Lewis Carroll's cats from wonderland. Mysterious Cheshire Cat

  • 11.04.2019

There are many bright and memorable characters in literature. One of them is the Cheshire Cat from "Alice in Wonderland" from English author Lewis Carroll. This slightly crazy beast first appeared in chapter 6 of “Pig and Pepper.” Many people immediately fell in love with the character due to the many unusual and wise sayings, which he constantly shared with Alice and readers.

The literary work was created back in 1865. This means that the Cheshire Wise Cat recently celebrated its 150th anniversary. Despite this, the work “Alice in Wonderland” does not lose its popularity, and the Cheshire Cat still interests readers of different ages. They try to analyze his phrases and find application for them in real life.

Character Description

Lewis Carroll's book says that the Cheshire Cat is a constantly smiling creature that quickly disappears or appears at will. The cat is also given the ability to teleport. Sometimes he disappears, but his smile continues to “hang” in the air. In other cases, only the Cheshire Cat's eyes remain, and his head and body are not visible. Disney animators depicted all the “transformations” of the beast in great detail.

Many people remember the hero's appearance from the character who was presented in the 1951 Disney cartoon. In this painting, the artists gave the Cheshire Cat a unique appearance - he has a striped body, a pair of yellow crazy eyes and a wide smile.

The viewer can also remember some of the character's aphorisms from the film. We are given to understand that the Cheshire cat is partly a philosopher, entertaining Alice and other characters with his difficult phrases.

Character Quotes

The Cheshire Cat makes memorable sayings:

“He who seeks will always find... If he seeks correctly.”

“Joy and slavery do not live together under the same roof.”

“Everyone in our world is crazy.”

“Stupid does not mean ignorant.”

These and other wisdom of the character can be found by looking into the work of Lewis Carroll or watching the film of the same name. What does each of them mean? You can talk about their meaning for a long time, but everyone understands the meaning in their own way.

Where did the character come from?

The big mystery: who is the Cheshire Cat and where did he come from? However, the answer can be found in real story. In the summer of 1862, English professor Charles Dodgson went on a picnic in the company of two friends. One of them took his three daughters with him to nature. People around Charles Dodgson knew that he could and loved to tell stories. incredible stories. So he was asked to make up a story to entertain the company.

A lot of Cheshire cats in the pictures from me...

Continuing the topic about Lewis Carroll, I will tell you where he came from, this most smiling cat in the world.
From a Lewis Carroll fairy tale, you say. And, of course, you can't go wrong. A mysterious and completely unusual smile for cats has become a trademark of the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland.” But Cheshire Cat existed even before Carroll came up with the inquisitive and sensible Alice and Wonderland with its eccentric citizens.

In the original version of the tale (1864), there was no Cheshire cat. It appeared in 1865.

The cheshire cat in the 1866 edition of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, illustrated by John Tenniel.
from here: http://readerbreeder.tumblr.com/

The main feature of the Cheshire Cat is that, when it pleases, it disappears into thin air and leaves behind only a sardonic smile. The expression “smiles like a Cheshire cat” was very popular in England at that time. There are at least two options to explain where this expression came from.

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First: in Cheshire, where the storyteller Carroll was born, an unknown painter painted grinning cats over the doors of taverns. Actually, these should have been lions or leopards, but cats were apparently closer to the Cheshire soul.

from here: http://www.alice-in-wonderland.net/pictures/cheshire-cat-pictures.html

Second: the appearance of smiling cats was given to Cheshire cheeses; their history goes back a little to nine centuries. By the way, every year in February an interesting competition is held in Chester - the cheese rolling championship. Cheese is rolled ahead of the annual Food and Drink gastronomic festival. The residents of Chester faithfully support the Cheshire, Steelton and Lancashire teams, who in turn must faithfully overcome all obstacles. It all starts at 11 am. The Dean of Chester Cathedral gives the go-ahead for the race to begin, and the wheel of Cheshire cheese is rolled around Chester Gate, built in the 14th century on the site of a Roman rampart, and rolled towards the gate at Bridge Street Bridge.

from here: http://www.ebbemunk.dk/alice/alice13.html

From the "Book of Fictitious Creatures" you can find out that in English language There is an expression “grin like a Cheshire cat”, which means “to grin sardonically like a Cheshire cat.” The expression is given different explanations. One thing reminds us again of white Cheshire cheese.

