What are the best spells to read for strong love? Love spell on salt

  • 11.10.2019

Salt - sodium chloride (chemical formula - NaCl) - a mineral substance vital for humans, used both for cooking and for various industrial and technological processes.

Their total number is incalculable, but salt also has one more function, which is usually silent about - magical.

In magical rituals, salt is conventionally divided into dark and white (light). White heals, removes damage, protects from the forces of evil. Dark is used for curses and the creation of evil.

Witchcraft based on salt is available to anyone - that’s why it is so popular, but love spells require special salt.

You can do this yourself. On Thursday, take ordinary salt and cleanse it with any prayers, spells, precious metals (silver, gold) - act at your discretion.

Types and methods

Salt is a powerful magical drug, but in matters of love it is not particularly original in its use. Almost any love spell on salt has one final point - the consumption of salt in food by the victim of the love spell.

The methods of influencing the substance differ, but only slightly. Casting a love spell on salt means reliably tying a person to you. Unfortunately, love cannot be created, but this is the rule for all love spells, it’s worth accepting.

How to cast a spell?

The easiest way is to bewitch a loved one with the help of a charmed salt (for example, a husband - to support fading love). Salt prepared in any way of your choice is best suited for this. You need to add a piece of yourself to it - in the literal sense: a piece of hair, a nail (not very large), saliva (not too much).

Whisper magic words into the salt, then salt the food with this salt and serve it on the table.

Love spell “For husband’s love” with salt

“Just as people love salt and cannot live without it, so that my husband would love me just as much and could not live without me, not a day pass, not an hour pass, a minute passes, he would still follow me and admire me. Amen."

Don’t overdo it, a love spell using salt is a fairly strong rite, you shouldn’t over-salt your food, it won’t increase love, but it’s quite possible to create problems.

If you are not afraid to resort to the help of dark forces in matters of love, try calling on the devils for help when you cast a love spell on salt (be careful, the conspiracy is very strong, the consequences can be unpredictable).

Take a fabric bag, pour salt into it (you need to do this during the waxing moon), and read the spell on it.

Spell “For love” on a bag of salt

“I’ll get up in the morning, go from door to door without crossing myself, from aisle to aisle without blessing, into an open field and onto the damn sea. There is an iron hut on the damn sea, in that hut there is a stone bridge, under the bridge there are marble pillars, on the pillars there are twelve devils, three of them are my older brothers. I will go closer to them and bow lower: “You are my elder brothers, do me a service, twist and dry (name) so that he drinks - does not get drunk, walks - does not go around, eats - does not overeat, loves - does not forget, so that they dry about me, all twelve veins, thirty veins, forty joints, seventy sub-joints and a private place.”

Carry the bag on you all day (so that it touches the body), and in the evening you must salt the food you feed your victim. Do not overdo it with salt - the food should be tasty and not too plentiful, because a prerequisite for this love spell is the complete consumption of food.

You can also use a red candle and a black tablecloth for a love spell (this is difficult to do, a black tablecloth is a rare occurrence). Lay a tablecloth on the table, light a candle and pour salt on its flame, while reading a strong love spell.

Spell “For love” on the tablecloth

“Let the slave (name) be one with the slave (your name), just as Fire, Air and Water are one with the Earth. May the thoughts of the slave (darling name) be towards me (your name), just as the sun’s rays are drawn towards the Earth. May the spirit (your name) be above the spirit (name of your loved one), like Water is above the Earth, and may it deprive the slave (name of your beloved) of the power to eat, drink and sleep without the slave (your name).”

Whoever performs these rituals (man or woman), he must choose the correct declension of words in the spell; if the spell is not linguistically suitable for your purpose, rewrite it again.

A salt love spell is a simple but effective method of connecting oneself with the object of one’s desire (which, however, has nothing to do with love). But you should be careful - the fortuneteller may lose interest in the object for no reason. An inattentive and irresponsible attitude to a love spell (if the one who cast the spell forgot about the intention to be with the object, or otherwise let the situation take its course) can result in the crown of celibacy, problems with health and relationships, and separation from true love.

The bewitched person will strive to be physically close to the bewitcher, sexual interest in others will be suppressed, general apathy will appear, and problems with alcohol may arise. You can help him: you need to remove the love spell. True love also helps victims of a love spell cope with its consequences.

