th grade- Completion of literary education according to the concentric system; essays on the history of native literature, the study of creative biographies of individual writers. Elective courses (special courses, courses of students' choice) are provided, which makes it possible to put into practice the idea of ​​pre-profile education. Main educational goals: 1) the formation of emotional and valuable experience in the development of fiction; 2) awareness of the aesthetic value of a literary text and its place in the history of Russian literature.
10th-11th grades- multi-level specialized study of literature in the historical and literary (general education course in accordance with the "Mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs", profile course) and functional aspects (elective courses). Main educational goals: 1) comprehension of the writer's artistic world, the moral and aesthetic value of his works; 2) the inclusion of a literary text in the historical and literary process.

In the program and the textbooks implementing it, the texts Russian writers different eras side by side with texts foreign writers, which makes it possible to show the place of Russian literature in the global spiritual space, to identify the general patterns of development of the literary process. In addition, significant changes taking place in society today require adequate reflection in the content of literary education. Removal of ideological evaluative clichés, presentation of various, sometimes opposing positions - such an approach to the selection of the content of the program contributes to the formation of a competent reader who is aware of the diversity of life positions, able to understand a different point of view, ready to adapt to modern, constantly changing reality. All this allows you to make the study of literature motivated, and learning problematic. With the same purpose in the textbooks of the 5th-8th cells. introduced "through" characters, author's texts; in the textbooks of the 7th-11th grade. the material is presented in a problematic way.
The titles of the textbooks reflect the content dominant, focused on the cognitive, personal interests of schoolchildren of a certain age:
5th grade- "Step beyond the horizon";
6th grade- "A year after childhood";
7th grade- "The way to the station" I ";
8th grade- "House without walls";
9th grade- "History of your literature."

As the basis for structuring the course, the basic theoretical and literary concepts are traditionally distinguished:

ClassBasic conceptsStructure-forming principle
5 genregenre-thematic
6 genera and genresthematic, genre-generic
7 character - herogenre-generic, thematic
8 literary hero - image - literary processproblem-thematic
9 era - writer - work - readerchronological
10–11 basic level
problem – artwork – reader
10–11 humanitarian profile
process - author - work - writer's artistic world - literary process
historical and literary

Theoretical and literary concepts are included in the annotations to the topics at the stage of initial acquaintance with them. The dynamics of their further study is determined in accordance with the capabilities of students and the artistic objectives of the works in question. We draw the attention of teachers: theoretical and literary concepts are considered as a tool that contributes to the comprehension of a work of art, which does not imply their systematic study. The work on the theory of literature is the basis of the Notebooks on Literature. Basic information is introduced before the beginning of the study of the systematic course (grades 9–11).
The program highlights the section "Development of students' speech", indicates the main content of the work on the development of speech in each class. Line speech development students is simultaneously implemented throughout educational system"School 2100" (courses of Russian language, literature, rhetoric).
The task of developing speech in the course of the Russian language is to master all types of speech activity based on the studied language material; in the course of rhetoric - teaching effective and efficient communication and mastering speech genres; in the course of literature - learning to perceive someone else's statement, transcribing the author's text and compiling one's own in oral and written form.
In the program of each class in the "Development of Speech" section, the types of work are indicated in four lines: 1) transcription of the author's text; 2) reader's interpretation of a literary text (in oral and written form); 3) oral detailed statements and essays on literary and moral and ethical topics; 4) written creative works in different genres.
In accordance with the "Requirements for the level of training of graduates", the program is focused on the development by students of the following skills:
- to see the moral and aesthetic value of a work of art;
- to determine the ethical, moral-philosophical, socio-historical problems of the work;
- to perceive works of various levels of complexity at the semantic and emotional level;
– to perceive and characterize the work as an artistic whole, taking into account its specificity;
- give an interpretation of the studied work on the basis of personal perception;
- use information on the history and theory of literature in the interpretation and evaluation of the studied work of art;
– to understand the relationship of the studied work with the time of its writing (5–8th grade), correlate it with literary trends (8–11th grade), correlate the historical and literary process with social life and culture (9–11th grade class);
- read expressively works of art(from the sheet and by heart);
- competently build detailed reasoned statements of various forms and genres, master all types of retellings;
- perform written works of a different nature, write essays of different genres;
- work with the reference apparatus of the book, various sources of information.
The proposed program can be used both in general education schools and in specialized schools, schools with in-depth study of literature. The program makes it possible to implement the idea of ​​profile education: for high school, general education courses (for non-core classes - 2 hours per week) and advanced levels (for the humanitarian profile - 3-5 hours per week) are offered. 5th grade (102 hours)

Introduction (2 hours)
Literature as the art of the word. Reading and Literature. book and reader. New textbook and its heroes.
Theory of Literature. Literature as an art form.

Part I. What is breathtaking

The impact of a work of art on the emotions and imagination of the reader.
N.S. Gumilev. A poem from the cycle "Captains" (1 hour).
Section 1. Life according to the laws of honor (10 hours).
The world of adventure literature. Heroes living by the laws of honor. What makes the book and its characters immortal.
for textual study.
J. Verne"Children of Captain Grant" (chapters). Selflessness and courage of the heroes of J. Verne.
For review study.
A. Dumas"Three Musketeers" (chapters). The laws of honor by which the heroes of Dumas live.
N.G. Dolinina"Honor and dignity".
Theory of Literature. The concept of adventure literature. Essay as a genre of literature. The concept of a literary hero. The portrait of the hero.
Section 2. Ciphers and treasures (9 hours).
"Laws" of adventure literature.
for textual study.
R.-L. Stevenson"Treasure Island" (chapters). Features of the development of action in adventure literature. The variety of human characters in the novel.
For review study.
E. By"Golden Beetle" (abbreviated).
A.N. Rybakov"Dirk" (chapters). The dynamics of the development of events in an adventure story.
Theory of Literature. Distinctive features of the works of adventure literature. Story, composition.
Section 3. Extreme situations (6 hours).
Heroes and circumstances in life and literature. Moral lessons of adventure literature.
for textual study.
J. London"Love of Life" (abbreviated). Man in single combat with fate.
B.S. Zhitkov"Mechanic of Salerno". Man's responsibility for his actions.
Theory of Literature. Story genre.
Section 4. How we become adults (10 hours).
Thematic and genre diversity of adventure literature. The pathos of liberty and love of freedom in fiction. Big events and small heroes in literature.
for textual study.
V.P. Kataev“The lonely sail turns white” (chapters). The growing up of heroes, the path from adventure games to a harsh life.
M.Yu. Lermontov"Sail". The motive of freedom in the poem M.Yu. Lermontov and stories M. Twain, V. Kataev.
For review study.
M. Twain"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" (chapters).
Theory of Literature. The author and his characters. Writer, author, storyteller.
Section 5. The truth of history and fiction (6 hours).
Historical truth and author's fiction in literature.
for textual study.
A.S. Pushkin"The Song of the Prophetic Oleg". The legend and its interpretation in a work of art.
M.Yu. Lermontov"Borodino". Arrangement of historical fact in artistic narrative.
For review study.
V.A. Kaverin"Two Captains" (chapters). The truth of history and fiction in an adventure novel.
Theory of Literature. The role of fiction in the world of fiction. Legend as a folklore and literary genre. Invention and author's intent. Monologue and dialogue.
Section 6. Romance of the unknown (3 hours).
A dream of beauty and the unknown. Dream and adventure in literature.
for textual study.
Poems about the beautiful and the unknown: A. Blok"Do you remember, in our sleepy bay ...", N. Gumilyov"Giraffe", V. Mayakovsky"Could you?" M. Svetlov"I've never been to a tavern in my life..." D. Samoilov"Fairy tale", V. Berestov"For some reason, in childhood ...".
Theory of Literature. Ways to create artistic expressiveness in poetry. Rhyme and rhythm as signs of poetic speech.

Part II. What can you see with your eyes closed

Fantastic literature and its reader. "The laws" fantasy literature.
Section 1. The world "lost" in us (2 hours).
Science and fantasy in literature. The concept of fantasy literature. Science fiction.
For review study.
A. Conan Doyle"The Lost World" as a work of science fiction.
Theory of Literature. Fantasy. Science fiction.
Section 2. Science and non-science fiction (8 hours).
Fiction as a means of expressing the author's intention. Fantastic worlds in literature. Features of fantasy literature.
Moral problems in fantasy literature. The role of fiction in the world of fiction. Thematic and genre diversity of fantastic literature. Real and fantastic in a work of art.
for textual study.
A. Belyaev"Professor Dowell's Head" (chapters). Responsibility of scientists to humanity.
N.V. Gogol"Portrait". Realistic fantasy as a way of artistic representation.
For review study.
R. Bradbury"And Thunder Rang" (abbreviated). The consequences of human actions for the future.
Theory of Literature. Distinctive features of fantasy literature. The role of artistic detail in the text.
Section 3. Fairy tale and fantasy (7 hours).
Fabulous and fantastic in a work of art. Fantastic in a fairy tale. Relationship between literature and folklore.
for textual study.
A.S. Pushkin"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs". Explicit and implicit fantasy in a magical literary tale.
For review study.
A.S. Pushkin"Ruslan and Ludmila". World of wonders in the poem. Unlike a fairy tale. Theory of Literature. The poem as a literary genre.

Part III. In the labyrinth of events (4 hours)

Detective literature and its reader. Genre diversity of the detective. "Laws" of detective literature.
For review study.
E. By"Murder in the Rue Morgue" (abridged) as a classic detective story.
A. Conan Doyle "The Hunchback". The hero and the second hero in the detective story.
Theory of Literature. The concept of a detective. Features of the plot and composition in the detective story.

Part IV. Me and others (14 hours)

The World of Childhood in Literature. The humanistic nature of works about children. Moral lessons of literature.
for textual study.
V.G. Korolenko"AT bad company"(abbreviated). Lessons of kindness and justice in the story. The fate of the heroes of the story. Means of creating characters of heroes.
MM. Prishvin"Pantry of the sun". Fairy tale. The role of landscape in a work of art.
For review study.
L.A. Kassil"Konduit and Shvambrania" (chapters).
G. Belykh, L. Panteleev"The Republic of Shkid" (chapters).
Fictional country of childhood. The problem of character formation in stories.
V. Rasputin"Mom's gone somewhere." The theme of childhood loneliness.
Poems about children: D. Samoilov"From childhood", N. Zabolotsky"Ugly girl."
Theory of Literature. Story and story. Autobiographical work. Means of creating the character of the hero (portrait, speech characteristics, author's assessment, etc.) Fairy tale and true story. Poems and prose.

Part V. Can't we live without them, or can they live without us? (11 h)

Ethical problems of the relationship between man and nature in literature.
Heroes are animals, their place in fiction. Humanistic pathos of works about animals. Moral lessons of literature about "our smaller brothers".
for textual study.
A.P. Chekhov"Kashtanka"
A.I. Kuprin"Yu-yu" (abbreviated).
For review study.
E. Seton-Thompson"Chink".
J. Durrell"Hounds of Bafut" (excerpt).
K. Capek From a cat's point of view.
Poems about animals: S. Yesenin"Song of the Dog" I. Bunin"Snake", N. Zabolotsky"Horse Face" V. Inber"Setter Jack" B. Zakhoder"In memory of my dog." Theory of Literature. Animation writer. The language of a work of art. Reader's interpretation of a work of art. Poetic intonation, the concept of poetic meter.
Generalization (1 hour).
The world of your reading interests.
The development of speech.
1) Detailed, concise, selective retelling of the text.
2) Review of the book read. An essay is a reflection on a book, a literary hero.
3) An essay-story about a literary hero, a comparative description of two heroes.
4) Writing - imitation, writing a detective story, writing in the form of an essay.
Reading and studying works - 94 hours.
Speech development - 8 hours.

6th grade (102 hours)