By Anna Richards, SR., 1895 (After Tenniel), from here: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4149282/post169965366/

The second has to do with the Cheshire county - English jokers claimed that “even cats laughed at the high rank of a small county.” The third version says that during the reign of Richard the Third, an honest forester, Caterling, lived in Cheshire, who caught poachers and grinned sardonically at the same time.

from here: http://www.magicofdisneyart.co.uk/

But the Cheshire Cat from Wonderland adopted the ability to disappear from the ghost of the Congleton Cat. During his life, this cat was the favorite of the caretaker of the abbey, but one fine day he did not return home after another walk... A few days later, the woman heard scratching at the door; Her beloved cat was sitting on the threshold, however, a moment later he disappeared, as if he had evaporated into thin air. Ghost white cat seen by hundreds of people over the years. He appeared every evening, and was seen by the caretaker, her friends, and visitors to the Cheshire Abbey. Carroll was apparently inspired by this story and used the image of the Congleton Ghost to create his smiling Cheshire Cat.

Oksana Zaika, from here: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/treasure50/post124940239/

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The image of a grinning cat, who can dissolve into thin air, leaving behind only a smile, and who occupies Alice not only with conversations, but also sometimes with un-cat-like philosophical speculations, also appears in works based on Carroll’s fairy tale. The Cheshire cat can be seen in the Disney cartoon about Alice in Wonderland. The cat became one of the characters in the video game based on the Disney cartoon. IN computer game American McGee's Alice is a very colorful looking Cheshire Cat, he plays the role of Alice's guide and companion in virtual country miracles.

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Our world strives to be rational and very correct. So true that it’s hard to survive in it.

Quotes from the Cheshire Cat are wise, crazy recipes for not going crazy in this right world.

I have collected quotes for you. A total of 34 quotes from the most different works in which Alice lives and the Cheshire Cat philosophizes.

Cheshire Cat Quotes

How should I understand you?
- You don't need to understand me. Be sure to love and feed on time.

Only a madman can measure success by suffering.

Any journey begins with the first step. It's corny, but true.

Those who seek will definitely find... but there are also exceptions.

Those who learn from their mistakes are called a bad word.

It doesn't matter why the significant became insignificant. It happened, and that’s it.

When miracles become delirium, reason turns into madness.

What are those sounds over there? - asked Alice.
“Oh, these are miracles,” explained the Cheshire Cat indifferently.
- And what are they doing there? - the girl asked.
“As it should be,” the cat yawned. - They happen.

Flattering words often motivate the target to take action by learning their true meaning.

Joy and slavery do not live together under the same roof

He who seeks will always find...if he searches correctly.

You have two choices: one will lead you to happiness, the other will lead you to madness. My advice to you is don’t stumble.

I heard that it is wise to rely on yourself... now you have heard it too.

Guess the riddle: when does a croquet mallet look like a stun gun? The answer is obvious: whenever you want.

I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.

She behaves in such a way that sometimes I regret that I began to muddy the waters of this still pool...

Some people don't see a way out even if they find one. Others simply don’t look...

Taking anything in this world seriously is a fatal mistake.
- Is life serious?
- Oh yes, life is serious! But not very...

They say seek and you will find, but no one says you will find.

In our world, everything is possible.
- Correction: in yours. In mine, everything is according to my rules.

Collect everything you find useful. Except indifference and ignorance. And then maybe you will survive.

Sometimes the reflection in the mirror is more real than the object itself...

If you don't know something, find out... or die!

Threats, promises and good intentions, none of these are actions.

At times, in her madness, I see glimpses of real talent.

When someone's head is in the clouds, someone's heart gets wet.

Destroy what can destroy you.

Those who say that there is nothing better to calm the nerves than a cup of tea have not actually tried real tea. It's like an injection of adrenaline straight to the heart.

Protective walls may get in your way, but the most impenetrable walls in the world are those that surround our hearts.

Sometimes, before asking a person for help, you should think carefully about how this help can turn out for you.

Stupid does not mean ignorant.

The paths that lead to disaster end the same way, but how do they lead?

Whoever says that too much of a good thing is bad is lying.

If the Cheshire Cat smiles, it means someone needs it

Probably the most interesting and curious character in world literature is the Cheshire Cat. This hero amazes with his ability to appear and disappear at the most unpredictable moments, leaving behind only a smile. No less interesting are the quotes from the Cheshire Cat, which amaze with their unusual logic and make you think about many questions. But this character appeared much earlier than the author wrote him into the book. And it’s quite interesting where the author got the idea for it.

Why is the cat smiling?

The Cheshire Cat was created by Lewis Carroll for the book Alice in Wonderland. It is noteworthy that in the first version of the story this character was absent and appeared only in 1865. Most likely, its appearance is due to the expression “the smile of the Cheshire Cat”, popular at that time. And this saying has two common versions of its origin. The author of the book himself was born and raised in Cheshire, and it was there that it was fashionable to paint lions above the entrance to taverns. But since no one saw these predators, they were given the appearance of toothy and smiling cats.

