Substitution of values ​​examples from history. Ordinary consciousness

  • 28.06.2020

To the question: “What are life values?” - everyone will answer in their own way, for some it is family, people who have been in a serious accident and are in a wheelchair will say that this is health. Life values ​​are universal concepts that are close to everyone: love, happiness, prosperity, kindness.

Life values ​​- definition

What are life values? The very concept of “life values” includes guidelines that a person can rely on in life, something that he can rely on in difficult moments, these are beliefs, principles, personality traits, ideals and a sense of correctness and truth of what a person is guided by. The loss of life values ​​leads to loss of meaning and despair and becomes a real test for a person.

What are the life values?

For each person, life values ​​can be different; it depends on what was instilled in the family in childhood - many important things are “appropriated” by the individual as his own through the transmission of values ​​by his parents. Nurturing a child with morality and other virtues forms in him a harmonious personality with correct value guidelines. Life values ​​– list:

  • Love;
  • moral;
  • spiritual and physical health;
  • self-realization;
  • self-knowledge and self-development;
  • loved ones (children, parents, spouses);
  • friendship;
  • kindness;
  • compassion for people and animals;
  • altruism;
  • honesty.

The problem of life values

What life values ​​of a person should occupy a dominant position - this question is faced by both young people, with insufficient life experience and those who have already traveled a sufficient path in life - it is human nature to make mistakes and lose oneself in the big cycle of life. This is the big problem in setting priorities. The guidelines or beacons on the path of life should remain: kindness, decency and the ability to listen to your conscience.

Rethinking life values

Reassessment of life values ​​occurs at different periods of life, they are called crises, often this is a painful process leading to personality transformation. A person who has not experienced suffering is not aware of many things that are worth real attention and time. Many people, having gone through trials, after some time understand what it was all for and acquire new meanings.

True and false life values

Many civilizations have sunk into oblivion due to the fact that people forgot who they were and followed fictitious ideals and imposed values. Extensive experience of loss does not teach a person anything; false life values ​​continue to destroy what really needs to be valued: health, love, friendship. False values ​​arise from a person’s desire to possess what is imposed on him by society and loved ones. When a person receives what he assessed as important and worthwhile for himself, he experiences bitter disappointment.

Life values ​​of youth

The substitution of life values ​​among young people is observed in the modern world full of temptations. Digital technologies have entered life and replaced many worthwhile, real things, such as face-to-face communication and reading books. There is an impoverishment of emotions and feelings. Today's youth are called Generation Z, addicted to gadgets. Consumption prevails over creation and creativity. Sociologists predict that a full-fledged family as a value will soon cease to exist.

Parable about life values

The main values ​​of life - sages at all times have talked a lot about them. A very useful parable about the important and unimportant in life. One thinker, standing in front of his students, showed them an empty glass vessel and began to fill it with stones until he filled it to the top, then stopped and asked those watching if the vessel was full, to which he received a confirming answer. The sage took a handful of small stones and placed them in a jar, shook it and added stones several more times. I asked the students watching with curiosity if the vessel was full, they answered “Yes!”

The Thinker took out a jar of sand and poured it in a thin stream into a vessel with stones and told the amazed disciples that the vessel with stones and sand was their life. Large stones represent all those important values ​​without which life has no meaning: family, health, kindness. Smaller stones are something that is of secondary importance: property, various material goods, and finally, sand - this is vanity and little things that distract from the main thing. If you fill the vessel with sand first, there will be no room left for the most important thing, which has real value.

Books about life values

Life values ​​in literary works help you look at your existence differently, see new meanings, or protect a person from rash actions. Modern people read little and often, in pursuit of abstract happiness imposed by television and other media, forget about real, real values, those that are always nearby. Books about the values ​​of life:

  1. « The Kite Runner» H. Hosseini. The story is amazing to the core about two boys from different classes, but this does not interfere with their friendship, a book about eternal human values.
  2. « While I'm alive» J. Downham. She’s 16 and wants to try and do everything, and her wish list is so long! About the value of every day and the perception of life as a gift given from above.
  3. « A street cat named Bob. How a man and a cat found hope on the streets of London" Two loneliness met: a cat and a man, yes, animals can also become true friends, and in this real story, Bob the cat helped his human friend cope with severe chemical addiction and realize what real life values ​​are
  4. « Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption" S. King. Even in the harsh conditions that the gloomy prison turned out to be for Andy Dufresne, you can remain humane. A best-selling book about the value of people and generosity, on which the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" was based.
  5. « A little prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery. A classic work that is relevant at all times. Friendship, love, betrayal and the value of any life be it a rose or a fox, everything needs love and care. Environmentally friendly thinking and actions is what the book teaches.

Films about life values

A person often realizes what real life values ​​are when difficult events occur in life, forcing him to finally “awaken” from hibernation, from the pursuit of material wealth. The basic values ​​of life are simple and so human, everything else begins to seem secondary, not worthy of attention. Films that help you remember what is important in life.