Introduction (1 hour).
Becoming a reader. Fiction and non-fiction literature. The role of fiction in human life.
Section 1. Flying over dreams ... (18 hours).
The place of mysticism in the world of fiction. Genre diversity of mystical literature. Mysticism as a way of artistic reflection of reality. Heroes of mystical literature. Ways of depicting a person in epic and dramatic works.
for textual study.
V.A. Zhukovsky. Ballads "Svetlana", "Forest King". An epic beginning in a ballad.
A.S. Pushkin"Demons". Mysticism as a reflection of the inner world of the author.
N.V. Gogol"Christmas Eve". Mysticism and reality in the story.
M. Maeterlinck"Blue Bird" (abbreviated). True and false in human life. Heroes' search for happiness.
For review study.
A.S. Pushkin"Drowned", "Songs Western Slavs"("Ghoul", "Horse").
A.P. Chekhov"Terrible Night"
The origins of the mystical in literature. P. Merimee"Venus of Ill" (abbreviated).
Guy de Maupassant"Orlya" (abbreviated).
Philosophical meaning of the short story and story. Theory of Literature. Mystic. Hoax. Symbol. Dream like artistic technique. Translation and processing of a work of art. Ballad, novella. Types of Literature. Epic (narration) in verse and prose. Drama as a literary genre. Epigraph, its semantic load.
Section 2. Tales for adults (12 hours).
"Eternal" themes in fiction and different forms of their implementation. The role of fairy tales in the life of the reader. The place of fairy tales in the world of fiction. Moral values ​​in fairy tales for adults.
for textual study.
V. Gauf"Little Muck". A fairy tale for children and adults and its "non-childish questions". The construction of a fairy tale (“a story within a story”).
T.-A. Hoffman The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. Moral lessons of fairy tales.
G.-H. Andersen"Mermaid". A tale of selflessness, love and suffering.
For review study.
N.D. Teleshov"White Heron". Appointment of a person and his responsibility to the future.
A.N. Tolstoy"Mermaid". Reflections on the destructive power of love.
M.Yu. Lermontov"Mermaid". Rhythm and sound writing in a poem.
V.V. Veresaev"Competition". Reflections on human beauty.
Theory of Literature.
Types of Literature. The life of a fairy tale in epic and lyrics. Literary tale. Artistic detail in a literary fairy tale. Compositional technique "story within a story".
Section 3. Traces in time (7 p.m.).
Myth. Heroic epic different peoples. Myth, folklore and literature. Epic heroes.
for textual study.
Epics "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber", "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich". Heroes and the language of the Russian epic epic.
For review study.
Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Myths about Hercules.
Homer"Odysseus at the Cyclopes". Life of myths in literature.
G. Longfellow"Song of Hiawatha" (excerpts). Greatness ancient legend. The skill of the author longfellow) and translator ( I. Bunin).
Epos of different peoples.
From the Bashkir folk epic "Ural-batyr".
From the Abkhaz legends about Narts.
From the Kyrgyz epic Manas.
From the Yakut epic "Olonkho".
From the Karelian-Finnish epic "Kalevala".
The embodiment in myths and the heroic epic of the moral ideals of the people.
Theory of Literature.
Heroic epic, myth, epic. The difference between myth and fairy tale. Hero-bogatyr. Techniques for creating a heroic character in the epic. The role of the artistic word in the epic work. Hyperbola.
Section 4. Discovering the world around (26 hours).
The diversity of the real and artistic worlds. Eternal themes in literature. Literature as a way of knowing life.
for textual study.
A.S. Pushkin"Tales of Belkin" ("Shot"), "Dubrovsky".
I.S. Turgenev Mumu, Biryuk.
L.N. Tolstoy Sevastopol in the month of December. Analysis of the author's own experiences in the story.
K.G. Paustovsky"The old man in the station canteen."
The multifaceted image of a person in epic works. The author and his characters.
For review study.
M. Lermontov"Dream", K. Simonov"Wait for me", S. Gudzenko"Before Attack" B. Okudzhava"Goodbye boys..." M. Petrovs"April 1942", B. Slutsky"Horses in the Ocean" Reflections on the value of human life.
A. Green"Fourteen Feet". Image of a person in a story.
O.Henry"Last page". Heroes O'Henry. Reflection on the appointment of the artist and art in general.
Theory of Literature.
Short story, short story, story as epic genres. The skill of the writer, the role of artistic detail in the narrative.
Section 5. Laughing through tears ... (15 hours).
The author's view of the world and its reflection in fiction. Ridiculous in life and literature. instructive literature. Comic genres.
for textual study.
I.A. Krylov. Fables: "The Crow and the Fox", "The Cuckoo and the Rooster", "The Wolf and the Lamb", "Demyanov's Ear", "The Rooster and the Pearl Grain", "Trishkin's Caftan". Allegorical meaning of fables.
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin"The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals." The skill of parable. The object of the writer's satire.
A.P. Chekhov"Horse name", "Death of an official", "Thick and thin", "Chameleon". Funny and sad in the stories of A.P. Chekhov.
For review study.
Aesop. Fables.
ON. taffy"Mitenka", "Reassessment of values".
I. Ilf, E. Petrov"Football Lovers"
R. Burns. Epigrams and Epitaphs.
Jerome K. Jerome"Three in a boat, not counting the dog" (chapters).
Theory of Literature.
Fable as a literary genre. Allegory, Aesopian language, morality, moralizing, personification. Humor and satire, as a means of expressing the author's attitude to the depicted, techniques for creating a comic.
Section 6. Verses from the cherished notebook (8 hours).
Reflection of the world of human feelings in a lyrical text.

S. Yesenin"Where are you, where are you, Father's house...», M. Tsvetaeva"Houses of old Moscow", A. Akhmatova"Flowers and inanimate things...", I. Bunin"First matinee, silver frost...", I. Brodsky"The wind left the forest...", B. Pasternak"No one will be in the house ...", etc. at the choice of the teacher and students.
Theory of Literature.
Types of Literature. Lyrics. Lyric poem. Features of the organization of poetic speech (rhyme, rhythm, size, stanza). Poetic anthology. Metaphor, comparison, sound writing, epithet, personification.
Generalization (1 hour).
The world of your literature.
The development of speech.
1) Detailed, concise, selective retelling of the text.
2) Annotation of the book read. Writing is thinking about a book.
3) An essay about a literary hero, a comparative description of two heroes.
4) Composition-imitation. Writing fairy tales, ballads, fables, epics, etc. (optional).
Reading and studying works - 96 hours.
Speech development - 6 hours.

7th grade (68 hours)

Introduction (1 hour).
The image of a person as the most important moral and aesthetic problem of fiction. Literary hero and reader.
Section 1. Me and my childhood (15 hours).
Autobiographical and memoir literature. The personality of the author, its reflection in literature. Traditions of autobiographical literature.
for textual study.
A.I. Herzen"The Past and Thoughts" (chapters). The role of adolescence in the formation of the author's personality. "The Past and Thoughts" as an example of memoir literature.
L.N. Tolstoy"Childhood", "Boyhood" (chapters). The inner world of a hero. Work on yourself, moral formation personality.
M. Gorky"Childhood" (chapters). Autobiographical narration. The history of the child's soul in the story of M. Gorky.
S. Yesenin"Mother's Letter"
For review study.
M.I. Tsvetaeva"Father and His Museum" (excerpts from "Memoirs"). Features of memoir literature.
Sh. Bronte"Jen Eyre" (chapters). Autobiographical beginning in the novel. Fictional memoirs.
Lyric confession. Childhood Memories: I. Bunin"Childhood", K. Simonov"Thirteen years...", A. Tarkovsky"White Day", M. Tsvetaeva"On Saturday", S. Yesenin"My way".
Theory of Literature.
Artistic autobiographical literature. memoir literature. Objective and subjective in literature. The author and his hero. The concept of literary tradition.
Section 2. Me and me ... (16 hours).
Moral problems of fiction. The hero of a work of art, his character, actions. Techniques for creating character in epic, drama, lyrics.
for textual study.
A.S. Pushkin"Captain's daughter". The formation of Grinev's character. "Mozart and Salieri". "Genius and villainy" in a small tragedy. Characters of Mozart, Salieri.
A. Green"Scarlet Sails" (abbreviated). Belief in beauty and a dream of happiness. Creating a miracle for a loved one.
V.F. Tendryakov"Bread for the dog" Torments of human conscience.
For review study.
A.S. Pushkin"A gift in vain, a random gift ...". Philosophical reflections on the destiny of man.
V.G. Korolenko"The Blind Musician" (chapters). True blindness and spiritual insight of the hero.
L.A. Kassil"Early Sunrise" (chapters). Spiritual development of the hero.
K.G. Paustovsky"The Life of Alexander Grin" (fragment).
Sue Townsend"The Diaries of Adrian Mole" (excerpts). Vulnerable soul of a teenager, his dreams and their realization in life.
A. Frank"Death" (excerpts). Spiritual development of a person in the terrible years of the war.
"Blue Grass: The Diary of a Fifteen-Year-Old Drug Addict".
Poetry: N. Ogarev"Blues", Y. Levitansky"Dialogue at the Christmas tree", B. Okudzhava"Song about night Moscow", A. Makarevich"As long as the candle burns." The motive of loneliness in the lyrics.
Theory of Literature.
The concepts of "literary hero", "character". Hero in an epic. Speech and deed as a means of creating the character of a hero in an epic and dramatic work. Plot, conflict, problem. The diary as a literary form.
Section 3. Me and others (12 hours).
Moral foundations of the character of a literary hero. The author and his hero, the expression of the author's position in a literary text.
for textual study.
V.M. Shukshin“Strong man”, “The word about the “small motherland”. Heroes of Shukshin as a reflection of the author's system of moral values. The writer's interest in man.
A.G. Aleksin"Mad Evdokia" (abbreviated).
The relationship between the individual and the team, teacher and students. Education of the "talent of humanity".
V.G. Rasputin"French lessons". The problem of awakening conscience and the problem of memory in the story.
O.Henry"Gifts of the Magi". The beauty of the soul of heroes. Moral values ​​in the life of the characters in the story.
For review study.
VC. Zheleznikov"Scarecrow" (chapters).
Poems about the meaning of life, about finding one's place in the world: A. Pushkin"If life deceives you..." R. Kipling"Commandment", N. Zabolotsky"On the beauty of human faces", A. Yashin"Hurry to do good deeds" B. Okudzhava"Farewell to the Christmas Tree"
Theory of Literature.
Essay on how epic genre. The role of the title in a work of art. Ways of expressing the author's position and evaluation of the hero.
Section 4. Me and the world: eternal and transitory (18 hours).
Heroes and circumstances. The act of the hero as a manifestation of character. The moral cost of an act. Eternal values ​​in life and literature.
for textual study.
M.A. Sholokhov"Destiny of Man". Fate ordinary person in difficult times of war. The moral "core" of A. Sokolov's character. Features of the composition of the story.
Yu.D. Levitansky"So what if I was there..." The impact of war on a person - on his life and inner world.
Ch.T. Aitmatov"The First Teacher" (abbreviated). The feat of teacher Duishen. The moral beauty of the character of the hero.
K.G. Paustovsky"Meshcherskaya side" (chapters). Unselfish love for ordinary land.
For textual and survey study.
Poems about the eternal and the transient: A.S. Pushkin"Winter morning", Y. Levitansky"Leaves are falling..." V. Vysotsky"I dont like", A. Voznesensky"Saga", G. Shpalikov"People are lost only once ...".
Sonnets W. Shakespeare, poems about love: A.S. Pushkin"You and You", "On the hills of Georgia", "I remember a wonderful moment", "Confession", M.Yu. Lermontov“Like heaven, your eyes shine ...”, “Why”, “From under the mysterious cold half-mask”, A.K. Tolstoy"In the midst of a noisy ball ...", F.I. Tyutchev"I met you...", A. Akhmatova"Song", M. Tsvetaeva“Like the right and left hand...”, “Finally met...”, V. Bagritsky"Do you remember the dacha..." M. Petrovs"Make me a date..." M. Svetlov“All jewelry stores are yours...”, D. Samoilov"The names of winters", "And everyone he loved ..., V. Vysotsky"The Ballad of Love".
Theory of Literature.
Composition. Compositional techniques "story within a story", "story with a frame". The concept of the author's style.
Comparison, contrast, metaphor as a means of artistic representation. Lyrical hero and author of a lyrical work. Genres of lyric poetry.
Generalization (1 hour).
The development of speech.
1) Creative retelling.
2) Review.
3) An essay is a characteristic of a literary hero. Essay on a moral and ethical theme.
4) Writing in the form of a diary, an interview. An autobiographical essay. Writing-stylization.

Speech development - 5 hours.

8th grade (68 hours)

Introduction (1 hour).
The main subject of knowledge in literature. Man as the main object of the image in literature. Artistic image and figurativeness in literature. Figurative reflection of life in art. The connection of the artistic image with the development of the literary process.
I. Man of the crowd - a man in the crowd (15 hours).
The artist's realistic view of the world. Society and personality, social relations as an object of art. Subjectivity of the author and reader in the assessment of a literary hero.
for textual study.
N.V. Gogol"Overcoat" (abbreviated). Protest against social inequality and injustice. Typical character of Bashmachkin.
"Inspector". The system of images in comedy. Mastery of the satirical depiction of reality.
J.-B. Molière"The tradesman in the nobility". Image of Jourdain. Life position hero. Author's methods of creating an image.
M.A. Bulgakov"Dog's heart". The problem of the moral consciousness of the individual. The destructive power of militant ignorance.
Theory of Literature.
Type of literary hero, typical character, artistic image, "little man" in literature. Humor, irony, satire, sarcasm as a means of expressing the author's position and as a way to create the character of the hero. Comedy as a dramatic genre.
II. Thinking man... (10 hours).
The eternal search for the meaning of life by literary heroes. Ideal and reality in literature. for textual study.
W. Shakespeare"Hamlet". Thinking Heroes. Dreams and their collapse.
Comprehension by the hero of the frailty and transience of human life.
A.P. Chekhov"Gooseberry". The responsibility of the hero for the choice of life philosophy.
For review study.
T.N. thick Okkervil River. The clash of the fictional world of the hero with real life.
Theory of Literature. Tragedy as a dramatic genre. dramatic conflict. The story as an epic genre.
III. Feeling Man... (10 hours).
The world of feelings of a literary hero. The depth of human feelings and ways of expressing them in literature.
for textual study.
N.M. Karamzin"Poor Lisa". Depiction of the feelings of the characters in the story. Deep penetration into the human soul.
I.S. Turgenev"Poems in prose" as a lyrical confession of the author. "Russian language". Love for the motherland, a way of expressing it in a poem.
Poems about the motherland: F. Tyutchev"You can't understand Russia with your mind..." A. Blok"Russia", E. Evtushenko"White snows are falling" A. Galich"When I'll come back...". The theme of the Fatherland in the lyrics. Motherland in the value system of heroes.
For review study.
F. Sagan"Hello, sadness" (chapters). The complexity and inconsistency of the inner world of the characters. The need to be sensitive to the feelings of others.
S.D. Dovlatov"Ours" (abbreviated). Hero and Circumstances. The development of the inner world of the hero. The problem of man's relationship to his homeland. The theme of emigration. The fate of people and countries.
Theory of Literature. Psychologism as a way of depicting the inner world of heroes. Prose poetry as a genre.
IV. Acting man... (26 hours).
The ideals of freedom and justice in literature. Fighting heroes. Heroic character. Subjective and objective beginnings in the image of heroes. Feat as a moral category.
for textual study.
M.Yu. Lermontov"A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov." Heroes-personalities in the "Song ...". Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich. Kalashnikov's struggle for family honor and justice. Subjective and objective in the depiction of historical characters.
"Mtsyri". The romantic hero of the poem. Contrasting dream and reality. The image of Mtsyra in the poem.
N.V. Gogol"Taras Bulba" (abbreviated). The free world of the Zaporizhian Sich in the image of Gogol. Ostap and Andrey. Reception of contrast in the image of heroes. The heroic character of Taras Bulba.
ON. Nekrasov"Frost, Red Nose", "Russian Women" (abbreviated). Selflessness of heroines of poems. The act of the hero as a way to create character.
L.N. Tolstoy « Prisoner of the Caucasus". The passive hero and the acting hero: Kostylin and Zhilin. Modern reading of the story.
For review study.
M. Cervantes Don Quixote (chapters). Don Quixote is a fighter against injustice or a parody of a knight.
K.F. Ryleev Ivan Susanin. National Russian character, heroic beginning in the Duma.
B. Vasiliev"Tomorrow there was a war" (chapters). The struggle of heroes for justice and human dignity. Thirst for personal achievement.
J. Aldridge"The Last Inch" (abbreviated). Overcoming the hero's own fear and impotence.
Theory of Literature.
Heroic character in literature. Reception of contrast as a way to create character. Ways to create the character of a literary hero (generalization). The combination of the subjective and the objective as the basis for creating an artistic image.
V. Big "little man" (5 hours).
Man as the main value in the world and in literature. Humanistic character of fiction.
for textual study.
M. Gorky"The Simplon Tunnel" (from Tales of Italy). The great power of a small man.
E. Hemingway"The Old Man and the Sea" (abridged). philosophical meaning of the story. The strength of the character of the old man.
For review study.
V. Shalamov Major Pugachev's Last Fight. The hero's fight for his human self.
Theory of Literature. The development of the fairy tale genre in literature. Variety of types literary heroes. Hero - character - image (correlation of concepts).
Generalization (1 hour).
The development of speech.
1) Presentation based on literary and artistic texts.
2) Reader's diary. Extracts from the book.
3) Composition-characterization of the image of the hero. The composition is a generalizing characteristic of a group of heroes.
4) Composing a poem in prose. The essay is a monologue of a literary hero. Debating essay. Comparison of different editions, translations of the same work.
Reading and studying works - 63 hours.
Speech development - 5 hours.

