How to understand who is causing damage. How to find out who caused damage, the most powerful ways

  • 25.09.2019

Spoiling another person is not that difficult. The Internet is full of conspiracies and descriptions of magical rituals. Thousands of sorcerers and witches are ready to do this dirty deed for money. There is nothing to say about the evil eye. All you have to do is look at a child or an adult filled with negative thoughts, how the baby is capricious, and everything is falling out of your hands. How to find out who did the damage? Before answering this question, let's establish whether it is necessary to know.

A conspiracy that helps to find out who caused the damage

Do you need to know the source of the negativity?

Is it so important who caused the damage or the evil eye? Yes, this is very important.

Evil eye

Everyone has heard the word “evil eye.” In this case, the victim did not necessarily annoy her offender, and he wanted to deal with her. This may be an unintended impact. Imagine that a girl is walking next to her husband, holding a child’s hand. Meeting her is another who has no personal life and children. She is filled with anger. She has no complaints against this particular girl, she has not done anything wrong to her, but the second negative attitude to life, anger, envy, etc. An exchange of energy occurs, and the first one receives a negative message. It is easy to remove it yourself, and it returns to the person from whom it came.

Is this good? What good can be in negativity, in such an aura that suddenly appears around a person. Therefore, you need to know where this energy comes from. If you know that some man walking down the street and hits everyone in the face with his fist, you won’t wait for the next blow. Something similar happens in spiritual life. You need to know who is constantly “hitting” you energetically in order to protect yourself from negative influences.

There are ways that help you independently determine who has jinxed a family or an individual. It's easy to recognize. But one point is important here. You can't judge this person or be angry with him.. The anger comes back, and you yourself will join the ranks of those who can cast the evil eye. Better have pity on this man. Deeply unhappy people get angry. Just isolate yourself from him, avoid him, and don’t take revenge or get angry.

There are ways that help you independently determine who has jinxed a family or an individual


Why know who did the damage? If pointed severe damage, then not only the victim herself suffers from it, but also her relatives up to the 7th generation, and the children and grandchildren of the victim, and the relatives of the customer himself, because the damage returns to the one who caused it. Now these two are connected by magic, and only a white magician can break this connection and neutralize the effect of damage.

What to do to save the family? Only help here white magic, which should eliminate the consequences of damage and establish protection. To do this you need to know who did it. But this protection can only be targeted, i.e. block the actions of a specific person. Therefore, you need to know where this evil came from. You need to get rid of the damage, but it is already present, the negative cannot simply dissolve into thin air, the magician must direct it to someone. It would be unfair to choose another victim for this purpose. Then you yourself turn into a customer and will be punished for this. Therefore, the magician directs it back to the one who himself caused the damage. Revenge is bad, but in this situation the white magician has no choice, because... There are some damages that cannot be removed in any other way; they return to the one who caused them.

How to find out who jinxed

What to do in case of an evil eye? If you want to recognize that the evil eye has hit your family, you need to make sure that the evil eye is present. Then a ceremony is carried out to remove it. And you need to read the plot itself, which will help you find out who jinxed it, the very next night after the first ritual. You can do this yourself, without turning to witches. At this time, someone else’s energy is just coming out of you, and you can influence it so that it indicates who has jinxed the family. It returns to the person it came from, so it can point to a specific person.

You can find out who jinxed it yourself, without turning to witches

The ritual itself

To find out who is bringing the evil eye on you or your family, stand in front of the mirror in the evening and read the Cyprian Prayer 3 times. Look in the mirror, at the point next to your head, and say the words of the spell, also three times:

“Remember the Slave (name) for health, and his enemy for peace! Calm all his angry thoughts! Let him appear before me! So that we are not bound by the same fate! Amen!".

Then go to bed.


After you read the plot, wait for it to work, it will be the next morning. If a friend has jinxed you, he will come to visit you or call you. But sometimes we get the evil eye from random person. But even in this case, you will encounter it in these 3-7 days. He will either ask you something or push you, i.e. there will be some contact. But an accidental evil eye is not so terrible, because... there is a high probability that you will not see this person again.

It is much worse if the ogling person is your relative or acquaintance. Then he will definitely make himself known, i.e. will come or call. Sometimes the evil eye comes from the Internet, because... many publish in social networks your photos. And there this person will show himself, leave a comment or write a message, etc. In this case, you need to somehow protect your photos from prying eyes.

How to find out who sent the curse

If you suspect that you have been damaged, first make sure that this is not your fantasy. There is damage to illness, to family, to home, to death, etc., each with its own symptoms. Read about this or go to a good magician who will tell you whether you are damaged or not. Carry out the ceremony yourself, read the plot. When you are sure that there is damage, act.

Try to understand who could damage you

Without magic

Before you begin magical rituals, sit and think about who could be planning evil against you. We are afraid of some people, and this happens at the level of intuition, because... they can be outwardly pleasant, and even ingratiate themselves with us. There are people who consider everyone hypocritical and live filled with hatred and anger. A wave of negativity emanates from them, so both the person himself and his loved ones suffer from depression and begin to have nervous breakdowns. These are the people we suspect first of all, but they are not necessarily guilty. What to do if you or your family have been damaged?

First, sit down and think.

