How to beautifully draw a full-length human figure of a woman step by step with a pencil for beginners and children? How to draw the body, arms, legs of a woman in clothes? How to draw a person and a woman in a sideways movement with a pencil? How to draw the human body? P.

  • 03.07.2019

Women and men have fundamental differences in body structure. But, in modern world Some women look like men because of their clothes and hairstyle. However, no matter how hard a woman tries to resemble a man, we can still recognize her. home distinctive feature consists in the structure of a woman’s body - wide hips and narrower shoulders (men have exactly the opposite indicators). At drawing a woman V full height You should start from this basic rule, and the rest of the secrets of construction can be learned from this step-by-step lesson.

Materials and tools:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple pencil.
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. First you need to carry out with a simple pencil vertical center line. We leave serifs at the edges of the segment. They will determine the full height of the body beyond which you cannot go:

Photo 2. Divide the segment in half. Thus, the line is divided into two parts, along which we will later build the body. Next, we divide the upper segment in half again, and measure another half from the resulting upper segment. The topmost segment is the height of the woman’s head:

Photo 3. Now you need to outline the location of the shoulders. The line of the shoulders will be located under the head, namely under the second (top) serif. Let's step back a little from the head, leaving a little space for the neck. Let's draw the line of the shoulders at an angle, because the woman will stand slightly bent over:

Photo 4. Next we need to find out the location of the waist and knees. To do this, you need to divide the center line into three parts. To do this easily, we divide the lower half of the center line in half, but the line of the knees will be slightly higher. We measure its height and transfer it to the center line three times, leaving notches. The result should be three equal parts:

Photo 5. Now we outline the waist line. It will be located on the notch between the first and second half of the divided center line (there are 3 parts in total), and the hips will be slightly lower and twice as wide as the waist. We draw the hips and waist at an angle, opposite to the shoulders:

Photo 6. We unite the shoulders and waist along the edges, and from the waist we draw a line to the hips. You need to outline the length of the skirt - it will be equal to two distances from the waist to the hips:

Photo 7. From the shoulders we outline the location of the arms. The left arm will be bent at the elbow and located at waist level, and the right arm will be raised and moved to the side:

Photo 8. Now let's draw the legs. Do not forget that the knees should be located at the level of the notch. The right leg will go slightly behind the left:

Photo 9. Let's draw the head in the shape of an oval, and “outline” the hair on it. Most of they will fall to the left side:

Photo 10. Let's draw the hands and give them shape. Left hand the girl will hold it at the waist, and the right one will be set aside:

Photo 12. Using an eraser, we remove the extra lines that were previously needed for construction. Let's enhance the contour of a woman's body:

Photo 13. Let's draw the woman's facial features. We don’t put much emphasis on drawing the face, because our main task is to learn how to draw a woman in full height, namely the body. You can study my separate lesson “how to draw a female portrait”, where I work out in detail the details of the girl’s face:

Photo 14. Let's set the tone for the hair. Near the bends we make the pencil strokes denser:

STEP 1. First, when drawing a woman's face or body, remember that it is made up of soft lines and arcs! STEP 2. When you start drawing, remember that faces can be drawn at different age levels.

For example: child's face(1), teenager (2), adult woman (3), old woman (4).

Hope this example helps you! STEP 3. Eyes are very important for female face, because they can convey not only character or mood, but also age.
STEP 4. Now little secret for haircut. As you can see, a woman’s hair always has a lot of arcs and soft lines! STEP 5. I would like to show you that the female body, like the face and hair, consists of smooth lines and curves. STEP 6. In the previous step, we looked at the structure of the standard female figure. Now I'll show you a few other types female body.

As a rule, the chest and hips should be the same width, but this rule applies to standard woman figures.

In nature, there are also other types of women, when the hips are larger than the breasts. Or when the breasts are larger than the hips. Also, some women have boyish bodies! All this depends on heredity and genetics.
Step 7: Perspective is also important when drawing the female figure. With different viewing angles, certain sizes of body parts change.