How to fight?

Like many other types of love spell, it has signs by which the victim can independently or at the suggestion of well-wishers learn about the magical effect. Such signs fit into the framework of the general consequences of love spells, and if you yourself do not see changes in your behavior, listen to those around you.

A love spell on salt is not irreversible; any sorcerer can easily remove it, but recognizing a love spell in order to reverse its consequences is usually a more difficult task.

If you want (and if the situation allows), try to remove the love spell yourself. Take a white candle, heat ordinary salt in a spoon over its flame, repeating the magical text.

Lapel of “Beloved Person” for salt

“Salt, white and clean, take away the dirt from the slave (name). Absorb the evil, miserable melancholy, corrupted, vicious thoughts, poisoned feelings. Take off everything that was brought in, drunk with drink, and eaten with food, take it back to where it came from, return it. My word is strong, so be it.”

Pour the “spent” salt into a plate, cover it with a scarf, and place a photo of the bewitched person on top. At this moment, the bad energy of the love spell leaves the bewitched person for the witch, returning to her the entire energy message embedded in the love spell - this is how you can remove the love spell. The plate and spoon cannot then be used for food and should not be kept in the house. Pour the salt out the window, bury the plate with the spoon or throw it into the river.

Video: Love spell on salt

The salt love spell is considered one of the most effective in love magic. Salt is an excellent conductor of any energy, both negative and positive. Therefore, you can put any magical program into it, speak for love and attract your beloved. Let's look at popular methods of love spells using salt.

To make a salt love spell as effective as possible, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Buy regular salt for the ceremony, without impurities or additives. Make sure there is no debris in it. The salt must also be purified energetically - to do this, you should speak it in church or put a silver object in a container with salt and leave it overnight
  2. Love spells are read only during the period when the Moon is waxing. This is the most favorable time, because lunar energy is aimed at creation, attracting love and all the most positive things into a person’s life
  3. You need to cast a love spell either at dawn or after sunset. If you perform the ritual in the morning, do it on an empty stomach.
  4. Coarse salt is best for a love spell.
  5. The ceremony should take place in complete silence and calm. You need to mentally tune in to a positive mood, concentrate all your energy of goodness. Don't cast a love spell if you are overwhelmed by negative emotions

In principle, these are all the necessary rules. More specific information is indicated in each of the love spell methods.

Love spell for husband on salt

This version of the ritual is suitable if you and a man are married. And this means an official marriage, registered in the registry office. Cohabitation and “civil marriage” are not considered marriage.

If you are worried that your husband has grown cold. Or you suspect that he has a mistress, such a love spell is the best option to return the relationship to a favorable direction.

  • Prepare salt
  • Wake up early in the morning, before dawn
  • Cover the table with a black tablecloth
  • Light a red candle and place it on the table
  • Place a saucer of salt next to the candle
  • Read the love spell

The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

Then mix the salt with what you usually use for cooking. Treat your spouse to cooked dishes with charmed salt every day. Gradually, the love spell will gain more power, and your husband will begin to think only about you.

Love spell on a lover

This ritual will help to bewitch the chosen one with whom you are dating, but not yet married. If you suspect that a man’s feelings have cooled, or want to receive a marriage proposal, the ritual will help.

Sequence of actions:

  • Wait until sunset until the sun is completely below the horizon
  • Light two red candles and place them on the table, next to them place a photo of your chosen one. The photo should be clear and of high quality, and it should show a man alone
  • Prepare salt, which needs to be poured into a bag made of natural linen fabric
  • Wait for the candles to burn, pour the salt into a glass container
  • “Salt” the candle flame and read the love spell

After the ceremony, wait until the candles burn out completely and hide the cinders in a secluded place. Put the photo there too. And add the charmed salt to the food that you will prepare for your chosen one.

Why doesn't the love spell work?

