Report on a family holiday in the library. Scenario for a family game in the library

  • 13.06.2019


about library events

MO Dinskoy district, dedicated to International Family Day.

An important role in the process of moral and spiritual education of the family and its strengthening is played by books and libraries. District library staff conduct great job to strengthen family relations, propaganda family values and organization of family leisure. As part of International Family Day, public events were held in the district's libraries:

The Intersettlement Library hosted literary hour“The most important word is family,” organized jointly with the youth center. The main idea of ​​the event was the revival of authority Russian family, revival of spiritual and family values, nurturing a sense of love for their families. More than 40 high school students attended the event.

For this date, a book and illustrative exhibition “The most important word is family” was organized in the reading room of the Intersettlement Library.

From the books, those present learned that issues of family relationships have always worried people since ancient times. Starting a family was considered one of the most important events In human life.

A library employee introduced high school students to the history of International Family Day.

We listened with great interest to the speech of the clergyman of the Holy Ascension Church, Fr. Pavel. He talked about how creating a family should be taken thoughtfully and seriously. He supported his speech with parables and legends about righteous life Saints Peter and Fevronia. Showed icons of family patrons. I read some chapters from the Bible.

Each of those present expressed their opinion about the importance of the family, what the family is based on, about traditions and relationships in their families. The event ended with the reading of poems about family, love, kindness by Yu. Drunina, A. Dementyev, R. Gamzatov.

May 15 at the Dinsk Children's Library for International Family Day, for younger children school age Was held entertainment « A strong family- a strong power." The purpose of the event: to expand children’s ideas about family as the greatest universal value; to show that peace in the family is the main condition for the well-being, happiness and health of all family members.

The event was fun and interesting. The program included the children taking part in four competitions: “ Folk wisdom says” - readers made up proverbs about the family, which were divided into two parts and had to be combined; “Pass the heart” - when passing the heart to each other, it was necessary to say affectionate, kind words that would sound at home in the family; “The house of your dreams” - they collected bricks to build a house from those words that would be needed for a good, kind, warm home; musical competition- they sang songs about childhood, about family, about friendship.

At the end of the event, the children were shown the video “My Family”.

15.05. in the children's library st. Vasyurinskaya held a round table “Mom, Dad, I am a reading family” dedicated to International Family Day. The event was attended by students of the 2nd “B” class of BOU secondary school No. 10, 29 people. The children were told about the holiday, read proverbs and sayings about the family, which they continued, and asked riddles about the family. Children recited poems dedicated to family, talked about their family and showed drawings in which they drew their family.

At the event, social workers Dobrodey's defense team distributed booklets to the children with wishes to their parents and a children's helpline.

The event ended with a festive tea party.

The meeting “A house where you are loved and expected” was successfully held in the library of the station. Staromyshastovskaya with large families- Nazarenko, Pravelyevs, Pristupa, Makienko, Yastreb.

For the guests, students of grade 2 “a” of BOU secondary school No. 31 prepared holiday program“To cherish your family is to be happy.”

The guys sang songs, played wind instruments and keyboards. On this day, poems and songs were sung, children and their parents actively participated in quizzes and competitions.

The settlement administration allocated material resources for the holiday. A tea party was organized with our guests.

There were 55 people present.

15.05. - V rural library Art. Vasyurinskaya hosted a musical and gaming evening “When we are together”. Students from secondary school No. 10, 8th grade, were invited to the event. The event was organized and held with the aim of promoting family values ​​and attracting readers to the library.

At the beginning of the meeting, the librarians talked about how family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. The event participants were offered various games, proverbs, and riddles. Next, there was a quiz that amused everyone with unusual and very interesting questions.

A sheet of Whatman paper was prepared for each team. The team members took turns, blindfolded, drawing a portrait of their friendly family.

In the “Explainers” competition, the guys tried to show all their imagination and intelligence with the help of their hands, feet and facial expressions.

The next competition involved solving sayings and proverbs, as well as riddles about the house.

The holiday ended with the presentation of well-deserved awards for participation in competitions.

In the library of the village. Zarechny held an hour of proverbs, sayings and riddles “The world of the family - me and us.”

The event was decorated book exhibition“We read with the whole family!”

Readers were introduced to old legend about a huge family, which consisted of 100 people, in which peace, love and harmony reigned. The only word that has become key in this family is understanding.

Then a competition of riddles and proverbs about family was held. At the end of the event, the guys talked about relationships in their families, how to respect and take care of their loved ones.

The purpose of the event is to help strengthen the family, promote mutual understanding, love, and foster family traditions.