  1. Remember the moment when you started having troubles. If you find it difficult to do this right away, take a piece of paper and write down individual events until you get to the starting point.
  2. You managed to remember when it all started. Now think about who you communicated with during this period, what you could have done at that moment. Did someone come to visit you or invite you to your place and give you gifts?
  3. Make a list of your contacts. Don't cross out anyone, write everyone down. If you have already forgotten all the events, ask for help loved one. When the list is ready, go through it with your eyes, trying to intuitively determine who is guilty. How to do this? Say each person's name and introduce them. How do you feel? If these are warm feelings, cross them out, if they are hostility, leave them. You have no more than 10 people on your list.
  4. The list of suspects is ready, you will need to meet and talk with them. Catch the first emotion on a person's face when he sees you. You may notice fear and rage, and your inner feelings may become stronger. Watch the conversation, the person will try to ask you how you are doing. He is only interested in that part of life that is associated with corruption. After that, he will try to leave, citing being busy. The person does not look you in the face, clenches his fists or crosses his arms when talking, licks his lips, etc.
  5. Buy some trinket and try to give it to your potential offender. What will he do if he is guilty? He will not take it under any circumstances, he may panic and run away.

To find out who caused the damage, make a list of your contacts


If you are not sure that this is the same person, read the conspiracy. There are many options for simple rituals that you can perform yourself.

  1. Spell for sleep

    It must be read the night before any Orthodox holiday. Before going to bed you need to say cherished words, after which it is forbidden to eat or drink or talk. This night you will see in a dream the culprit of the damage. If the sorcerer drowned or burned, then the damage was not strong, and you have already gotten rid of it.

    “Saint Samson will appear and send me a prophetic dream,

    Who thought dark thoughts

    Who said an unkind word

    Who did evil?

    He sent a spell of corruption,

    Let him appear to me in a dream. Amen".

  2. Salt spell

    It is held on a waxing moon, on a night when there are many stars in the sky, at exactly 12 o’clock. At this time, pour half a glass of salt into a hot frying pan and leave it on the fire for about 20 minutes. At this time, stir it and repeat constantly:

    “I will feed and drink all seventy-seven. Show and tell who did evil and slander to the Servant of God (name) - not a fish, not a bird, not a beast, but an evil man.”

    The salt will become dark and crackle. It's time to wrap it in a napkin and take it outside. Stand under starry sky, count 21 stars on the right and say:

    “Queen stars, return the evil that was brought to me neither by fish, nor by bird, nor by beast, but by man - return it to the one who did it, and God will forgive!”

    Take the salt to the crossroads and pour it there.

    For three days after the ceremony, you must communicate with people as little as possible, do not take any gifts from them and do not give anything yourself, do not borrow money, etc. In the morning, go to church and order a service for health in the name of the person you suspect, light 2 candles for his health. If it makes itself known within 1-2 weeks, it was definitely the culprit of the damage.

Determining the person who caused the damage is done by simple magical rituals. So, you can find out not only the gender of your enemy, but also his name. Don’t be surprised if the offender knocks on the door the next day after the ritual.

In the article:

Why know who did the damage?

If you have become a victim of a black witchcraft ritual, then you need to find out who is having a negative impact. This is no less important than.

  • Some want to know their offender for revenge.
  • Others - to know the enemy by sight and protect yourself from contact with him.

The second reason is the most correct. Taking revenge on a sorcerer who managed to inflict severe damage is not always logical. This may result in another magical attack from him. And if the sorcerer has good magical protection, then all your magic will be reflected from him and come back.

Therefore, the only reason to know your enemy by sight is to protect yourself in every possible way, break contact with this person and avoid the influence of this magician.

Ways to determine who cursed

You can find out who caused damage or the evil eye using four categories of rituals:

  • Rituals that allow you to see a sorcerer in a dream. In this case, you need to be able to correctly tune in to receive information through dreams.
  • Appeal to the Higher Powers. If you can correctly contact the spirits, and they agree to help, then soon the offender will give himself away, or the spirits will point to the enemy.
  • Rituals that involve the use of magical attributes and the performance of special actions with them.
  • Rituals in which the main search tool is a sample of the sorcerer’s own energy. In any case, during magical influence the magician leaves a little of his material, so his energy can be used for searching.

How to find out who caused damage in a dream

This is one of the most common and easiest methods of exposing enemies. It will make it difficult to find out the name of the enemy or common features faces. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to see the full face of your sworn enemy.

Before you go to bed, relax and get rid of obsessive thoughts. Do not try to mentally guess the image of the enemy. It will be confusing. Leave all your guesses and concentrate on the fact that you want to know who tried to attack. When you can relax, say quietly:

I walk in rows, I look with my eyes.
Among the ranks of the bright ones there is Saint Samson.
In the name of God, eternal and living,
I say the holy word -
Saint Samson, show me a prophetic dream.
Let Saint Samson show me my enemy,
Through a dream, the prophetic face will show it to me.
Alive and Holy Trinity, help,
Lord Jesus Christ, bless my dream,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

After saying the text, go straight to bed. Rest assured, the image of the offender will appear at night. To avoid forgetting anything in the morning, place a notepad and pen by your bed in advance. As soon as you wake up, do not touch your head (so as not to drive away the memories of the dream) and quickly write down everything you saw.