What are the main values ​​of a person? Why do people sometimes make mistakes in their choices? The author of this text raises the problem of true and false values.

Yu. Nagibin gives a monologue of the hero, who speaks about the main values ​​of a person. The author argues that the attitude towards the heroic should not be subject to fashion, since everything depends on the moral qualities of a person hiding under the outer “shell”. Sometimes people are mistaken in their choice, but they are still filled with a sense of striving for the best, because true values ​​can never become outdated.

The author does not directly show his point of view, but gradually leads the reader to the idea that kindness, sincerity, activity, ability to work, determination, courage are the most important qualities a person should have.

I completely agree with the author’s opinion that vital activity and ability to work can “pull” a person out of a difficult situation. Suffice it to recall Leo Tolstoy’s novel “Anna Karenina”. Konstantin Levin, after receiving Katya Shcherbatskaya’s refusal to marry him, goes to live in the village. He went with the men to the fields to mow grass, despite the fact that he was a gentleman. Severely tired, Levin still received great satisfaction from this work.

This suggests that Konstantin Dmitrievich chose work instead of eking out a miserable existence.

The following literary example, it seems to me, is another argument. Let's remember L.N. Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace". For the Kuragin family, the main value in life was money, which is why both Anatole and Helen grew up selfish. In the Rostov house everything was the other way around: in their family everything was built on love and mutual understanding. Therefore, Natasha, Nikolai and Petya grew up kind and sympathetic. Thus, the Kuragins chose false values, and the Rostovs chose true ones.

Based on all of the above, I will emphasize once again: it is important to make your choice correctly and distinguish the false from the true.

Let's remember the works that our fathers and mothers, grandparents grew up with - these were the works of the classics: Turgenev, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Chekhov, Tolstoy and other wonderful poets and writers.

The sublime images and characters of the main characters encouraged us to imitate them in their fidelity, masculinity, culture of communication, subtle humor, developed in us the right concepts about duty and honor; exposed and ridiculed such character traits as hypocrisy, deceit, servility, sycophancy, infidelity, betrayal and much more.

If we now open almost any printed publication of fiction, any magazine or newspaper, turn on the TV or go to the cinema, what do we see?

Today, adherents of lack of culture loudly proclaim: “We must live in step with the times,” and they assert their category of values. And, unfortunately, the first place in this category is occupied by money, and for the sake of money, people today commit deception, all kinds of lies, and even more serious crimes.

One person said:

“Who caused the most people to die? Because of Hitler, Stalin? “No, meet Benjamin Franklin, pictured on the $100 bill.”

We, of course, understand the irony of this statement, but unfortunately, this category of a person’s value completely depersonalizes him, making him cruel, envious, deceitful, hypocritical, and so on. The Bible very accurately says that the root of all evil is the love of money.

You can often hear indignation at the new laws in the country and the activities of the government, but if you think about it, what constitutes my scale of values.

Maybe it’s better to start with myself and look at what books I read, what shows I watch, what movies I like, in the end, why I love my husband or wife and whether I love them at all.

There used to be a very common saying: “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are.” It has not lost its relevance today. Someone said that a person has never been lonely as in the 21st century. But each of us seems to have mobile phones filled with a list of so-called friends. I say “so-called” because they are not, in fact, friends. We need them or they need us, we get some kind of mutually beneficial cooperation from each other and nothing more. If something happens to me, no one will remember why? Yes, because no one will need me.

One man was in a car accident and became a wheelchair user; his wife left him; in another family a blind child was born, he was sent to an orphanage; In another family, the son became a drug addict and his parents abandoned him and kicked him out of the house.

And where is mercy, kindness, loyalty, revenue, mutual assistance, parental or filial duty?

One can cite dozens and hundreds of examples of similar human tragedies that fill the world today due to the fact that people choose the wrong values ​​for themselves, which in fact are not such.

So, the future of our children depends on what we choose today.

And if our category of values ​​is money, position in society, fame, greatness, etc., then do not be surprised if tomorrow your children consider you unnecessary and send you to a nursing home; or, even worse, they will visit you only for your funeral in order to inherit your home and property.

But if in your life you have adhered to the principles of honesty, decency, honor, kindness and mercy, even if this was sometimes to the detriment of your financial condition, then believe that your children will follow your example; and you will not be ashamed in front of your neighbors because your son or daughter, even if they are rich, famous and famous, for some reason does not come to you.

I hope you choose the right values ​​in your life.

Information garbage is being inserted into the minds of Russian teenagers, replacing the moral values ​​and practices familiar to Russian people. There is a decline in morals and a consistent dullness of the younger generation.

In Russia, words previously considered shameful, alas, are already spoken on air as a matter of norm.

Watching any of the programs or series on the most popular Russian, if you can call it that, TV channel “TNT” imposes on the average person the understanding that “intimate relationships without love and outside marriage are a common occurrence”, “tests and exams can be passed for a bribe, study no need”, “a real man is one who is extremely popular with girls and can drag anyone into bed”, “swearing and swearing are a natural attribute of communication for a Russian person”, “down with moral values ​​and fidelity in marriage”, “vulgarity and debauchery is a common occurrence for 16-year-old teenagers in Russia, and those who are not like that are losers,” “having children is not fashionable.”