9th grade (102 hours)

In the 9th grade, it is supposed to study a short course in the history of Russian literature.
A student who has mastered the program of grades 5–8 has a sufficient level of erudition (knowledge of texts, names of authors, an idea of ​​writers' biographies and destinies, about the main topics of Russian and world literature) and skills (skills) for working with texts and near-text information in order to be prepared to take a course in the history of their literature.
The program is based on the chronological principle (literature is studied in the system of historically established stages, which are distinguished by modern literary criticism).
Within the framework of the general chronology, topics for monographic study are named (a closer interest in the biography of the writer, in a certain text and its place in the literary process is possible) and texts that are studied in full.
The course is aimed at forming a holistic vision of the history of the development of literature from antiquity to the present. The program ensures the completion of the basic literary education, assuming that in the future it is possible to deepen education (for specialized humanities classes) and expand it (for general education and specialized non-humanities classes).
The program continues the philosophical and humanistic line of selection of content, laid down in grades 5-8. Course objective- to give not only a general idea of ​​the history of Russian literature, but also to show the connection of the hero of Russian literature with the peculiarities of the historical development of Russia, the change in social and ideological trends, literary trends, the originality of the creative individuality of writers.
The course highlights separate thematic blocks that help students to fix the stages of development of literature. To this end, the educational material is constructed as essays on the history of Russian literature. There is a constant appeal to the reading experience of schoolchildren, parallels are drawn between literary works of different eras.
The material is distributed between the primary and secondary schools as follows: in the 9th grade, in order to prevent overload of students, works of the 18th century are read and studied in full. and the 1st half of the 19th century. Literature of the middle/end of the 19th century. and XX century. is studied in full in grades 10–11. The program for grades 9-11 does not include a section on "Theory of Literature", the analysis of works is carried out on a theoretical and literary basis, formed in grades 5-8. At the same time, a literary approach is carried out in spreads to the topics. In general, the program is built on a concentric basis and provides a holistic view of the history of Russian literature at each level of education, the difference between them lies primarily not in the circle of authors, but in the works of art recommended for reading and studying.
The program includes works of foreign literature in accordance with the "Mandatory minimum ...". The main part of works of foreign literature is read in grades 5-8. However, the authors believe that in order to implement the idea of ​​pre-profile education, the study of Russian literature should be accompanied by parallel special courses on foreign literature, world artistic culture, etc. (at the choice of an educational institution).
The program is designed for 3 hours per week for a 9-year basic school and suggests the possibility of allocating additional hours for studying literature at the pre-profile level.

Introduction (1 hour).
The role of fiction in the spiritual life of man. Growing up of the personality and its reader's interests, tastes, predilections.

Journey to the origins.
Old Russian Literature (4 hours)

The beginning of Russian literature: time, authorship, texts, genres (on the example of fragments from The Tale of Bygone Years, Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh). Seven centuries of ancient Russian literature. General features of ancient Russian literature. Spirituality of ancient Russian literature. The life of ancient Russian genres in fiction.
"The Word about the destruction of the Russian land" as an example of a monument of ancient Russian literature.
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign": the history of the discovery, historical background and problematic. Composition and main storylines. Figurative system "Words ...". Translations of "Words...". D.S. Likhachev and I.P. Eremin on the poetics of ancient Russian literature.

Age of Reason and Enlightenment
18th century literature (13 h)

From Ancient Rus' to Russia of Peter I. The main stages in the development of literature in the 16th–17th centuries. Moral and spiritual searches of the literature of this period. The origin of humanistic ideals in the literature of the Middle Ages.
Peter's era. On the way to classicism of the XVIII century. The history of the emergence of classicism. Classicism in Russian literature.
M.V. Lomonosov.
Genius Lomonosov. Lomonosov is a philologist and poet. "Ode on the day of accession to the throne of Empress Elisaveta Petrovna 1747". Ode as a genre of classicism.
The role of Lomonosov in the formation of the Russian literary language. The theory of three styles.
G.R. Derzhavin.
The audacity of the poetic thought of G.R. Derzhavin. The variety of poetic themes in Derzhavin's work: "To the rulers and judges", "Monument", "The river of times in its striving".
DI. Fonvizin.
DI. Fonvizin - "satyr bold ruler." Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" as a work of classicism. The ideas of enlightenment in comedy, the ideals of Fonvizin.
N.M. Karamzin.
The fate of Karamzin - historian, writer, public figure.
"Poor Lisa" as a work of sentimentalism (a generalization of what was previously read). Universal and eternal in the story. Lyricism and poetry of language.
"History of the Russian State" (fragment). "Respect for the past" in the historical chronicle of Karamzin.

The Formation of Self-Consciousness in Russian Literature
Writers of the early 19th century: diversity of personalities (44 hours)

Romanticism in the early 19th century
The emergence of romanticism. Features of romanticism as a literary movement. genres of romantic literature. romantic hero.
D. Schiller"Glove".
J.-G. Byron"You ended the path of life ...".
Two different romantic attitudes.
Romantic duality in Russian poetry of the early 19th century.
V.A. Zhukovsky and K.N. Batyushkov.
Creative fates of Zhukovsky and Batyushkov.
Elegy "Sea". "The Unspeakable" as Zhukovsky's Poetic Manifesto. Zhukovsky - translator. The originality of Zhukovsky's ballads.
Two I of the lyrical hero Batyushkov.
The place of Zhukovsky and Batyushkov in Russian poetry of the early 19th century
A.S. Griboyedov.
The personality and fate of Griboyedov in the assessment of contemporaries.
The history of the creation of "Woe from Wit".
Key comedy scenes. Comic and satirical beginnings in the play. Antithesis as the basis for the construction of comedy. The tragic loneliness of Chatsky. Features of the poetic language of comedy. Stage life "Woe from Wit". The birth of Russian realism. Comedy as assessed by writers (I.A. Goncharov, A.S. Pushkin) and critics (V.G. Belinsky). Article by I.A. Goncharov "A million torments".
A.S. Pushkin.
Pages of Pushkin's biography. Pushkin and his contemporaries. The origins of Pushkin's work. The main themes of the lyrics. Pushkin about the lyceum brotherhood in the poem "October 19" (1825). The theme of freedom in the poet's lyrics ("To Chaadaev", "To the sea", "Anchar". The theme of the poet and poetry "Prophet", "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands"). Love lyrics by Pushkin (“K ***”, “On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night ...”, “I loved you, love still, perhaps ...”, “Madonna”, etc.). The humanism of the poet, the life-affirming pathos of poetry. The path from romanticism to realism.
The search for a modern hero. The novel "Eugene Onegin". Pushkin's era in the novel. Pushkin's moral ideal in the novel. Spiritual searches of the hero. The complexity of Onegin's relationship with the outside world. The integrity of Tatyana's character. Genre features of the novel in verse. The development of the concept of realism. The author on the pages of the novel. The embodiment in the novel of the social and aesthetic ideals of the poet.
Evaluation of creativity of Pushkin V.G. Belinsky.
M.Yu. Lermontov.
The fate of the poet Lyrical hero of Lermontov, his inconsistency. The main motives of the lyrics. The pathos of disobedience, liberty, rebellion ("Prophet"). The poet's reflections on life, love, creativity ("Three palm trees", "Prayer", "Both boring and sad", "Duma", "Prophet", "No, I do not love you so passionately ...", "Motherland "). The novel "A Hero of Our Time". Meaning of the title of the novel. Features of the composition, its role in revealing the character of Pechorin and the ideological content of the novel. The problem of the hero in the novel. Personality and society, "self-knowledge" of the hero Lermontov. Psychologism. Pechorin and other heroes of the novel. Artistic features of the novel, its diversity. Realistic and romantic beginnings in the novel. Evaluation of the novel by Russian criticism.
N.V. Gogol.
Review of Gogol's work. Poem "Dead Souls" The idea of ​​the poem. History of creation. Genre, plot, characters (I volume). "Living Rus'" in the poem. Gogol's humanistic ideal. The problem of the Russian national character in the poem. Ways to create typical characters in a poem. The peculiarity of the language. Gogol's poetics: the art of detail, irony, the unity of the satirical and the lyrical. Evaluation of the poem by Russian criticism.

Artistic peaks of literature of the middle of the XIX century (16 hours)

Features of the literary process of the 40-60s of the XIX century.
A.N. Ostrovsky.
Great Russian playwright. The world of the merchant class in Ostrovsky's comedies. The play "Own people - let's settle!". Duplicity and metamorphoses of comedy heroes. Features of the composition of comedy. Stage fate of the play. Russian criticism of the meaning of Ostrovsky's comedies (N.A. Dobrolyubov, V.G. Avseenko).
Poetry of the middle and second half of the 19th century: F.I. Tyutchev, A.A. Fet. ON. Nekrasov, A.K. Tolstoy, A.N. Pleshcheev, Ya.P. Polonsky, A.V. Koltsov, I.S. Nikitin.
Moral and philosophical searches in poetry.
Landscape and love lyrics by F.I. Tyutchev and A.A. Feta - two views of the world (poems "Spring Waters", "There is in the initial autumn", "Autumn Evening", "The earth still looks sad ...", "Last Love" by Tyutchev and "This morning, this joy ... ”, “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch ...”, “I came to you with greetings ...”, “Do not wake her at dawn ...”, “Still fragrant bliss ...” Feta). Poetics A.A. Feta, F.I. Tyutchev.
ON. Nekrasov.
Music Nekrasov. Citizenship of the poet's lyrics (poems "Uncompressed lane", "Railway", "Reflections at the front door", etc.). The accusatory pathos of poetry. The originality of Nekrasov's style: a combination of civic pathos and penetrating lyricism.
I.S. Turgenev.
Review of I.S. Turgenev. Summarizing what has been read so far: Appreciation of the spiritual and moral qualities Russian man in the cycle of stories "Notes of a Hunter" and the story "Mumu".
L.N. Tolstoy.
Tolstoy about Tolstoy. Writer's diaries about his personality and fate. "Dialectics of the soul" of Tolstoy's heroes, their spiritual quest. The main criteria of Tolstoy in evaluating a person (on the example of the trilogy "Childhood", "Boyhood", "Youth" and "Sevastopol stories" - a generalization of the previously read).
F.M. Dostoevsky.
The contradictory nature of Dostoevsky's personality. Artistic world of Dostoevsky. The story of the poor people. Man and circumstances in the image of Dostoevsky. Features of the language of the story. The theme of "Humiliated and Insulted" in the works of Dostoevsky.

Literature of the Last Decades of the Golden Age (5 hours)

Features of the literary process of the late XIX century. General idea of ​​the artistic prose of the 80s. (G.I. Uspensky, V.N. Garshin, D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, N.S. Leskov).
A.P. Chekhov.
Chekhov's life: the creation of himself. Review of Chekhov's creativity. Funny and sad in Chekhov's stories (generalization of previously read). "Little Trilogy" The story "The Man in the Case" is a reflection on human freedom and independence. The laconicism of the narrative, the art of detail, the role of the landscape in the story.
The Golden Age of Russian Literature. Russian classical literature of the 19th century.

Pages of Literature of the 20th century (7 p.m.)

Features of the literary process of the early twentieth century.
Humanistic traditions of 19th century literature. in the prose of the early twentieth century.
A.I. Kuprin. Humanistic traditions in the writer's work (generalization of what was previously read).
I.A. Bunin.
The creative fate of Bunin. Love for Russia, spiritual connection with the motherland in the work of Bunin. Poems "Dense green spruce forest near the road ...", "Word", "And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears", "Motherland". Lyrical hero of Bunin.
M. Gorky.
Traditions of Russian autobiographical prose in the story "Childhood" (a generalization of the previously read). The romantic ideal of the writer ("Song of the Petrel").
Traditions and innovation in poetry of the early twentieth century. A.A. Blok, V.V. Mayakovsky, S.A. Yesenin. Poets about themselves and their time (artistic autobiographies). Features of attitude and creative manner each of the poets (on the example of poems A.A. Blok“Oh, I want to live insanely ...”, “Twilight, spring twilight ...”; S.A. Yesenin“You are my fallen maple”, “Golden grove dissuaded ...”; V.V. Mayakovsky“Do you understand ...” (an excerpt from the tragedy “Vladimir Mayakovsky”) and previously read poems).
Poets about poets V.V. Mayakovsky"Sergey Yesenin" M.I. Tsvetaeva"Poems to Blok", A.A. Akhmatova Mayakovsky in 1913.)
Poetic understanding of reality in the lyrics of the twentieth century.
Great poets of Russia A.A. Akhmatova and M.I. Tsvetaeva. Fate. Peculiarities of attitude and creative manner of poetesses (on the example of poems A.A. Akhmatova“Confusion”, “Alexander Blok”, “I had a voice ...”, “I see a faded flag over the customs ...”; M.I. Tsvetaeva“To my poems written so early...”, “On the ruins of our happiness...” (an excerpt from “The Poem of the Mountain”) and previously read poems).
A.T. Tvardovsky.
Poet about time and about himself (autobiography). History of the poem "Vasily Terkin" (chapters). Traditions and innovation in Tvardovsky's poetry.
The search for a new hero in the prose of the twentieth century.
Generalization of previously read works (heroes M.A. Bulgakov, M.A. Sholokhov, V.P. Shalamova, Ch.T. Aitmatova, V.F. Tendryakova, V.M. Shukshina, V.G. Rasputin, B.L. Vasiliev).
A.P. Platonov.
Strange heroes of Platonov's stories, the meaning of their existence. Morality as the basis of the characters' characters. Yushka's story. The language of the era in the story.
From the literature of the second half of the 20th century (review and generalization of what was read earlier). Searches and problems. The variety of poetic talents (A.A. Voznesensky, E.A. Evtushenko, B.Sh. Okudzhava, N.M. Rubtsov, etc.). The originality of Russian prose, the main development trends (F.A. Abramov, Ch.T. Aitmatov, V.P. Astafiev, V.I. Belov, F.A. Iskander, Yu.P. Kazakov, V.L. Kondratiev, E. I. Nosov, V. G. Rasputin, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, V. F. Tendryakov, V. T. Shalamov, V. M. Shukshin, V. Makanin, T. N. Tolstaya, L. Petrushevskaya and etc.).
A.I. Solzhenitsyn.
Solzhenitsyn is a public figure, publicist, and writer. “Brief biography” (based on the book “A calf butted with an oak tree”). The story "Matryona yard". The writer's idea of ​​the Russian national character.