Appeal to higher powers to identify enemies

You can find out who the enemy really is, and who could cause damage and the evil eye, using both simple and complex methods. The result of the ritual will depend on your capabilities.

Black magic will help you find your enemy

You can identify the person who caused the damage using black magic. This ritual is not very complicated, but quite dangerous. Therefore, it is not recommended for those who are new to the canons of black magic or are just beginning their journey in understanding the world of witchcraft.

To perform the ritual, go to the cemetery and find an old nail. The best thing to do is to pick it up from someone's grave. But remember, it is not advisable to touch the object with your hands. Therefore, prepare in advance a piece of black cloth in which you can wrap the find. Having picked up the nail, take it and drive it under the door at the entrance to the house. During the action, say the text:

Let my enemy come in three days,
and if he doesn’t come, he’ll die in six months.
Cemetery, coffin, nail,
I'm waiting for you, invited guest.

The person who has performed the witchcraft will very soon appear on the doorstep, since with your help you can not only call the offender to you, but also inflict damage on him. If you suspect a specific person and want him to come to you with repentance, then change the text of the spell:

(Name) If you don’t come in three days, you will die in half a year.
Cemetery, coffin, nail.
I'm waiting for you, invited guest.

Help of dark forces in capturing the sorcerer

They can help you catch your enemy dark forces, which the magician addresses. They can point the victim to the one who dared to send damage or the evil eye to her. Necessary:

  • large container full of boiling water;
  • 7 rusty keys.

Late in the evening, lower the prepared attribute into a container of boiling water and exclaim three times:

Whoever wants to harm the servant of God (name) should bring the devil into his house. There won't be to an evil person peace, the devil will drive him out of his chambers. Amen.

An enemy deprived of peace from the very early morning will already be standing at your door hoping to talk.

A candle is a magical attribute that will open the veil of secrets

Candle wax is often used in magical rites to determine the presence of damage, the evil eye, a curse and to identify who could so greatly influence the fate of the victim. Fill a bowl with water and arm yourself with a wax candle. The use of candles made of other materials is unacceptable. There will be no effect from the ceremony.

A simple way to identify your enemy yourself

The prepared wax should be heated well so that it melts, then pour it into a container filled with liquid and repeat the text:

I pour wax into the water, I pour out the name of my enemy.

After all the wax has been poured out, let it cool and take a closer look at what happens.

The stronger the damage caused, the more information you can get.

  • Often the wax can show letters, which will symbolize the initials of the one who tried to harm.
  • Numbers will indicate how long ago the ritual was performed.

Sometimes the figures can be quite strange, symbolizing the enemy’s profession or hobby.

How to find out who caused damage using needles and candles

With the help of this ritual, you can tell exactly who is doing the damage. You need to purchase several wax candles from the church. One of them needs to be set on fire, and the other needs to be broken. Melt the broken piece in a container over the fire of a burning candle.

Pour the hot wax into a bowl filled with liquid. Place the second candle nearby and let it burn out. Take a close look at the resulting image. IN in rare cases it completely repeats the image of the sorcerer who caused damage.

If you see an object on wax in front of you, then determine what kind it is. An individual of this sex made a negative impact. After this, take three sharp objects (you can use needles) and stick them into the image. As you insert each needle, repeat the words:

Point into the water! Water - under the canopy! Whoever wished evil to the Servant of God (name) will come to my doorstep! Don't hesitate, show up! Show yourself to the servant of God (name)! Amen!

The used container is placed near the entrance overnight. It is best to cover it with its former material. The next morning the enemy will make itself known. He may not come to visit, but he will call or meet you on the street.

How to recognize an offender using his energy

The use of this method is reasonable only if it is possible to recognize the different energetic materials. There are many practices that allow you to work with bioenergy. Some of them are quite easy to master.

First you need to learn to accurately determine what kind of energy surrounds you. More precisely - whose. The sorcerer must feel the invasion of foreign energy into his biofield. In order to master this skill, try to learn to recognize your own energy and distinguish it from someone else’s.

It is akin to natural body odor, fingerprint, voice and appearance. All this is unique and individual. The easiest way to get to know yourself better is:

  • meditating a little every evening;
  • relaxing;
  • imagining the energy enveloping you in a dense cocoon.

Gradual visualization of the biofield will make it possible to feel it well, understand its structure, temperature, maybe even color.

When damage is caused, a magical energy strike is sent, which disrupts the structure of the natural protective cocoon. If you can imagine your protective shell and check its integrity, then, soon after the damage is done, you will discover a gap in your protection.

Any witchcraft blow is a powerful energy message (in this case, from a black magician). The pattern of alien energy in the field will differ significantly:

  • by color;
  • density;
  • sensations;
  • temperature.

Usually the affected area (organ) begins to hurt, become inflamed, and on the physical plane it is easy to feel a witchcraft blow. But if you visualize yours again, you will be able to feel the energy of the enemy at the point of impact. Tune in to it, try to grasp all its features. Now there is the main evidence to catch the ill-wisher.

You will need a stone -

When a person begins to be haunted by failures in everything he undertakes, malaise and frequent colds appear, the first thing he begins to suspect is whether he has been damaged? And if they did, how do you find out who did it?