Here are some examples.
Step 8. I suggest you look at some examples of poses for female characters. Just like their bodies, their movements are too soft!

If you want to draw a more feminine pose, look at different photos of movie stars
Step 9. Now let's start practicing drawing the female figure.

First, swipe reference lines for the figure of the future character. Step 10: Make the Face Shape Step 11. Now draw the eyes and eyebrows. As you can see the girl's face from the side, it is much easier to draw the face! Step 12. Let's complete the face with small details such as the mouth, nose and details of her eyes too. Step 13. Now draw it long hair and part of the shoulder with the neck. Step 14. Add small parts on her hair. Now, you can see how many soft lines there are. Step 15. Now draw the basic shapes of the hands. Step 16. Draw small details on the back, arms and fingers! It's a little more difficult, but try your best! Step 17 Now draw the basic lines of the clothing! Step 18. After this, draw the details and lines on the clothes. Step 19 And now we're on to the last big part! We have to draw basic form her legs! Step 20. As her legs take a step, draw the separation lines of the legs. Now you can see them clearly! Step 21. Well, that's the end of the lesson "How to draw female bodies"! Now all you have to do is add color to your design! Also see the lesson.

There is a genre in painting that even to many artists seems like an impregnable fortress. This is a portrait. Proportions, line thickness are only a small fraction of the parameters, raising concerns. However, this wisdom can also be mastered if you strictly follow the rules for beginners, which describe how to draw, for example, a girl with a pencil step by step.

Profitable skill

Before we talk about the practical side of the issue, a few facts. Among the creative elite, they occupy a special niche street artists. Many of them made a name for themselves, and at the same time a good bank account, by painting portraits of women. This is exactly how the famous mysterious Banksy started, whose works are bought for millions of dollars and decorate the homes of the richest people in the world. So, if you want to learn how to draw portraits of girls, don’t put your dream on the back burner: it’s not only exciting from an aesthetic point of view, but it can also become real earnings. Moreover, there are no insurmountable difficulties for people who have at least basic knowledge about proportions, not here.

Professionals recommend starting to master a portrait with a full-length image of a figure. To do this, draw 9 horizontal lines and 3 vertical lines on a piece of paper at equal intervals. And then we carefully read the manual.


Geometry to help

Another way to learn how to draw people is to use geometric shapes to build a skeleton.


Read also:

  • How to draw eyes? Technique for realistic eye images

How to convey all the subtleties of facial features?

The face in a portrait plays a key role, and any violation of proportions will make the image a caricature. So you will have to carefully monitor the ratio of the parts.


Japanese animated films won a lot of fans around the world. It is not surprising that many would be happy to understand the intricacies of how, for beginners, you can draw a real anime girl step by step with a simple pencil.


Learn to draw a woman in clothes proportionally and beautifully in a static pose or in motion.

If you want to improve your drawing skills and learn how to draw the female body, figure, arms and legs of a woman, be sure to read this article! Master classes have been selected for you with step by step photos different levels difficulties.

How to beautifully draw a human figure of a woman in full-length clothes step by step with a pencil for beginners and children?

A woman is often the first thing someone tries to draw Small child. He wants to portray his mother! Children's drawing is only schematic. On it the body is an oval, the head is a circle, the arms and legs are “sticks” or “sausages”, and the hair is a simple hatching. Of course, such drawings are touching. But if your child has reached school age and clearly shows interest in drawing, try with him to learn how to draw a full-length woman, no longer schematically, but in compliance with proportions and technique.

IMPORTANT: If you want you or your child to really draw women beautifully, you cannot do without studying anatomy. It must be remembered that the drawing will be proportional if we take the head as the unit of measurement. So, a woman’s height should be equal to 7-8 heads. And in order for the curves of a woman’s body to be smooth and beautiful, you should carefully study the woman’s skeleton and her naked body.

