Photo report. The Polytechnic Museum is closed for reconstruction

  • 30.06.2019

In Moscow - National Museum history of science and technology, one of the largest scientific and technical museums in the world. The museum was established by personal decree of Emperor Alexander II. On September 23, 1872, by the highest order, a Committee was established for... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

In Moscow, created in 1872 on the basis of the first polytechnic exhibition in Russia. Single since 1992 museum complex; operates as a scientific, educational and cultural and leisure center. At the Polytechnic Museum, the Central Polytechnic Library ... Russian history

The building of the Polytechnic Museum in the 1880s. Moscow. Museum of Science and Industry(, 3/4), one of the oldest scientific and technical museums in the world. Created in 1872 on the initiative of the Society of Lovers of Natural History, Anthropology and Ethnography with the assistance of its... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

In Moscow, created in 1872 on the basis of the first polytechnic exhibition in Russia. Since 1992, a single museum complex; operates as a scientific, educational and cultural and leisure center. At the Polytechnic Museum, the Central Polytechnic Library ... encyclopedic Dictionary

In Moscow, one of the largest and oldest scientific and technical museums. Created in 1872 on the basis of the first polytechnic exhibition in Russia, organized on the initiative of the society of lovers of natural history, anthropology and ethnography in connection with 200... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

See Museums... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Museum of Science and Industry- Museum of Science and Industry … Russian spelling dictionary

Museum of Science and Industry - … orthographic dictionary Russian language

Polytechnic Museum in Moscow- National Museum of the History of Science and Technology, one of the largest scientific and technical museums in the world. The museum was established by personal decree of Emperor Alexander II. On September 23, 1872, by the highest command, a Committee was established for the organization in Moscow... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Coordinates: 55°45′27.87″ N. w. 37°37′46.15″ E. d. /  ... Wikipedia


  • 200 beats per minute. The typewriter and consciousness of the 20th century. Album, Exhibition catalog book 200 beats per minute. Typewriter and consciousness of the twentieth century. Exhibition organized by the Polytechnic Museum, Moscow Museum contemporary art And… Category: Art history and theory Publisher: Polytechnic Museum, Manufacturer: Polytechnic Museum,
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Staircase "Polytech".

In the center of Moscow, on Lubyanka, there is one of greatest monuments architecture, culture and history - Polytechnic Museum. It opened in 1872 with an exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Peter I. Today, in addition to the museum part, it includes a library, a lecture hall, a children's science center and a Polytheater.

Museum visitors on a tour.

Unfortunately, in the next few years it will be impossible to visit Polytech: by decree former president Dmitry Medveedev, the building is subject to reconstruction, both inside and outside. Reedus learned how the museum would change and where the exhibits would be sent until the renovations were completed.

Despite its age, the inside of the "Polytech" still looks pretty decent: slightly dilapidated walls, rare exhibits without a speck of dust are neatly arranged in the halls, in the corners the caretakers watch the visitors with a discerning gaze. By the way, in recent free days work of "Polytech", from January 3 to 8, he was visited by more people, than usual. This is understandable, because you want to return to this museum again and again.

Visitors to the Polytechnic Museum.

Visitors to the Polytechnic Museum.

Walking along the corridors and gesturing at the exhibits, the head of the press service, Elena Kostyukova, explains that approximately a fifth of the samples are on display. Downstairs, in the storage room, other items from various fields of technology and scientific knowledge.

“It is important that the building was originally intended for a museum. Here, our so-called large ring (a corridor leading along the halls - editor's note) was specially made to make it convenient to walk and watch with children. Soviet time There was a slight reconstruction here: there were many administrative premises, partitions were built and many such things. In general, there is a lot of administrative space,” she said.

In one of the halls of the museum.

The concept of the new Polytech is being developed by the British company Event Communications. Among the upcoming metamorphoses, the museum expects an increase public squares: there will be elevators and paths for strollers. "This restoration is an adaptation to modern conditions", Kostyukova added.

