“This is not her new mother”: Andrei Chuev’s daughter and young wife spend time together. Has Andrey Chuev already managed to cheat on his young wife? Where does Andrei Chuev's wife live?

  • 25.06.2019

After breaking up with Marina Afrikantova, one of the brightest participants in “House-2” Andrei Chuev found a soul mate in 19-year-old Victoria. In early December, the man shared with followers good news– the lovers formalized their relationship. The businessman does not hide the fact that the harmony in their couple is sometimes disrupted by disputes. He announced this under a photo of his chosen one in his personal microblog.

“We are like everyone else. Sometimes we quarrel, sometimes there is a misunderstanding - I can send it. This is life, and there is nothing wrong with it. Mutual understanding is necessary, we have it. We are happy, I like photographing my wife, and please do not write that any of my exes are better or worse - for me Victoria is the best, because I love her, and she loves me. We are happy together and try to radiate this happiness to everyone around us, which is what we wish for you too,” Chuev wrote on Instagram.

Fans of the young family wrote several dozen comments under Chuev’s publication. They shared their own stories and emphasized that it is impossible to completely avoid conflicts. Some followers advised Andrey to be less emotional when dealing with his young wife and try to treat her with trepidation and respect. Users of the social network also noted that the couple looks great together.

"Beautiful wife. I'm glad for you that you got married and are happy. This is the best reward for you! You can see from the photo how good you feel”, “Andrey changes it in better side– blossoms next to him”, “Words are far from dust. I’m also an emotional person, but I won’t allow myself to send my girlfriend away. This is disrespect. Words also hurt, and we must be responsible for what we say and what we do,” “Andrey, don’t read the comments of losers! They envy you! The wife is a beauty!”, “You are, of course, right that everyone quarrels - it’s good that you speak honestly. But it seems to me that you are too cruel towards your loved ones,” subscribers shared their opinions.

It is worth noting that Andrei immediately indicated the seriousness of his intentions. He not only introduced his beloved to one of his closest people - his grandmother - but had already planned the birth of a child. A relative of the star approved of his choice and admitted that she was looking forward to her grandchildren. Earlier, the ex-participant of the television project said that he also did not want to delay this moment: he believes that Vika is already ready to become a mother.

Let us remember that before Andrei proposed to his beloved, the girl also talked about some difficulties in her relationship with him. Apparently, Chuev has taken responsibility and independently makes decisions that affect their couple. Owner construction company some time ago he didn’t even allow Victoria to create her own profile on in social networks.

One of the most popular participants during the entire existence of the television project - Andrey Chuev - continues to do so even after leaving pub personal life. Many of his fans still yearn to know how he lives and how his fate turned out beyond the perimeter, away from the television cameras. But in addition to everything else, fans are also interested in his ex-wife, Tatyana Kiosya, who was once also on the project. Our article today is about Tatyana and her life outside the television set.

Brief information

Tatiana was born in Moldova on December 12, 1985. Very little is known about the biography of Tatyana Kiosi. She appeared before the audience in 2008, coming to the project together with a participant who was already popular at that time - Andrei Chuev. The guy presented his new girl as a singer from Moldova. The couple immediately announced their serious intentions and imminent marriage.

Life in "House-2"

Sweet, charming Tanya was warned in advance that she would not see life with Chuev because of his aggression and excessive temper. But she continued to build a relationship with him. In the end, it turned out exactly as most predicted. Andrey Chuev and Tatyana Kiosya were constantly arguing, sorting things out and even fighting. Later, the guys, despite their difficult relationship, decided to get married. Ultimately, the newlyweds left the television set, but continued to periodically share details of their lives.

After the project

After leaving Dom-2, Tatyana and Andrey began planning for a child. And this happiness was destined to happen; their beautiful daughter Elizabeth was born. At the same time, Tatyana Kiosya and her husband went to live in America. Where, as expected, Chuev planned to create some projects. But these plans remained just plans, and their family returned to their homeland. As it became known, after returning home, Tatyana Kiosya left with her daughter for Moldova. She completed hairdressing courses and, having begun to earn money on her own, was able to rent an apartment, where she and Lisa moved. Andrey was undergoing treatment in Israel at that time, because he had serious problems with health. Fortunately, he managed to overcome his illness. Only now the couple’s relationship began to fade away. And ultimately, they broke up.