The development of speech.
1) Artistic retelling of the text. Synopsis of the written source. Abstracts. Reconstruction of the text on the support.
2) Interpretation of a lyric poem. Lyric analysis. Linguistic analysis of the poetic text. Expressive reading of fiction. Annotation of the book read.
3) Report on a historical and literary topic. Drafting speech characteristics hero of a dramatic work. Oral discussion. Extended answer to the question. An essay is a discussion on a literary topic.
4) Stylization of prose and poetic texts. Writing is a journey. Writing in the epistolary genre. Artistic autobiography. A short biography in a journalistic style.
Reading and studying works - 95 hours.
Speech development - 7 hours.

10th-11th grades

the main task Literature programs for high school students - to ensure the variability and differentiation of literary education, which cannot be achieved with a single program for the graduating classes. Modern high school has classes of different levels: general education, profile (non-humanitarian), in-depth study of the subject (humanities and philology). It is obvious that the mechanical reduction of the educational material of the program for in-depth study does not allow the teacher to be productively engaged in the literary education of students in specialized non-humanitarian and general education classes in practice.
The teacher is offered two programs to choose from, the first is focused on development educational standard (a basic level of) and can be used in general education and specialized non-humanitarian classes; the second program involves an in-depth study of literature (profile humanitarian and philological level).
The difference between the programs is significant.
At the heart of the program basic level lies the problem-thematic principle. Works for reading and studying are combined into blocks in terms of their significance for solving one or another universal, aesthetic, moral problem, for revealing a certain “eternal” literary theme. The program is unconventional in structure and content. In addition to the works from the "Mandatory Minimum...", which ensures the preparation of high school students for the final attestation, it includes additional texts by Russian and foreign writers. We draw the teacher's attention to the variability of the program: each topic is offered short list books, text for reading and studying from among those not included in the “Mandatory minimum ...” the student determines independently. This approach makes it possible to maintain interest in literature among students who have not chosen a humanitarian line of education for themselves, ensures the development of a work of art as a kind of textbook of life, a source of spiritual memory of mankind. All this requires the teacher to take new approaches to the lesson of literature in high school. The program is designed for 2 hours per week.
Program for in-depth study of literature(profile level) is a chronological systematic course on a historical and literary basis, which enables students to continue their education in the humanities.
The focus of students is not only a specific artistic text, but also the artistic world of the writer, the literary process. The emphasis in the program is on the study of a literary text using knowledge of the history and theory of literature, based on literary criticism. In the program of the profile level, the circle of writers has been significantly expanded, which will allow students to make generalizations on literary material, to compare works of art from different eras. When implementing a program of in-depth study of literature, the teacher independently determines the depth and path of analysis of a particular work, taking into account both the place of the work in the literary process and the work of the writer, and the opportunities and needs of students.
The program is designed for 3-5 hours of study per week and involves the support of various elective courses (at the suggestion of the school and the choice of students). We draw the teacher's attention to the need to develop an elective course on foreign literature in accordance with the circle of authors defined by the standard, and an elective course on the literature of the peoples of Russia, in which the national-regional component will be implemented. As an example of building an elective course, we offer an elective course "Learning to work with a book and text" in the appendix to this program.

for general education and specialized
non-humanitarian classes (basic level)

10th-11th grades (136 hours)*

* The total number of teaching hours for the 10th and 11th grades is indicated.

The Problem of Continuity in the Literature of the 19th–20th Centuries
Golden and Silver Age of Russian Literature. Aesthetic and moral values ​​of the XIX century. Their rethinking and transformation in the XX century. The tragedy of the fate of Russian literature of the 19th century in the 20th century.
Attitude towards Pushkin's work as a reflection of the aesthetic and philosophical concept of the writer. "Fight against Pushkin" by nihilists and futurists. Attitude to the classics as a means of ideological propaganda. Reading the classics from a new angle.


** In the list, texts from the “Required minimum ...” are highlighted (underlined), they are read by all students. In addition, students read at least one non-Required Minimum... from each topic of their choice.
Texts in italics are subject to study, but are not included in the "Requirements for the level of preparation of students."

A.S. Pushkin. Philosophical lyrics (“The daylight went out ...”, “Elegy”, “Imitation of the Koran”, “Desert sower of freedom ...”, “Again I visited ...”).
F. Dostoevsky. Essay "Pushkin".
A. Blok. About literature. About the appointment of the poet.
A. Lunacharsky. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
D. Merezhkovsky. Eternal companions. Pushkin.
M. Tsvetaeva. My Pushkin.
O. Mandelstam. On the nature of the word.
N. Berdyaev. About Russian classics.
R. Rozanov. Return to Pushkin.
M. Zoshchenko. Stories "Retribution", "Pushkin".
E. Zamyatin. I'm afraid.
A. Terts. Walks with Pushkin.
The integrity of Russian literature. General features of Russian literature of the XIX - XX centuries. The concept of literary tradition. Eternal themes, traditional problems. "Through" images (Don Juan, Don Quixote, Hamlet, etc.) and types of literary heroes (Bashmachkin, Khlestakov, Onegin, Pechorin, etc.). The place of Russian literature in the world literary process: its originality and general tendencies.
A.S. Pushkin. Stone guest.
Molière. Don Juan.
Man and History in Russian Literature. Interest in history in Russian literature. History as a subject of the image. Various ways of artistic depiction of the historical past. The question of the role of personality in history. The fate of man in certain historical circumstances.
A.S. Pushkin."Bronze Horseman".*

L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace.
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. History of one city.
S. Yesenin. Poems about peasant Rus' and the Soviet Motherland.
A. Tolstoy. Peter the Great.
M. Sholokhov. Don stories. Quiet Don.
V. Grossman. Life and destiny.
V. Shalamov. Kolyma stories.
K. Vorobyov. It's us, Lord!
The people and the intelligentsia in Russian literature. The origins of the problem. A look at the problem A. Radishchev.
F.M. Dostoevsky. Notes from the House of the Dead.
A. Blok. The people and the intelligentsia.
M. Bulgakov. Dog's heart.
B. Pasternak. Doctor Zhivago.
Heroes of time in Russian literature. Heroes A.S. Griboedova, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontova, N.V. Gogol. "Superfluous" and "strange" heroes of Russian literature. Hero and his time. Lyrical hero of his time.
N.V. Gogol. "Nose".
I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons.
ON. Nekrasov. Russian women.
A.P. Chekhov. Student, lady with a dog, The Cherry Orchard.
Ilf and Petrov. The twelve Chairs.
V.V. Nabokov. Luzhin's defense.
A. Akhmatova.“The song of the last meeting”, “She squeezed her hands ...”, “I don’t need odic rati ...”, “I had a voice ...”, “Native land” and etc.
M.I. Tsvetaeva.“Who is created from stone...”, “Longing for the motherland. For a long time..." and etc.
O.E. Mandelstam."Notre Dame", "Insomnia. Homer. Tight sails ... ". "For explosive valor...", "I returned to my city..." and etc.
The theme of love in world literature. "Through" plots in world literature.
"Tristan and Isolde".
W. Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. Sonnets.
M.Yu. Lermontov.“How often, surrounded by a motley crowd ...”, “Prayer” and etc.
A.A. Fet.“Whisper, timid breathing...”, “This morning, this joy...”, “The night shone...”, “It’s still May night...” and etc.
F.I. Tyutchev."Oh, how deadly we love ...". "K.B.", "We are not given to predict ...".
A.K. Tolstoy. "In the midst of a noisy ball..." and etc.
I.A. Bunin. Dark alleys. (Clean Monday).
A.I. Kuprin. Garnet bracelet.
V. Mayakovsky. About it.
R. Gamzatov. Lyrics.
Sh. Baudelaire. Lyrics.
The theme of the "little man" in Russian literature. Favorite topic of Russian literature. Traditions A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky in the disclosure of the topic.
F.M. Dostoevsky. Humiliated and insulted.
A.P. Chekhov. Ward №6. Man in a case.
F. Sologub. Small demon.
L.N. Andreev. The story of the seven hanged men.
I.A. Bunin. Gentleman from San Francisco.
A.P. Platonov. Stories.
A. Akhmatova. Requiem.
A.I. Solzhenitsyn. One day of Ivan Denisovich.
E.I. Zamyatin. We.
The problem of individualism. The theme of "superman" in world literature. Philosophical and aesthetic views of F. Nietzsche. individuality and individualism. Theories of the "superman" in history and literature. Byronic motifs in the works of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov.
J.G. Byron. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage.
F.M. Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment.
M. Gorky. Old Isergil.
A. Camus. Plague.
J.-P. Sartre. Death in the soul.
The theme of the loss of a person in a hostile world. Hamlets and Don Quixotes are the tragic heroes of world literature. The human essence of lone heroes, their vulnerability to evil. The Motif of Loneliness in Russian Literature of the Beginning of the 19th Century.
W. Shakespeare. Hamlet.
Cervantes. Don Quixote.
F.I. Tyutchev."Silentium", "Nature-sphinx", "Russia cannot be understood with the mind ...".
A.N. Ostrovsky. Storm.
A. Blok.“Stranger”, “Russia”, “Night, street, lamp ...”, “In a restaurant”, “On railway» etc. Poem "Twelve".
V. Mayakovsky.“Nate!”, “Could you?”, “Listen!”, “Violin and a little nervously” and etc. "A cloud in pants".
K. Balmont. Lyrics.
V. Vysotsky."Hamlet" and etc.
B. Pasternak. Hamlet. "February. Get ink and cry! ..”, “In everything I want to reach ...” and etc.
J.D. Salinger. The Catcher in the Rye.
G.-G. Marquez. One hundred years of solitude.
Russian village theme. The image of the city (Petersburg by N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky) and the image of the village in Russian literature. The village as the embodiment of the moral ideal in Russian prose and poetry.
Literature: I.S. Turgenev. Hunter's Notes.
I.A. Bunin. Village. Lyrics.
F. Abramov. Pelagia.
N. Rubtsov. Lyrics.
A. Zhigulin. Lyrics.
The theme of the Motherland in Russian literature. Traditions of citizenship and patriotism in Russian literature.
ON. Nekrasov."On the way". "Elegy" and etc.
S. Yesenin. Poems about peasant Rus' and the Soviet Motherland: "Goy you, Rus', my dear ..", "Soviet Rus'", "The feather grass is sleeping ..." and etc.
IN AND. Belov. Habitual business.
V.G. Rasputin. Deadline.
Yu.V. Trifonov. Waterfront house.
V.P. Astafiev. king fish
E. Yevtushenko. Lyrics.
The search for a moral core as the basis of human existence. Spirituality and morality of Russian literature, its humanistic origin. Heroes are carriers of the Russian national character. The desire for moral self-improvement, the dialectics of the souls of heroes. The concept of spiritual death.
I.A. Goncharov. Oblomov.
L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace*.
N.S. Leskov. Lefty.
A.P. Chekhov. Ionych.
M. Gorky. At the bottom.
V.M. Shukshin. Stories.
V. Tendryakov. night after release.
A.V. Vampilov."Farewell in July"
A.T. Tvardovsky.“The whole point is in one single covenant...”, “I know: no fault of mine...” and etc.
B.Sh. Okudzhava. Lyrics.
O. Balzac. Gobsek.

*Repeated reference to some of the texts from the "Mandatory Minimum..." is assumed.