Love rituals do not always bring the desired result. This happens in the following cases:

  1. You don't believe enough in the power of love spells. Unconditional and sincere faith that the ritual will work is the main condition for its effectiveness. So leave your doubts
  2. The man who needs to bewitched has very strong positive energy. It creates an invisible barrier from which any kind of magical manipulation bounces off. It is better to interest such a man in traditional feminine ways.
  3. Someone has already bewitched your chosen one. In this case, you first need to make a lapel, and only then use love spell rituals

Watch the video on how to correctly cast a love spell on salt:

Lapel from a rival for salt

Let's consider how to perform a ritual of turning away from a rival if your lover already has feelings for some other woman.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Prepare a white candle and light it
  • Pour salt into a large metal spoon
  • Start heating the container with salt over the candle flame and at the same time pronounce the words of the lapel spell

The salt used for the ritual should then be poured into a glass bowl and covered with a scarf. Place a photo of your beloved man on top. Sit down and concentrate all your thoughts on your chosen one.

Introduce him, list all the good qualities that attract you. Draw happy pictures of a future together in your imagination.

After the ceremony, the salt must be poured into the ground behind the house, the plate and spoon must be buried. At this point, the lapel is considered completed, and the man must stop having feelings for his rival.

Important: if you want the magical manipulations performed to not have negative consequences, follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not tell anyone about your intention to perform the ritual. Keep information strictly confidential
  2. Make sure that no one ever finds the things used for the love spell.
  3. Act only with good intentions. Do not try to take away a married man with a love spell and destroy someone’s family

If you strictly follow the rules and sincerely believe in the power of love magic, the desired result will come very quickly.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Prisushka (or dryness) on a man is another type of love magic that is used to win over the desired person. This kind of conspiracies were born in ancient times and helped a considerable number of representatives of the fairer sex.

Modern women and girls also use this type of magical influence on men in the practice of love relationships. If you decide to join them, it won’t hurt to learn the important features of this ritual for love, so as not to harm your chosen one and yourself.

In magic the concept “prisukha (prisushka)” is interpreted as a certain system of actions, the purpose of which is to “dry” a specific person, evoke reciprocal feelings in him and make him yearn for the person who ordered the ritual.

The principle of the dry spell involves influencing a person’s will against his wishes, therefore this ritual belongs to the arsenal of black magic (white magic excludes any violence, including on the mental level).

In terms of the power of its impact, drying is far from the most powerful ritual. There is not as much harm and negative consequences from it as, say, from, but remember that this is black magic, so the possibility of a rollback should never be ruled out. In order to protect yourself and your chosen one as much as possible from negativity, drying, like any ritual, must be done strictly in accordance with the instructions and take this ritual seriously.

When does drying not work?

Since drying is not the most powerful ritual, there are several types of men for whom drying is useless - it simply will not work, and the result will be zero. Do not waste your energy and time on the dryness of your chosen one if:

  • The man has a strong and bright personality: he is strong-willed, decisive and purposeful, not accustomed to reckoning with other people.
  • A man already has deep and strong feelings for another woman.
  • A man knows about your intentions and actions and consciously resists them with all his might.

If your situation is one of those described above, alas, I have to disappoint you: under such conditions, you can turn to the help of only professionals specializing in love magic. Only they will be able to fulfill your desire without side effects. In other cases, you can do the drying on a man yourself without much difficulty.

How to make a dry-up on a man yourself?

Method number 1 - on a string

You will need: natural fiber rope(linen, cotton, wool), required white.

Your task is to tie knots on this rope along its entire length, one after another. During this, think about your chosen one and under no circumstances count the knots. You can only do this when you reach the end:

  • If you get an even number of knots, fate is on your side. The drought will be severe.
  • The number of nodes is odd - it’s not worth doing dry, it won’t make sense.

If there is an odd number of knots, the ritual can be repeated another day. However, if you fail 3 times in a row, you no longer need to resort to the ritual.

Say the finished rope (with an even number of knots), trying to bring it as close to your lips as possible (so that your breath “settles” on it):

“As long as the rope doesn’t twist, there will be a final knot. How would you(name of the chosen one in a diminutive form) don’t run from me, my slander will destroy you. Soul of God's servant(full name of the chosen one) , love the soul of God's servant(your name) «.

Next, you must throw the enchanted rope to the chosen one’s house (if you are not married). When leaving the home, he must step over it - only in this case the drying will begin to work. If a wife, whose husband is cheating on her, makes a dry spell on a rope, she must hide the attribute well and store it so that no one sees this rope. As long as the wife has the rope, the husband will not look at strangers.

