White people's problems: why the Oscars could harm Leonardo DiCaprio's career. Why Leonardo DiCaprio is not given an Oscar Why is Leonardo not given an Oscar

  • 14.06.2019

In less than a month, the American Film Academy will name the 2016 Oscar winners. The main intrigue is in the nomination "Best Actor", because the contenders for the award include one of the most talented actors of our time - Leonardo DiCaprio, who has been waiting for the coveted statuette for 22 years. The Film Academy passed him over four times, but will Leo be lucky the fifth time? While some are assuring that DiCaprio will be awarded because “well, as much as possible already,” Days.Ru We decided to analyze why the Oscar had so far passed the actor by, and to estimate his chances of becoming the owner of the “Golden Knight”.

Having studied the actor's biography, Hollywood rumors and gossip, as well as the tastes of the American Film Academy, we found three reasons why Leonardo DiCaprio will again be left without an Oscar.


1. Appearance. How much academics adore beautiful women, they hate just as much handsome men. How else can we explain that Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Charlize Theron and Nicole Kidman were given an Oscar, while Leo, like Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp, for example, only dreams of the “golden knight”. Proof of this hypothesis is that for his most romantic role - in James Cameron's Titanic - DiCaprio did not even receive a nomination, although the film had a record 14!

2. Quarrel with the Film Academy. They say in Hollywood that Leo's total bad luck began back in 2005. At that time, he had already become Martin Scorsese's favorite and starred in three of his films. Moreover, for the last one - “The Aviator” - he received a second Oscar nomination, but he did not receive the award. They say that then Scorsese, whom the Film Academy also “promoted” at that ceremony, but for the fifth time, recommended Leo to forget about the Oscar and instead offered a long and fruitful working together and great roles. DiCaprio seemed to agree and told the academicians everything he thought about them. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that Martin subsequently directed Leo in Shutter Island and The Wolf of Wall Street, and now they are working together on the film adaptation of Erik Larson's documentary book The Devil in the White City about the first officially registered serial killer in USA.

3. Serious competition. Leo's main rivals this year are Matt Damon, who played the heroic astronaut in the film The Martian, and Eddie Redmayne, who played the role of one of the world's first people to change their gender. Both already have Oscars, but when did that bother the Film Academy? And although only last year Redmayne was awarded for his work in the film “Stephen Hawking’s Universe”, in 2016 his chance of receiving a statuette is much higher, because, they say, most of all academics are afraid of seeming intolerant, which means that Redmayne’s efforts to transform himself from an artist Einar Wegener and the languid Lili Elbe simply cannot go unnoticed.

And one of these reasons would be enough for the actor to forget about the Oscar, but Leonardo has three of them. So, even though in “The Revenant” by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu DiCaprio masterfully played a hunter who escaped in the winter taiga after a fight with a bear, He's not guaranteed an Oscar this year.. It is much more likely that the “golden knight” will either be received by the actor who will play DiCaprio himself in the biographical film, or Leo himself will take the stage, but in 30 years, when the time comes to recognize his services to Hollywood.

It would seem that after so many years of work in Hollywood, everything is known about him. However, the actor remains a mystery.

More than 20 years ago, a Polish director Agnieszke Holland managed to get to know the actor better on the set of her film "Full eclipse", based on Christopher Hampton's play about the French poets Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine. According to her, even then it was clear that DiCaprio was a born artist, instinctively feeling all the nuances of acting on the big screen.

Faktrum publishes an article that explains why Leonardo DiCaprio is so cool.

Fearlessness in choosing roles

The film takes place in France in the 19th century, Verlaine is obsessed with Rimbaud, who is ten years younger than him. Their dramatic relationship had it all: emotional dependence, literary ambitions, immoderate libations of absinthe and intimacy.

The role of Rambaud was supposed to be played by the extremely talented young American actor River Phoenix, but this teen idol died at the age of 23 from a drug overdose.

As director Agnieszka Holland recalls, she wanted DiCaprio to play Rimbaud. “Leonardo has always been fearless in his choice of roles,” she says. “He was interested in going down uncharted paths and discovering new things.”

“His father George, who had enormous influence on Leonardo, was very fond of Arthur Rimbaud. He even edited a book about absinthe, which was popular in literary circles Paris. It couldn’t even occur to George that his son would refuse this role,” the director continues.