The theme of the way-road in Russian literature. Ways-roads in folklore. The motive of the path and traditions of spiritual literature. The way as the movement of the human soul. Journeys of the Heroes of Russian Literature and Their Spiritual Path. The theme of the path in the work of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontova, N.V. Gogol.
ON. Nekrasov. Who in Rus' live well.
A.P. Chekhov. Sakhalin island.
A.T. Tvardovsky. House by the road.
The theme of the fate of the artist. The image of the poet-prophet in the work of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontova, N.V. Gogol. The tragic fate of the artist.
ON. Nekrasov. Poet and citizen. “Yesterday at six o'clock...”, “Oh Muse! I am at the door of the coffin ... ".
M. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita.
B. Pasternak. Doctor Zhivago.
K. Paustovsky. Golden Rose.
V. Kataev. Grass of oblivion.
V.Ya. Bryusov. Lyrics.
S. Dovlatov. Our.
V. Vysotsky. Lyrics.
Writers of the late XX century and Russian classics. Classics as a material for literary game with the reader. Associative links with the classics in modern literature.
Y. Polyakov. Goat in milk.
D.S. Samoilov. Lyrics. ("Pestel, the poet and Anna" and etc.).
Ven. Erofeev. Moscow - Petushki.
T. Tolstaya. Stories.
T. Kibirov. Poetry.
Dialogue between 19th and 20th century literatures (connections Pushkin - Mayakovsky, Nekrasov - Mayakovsky, Gogol - Bulgakov, L. Tolstoy - Sholokhov, etc.). Russian classical literature as a key to solving many moral, ethical, aesthetic, psychological, philosophical and other problems of our time. The main lessons of Russian classics, its modernity. Eternal spiritual guidelines and moral coordinates of Russian classics.
The role of "mass literature", fiction in the life of modern man.
P. Weil, A. Genis. Native speech.
B. Sarnov. Look who's coming...
The development of speech.
As a result of mastering the program, graduates should be able to:
own monologue and dialogic forms of oral and written speech;
retell the key scenes and episodes of the studied works (to characterize the image-character, the main problem, compositional features, etc.);
analyze the episode (scene) of the studied work, establish its role in the work;
draw up a plan, abstracts of articles on a literary and journalistic topic;
write essays in different genres on a literary theme (about heroes, problems, artistic originality of literary works); written analysis of the episode, poem; review of the studied work; essay on a free topic.

for specialized humanitarian
and philological classes

10th grade

Old Russian literature of the late X-XVII centuries.(review).
The beginning of Russian literature: time, authorship, texts, main genres. The life of one of the genres through the ages (at the choice of the teacher).
1. Literature and folklore: correlation, influence.
The main features of the emerging literature: anonymity; utility; applied character, literary etiquette; predominantly handwritten nature of literature.
2. Literature Kievan Rus XI - early XII century.
The adoption of Christianity as an impetus for the development of literature.
Translation Literature. Genre diversity.
original monuments. Chronicle as a special genre.
"The Tale of Bygone Years".
"Teaching Vl. Monomakh" is the first autobiography in Russian literature.
3. XII-XVI centuries.
The era of feudal fragmentation.
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is a unique combination of epic and lyrical beginnings, one of the greatest monuments of the Christian Middle Ages.
"A word about the destruction of the Russian land".
The genre of the word in ancient Russian literature.
4. XVI-XVII centuries.
The transition from medieval writing to modern literature. Domostroy is the first printed book in Rus'.
The rebirth of the genre of life into the biography of a private person.
"The Life of Archpriest Avvakum" is a life-autobiography.
Theory of Literature. The development of the genres of ancient Russian literature (chronicle, teaching, word, life).
Literature of the 18th century (review)
First half of the 18th century. Russian enlightenment as a stage in the formation of self-consciousness.
Russian classicism, difference from Western classicism ( HELL. Kantemir, V.K. Trediakovsky.).
The predominance of high genres, their features: epic poem, tragedy, solemn ode. Neighborhood of "high", "low" and "medium" genres (odes M.V. Lomonosov, satire A. Cantemira, fables A. Sumarokova, comedy I. Princess).
Second half of the 18th century.
DI. Fonvizin"Undergrowth". The transition from criticism of morals to social denunciation. Personalized characters. The first "truly social comedy" (Gogol).
A combination of moral satire and civic pathos, a mixture of high and low styles in creativity G.R. Derzhavin("Ode to Felitsa", "Vision of Murza", "Waterfall"). Lyrical beginning in poetry G.R. Derzhavin(“Snigir”, “Evgeny, Zvanskaya life”), an element of autobiography, an appeal to the simple joys of life.
Reform of the literary language.
A.N. Radishchev"Journey from Petersburg to Moscow". A combination of sentimentalism (in the choice of genre) and realism (in the choice of content).
Theory of Literature. Classicism, sentimentalism as literary trends (deepening of concepts). The connection of the zhan system with the literary movement.
Individual-author's style as a concept.

XIX century. First half

The controversy between the "archaists" and "innovators" (Karamzinists) about the "old" and "new style": the struggle between the "Conversation of lovers of the Russian word" and "Arzamas".
V.A. Zhukovsky and K.N. Batyushkov as the founders of elegiac poetry. Dissatisfaction with the present, the desire for harmony in the inner world of man.
Peculiarities of Russian Romanticism. Attraction to mystical-romantic fantasy, folklore motifs, motifs of different times and peoples (ballads V.A. Zhukovsky).
elegiac poetry ( A.A. Delvig, N.M. Yazykov, E.A. Baratynsky).
Civil poetry ("Free society of lovers of literature, sciences and arts"). Decembrist poets ( K.F. Ryleev, V.K. Kuchelbeker, A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, F.I. Glinka) and their program (adoption of ideal forms of morality and behavior).
Attraction to the traditions of "enlightenment classicism" and the transition to the romantic image of the hero (rethinking the code of Byronism). K.F. Ryleev.
I.A. Krylov. A fable free from the conventions of classicism, "common sense" coming "from life".
A.S. Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit" - a combination of classicism and realism: psychological and everyday concreteness. The topicality of the content (the conflict of the era: an advanced nobleman-intellectual and a conservative lordly bureaucratic environment). The value of the comedy "Woe from Wit" for the formation of the Russian literary language.
A.S. Pushkin. Pushkin's personality The main stages of life and creative path. The general humanistic sound of his poetry. Lyceum, post-lyceum and "southern" lyrics. Byronic rebellion ("Prisoner of the Caucasus") and its overcoming ("Gypsies"). Features of realistic style in the lyrics of the 20s.
Historicism of thinking ("Boris Godunov" *: the relationship between "the fate of man" and "the fate of the people").

* Texts in italics that are subject to study, but are not included in the "Requirements for the level of preparation of students."

"Eugene Onegin": the formation of Pushkin's realism (the fate of a contemporary, combined with the richness of pictures of Russian life). The poetics of the novel.
Philosophical lyrics. (“The light of the day went out ...”, “The desert sower of freedom”, “Imitation of the Koran”, “Elegy”, etc.). Poem "The Bronze Horseman"**.

** The texts underlined in the program are included in the "Mandatory minimum content ..." and are intended for mandatory reading and study.

Dramaturgy ("Little Tragedies" - "Mozart and Salieri").
Prose ("Tales of Belkin", "The Captain's Daughter").
Pushkin's attitude: unity world history and culture.
N.V. Gogol. Essay on the life and work of the writer. The world of fantasy, the grotesque on the pages of Gogol's books. A special line in the development of Russian literature. A romantic dream of a beautiful and just world ("Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka"). Humanistic pathos of prose and drama in 1832-1841. ( "Nevsky Prospect", "Overcoat", "Inspector"). "Little Man" in the image of Gogol. The "new hero" of the era in the poem "Dead Souls". The unity of the satirical and lyrical began as a way of expressing the author's position. The reality of social life in the poem. Gogol's controversy with V.G. Belinsky. "Selected places from correspondence with friends." The originality of the writer's artistic manner, the humanistic and civic pathos of creativity.
M.Yu. Lermontov. The personality of the poet. Essay on life and creativity. The influence of the era on the nature of Lermontov's lyrics. Fatal impracticability of the ideal, introspection, intensity of experience (lyrics “Prayer”, “I go out alone on the road ...”, “How often surrounded by a motley crowd ...” and others, the poems "Demon", "Mtsyri", the play "Masquerade"). Realistic tendencies in prose ("A Hero of Our Time": a drama of an active personality, "an extra person").
Aesthetics V.G. Belinsky and the formation of Russian criticism (principles critical appraisal literary activity; substantiation of the realistic essence of art, historicism).
Natural school as a kind of Russian realism of the 40-50s of the XIX century. Connection with the work of N.V. Gogol, his development artistic principles. Journal "Domestic Notes" and its authors (D.V. Grigorovich, V.I. Dal, I.I. Panaev and others).
Theory of Literature. Romanticism as a literary trend (deepening of the concept). Romantic "two worlds".
Realism as a literary trend (deepening of the concept). Artistic principles of realism (humanism, nationality, historicism, objectivity, etc.). Realism and naturalism. Genres of realistic literature (novel, essay, poem, drama).
Enlightenment satire as a literary form.
Literary criticism as a phenomenon at the intersection of art literature and literary criticism.

XIX century. Second half

50-60s. The content of the new era (the fall of serfdom, a series of reforms, the development of the capitalist economy, the process of the formation of civil society, the emergence of commoners). The crisis of Russian society, the emergence of the populist movement. revival journalistic activity and magazine controversy. Magazine "Contemporary". The Making of Fiction: A "Physiological Sketch" and Prose N.V. Uspensky, N.G. Pomyalovsky. The crisis of Russian society and the state of literature. Criticism of society: G.I. Uspensky"Morals of Rasteryaeva Street".
A.N. Ostrovsky. The development of Russian drama. "Plays of life" - "Storm", "Forest". Dramatic conflict in Ostrovsky's plays. "Thunderstorm" in the assessment of criticism. ( ON. Dobrolyubov "A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom", A.A. Grigoriev "After Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm. Letters to I.S. Turgenev".)
The theme of human obsession ("Dowry", "Each sage is quite simple"). The variety of human characters in the plays of A.N. Ostrovsky.
N.S. Leskov. Works from folk life (introduction to the sphere of artistic representation of new layers - the life of the clergy, the bourgeoisie, the Russian provinces, etc.); interest in the unusual, paradoxical, curiously anecdotal, various forms of narration (“Lefty”, “Dumb Artist”, "The Enchanted Wanderer").
I.A. Goncharov. Essay on the life and work of the writer. The theme of spiritual death in the novel "Oblomov". The novel "Oblomov" is a canonical novel of the 60s. The place of the novel in the trilogy. Image system. Typical characters of Goncharov's heroes: "an extra person" - a business person. The dual nature of the characters. Women's characters and destinies. Literary criticism about the novel and its protagonist (N.A. Dobrolyubov “What is Oblomovism”, A.V. Druzhinin “Oblomov”, a novel by Goncharov). Essays "Frigate "Pallada"".
I.S. Turgenev. Essay on the life and work of the writer. Hunter's Notes. The development of the genre of the novel in the work of I.S. Turgenev. The novels "Rudin", "Nest of Nobles", "Fathers and Sons" (review). Novel "Fathers and Sons" about a new hero. Narrator and hero. A new kind of hero. Artistic features of the novel. The psychologism of the novel by I.S. Turgenev. Literary criticism about the novel and its protagonist. Ambiguous perception of the novel and the image of Bazarov by Russian literary criticism (D.I. Pisarev, A.I. Herzen).
Cycle "Poems in prose".
N.G. Chernyshevsky. "What to do?" - a novel about "new people". The system of images in the novel, features of the composition. The form of reflection in the novel of Chernyshevsky's social ideals (elements of utopia).
Ways of development of poetry in the 2nd half of the 19th century.
The pathos of democracy and citizenship in Russian poetry and the lyrics of "pure art" (Poets of Iskra, A.A. Fet, F.I. Tyutchev, Ya.P. Polonsky, A.N. Maikov, A.K. Tolstoy).
The complexity and inconsistency of the lyrical hero A.A. Feta . The fusion of the outer and inner worlds in his poetry. The theme of love and nature in the work of Fet ( “This morning, this joy ...”, “May night ...”, “The night shone ...”, “Whisper, timid breathing ...” and etc.). Philosophical motives in poetry F.I. Tyutchev. (“Silentium”, “Nature is a sphinx...”, “Not what you think, nature”, “Oh, how deadly we love...”, “We are not given to predict...” and etc.).
The penetrating nature of the lyrics A.K. Tolstoy. The theme of the motherland, its history in the work of the poet.
ON. Nekrasov. Essay on the life and work of the poet. Civic motifs of Nekrasov's lyrics ( "On the Road", "Poet and Citizen","Elegy", etc.). Traditions of folk songwriting. Artistic originality of poetry (lyricism, emotion, sincerity of feelings, revealing pathos). The poems "Pedlars", "Frost Red Nose": folk life in "big literature", the merger of the author's world with the world of heroes "from the people".
Poem "Who in Rus' to live well"- folk epic, the combination of innovation with the traditions of epic, song, fairy-tale poetics; elements of legend, utopia, parable. The duality of the modern image of the people, the forms of behavior characteristic of folk psychology and their contrasts: patience and protest; dispute about the meaning of life; response dynamics.
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Essay on life and creativity. The influence of personal fate on the work of the writer. "Fairy tales". Artistic originality of Saltykov-Shchedrin's satire. "History of a City"- a satirical history of Russia. Types of mayors. The originality of the genre of the work. Protest against lawlessness, obedience of the people.
F.M. Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky as an artist and thinker. Essay on the life and work of the writer. early prose. An innovative form of the novel "The Humiliated and Insulted" (a synthesis of motives and techniques of philosophical, psychological, social and "tabloid" prose). Novels "Demons", "Idiot" (review).
"Crime and Punishment": the image of the hero and his "ideological" relationship with the world. The system of images in the novel. The versatility of the socio-psychological coloring in the novel. Polyphony, dialogism of Dostoevsky's novel. The novel in the assessment of Russian criticism ( N.N. Strakhov "Crime and Punishment").
L.N. Tolstoy. The personality of the writer. Literary and social activity. Ideological search and their reflection in the work of the writer. "Sevastopol stories".
"War and Peace": the art of "dialectic of the soul", the connection between private life and the fate of peoples, real historical events and the spiritual quest of fictional characters. Reflection of the philosophical concept of Tolstoy in the novel.
"Anna Karenina". Interest in the spiritual problems of the individual, the tragedy of the situation of discord with others. A love story against the backdrop of the life of Russian society, interest in "biology" in man, natural and spiritual, fundamental novelty of poetics.
Strengthening the social principle in the realism of L.N. Tolstoy (on the example of the novel "Resurrection").
80-90s of the XIX century. The band of political reaction. Refusal public consciousness from revolutionary populist illusions. The evolution of populist literature towards the annalistic objectivity of the depiction of folk life ( D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky).
Prose V.M. Garshina ("Red Flower") and V.G. Korolenko (poetization of tragic heroism, allegorism, monologism). Types of people "from the people" and the intelligentsia environment - "Wonderful". An objective artistic study of life and the poetry of hopes and aspirations for the future in Makar's Dream.
A.P. Chekhov. Essay on life and creativity. Early humorous stories: laconism of language, capacity of artistic detail.
Stories and stories about Russian society: coverage of all layers and sections of the social structure of Russian society - from peasants, landowners ("Men", "In the ravine") to various layers of the intelligentsia ( "Jumper", "Student", "Ionych", trilogy - "The Man in the Case", "Gooseberries", "About Love", "Ward No. 6", "House with Mezzanine", "Lady with a Dog"). New forms of combining the objective and the subjective, the essential and the secondary, the characteristic and the accidental.
Dramaturgy: "Three sisters", "The Cherry Orchard". New structure of dramatic action. Rejection of the evaluation hierarchy. Lyricism and psychologism of Chekhov's plays.
Theory of Literature. The development of genres of realistic literature (novel, short story, fairy tale, prose poem, poem).
Psychologism, dialogism, polyphony, lyricism as ways of depicting the inner world of heroes.
The development of drama as a literary genre. dramatic conflict.


elective course "Learning to work with a book and text"*

(8th–9th grades)

* The program was prepared jointly with O.V. Chindilova.