Method No. 2 - from a photograph at a distance

You will need: photo of the chosen one, your photo, 2 red candles, red silk threads, red rose bud(fully blossomed) needle(it needs to be soaked in rose oil), thick book.

Drying is done on the waxing Moon, after sunset:

  1. In the room where you will perform the ritual, close all the curtains, turn off the light sources and light the candles.
  2. Place the photographs facing each other, place a flower between them (a symbol of passion, love).
  3. Sew the resulting composition along the contour using a thread and a needle (do not touch the image).
  4. When you are finished, place the result of your labors between the pages of a thick book volume so that all the components are pressed into each other.
  5. Hide the book in a secluded place, away from prying eyes (you cannot show it to anyone).

The drying effect will begin when the flower begins to dry between photographs.

Method number 3 - to cause melancholy

  1. Ritual with salt. Say salt, which must subsequently be placed under the chosen one’s door or scattered to the wind. Conspiracy text: “I don’t pour salt, but I add pain. I don’t give, but I steal peace. Damn, take God's servant(name of the chosen one) to be sick and bored: day and night, under the sun and the moon. Amen".
  2. Ritual with water. Speak water and give it to the chosen one to drink. Spell text: “The word is true, the deed is strong. Just as a dove yearns for a dove, does not know a place for itself, so the servant of God (name of the chosen one) would be furious and tormented by longing for me, the servant of God (his name). Spin, spin and come back to me. Amen".

Salt has been valued by people since ancient times as a dangerous magical tool. Many beliefs and rituals are associated with it; experienced sorcerers always have it at hand. A love spell on salt gives a positive result. The mineral substance absorbs energy, directing it to achieve your desires.

  1. Magic salt is divided into two types: dark and light. Light is aimed at treating diseases, removing damage and protecting against evil forces. The dark one is used to cause evil and impose curses. Working with dark-colored salt has its negative sides - there is a possibility that in inexperienced hands it will have the opposite effect.
  2. You cannot use ordinary salt for rituals; it must be charmed and made magical. To do this, go to church on Thursday and take it with you. After you have served, go to the priest and ask him to bless the salt. So she will bring you blessings, protect you from problems and adversity. With such salt the spell will be more powerful.
  3. The most important thing in a love spell is the drying. This is a conspiracy, the right words of the spell. The dryer should absorb all your energy and direct it towards the man being spoken to. The words of a love spell must be treated responsibly. The drying acts on a subconscious level; if you doubt it, it will lose the power of witchcraft.

What to prepare for a love spell

To cast a love spell, you need to persuade the salt in advance and clean it. It is better to prepare yourself for the ceremony a few days in advance; it is important that nothing distracts you. Try to get rid of unnecessary thoughts, turn off your phone so that no one can call you. Focus and tune in to the result.

If your betrothed is in the same locality as you, then good, you won’t need much effort. If you want to bewitch your loved one from a distance, be prepared for the fact that the energy field will weaken after the love spell. There is nothing wrong with this; prayer will help restore strength.

How to read a love spell correctly

Salt is not only a powerful magical remedy, but also a substance that a person takes in food every day. Therefore, almost all conspiracies are based on consuming it with food. It should be remembered that no one should eat the charmed substance except the person for whom it is intended. Otherwise, the love spell will not work.

The text of the spell must be learned in advance so as not to get confused during the love spell. All the energy and strength are put into the spoken words. You must believe in the magic of the ritual and in your magical abilities. Do not read the love spell text with doubt or irony. Your subconscious cannot be deceived, and a strong love spell on salt will not work if you hesitate.

To attract a man

This ritual helps to captivate any man. If the person you love doesn't pay attention to you, don't be upset. This is a strong love spell. You need to take equal amounts of purified salt and pepper. Start preparing a delicious dish by adding spices and saying:

“I cook the food, add salt and pepper. (Name of the chosen one) will be only mine, will not be able to think about anyone else. Amen".

Love words must be repeated three times. After the food is cooked, feed it to your loved one. The love spell begins to work quickly, in about two days.

