Why do you like fairy tales? Why do children love bedtime stories?

  • 30.06.2020

The language of educational stories is simple and understandable to children. Fairy tales are not full of complex reasoning. Comprehension of them does not bother the child. And the vital information contained in them is easily absorbed by children. After all, bright images and interesting plots of fairy tales can attract the attention of young students for a long time.

Such works develop imagination, the ability to mentally act in imaginary circumstances. And this contributes to the formation and improvement of the creative inclinations of the individual.

Evening is the time to sum up the results of the day. Listening to bedtime stories helps children fall asleep. Thus, parents and their students get the opportunity to make peace, communicate and find long-awaited mutual understanding.

An easy way to understand the world

The main concepts of “good” and “evil” are most easily explained to children using fairy tales. After all, the characters in such works are most often divided only into good and bad. In fairy tales, villains are punished. And strong and brave, smart and sympathetic heroes receive rewards for excellent deeds.

Based on the information received, children develop basic moral judgments. Then they are transferred to real life.

The intellectual development of a child should occur systematically. Young children are not mentally and physically ready to make excessive efforts in this area. Therefore, you should first pay attention to the emotional component of personality formation.

Fairy tales are one of the most accessible means of educating feelings. Vivid metaphors and epithets of such works help to convey the range of emotional states of the characters and describe the richness of nature. This will help instill in children love for loved ones and a caring attitude towards the world.

Using the example of the behavior of heroes of magic stories, it is easy to tell a child why it is necessary to eat and sleep well, bathe and brush their teeth. A fairy tale can gently explain to children the reality of the loss of loved ones or the death of beloved animals.

Attention from parents is important for the baby. Fairy tales help establish deep emotional contact between a child and parents.

Effective treatment with fairy tales

Doctors and teachers use fairy tales as one of the therapy methods for personality integration. Many famous domestic and foreign thinkers have noted the positive impact of this type of work on the mental development of the child.

Experts have successfully used fairy tales to treat various fears, including fear of the dark. Mild psychosomatic manifestations of stress, behavioral disorders, and depression can also be overcome with the help of fairy tale therapy.

What child doesn't like fairy tales?
If there are such children, then their number is very small.

Children generally enjoy having magical stories either read to or told to them. And it often happens that if mom, dad, grandparents or some other teacher forgets or simply misses some fragment, the child immediately protests: “why didn’t you tell me about this or that”!

Why are fairy tales so necessary for us at a certain point in our lives? Why do they become an integral part of a certain period of our development?

  • From a psychoanalytic point of view, fairy tales help a child overcome the difficulties of growing up and cope with crises of normal development.
  • The child needs to understand himself, his needs and possibilities of communication with the world in which he lives.
  • He needs to understand how to cope with the emotions and feelings that fill him and bring them into a certain order.
  • He also needs to get acquainted with the concept of morality - not in a dry didactic form, but in an everyday real image, which will be filled with meaning that will be remembered for a lifetime.

And this is what a child receives through a fairy tale.

Regardless of the cultural and/or intellectual level of the “listener,” fairy tales provide information to various substances of the psyche that “use” it at one time or another. Children are at the mercy of their emotions and impulses, which are often invisible and unnoticed, and fairy tales offer them possible options on how to cope with them and what decisions to make both now and in the future.

What normal problems does a child have to cope with as they grow up?

According to psychoanalytic theory, from the very moment of birth, the child is completely focused only on himself and his desires. Then his circle of “interests” includes people close to him, who are, as it were, guides to the world around him. Afterwards, the world gradually expands, and the child finds himself in a multifaceted, complex and enormous reality.

Of course, this is a very simplified outline of psychoanalytic developmental theory. But the fact is that we all go along this path and encounter the need

  • to give up one's exclusive desires and motives;
  • overcome conflicts in the perception of our parents and determination of our place in the family structure;
  • accept and understand the role and place of other children in the family structure;
  • renounce childhood dependence;
  • build your own identity and self;
  • accept moral and moral obligations...

From birth, a child needs to understand what is happening in his consciousness and meet his unconscious world. And in this he is helped by fairy tales, which not only in their content offer the child’s imagination to reach a new level and expand its boundaries and dimensions, but also in their form and structure make it possible to structure their fantasies and direct them in the right direction.

Do we know any fairy tale where the hero does not have to face difficulties on his way?? How does he overcome them? Fairy tales prepare a child for the fact that in life everything is never smooth and without problems. And there is no need to be afraid of this!

In real life, we constantly face problems and difficulties and this is inevitable. Fairy tales teach that if you overcome obstacles and don’t run from them, if you know how to cope with hardships, sometimes very unfair ones, then in the end you will achieve your goal.