Life in the Emirates

Tanya continued to improve in hairdressing in her homeland, and even repeatedly became a prize-winner in thematic competitions and championships. Later, while in Dubai, she met a plastic surgeon with whom she began an affair. Tatyana took her daughter, and they went to live together in the Emirates. They managed to maintain a decent relationship with Andrey and always support each other. Lisa communicates with dad, comes to him in Russia, just as he comes to her in the UAE. Many fans were interested in the question of how Tatyana reacts to the fact that ex-husband introduces their common daughter to his new girls. But Kiosya herself is philosophical about this and believes that there is nothing wrong with such meetings if the child is happy.

As for Tatyana’s new life partner, little is known about him. Just that his name is Wessam, and he is a fairly successful plastic surgeon. Couple rents good house in the Emirates, in which, in addition to themselves, two of his children from his previous marriage also live. Tanya works in her specialty at a local beauty salon.

Recently, rumors began to spread online that ex-wife Chueva, Tatyana Kiosya, stole Wessam from her once good friend. They were warmed up by that very friend, his ex-wife Anna, responding to comments from curious subscribers. She said that she and Tanya were very friendly and often went to visit each other, until Kiosya decided to betray her friend by taking her husband away from her. Tatyana herself was very outraged by such confessions from Anna, and hastened to tell fans that at the time of their acquaintance with Wessam, their marriage with Anna had already been dissolved for 2 years.

Where is the truth and where is the lie - we can’t figure it out now. All that remains is to wish Tatyana family happiness and well-being in her new life.

19-year-old Victoria Morozova and Andrei Chuev got married, having learned what sincere and reverent feelings are. The girl is much better than all his passions and will be able to give each one a head start. Fans claim that Victoria looks much older than her age.

Andrey Chuev not only won the heart of a young girl, but also began to take more care of himself. Fighting excess weight, improving financial well-being and even discovering a new talent, writing romantic poetry, all thanks to a young girl. Despite criticism and condemnation, Andrei continues to delight and surprise the girl of his dreams.

Andrey Chuev photo with his young wife: a stormy life before meeting his young lover

The personal life of Andrei Chuev is so turbulent that sometimes it is very difficult to keep track of it. Chuev’s first chosen one was a participant in the show “Dom-2” Valeria Shevtsova, it even came to a wedding, but the bride ran away from the wedding.

The new romance did not keep fans waiting; Yana Zemit became a new contender for Andrei’s wife. And again it came to the wedding, but it had to be canceled because the guy became involved in a fight on the project and was unable to meet his parents future wife after the couple's cruise to Europe. Their feelings cooled as soon as the couple left the project.

In 2009, Andrei returned to the show, but not alone with Tanya Kiosya; the couple did not participate in the project for long, as they planned to get married. And finally, the long-awaited marriage, no one ran away from the crown. After living a little time in America, the wife had a daughter.

In 2015, Chuev returned to the show again in search of love, the marriage was not eternal and Andrey was again at the start to build strong feelings, but with another person. Having officially published the divorce on his page on social networks, the guy plunged into a new romantic relationship.

Relations with Ekaterina Kolomeichuk and Anastasia Lisova, who were on the project, ended in fiasco.

Marina Afrikantova contributed bright colors into Andrey's life, the couple began to travel and the first place they went was the United Arab Emirates. Chuev became an entrepreneur because he won the “Person of the Year” competition, winning an apartment. Having sold the apartment he won, Chuev began building houses for project participants and selling them. “Wedding for a Million” is a new winter project in which a couple participates. Without becoming the winner, Andrei decided to leave the show, but his chosen one wanted to stay. Frequent quarrels and scandals separated the couple and they separated.

Andrey Chuev photo with his young wife: outbursts of passion and intrigue

Andrei is already dedicating poems to his young wife Chueva, who just turned nineteen, and public declarations of love by the former participant in the Dom-2 project have become not uncommon. Although his new passion suits him as a daughter, in poetry, he introduces himself as lyrical hero who is ready to do anything for his beloved. By comparing Victoria to an angelic light, Andrei thereby wants to show that it was this person who helped him get out of the darkness in which he arrived. His beauty is that immaculate, gentle girl with a charming smile who was given to him as a gift from heaven and he could not even have foreseen a better gift.

Although Andrei was very depressed after his relationship with Marina Afrikantova, who, according to him, betrayed him because she refused to leave the project. He was still able to find the girl who gives him happiness and inspires him. He no longer intends to build relationships under the guns of cameras, he wants to soar in the ocean of love and do romantic things that his beloved would admire every time.