Damage- represents an endless stream negative energy, which can only be brought up by someone who is familiar with first-hand magical rituals. This action usually requires a personal item, so first think about whether you lost anything in lately? Or maybe they ate food in the house of an enemy? Perhaps your relatives had serious conflicts with someone, because damage can be passed on from generation to generation.

If suspicions of damage are confirmed, then measures should be taken as soon as possible to eliminate it. There are plenty of methods for getting rid of the influence of magicians, as well as rituals for revealing his personality.

Is it necessary to find out who caused the damage?

Finding out who performed the black magic act is necessary! And not in order to quickly punish the offender, such thoughts will not lead to anything good. Many sorcerers put powerful protection on themselves, and if you decide to take revenge on him, this can provoke the opposite effect. The impact will be reflected and come back to you with a vengeance.

This is necessary in order to be able to protect yourself from his influence, put up protection and cut off all contacts with him. This is the only way to improve your life and turn back the wheel of fortune.

Ways to identify a sorcerer

Many rituals not only allow you to influence people, but also make it possible to get answers to difficult questions. Let us highlight several categories of such rituals:

With the help of special actions, you can see your enemy in a dream. Here it is important to concentrate on receiving information and remember what you saw.

Recourse to the help of spirits. If you address the spirits correctly and politely, they will lead the offender to clean water or indicate his name.

Rituals using special objects, performing magical spells over them.

When performing magic, the sorcerer gives up part of his energy. With the help of rituals, you can direct this energy to find its owner.

Looking for an offender in a dream

One of the most accessible and simple ways find the sorcerer who caused the damage. If you follow the rules, you will clearly see his face in the dream. When preparing for bed, you need to relax, free yourself from unnecessary and negative thoughts.

You shouldn’t imagine your enemy, otherwise you will wishful thinking. Direct all your energy to the desire to find out the truth. In the evening, don't talk to anyone and go to bed. In the morning, immediately write down what you saw on paper and analyze the dream.

Seeking help from spirits

Communication with spirits is best done in the presence of a specialist who is familiar with magical rituals. After all, for this they use black magic, which requires strict adherence to all the rules. Otherwise it will turn against you.

Summoned spirits may not always be favorable to those who call them. And if you do not complete the ritual correctly, you can get yourself into trouble. Most often, the ritual requires specific attributes, for example, the blood of a rooster, a raw egg, or a handful of earth from a cemetery.

After completing all the magical actions, very soon, the person who wished bad things and caused damage will be near your doorstep, wanting to talk and repent of his actions.

Use of objects for rituals

The main attribute in any magic is a wax candle. Using it from another material is unacceptable. Only wax helps to reveal the presence of damage, the witch’s evil eye and other curses imposed. The rituals are simple and you can perform them yourself.

For this you will need: a candle, a small bowl of water. Chop the candle into small pieces and melt in a water bath. When the wax becomes completely liquid, pour it in one sharp movement into a bowl filled with cold water. At the same time, you need to think about how much you want to know the name of your enemy.

When the wax cools down in the water, look carefully at what it reminds you of:

  • see the moon, tree, flower - your enemy is a woman;
  • predatory animals or birds, geometric figures - a man committed damage;
  • if letters appear - the initials in the sorcerer’s name;
  • numbers - the date of the magical action.

Also, in the outlines of the melted wax, you can see what your enemy does in life, his profession or hobby.

There is another simple method using a candle and needles, with its help there is a high probability of finding out who started the flow of negative energy. For this, two church candles are used, one is lit, and a small piece is broken off from the second.

Place it in a bowl and melt it over the flame of a burning candle.

Pour hot melted wax into water, place a second candle nearby and let it burn out completely. Look what you got. Sometimes you can see the silhouette of a sorcerer in the outline. And if the image is similar to any object, then it is important to determine its gender - male or female. A person of this gender wishes you harm.

Next, take three new needles and stick them into the resulting wax figure. Place the container near the threshold, cover with a white cloth and leave until the morning. Over the next day, the offender himself will call you or wish to meet.

Using energy to search

To master this method, you will have to work hard, namely, learn to recognize the energy of a particular material. You can easily master such lessons on your own.

It is important to learn to feel the energy around you, whether it is negative or positive, and to whom it belongs. For many, this happens at the level of intuition. In this case, the sorcerer may feel the attack of someone else’s energy and will try to resist it.

Learn to first recognize your biofield and distinguish it from many others.

  • Try to make time for meditation in the evenings;
  • get rid of bad thoughts, bring yourself to a state of peace and relaxation;
  • visualize the energy around you, imagine how it surrounds you.

After such exercises, you can learn to see the color, temperature of your own energy, and feel its direction.

The impact of a negative flow damages the natural shell of the biofield, after which the resulting gap may begin to hurt physical level. Using visualization, feel the place of the magical strike, tune in to one wave and try to grasp its features. This will give you important evidence to identify the offender.

A pendant with a stone – black tourmaline – will also help determine the energy. Hold the pendant in front of you and internally try to grasp the energy of the offender, then ask the stone any questions you are interested in. The suspension will begin to swing in a circle, to the right - the answer is “Yes”, to the left - “No”.

Ask a stone:

Who wishes evil: a woman or a man?

Do you know this person?