The moral component of fairy tales indicates that results cannot be achieved through robbery, robbery or violence. That is why in all stories there is a “negative” hero - a dragon, a witch, Baba Yaga... At some point this “monster” achieves its goal, but in the end good good heroes defeat him.

As a rule, the child is identified with positive characters, but at the same time, at another level of the psyche, the presence of “dragon-witches” indicates the presence of “bad” impulses that the child has to fight in his subconscious or unconscious world.

And the fairy tale shows that, on the one hand, it is normal to want to destroy, spoil, kill everything in the end, and on the other, the positive hero always wins, i.e. good good feelings and emotions prevail over negative ones.

Currently, many different new stories and fairy tales have appeared, but, as a rule, these fashionable books do not carry all the semantic load mentioned above. It is not for nothing that fairy tales were created by the people and their life span is endless. And for these folk wisdom there are no boundaries or time!

1) Fairy tales are good helpers for adults! They can tell you what to do in a similar situation in life.
The plots of many fairy tales are imbued with optimism - we miss this so much in life!

2) A fairy tale is an excellent simulator for the imagination of both the reader and the author.
It happened more than once that the ideas of fairy tales were later embodied in life.

3) A fairy tale is an opportunity to talk with the child who lives in each of us.
This child wants to be loved. Childhood traumas come out in tears.
Fairy tales for adults are a good way to help yourself, talk to yourself, and help you forgive many things.

4) We know what goodness is, how to behave with dignity, but in real life we ​​forget about values, about decency - a fairy tale, as a reflection of our conscience.
A fairy tale is a concentration of wisdom and moral standards!
By awakening forgotten feelings and experiences of childhood, fairy tales make life brighter!

5) To understand the world of a child, you need to remember yourself as a child - a fairy tale helps.

6) In our tough times, when we become inexorably callous, a fairy tale is simply necessary. It encrypts important laws of life, thanks to which it is possible to maintain spiritual health.

7) A fairy tale can give rest to the soul and heart, and help to recover from the hustle and bustle of life.

8) Fairy tales help to find confirmation of one’s own life observations. Adults sometimes need a fairy tale even more than children.

9) Fairy tales are like a reminder to yourself about important things that you dreamed about and then forgot about. For what? To move on following your guiding star. To not give up when it's hard.

10)Rereading a fairy tale, you are charged with energy and can perform new feats! And then you can certainly find yourself where you always wanted to be!


Your “10 reasons” speak of the author’s great powers of observation and extraordinary mental abilities: not everyone can think, reflect and draw such deep conclusions.
You have produced a brilliant treatise-research entitled “What is a FAIRY TALE?”
I absolutely agree with all the conclusions you made.
Well, after the words that “a fairy tale is a concentration of wisdom and moral standards” - I would put at least ten exclamation marks or highlight these words in capital letters. There is sacred truth in these words, and it seems to me that it is with these words that you need to start the 4th point of your research, and then give it the brief transcript with which you began this paragraph.
Thank you for such a necessary, pleasant and unexpected gift to readers. It will probably make many “adults” think.

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Why do we love fairy tales? The answer to this question is very simple. Our ordinary reality lacks miracles and magic. In pursuit of material values, we drown in routine, begin to slowly go crazy from monotony, constantly experience stress and dream of escaping for at least an hour to a place where fantasy can paint a world different from the usual one, where dreams come true, and good certainly triumphs over evil.

However, all this applies mainly to adult readers - fantasy fans. If we talk about children, then miracles and magic are as real for them as another deadline at work or a morning traffic jam is for us. They not only believe in them, they are convinced that the world is woven from magic. And fairy tales confirm this confidence. Therefore, reading fairy tales for children is not escapism at all (an attempt to escape from reality into a fictional universe). This is a continuation of what they see around them. And the task of a modern storyteller is to make sure that, on the one hand, the dream is not killed, and on the other hand, to fill his work with realism: eternal values, real rules, understanding of current events, and a description of the surrounding reality. In a word, you need to combine business with pleasure, and in no case should you violate the correct proportions between the main ingredients. After all, if there is too much reality, the fairy tale will lose its magic. If it is not enough, the work will turn out to be empty and will lose its main meaning: to teach and pass on the accumulated experience from one generation to another.

Fairy tales appeared long before modern civilization. Once upon a time, ancient people told them to each other around the fire, often composing them on the spot. In an allegorical manner, they shared their observations, conclusions, and mistakes. In this way, the kids had fun and learned their first life lessons, which are perhaps more important than all school activities combined. Fairy tales contain not only entertaining and educational components, but also an educational base. They are bright, beautiful and are stored in memory along with all the morality that they contain. And our ancestors understood this very well.

