Using rainwater. Rainwater

  • 26.09.2019

Rainwater. What is this? What rain is, of course, is known to everyone, but what is it and where does it come from? Probably few people think about this.

Rainwater is one of the forms of atmospheric precipitation, moisture that evaporates from the surface of the soil and various bodies of water. Accumulating in the atmosphere, huge masses of water form clouds. A single rain cloud can contain more than one ton of water. Clouds are constantly moving, changing their composition, density and temperature. What do they carry in themselves and what is the composition of the rainwater that falls on our umbrellas, and sometimes on our unprotected heads?

Our great-grandmothers sang songs of praise to rainwater, considering it a real natural miracle for preserving youth and beauty. They collected it, washed it, and rinsed their hair. This was probably the case before, but alas. Rain water would indeed be wonderful water, but only if it does not contain foreign impurities, which is practically impossible in modern ecology.

What is the composition of rainwater today?

A drop of rainwater weighing 50 grams washes about 16 liters of air during its flight from a cloud to the surface of the earth. A liter of rainwater collects chemical compounds contained in three thousand liters of airy, sometimes completely unclean, mass. It turns out that the composition of rainwater directly depends on the place where the rain falls. If these are environmentally safe places, and there are still such places, then there is no need to be afraid of the rain. But it’s scary to think what the rainwater that pours on the heads of residents of modern megacities contains. If, for example, compounds such as sulfur or nitrogen enter into a chemical reaction with rainwater, then a harmless downpour becomes real acid rain. Acid rain is rain whose pH is less than 5. The acidic nature of rain is caused by many chemical compounds, but the main ones are SO2, SO42- and NO. But that is not all. Air pollution, and, as a result, rainwater, occurs due to the work of industrial and agricultural enterprises, transport, the activities of which supply nitrogen and sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, mercury compounds, arsenic, lead, toxic chemicals, pesticides and an infinite number of other dangerous substances. All this rubbish enters the atmosphere, rains and evaporates again, but during evaporation, only water enters the clouds with the rising air, without the harmful impurities with which it fell to the ground, since all these elements are too heavy. This also explains the freshness of the rain that falls near the seas; only water evaporates from the sea, or, to be more precise, water vapor; the heavier salt remains in the sea. I don't really want to wash my face with that kind of water. It’s a pity that it has become dangerous to run barefoot in the warm summer rain, splashing through puddles. The consequences can be very unpleasant - from allergic reactions and baldness to the most serious diseases. Buy umbrellas and raincoats. Today this is an essential means of protection, unfortunately...


Rainwater is believed to be very beneficial. Indeed, clean rainwater is useful for washing hair, washing clothes, and cooking food with it. But it was clean maybe a hundred years ago, or even two hundred years ago. And then you could drink it, wash dishes with it, and cook food with it. Alas, it is not advisable to do all this in our time.

The composition of rainwater depends on the area in which the clouds formed, on air pollution where precipitation falls, on the direction of the wind and other circumstances. The air, and therefore rainwater, is polluted primarily by transport, industrial and agricultural enterprises.

Experts note that now almost any rain is “acidic” to one degree or another, and therefore it is better not to use this water for personal purposes.

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Water (Eau) eau (f) wateramener de l’eau au moulin de qn pour water on smb. millavaler de l'eau to be silent, (as if) he had filled his mouth with wateravare de plus belle eau miserliness, the likes of which the world has never seen [a total fool, a complete ignoramus]battre l'eau (avec un b?ton) pound water in a mortarbuveur d'eau (joking)

What is rainwater and the properties of pure rainwater? Rainwater is a form of precipitation. The source of rainwater is moisture that evaporates from the surface of moistened soil and reservoirs. The water mass formed in the earth's atmosphere is enormous. For example, one rain cloud can contain about several tons of water. The cloud does not stand in one place, but constantly changes its location relative to the surface of the earth. When moving in space, a cloud redistributes not only heat and moisture, but also a variety of chemical elements, salts and dust.

Basic properties of rainwater

Rainwater is perfectly absorbed by the human body, since it contains a minimal amount of harmful impurities that can somehow affect human health. Thanks to rainwater, optimal moisture is maintained in the skin of each of us, dryness and irritation are eliminated.