Is a meeting expected soon?

This way you can get as close to the solution as possible. The main thing is to mentally think about this person and transfer energy to the stone.

All of the rituals listed do not pose a threat to you and your relatives. Use the information you receive for good. Protect yourself from the influence of your enemy and do not try to punish him on your own.

A misfortune can happen to every person; one of these unpleasant incidents may be damage or the evil eye. Absolutely all people can be influenced by the forces of evil. Everything that was planned begins to go wrong, relationships do not work out either in the family or at work. Just a streak of bad luck? Or the evil eye? We need to recognize what is really going on.

How to recognize damage or the evil eye

If there are any doubts or suspicions about a possible curse, then you should immediately deal with it. There are signs inherent in a person on whom a spell has been cast.

The basis for such thoughts may be

  1. Drowsiness. When you wake up, you always want to go back to sleep. Having gotten out of bed, a person longs to lie down and lie there all day.
  2. Lethargy and chronic fatigue. Very similar to the first point, but still different.
  3. Irritability. For no particular reason, the individual becomes furious and angry. He is irritated by everything that happens around him.
  4. Loss of interest in life. There is no incentive to do your favorite things or work. Nothing motivates me at all. I don’t want to start work, I don’t want to eat/drink either.
  5. Constant colds feeling unwell. Following all the rules healthy image life, a person is still constantly sick.
  6. Constant conflicts with colleagues, in the family, with loved ones and friends. Love for them never disappears, but quarrels are inevitable. They sometimes arise empty space, but they flare up as quickly as a fire in the forest.
  7. Feeling short of air.
  8. Insects, rodents and other signs of evil spirits appeared in the house.

There are many ways to find out about damage. If at least three of the above signs are present, then you should proceed to any of several rituals.

Definition of damage by a gold ring

For the simplest things you will need a few items: gold wedding ring, water. Let the ring sit in the water for about five minutes. Right hand The end of the ring must be passed along the cheek from the earlobe to the tip of the nose. If a white line remains after the ring, then there is no evil eye. If a black line remains, then a curse is present and you need to start fighting it.

Determining spoilage using a chicken egg

Fortune telling with chicken egg also very effective. It must be fresh and not cooked. The egg needs to be twisted at each temple, held from the chin to the middle of the ribs, and applied to the forehead.

Determining damage using St. John's wort

The well-known herb St. John's wort has magical properties, our grandmothers knew about this from childhood, they used it for fortune-telling during Christmas time. A bunch of this grass should be divided into as many equal parts as there are corners in the house, counting each room.

Place fresh grass in each room and pay attention to the degree of drying. If the greenery has dried out in the bedroom earlier than in other rooms, it means that someone has harmed the aura. The removal of this scourge should not keep you waiting.

A piece of coal can help you quickly identify damage. Take three small coals and throw them into the water; if they drown, there is an evil eye.

Why do you need to know who did the damage?

If you already know that the evil eye has cursed you, then you need to “know the enemy by sight.” This is very important. There are for all people various reasons to find out who their enemy is. Some “thirst” for revenge, others want to protect themselves from contact with the person, and others dream of finding out why the person harmed them.

You should immediately warn that taking revenge on a sorcerer is stupid and useless, since it consumes energy and can make things worse for yourself. The sorcerer can have magical protection, everything that is sent to him from you will simply return like a boomerang.

The only sure way is to simply protect the magician from yourself. It is important to sever all ties and stop any communication. Don't ask for an apology and leave without explanation.

It is important and necessary to do this, because if you hesitate, the magic will intensify and cause even more harm.

Ways to determine who cursed

There are a lot of such methods. They all differ in technique and performance characteristics. The complexity can vary from the simplest rite to the most complex ritual.

You can choose absolutely any option, but you must proceed from your skills and talents. There are many ways to open the veil of secrets.

What methods exist?

  1. Appeal to the Higher Powers. This requires a lot of energy and strength, and an unprepared person may find himself devastated at the end of the action.
  2. Meeting with an offender in a dream. The simplest and least expensive methods. It is important to tune your brain to the “wave” you need and get ready to receive a flow of information.
  3. Rituals with magical attributes.
  4. Rituals coming from religion. Many different nationalities and gods, it is possible with the help of these higher powers to overcome the slander.

Ritual to see the offender in a dream

Before going to bed, take a cool shower, relax, massage the back of your head to relax the tension of your whole body. It would also be a good idea to do a little warm-up before going to bed, stretching your lower back, for example.

It is advisable to change bed sheets and night clothes in which you sleep, so that the old energy does not interfere with sleep. Before you go to sleep, don’t guess who your offender might be. It is important to fall asleep without unnecessary thoughts, completely relaxed and calm, then you will be able to see the outline of the face or the entire face of the enemy.

It is important to say the following words before going to bed:

“I walk among people, they devour with their eyes,

I understand that they don't know anything.

I see the blessed holy face in the crowd,

Points to that old man who is faceless.

It is important to open your heart and let it out

The one who sent the cold into my soul.

May I see your face. Amen".

Now you can fall asleep, in the morning, if everything is done correctly, you will remember the face of this person who wishes you harm.

Appeal to higher powers to identify enemies

Appeal to such forces can be dangerous both for health and for spiritual world, but if there are no options left, you should proceed to just such a ritual. The result, as mentioned above, depends on your skills.