The content of the school component of the curriculum in the conditions of pre-profile training determines, as a rule, the specifics of a particular educational institution. However, in modern conditions it seems generally significant to single out such interdisciplinary course which is designed to provide mastering the ways of reading activity by students. To teach a student to work independently with a book, gain knowledge, find information of any level in the text (factual, subtext, conceptual) and use it - this is goal this course.
Students, who have been studying according to our continuous course from the 1st grade, master the methods of reading activity already in elementary school. In accordance with our program "Reading and Primary Literary Education" (1-4), which is recommended by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, within 4 years, students develop correct type reading activity in accordance with a certain technology (ed. Professor N.N. Svetlovskaya). Its essence is that they learn to independently master a literary work before reading, during reading and after reading: to assume the content of the text by the name of the author, title, illustration and keywords, to independently read the text to themselves in the "slow reading" mode and " dialogue with the author” (ask questions to the author while reading, look for answers to them, conduct self-control), analyze the text at an accessible level, formulate the main idea, independently divide the text into parts, draw up a plan, retell, etc. etc. Thus, the elective course "Learning to work with a book and text" for those "our" students who choose it, will support and deepen all these reading skills.
The importance of mastering rational ways of reading and working with a book for the successful education of modern schoolchildren and their further socialization is obvious. However, practice shows that only a small part of students can read and work with the book meaningfully. A high level of reading culture implies the formation of the following cognitive skills:
1) highlight the main thing in the text;
2) use "folded" records (notes, theses, summaries, etc.);
3) highlight the links between phenomena in the text;
4) use reference literature;
5) to involve additional sources in the process of reading;
6) formulate hypotheses during reading, outline ways to test them;
7) perform analysis, synthesis, generalization on the material of the studied text.
The formation of a functionally literate reader involves purposeful training in the skills of working with educational and fiction. Obviously, this course can be offered to both students of the basic and senior levels of education (depending on the possibilities of the curriculum and the educational program of the school). The number of hours and the practical content of the course should also be determined by the educational institution itself. Each topic of the program can be considered on various artistic texts, which the teacher chooses at his own discretion. At the same time, the authors offer certain texts as recommendations, they are indicated in brackets.
Topics of classes.
On the way to the book.
Search for a book in the library. Systematic and alphabetical catalogues. Bibliography. File cabinets. Completing book requirements.
Getting started with the book. book apparatus.
Imprint of the book, its reference apparatus. Preface and afterword. Notes, comments, index of names, lists of abbreviations, lists of references, etc. Purpose of the annotation, its structure, content. (8th grade - on the material educational reader"House without walls", 9th grade. - on the material of the textbook "History of your literature".)
book device.
Cover. Cover types. Dust jacket. Title page. Endpaper assignment. The role of the frontispiece and illustrations in the book. Types of printed works. Printed material. (8th grade - different editions of Shakespeare's tragedies, 9th grade - different editions of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign").
Work with the book before reading.
Title and subtitle. Dedication.
Title. Header analysis. Types of headings: heading-topic, heading-main idea, heading-symbol, heading-genre. Title and authorship. Title and content of the book. Ways of formulating headings. (8th grade - the name of the educational reader "House without walls", 9th grade - the name of the textbook "History of your literature"; the names of the works included in these textbooks.)
Epigraph. The role of the epigraph in artistic and scientific text. Epigraph and main idea. Direct and allegorical expression of the main idea in the epigraph. Understanding the epigraph before and after reading. Epigraphs are evaluative, emotional, problematic. (8th grade - A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", 9th grade - A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", etc.)
Sources for the search for epigraphs, the selection of an epigraph.
Reader's work. Asking questions while reading.
Finding direct and hidden questions in the text. Content prediction. Highlighting incomprehensible text. Statement of questions.
Building a chain of questions as a way to comprehend the text.
Classification of questions by direction. Questions external (to someone) and internal (to oneself). Evaluative, generalizing, causal questions, etc. (8th grade - N.V. Gogol "The Overcoat", 9th grade - N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls", etc.).
The work of the reader after reading. Understanding the text.
Types of text information. Reader installation. Blocking understanding. Factual information. Subtext and concept, direct and allegorical ways of expressing them. Multi-stage understanding of the text. Role in the process of comprehending the reader's imagination. Imagination, recreative and creative. Notes and notes while reading. (8th grade - A.P. Chekhov "Gooseberry", 9th grade - A.P. Chekhov "The Man in a Case", etc.).
Processing of text information.
Plan. Dividing the text into semantic parts and paragraphs. Types of plans. Detailing. Plan as a support for text reproduction. (8th grade - L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus", (9th grade - L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball", etc.).
Abstracts. Highlighting significant information in the text. Substantiation and evidence are the main requirements for the formulated theses. Simple and complex theses. Thematic entry. Main theses (main conclusions). Thesis presentation of the scientific text. (9th grade - Yu.N. Tynyanov "The plot" Woe from Wit ", etc.).
Abstract. Appointment of the abstract. Types of abstracts: plan-compendium, textual abstract, free abstract, thematic abstract. Text reduction techniques. Chronological summary as a special kind of records. A reference summary as an opportunity to reflect information in a diagram. Signs, symbols, conditional abbreviations. Use of graphics and color to classify material by level of significance. (9th grade - V.G. Belinsky "Works of Alexander Pushkin", etc.).
Citation. Citation methods. Types of quotations. Proper use of quotation material from the point of view of one's own statement. (9th grade - V.G. Belinsky "Poems of M. Lermontov", etc.).
Extracts. Highlighting the most significant in the text. Working with cards. Registration of records. Conventions, a system of abbreviations. (9th grade - I.A. Goncharov "A Million of Torments", etc.).

On the way to your own text.

Abstract. Structure, features, purpose. The sequence of work on the abstract, the design of the work (list of references, applications).
Retelling. Types of retelling. Productive detailed retelling. Drawing up a plan in the course of reading, highlighting key (key) words, understanding the text and the structure of the text. Selective retelling. Selection of text material, its systematization according to the plan. Short (concise) retelling. Its difference from the theses. The sequence of work on brief retelling. The grammatical arrangement of the text. Creative retelling. The problem of transition from the transmission of the author's text to his own statement. Work with a notebook when compiling a written retelling, another text.
Text editing. Methods for editing draft material. Elementary proofreading signs and designations. Styling. Compositional, logical errors and ways to eliminate them. Working with dictionaries.

Literature Program Grades 5-11*

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In this publication of the "School Curriculum" series, we will show what works of foreign authors are studied in secondary school according to the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. This list will help your child to summer holidays prepare for the next grade of school. After all, sometimes there is no time left to read considerable works during the school season, right?

5th grade

folk tale

  • Fairy tale as a genre of folklore. The image in it of the life, views and character of peoples, dreams, desires and hopes of its creators. The struggle between good and evil is the main conflict folk tale. Real and fantastic in it.
  • The fairy tale about animals is one of the oldest varieties of fairy tale.
  • Brothers Grimm. "Ms. Metelitsa"
  • Brothers Grimm - famous collectors German folk tales. Accuracy of fixation, careful attitude to the original.
  • Glorification of love for work and other human virtues in the fairy tale "Lady Metelitsa".

Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837)

  • Introduction to the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"
  • A. Pushkin is an outstanding Russian poet, a fan of folk tales. Glorification of the folk tale in the introduction to the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Charles Perrault (1628-1703)

  • "Cinderella"
  • Perrault as the founder of the European literary fairy tale. Collection "Tales of my Mother Goose, or Stories of bygone times with teachings" and its most popular stories. "Cinderella". Poeticization of diligence and modesty, the idea of ​​reward for human virtues and suffering, faith in the victory of good over evil.

Samuil Marshak (1887-1964)

  • "Twelve months"
  • Fairy-tale motifs in the play. Contrasting the images of the stepdaughter - on the one hand, and the stepmother and her own daughter - on the other, as the embodiment of the conflict between good and evil. Toadying subordinates and unlimited power are the main reasons for the distortion of the character of the princess. features of a dramatic work. Dialogue as a means of revealing the content and ideas of the play.

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

  • "Mowgli"
  • The story of Mowgli, the bred of the jungle. Fairy tale characters and their characteristics. The main law of the jungle and the world of people.

Alcman. Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Mikhail Lermontov

  • “All mountain peaks are sleeping…”
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832). "Night Song of the Wanderer"
  • Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841). From Goethe ("Mountain peaks...")
  • Depiction of nature by different poets: common and different in descriptions. The relationship between the state of the human soul and the description of nature.
  • "Humanization" of nature in poetry.

Fyodor Tyutchev (1803-1873)

  • “I know in the autumn time…”
  • The subtle lyricism of Tyutchev's poetry. Admiration for autumn nature and mastery of poetic expression.

Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)

  • Haiku.
  • The spiritualization of nature is a characteristic feature of Japanese culture. Nature as a source of inspiration, and its image as a means of expressing the feelings of the Japanese. Characteristic signs of haiku.

Robert Burns (1759-1796)

  • "Honest Poverty"
  • Glorification in the poem of real human virtues. Faith in the world brotherhood is the main idea of ​​the work. Antithesis as the basis of its structure.

Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • "Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
  • Sunny, joyfully mischievous world of childhood in the story. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Childhood values ​​and their fate in adulthood. The influence of the adult world on children's relationships.

Children's literature of the XX-XXI centuries.

  • Children's literature of the XX-XXI centuries. (review).
  • Famous writers and popular works for children.

6th grade

Myths about the origin of the world among different peoples

  • Reasons for the appearance of similar elements in the myths of different peoples. The interconnected and parallel occurrence of these elements.

The myth of Prometheus

  • The greatness of the feat of Prometheus, his self-sacrifice for the sake of people. Glorification of civilization in myth. Reasons for the popularity of the image of Prometheus.

Myths about Hercules

  • (1-2 myths of the teacher's choice)
  • Hercules is the favorite hero of the ancient Greeks. The reasons for the extreme popularity of his image.

Aesop. Jean de La Fontaine. Ivan Krylov

  • Aesop (VI century BC). "The Wolf and the Lamb", "The Raven and the Fox", "The Ant and the Cicada", "The Farmer's Children"
  • Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695). "Plague Beasts"
  • Ivan Krylov (1769-1844). "Wolf and Lamb"
  • Fable as a genre of literature and its features.
  • The allegorical and instructive meaning of the fable, the reflection in it of the laws of people's lives, folk wisdom: condemnation of arbitrariness and violence, various human vices; glorification of diligence, mind, kindness and other human virtues.

Anton Chekhov (1860-1904)

  • "Chameleon", "Thick and Thin"
  • Ridicule of sycophancy, self-humiliation, servility, zeal and cowardice in the work. The main means of creating a comic and their role in characterizing characters and revealing the idea of ​​a work. Functions of artistic detail in Chekhov's prose. Antithesis as an artistic means and compositional device.

Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

  • "A Christmas Carol in Prose"
  • Humanistic meaning and high humanity of the work. The life of a destitute Cratchit family. Scrooge's journey on Christmas night through time and space as an opportunity to comprehend his life. Reasons for the degradation of Scrooge's personality. The rebirth of Scrooge as a consequence of understanding his life. The real and the fantastic in the story. Happy ending as a feature of the Christmas story. The composition of the work.

Daniel Defoe (c. 1660-1731)

  • "Robinson Crusoe"
  • A hymn to a civilized pragmatic man and his work. Adventure and exoticism in the novel. Defoe's novel as the beginning of "Robinsonade".

Jules Verne (1828-1905)

  • "Captain at fifteen"
  • The glorification of the strength of human character in the work. The attractiveness of the image of Dick Sand. The image of Hercules in the novel. condemnation of slavery. The romance of travel, the greatness of science and knowledge as the main pathos of J. Verne's works.

Jack London (1876-1916)

  • "Lust for Life"
  • Strong human character in an extreme situation. The anonymity of the protagonist of the story and its connection with the idea of ​​the work. Features of the plot and ideas of the story. The environment in relation to the protagonist of the work.

Sandor Petofi (1823-1849)

  • "When you are a man, be courageous...". Glorification of human dignity, self-respect and courage, condemnation of humiliation and internal slavery in the verses of S. Petofi.

Robert Lewis Stevenson (1850-1894)

  • "Treasure Island "
  • Romance of travel and adventure in the novel Treasure Island. Glorification of courage, resourcefulness, decency (Jim Hawkins and his comrades). Condemnation of the thirst for enrichment, betrayal, deceit (pirate Silver and his minions.

Ray Douglas Bradbury (1920-2012)

  • The author's despondency in the future of technocratic civilization. Destruction of nature, civilization and culture as a result of spiritual scientific and technological progress. The tragic optimism of the writer: the symbolic meaning of the finale of "Smile" (child, morning - symbols of the Future). An unexpected ending as a formal sign of the novel.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944)

  • "The little Prince"
  • The Little Prince is a philosophical allegorical tale-parable. Poeticization in it of the beauty of pure human relationships. The meaning of the Little Prince's journey through the universe. Allegorical images. The main life values ​​in a fairy tale.

7th grade

Old Russian epics about Ilya Muromets

  • The legendary history of Kievan Rus as the plot basis of epics. The embodiment in them of ideas about patriotism, heroism, ideal folk heroes.

Ballads of Robin Hood

  • Folklore ballads about Robin Hood (at the choice of the teacher). The legends of the noble robber Robin Hood are the embodiment of the dream of the English people about a defender from injustice. Historical background of ballads. The versatility of the image of Robin Hood, his friends and enemies.

Serbian folk ballad "Death of the mother of the Yugoviches"

  • Serbian folk ballad "Death of Yugovich's mother", its restrained intense drama. Signs of a folklore ballad in the work. Serbian epic songs and Ukrainian Cossack thoughts.