An information hour “It all starts with the family” was held in the library of the Karl Marx farm. The purpose of the event: to tell those present about the history of the holiday, about the role the family plays in a person’s upbringing.

A book exhibition “The Book, Me and My Family” was prepared for the event, at which literature was provided about family upbringing and hobbies, where you can relax with your family, and how to spend an hour of leisure.

Older readers talked about their family traditions.

In the library st. Vorontsovskaya held an information day “Family ABC”.

The purpose of the event: to help create a culture of family relationships.

During the event, 17 people attended the event. The exhibition presented literature on the problems of raising children, healthy life, active family recreation.

Family Ethics Lesson " Love is the beginning of all beginnings"was held in the library of the village. Ukrainian. For the event, a book and illustration exhibition “Family is the Foundation of Society” was organized, where books, articles from newspapers and magazines, illustrations and reproductions of paintings on a given topic were presented.

A library employee spoke about the role of family in modern society, the history of the development of family relationships from ancient times to the present day. A quick survey was conducted with readers on the topics “What is the main basis of a family?”, “Which classic works are devoted to the complexities of family relationships?”, “Which films about love left a mark on your soul?”

Director of the MPB L.S. Finogina

“Family reading connects one soul with another with a thin thread, and then a kinship of the soul is born.”

J. Korczak.

IN Lately There is a decline in interest in books and reading, both among adults and among children and adolescents; families have almost stopped reading and discussing books together with children. But, on the one hand, it was the book that at all times united people, fostered a culture of communication, and was the bearer of moral and spiritual values. On the other hand, it is in the family that interest in books is formed; the first mediator between the child and the book is the parents.No wonder back inXVIcentury it was noted: “A child learns what he sees in his home - his parents are an example to him.”

All this increases the role of the library and the librarian in the revival of family reading.

How to introduce a child to reading? How to love a book? How to teach him to read? How to teach a child to understand what they read? Ready-made recipes are difficult to find. After all, every child is individual. And most importantly, for a child, reading should be associated with joy, and not with boredom and compulsion.

Having a special aura, a children's library is a necessary family assistant, promoting through the book development spiritual world child. The role of the book and libraries in the formation of a child is truly great and irreplaceable because family is the future of our country.Interaction between the library and families - this is the most effective way to join family reading adults and children.

Our library pays great attention to the revival of family reading.

Full interaction between the librarian and parents begins with deep individual work with each family member who comes to the library. During the first visit, parents and children have individual conversations with them about the rules for using the library, the child’s interests and reading preferences are identified, which allows them to subsequently offer literature that interests them.It is very important that a child learns to love books, read them, determine the idea of ​​a work, and extract information from the text. But you won’t achieve all this in one day. This is a great joint work of librarians, parents and children.

For this purpose, various book exhibitions and conversations for parents are held: “From time immemorial, books raise a person”, “Family reading for the heart and mind”, “Books of our childhood”. Parents and children are happy to take part in our family celebrations dedicated to Family Day and Mother's Day.

For in order to support and develop into young readers need, craving, interest in book, we we try to use everything available funds. One of them - This a game. And that's why it works in the library puppet show"Alenushka's Tales" - favorite child children and parents, many performances have been staged that the kids are looking forward to. The library cinema “Book on Screen” is also very popular, where preschoolers and their parents can watch their favorite cartoons and films - fairy tales based on the works of Russian and foreign writers.

Our library’s work on family reading continues, and we think this will only benefit our readers. It is important to convince parents that reading good children's books is a family activity, interesting and very useful.

Azov village library

On the eve of International Family Day on May 13, the Azov village library hosted theme hour"Family Reading Circle" Librarian Tatyana Nikolaevna Pokotilo told those present about the purpose, history, and traditions of the holiday.

Then the presentation of the book exhibition “Family Academy” took place. Those present could familiarize themselves with literature on home improvement, raising children, handicrafts, growing flowers, gardening, cooking a variety of dishes, and health. With great interest, the event participants read the statements of great people about family, life, love, and relationships.

At the end of the event, the librarian wished everyone family happiness, love, mutual understanding and kindness.

Zavetleninskaya rural library

On May 13, a conversation “Family Hearth” was held in the Zavetleninsky rural library, dedicated to International Family Day. Librarian Irina Viktorovna Cabril designed the thematic shelf “Family is the warmest place on earth.”

The librarian told those present that a person’s life begins with the family, that the formation of a person as a citizen occurs in the family. Family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which a civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist.