Using black magic

Appealing to higher powers using black magic is quite easy, but dangerous. It is strictly prohibited for those who are completely unfamiliar with it. If you still decide to take on this method, then you should close all the windows in the house, turn off the lights and light candles, animals should be removed from the room in which the ceremony will be held.

No strangers should be present in the house. This ritual is similar to fortune telling for the betrothed. Sitting in front of the mirror, you need to hold the second counterpart to the first. The candle should be lit between the mirrors.

Sentencing the words:

“Come and show yourself. Open my eyes to your image. Envy brought you to me, and it will drive you away.”

Repeat this phrase three times. Later, in complete silence and silence, peer into the mirror opposite. The main thing is not to make sudden movements and just watch. For an unprepared person, this may affect his mental state, so you should be careful.

Ritual on an iron nail

If it doesn’t help, then you need to go to the cemetery. The hardest thing to do there is to find an old nail; at night this is not an easy task. It is strictly forbidden to touch this iron with bare hands.

Go home, drive a nail into the door frame of your house, saying the spell:

“If you don’t come in three days, that means you’ll die in six months. Come and show yourself, I’m waiting for you here.”

Soon this person should appear on the threshold of your home. It happens that the person you suspect will call or reveal himself in some way in an unexpected way. If you suspect a certain person, you should say his name, but if he does not come, then he will not be the enemy.

Fortune telling on a candle

You will need: a church candle, a cut glass of water, half full. Place a candle there and light it, sprinkle it with salt and say:

“Don’t forgive me, only come for selfish purposes.”

Say three times. Let the candle burn out in a glass of water so that the fire goes out upon contact with the water.

During the week, carefully monitor your guests; the enemy will not be able to apologize for a spilled mug of tea, for example. He will only make any requests, feel uncomfortable with you, but still communicate, as he is subject to conspiracy.

Using natural wax

For this ritual you will need a tall, white, wax candle and a small container of water at room temperature. Pour wax from a candle burning at an angle into the container, whispering the cherished words:

“Wax knows the whole secret, he your name will read it."

Then start looking at the figures.


Letters - initials of the conspirator

The numbers are his approximate age

Flowers, sun, heart - your enemy is a woman

Pets (cat, dog, chickens) - your former lover, the person with whom you had a relationship

Wild animals (wolf, fox, elk, lion) – man

Using the energy of the offender

This method requires certain skills. An individual must distinguish between his own energy and foreign energy. To do this, you need to properly deal with your thoughts, meditate every day, and find balance with yourself. Doing yoga helps a lot.

If these skills are well mastered, then it will be very easy to identify someone else's energy and begin to weaken it.

Any witchcraft blow of a black magician, be it bad thoughts, spells, is reflected in a person’s karma. He feels this burden and heaviness. Heaviness, density, temperature, color all begin to change in your aura. Usually pain and swelling begin in the part where the “edge of the curse” hit the most.

A very strong stone, known to all magicians, is black tourmaline. Attach it to a silver chain and keep it separate from everything else. Having identified and tuned in to the energy of the black magician, ask questions that interest you.

Indicate the sides of the stone, for example, right - yes, left - no. Ask the man or woman whether you know this person, whether you have a close relationship, how long ago you saw each other, whether you will see him tomorrow. With the right questions, you can easily understand who your enemy is.

Don't try to call the curse back on the magician, just protect yourself from the person.

Christian ritual

It is suitable only for baptized and believing people. The ritual includes the following steps:

  1. The cross is worn on the neck. In a church or temple we buy seven tall candles and an image of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, if desired, one more saint.
  2. Take holy water, cross yourself and leave.
  3. At midnight, light the purchased candles in front of the images of the saints and place water in a container in front of the icons.
  4. Say it to everyone famous prayer"Our Father"

And then the following words:

"All saints, listen,

Our Father will help me

I believe all the forces of evil will not be able to resist.

And I will stand against my enemies, against myself.

Couldn't be stronger in spirit..."

Drink three sips of holy water.

Before the candles, start saying:

“Not wishing harm to anyone and redemption, I ask one thing, your servant of God (servant of God), after the end of the time of candles, to see the one who doomed me to loneliness. Amen".

Drink water again.

In complete silence, concentrate on the flames of the candles, wait until they go out, and go to bed. Throw away the cinders before doing this. The guest will arrive to you in the coming days.

Ritual with keys

It couldn't be simpler. Very unusual, but effective. Seven rusty keys and a pot of boiling water are all you need. They must be thrown into boiling water with the following sayings:

“Whoever wants to harm me, God’s servant (name), will have no peace. Before death, you won’t know peace until you show yourself.”

The next day, wait for the conspirator on the doorstep, as he will be completely deprived of peace and cannot help but think about you.

Identifying an enemy using an egg

An egg helps not only to find out whether there is damage to a person, but can also give an answer to an exciting question: who wishes evil, who ordered death? Ask the egg itself about this, and then break it into a container of water. Sit down and press your chin to your chest, place a glass of water on the crown of your head. After 8 minutes, carefully study the contents.