According to her, she went to a bookstore and found a T-shirt with a picture of Rimbaud. The young poet looked exactly like DiCaprio. Agnieszka Holland sent the T-shirt to the artist’s agent, and so their creative collaboration began.

The subject of the film itself is the relationship between two poets, as well as bed scenes between Rimbaud and Verlaine, played by British actor David Thewlis, were not particularly suitable for Leonardo, the rising American teen idol.

Complete transformation

“Leonardo was about 19 years old at the time. But he didn't strike me as a newbie,” says director Holland. - Even then he was one of the most mature artists I ever worked with. We remembered that he was still very young when we saw him in between filming: for example, he could fool around and be capricious about what to order for lunch or dinner, or for other reasons.”

“But I saw his acting in films "This Guy's Life" together with Robert de Niro or in the film "What's Eating Gilbert Grape"(both films were filmed in 1993). He was undoubtedly very talented. After the death of River Phoenix, Leonardo became the most amazing young actor of his generation. Without him I would not have been able to make my film,” says Agnieszka Holland.

“At the very beginning of the film, Rimbaud is 16 years old, and I needed the audience not to doubt this. Leonardo succeeded in this perfectly, but at the same time he was mature beyond his years. I haven't watched my own movie for a long time, but recently showed it to her students and was again amazed by its performance. “I think this is one of his best roles,” says the director. - Today, stories about gays are becoming more and more popular. But at that time it was not easy for a boy from California to play such a role. David Thewlis, who played Verlaine, helped Leonardo in many ways."

“From conversations with Leonardo, I realized that he has an incredibly deep emotional imagination. He becomes a kind of connecting link, a medium, thanks to which the character’s soul inhabits his body,” says the director.

Agnieszka Holland says DiCaprio has never subscribed to the classical American approach to acting - a method based on using the artist's personal feelings and experience in creating inner world character.

“Leonardo has his own technique, which is mysterious to everyone who watches him from the outside, even to the director. As soon as the camera starts rolling, we see not Leonardo, but a completely different person - a character into whom he has completely transformed,” Holland shares his observations.

Mature personality

Stacy Wilson Hunt writes about Hollywood for the American weekly New York Magazine. In her opinion, the awarding of Leonardo DiCaprio the Oscar for Best Actor is connected not only with his performance in the film "Survivor".

“It's a good movie, but there's been a feeling in Hollywood for years that Leo should have won a big award a long time ago. Over the past ten years, not a single film with his participation has been boring or gray, which cannot be said about actors like Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise or Will Smith. And in general, people like Leo, sympathy plays a special role in Hollywood when we're talking about about who wins and what,” says the journalist.

« Leo is a mystery, and people like mysteries. He somehow manages to be quite a private person, despite a number of affairs with supermodels. And in last years he has also become an activist, this is clear every time he speaks in public, says Stacy Wilson Hunt. “And he’s not doing it for the sake of saying anything, Leo has given millions of dollars to charities that protect the environment.”

According to the American journalist, what is also captivating about Leonardo is that he stands apart in the world of the film business: “Last year I was at one of the events organized by the Screen Actors Guild, where Leonardo was awarded an award for his active work in the humanitarian field. There were no television cameras there, which is probably why Leo was very open and relaxed. Many were truly touched by his speech, in which he admitted that his parents, who were in the audience by the way, helped in the development of his character.”

“His parents were bohemians who gave him the opportunity to find himself. It’s immediately noticeable that they remain very close to Leonardo,” the journalist continues. - Leo also learned to use the media to his advantage charitable organizations which it supports. Among his Hollywood friends is actor Mark Ruffalo, who is also known as an activist. Despite all this, Leonardo still remains mysterious person. He either prefers to keep things to himself, or he has become an incredibly mature person.”

Leonardo is not a snob

As director Agnieszka Holland says, even in the 1990s, when the film “Total Eclipse” was being filmed, she was sure that DiCaprio did not want to become just a teen idol, although there was waiting for him ahead "Romeo and Juliet" And "Titanic".

“Leonardo wanted to be courageous. I know he didn't like being so childishly fragile, almost androgynous. It seems to me that after Titanic he wanted to show everyone that he was a serious actor capable of playing big, significant roles. But in both “Total Eclipse” and “Titanic” he is incredibly beautiful. Leonardo has a gift for making everything easy, with humor and irony, although this is not particularly reflected in The Revenant.

How does Agnieszka Holland explain the fact that DiCaprio never “went off the rails”, as often happens with some of his Hollywood colleagues who became famous and rich too early?