The Skripnyuk family was also invited to the conversation, as exemplary family men living in love, loyalty and understanding for each other, they shared their secrets and advice about their family life.

May Rural Library

An event dedicated to International Family Day was held at the May Rural Library, in which 9 readers aged 5 to 11 took part. It took the form of a moral lesson “Family is the main value.”

The purpose of the event was to instill in children love for their family, their relatives, respect and understanding for them.

During the lesson, the librarian told the children about this holiday and its history. Also, the event participants read poems about family, recalled and discussed proverbs and sayings about family. Of course, it could not have happened without interesting riddles about family members that the children enjoyed guessing. Also, for children and parents, a temporary display “All about the family” was created so that everyone could familiarize themselves with the literature on this topic.

At the end of the event, participants wrote on symbolic paper hearts best wishes for your family.

Pobednenskaya rural library

“Where did the Russian surname come from” - under this title the Pobednaya Library was held educational hour, dedicated International Day families, for middle-aged library users. After all, translated from latin surname- this is family. Why did surnames appear in Rus', what can a surname tell us, who was the first to officially introduce surnames in Rus'? The children learned about this and much more from the story of the head of the Pobednenskaya library, Tatyana Borisovna Kareeva. It turns out that it was Peter the Great who, by his decree, ordered to register all the people living in Russian state, “by names from fathers and nicknames,” that is, by first name, patronymic and last name. That A.S. Pushkin received his last name from the boyar Grigory, nicknamed Pushka. He lived in the 14th century. Why did he get such a nickname? Perhaps for an overly loud voice, reminiscent of a cannon shot? Or maybe he had something to do with the cannon business? Be that as it may, only his nickname turned into a surname, which after several generations went to the great poet. The guys also solved a crossword puzzle, figured out the task that led to the formation of this or that surname. At the event, poems by G. Graudin “Great-Grandfathers”, S. Mikhalkov “ Funny last name", M. Yasnova "Counting table with surnames." We also got acquainted with the presented books by N. Pavlenko “Chicks of Petrov’s Nest”, B. Unbergaun “Russian Surnames”, N. Superanskaya “About Russian Surnames”. And at the end of the event, the guys tried to determine the origin of their surname.

17 people attended the event.

The city's municipal libraries celebrate the traditional All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. About the story of the extraordinary love of Peter and Fevronia, who became models of marital fidelity, mutual love and family happiness during life, the history of the holiday itself, which has become a holiday on an all-Russian scale, is talked about in libraries near organized book exhibitions decorated with bouquets of daisies.

Visitors to the reading room Central City Library At the exhibition “Family is a Great Kingdom of Love,” people can also get acquainted with books about the role of the family, about building family relationships, and about raising children.

The exhibition-action “Know how to cherish love”, dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, is framed in the reading room children's library named after A.S. Pushkin. All readers who visited the library on this holiday not only got acquainted with works about family different authors, but also received daisies as a gift good wishes.

July 8
V children's library-branch No. 1 named after. A.S. Pushkin spent evening “Know how to cherish love...”, dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. It began with an opening speech from the presenter (librarian E.I. Taravkova), who asked those present to tell us what the word “family” means to them.

The children learned the history of the holiday, became acquainted with its symbol - the daisy, which has been a sign of love since ancient times, and listened to a story about the patrons of the July 8 holiday - Peter and Fevronya.

The evening continued with a game program. The guys guessed riddles in a competition "Family Mysteries" , collected proverbs from cut fragments in the game “It’s not without reason that the proverb is said” . The program has ended competition “Name kind words”, in which d The children had to say kind words to each other.

At the end, the presenter invited the participants to draw their family.

And at the end of the evening, all those present were given commemorative medals - daisies with good wishes, booklets, and were also invited to watch cartoons (“Three from Prostokvashino”, “Kuzya the Brownie”).

In library branch No. 1
them. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin The book exhibition “Love Like a Dream” was dedicated to this holiday, which was arranged in the reading room. It presents literature dedicated to the great feeling called love, as well as symbols of the holiday: a bouquet of daisies and a medal “For Love and Fidelity.”
Throughout the day, readers were introduced to love lyrics Andrey Dementyev, Boris Shalnev, Yuri Vizbor and others, prose by Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Bunin, Mark Levy, Cecilia Ahern, and the center of attention was “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia”.
Readers were interested in the history of this holiday, the traditions and customs of the celebration, the literature presented at the exhibition, and festive mood created music from the film “Love Story”. The symbol of the holiday - a medal with the image of Peter and Fevronia - was awarded to the Provotorov family, who had been married for 15 years.

