Features of the organization of the transport services market.

  • 22.09.2019

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Market relations are increasingly developing in all sectors of the economy of our country. Transport, being a full-fledged subject of the market, must fit adequately into these relations. While observing the general objective economic laws of the market, it must, taking into account its own specifics, ensure the normal functioning of the free economic space of the state and sufficient profitability of transport enterprises, firms and other associations.

The market is a set of acts of purchase and sale of goods and services between sellers (producers) and buyers (consumers), based on supply and demand through commodity and other exchanges using market infrastructure, including banks, exchanges, transport, communications. Thus, transport, on the one hand, “physically” implements this exchange (circulation of goods and services). On the other hand, he himself provides a service to the main subjects of the market: sellers and buyers, i.e. forms a transport market.

Thus, the product of transport is movement. The beneficial effect that appears as a result of movement, its final result is the delivery of goods and people to their destination. This is the main “product”, i.e. transport service, which has an intangible form of consumption. However, like any product, it is characterized by its own qualitative characteristics, i.e., in order to sell it successfully, it is necessary to ensure high level quality of transport service: delivery exactly on time deadlines, without losses, with maximum convenience for customers.

Ensuring all this requires significant material, labor and financial resources. Consequently, transport services have a certain value (consumer and exchange), which arises during the transportation process and is included in the price of the product at the point of consumption. However, the price of transport products on the market, like any product, should be determined by supply and demand, taking into account social necessary costs labor and consumer properties of transportation. So far, prices of transport products (transport tariffs) are regulated by the state, and therefore transport has certain restrictions in the competition of market structures.

Thus, the features of the transport services market are:

the insubstantial nature of transport products, like any service (the inability to accumulate “in reserve”, the coincidence of production and sales processes, etc.);

spatial separation of transport service delivery areas, their non-interchangeability, which limits intra-industry (on one mode of transport) competition;

universality and mass character of the transport market in society, its monopoly;

The role of railway transport in the transport market largely depends on its versatility, productivity, placement of communications, level of technical equipment, carrying capacity, cost, convenience and safety of transportation. These indicators characterize the volume and quality of transport service offerings;

the demand for them for freight transportation is formed by socially necessary needs for material exchange. The relationship between supply and demand for transport services by mode of transport determines the level of participation of each of them in the operation of the transport system and at the same time is a stimulus for their development.

An important principle modern market is a focus on the final result. In this light, the main thing is not cost savings, but the provision of services of the highest quality that meets the requirements and (or) desires of the consumer. This quality usually requires increased costs. However, due to the growing demand for such services, an increase in the number of sales (especially with a slightly higher price), the manufacturer’s profit may even increase, the consumer will receive a more durable quality product (thus saving on the frequency of purchases) or the most complete and desirable service.

Integrated marketing involves producing not what you want to produce, but what consumers need. At the same time, it is necessary to study the final consumer goals and requests. Often, railroad workers think that customers need cars, but in fact they (consumers) need delivered products, which they can transport either by another mode of transport, or even replace with another type of raw material, fuel or equipment. Today, in developed countries, integrated marketing encourages not so much competition as cooperation (the so-called strategic alliance). Instead of competition between rail and road transport, it is more beneficial for both carriers and customers to integrate them and cooperate in order to provide the best transport service to cargo owners “from door to door” and “just in time”. It is in this direction that integrated marketing in transport should develop.

Transport, acting as a kind of intermediary (together with wholesale and retailers, dealers, distributors), affects the efficiency of distribution and sales channels. At the same time, the choice of transport and the volume of its work largely depend on which channel to promote its products the company chooses.

The market, as a mechanism that unites buyers (demand providers - clients) and sellers (suppliers) of transport services, has its own specifics and takes various forms. Operation competitive markets, which suggest big number independently operating enterprises interested in transportation have a direct impact on the operation of transport.

There are many issues and problems being solved at the enterprise:

Additional services for insurance of the most expensive transportation, especially during the first year after the introduction of new technologies;

simplification of the procedure for clients to submit applications based on contracts;

information activities;

provision of services upon arrival of cargo, as well as services in all cases when the client has difficulties with loading and unloading according to traditional or new technology etc.