The second version is as follows: cheese wheels in the shape of smiling cats were produced in Cheshire and were popular throughout England. But what does the smile of the Cheshire Cat mean? There is still ongoing debate on this issue. Some philologists believe that this is still connected with cheese. Others dispute, saying that at that time even cats laughed at the “high” title that the county of Cheshire, which was a provincial province with a small size, ascribed to itself.

The Endangered Cat (Cheshire)

In addition to the smile, there is another equally interesting skill of this character - to dissolve and materialize in the air at will, but where did the author get this idea? At one time there was a legend about the Congleton cat: one fine day the abbess's favorite disappeared, but a few days later the nun heard a familiar scratching sound.

Opening the door, she saw her beloved cat, who at that very moment disappeared into thin air. Since then, this ghost has been seen by many visitors to the abbey. Lewis Carroll himself was known for his penchant for mysticism and was probably impressed by this story, which he embodied in his character.

Cheshire Cat Country

Surely it would not be a lie to call Wonderland the kingdom of the Cheshire Cat. After all, from the first meeting in the Duchess’s kitchen, this character accompanied Alice. Moreover, he was her mentor and helped her get out of difficult and absurd situations, despite the fact that his dialogues with Alice did not always bring her pleasure, and sometimes were quite annoying. The philosophical questions that the Cheshire Cat loved to ask confused Alice, but, after thinking a little, she found a way out of situations thanks to them. His expressions have long been dissected into quotes, which are used to emphasize the absurdity of situations.

Character character

When reading the book, most readers got the impression that this character is quite friendly and nice. And indeed it is. The Cheshire Cat has some inexplicable charm despite the fact that he prefers a solitary life. He is optimistic, cheerful and will always come to the rescue in difficult times.

But at the same time, the cat is selfish and never admits his guilt due to stubbornness. He is extremely irritable and impulsive, due to which he can commit unseemly acts that he will regret in his soul, but will not admit to it. He is vain and a little crafty, although he himself cannot stand lies. His attitude towards himself is especially interesting, because the Cat considers himself crazy only because he is surrounded by crazy people. In general, this is the most contrasting and inimitable character in world literature.

Culture and the Cheshire Cat

This hero has long acquired a cult reputation, and his image is used by many authors in their works, for example, Jeff Nuna, Andrzej Sapkowski, Jasper Fforde, Frank Beddor. The Cheshire Cat has gained enormous popularity in such an art form as anime. There is also a large number of comics with his participation. IN Lately Tattoos depicting the Cheshire cat have gained popularity.

But still the most interesting images characters were embodied in the adventures of Alice. Popular disney cartoon, released in 1951, introduces this cat as an intellectual with a mischievous personality who is sometimes classified as one of Disney's villains. In a computer game about Alice's adventures in a Wonderland spoiled by nightmares called Alice Madness Returns, this hero appeared before us in the form of a thin cat with tattoos, but who continues to act as a travel guide and compel us with his quotes. main character think about events.

We saw another remarkable Cheshire Cat in the film adaptation of Alice's adventures from Tim Burton. Although he was a computer character, he was still remembered for his half-screen smile and tireless zeal to give useful tips. This hero had elegance, calmness and impressiveness, as well as the ability to hide cowardice under a seductive smile. His ability to get out of ridiculous situations was demonstrated at the moment when the Hatter accused the cat of running away when the Red Queen seized the throne. But thanks to his talents and skills, Cheshire was rehabilitated among his friends and made amends.

In this article you will learn:

Cheshire Cat from Wonderland - famous hero books by L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”.

Creating an image

This hero was not in Carroll's original work. The character appeared in 1865 thanks to the popular expression “Smile like the Cheshire Cat” and there are theories about this: 1. The legendary cheese produced in Cheshire was made to look like a smiling cat; 2. Cheshire was so small and it was called a county, even cats laughed at it.

Cheshire cat from the movie


The good-natured Cheshire cat constantly smiled and could disappear, leaving only his wide smile. The cat was also that philosopher, he could make more than one speech, at the same time inserting something funny. The character moved freely through the air and could teleport.

Cheshire considered himself crazy, since everyone around him was crazy. He wagged his tail when he was angry and angry when he was happy.

“I’ve seen cats without a smile. But a smile without a cat!..”


The character is firmly established in popular culture. There is no person who does not know this smiling character. The cat first appeared in Carroll's book Alice in Wonderland and belonged to the Duchess. Cartoons, games, comics all about the same girl Alice brought him great popularity.

The creature’s habitat is Wonderland, which is inhabited by a variety of equally strange heroes. Best friends The cat is the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Dormouse, with whom he organizes Crazy Tea Parties.

Among Cheshire's friends, there was a girl named Alice who called him Cheshirick.



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