Francois Viyon. The ballad will take

  • literary ballad. Francois Villon (between 1431-32 - after 1463). "The ballad will accept." Features of the literary ballad genre.

Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller "Glove"

  • Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller (1759 - 1805). "Glove". The assertion of the inherent value of human life in Schiller's ballad "The Glove".

Johann Wolfgang Goethe. forest king

  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832). "Forest King" Interweaving of psychological, fantastic and real in Goethe's ballad.

Alexander Pushkin. "Song of the Prophetic Oleg"

  • Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837). "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg". Poetization of the ancient Russian past in Pushkin's ballad "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg".

Robert Louis Stevenson. "Heath honey"

  • Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894). Stevenson's Heather Honey as a heroic ballad. The glorification in it of the feat in the uncompromising struggle against foreign invaders. Folklore elements in the work.

Adam Mickiewicz. "Alpujara"

  • Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855). "Alpujara" (from the poem "Konrad Wallenrod"). Courage and inflexibility in front of the enemy as the main idea of ​​the ballad.

Walter Scott. Ivanhoe

  • Walter Scott (1771-1832). "Ivanhoe". W. Scott as the founder of the historical novel genre. The image in the novel "Ivanhoe" of the struggle of the Anglo-Saxons with the Normans in the XII century. and the strife of the Normans. A wide panorama of life in medieval England.
  • The history and fate of man: Ivanhoe, his devotion, honesty, nobility. The idea of ​​tolerance. Rowena and Rebecca are two different destinies. Historical flavor and romance of adventure in the work.

Nikolay Gogol. "Taras Bulba"

  • Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852). Taras Bulba. Gogol and Ukraine. Images in the story of love for Ukraine, heroism, courage and military prowess of the Ukrainian people in the struggle for native land. Combat society, life and customs of the Cossacks. Incarnation in the image of Taras Bulba best features Zaporozhye Cossack. Ostap and Andriy. Pictures of nature in the work.

Rainer Maria Rilke. "Song of Truth"

  • Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926). "Song of Truth" Rilke and Ukraine. The glorification of the struggle for independence in the work. The role of the folk song in the story. Ukraine and its history through the eyes of the Austrian Rilke.

Jonathan Swift. "The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver"

  • Jonathan Swift (1667-1745). "The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver" (Part I). Satirical depiction in the story of English reality of the 18th century. Lilliput - England through the miniature glass of satire. State structure, laws and customs of Lilliput. The war between Lilliput and Blefuscu, its causes and consequences.

Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930). "The Hound of the Baskervilles"

  • A captivating intrigue is the basis of a detective work. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are a classic detective duo. The worldwide popularity of works about Sherlock Holmes.

O. Henry (1862-1910). "Last page"

  • Mutual understanding and the desire to do good to another as a means of overcoming life's troubles. The embodiment in the image of Berman of the best human traits: readiness for nondescript self-sacrifice and love for one's neighbor. The humanism of the work.

James Aldridge (born 1918). "The Last Inch"

  • The originality of the solution of the problem of parents and children. Formation of Devi's character in extraordinary circumstances. The need to fight "to the last inch", as well as overcoming the "last inch" that separates people, is the leading opinion of the story.

Alexander Tvardovsky (1910-1971). “I was killed near Rzhev ...”, “Do not put me on a notch until now ...”

  • Poeticization of the feat in the Great Patriotic War of ordinary soldiers who lay down "in the nameless swamps", "on the nameless heights", but saved the Motherland and humanity from fascism.
  • The problem of historical memory and moral responsibility to those who went to war (“Don’t put me on the notch until now ...”).

Heinrich Bell (1917-1985). "Traveler, when you come to Spa..."

  • Condemnation of war in Bell's work. The hero of "The Wayfarer" as a victim of the war. High anti-war and humanistic pathos of the work.

Mikhail Sholokhov (1905-1984). "Destiny of Man"

  • The tragic fate of one person as the embodiment of the tragedy of the entire nation during the Second World War. Andrei Sokolov's ability to remain a real person and patriot in the most difficult and most dramatic life trials.

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936). "If…"

  • The glorification of a strong personality, capable of remaining a Human under any conditions and circumstances, resisting the worthless tastes and opinions of the crowd, remaining worthy in relations with those in power, doing good deeds without boasting about it.

8th grade

William Wordsworth. "To the beautiful"

  • Glorification in the sonnet "To the beautiful" of the enormous power of "holy art". Wordsworth's verse as a hymn to artistic creativity, adoration of Art, capable of "giving grace" to man and humanity.

Vedas, Bible, Quran

  • The place of national literatures in the world literary process, their interaction and mutual influence.
  • Vedas (from 2 thousand BC), the Bible (from 12 centuries BC), the Koran (from 610-632).

Antique (ancient Greek and Roman) literature

  • Antique (ancient Greek and Roman) literature is the initial basis of European literatures.
  • The chanting of man and his world as one of the leading themes of ancient literature.
  • The most famous cycles of ancient Greek myths: Trojan, Theban, about the Argonauts.

Homer. Iliad, Odyssey

  • "Iliad": Chorus (song 1, verses 1-10), "Shield of Achilles" (song 18, verses 478-608), "Duel of Achilles and Hector" (song 22, verses 139-411), "Priam at Achilles" (song 24, verses 469-670)
  • Homer is the legendary founder of European literature. The humanistic pathos of the Iliad is the condemnation of war and its cruelty, sympathy for human grief, respect for man, poeticization of its heroism and feat. Resentment of Achilles and Hector as the personification of the ideal of man, hero, warrior.
  • "Odyssey": Chorus (song 1, verses 1-21), "Aed Demodok" (song 8, verses 486-520), "Odysseus and the Cyclops Polyphemus" (song 9, verses 181-566), "Odysseus in Corky" (song 10, verses 91-399)
  • Adventure, fairy tale and everyday elements of the Odyssey. Exaltation of the human mind, ingenuity and curiosity. Condemnation of lawlessness, stupid unjust force (Cyclops Polyphemus), as well as self-confidence and arrogance of a person (Odysseus's conflict with Poseidon). The image of Odysseus: warrior, leader, father, son, man, traveler, patriot.

Tirtaeus (mid. VII century BC). "It's good for him to die..."

  • Types of ancient Greek lyrics (declamatory: elegy), its influence on the worldwide literary process.

Archilochus (mid. VII century BC). "Heart, heart ...", "My bread is kneaded on a spear"

  • Ancient Greek lyrics as a synthesis of poetry and music. Merging in it the personal feelings and experiences of the poet with the realities of life, the assertion of the self-worth of the human person.
  • Types of ancient Greek lyrics (declamatory: iambs), its influence on the worldwide literary process.

Sappho (VII - VI centuries BC). “Like the gods…”, “The lot fell to me like this…”

  • Ancient Greek lyrics as a synthesis of poetry and music. Merging in it the personal feelings and experiences of the poet with the realities of life, the assertion of the self-worth of the human person.

Anacreon (c. 570-487 BC). “Bring water…”, “Golden-haired Eros…”

  • Ancient Greek lyrics as a synthesis of poetry and music. Merging in it the personal feelings and experiences of the poet with the realities of life, the assertion of the self-worth of the human person.
  • Types of ancient Greek lyrics (song: solo and choral), its influence on the worldwide literary process.

Aeschylus (c. 525 - c. 456 BC). "Prometheus Chained"

  • Theater in Ancient Greece. The emergence of tragedy and comedy. Aeschylus as an outstanding ancient Greek tragedian. The chanting of man and his inner world in ancient Greek tragedy.

Sophocles (497 or 495-406 BC). "Antigone". Song of the choir "There are many strange miracles in the world"

  • Theater in Ancient Greece. The emergence of tragedy and comedy. Sophocles as an outstanding ancient Greek tragedian. The chanting of man and his inner world in ancient Greek tragedy.

Publius Virgil Maron (70-19 BC). "Aeneid"

  • The poem "Aeneid" as a literary adaptation of the Roman legend about the Trojan Aeneas - the founder of Rome. Creative imitation of Homer's poems: "Odyssey" of Aeneas' wanderings and "Iliad" of his battles. Poeticization of Roman valor, patriotic service to the state, the greatness of Rome as the leading instructions and the main pathos of the poem.

Quintus Horace Flaccus (65-8 BC). "To Melpomene", "To Manlius Torquata"

  • Ode "To Melpomene" by Horace as the beginning of the tradition of the poet tallying up the end of his creative path. The motive of perpetuating the memory of the poet in his creative work, which will be needed by future generations.

Publius Ovid Nason (43 BC - c. 18 AD). "Metamorphoses" ("Four Generations of People"), "Sad Elegies" ("Winter in a Foreign Land")

  • Ovid and his famous poem Metamorphoses. The mythological basis of the section "Four generations of people". The elegy "Winter in a foreign land", the embodiment of the emotional experiences of the poet in it.

Li Bo (701-762). “I enter the river ...”, “Sadness on the jasper porch”, “Volcano of poetry”

  • Li Po, refinement and subtle lyricism of his poetry. Freshness and suddenness of poetic associations in the verse "I enter the river ...". Elegiac motifs of the poetry "Sadness on the Jasper Porch".

Du Fu (712-770). “At a month I remember my brother”, “Song of bread and silk”, “Wild geese return”

  • The lyrics of the Chinese poet Du Fu, its problems. Condemnation of the war in the verse "At the moon I remember my brother." Poeticization of peaceful labor in the poetry "The Song of Bread and Silk", its associative connection with the biblical metaphor of the need to "forge swords into ralas". The motive of nostalgia of the poet-traveler abroad in the poetry "Wild Geese Return".

Persian-Tajik lyrics: Rudaki, Omar Khayyam, Gafiz

  • Rudaki (c. 860-941). Gazelle, rubaiyat, beyti. Omar Khayyam (c. 1048 - after 1122). Rubai. Hafiz (about 1325-1389 or 1390). Gazelle (poems for the choice of teacher and students).
  • Attention to the inner world of a person, the most subtle shades of his feelings, the chanting of a woman, love as characteristic features of the Persian-Tajik medieval lyrics.
  • Leading figures of the Persian-Tajik lyrics, allegorical ambiguity of the images of their works. Features of versification.

Western European Poetry: Jaufre Rudel, Bertrand de Born

  • Creativity of Provencal troubadours, its genre-thematic and stylistic richness, ideological and artistic features.
  • Jaufre Rudel (among. XII cent.). Canzona ("To me during the May days ...").
  • Bertrand de Born (c. 1140 - c. 1215). "Sirventa" ("I love the May daylight hours ...").
  • The works of Jaufre Rudel and Bertrand de Born as the embodiment of the worldview of a significant part of the Western European chivalry.

Lyrics of the Vagantes: "Order of the Vagantes", "Poor Student", "Carefree Song"

  • The originality of the poetry of the Vagantes, its leading themes.

"Song of Roland" (X cent.)

  • The Song of Roland is a French heroic epic. Historical truth (the campaign of Charlemagne in 778 for the Pyrenees) and fiction in the poem. The struggle against foreigners and infidels for the homeland is the leading theme of the poem.
  • Roland is the main character of the epic. Karl as an ideal of statesmanship. The traitor Ganelon is the opposite of Karl and Roland. The consonance of the "Song of Roland" with the heroic epics of other peoples of the world.

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). "The Divine Comedy"

  • The poem "The Divine Comedy" is a philosophical and artistic synthesis of medieval culture. Dante's dream during the Easter week of 1300 and the compositional structure of the poem. Vision of the world in the poem, its allegorical content.

Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374). "Book of Songs"

  • “Book of Songs”: “Blessed is the day, month, summer, hour ...”, “If this love is not hot, what an ailment ...”, “Blessed and joyful herbs ...”, “Where the look is tender, where the magical view ...”, “Neither starry skies traveling choirs ... ".
  • Petrarch is an outstanding Italian humanist poet. The richness of the human soul, the beauty and sincerity of human feelings, the chanting of love in the "Book of Songs".
  • Petrarch's love for Laura as the source of his intimate lyrics. The image of Laura in the works of Petrarch. Artistic and psychological originality of Petrarch's lyrics.

Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375). "Decameron"

  • Boccaccio as the initiator of new European prose. A collection of short stories "The Decameron", its composition and thematic richness, the glorification in it of the best spiritual qualities of a person.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616). "Don Quixote"

  • The difficult fate of the writer. The novel "Don Quixote" is a parody of chivalric romances and the tragicomic epic of Spanish life. The wanderings of Don Quixote in search of justice.
  • Expected and real consequences of his actions. The romanticism of Don Quixote and the sober judgment of Sancho Panza. Don Quixote is an eternal image of world literature.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616). "Hamlet"

  • Shakespeare is a brilliant English playwright and poet of the Renaissance.
  • Tragedy "Hamlet", its philosophical and moral motives.
  • Hamlet is an eternal image of world literature. The versatility of Shakespeare's characters.
  • Deepening into human psychology, poeticization of a person and the beauty of her feelings, glorification of love and friendship in Shakespeare's sonnets.

Grade 9

Pedro Calderon. "Life is a dream"

  • Baroque as the first pan-European artistic movement. European and Ukrainian baroque. Pedro Calderon (1600-1681). "Life is a dream."
  • Pedro Calderon is an outstanding playwright and poet of the Spanish Baroque. "Life is a dream" as the embodiment of the ideological and artistic principles of the Baroque. Philosophical and moral conflict of drama. Causes and consequences of the evolution of the image of Sehismundo.

Molière. "The tradesman in the nobility"

  • Classicism as an art direction in Literature XVII in. Philosophical and aesthetic basis of classicism. Basic rules of classicism. Molière (1622-1673). "The tradesman in the nobility".
  • The incarnation in "The Philistine in the Nobility" is the figure of a classic comedy (the hero is the bearer of one passion). Ridicule of the unfounded claims of the bourgeois Jourdain for aristocracy, intelligence and education. Means of creating funny in comedy. The educational potential of the work.