“We shot Total Eclipse in Paris, Brussels and Djibouti, but wherever we went, it was clear that he had his feet on the ground,” recalls Agnieszka Holland. “He always remained true to his roots and devoted to his family. He respects people not because they are famous or rich, but because of their human qualities. He's not a snob."

“When someone is endowed with a special talent, we can say that it is God's providence. Of course, all these years he worked to polish his art. But if you look at the beginning of his career, even before Total Eclipse, his talent was evident from the very first steps.”

" He was nominated three times for an honorary statuette, but each time the award went to someone else. In anticipation of the 2014 ceremony, where DiCaprio will again compete for victory, they find out what previously prevented America's ever-promising favorite from winning.


Leo was first nominated for an Oscar in 1994 for his supporting role in the film "". He played the lead role in the film, and 20-year-old DiCaprio played the role of his mentally retarded brother. It would seem an ideal candidate for victory. Moreover, as everyone knows, to win an Oscar you need to play either a terminally ill person or simply a person who is not himself. But in Hollywood there is another tradition - to present a prize not only for acting, but also for services to the cinematic fatherland, which is much more important than any talent. So, in 1994, they decided to please (""); at the same time, another screen-tested fighter was listed as favorite No. 2 - (").

Uncomfortable films

DiCaprio has played more than once real characters, but only twice were these truly legendary American personalities (in "" and in ""). For each of these roles, Leo fully deserved an Oscar, but both films were, to put it mildly, uncomfortable. Thus, the film about the founder of the FBI seemed to many to be too restrained and unemotional - the actor was not even nominated. “The Aviator” was received in Hollywood without due reverence at all: it was curious, fun, but “where is the drama, where is the suffering and repentance”? The latter was found in the politically correct film surrounding “The Aviator”

Having studied the actor's biography, Hollywood rumors and gossip, as well as the tastes of the American Film Academy, we found three reasons why Leonardo DiCaprio will again be left without an Oscar.

1. Appearance. As much as academics adore beautiful women, they hate handsome men. How else can we explain that Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Charlize Theron and Nicole Kidman were given an Oscar, while Leo, like Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp, for example, only dreams of the “golden knight”.

Proof of this hypothesis is that for his most romantic role - in James Cameron's Titanic - DiCaprio did not even receive a nomination, although the film had a record 14!

2. Quarrel with the Film Academy. They say in Hollywood that Leo's total bad luck began back in 2005. At that time, he had already become Martin Scorsese's favorite and starred in three of his films. Moreover, for the last one - “The Aviator” - he received a second Oscar nomination, but he did not receive the award. They say that then Scorsese, who was also “promoted” by the Film Academy at that ceremony, but for the fifth time, recommended Leo to forget about the Oscar and in return offered long and fruitful collaboration and great roles. DiCaprio seemed to agree and told the academicians everything he thought about them.

This hypothesis is supported by the fact that Martin subsequently directed Leo in Shutter Island and The Wolf of Wall Street, and now they are working together on the film adaptation of Erik Larson’s documentary book The Devil in the White City about the first officially registered serial killer in USA.

3. Serious competition. Leo’s main rivals this year are Matt Damon, who played the heroic astronaut in the film “The Martian,” and Eddie Redmayne, who played the role of one of the world’s first people to change their gender. Both already have Oscars, but when did that bother the Film Academy?

And although only last year Redmayne was awarded for his work in the film “Stephen Hawking’s Universe”, in 2016 his chance of receiving a statuette is much higher, because, they say, most of all academics are afraid of appearing intolerant, which means that Redmayne’s efforts to transform himself from an artist Einar Wegener and the languid Lili Elbe simply cannot go unnoticed.

And one of these reasons would be enough for the actor to forget about the Oscar, but Leonardo has three of them. So, even though in Alejandro González Iñárritu’s “The Revenant” DiCaprio masterfully played a hunter who escapes in the winter taiga after a fight with a bear, he is not at all guaranteed an Oscar this year.

It is much more likely that the “golden knight” will either be received by the actor who will play DiCaprio himself in the biographical film, or that Leo himself will take the stage, but in 30 years, when the time comes to recognize his services to Hollywood.