Exhibition of books about Peter and Fevronia “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”, decorated with a bouquet of daisies, as a symbol of this bright holiday,was issued and V children's library No. 3 .

During the day, librarians held interesting conversations related to extraordinary legends from the lives of saints. As a souvenir, all participants were given small books with prayers for family well-being.

On the eve of the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in library branch No. 5 The book exhibition “Family Whirl” opened. There are books on ethics, psychology and family education on it.

“What is love?”, “How to learn to decide life tasks and renew yourself?”, “How to resist misfortunes and sorrows?”, “How to find mutual language with a teenager?”, “How to save a marriage?” These and many other difficult questions can be answered by getting acquainted with the books presented at the exhibition.

For this bright date - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity - in the foyer library branch no. 2 was issued book exhibition “A sample of love and faith.” The purpose of the exhibition is to present the family as a value, as a stronghold of traditional Russian culture, the destruction of which leads to the rapid moral decline of society. The main part of the exhibition is occupied by literature about the lives of Saints Peter and Fevronia, about the origins of the celebration of Family Day, love and fidelity. The exhibition provides information about the monuments to Peter and Fevronia in Russian cities– Arkhangelsk, Yaroslavl, Murom.

Library visitors of different ages It was interesting to learn about the life of the patrons of this holiday - Peter and Fevronia. Librarians also provided information on family policy in Lipetsk region, told about Yelets families who lived a long, happy life life together, having raised many children.

Each reader who visited the library on this day received a postcard “affection” and a daisy with the best wishes in honor of the holiday, as a symbol of love and fidelity.

All who visited library branch No. 7July 8 were able to get acquainted with exhibition books, dedicated to the day family, love and fidelity "Family on the pages of literary works".

Head of the library Dorokhova E.A. told readers that the family has always occupied a special place in the work of Russian writers. Let us remember, for example, with what love Leo Tolstoy described family scenes in his novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina. And the story “Childhood” is generally his personal memories and impressions. Family theme parental love and reverence for family values ​​can also be found in the works of other Russian writers: Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Goncharov, Dostoevsky, Kuprin, Nekrasov. The books of these writers were presented at the exhibition in the library.

And for children, works were presented at the exhibition Soviet authors A. Gaidar, V. Oseeva, L. Voronkova and books from the “Maiden Fates” series - stories by L. Charskaya, A. Annenskaya, E. Kondrashova, V. Novitskaya.
All these books, although written in different times, talk about human qualities, which are always in demand - about kindness and love for one’s neighbor, about compassion and selflessness, about selflessness and philanthropy.

Based on materials received from libraries, I prepared:
G. Shelamova,
methodologist of the Central City Library

Target: Reviving family reading through joint activities libraries and families.

Equipment: empty medicine boxes; bumps made of paper, felt-tip pens, blank paper, pens, cubes; oranges, milk, bread, cookies, cereals, pasta, vegetables.

Hall decoration: Balloons, family photos, an exhibition of books for family reading, children's drawings.

LEADING. Hello, dear children and parents! We invited you to the family game “Dad, Mom and Me - Friendly family" Family is the most important thing in a person’s life. Family is close and dear people, without whom we cannot exist. And when the word “family” appeared, we will find out by listening to the poem.

1st STUDENT. When did the word "family" appear?

Once upon a time the earth did not hear about him...

But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

– Now I’ll ask you seven questions –

Who will give birth to children for me, my Goddess?

And Eve quietly answered: “I am.”

“Who will raise them, my queen?”

And Eve meekly answered: “I am.”

-Who will prepare the food, oh my joy?

And Eve also answered: “I am.”

- Whoever sews the dress, washes the clothes,

Will he caress me and decorate my home?

“I, I,” Eva said quietly, “

Me, me, me,” she said to the famous seven “I’s.”

This is how a family appeared on earth.

HOST. Where does a family begin? With understanding, kindness and care. I think that this is the kind of relationship that reigns in your families. In May, a holiday is celebrated annually that is associated with family.

2nd STUDENT. There is no such holiday in the calendar,

But for us it is important in life and destiny,

We simply could not live without him,

Enjoy the world, learn and create.

HOST. What holiday are we talking about? Of course, about Family Day, which is celebrated on May 15th.

3rd STUDENT. There are a lot of words in the world -

Like snowflakes in winter.

But let's take these for example:

The word "I" and the word "we".

4th STUDENT. “I” am lonely in the world,

“I” is not very useful.

One or one

It's hard to cope with adversity.