Victoria had never been abroad, and to create a fairy tale, it was decided to spend her honeymoon in Dubai. The couple also visited the Maldives and Goa.

It was Victoria, a girl who is smart beyond her years, who was able to sincerely love Andrei and make him happy. After all, according to him, it’s not a matter of age, but inner world person. Victoria Morozova moved to Ukraine at the age of 14. And Andrey is proud that his wife worked in the store as a salesperson seven days a week. Her life was difficult and therefore she does not demand any specific wedding; she understands that feelings are higher than pathos.

Andrey Chuev is one of the most prominent participants in the reality show “Dom-2”. The young man evokes different emotions among fans of the television project - from sympathy to great irritation. But it seems that this is exactly what Andrey is trying to achieve.

Andrey Chuev was born in Stary Oskol in the first days of summer 1980. Almost nothing is known about the Dom-2 participant’s family and childhood. At school I gravitated toward the humanities and remembered easily new information, but showed indifference to natural sciences and geography. Higher education received at the Modern Humanitarian Academy, which he graduated at the age of 22.

After that I started doing business. Although this is too strong a wording. The young man was simply selling shoes at the local market. Andrei was not in the army, because due to violations of the law he was convicted several times and was registered. Otherwise, the biography of Andrei Chuev received little coverage in the media before his appearance on Dom-2.

"House 2"

Andrei Chuev came to the popular reality show in February 2008. Many social network users who discussed the events of the Dom-2 project immediately decided that the young man’s main goal was not “to build love,” but to loudly declare himself and make a career as a showman. Chuev often attracted the attention of viewers and other project participants with harsh statements on different topics. There were no people who would dare to argue with Andrei. Many were afraid of a sharp tongue young man.

As for “building love” on the project, Andrei’s first chosen one was a girl he knew from Stary Oskol, also a participant in the show Valeria Shevtsova. It almost came to marriage, but the bride ran away from the wedding. It turned out that the reason was Chuev’s refusal to leave television show after the marriage. It seems that the young man made attempts to improve relations with the bride. For this reason, he even went outside the perimeter. But he soon returned empty-handed.

A little time passed, and Shevtsova’s place was taken by another participant in the project, Yana Zemit. And again the romance almost ended in marriage. The couple took a cruise around Europe and were going to visit Yana’s parents so that Andrey could meet them. But the plans were dashed by Chuev’s fight with. According to the rules of the project, the person who started the fight must leave the project. And so it happened. Yana followed Andrei. But beyond the perimeter, the relationship quickly ended.

Andrey Chuev returned to the project in February 2009. The young man was invited to a reality show again, offering to become the new manager of the Moscow cafe “Doma-2”. The ex-participant returned, but not alone, but with his girlfriend Tanya Kiosya. Soon the couple left the show and got married. The couple had a daughter, Lisa. Chuev and Kiosya lived in America for some time.

After the project

After Chuev left the project together with Tanya Kiosya, it turned out that the ex-participant was seriously ill. Doctors found Andrei to have an intervertebral hernia. The first surgical intervention was unsuccessful: doctors operated on the wrong vertebra. During the second operation, blood poisoning occurred. Andrei Chuev was able to recover only after the next surgical intervention in Israel. $40 thousand for the operation was raised after a response on social networks. The TNT channel contributed a considerable amount.

In the spring of 2013, Chuev began to recover, messages appeared on the official website of the television project.

Personal life

In May 2015, Chuev returned to the TV show and surprised everyone with the statement that he was going to “build love” again. As it turned out, Andrei officially broke up with Tatyana Kiosya. IN " Instagram"Andrey posted a photo of the certificate confirming the divorce.

But "construction" romantic relationships Things weren't going smoothly for the young man. At first, Chuev developed a relationship with Ekaterina Kolomeichuk, but the relationship soon broke off. The same fate befell the established relationship with, who recently returned from Seychelles. The couple parted almost as enemies.

Andrei Chuev’s personal life began to improve when a participant returned to the project. Soon the young man declared her his girlfriend. Some viewers suspected Andrei of insincerity, because the “Person of the Year” competition was approaching. In August 2015, Chuev actually won the competition, receiving an apartment as a reward.