0 February 28, 2016, 18:00

Leonardo DiCaprio

On the eve of the 88th Academy Awards ceremony (you can watch it right now), everyone is asking only one question: will they receive the coveted statuette after so many years of waiting. The actor himself recent interview said that he no longer counts on anything, but even if Leo gave up on the Oscar, the fans of the Hollywood star did not: thousands of fans hope for their idol to win and support him in every possible way.

We also root for DiCaprio with all our hearts, but, like many, we are perplexed: why after so many years brilliant career this talented actor never received recognition from film academics?

To understand the issue, the site studied in detail all the rumors and gossip, without missing a single detail.

Leonardo DiCaprio Oscar nominations

1994 - Best Supporting Actor, What's Eating Gilbert Grape

2005 - Best Actor, "The Aviator"

2007 - Best Actor, "Blood Diamond"

2014 - Best Actor and Best Picture, "The Wolf of Wall Street" (DiCaprio would have won an Oscar as a producer if he had best film The film "The Wolf of Wall Street" was recognized)

2016 - Best Actor, "The Revenant"

Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street

Leonardo DiCaprio's relationship with the Oscars can be described by his status from social networks -. It’s not that film academics didn’t notice the actor’s talent at all: no, DiCaprio was nominated more than once, but as if with mockery, knowing in advance that the victory would go to someone else. Well, how could one seriously assume that Leo would leave with a statuette in 2014, when his rival was with the film "", an actor whose transformation from typical hero rom-coms into a serious dramatic artist that year simply blew everyone away.

Leonardo DiCaprio applauds Matthew McConaughey, who won an Oscar

Behind decent jobs Leo often did not receive his nomination. He starred in, which became such and such largely thanks to the actor’s talent, only these films were nominated for Oscars and received several nominations at a time, but Leo himself did not. It got to the point of being funny: in Titanic, for example, almost everyone received nominations, but, of course, not DiCaprio.

When something went wrong is a mystery, because at first DiCaprio showed great promise as a potential laureate and was in good standing with film academics. Thus, the actor received his first nomination for his role as a mentally disabled teenager in the film “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.” Leo was only 19 years old at the time (and even younger at the time of filming), but the strength of his talent, the skill of transformation and the naturalness with which he existed on camera could be the envy of any experienced actor. The critics were delighted and overwhelmed with compliments.

Leonardo DiCaprio in What's Eating Gilbert Grape

Alas, all this did not last long: soon “Titanic” happened, then “Romeo + Juliet”, and Leo turned into an idol of the generation, a handsome man for whom millions of enthusiastic teenage girls (including the author of this article) went crazy - and an actor , which fundamentally disappointed the Oscar “committee”. It seemed that the more popular the actor became, the less film academics liked him. At the same time, of course, DiCaprio did not lose his talent and consistently gave wonderful roles, but they did not want to notice them.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in the movie "Titanic"

Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie "Romeo + Juliet"

Naturally, this state of affairs puzzled many. At first, the fact that it was time to give Leo an Oscar was rarely talked about, then - more and more often, and as a result, the confrontation between the actor and the film academy turned into the talk of the town and was overgrown with a hundred theories and a thousand memes. One of the most popular versions of DiCaprio's Oscar failures is his cuteness. It is believed that film academics favor only beautiful actresses, but not attractive male actors: the latter must lose their luster and grow old in order to be noticed.

Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie "The Aviator"

Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie "Blood Diamond"

There are other guesses, one more unexpected than the other: the Freemasons, Russian roots, evil homosexuals (who for some reason don’t like Leo, despite rumors about unconventional sexual orientation actor that has been going on for years) and God knows who else - the fantasy of the “detectives” knows no bounds. There are even simpler versions: they say that even at the dawn of his career, Leonardo crossed the path of one of the influential film bosses, who harbored a grudge and now takes it out on the actor in such a childish way - by taking away his favorite “toy”.

Whatever the matter, it seems that everything has changed this year - Leo is confidently moving towards the award, sweeping away everyone and everything in his path. For his role in Alejandro González Iñárritu's film "DiCaprio has already received a bunch of awards, and the actor's chances of finally winning an Oscar are greater than ever: even Harvey Weinstein, one of the most influential Hollywood producers, believes that this year's winner should be Leo .

Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie "The Revenant"

True, there is an opinion that DiCaprio should never win an Oscar at all, because otherwise he will stop acting in good films, will stop constantly looking for himself and his ideal role and turn into some next hero of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We are sure that this will not happen, and we hope that in a few days the actor will celebrate his long-awaited victory!

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Photo Film stills