And, finally, the most basic, carefully pushed line of propaganda on the TNT channel is to introduce into the consciousness of society the concepts: “an Armenian in the life of a Russian person is the norm”, “Armenians are the solution to all Russian problems”, “Armenians are smarter, stronger and more brutal”, “Armenians can be trusted, they will not deceive”... Such a policy of this channel is explained by the fact that the Armenian factor prevails in the management of TNT, as, indeed, in a number of other leading media outlets in the Russian Federation.

Modern Armenians, who have long taken root and successfully realized themselves in Russia, are trying to destroy the stereotype established from the past: at one time, the great Russian poets Pushkin, Yesenin, the historian Velichko and others noted in their works completely different qualities of Armenians... But that is in the past.

Today, representatives of the Armenian ethnic group occupy the main positions in the Russian media, very skillfully using this modern instrument of mass influence in their interests, presented as “Russian”.

Finally, in a number of Russian media, which the hand of the Armenian diaspora still failed, or did not have time to reach, they sound the alarm about this, noting: “Such television dulls the youth, imposes values ​​alien to their native culture, replaces the right with the wrong and leads to large-scale duping and dumbing down of young people, and not only. Think about what kind of information garbage your children are absorbing. Don’t let these Armenian media giants take over your brain!”

It would be interesting to ask the leaders of the TNT television channel - what is the point of their activities, other than making money by undermining the foundations of society, corrupting the younger generation, and creating unhealthy idols? Why, for example, in “House-2” they show how to “build relationships”, changing sexual partners like gloves, and say nothing about sexually transmitted diseases, the dangers of promiscuity and maiden honor? What do they want to instill in Russian children? Sleep with just anyone, give birth to visiting young men and completely forget about morality? Why is homosexuality promoted?

And here’s what Russian bloggers write: “Many people scold America, saying that all this came from there. Maybe. However, I recently spoke with a former classmate who left for America a long time ago. He flew to Moscow on business. We remembered our student years, talked about how Moscow has changed, and he said the following phrase: “I’m simply horrified by your television. What should happen in a society where everyone watches this?”

This trend of using the media as a “weapon of mass intellectual destruction” will continue until the Russian leadership realizes the scale of the problem...

What should come first in a person's life? How can a person be characterized by his chosen goal? These are the questions that arise when reading D.S. Likhachev’s text.

Commenting on the problem of true and false values ​​in life, the author relies on his own thoughts. He believes that a worthy person is distinguished by his goals and aspirations - in the first place for such a person are goodness, humanity, and compassion. And the one who sees the meaning of his whole life in buying a more expensive car, a more luxurious house, gives the impression of a base, unspiritual person.

It should be dictated by kindness towards people, love for family, for your city, for your people, for your country, for the whole universe.”

It is impossible to disagree with the author's position. If a person strives to do good deeds, to live with love for his neighbor and for the Fatherland, his life will be filled with joy, happiness, and the awareness that he has brought benefit to the world. By acquiring only material goods, a person will never be happy; he will always lack something. In the endless pursuit of material wealth, he will be devastated morally and spiritually.

Let's try to prove the correctness of our judgments by turning to a literary argument. Let us remember the story by I.A. Bunin “The Gentleman from San Francisco.” The main character devoted his entire life to his career and acquiring capital. Finally, he decides to go on a cruise trip with his family. In an expensive hotel in Capri, reading a newspaper, he suddenly dies. In order not to spoil the reputation of the establishment, the manager orders the body of the deceased old man to be moved in a soda box to the service room. And then the dead man floats in the hold of the ship Atlantis back to America, completing the earthly circle of life. With the death of the gentleman from San Francisco, nothing changed in the world; no one except his family grieved for his passing. This man served false values, saw the meaning of life in earning money in order to have the right to a luxurious vacation and entertainment.

Let's look at another literary example. In A.P. Chekhov’s story “Ionych,” the main character degrades as a person when the goal of his life is to accumulate money and buy houses. At first, Dmitry Ionych Startsev, a zemstvo doctor, walks around and falls in love with the daughter of the Turkins, whose family is considered the most talented in the provincial town of S. Having received a refusal from Ekaterina Ivanovna to propose marriage, Startsev quickly calms down. He gets a private practice in the city, money, his own troika, carriage, coachman Panteleimon. Ionych’s favorite pastime is counting rainbow-colored pieces of paper, which he takes out of his pocket in the evenings. So gradually the zemstvo doctor loses his humanity and turns into an idol.

Thus, we are convinced that when choosing a goal in life, a person thus evaluates himself. If he chooses material goods, then he can be assessed as the owner of a car or a summer house, nothing more. If he strives to do good to others, he evaluates himself at the level of humanity.