In the whole country, as a rule, there is no lack of demand for transportation, since this demand is a natural need of people and society. Transport is the “blood vessel” of production and economic systems, and without it they cannot function. However, on certain types of transport and in certain regions this situation is quite possible. For example, the desire of cargo owners to use motor transport for guaranteed long-distance delivery of components and other products instead of railways. Another example is the decline in passenger travel to long distance communication(falling demand) due to a sharp rise in ticket prices. Irregular demand for transportation is often caused by the irregular operation of some enterprises, the seasonality of production and consumption of certain types of products, etc. In some cases, excessive or irrational demand for transportation is allowed, for example, due to the occurrence of counter, excessively repeated, excessively long and other irrational transportation.

To organize the normal operation of transport, it is very important to know the upcoming demand for cargo transportation, i.e., by balancing the demand with the available resources, develop transportation plans for various periods of validity: for the future, current and short-term periods. In them, with varying degrees of detail, the upcoming volumes of traffic and the size of transport work, as well as the main cargo flows and traffic density in the directions of the transport network should be established. It is very important to establish the structure of upcoming transportation by type of cargo, especially bulk cargo.

The main feature of international transportation is its competitive nature. To increase competitiveness in the field of freight transportation, it is necessary to improve the tariff system, namely to keep tariffs stable, reducing transportation costs. In order to survive the competition and not lose customers, the company must improve its tariff system.

Despite the fact that road transport is the most common and widespread mode of transport, in Russia road transport accounts for a significantly smaller share of the total volume of cargo transportation. Railways are the main artery of freight traffic over long and medium distances. Delivery of goods by rail is today one of the most convenient methods of transportation without the risk of loss of cargo safety.

The main feature of market relations in road transport is the excess of the supply of transportation services over effective demand in conditions of free pricing and, as a consequence, intense competition among motor transport enterprises in order to obtain high financial results(income, profit) for transport services provided. In the transport market, competition can be defined as competition between motor transport enterprises, freight forwarding enterprises, other enterprises and organizations transporting goods, when their independent actions effectively limit the ability of each of them to influence the general conditions for the provision of services in a given market and stimulate the supply of those services that which are required by the consumer.

For small and medium-sized enterprises, most typical of the trucking business, competition is one of the most likely sources of problems. However, it is likely that competitors, including large transport companies with large reserves of resources, are unable to implement most their capabilities or even satisfy all the needs of their current clients.

Most small firms and individual carriers are trying to find a niche in the market where they would be to some extent protected from competition. To achieve this, they must provide services that are in some way unique and different from those of their competitors.

Assessing its competitiveness, an enterprise, first of all, determines its main competitors, their strengths and weak sides, geographical position, market share in the total volume of transportation (services) in the region; volume and range of services provided, additional services, pricing and sales policies; Availability of transportation capabilities of competitors and prospects for their increase, etc.

In intercity transportation, road transport competes with other modes of transport, primarily with railways, as well as with inland waterways, taking into account navigable waterways and the seasonality of transportation. When choosing a means of delivery of a specific product, shippers take into account transport costs in the price of the product, the timeliness and safety of its transportation.

In addition, an important factor motivating the shipper to use road transport may be the desire to avoid difficulties in meeting the requirements of railway transport enterprises regarding container turnover rates, idle time of wagons and their loading, ensuring the necessary packaging of goods, etc. Intermodal transportation, which is beneficial for many shippers, especially container-ready cargo, is impossible without the interaction of various types of transport enterprises and modes of transport. Therefore, competition in the transport market is accompanied by interaction in various forms. Transport enterprises mainly use price and non-price methods of competition. If the demand for transportation and related services noticeably responds to changes in the tariff (elastic demand), then a slight reduction in tariffs is possible, which allows the carrier to attract additional customers and increase its share of the regional transport market, gaining the authority of a stable enterprise. A forced reduction in tariffs may also be a consequence of the policy of ensuring the survival of the enterprise in conditions of high competition from other carriers and seasonal changes in customer needs. With non-price competition, the emphasis is on the conditions for the provision of services, ensuring the reliability of their implementation and accessibility. More high quality

transportation, as a rule, is associated with additional costs and the establishment of relatively high tariffs. Reasonable application of the rules for admitting transport enterprises to work can increase the number of people wishing to obtain licenses for a certain type of activity or, conversely, reduce it. The transport services market is presented the following types passenger transportation