The composition of rainwater - what is it like today?

Rainwater useful only in that case if it is clean. However, today, due to the difficult environmental situation throughout the world, it is difficult to guess whether the warm summer rain, which we often wait for up to several weeks, or the autumn drizzle, which can soak our clothes in a matter of seconds, is dangerous. What is a drop of rainwater today? The environment leaves much to be desired, especially in economically developed countries, where one metropolis with a dozen industries is replaced by another with its own industrial zones and enterprises. A drop of rainwater, for example, having a mass of only 50 grams, during its flight from a cloud to the ground “manages” to wash approximately 16 liters of air! And one liter of rainwater is capable of absorbing and “diversifying” its composition with impurities contained in three thousand liters of air mass. Therefore, from all of the above, one thing is clear - the composition of rainwater largely depends on the environmental situation of the place where the cloud formed. If within the atmosphere compounds such as sulfur or nitrogen enter into a chemical reaction with rainwater, then a seemingly harmless downpour becomes real acid rain. Therefore, at the moment, due to the current environmental situation, almost every rain can be safely called “acid.” Of course, many scientists and doctors are inclined to believe that rainwater does not bring any benefits to health and the body as a whole. Many people don’t even risk washing their clothes or washing their faces with rainwater, much less adding it to their food. In some industrialized countries and regions, rainwater may be more polluted in composition than wastewater. Air pollution, and, consequently, rainwater, occurs due to the operation of industrial and agricultural enterprises, as well as vehicles; the activities of enterprises and transport supply into the atmosphere oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, carbon monoxide, mercury compounds, arsenic, lead, toxic chemicals, pesticides and many other dangerous substances, the list of which is almost endless. All elements enter the atmosphere, and then, together with rain masses, fall back to the Earth, and this process never stops.

Is there still any benefit to water?

Of course, if you close your eyes to the environment and the possibility of pollution of rainwater, then you can still benefit from this liquid. Our ancestors considered rain water to be a real “elixir of youth” - women washed themselves with water from heaven and thereby rejuvenated the skin of their face and body. It was believed that rainwater had a beneficial effect on hair and its structure. The hair should be rinsed with rainwater, after which it would become very soft and silky, fluffy and shiny.

Rain helps our skin maintain its moisture balance, eliminates excessive dryness, thereby eliminating fine wrinkles. If you live in an environmentally friendly place, you can safely wash your face with rainwater. Water can be collected in a non-metallic container and then washed with it in the morning and evening. Changes in the skin can already be observed after a few weeks of water treatments - the skin becomes more youthful, elastic, radiant and velvety. It will be nice to take a walk in the summer rain, get a lot of positive emotions and a great mood.

The use of precipitation will provide significant savings in water extracted from a well or well. In addition, it will help reduce energy consumption, as it allows you to turn on pumping equipment less often. However, you don’t know how to collect nature’s free “gift” for further use?

We'll show you how to do this. The article discusses a rainwater collection system and options for using precipitation for domestic needs. The device, design specifics are described, and the effectiveness is assessed taking into account the funds spent on organizing an alternative water supply.

For interested visitors, we have selected organizational diagrams with underground and above-ground reservoir locations, presented photos with options for masking the storage tank, and collected useful videos that allow you to organize water collection on your own.

Everything is in order with fresh water reserves in Russia, but the most economical owners of private lands have increasingly begun to think about the rational use of natural resources.

Absolutely safe and modern, most convenient for DIY installation.

Step #2 - selection of water collectors and storage tanks

Precipitation falls irregularly, so there are no devices without a “transfer base” that directly connect trays to water collection points. It is necessary to organize a large container for storing the collected water, which will allow it to be used only as needed.

The prototype of all modern tanks is an ordinary barrel. It can still be found in summer cottages, installed directly under the drainpipe.

The effectiveness of using a barrel is conditional, since it has a small volume and is not suitable for home water supply. In addition, there are no overflow systems planned in its design; all excess spills over the edges and enters the ground.

The purpose of an ordinary metal or wooden barrel is to collect a small amount of rainwater and then use it for economic purposes: for watering or cleaning

For water storage systems, volumetric tanks are made, which can be divided into two categories:

  • ground installed under the drainage system near the wall (or inside the building);
  • underground, buried in the ground near the house.