Andrey Chuev did not take advantage of the capital’s housing, but sold the apartment and began building houses for the project. The success of the cottage construction business in Naro-Fominsk was questioned by many, but Andrey Chuev brought the matter to the end. Having distributed the keys to a number of houses to the participants of “House-2”, and also having settled Olga Vasilievna Gobozova, the oldest participant in the television project, in one house for free, the entrepreneur left a number of mansions for himself. The young man rents out the property to anyone who wants it and receives a monthly rent.

Together with Marina, he visited the United Arab Emirates in 2016, which followers learned about from the Instagram of the enterprising participant of Dom-2.

But not everything developed so simply in the relationship of the Chuev-Afrikantov couple. In this union there emerged love triangle, in which a third party appeared - a participant. Chuev invited the girl to become his personal secretary and help in the construction of houses. Many viewers shared their suspicions that in this way Chuev was going to have an affair with Kharitonova love affair at work.

Despite the rumors, Andrei and Marina took part in another competition on the project - “Wedding for a Million”. The final of the competition took place at the beginning of February 2017. Six participants reached the finish line: and, Andrey Chuev and Marina Afrikantova, and. Last pair through audience voting took the place of the winner.

In March, Andrey Chuev left the project. Marina Afrikantova did not follow her chosen one.

Andrey Chuev now

In mid-2017, a new scandal broke out online involving Andrei Chuev. Viewers do not believe in the showman’s selflessness in relation to Olga Vasilievna and suspect that the entrepreneur extorted payment from Gobozova, regularly inquiring about the status of the transaction for the sale of Olga Vasilievna’s personal apartment in the city. In addition, the newly minted groom began to be terrorized ex-lover Marina Afrikantova, remembering a debt of 500 thousand rubles.

Outside the perimeter, Andrei did not suffer alone, and soon acquired a lover, who was 17 years younger, a native of Donetsk, Victoria Morozova. Together with his girlfriend, Chuev decided to start a family and have children. In October, the young people announced that in early December, a photo of a certificate about Andrei Chuev and Victoria Morozova appeared on the showman’s Instagram. The girl kept it for herself after the wedding maiden name. Honeymoon the newlyweds went to celebrate on the sea coast.

Andrey Chuev treats his relatives with love and regularly visits his grandmother, who dreams of seeing her great-grandchildren. Now the relative is in a modern boarding house in Valuevo, where she receives the medical care necessary for an elderly person. In response to criticism from subscribers who accused Andrei of sending his grandmother to a nursing home, Chuev posted a video about the boarding house on his microblog.

ABOUT former member The television project “Dom-2” is remembered only by its devoted fans, because Andrey left the television set long ago. Andrey Chuev's wife Tatiana Kiosya got into the project thanks to Chuev, who was unable to build a personal life with another participant - a girl named Lera, whom he was already planning to marry, but she last moment I changed my mind. Andrei then left Dom-2, and when he returned to the television set, he brought with him a pretty girl Tanya, introducing her as a singer from Moldova.

In the photo is the wife of Andrei Chuev

Their relationship could not be called stable and calm - quarrels happened between lovers almost every day, and Andrei even sometimes raised his hand to his chosen one. However, Tanya Kiosya became the wife of Andrei Chuev, and the couple, having lived a little more on the project, left its perimeter. After some time, their daughter Lisa was born, and then the young family left for America - Andrei planned to do some projects there, but nothing came of these plans, and they returned.

In the photo - Andrey Chuev with his wife

However, relationships in the young family were not easy, and the couple began to live separately. Some time ago, a misfortune happened to Andrei - due to blood poisoning, which he received as a result of an unsuccessful spinal operation, Chuev found himself on the verge of life and death. Fortunately, he managed to cope - Andrei was helped by treatment in Israel.

IN Lately in the photographs that Andrei Chuev’s wife posts online, she is captured only with her daughter, and he is not in the photographs. To questions about whether he had divorced his wife, Chuev replied that they had no problems in the family, and they were not together only because Tatyana Kiosya could not come to Russia due to problems with documents - she had still have Moldovan citizenship.

Andrey Chuev’s wife is a hair stylist and works in her homeland. She became the winner of one of the shows for hairdressers, in which she was the best in all categories. Andrey attended this event and was very proud of his wife. Since her daughter Liza lives with her, Andrei very rarely sees his child and his wife and this is very difficult for him - he says that he wants to be reunited with his family as soon as possible.