Russian folk tales - the wisdom of a great people. Russian folk tales - the wisdom of the great people Read fairy tales for children

  • 13.08.2019

Fairy tales - poetic stories about extraordinary events and adventures, featuring fictional characters. In modern Russian, the concept of the word “fairy tale” has acquired its meaning since the 17th century. Until that point, the word "fable" was supposedly used in this meaning.

One of the main features of a fairy tale is that it is always based on an invented story, with a happy ending, where good defeats evil. The stories contain a certain hint that enables the child to learn to recognize good and evil, to comprehend life illustrative examples.

Read children's stories online

Reading fairy tales is one of the main and important stages on your child's path to life. Various stories make it clear that the world around us is quite contradictory and unpredictable. By listening to stories about the adventures of the main characters, children learn to value love, honesty, friendship and kindness.

Reading fairy tales is useful not only for children. Having grown up, we forget that in the end good always triumphs over evil, that all adversity is nothing, and a beautiful princess is waiting for her prince on a white horse. Give a little Have a good mood and plunge into fairy world simple enough!

For preschool children, for teenagers and for dreamy boys and girls, Russians are collected on the page folk tales. Moms and dads, grandparents can remember their childhood and immerse themselves with their beloved children in fascinating world magical children's literature on our website, the Russian Fairy Tale website online, free of charge and without registration.

Author's and folk tales are accompanied by extraordinary illustrations. For several centuries after the invention of lacquer and artistic painting collected a countless wealth of colorful fairy-tale sketches from Palekh, Fedoskino, Kholui, Mstera, Zhostovo, Dymkovo, Gzhel, Khokhloma, Russian nesting dolls and other folk crafts. One glance at the page is enough to understand the artist’s imagination is limitless!

Having no television, no radio, no Internet in their arsenal, but only canvas, paints and their own imagination, storytellers created real masterpieces.

Incredible riot of colors and rendering the smallest details make these paintings a property of national Russian art and true historical value.

Looking at the pictures, you can understand how our ancestors lived, how they dressed, how they imagined this huge world. Modern children, through the paintings of Russian artists, will be able to realize that life was not as comfortable and carefree as in our turbulent times!

People had to work hard to grow bread, weave linen and paint their lives in several bright colors.

A charge of goodness and light in Russian folk tales.

In times when there were no televisions or the Internet, all children and adults gathered in one large room in the evening. They lit candles, the women sat at work, and the kids climbed onto the warm and cozy stove and asked their grandmother: - tell me a story. The grandmother-storyteller began to bake and read beautiful little tales, stories that were composed among the people based on real events. The storytellers knew many, many folk tales and recited them, creating a magical theatrical production.

The children listened to long and short bedtime stories with bated breath, and absorbed with their souls and memories every word dropped about magical animals and people. Apart from playing in the yard and making up stories, they had no other entertainment, but the children grew up smart, brave and true patriots of the great Mother Russia.

Today, reading fairy tales with pictures is intended to develop the imagination and replenish the richness of the native Russian language. Large font will help you easily read the text, remember the words and fall in love with reading a book, and after each line of the story there is a picture, drawing or photo of a lacquer miniature that illustrates the event and adventures fairy-tale heroes.

The page contains our favorite fairy tales from Russians and foreign writers. Here are stories about popular and famous characters that every child should become familiar with early childhood. Start diving into Magic world fairy tales are better with Turnip, Masha and the Bear, Kolobok and Ryaba Hen. Then move on to meet Morozko, Emelya and the magic pike, Baba Yaga and Koshchei, Ivan the Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful, the Princess Frog and Sivka the Burka, Ivan the Fool, the Fisherman and the Goldfish. Gradually, children will get to know and love all fairy-tale characters, learn from their examples to live, love, do good, and will definitely remember fairy tales from childhood for many, many years.

Fairy tales for children 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old, 7 years old, 8 years old, 9 years old... for children kindergarten of different ages, school students and their parents, teachers and educators.

is one of the oldest forms of storytelling, which in its simplest and game form tells children not only about the world around him, but also about manifestations of both the best and the ugliest. General statistics tell us that Russian folk tales interest children only up to school age, but it is these fairy tales that we carry in our hearts and let us pass them on to our children in a slightly modified form. After all, it is impossible to forget about Masha and the Bear, Ryaba the hen or the Gray Wolf; all these images help us learn and understand the reality around us. You can read Russian folk tales online and listen to audio tales for free on our website.