To return my husband to the family

Sometimes it happens that a husband leaves for another woman. But he doesn’t always leave of his own free will—homewreckers often bewitch men with the help of black magic. But you can't give up. There is an opportunity to save your family, and a salt love spell will help you with this; you need to read it, imagining how good it was for you.

When preparing lunch, add a little salt. When the time comes to serve food, quietly add salt and say the words of the spell:

“Man and elk cannot live without salt. So you shouldn't wear horns. Love only your wife. Come home, I will forgive you everything. Amen".

If the magic of a black love spell is strong, then your spell may not be enough. Then you can use another option. The charmed salt should be poured into the man’s pocket or shoes and said:

“Let the road lead you only to my house. Your melancholy goes away, my love comes. Amen".

After this, the black magic love spell will dissipate, and the man will return to the family.

And another version of the love spell on video:

To the waxing moon

All sorcerers and magicians know how important the Moon is in performing rituals. Each phase of the Earth's satellite provides the love spell with the necessary energy. Love spells on the waxing moon have a strong effect, at this time the Earth seems to wake up and fill with magical energy. Rituals are positive; they fill a person with joy. You should not cast spells for evil, it will give the opposite result.

This love spell must be carried out only on the waxing moon; at other times it will not be endowed with power. In the old days, it was believed that Queen Moon opened the gates of love, so the conspiracy always worked.

Bewitching a guy to the waxing moon is quite simple. Buy rye bread at the store. If you know how to bake, better bake. You need to cut off the crust from the bread and dry it on the windowsill. The remaining bread should be eaten with the people you live with.

When the moon appears in the sky, go to the crust of bread and say the words of the love spell:

“Among the fields under the sky, grains sprout, filling themselves with bread. The maidens go to the fields, laying golden bread. Whoever is given the crust will receive love. I take that bread and lead love into destiny. If I eat the crust, my life will be filled with happiness. Bow to the virgins, my dear one will become in love with me. Amen".

After pronouncing the spell, go to bed silently. In the morning, without saying anything, go to the crust and eat it. Only after this you can talk. The ritual does not always take effect immediately.

From photographs and salt

There is another love spell for salt at home. To implement it you will need:

  • two photographs – yours and your loved one’s;
  • church candle;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • envelope.

Light a candle at midnight. Then put the photos next to each other and think about how happy you are together. Imagining your life together, begin to sprinkle salt on the photos and say:

“Instead of salt, I pour you my love. Our destinies unite with (name of the chosen one). We will miss each other and find no place. Amen".

After the verdict, put the photos with salt in an envelope, hide it so that no one will find it. The love spell will start working in a week.

Lapel of a man from another woman

This lapel should be used when you are absolutely sure that the man has been bewitched using black magic. There are many magical actions that will help break the spell. The most effective thing is to pour salt under the threshold.

To carry out a love spell, take the enchanted substance and sprinkle it on the homewrecker’s threshold in the form of a cross, saying:

“An angel will not become a devil, a hawk will not crawl, a snake will not fly. So (name of the man) and (name of the homewrecker) will not live together. I will use salt to build a wall between them. Amen".

After the conspiracy, you need to go home without turning around and without uttering words. Only after you are at home can you talk. It is advisable to read a prayer in order to accurately destroy the effect of the black ritual.

Nine-day salt ritual

A nine-day love spell using salt will help you achieve excellent results. Its power lies in the fact that for nine days you will send the necessary energy to fulfill your desire.

The night before the love spell begins, tune in to a positive result and think about how your dream will come true. Get up at sunrise, make sure the rest of your family is asleep and no one can see you. Before the conspiracy you cannot eat or wash. Do not take off your nightgown; a nightgown symbolizes purity.

Take the salt in your right hand and say these words:

“My God, I sigh heavily,

From the cemetery I call upon melancholy.

Let him find (name of the chosen one),

Let him not be able to sleep,

To remember father and mother,

And never forget my name.

How the body does not forget the pain,

Just like people don't forget salt with bread,

So he won’t forget me.

Revive love in your right hand,

Enter (name of the chosen one) with salt.

The servant of God (name of the chosen one) is sad without me,

Wind, escort him to my house.

No one can break my plot,

(Name of the chosen one) do not forget me.

Amen (3 times).”