5th STUDENT. The word “we” is stronger than “I”.

We are family and we are friends.

Together we and we are one!

Together we are invincible!

HOST. So let's begin!

  1. Family business card

You can tell a lot about each family, you can even write interesting book, which is called "Family". Imagine that we are now going to flip through the pages of this book.

(Presentation of families.)

  1. Proverbs about family

At all times, the family was held in high esteem. There are many sayings and proverbs about her. (Task: you need to make a proverb from letters.)

– The family is in a heap – even the clouds are not scary.

- There is discord in the family, and I’m not happy at home.

– The whole family is together – and the soul is in the right place.

– Without roots, grass does not grow.

– As are the parents, so are the children.

“The earth without water is dead, a man without a family is barren.”

- From a good tree comes good fruit.

  1. Competition of experts

Name fairy tales and stories that reflect family relationships. (You can use the books that are at the exhibition, for example, C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Cinderella”, H.H. Andersen “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “Thumbelina”).

  1. Competition "Morning"

It's no secret that many of us love to sleep. So sometimes it’s hard to force yourself to get out of bed. What happens when the alarm clock doesn’t ring for some reason? Let's imagine the situation. It’s morning, parents rush to work, dress themselves and dress their children. The first family to dress their child wins.

  1. Competition "Breakfast"

You managed to dress the children, but now try to feed them. Dads peel the orange, and moms divide them into slices and put them in their child's mouth. The family whose child eats the orange the fastest wins.

  1. Competition "Shop"

It happens that mom is not at home... And who will cook dinner for you? Of course, dad. It has long been known that men in the family are the breadwinners. Now we'll see how they buy necessary products. The winner is the family in which dad buys it in the store. greatest number products.

  1. Competition "Pharmacy"

Now there is a competition for mothers. When you come home after work, you discover that your children are sick. You go to the pharmacy to buy medicine. The family whose mother buys the medicine the fastest wins.

Sketch "Mom's Helpers"

LEADER OF CHILDREN. Mom comes home from work

Mom takes off her boots.

Mom goes into the house

Mom looks around.

MOTHER. Was the apartment raided?


MOTHER. Has a hippopotamus visited us?


MOTHER. Maybe not our floor?

GIRL. Our. Seryozha just came,

We played a little.

MOTHER. So this is not a collapse?


MOTHER. Didn't our elephant dance?


MOTHER. I'm very glad, it turned out

That I worried in vain.

  1. "Helpers"

There is a lot of trash scattered on the floor ( newspaper balls). On command, children collect garbage into bags. The one who collects the most garbage wins.

  1. Family Hockey Competition

Let's see how you spend your leisure time. Dad, moving the cube with a stick, runs to the chair, walks around it and at the start passes the cube to mom, and then to the children. The family that finishes the game the fastest wins.

  1. "Four-legged friends"

We cannot do without our little brothers in our lives. Pets become family members that we love and care for deeply. This competition will be dedicated to four-legged friends. Each family has paper and a marker in front of them. On command, we begin to draw animals, one by one: dad, mom and children, until the drawing is completed.

  1. Competition "Difficult transition"

Imagine that in front of you is a swamp. It can withstand small children, but adults can drown. The kids will help you get through the swamp to the other side. Children are given three bumps on which their parents will walk. And the children must go ahead and move the bumps. This competition is for speed and accuracy of execution.

  1. "Step in step"

We tie mom's leg to dad's. You need to get the child across the river, but he must not touch the floor. Think about how you will cope with the task ( take the child in your arms, on your back, etc.).

  1. "The whole family is together"

First, dad runs in a hoop from start to finish, then mom and child join him.

Game with fans(while tokens are being counted)

Everyone loves fairy tales: both adults and children. Many fairy tales attract us with just their name. Your task is to guess the real name of the fairy tale.

– “Dog in Mittens” ("Puss in Boots")

– “Grey Bush” ("The Scarlet Flower")

- “Domestic geese” ("Wild Swans")

– “Vasily the Stupid” (“Vasilisa the Wise”)

– “Iron Castle” ("Golden Key" )

- “Fedino’s happiness” (“Fedorino’s grief”)

– “Green cap” ("Little Red Riding Hood")

- "Rubik's Cube" (“Kolobok”)

Auction "Sport"

The last one to name the sport wins.


HOST. Today we have no winners. The most important thing is that during the game there was friendship, attention, and fun. I wish every family prosperity, happiness and love, joy and understanding. Continue to love the library and read books together.

May you remember the family game

May all adversity pass by,

May all wishes come true

And the library will become home!

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