Title of the tale Source Rating
Vasilisa the Beautiful Russian traditional 355215
Morozko Russian traditional 233712
Porridge from an ax Russian traditional 266349
Teremok Russian traditional 388571
Fox and crane Russian traditional 208523
Sivka-Burka Russian traditional 189208
Crane and Heron Russian traditional 29699
Cat, rooster and fox Russian traditional 126906
Chicken Ryaba Russian traditional 316612
Fox and cancer Russian traditional 88471
Fox-sister and wolf Russian traditional 80689
Masha and the Bear Russian traditional 266555
The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise Russian traditional 86509
Snow Maiden Russian traditional 54237
Three piglets Russian traditional 1835722
Baba Yaga Russian traditional 128476
Magic pipe Russian traditional 130578
Magic ring Russian traditional 156194
Grief Russian traditional 22020
Swan geese Russian traditional 75731
Daughter and stepdaughter Russian traditional 23365
Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf Russian traditional 66542
Treasure Russian traditional 48240
Kolobok Russian traditional 163507
Marya Morevna Russian traditional 45290
Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle Russian traditional 43044
Two frosts Russian traditional 39702
Most expensive Russian traditional 33548
Wonderful shirt Russian traditional 40300
Frost and hare Russian traditional 39600
How the fox learned to fly Russian traditional 48849
Ivan the Fool Russian traditional 36746
Fox and jug Russian traditional 26695
bird tongue Russian traditional 23251
The soldier and the devil Russian traditional 22132
Crystal Mountain Russian traditional 26405
Tricky Science Russian traditional 29034
Smart guy Russian traditional 22363
Snow Maiden and Fox Russian traditional 63150
Word Russian traditional 22257
Fast messenger Russian traditional 22118
Seven Simeons Russian traditional 22032
About the old grandmother Russian traditional 24113
Go there - I don’t know where, bring something - I don’t know what Russian traditional 52200
By pike command Russian traditional 70641
Rooster and millstones Russian traditional 21874
Shepherd's Piper Russian traditional 38665
Petrified Kingdom Russian traditional 22281
About rejuvenating apples and living water Russian traditional 37389
Goat Dereza Russian traditional 34946
Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber Russian traditional 29061
Cockerel and bean seed Russian traditional 55299
Ivan – peasant son and miracle-yudo Russian traditional 28678
Three Bears Russian traditional 475786
Fox and black grouse Russian traditional 23511
Tar barrel Russian traditional 78029
Baba Yaga and berries Russian traditional 38810
Battle on Kalinov Bridge Russian traditional 22383
Finist - Clear Falcon Russian traditional 52344
Princess Nesmeyana Russian traditional 139359
Tops and roots Russian traditional 57949
Winter hut of animals Russian traditional 41351
flying ship Russian traditional 74102
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka Russian traditional 38270
Golden comb cockerel Russian traditional 46087
Zayushkin's hut Russian traditional 133505

Types of Russian folk tales

Folk tales are basically divided into three categories. These are tales about animals, everyday life and fairy tales.

Russian folk tales about animals- these are some of the most ancient types of fairy tales that exist, their roots go back to the times Ancient Rus'. These fairy tales contain vivid and very memorable images; from childhood we all remember about Kolobok or Turnip, and thanks to such bright images the child learns to understand good and evil. Learns to distinguish character traits and lines of behavior: a fox is cunning, a bear is clumsy, a bunny is cowardly, and so on. Although the world of folk tales is fictional, it is so alive and vibrant that it fascinates and knows how to teach children only good deeds.

Russians everyday tales - these are fairy tales that are filled with the realism of our Everyday life. And they are so close to life that when delving into these fairy tales, be careful, because this line is so thin that your growing child will want to embody and experience some of the actions on himself or carry them out in real life.

Russian fairy tales- this is a world in which magic and the evil associated with it takes on very terrible outlines and vital shades. Fairy tales- this is the search and rescue of a girl, a city or the world entrusted to the shoulders of one hero. But it is the help of many minor characters teaches us, who read these fairy tales, about mutual assistance to each other. Read and listen to folk tales online with us.

A fairy tale is that piece of childhood that remains with us forever, even when childhood passes away. This is a magical world that is wide open to the baby, and getting to know it begins with a short and sweet bedtime story.

At what age should you read fairy tales to your child?

Strict age limit There are no fairy tales when reading to a child. Reading for a child is, first of all, an opportunity for emotional closeness with an adult. Even if not a word is understood yet, the familiar timbre of the voice and measured rhythm calm the baby and stimulate his development. This is why psychologists recommend reading fairy tales even to infants. The main condition: the process should bring pleasure to both the adult and the child.

Benefits of reading fairy tales

A bedtime story read by a parent is a powerful stimulus for the development of a child, and provides a wide range of opportunities for the child in the following areas:

  • imagination;
  • fantasy;
  • creative thinking;
  • speech skills;
  • emotional development;
  • the ability to find a way out of problematic situations.

Unlike cartoons, a fairy tale does not present the child with ready-made images and a world invented by the artist, but invites him to think, think through and imagine what is not in the illustrations.

To put it simply, we read to children at night and at the same time open them up creative potential. The next step is children's first attempts at being an author and artist, but that will come later. And now such familiar and at the same time amazing short bedtime stories are coming to the aid of parents.

Fairy tales before bed - what should they be?

It often happens that every day a child asks to read a familiar fairy tale to him for the hundredth time, not wanting to listen to any others.

There is no need to argue and try to read something new - a bedtime story exists to lull you and give you pleasant dreams. This means it should be:

  • short;
  • calm;
  • kind;
  • without dynamic details in the plot, but with a happy ending.

Repeated repetition of the same situation (familiar room, favorite blanket and soft toy, nearby is a mother reading a familiar fairy tale) turns into a kind of ritual for the baby, which has a calming effect. This helps to remove emotional stress, accumulated over a long day.

Short tales on our website

In the section "Short Bedtime Stories" we present famous works Russians and foreign authors, which have become favorites of children all over the world.

Magical people created by Astrid Lindgren, good tigers Donald Bisset, the inseparable Hedgehog and Little Bear by Sergei Kozlov - these and other characters are looking forward to meeting young readers.

Here you will also find folk tales and illustrated works by Vladimir Suteev. Kids will be delighted with simple educational stories and colorful pictures created by a real Master.

Tips on the site

The free bedtime stories presented on our website are so diverse that sometimes it can be difficult to find the one you need. To help parents, we have developed a convenient search engine, which allows you to view the parameters of a fairy tale without opening it:

  • age of readers;
  • reading time;
  • short description;
  • popularity indicator;
  • illustration.

Secrets of reading bedtime stories

For a sweet dream to replace an evening fairy tale, it must be short story, which should be read online in a calm and familiar environment.

Read in a low voice, without haste. Remember, we read to children at night not to give them new knowledge - there is daytime for that. In the evening, it is important to create a relaxing atmosphere and a feeling of peace. To do this, it is important to choose the right bedtime story, which is why our website is always open for you, dear parents!