: intracity, suburban, intercity and international. Intracity transportation are the most significant in terms of the number of passengers transported. IN major cities

The transport market is quite competitive and is represented by bus, trolleybus and tram services, metro, railway transport, minibuses, and private cars. Motivation for travel: travel to work or school, to shops and for other personal needs. The demand for these transportations is price and income inelastic, but has high cross elasticity. occupy the second place in terms of mass numbers after intra-city ones. The market for this type of transport services is represented by railway, bus, and personal transport. Every year, about 3.3 million passengers are transported by suburban railways. According to opinion polls, more than 41% of commuter train passengers travel to work and school, and about 29% travel to the countryside. Demand is more elastic in terms of price and income.

Intercity transportation divided into local and distant.

Local transportation is carried out mainly by rail and buses. The motivation for the trip is limited to shopping tours, transportation for personal needs and vacation spots. The demand for passenger transportation is elastic.

Long distance transportation are carried out mainly by rail and air transport, and to a small extent by bus and water transport. Demand is elastic to price, income and competitor's price, but is significantly differentiated depending on the purpose of the trip and groups of passengers.

International shipping are in many ways similar to distant ones. The leading position in this market of transport services is occupied by air transport. The demand for international transportation is the most elastic.

It should be noted that passenger transportation occupies a special place in the work of transport. This is due to their high socio-economic importance in the life of society and the fulfillment of one of the most important functions of the state - freedom of movement.

However, passenger transportation by rail, starting in the 90s of the last century, became unprofitable. Passenger tariffs cover transportation costs a little more than 55%, including suburban traffic - 22%, long-distance traffic - 67%. Losses from passenger transportation are compensated by the results of activities in freight transportation (so-called cross-financing) and in suburban transportation - by federal subjects.

Transportation planning

Planning for passenger transportation is significantly different from developing plans for freight transportation. It is based primarily on reporting data, their analysis and identification of patterns in the development of passenger transportation. This is explained by the fact that population mobility is constantly changing and it is very difficult to correctly determine it in advance.

Passenger traffic indicators:

1) departure of passengers, including direct traffic;

2) passenger-km, including direct traffic.

When drawing up a passenger transportation plan, the following factors are taken into account::

– development of the regional economy;

– income of the population;

– cultural standard of living of the population;

– growth of cities;

– development of the sanatorium-resort network and tourism;

– level of passenger fares.

Passenger transportation is characterized by high unevenness. Suburban and long-distance passenger transportation is uneven in space and time. Unevenness in space is characterized by uneven distribution of passenger traffic across railways and directions. This is due to the location of industrial and agricultural centers, places of public recreation and gardening plots.

A pronounced and stable character in all types of communication is uneven in time: across seasons, months, days of the month and day.

The unevenness of passenger transportation throughout the year by month is especially evident in long-distance travel. For many years, the coefficient of monthly unevenness in all types of traffic in the network as a whole was 1.5, in long-distance traffic - 1.6, in suburban traffic - 1.25.

The largest volumes of long-distance transportation are carried out in July–August, in suburban traffic – during the summer holiday season – from May to September. In the month of maximum volume, long-distance passenger transportation is almost 2 times higher than the minimum transportation in December–February, and in suburban traffic they increase to 50–60%.

The unevenness of passenger traffic can be measured by the following indicators:

monthly unevenness coefficient ():


where is the passenger-km of the maximum month;

– average passenger-km per month throughout the year;

population mobility rate ():

; ,

where is the number of passengers sent;

– population size of the analyzed region.

Planning of rolling stock operation

If the transportation plan answers the question “what to do?”, then the rolling stock operation plan answers the question “how should the transportation plan be carried out.”