  • Nothing has changed - you are not haunted by the evil eye, no one is jealous, everything is fine.
  • The protein threads appeared - damage or the evil eye, the more threads, the stronger.
  • Strings of protein at the very bottom - the enemy is hiding, hiding from prying eyes, including yours.
  • There are air bubbles in the threads - a conspiracy for money, financial well-being.
  • A boiled yolk is a sign of loneliness or the crown of celibacy, the inability to have children.
  • Air bubbles in the yolk - addiction to alcohol will intensify, with possible serious consequences.
  • The yolk is not fully cooked - long agony, illness, bad weather in the soul.
  • Black specks - sudden own death or a loved one.

Ritual with oil

Essential oils will be required. Each spoilage has its own smell, temperature and color. Essential oils are also used in meditation, so if a person does it, it will be very good. You can use “Rose”, “Saffron”, “ tea tree" and "Fir".

Before meditating, put on an aroma lamp, light a candle, and calm down. There should be no foreign animals in the room. You need to spend 30–40 minutes alone with yourself.

This will help you not only recognize the face of the offender, but also improve your health, cleanse your aura, and find peace in this activity. The position should be as comfortable as possible, but at the same time you need to ensure that your back is straight, your arms are relaxed, and your legs are obedient.

Close your eyes and try to relax your body from head to toe. Direct your attention to tense areas of the body. If you can't do this, it's okay, leave everything as it is. Inhale the aromas of oils deeply.

Attune your attention to the mantra OM. You can also choose any other mantra that you like best. And when you notice that you have started to think about something else, just calmly return your attention to the starting point.

Beware of attempts to reflect emotions (sensations), desires that arise in the soul. Accept these things without getting involved in them.

Now concentrate, listen to your body, your mind, someone else’s energy will show you its owner, reveal this secret to you, the main thing is to do everything correctly and not burden yourself with unnecessary thoughts. Don't try to compare your "suspects" in your head, nothing good will come of it.

Ritual with needles and candles

Candles (2 pieces) should be purchased only in the church and nowhere else. Light one with a match, break the second into two parts. Melt the broken piece in a small container over a burning candle. Pour the melted wax into a bowl with a watery liquid. The second candle should burn out quietly. The resulting image may resemble the image of a sorcerer who has caused damage.

Three needles will help now. Thread your hair into them. Stick them into the resulting image and say the spell:

“The tip is in the water, and I’m in trouble. Come and show yourself, spellcaster. The needles hurt, but you remember me.”

We should wait for news. The used container is placed at the doorstep all night, in the morning the water is placed at the window, and so on until the guest arrives or calls.

Using coal

This method is practiced in Eastern Europe, it is very strong and simple. All you need is water and coal or a burnt candle, but preferably the first, of course. State your name, which was given to you at baptism.

This is very important, since often the names do not match, for example, Oksana, and at baptism Ksenia. Dip the coal into the water. If he drowned, this is a bad omen. But you shouldn’t be afraid; damage has been caused that does not lead to death. It is also possible that it could be directed at a child or husband.

The very last piece of advice is to turn to a witch or fortune teller. Having spread out the cards and looked at the photograph, it will give answers to all the questions that worry you. Main - . She will also help remove damage and determine its type, danger to life and family, and provide the assistance necessary for any person.

Finding out who caused the damage without magical help can be quite difficult. But sometimes it is absolutely necessary, because some people, instead of openly resolving conflicts, subject their opponents to negative impact. Help to correctly identify the secret enemy effective rituals and rituals that you can perform without leaving your home.

Damage or evil eye?

There is a significant difference between damage and the evil eye.

  • Damage is purposeful magical influence , the purpose of which is, by violating the integrity of a person’s bioenergy field, to introduce extraneous and often destructive programs into his subconscious. Such malicious programs include damage to the destruction of relationships, loneliness, love spells, to illness, to death.
  • You can jinx it unintentionally, simply having naturally strong energy and negative emotions in relation to someone. In such cases, one unkind look or thoughtless word in a fit of rage or in a state of strong resentment can penetrate a person’s aura and disrupt the functioning of his energy-information field. The likelihood of the evil eye is high in conflicts between close people, since between them there are well-established energy channels through which any energy flows easily and unhindered.

We should be careful in our words and even thoughts in relation to people dear to us, because they are not protected from our bad influence as much as from the influence of strangers.

A person can jinx even himself. And since such an evil eye is easier to diagnose, it can be very difficult to remove.


The first symptoms of a magical strike may go unnoticed.

  • At first, only periodically there is a loss of strength and attacks of causeless anxiety. The victim of witchcraft can attribute the increase in irritability to stress.
  • The person begins to get sick more often.
  • Injury cases are increasing.

Loss of energy, anxiety and irritability

Loss of the pectoral cross and bad dreams at this stage may be a warning about a threat that has arisen.

As a rule, a person does not associate these events with the influence exerted on him. magical influence and begins to sound the alarm only when the damage has gained strength and begins to act in its entirety.

At the next stage, depending on the type of damage, one or more areas of a person’s life are dramatically destroyed.