The material for all types is the same - it is polyethylene, less often concrete, fiberglass or steel. Synthetic rainwater storage tanks are in the lead because they are not inferior in performance to analogues made from other materials, but at the same time they are much lighter and therefore more convenient for transportation and installation.

The volume of above-ground tanks is from 750 to 2000 liters, underground - from 2000 to 5000 liters.

Modern products are completely ready for connection - they have a large hatch in the upper part and a fitting with a tap in the lower part (for ground-based versions)

Large underground tanks are equipped with surface tanks or for forced movement of water to water collection points. The use of various equipment requires additional fluid purification. To do this, a filtration system is used: a coarse filter is installed at the entrance to the tank, and the same one is installed at the outlet.

Options for plastic tanks for collecting and storing rainwater:

Image gallery

Compact container, decorated like a stone

If water flows to sinks for washing or washing dishes, fine filters with a mesh of no more than 5 microns, as well as multi-stage carbon units, are required.

Step #3 - organizing a drainage system

Let's assume that your private house is equipped with a full-fledged storm drain, including a set of gutters and trays, downpipes, sand traps and a sewer outlet to.

Is it possible to install a structure to use rainwater in a house without major changes? Of course, but you will have to supplement the circuit with storage capacity and related equipment.

First, you will have to analyze the state of the accumulating plane, that is, the roof. You should check its integrity, cleanliness, and if necessary, change the roofing covering to a safer one.

If the storm structure of pipes and trays is in order, a large factory-made polyethylene tank can be attached directly to it. Install a fitting at the bottom of the tank for emergency draining.

In order not to disturb the design of the storm drain, the easiest way is to install a large plastic barrel for irrigation, but it will not be suitable for house maintenance

If there is a need to install a large underground tank, you will have to make adjustments to the old structure - most likely, change the location of the sewer pipes. By digging a pit and installing pumping equipment, you will have to re-lay the communications for the drains.

We offer two options for installing rainwater use systems - with an above-ground and underground tank.

Construction of a simple system with a barrel

To assemble the easiest circuit, you will need a kit for installing gutters, a filter, a ready-made water tank, a short hose and mounting hardware.

The result of the work will be a simple system for collecting water from a sloping roof with a large plastic tank as a storage tank

We purchase plastic gutters, trays and pipes of the required size at a hardware store. If you are not satisfied with plastic, we use galvanized steel parts, homemade or factory-made.

We assemble the drainage system in the following order:

  • Using special brackets or hooks, we secure the gutter along the edge of the roof;
  • At the corner, in a place convenient for installing the tank, we hang the drainpipe;
  • we connect the main elements with a receiving funnel;
  • We seal seams and joints.

The good thing about assembling factory models is that all the necessary parts and even some of the tools are included with the container.

Diagram of a system with an underground tank

A large container installed near the house can satisfy 50% of the water demand. Thanks to special wiring, rainwater will flow to water collection points that do not require high quality liquid: toilet cisterns, kitchen and watering taps. But even in this case, filters are installed.

The tank can be installed under the surface, in the basement or in a pit dug near the house. We will choose the third option, in which the container will be completely immersed in the ground, therefore, it will not occupy a free area near the building and will not spoil the beautiful landscape with its technological appearance.

Another advantage of a reservoir buried in the soil: cooled rainwater is an unsuitable environment for the development of bacteria, therefore it will not “bloom”

We select a container with a volume of 2.5-3.5 thousand liters, and, based on its dimensions, we look for a place for installation. In addition to the dimensions, when digging a pit, we must take into account the groundwater horizons and the level of freezing.

The depth of the pit should be approximately 70 cm greater than the height of the tank, since 20 cm is a gravel-sand cushion, 50 cm is a layer of earth above the tank (freezing in the middle zone and northern regions in winter).

  • We take out the soil and take the excess to the side;
  • we arrange a compacted gravel-sand cushion;
  • We install a reservoir in the center of the pit;
  • fill it on all sides with a mixture of soil and sand;
  • we install pumping equipment and pipes (drainage and leading into the house).

Of course, before connecting electrical equipment, it is necessary to set up a water supply system from the roof and do it. Installation of drains occurs in the traditional way, a pipe through a hatch supplies water to the container.