The rolling stock operating plan is drawn up in the sequence indicated below:

– determine the values ​​of the static load of cars by type of cargo and the dimensions of loading, unloading, receiving, and delivery of cargo; The traffic density in tons is converted into wagons and the mileage of loaded wagons is calculated. To do this, you can use the following formulas:

, , ,

Where - specific gravity types of carriages;

– volume of transportation in tons;

– average distance of cargo transportation;

– compile a balance of empty cars at stations and sections; build a scheme for regulating empty cars and determine the empty number and then the total mileage of the cars:


where is the number of empty cars;

– average travel distance of empty cars;

– number of loaded wagons;

– average travel distance of loaded wagons.

– calculate gross ton-km by sections:


– determine the number of trains, their mileage, and the density of train traffic in sections. Train runs are calculated for each section:

in a busy direction


where is the gross mass of the freight train; calculated in accordance with the rules of traction calculations:


where is the tare weight of the car;

– empty train composition, wagon;

and in an empty direction


Where T– train composition, vag.;

– determine the linear mileage of locomotives.

Market classification

By product groups: market for manufacturing products, raw materials, consumer goods and services

By individual goods: Market of money, capital, securities, land, labor.

By spatial location: National and world

According to the degree of maturity and development of competition: Market of perfect and imperfect competition

According to legal norms: legal and illegal

Market classification has great importance when identifying types of market structures, organization production activities firms, carrying out regulatory activities by government agencies.

The role of motor transport enterprises in the transport services market

In the Russian road transport system, enterprises and organizations are currently being created and operate that differ in purpose, form of ownership, legal form and size. According to their purpose, they are divided into two types: motor transport (auto-operational) and motor-servicing (auto-service). Motor transport enterprises (ATEs) perform the main task of transport - transporting goods and passengers. Depending on the type of transportation, ATPs are divided into freight, passenger (buses and cars), mixed (cargo-passenger) and special (ambulance, public services, etc.). Such motor transport enterprises can be complex or specialized. Complex enterprises carry out not only the transportation of passengers and cargo, but also the storage, maintenance and repair of rolling stock owned by the enterprise itself. They can on a commercial basis perform other services, including maintenance and repair of rolling stock for third-party enterprises and organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs-carriers, freight forwarding services and others. Specialized motor transport enterprises carry out only the transportation of passengers or goods. These are most often small enterprises for which creating their own repair base is irrational.

According to organizational affiliation, ATPs are divided into enterprises common use and departmental. Public enterprises provide transport services only on a commercial basis for legal entities and individuals.

The main clients of general use ATPs are enterprises in commodity-producing industries (industry, construction, etc.). When implementing distribution channels finished products, they have to resolve issues related to delivery, i.e. choose the type of transport, methods of organizing transportation, type of vehicles, participate in the organization of loading and unloading operations, use modern technologies in organizing the placement, accounting of goods and inventories in warehouses and terminals.

Departmental ATPs are part of non-transport industries (for example, industry, construction, Agriculture). They serve businesses and organizations only in the industry they belong to.

Automotive service enterprises include: automobile service stations, parking garages, terminals, gas stations, bus stations, and auto repair enterprises.

The need for the organization and existence of such enterprises is explained by the fact that motor transport enterprises and individual car owners cannot always provide normal conditions for the provision of transport services on their own.

Service stations (STS) perform work (services) to maintain and restore the performance of cars, namely monitoring the technical condition (diagnosis), maintenance (warranty, routine, post-warranty, seasonal) and repair (cars, units, bodies). At the same time, all car owners (legal entities and individuals) can be customers of services.

Based on their production characteristics, service stations are divided into trucks, buses, cars and mixed ones, where work is carried out to maintain vehicles of all types in technically sound condition.

By territorial basis they can be city, road, district.

The terminals provide transport and operational services to shippers and consignees. This may be a production division of a large motor transport enterprise or an independent enterprise designed to handle containerized and packaged cargo. Such enterprises are most often located on the outskirts of cities.

The terminal cargo delivery system is a progressive form of transport and forwarding services. It provides for the delivery of small shipments from clients by light-duty vehicles to the terminals of departure points (cargo-forming facilities), the formation of large shipments at the terminals, their transportation to the terminals of destinations and the delivery of shipments to consignees by light-duty vehicles. In addition, the terminals operate as points for the accumulation and distribution of medium and large consignments of cargo (distribution points).