The external appearance of the museum building will also change. The courtyards in which cars are currently parked will be blocked. Roofs will be built on top of the sites and they will be insulated so that public events can be held there in the future. The basement will be deepened by one and a half meters to increase storage.

A stand dedicated to metallurgy.

Visitors to the Polytechnic Museum.

The renovated museum is scheduled to open in mid-2017. Until the restoration is completed, all exhibits, books and other documents from the fund will be partially distributed across three sites. The first is a storage facility on the territory of the former AZLK plant in Tekstilshchiki. An area of ​​15 thousand m2 has already been allocated for the library. Preparations for storing rare exhibits are in full swing.

A museum visitor examines the exhibition.

The caretaker of the hall.

The second site is pavilion No. 26 "Transport" at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. On an area of ​​3000 m2, up to three thousand exhibits will be presented (in comparison, the exhibition in the “old” building is approximately nine thousand items). The exhibition will operate under a separate project. According to the museum management, it will involve new technologies; interactive programs will constantly change.

The last, but no less important site is the territory of the ZIL cultural center. There will be lectures and educational programs lecture hall and children's scientific center. The move will most likely take place after May 18.

The management of "Polytech" promises to hold "traveling exhibitions" in the future. Thus, in 2014, a special exhibition will be presented in London as part of the Year of Space.

Rocket model at Polytech.

While the exact concept for the development of the museum is unknown, all ideas and plans are being discussed. Meanwhile, the visitors themselves are excitedly discussing among themselves what will happen to Polytech.

On the third floor, in the “Cosmos” hall, the artist Victoria sat on the floor. She often comes to the museum, each time discovering something new and capturing it on paper. “It seems to me that the museum now lacks such an approach so that you can touch and feel everything. Well, the exhibits, these, for example (points to the drones hanging above) - I think we need to work with all these signs and information, because “It’s so unclear,” she said. “Now there is no interactivity. It would be great if these old TVs worked all the time, and we could look at them the way they did at that time.”

Visitors to the Polytechnic Museum.

Computing machines.

One floor up, in the electronic cleaning machine department, a grandfather tells a little boy about their origins. Hearing my question about the reconstruction of the Polytech, he frowned. “The museum is old, but it won’t happen like with Children’s World. There is a big doubt how successfully the idea of ​​​​reconstruction will be implemented. We can only hope,” he sighed. “It would be great if a sub-museum was organized in the new museum information technologies. It would be worth presenting everything there, from accounts to Soviet and foreign models." As it turned out, Yakov Shushkevich was the developer of some of the ES computer models presented here; now he takes his four grandchildren to the museum and tells them how this industry developed.

A visitor takes a photograph of the exhibition.

In one of the halls of the museum.

Along with the closure of the old building, there will be a reduction in staff. This is one of the few reasons for the caretakers’ dissatisfaction with the upcoming reconstruction. Tatyana Iksikova worked at the museum for 4.5 years: “Repairs, of course, are needed. But I think that two moves are a fire. Where are the guarantees that everything will be preserved?” “I want everything to remain as it is. We don’t need any changes,” said the caretaker of the neighboring hall, Antonina Shumilova, in a firm voice.

In one of the halls of the museum.

Visitors to the Polytechnic Museum at a display case with cameras.

The employees of the Tsiolkovsky bookstore located in the same building are also not very happy with the changes. According to them, they will have to move out while the building is being repaired. It is still unknown when exactly and where the paper property and vinyl records will be transported.

However, on the evening of January 8, the Polytechnic Museum officially closed. For the first time in for a long time the halls are empty and you can’t hear the sounds of creaking floorboards; in the storage room, exhibits neatly packed in boxes are waiting to be moved to a new location, and front door There is a red "Closed" sign hanging.

Signs on the doors of the Polytechnic Museum.