The traditions were continued by the author's stories. Over time, the world and the problems that the storytellers addressed changed. It should be noted that works from the past often seem gloomy to contemporaries, and the ideas expressed in them can traumatize the psyche of prosperous children of the twenty-first century. Therefore, very often classic books are modified, abridged and even rewritten. Is it correct? A question whose answer can be debated for a very long time. But if you want to avoid controversy and read an original book to your children, it would be safer to take the work of a modern writer who understands our realities and the mental characteristics of girls and boys of the new generation.

An author whose work deserves close attention is Natalia Mosina. Her book “How Katenka and Mashenka went into a fairy tale,” which was published in May of this year by the Union of Writers publishing house, is very sweet, kind, and magical. It is full of magic and adventure, there is a dream to strive for, and hope that leads forward, like a saving light of a lighthouse in the night. The characters turned out to be charming and similar to young readers. They know how to love, make friends, and have respect for elders. Natalia Mosina presents the highest human values, tested by time, to the public. And at the same time, her work is dynamic and colorful in modern traditions.

What is this book about? About two sisters who loved to listen to fairy tales. And then one day they themselves decided to find the way to the world of miracles, the door to which is not open to everyone. They met a good fairy, met a wise Storyteller and went to their own Fairy Tale, where discoveries, adventures and, of course, danger await them.

Buy the book for children “How Katenka and Mashenka went to a fairy tale” in the online stores “#Book” and “Book for Children”.

What do we read to kids? Fairy tales. What do grandmothers tell their grandchildren? Fairy tales. What shows do children like the most? Fabulous. What heroes accompany you in childhood? From fairy tales!

Why are fairy tales so important and necessary? Experts from the publishing house "Clover" tell us.

1. A fairy tale is the most understandable way for a child to learn what life is and how to “handle” it.

2. It is in the fairy tale that relationships between people and life situations are spelled out - love, friendship, deception, joy, sadness...

3. Fairy-tale images are very clear - good, bad, kind, evil, greedy, generous, smart, stupid. No “halftones” that are incomprehensible to the baby.

4. In fairy tales, good always wins. And this is necessary for the child in order not to be afraid. When you are sure that good will win, you boldly move forward!

5. In a fairy tale, good deeds rule - hard work, intelligence, generosity. It’s easy for a child to understand how he needs to be in order for everything to work out.

6. There are many repetitions in fairy tales. The gingerbread man equally “left” everyone in turn, the turnip was pulled, gradually increasing the “team” (mouse for the cat, cat for the bug, bug for the granddaughter, etc.), the animals knocked on the Teremok in the same way and entered (someone in the little tower lives?). Children love repetition. Firstly, repetition helps them remember a fairy tale, and secondly, children like to learn something they already know - this speaks of stability and predictability, which is so reassuring to kids.

7. A child who believes in fairy tales believes in good things, and this helps him smile at the world and not be afraid.

8. Fairy tales contain the wisdom of centuries, which is so lacking in the modern slightly “material” world.

What does a girl learn from fairy tales?

You need to be kind and hardworking, like Nastenka from Morozko. You need to be able to care, help others, wish people happiness. Because lazy people and envious evil girls always get what they deserve at the end of the fairy tale.

You need to be grateful. Like the girl from the fairy tale “Geese-Swans”, who thanked the apple tree for the apples, and the stove for the pies. Modern children are accustomed to receiving everything at once. But in fairy tales, nothing is given for nothing, and you need to be able to say “thank you.”

The groom needs to have a check. Will the prince be able to pass all the difficult tests for the sake of the princess? (This, of course, is not for kids, but useful wisdom will still be deposited in your head).

What does a boy learn from fairy tales?

You need to be noble. Help the weak, take care. The prince who helps the pike, gives away his lunch and saves someone, in the end will definitely receive mutual help in trials.

Don't be afraid of difficulties. In all fairy tales, men go on journeys, quests or undergo trials without hesitation. A man is not afraid, a man is ready to overcome difficulties, to take risks, even the one who first lay on the stove. It is these qualities that will help a boy feel like a man in the future.

Just as the fairy tale teaches girls to test grooms, the fairy tale teaches boys to test brides. Will he be able to bake a loaf of bread, will he be able to clean the house, will he be able to sew a dress? A woman should be economical and smart. This is what the fairy tale teaches.

Some advice for parents

Read a fairy tale with your child for at least 10-15 minutes every day, and not necessarily before bed. Let reading a fairy tale become your tradition.

After reading, be sure to ask questions: what conclusions did the child draw, what moment did he like and what did he not.

Try turning a fairy tale into a game. The set will easily help you with this "Theater on the Table" from the publishing house "Clover" ". It doesn't just contain books, it's a whole box with the help of which the world of fairy tales comes to life. There is a stage, and backstage, and figures of heroes, and the fairy tales themselves. Read them with your child, and then create a real theater on the table.

Invite your child to draw his favorite fairy tale characters as he imagines them. This exercise develops imagination, helps to learn to think outside the box and creatively.