Gas stations are specialized enterprises that supply rolling stock with operating materials: fuel, engine oil, transmission oils, grease, water and air for tire inflation. As a rule, gas stations specialize in the type of fuel they fill: gasoline, diesel fuel, gas cylinder fuel. By territorial basis they are divided into city, district and road.

Bus stations sell travel tickets, perform baggage operations, and provide the necessary premises for passengers to rest and wait for departure in suburban, intercity and international traffic.

Parking garages only store cars. They are created mainly on highways, at the final and intermediate points of routes.

Depending on the form of ownership, road transport enterprises are divided into public, private, and mixed form property, with foreign participation, as well as enterprises of public organizations.

The majority of road transport enterprises in Russia are currently private. The experience of their functioning since the beginning of market reforms has shown that private enterprises have better indicators of labor productivity, cost of services, and profit. This is explained primarily by the fact that private enterprises have greater independence in solving economic and production problems, the freedom to choose partners in transactions and to use optimal forms and methods of labor motivation.

In general-use freight road transport that carries out transportation on a commercial basis, timely completion of maintenance and repair work helps to increase the level of its utilization rate over time. The economic effect here is formed both on the transport itself (transport effect), and in the industries and types it serves activities (non-transport effect). The transport effect is formed as a result of reducing the cost of transportation, the non-transport effect is mainly in the production of enterprises and organizations of the industries served by reducing economic losses due to unsatisfactory operation of transport. This pattern is inherent in all elements of the production infrastructure, regardless of its hierarchical level: industry, regional, local. At the enterprise level, the first part of the effect is ultimately included in the effect achieved in the main production, since reducing the cost of transport work makes this production cheaper.

The concept of a transport organization. Types and place of transport organizations in the transport services market. Economics of a transport organization is the object, subject and objectives of the discipline. Legal regulation of the activities of transport organizations in the Russian Federation.

      Transport organization. Transport service. Types and place of transport organizations in the transport services market.

      Economics of a transport organization is the object, subject and objectives of the discipline.

      Legal regulation of the activities of transport organizations in the Russian Federation.

      Characteristics of JSC Russian Railways (the largest transport company in the world)

1.1Transport organization. Transport service. Types and place of transport organizations in the transport services market.

To provide services for the transportation of goods and passengers, as well as to provide various related services provided before, during or after transportation, appropriate organizations and enterprises are created, which are called transport.

The concept of organization in the Russian Federation given in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

"organizations- legal entities formed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as Russian organizations), as well as foreign legal entities, companies and other corporate entities with civil legal capacity, created in accordance with the legislation of foreign states, international organizations, branches and representative offices of the above foreign persons and international organizations created on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as foreign organizations);

Enterprise concept came from business.

Company- an independent economic entity that produces products, performs work and provides services in order to satisfy public needs and make a profit.

A manufacturing enterprise is characterized by production, technical, organizational, economic and social unity.

Production and technical unity is determined by a complex of means of production that have technological unity and the interconnection of individual production processes, as a result of which the raw materials used in the enterprise are transformed into finished products (work, services)

Organizational unity is determined by the presence of a single team and a single leadership, which is reflected in the general and organizational structure of the enterprise.

Economic unity is determined by the commonality of economic results of work (the volume of products sold, the level of profitability, the amount of profit, enterprise funds, etc.) and most importantly, making a profit acts as the main goal of the activity.

Social unity is determined by the fact that an enterprise is a team of people of various qualifications, connected by certain socio-economic goals and interests, and making a profit serves as the basis for meeting the needs of the entire team.

An enterprise is not only an economic entity, but also a legal entity.

Concept legal entity defined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

A legal entity is recognized as an organization that has separate property in ownership, economic management or operational management and is liable for its obligations with this property, can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

Thus, from the definition we can isolate the following characteristics of a legal entity:

    Has separate property in ownership, economic management or operational management;

    Responsible with property for its obligations;

    May acquire property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf;

    May have responsibilities;

    Can be a plaintiff and defendant in court;

    Has an independent balance or estimate.