Draw with junior schoolboy? Then, of course, everything will be simpler; there will be no need to go into anatomical details.
Let the child draw an oval, tapering downwards. This will be a blank for the head. From the center of the oval you need to draw a straight line two heads long - the axis of the body.

Since the woman in the drawing will be wearing clothes, more precisely, a dress, there is no need to draw hips and legs. Draw a quarter circle divided into three segments.

Focusing on the axis, draw a trapezoid with a smaller base downwards, this will be the torso. On both sides of the larger base, draw semicircles - blanks for the sleeves of the dress.

Detail the drawing - draw the woman’s hairstyle.

Draw the woman's hands. The length of the forearms should be equal to one and a half heads, the hands - 1 head.

Add legs to the woman's drawing and detail her dress.

Remove the auxiliary lines. Draw in facial features as desired.

How to draw a woman's body in clothes with a pencil?

When starting to draw a woman’s body, take the time to study her skeleton and nude images. Try to mentally or on a piece of paper divide the body into basic shapes, mainly triangles.
Imagine your torso in the form of two triangles, connected at the waist level by their vertices. These triangles can be the same since, basically, the width of a woman's hips is equal to the width of her shoulders.

Afterwards, the female figure should be streamlined, since, unlike the male figure, it has more smooth curves.

The next possible difficulty is drawing a woman's breast. Imagine that you are sculpting from plasticine. Stick two identical semicircles to the torso of your figure and smooth them out on top. It will turn out something like the picture below.

Draw female breast it can be difficult.

Convey the movements of the female body by moving the axis line.

Now try to draw a portrait of a woman from the waist up.
Draw an oval - a blank for the head, as well as straight lines - the axis of the body, the axes of the arms and legs. Try to maintain proportions. Use small circles to mark the places where the joints will be.

Woman's torso in pencil: step 1.

Draw the contours of the woman's body and hairstyle.

In the picture, the woman will be wearing a tight-fitting dress; mark its boundaries. Add some jewelry to the woman - a bracelet on her wrist. Draw the hair, let it be a little messy, as if it were blowing in the wind.

Draw the woman's face, detail her dress. Add shadows using shading. Erase the auxiliary lines.

VIDEO: How to draw a female body?

How to draw a woman's hands in clothes with a pencil?

Women's hands are especially difficult to draw. They need to be smooth and graceful, with long, thin fingers.

IMPORTANT: If you depict a woman in clothes, it will be easier for you - you will only have to draw the hands and parts of the forearms. The rest you will hide under the sleeves of your clothes.

Try to depict the woman's hands in several positions at once.

  1. Schematically outline the hands in the form of ovals, and the forearms in the form of straight lines.
  2. Starting from the ovals, draw the fingers. Remember that a woman's middle finger is the longest.
    Detail the contours of the hands. No straight lines!
  3. Draw the nail plates and folds of skin in the areas where the phalanges meet.
  4. Delete the auxiliary lines.
  5. Make the shadows with very abrupt shading; they should not be too dark.
  6. If you are drawing a woman's hands with the backs facing forward, pay special attention to the fingertips. They can be rounded or slightly elongated. Draw the nails with a sharp pencil, and with thicker lines draw the folds of the skin in the areas where the phalanges of the fingers meet.
  7. Using the same principle, draw female hands in other positions.

Woman's hands with pencil: step 1.

Woman's hands with pencil: step 2.

Woman's hands with pencil: step 3.

Woman's hands with pencil: step 4.

Woman's hands with pencil: step 5.

Woman's hands in pencil: step 6.

Woman's hands in pencil: step 7.

Woman's hands in pencil: step 8.

Woman's hands in pencil: step 9.

Woman's hands in pencil: step 10.

Woman's hands in pencil: step 11.

How to draw a woman's legs in clothes with a pencil?