Voltaire "Simple"

  • The Enlightenment as a Literary Age. A variety of manifestations of literary life: the emergence (sentimentalism) and development (classicism, realism) of artistic trends, new genres (philosophical story, etc.). Voltaire (1694-1778). "Simpleton".
  • The ideological content and artistic structure of the philosophical story "Simple", the meaning of its title. Conflict natural man» Huron and French society as central to the work. Anti-monarchist and anti-clerical motifs of the work. Huron and Gordon in the Bastille. The tragedy of the fate of Mademoiselle de Saint-Yves and Huron.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe. "Faust"

  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832). "Faust" (I part), the last monologue of Faust (II part). The tragedy "Faust" is the pinnacle of Goethe's work and one of greatest works world literature. History of creation, composition and problems.
  • The image of Faust as the embodiment of the dynamism of the new European civilization. The search for the meaning of life and the purpose of man. Opposition Faust - Mephistopheles, dialectical solution of the problem of good and evil. Faust and Marguerite.

Johann Schiller. "William Tell"

  • Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805). "William Tell". The folk drama "William Tell", the poetization in it of the struggle for national independence and individual freedom.
  • The symbolic meaning of the scene on Rütli. Gesler and Wilhelm Tell: the causes and nature of the confrontation. Peculiarities dramatic conflict in the work and its artistic expression.

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann. "Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober"

  • Features of romanticism as an artistic direction, its aesthetic principles. The specificity of the romantic worldview. The richness and diversity of the literature of romanticism, its artistic discoveries and outstanding representatives.
  • Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann (1776-1822). "Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober." "Little Tsakhes" is a masterpiece of a romantic fairy tale novel. The confrontation between the artist and the philistine is her main conflict.
  • The satirical and metaphorical meaning of the work. The specificity of Hoffmann's romanticism: the interweaving of reality and unbridled fantasy, the contrast of the high, the beautiful and the grounded, everyday, ugly. Irony and grotesque in the work.

Heinrich Heine. "Books of Songs"

  • Heinrich Heine (1797-1856). From the “Book of Songs” (“Why are roses as if lifeless”, “When two people part”, “I don’t know what happened to me ...”, “Evening rays are clear”, “People and years are dying”, “I would like to say the only …”).
  • Heine is a German romantic poet. The Book of Songs is an outstanding phenomenon of German romanticism. Love is the fundamental principle of life. Images of nature as a means of seeing and knowing the world and one's own soul.

George Byron. Poetry

  • George Noel Gordon Byron (1788-1824). “My spirit is like night…”, “Prometheus”, “Mazeppa”. Byron is an English romantic poet, the founder of Byronism. Leading motives and dominant moods of his work.
  • The Byronic Hero and the Moods of "World Sorrow" in the Poet's Poems. The poem "Mazepa", the historical basis and the romantic myth. Features of a romantic hero in the image of Mazepa.

Adam Mickiewicz. "Crimean Sonnets"

  • Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855). "Crimean Sonnets" (No. 4 "The Tempest", No. 6 "Bakhchisaray", No. 8 "Tomb of Pototskaya", No. 14 "Pilgrim"), "Dzyady", Konrad's monologue (scene II, Improvisation).
  • The work of Adam Mickiewicz is the apogee of Polish romanticism. Stay in Russia and Ukraine, reflection of impressions in his poetry (cycle "Crimean Sonnets"). The motive of the unity of nature and man. Patriotism and nostalgia for a distant homeland as the leading mood of the Crimean Sonnets.

Alexander Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin", poetry

  • Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837). "Eugene Onegin", "To the Sea", "I loved you...", "I remember a wonderful moment...", "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands...". A. S. Pushkin is a great Russian poet.
  • "Eugene Onegin" is a socio-psychological novel in verse. The spiritual world of its main characters. Genre-thematic variety of Pushkin's lyrics.

Mikhail Lermontov. "Hero of Our Time", poetry

  • Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841). “And it’s boring and sad…”, “I go on the road alone…”; "Hero of our time". Motives of freedom and loneliness, pessimism of Lermontov's poems.
  • A Hero of Our Time is a moral and psychological novel about the fate of a generation after the defeat of Decembrism. Features of the composition and its role in revealing the character of Pechorin.
  • Pechorin and the Byronic hero. Pechorin and Onegin. The female characters in the novel. Maxim Maksimovich - the image of the "little man". Romantic and realistic elements in the poetics of the work.

Nikolay Gogol. "Overcoat"

  • Mikola Gogol (1809-1852). "Overcoat". Gogol is a Russian and Ukrainian writer. The influence of Ukrainian culture on the development of his work.
  • The high humanism of the writer in the depiction in the story "The Overcoat" of the tragic fate of the "little man". The combination in the work of elements of romanticism and realism.

Grade 10

Stendhal "Red and Black"

  • The life and work of the writer. Synthesis of romanticism and realism in his work. The novel "Red and Black", a combination of socio-political and psychological aspects in it.
  • Sharp criticism of the Restoration regime. The conflict of the protagonist Julien Sorel with society as the plot core of the novel.
  • The inner drama of the hero as a consequence of this conflict. Women's images of the novel. Psychologism of Stendhal's creativity.

Honore de Balzac. "Gobsek"

  • The life and work of the writer. Balzac and Ukraine. Balzac is a French writer, the founder of the social realist novel. The combination of realistic and romantic elements in his artistic system.
  • The Human Comedy is a grandiose encyclopedia of the life of France in the first half of the 19th century, its problems and structure.
  • The power of gold and its philosophy in the story "Gobsek". Romantic and realistic features of the ambiguous image of the "philosopher and miser" Gobsek. Comparison of images of Fanny mallow and Anastasi de Resto. The role of Derville in the development and reproduction of the events of the story. Composition and style of the work.

Charles Dickens. "The Adventures of Oliver Twist"

  • The life and work of the writer. Creativity Dickens as one of the pinnacles of English literature, realistic and romantic tendencies in his prose.
  • The place of the novel "The Adventures of Oliver Twist" in the creative heritage of Ch. Dickens. The humanism of the writer, his sympathy for the humiliated and disadvantaged, especially for children. Condemnation of the greed, cold calculation and lack of spirituality of society. Debunking the "deromantization" of the underworld.
  • Accuracy characteristics of various social strata of England in the 30s of the XIX century Leading means of individualization of characters. Dickens as a master of irony and sarcasm. The social effectiveness of Dickens' creativity.

Fedor Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment"

  • The life and work of the writer. Creativity of Dostoevsky as one of the pinnacles of Russian and world literature. Philosophical, ethical and aesthetic views of the writer and their embodiment in works of art.
  • The novel "Crime and Punishment" as the embodiment of a new, polyphonic type of artistic thinking. Philosophical, social, psychological and moral and ethical ideas of the work. The evolution of the image of Raskolnikov and the debunking of the theory of a strong personality, "superman".
  • Disclosure of complexity and inconsistency spiritual world person. The system of images of the novel, the meaning and symbolism of its title.

Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina"

  • The life and work of the writer. Creativity of Leo Tolstoy as a manifestation of the possibilities of realistic literature. Spiritual and creative searches and achievements of the writer.
  • The novel Anna Karenina. Images-characters of the novel, plasticity of the image and psychological depth. Contradictory image of Anna. The image of Levin, his autobiographical component. Parallelism in the composition of the novel, style features. "Dialectics of the Soul" of Tolstoy's Heroes.

Poetry of Nikolai Nekrasov

  • Nikolai Nekrasov (1821-1877). “I turned off at six yesterday…”; “Reflections at the front door”, “Troika”, “On the death of Shevchenko”.
  • The life and work of the writer. Nekrasov as a "singer of the sufferings of the people", a roll call with Shevchenko.
  • Nekrasov's poetic innovation: the combination of poetry with prose, the approximation of poetic language to colloquial intonation.

Poems by Walt Whitman

  • Walt Whitman (1819-1892) (Poems at the teacher's choice)
  • The life and work of the writer. Whitman is an American poet and pioneer. The connection of his poetry with romantic traditions and transcendentalism.
  • Collection "Leaves of Grass", its leading themes and motifs. Appeal to free verse (ver libre). "Song of Myself" is the program work of the poet.

The poetry of Charles Baudelaire

  • Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867). "Albatross", "Correspondences", "Evening Harmony".
  • The life and work of the writer. Baudelaire, French poet of the second half of the 19th century, late romantic and one of the founders of symbolism.
  • Worldview and aesthetic views of Baudelaire and the collection "Flowers of Evil". The opposition of reality and ideal as a semantic-figurative axis of assembly. The search for "modern beauty", "obtaining beauty from evil" in Baudelaire's poetry.
  • The traditional and original solution to the problem of "the poet and the crowd" in the poetry "Albatross.
  • The filigree of poetic technique, the formal perfection and suggestibility of the poem "Evening Harmony".
  • Interpretation of objective images as "visible signs" of ideas, feelings, mental states ("Correspondences").

From the Poetry of French Symbolism: Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud

  • Symbolism as a literary trend in the last third of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Basic aesthetic principles and poetic innovation of the symbolists.
  • Paul Verlaine (1844-1896). "Forgotten ariets", "So quietly the heart cries ..." Poetic art. Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891). "Feeling", "Drunken Ship", "Voices".
  • The concept of a symbol as the main means of poetic self-expression, its interpretation by the French symbolists: spontaneity of appearance, vagueness and ambiguity, “prompting” of meanings and space for guessing.
  • Suggestion (suggestion) as an important artistic technique of symbolist poetry. Removing the informational-narrative function of poetic language.

Emile Zola. "The Career of the Rougons"

  • The life and work of the writer. E. Zola is a French writer, theorist of naturalism.
  • The cycle of Zola's novels "Rougon-Makkari" is "a natural and social history of one family in the era of the Second Empire. The novel "Career of the Rougons" as an introduction to the cycle, defining its leading themes and motives in it.

Oscar Wilde. "The Picture of Dorian Grey"

  • The life and work of the writer. Wilde is an English early modernist writer. Wilde's aestheticism, impressionistic style.
  • "The Picture of Dorian Gray" as the focus of the writer's work, philosophical, aesthetic and moral problems of the work. Features of the intellectual novel.

Grade 11

Franz Kafka "Reincarnation"

  • The life and work of the writer. Kafka is an Austrian modernist writer. The originality of the worldview and its artistic embodiment in the story "Reincarnation". Gregor Samzam and his family.
  • Features of Kafka's style, the specificity of the combination of reality and myth-making in his grotesque artistic world.

James Joyce "Giacomo Joyce"

  • The life and work of the writer. Joyce is an Irish modernist writer. Characteristic features of the poetics of modernist works by Joyce: "stream of consciousness", an element of parody and irony, pronounced intertextuality.
  • Psychological essay "Giacomo Joyce", its autobiographical character.

Michael Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

  • The life and creative path of the Russian writer M. Bulgakov. Bulgakov and Kyiv.
  • The creative path of the writer to "internal emigration". The novel "The Master and Margarita" as the pinnacle of his work. Problems and system of images of the work. Personality and power, various aspects of the interpretation of the problem. The tragedy of the fate of the artist (master). "The Master and Margarita" as a novel-myth, its origins, the transformation of mythical motifs.
  • The combination of reality and fantasy in the novel. "Moscow" and "Yershalaimsk" sections of the work and artistic means of their connection. Features of the composition of the work - "a novel within a novel".

Rainer Maria Rilke. "Orpheus, Eurydice, Hermes", "Here the tree came down ..."

  • The life and work of the writer. Synthetic manifestation of the latest trends and trends in the poetry of the Austrian poet R. M. Rilke.
  • Expression of the tradition of human alienation in a dehumanized world. Nostalgia for the lost unity of man with the world.
  • Rilke and Ukraine, Ukrainian motives in his work.

Guillaume Apollinaire. Lorelei, Mirabeau Bridge, Slaughtered Dove and Fountain

  • The life and work of the writer. The evolution of the French poet Guillaume Apollinaire from neo-romanticism to cubo-futurism.
  • A reaction to symbolism, an appeal to the real, object-sensory and its expression in a "straight word".
  • Change of position in life, affirmation of an active-creative attitude towards it.

Alexander Blok. "Unknown", "Spring, spring, without borders and without edge ...", "Scythians"

  • Alexander Blok (1880-1921). "Unknown", "Spring, spring, without borders and without edge ...", "Scythians"
  • The life and work of the writer. A. Blok is the greatest poet of Russian symbolism.

Anna Akhmatova. “You gave me a difficult youth”, “Requiem”

  • Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966). “Around the yellow evening lay down”, “You gave me youth, you are sutuzhny”, “Requiem”
  • The life and work of Anna Akhmatova. Acmeism, its aesthetic principles and poetics in her work.
  • Late poetry of Akhmatova ("Requiem"). Anna Akhmatova and Ukraine.

Bertolt Brecht. Life of Galileo

  • The life and work of the writer. Brecht as an innovative playwright. Brecht's "Epic Theatre", its theoretical foundations and creative practice.
  • The Problem of Scientists' Moral Responsibility for Consequences scientific research in the drama "Life of Galileo". The ambiguity of the image of Galileo. The intellectual nature of the drama.

Albert Camus. "Plague"

  • The life and work of the writer. Camus - French writer, laureate Nobel Prize. His philosophical and aesthetic views. Camus and existentialism.
  • Absurdity and tragic stoicism in the novel "The Plague". The problem of choosing a person in a borderline situation and personal responsibility for this choice. Composition and style of the work.

Ernest Miller Hemingway. "The Old Man and the Sea"

  • The life and creative path of the American writer, Nobel Prize winner Hemingway, features of his poetics and style.
  • "The Old Man and the Sea" is a story-parable about a man. "Life-like" plot and philosophical symbolic meaning works. Hemingway's influence on the development of artistic prose of the twentieth century.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez. "Old Man with Wings"

  • The life and work of the writer. G. Garcia Marquez is a famous Colombian writer, Nobel Prize winner.
  • An organic combination of the ordinary and the fantastic as the characteristic features of "magical realism" in the story "The Old Man with Wings". The meeting of people with an angel, its symbolic meaning. Tragicomic depiction of people's attitude to a miracle.

Milorad Pavic. "Damaskin"

  • "The first writer of the third millennium" Serbian M. Pavic. Embodiment in the story "Damaskin" features of postmodernism. The possibility of choosing ways to read a work at its two "crossroads" (including on a computer) as a manifestation of the writer's game with the text and the reader, characteristic of postmodern literature, "renunciation of the author's monopoly right to truth."
  • Intensive use of the facts of Byzantine and post-Byzantine culture ("virtual historicism") as a characteristic feature of M. Pavic's work.