A legal entity is subject to state registration and operates on the basis of the Charter, Articles of Association and Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Incorporation.

The Charter reflects the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, name, postal address, subject and purpose of activity, authorized capital, profit distribution procedure, control bodies, list and location of structural units included in the enterprise, conditions of its reorganization and liquidation.

Nowadays the term firm is often used. The term "firm" is widely used in Western Europe, USA and Japan. There are many definitions of a firm. The most concise and clear definition was given by economists K.R. McConelli and S.L. Brew: “A firm is an organization that uses resources to produce goods or services for profit, owning and operating one or more enterprises.”

It is possible to use the term – company

Company(fr.compagnie- 1) society, group; 2) company, company, ship crew, theater troupe):

    Company- a group of people spending time together. Cm..

    Company-Society commercial organization , the main purpose of which is to carry out economic activities (production, trade, intermediary, financial, insurance or other). Companies have the status legal entity . Companies may include enterprises (plants, factories, mines, shopping centers

and so on.). Currently in Russia there are many transport companies

ready to provide various transport and related services.

In what follows we will use the term organization.

The purpose of the functioning of any organization (firm, company, enterprise), including transport, is to meet the needs of society (for transport - in the transportation of goods, passengers and luggage) and to make a profit.

Depending on the classification criteria, all transport organizations can be divided into the following groups:

Table 1.

Classification of transport organizations

Classification sign

Types of companies (their products)

Kind of activity

Transportation of passengers, cargo and luggage

Providing various types of related services

Type of ownership



Other forms of ownership

Level of activity regulation

Objects of federal significance

Objects of regional significance

Objects of local importance

Organizational and legal forms

Business partnerships and societies

Producer cooperatives

Unitary enterprises

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, three forms of ownership are established in Russia: state (federal and constituent entities of the Russian Federation), municipal and private property. All forms of ownership are present in the transport services market. As for state property, it is to a greater extent represented in the rail transportation segment, because JSC Russian Railways, created during the period of reform of railway transport, is a company with 100% of the authorized capital owned by the state. For other modes of transport, the main share belongs to private companies.

According to organizational and legal forms, the largest part are represented by companies created in the form open societies limited liability companies (LLC), joint-stock companies, both open (OJSC) and closed (CJSC). Individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity are widely represented in the automobile transport segment, as well as in the provision of additional and related services. Moreover, for the development of entrepreneurial activity in the market of transport services by small and medium-sized businesses, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has developed a special departmental target program “Creating conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of transport” for 2010 - 2012, approved by order No. dated June 21, 2010. IL-48-r. The goal of the program is to create favorable conditions for enhancing business activity in the field of water transport, road and urban passenger transport, and railway transport; reducing costs for small and medium-sized businesses in the field of transport; increasing the share of Russian international carriers - exporters of transport services in the Russian international road transport market.

The main activity of transport organizations is the provision of transport services.

In modern Russian civil law, services are recognized as one of the leading categories in the system of objects civil rights and the importance of this category, especially in the system of market relations, increases every year.

Article 128 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes services as an object of civil rights, but does not define this concept. Based on the lexical interpretation of the article, works and services constitute a separate group of objects of civil law along with property. As a general rule, a service does not have a material result, but is manifested in its effect.

The legislative definition of a service is given in Article 38 (clause 5) of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - “a service for tax purposes is an activity whose results do not have material expression, are sold and consumed in the process of carrying out this activity.”

One type of service is transport services - services for the transportation of goods and passengers.

A transport service is an activity of an economic entity aimed at changing the location of people or consignments of goods and carried out with the prior consent of the service provider and the client.

Depending on the types of transport services, a classification of transport organizations can be given

First of all, transport organizations that provide all types of transport services in the field of public transport, which are performed and consumed in accordance with agreements (contracts) concluded between producers of these services (carriers, transport agents and freight forwarders) and consumers (passengers, shippers , consignees).

All transport organizations according to the type of object of transportation (freight or passengers) can be divided into freight and passenger. In addition, there are transport organizations that transport both goods and passengers.