As they say, a dark streak is coming:

  • constant scandals arise out of the blue with family members;
  • are haunted by failures at work;
  • the state of health deteriorates sharply. Moreover, the resulting disease is difficult to diagnose and treat, and having recovered from one disease, a person becomes ill again, and even more seriously;
  • Sudden, severe and causeless weight loss or obesity is also possible.
  • strange dreams regularly appear, nightmares torment you, or sleep even disappears altogether;
  • the plants in the room where the person sleeps die;
  • in the house may appear in large quantities mice, ants, cockroaches, and it is difficult to get them out, while the neighbors are fine;
  • pets begin to behave hostilely and avoid contact with the victim of damage;
  • pads (strange objects of unknown origin) are found: nails, needles, pins, hair, lumps of earth, grain.

Human behavior also changes dramatically:

  • he becomes nervous, fussy, avoids direct eye contact with people;
  • It is difficult to stay in holy places for a long time. While saying a prayer, he may begin to experience an irresistible yawn. There is a strong desire to remove pectoral cross or it quickly turns black.
  • are haunted by frequent headaches, visual and auditory hallucinations may occur;
  • voices are heard that encourage you to do bad things or attempt suicide;
  • appear when taking narcotic substances.

The best ways to determine who caused damage

If you discover signs of damage in yourself or someone close to you, it is best to contact a specialist in the field of magic to confirm your fears.

It is not necessary to know who did the damage in order to successfully remove it.

However, since the magical attack may be repeated, it is advisable to find out who secret enemy person and provide protection from him.

Experienced healers claim that after a healing ritual has been performed, the enemy himself often makes himself known. Let people often resort to the help of sorcerers to do harm, sent negative energy returns directly to the customer, not the contractor. Black magicians know how to avoid negative consequences your work. After the magical effect has been successfully removed, the person who caused the damage independently or with outside help, as a rule, tries to contact the victim within the next 3-5 days. Moreover, his behavior looks more than strange. He can invent completely trivial and ridiculous reasons to meet. Often tries to enter the house where the victim lives and take possession of some thing. May ask to borrow money.

In such a situation, you need to avoid meeting this person in every possible way, do not let him into the house and do not exchange any objects with him.

There are also special rituals to determine the organizer of damage, for example:

  • Through a dream
  • Using wax
  • Using needles
  • Ritual "Seven Keys"
  • Using a nail

Method 1. Identify an ill-wisher in a dream

When going to bed, you need to say the magic words:
« Saint Samson will appear and send me a prophetic dream,
Who thought dark thoughts
Who said an unkind word
Who did evil?
He sent a spell of corruption,
Let him appear to me in a dream.
Amen» .

When falling asleep, it is important not to overwhelm yourself by going over all possible offenders in your mind. After all, a magical blow can be inflicted by someone other than the person suspected of it. So, for example, it can be done not by a rival, but by the most harmless at first glance friend, who in fact turns out to be a great envier. It is necessary to keep your mind open and be ready for any information that comes in a dream.

Method 2. How to find out who caused damage using wax

The wax melted in a water bath is slowly poured into a bowl of water, saying: “ I pour wax, I pour out the enemy" Based on the shape of the frozen wax, information about the person who committed the magical attack can be read. If you see predatory animals or birds, the organizer of the damage is a man. Moon, flowers, trees - a woman. Sometimes the resulting figures indicate not gender, but other personality traits of the enemy: his profession, age, appearance.

Method 3. We calculate the initiator of the evil eye using a needle

The use of simple sewing needles is widespread in magic. With their help, fortune telling is carried out for the future, damage is sent and removed.

  1. You need to buy seven needles. You cannot take change from the seller when purchasing. Between midnight and three o'clock in the morning the ritual is performed.
  2. The needles are thrown onto a hot frying pan.
  3. Rotating the frying pan over the fire, as when frying onions, you need to say until you get tired of: “ So that these needles stick into the heart of my enemy».

As a rule, the offender makes himself known by calling or sending an email shortly after performing magical actions. Used needles should not be thrown into the trash can at home; it is better to use a trash can outside or bury them in the ground.

Method 4. Ritual with keys to identify an enemy

You need to select seven keys for different locks used on the farm. The ritual is performed after sunset. They throw the keys into boiling water and say: “ Whoever brings harm and damage to me, let the devil bring him! So be it!" The water is poured out at the intersection closest to the house, you can continue to use the keys.

Method 5. How to find out with a nail who did the damage

You need to find a nail in the cemetery and hammer it into the threshold of your house. You cannot touch the nail with your bare hands. This is one of the powerful ways not only to identify the offender, but also to carry out a magical counterattack. The enemy will soon appear at the victim's doorstep, most likely very tired or on the verge of nervous exhaustion.

How to get rid of damage yourself

The easiest way is to remove spoilage with an egg. Raw egg I roll it clockwise around the human body, starting from the head and neck, ending with the lower spine. During the process, the “Our Father” is read. Other ways:
  • Reading a prayer against the evil eye and corruption (St. Tikhon, St. Cyprian, Psalm 90).
  • Church candle found around the body. If damage is caused, the flame smokes and crackles in some areas of the body. You need to cross them seven times while reading “Our Father.”
  • Having found out the name of the offender, you still should not try to take revenge on him physically or magically.

    It is necessary to light a candle for his health and pray that higher powers showed him the bright path to achieving happiness. Sincere goodwill is the best defense against damage, because it makes a person invisible and therefore invulnerable to the bad influences of negatively minded people.

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