The ritual should be repeated for nine days. On the tenth day, use the charmed salt to salt the man’s food and make sure he eats everything. The love spell has a strong effect, and soon you will get what you fought for.

Ritual for salt spelled on Thursday

There are some rituals that do not involve eating salt. It can also be sewn into clothing.

In order to perform this love spell, it is necessary to consecrate the salt in the church and fill it with the power of prayer. After returning from the temple, take a small handful of salt, put it in a small bag and discreetly sew it into your loved one’s clothes.

Salt is spoken on Thursday because on this day prayer is strongest. It is also fueled by your good energy and good intentions. Through prayer you will receive a powerful witchcraft substance that will help you on the path to happiness.

There is also a conspiracy associated with Thursday salt. It is also necessary to cleanse it in the temple, but it should be applied the very next day - on Good Friday morning at sunrise.

You need to go out to the threshold, take the prepared bag of salt and go outside, crossing the threshold with your right foot. On the street, walk around the house counterclockwise. It is believed that at this time salt will absorb bad energy. Walk around the house three times, then walk a short distance and throw away the bag of salt. If there is a river nearby, throw the bag into it, the waves will carry all the troubles away from your home.

To attract a woman

Not only women perform magical rituals and bewitch men, it often happens the other way around. Spelling a girl a love spell on salt is a common and uncomplicated phenomenon.

To cast a love spell, take a small plate and a handful of salt. Lay a clean tablecloth on the table, prepare a bag, place a white saucer next to it and pour salt into it. Say ritual words:

“I’ll go out in the morning into an open field, onto the damn sea. There is an iron house on the sea, there are thirteen devils in the house. The devils are sitting, looking at me with all their eyes. I will approach them, bow to them, and address them with my deepest desire. They will help dry the obstinate maiden (the name of her beloved) and bestow her with love. He won’t be able to get drunk anymore, he won’t be able to eat more, but he will love – he won’t stop loving. Amen".

After reading the love spell, pour salt into a bag, preferably black, and keep it near you so that it is filled with your energy. After a week, salt the girl’s food. The love spell will begin to work immediately.

To strengthen relationships

It happens that relationships begin to lose their former passion and strength. Loving people begin to have secrets and secrets, relationships cease to be pure. But there is a good love spell with salt, after which couples with serious problems become caring and loving again.

To perform the ceremony you need to get up early. It is advisable to perform the ritual on the night of the waxing moon. Wake up when the sun has not yet risen, but it is already light outside and you can see the moon. Take a whole pack of salt and go outside. Then close your eyes, take a deep breath and read the words of the conspiracy:

“At dawn I attract love. (Your name) and (name of the chosen one) will henceforth be pure and strong in their love. Our house will be preserved, they will look at us - they will not be able to get enough of it. If they see us, they won’t be able to help but smile. Just as these people’s intentions are bright, so is our love with (name of the chosen one). We will never part in life, we will not separate.”

Read the text three times while closing your eyes. After the spell, take the salt back to the house and use it for food. You can cook with this salt only for you and your spouse. Such a love spell will not only strengthen your relationship, but also protect you from the evil eye and damage.


Rituals with salt do not carry negativity. They are simple to perform; if done incorrectly, they can backfire on you, but this is easy to fix. All you have to do is go to church and light a candle. But this will only work if you accidentally made a mistake. If you had good intentions, believed in the power of magic and felt your subconscious, but stumbled and, for example, read the plot incorrectly, it’s okay.

If you used dark salt or bewitched a person using black magic, then you cannot avoid negative consequences. Black magic gives a strong opposite effect. If you performed a dark ritual out of malicious intent, expect trouble. Such a love spell is much more difficult to remove; it is a long and painful process.

Is it possible to remove such a love spell and how?

Removing a love spell at home is not easy. If the ritual was not endowed with sufficient power, prayer will suffice. Read it every day, or better yet, go to church. After some time, the effect of the love spell will subside. For more powerful spells, take the love spell victim to a fortune teller. An effective way to get rid of extraneous forces is to scold a love spell. It is impossible to carry out a cleansing ritual at home, since you do not have enough knowledge and experience. In such matters, it is better to trust hereditary sorcerers, so as not to make things even worse.

Online fortune telling: is this love spell right for you?