The Moscow Polytechnic Museum is an interesting exhibition and educational complex; it is one of the largest and oldest scientific and technical museums in the world.

Until 2017, the historical museum building will be closed; reconstruction is underway, so exhibitions and events will take place at other venues. Among them is the Moscow technopolis ( open funds Polytechnic with 10 excursion programs and a library), pavilion No. 26 at VDNKh (interactive exhibition “Russia does it itself”) and Cultural Center ZIL next to the metro station "Avtozavodskaya" (scientific laboratories and children's clubs).

Photo of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum

History of the Polytechnic Museum

The history of the Polytechnic Museum began in 1863, when a society of lovers of natural history, anthropology and ethnography appeared. The museum itself opened in 1872: the basis of the exhibition was the collection of the Polytechnic Exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Emperor Peter I. A building was erected especially for the museum on New Square, construction completed in 1907. Poets and scientists spoke in the Great Auditorium of this building, including such prominent figures as Niels Bohr and Ilya Mechnikov.

Lecture hall of the Polytechnic Museum

The lecture hall is one of the most famous and popular projects of the Polytechnic University. The museum organizes lectures by prominent scientists and popularizers of science from Russia and other countries of the world. This is a unique opportunity to learn about what is happening in the world of science and technology first hand. Moreover, the lectures are intended, first of all, not for specialists, but for a wide audience. Entry is usually free.

The Polytechnic Museum is located in the center of Moscow, on Novaya Square. The museum was created thanks to the initiative of members of the Society of Lovers of Natural History, Ethnography and Anthropology, immediately after the Polytechnic Exhibition held in 1872. The exhibits from the exhibition formed the basis of the new museum's holdings. Members of this society, professors of Moscow University G.E. Shchurovsky and A.P. Bogdanov, took an active part in the creation of the museum.

Moscow City Duma allocated in 1871 a plot for the construction of a museum in Lubyansky Proezd. Later, the museum building ended up on Lubyanka Square. This happened after the demolition of the Imperial Society building. The northern part of the museum building was built on the site of the demolished building.

The museum was opened in a temporary building in 1872. In 1877, the central part of the museum building was built. The project was carried out by the architect Monighetti. N.A. Shokhin supervised the construction of the building. The southern wing of the Polytechnic Museum was built by the architect Shokhin in 1883, the right wing of the building was built in 1896, and the northern building was built in 1903 - 1907 according to Makaev’s design. The entire construction of the Polytechnic Museum building lasted about thirty years.

The Polytechnic Museum is one of the oldest scientific and technical museums in the world. Today it is largest museum Russia, which presents more than 190 thousand exhibits, 150 collections in various fields of scientific knowledge and technology. The museum's exhibitions explain the operating principles of various technical devices and tell about the history of technical inventions and inventors. The library of the Polytechnic Museum stores more than 3 million books and publications.

Bunin, Burliuk and Mayakovsky spoke at the Lecture Hall of the Polytechnic Museum. Disputes raged about the ways of cultural development. In 1918, Khlebnikov and Yesenin, Bely, Mariengof and Bryusov spoke at the Lecture Hall. In the thirties, the poetic traditions were continued by Zabolotsky, Bagritsky and Tvardovsky. During the “thaw” of the sixties, Voznesensky, Okudzhava, Rozhdestvensky and others performed at the Polytechnic.

World famous scientists spoke at the Polytechnic Museum: Nobel laureate Mechnikov, academicians Fersman, Zelinsky, Vavilov. Here, in 1934, Niels Bohr gave a lecture on “The Structure of the Atomic Nucleus.”

Nowadays, the famous Lecture Hall is in full swing with scientific, educational and socio-political activities. The Large Auditorium The lecture hall is built like an amphitheater and seats 520 spectators. It is here that all important and significant events for the Polytechnic Museum are held.

In 2011, lectures from the Skolkovo Open University were held at the Polytechnic Lecture Hall. There is a bookstore "Tsiolkovsky".