The pipeline from the tank leads to certain, pre-selected points. Inside the house, in the utility room or basement, there is a place for installing a pump, filters, and control equipment.

Scheme of using a rainwater collection system: 1 – water level sensor; 2 – float device; 3 – filter; 4 – surface pump; 5 – water tank; 6 – siphon; 7 – filter

After installation and connection, it is necessary to perform a test start: fill the container with water and turn on the pump. If everything is in order, the liquid will quickly flow to the water collection points.

The container should not be empty, as ground movements can cause deformation of the body. If water runs out during a drought, it must be replenished from the main source. In order not to measure the water level using improvised means, you can draw a kind of scale on the inside of the wall with divisions in fractions or liters.

Rainwater in the heating system

In some cases, rainwater is used instead of distilled liquid or antifreeze in heating systems of private homes.

Natural characteristics - softness, absence of foreign inclusions and cleanliness - make it suitable for pouring into the heating network. To remove possible contaminants “caught” in the atmosphere, it is initially passed through a filter.

Option for installing a storage tank inside the house (in a boiler room, basement or utility room): a pump, filters, pressure gauge and piping are located nearby

In addition to cleaning procedures, it helps to enrich the liquid with special inhibitors and surfactants that reduce the tendency of water to form corrosion and plaque. Chemical compounds help dissolve lime and other deposits.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Educational informational videos will help you install your own rainwater storage tank.

Video #1. How to make a rainwater collection system with an external tank with your own hands:

Video #2. Useful theoretical information:

Video #3. Preparing a plastic barrel for autonomous water supply:

The purity and natural softness of rainwater make it possible to use it for household needs, irrigation, and sometimes to fill the heating system. Thanks to the large storage tank and pump, you can always use a backup water source, which is available when the well is empty.

If you have interesting information, valuable recommendations, or your own experience in installing a system built to collect rainwater, please leave comments. To place them, a block form has been opened below the text of the article.

Rainwater has its own special energy. For people familiar with esotericism and those who simply want to succeed in life, we will suggest unusual ways to use rainwater.

Previously, we wrote about signs and rituals in the rain. They have special power because they are directly related to nature and its unbridled power. And natural elements, as we know, have a huge impact on our lives. Therefore, both Western astrology and Eastern teachings like Feng Shui take them into account.

Rainwater as a source of strength

Many legends, myths and secrets have been associated with rain since the early origins of civilization. Now that science has shed light on almost everything related to natural phenomena of this kind, rain remains something unusual. Rain has its own special energy. All the moisture that surrounds you and me evaporates, neutralizing negative charges, and, being in clouds, is charged with the power of wind and air.

According to practitioners who work with the memory of water, it is charged with both positive and negative energy. It depends on the state of the Moon - the worst case scenario is when it rains on the Full Moon. In other phases, rain can be collected and used to increase energy or enhance rituals.

Application of rainwater

If you occasionally travel outside the city and if you have the opportunity to collect rainwater, be sure to use it. Collected on the New Moon or during the waxing of the Moon, rainwater will absorb the greatest power.

When is rainwater used?:

  • To enhance conspiracies, rituals and ceremonies. If you use rituals or ceremonies that use water, try replacing it with rain harvesting. This will significantly increase the power of conspiracies. The only exception is when the water needs to be drunk, since scientists do not advise drinking rainwater even after boiling. This applies to those regions where there are many cities and factories.
  • To improve energy. By washing your face with this water in the morning, you can attract good luck. A boost of energy will help you start your day much better. The affirmations collected in our other articles will also help you improve your energy and achieve success in any area of ​​life.
  • To improve and rejuvenate the skin. Rainwater removes toxins from the skin, allowing the skin to breathe freely.
  • For watering indoor plants. Rain is good for the soil, so water your indoor plants with this water as often as possible. Cacti especially love rainwater.
  • For treatment. There are many folk methods for treating nervous stress, but one of the most effective is adding a couple of drops of rainwater to food or medicine. It must be collected from any flowers. It is better to do this away from the city - for example, at a summer cottage or in a field.

Nature gives us unconventional ways to achieve success. You just need to find out about them and take advantage of this help. She also gives us important tips, which we share in our daily lunar and solar calendar. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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