Have you chosen your version of the ritual? Check if it is suitable for you and your destiny?

In this article:

The most effective and efficient in the age of technological progress remains rural magic, which also includes a love spell for salt. It has long been considered a magical object; not only many rituals are associated with it, but also omens. Few Russians will be able to calmly look at spilled salt. It is also a protection against the forces of evil; previously it was carried with you all the time in small leather bags, added to the water when a newborn was bathed for the first time, and rubbed on the backs of livestock to prevent illness.

Salt is a mineral, a chemical raw material, a medicine, a mineral, and a food product. So many functions in one substance! But its most mysterious function is magical, because in addition to treating diseases and protecting against the forces of evil, it is used in love spells.

In magical rituals, salt is divided into dark and white (light). White heals, removes damage, protects from the forces of evil. Dark is used for “dark” matters. It is the dark one that is considered a symbol of grief and curses.

Salt in village magic

Village magic knows more than one love spell on salt, and each of them is hundreds of years old, during which they effectively work for the result of the next person who wants to achieve reciprocity from the object of his desires.

Witchcraft based on salt is available to anyone, which makes it popular and in demand. Love spells differ according to the method of execution, purpose and purpose.

When performing the ritual, strictly follow the instructions; this is the only way you can achieve a positive result, which is stronger the more often you come into contact with the object of the love spell.

Interpersonal contact between the “customer” and the “victim” is a prerequisite for any love spell!

Salt for rituals

For love spells you need a special salt imbued with magic. You can do this yourself. On Thursday, take ordinary salt and cleanse it with any prayers, spells, precious metals (silver, gold). You can cleanse it through cleansing in the church.

Salt has long been used in magical practices.

The properties of the magic salt are incredible; it is capable of many things, both reunification and destruction. You can either remove a love spell or make it, remove the damage, or restore it. Whatever your goals and desires, she will always help them come true, the main thing is to choose the right ritual.

Love spell on a girl

This ritual is very effective. If you are not sure that you need this or that girl for more than a month, it is better not to use a love spell, as then you will not be able to fight off an ardent fan and her annoying attention.

Speak salt in the morning, then carry it with you throughout the day, putting it in a cloth or leather bag and hanging it around your neck. Having placed it on a plate, read the following words above it:

“I’ll get up in the morning, go from door to door without crossing myself, from passage to passage without blessing, into an open field, to the damn sea.
There is an iron hut on the damn sea, in that hut there is a stone bridge, under the bridge there are marble pillars, on the pillars there are 12 devils, three of whom are my older brothers.
I will go closer to them, I will bow to them lower:
“My older brothers, do me a service, twist and dry the girl (name), so that she drinks and doesn’t get drunk, walks and doesn’t get drunk, eats but doesn’t overeat, loves and doesn’t forget, so that all 12 of her veins dry out for me, 30 hamstrings, 40 joints, 70 sub-articular joints and an intimate place.” Amen. Amen. Amen."

In the evening of the same day or the next day, salt the food with your favorite charmed salt. Make sure that she eats every little bit - this is very important, because otherwise the love spell will not work.

Ritual with a candle

Salt lining is necessary to transfer the laid down program to the site

For the ritual you will need a black tablecloth, a red candle, and salt. Lay a tablecloth on the table and light a candle. Sprinkling it on the candle fire, say:

“Let the servant of God (name) be one with the servant of God (your name), As Fire, Air and Water are one with the Earth.
Let the thoughts of God's servant (name of your loved one) come to me (your name)
They reach out like the sun's rays towards the Earth.
Let the spirit (your name) be above the spirit (name of the object),
like Water - above the Earth, so that he deprives the servant of God (name) of the power to eat, drink, sleep without the servant of God (your name). Amen!"

Collect the salt scattered on the table and scatter it with the wind in the field or at the door of the object of the love spell.

Love spell No. 3

Say the altar (blessed) salt in the morning, putting it in a cloth bag in advance, with these words:

“Just as people love salt and cannot live without it,
So that my husband loves me the same way and cannot imagine life without me,
Not a day has passed, not an hour has passed, not a minute has passed,
Everyone would follow me and admire me. Amen."

After this, salt your husband’s food. You can do this constantly to enhance the effect and extend the life of the love spell.