A woman's legs are also more rounded than a man's. To draw them:

  • draw her hips in the form of a triangle lying on the base
  • draw dots in the corners of the triangle - a schematic representation of the hip joints
  • from these points, draw straight lines, the axes of the legs (they should not be parallel, make them a little closer at the bottom)
  • Divide the lines roughly in half, draw dots to mark the kneecaps
  • outline the contours of the legs, remembering that a woman’s thighs are denser than her lower legs
  • draw the kneecaps
  • designate the feet as trapezoids with large bases at the bottom (if the feet are turned straight)
  • detail the feet and draw the toes

How to draw a person, a woman in clothes, in motion with a pencil?

When you have practiced a little and feel more confident, start drawing a female figure with clothes in a static pose or in motion.
In the first picture, a woman in a dress will be standing.

  1. Draw an oval for the head. Divide the oval into jagged left and right halves with a vertical line to determine the center of the face. Separate the oval in the upper and lower halves with a horizontal line to maintain the proportions of the face. Draw a horizontal line for the hairline. Divide the area below this into three equal parts. The first line below the hairline is for the eyebrows, and the next line shows the position of the tip of the nose. The ears will be located on either side of the head between the eyebrows and nose.
  2. Draw two small ovals - sketches of the ears. Use curved lines above and below the ears to outline the hairstyle. Add ovals for a hat sketch. Extend the curved lines below the hat for the neck and shoulders. Draw straight lines for the bodice. Use short flowing lines to form the chin, right elbow, wrist and ankles. Draw curved and wavy lines to outline the skirt.
  3. Draw the hair using shading. Add a slightly curved line below the edge of the hat. Outline the ears, eyes, mouth. Draw a V-shape for the neckline. Draw the straps of the sundress using straight lines. Detail the sundress - draw the bodice and folds on the skirt. Draw the woman's legs and the shoes on them. Draw bracelets on one or both of the woman's hands.
  4. Draw the eyes, mouth and nose. Detail the dress, add shadows. Erase the auxiliary lines.

Woman in full length clothing: steps 1-2.

Woman in full-length clothing: steps 3-4. Woman in full length clothes in pencil.

Now draw a woman in a pantsuit in motion.

  1. Draw a straight line, divide it into 8 identical segments - this makes it easier to maintain the proportions of the body. The head will be equal to the length of one of these segments.
  2. Draw an oval for the head, make markings on it for the correct placement of the eyes, nose and mouth.
  3. Draw the frame of the female body using straight lines, triangles and circles. Give him the desired pose.
  4. Using smooth lines, draw the contours of the woman’s body.
  5. Move on to drawing the clothes. Since it fits the figure, there is no need to add much volume.
  6. Draw the woman's face and hair.
  7. Draw a scarf on the woman’s neck.
  8. Detail the clothes. Draw folds and shadows on it.
  9. Draw shoes - sandals with heels. If desired, draw the woman's accessories, such as a bag.
  10. Erase all unnecessary lines with an eraser.

In this lesson I will show you how to draw a beautiful full-length girl.

I will show two stages at once in one picture, and you will need to repeat after me.

To begin with, let’s mark out an approximate “skeleton” so that later it will be convenient for us to draw, and we will not get confused about the proportions. First of all, draw a rough sketch of the head in the form of a circle, to which draw the lower part. In the middle of the “head” we draw a line for the neck, and from it – a line for the shoulders. Mark the shoulder joints with circles.

We have drawn an approximate skeleton, we can move on to the next stage of construction.

  • The neck has the shape of a cylinder.
  • The body is oval, elongated.
  • Draw small circles in the area of ​​the shoulders and elbows. We connect these circles with long cylinders.
  • Next draw the pelvis.
  • You also need to draw circles in the knee area. Pay attention to the shape of your hips and calves.

This way you should be able to draw a full-length girl. In order to learn how to construct and draw girls in different poses, I recommend the book by Jack Hamm “How to Draw the Human Head and Body”— the material is presented there in an accessible way, and by doing the exercises together with the author you will learn how to draw a person perfectly. you also can