Freight transport organizations carry out: preparing cargo for transportation, supplying rolling stock, loading cargo, processing transportation documents, carrying out transportation, unloading cargo, etc.

Passenger transport organizations carry out: supplying passenger rolling stock, ensuring comfortable boarding of people, moving passengers with the necessary comfort, organizing the exit of passengers from the rolling stock at the end of the trip, etc.

Each type of transport is characterized by certain specifics of organization and service (provision of transportation services), therefore, by type, freight transportation can be carried out by organizations of the following types of transport: railway transport; road transport; maritime transport; water inland transport; air transport.

Organizations operating in the field of passenger transport are divided similarly.

In addition, all transport organizations can provide various related services:

They are divided into:

    objectively necessary to perform rail transportation of a certain type, ensuring the required amount of movement of the required amount of cargo and a certain number of passengers;

    subjectively acceptablerelated transport services, to perform rail transportation of a certain type, ensuring acceptable quality of transportation (timeliness, speed, safety, cost-effectiveness of delivery, etc.)

    socially necessaryrelated transport services, to perform rail transportation of a certain type, performed upon request government organizations(cargo insurance, customs inspection, environmental safety, etc.).

Objectively necessary related services include:

    paperwork, delivery and receipt of cargo– these are the types of work without which the transportation process from the sender to the recipient cannot take place, because in the conditions of the functioning of the transport services market, which is regulated primarily by civil legal relations, without delivery of cargo to a public carrier and execution of the relevant contractual documents, transportation of cargo by public railway transport cannot take place;

    import and export of goods– the need follows from the previous paragraph, without delivery of cargo on the specified vehicle from the sender’s warehouse to the station, it is physically impossible to carry out transportation by public railway transport;

    loading and unloading operations.

Subjectively acceptable related transport services include:

    warehouse services– sorting of cargo, consolidation of shipments and consolidation of cargo units, formation and disassembly of packages, loading of cargo into containers and unloading from them, labeling of cargo, packaging, lashing, lining of cargo, repair of transport containers and packaging;

    information Services– notification of recipients about the shipment of goods; notification of the progress and arrival of cargo; tracking cargo from departure to destination, notifying the consignee or shipper about the approach of vehicles;

    notification of the shipper about the release of cargo to the consignee; notification of cargo crossing the state border, information about the arrival of cargo at the port, notification of loading of cargo on board a vessel, etc.; preparation and additional equipment of rolling stock

    – cleaning wagons and containers from cargo residues and washing them, providing shippers with packaging means, providing shippers with grain shields, equipping wagons with ovens and other devices and materials necessary for transportation and loading, providing locking sealing devices, etc.; payment and financial services

    – registration and payment of freight charges, fees, and fines, carrying out settlement operations for the transportation and transshipment of goods with individual stations, ports and piers, payment for loading and unloading, warehouse and other types of work performed at the initial, transshipment and final points;– development and coordination of technical conditions for loading and fastening, control of complete shipment of equipment, relabeling of cargo, maintenance and repair of senders’ containers, maintenance of refrigerated containers, delivery of wagons, containers, warehouses, land plots, loading and unloading areas for rent, storage of cargo in warehouses forwarders, etc.

Socially acceptable transport services include:

    cargo insurance– in conditions of increased risk during transportation by public transport, it becomes necessary not only to insure passengers, but also to voluntarily insure property (cargo);

    customs clearance of cargo and vehicles– the company JSC Russian Railways won the competition for organizing and carrying out customs work at railway border stations and port entrance stations. Since August 2007, Customs Brokerage Center LLC has been the single railway customs broker in the Russian Federation.

Publicly necessary transport services

Customs clearance of goods

Cargo insurance

    preparation and conclusion of an insurance contract;

    payment of insurance premiums;

    preparation of documents in the event of an insured event

    receiving insurance compensation

    Carrying out declaration of goods in customs authorities

    Consulting cargo owners on cargo declaration

    Cargo clearance customs declaration and accompanying documents for cargo

    Making payments for customs duties and other customs formalities

Another classification of transport services is possible, which is presented in table No. 1.1