The biggest jackpot to date. The biggest jackpot in the world

  • 17.04.2019

Who hasn’t dreamed of getting a cash trophy without really straining? But someone, as in that joke, asks God to win without bothering to buy a lottery ticket, and someone takes risks with the hope of luck and as a result becomes the owner of a large sum.

As a rule, newly-minted rich people prefer to remain anonymous and spend money on sales own desires or to help loved ones (most often for the purchase of cars, apartments, business promotion). Money makes some people happy, while others are upset that they couldn’t make good use of their chance.

How to spend 29 million rubles in 5 years?

As an example of the fact that big money is an obvious way to quickly become poor (the idea belongs to Veselin Georgiev), we can cite a family from Ufa. The unemployed Mukhametzyanov spouses were lucky.

Having made a spontaneous bet in the Bingo Show lottery in 2001, Nadezhda and Rustem instantly became millionaires. It seemed that here was a chance to make life better. However, the editors of uznayvsyo.rf sadly report that in 5 years, from 29 million, except for the purchased apartment, there was nothing left. Nadezhda fell ill and died. The tragedy was preceded by long-term alcohol abuse.

The money “catch” was invested in fishing

Muscovite Evgeniy Sidorov decided to spend the 35 million rubles he won in Gosloto on fish farming - carp breeding. In 2009, the former mechanic went with his family to implement his plans. countryside. The happy transformation of a mechanic into a goldfish maker took place thanks to a bet of 560 rubles.

47 million – for the dreams of loved ones

The 42-year-old Voronezh resident, whose bet of 120 rubles in Stoloto made him a millionaire, for the most part He shared his winnings with his relatives and spent the rest on home renovations and solving other everyday issues. The man hopes that he will be lucky again.

Instead of moving overseas - debts

In 2009, fortune brought fortune on a “golden platter” to a 36-year-old resident Leningrad region 100 million rubles. Having successfully guessed 6 numbers out of 45 in the Gosloto game, Albert Begrakyan began to change his life. I bought several apartments and expensive cars in St. Petersburg, and bought a plot for the construction of a hotel.

He lent an impressive amount - 12 million - to friends, who, however, were in no hurry to return what they had borrowed. As a result, after two years, the money won evaporated, and the debt to the state amounted to 4.5 million rubles. for not paying on time the tax on the winnings remained. According to Albert, if he had another chance, he would spend the money on traveling overseas.

Housing on the Mediterranean Sea

The super prize - 121.8 million rubles - was shared in June 2013 by Volgograd resident Olga, who received 61.5 million rubles, the rest of the amount went to Valery from Perm. Both lucky people decided to spend the money on buying real estate.

A childhood dream come true

In May 2015, the fortune of a 37-year-old resident of the Kaliningrad region increased by 126.9 million rubles. An engineer by profession became rich thanks to a ticket for 800 rubles, purchased at a mobile phone store. The winner said that he had played the lottery since childhood and dreamed of gaining fame thanks to a “lucky” ticket.

To warmer climes

184 million rubles - this lottery prize went to a builder from Omsk. Winning ticket cost the 48-year-old father of three children 810 rubles. The editors of the site clarify that a man named Valery decided to spend the acquired capital on buying a home by the sea.

Months of shock

A 45-year-old resident became rich by 202.4 million rubles in August 2014 Nizhny Novgorod Mikhail F. The father of two children received the cash prize a month after the drawing, because all this time he was in a state of shock. Its owner decided not to share his plans for spending his million-dollar fortune with the public.

Build a business in Moscow

A resident of Novosibirsk, who took second place in the site's ranking in terms of the amount of cash prize, guessed 6 numbers out of 45 in Gosloto. This happened in February 2016. The lucky one did not immediately apply for his 358 million rubles. Having read the news about the super prize, the man at first did not understand that he himself had become the hero of these messages.

He compared the number combination on his ticket with the winning one several times before he was sure that fortune was on his side. 47-year-old doctor lucky bet made locally retail outlet, cost 1800 rubles. He took part in the lottery for two years in a row. The winner said that the money will be used to buy a house in the capital and develop a business.

Contribution to the party treasury

"Palm of the Championship" in amount lottery winnings is held by a resident of Sochi named Hasmik. She became the lucky winner of the record prize in May 2017. A fabulous 364 million rubles was brought to her by a bet of 700 rubles, paid with the help of mobile application, in the Gosloto lottery. The newly-made millionaire, who worked in the cultural sector, planned to contribute a third of the winnings to the election fund of one of the Russian political parties.

The largest lottery win in Russian history

In the fall of 2017, the largest winnings in the Stoloto lottery in Russia were registered - in the amount of 506 million rubles. It is noteworthy that the winner is a 63-year-old resident Voronezh region named Natalya Petrovna - at first she did not believe in her luck, and the organizers of the draw had to look for the owner of the huge money for two weeks. After the lucky girl finally came to Moscow to receive the certificate, she said that she was going to give part of the money to charity.

In any case, money is a temptation, but a very pleasant and desirable one. And, perhaps, we should agree with the opinion of Robert Orben, who believed that the phrase “money can’t buy happiness” is most often uttered by those who have neither happiness nor money. Often, rich people - especially the children of businessmen, who inherited luxury by birthright - believe that everything is allowed to them and that the law is not written. We invite you to read stories about rich young criminals.
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It is that tidbit that every person dreams of at least once in their life. After all, despite the fact that the winner does not receive the entire amount, there is still plenty of money left. Oddly enough, the largest ones received occurred in the United States.

The lucky ones from America

Most a large amount The winnings, equal to $390 million, were shared between Ed Nabors, a resident of Georgia, and the Messner family from New Jersey. In 2007, these people bought Mega Millions from different places, but they both ended up winning. One of the lucky ones, namely Nabors, expressed a desire to receive the amount due immediately. He was given 87 million, because according to American laws, at least 25% of the amount goes to the state, and for a one-time payment they also take a certain percentage.

In 2006, 8 people divided among themselves the winnings from the Powerball lottery, which amounted to $360 million. The winners were the workers of the meat processing plant, who bought lottery tickets together. Their decision was to get everything they won at once, and in the end they were given $15.5 million each.

The Big Game lottery brought joy to Illinois and Michigan residents Joe Keinz and Larry Ross in 2000, giving them the opportunity to win $363 million. It is noteworthy that one of the lucky ones received their ticket instead of change after buying hot dogs. Such a trifle brought him $68 million.

In 2005, one of the Los Angeles clinics was replenished with 7 millionaires at once, as its employees turned out to be winners in the Mega Millions lottery. They were owed $315 million. When the winnings were divided, each became the owner of about 25 million.

Jack Whittaker from West Virginia won the 2002 lottery ticket Powerball, which turned out to be lucky. The $314.9 million Jack won is the largest individual prize ever won. The ticket holder received $112 million. Money, unfortunately, could not make Whittaker happy, as many people appeared who wanted to take possession of his fortune through dishonest means. As a result of all these ups and downs, he began to abuse alcohol, losing not only his easily acquired fortune, but also the business he had before.

In 2007, the Cotterell family, having purchased a Powerball lottery ticket, became the owner of $145.9 million out of a winning amount of $314.3 million. Having received this money, family members left their old job and opened their own business.

Russian lucky guy

The year 2009 for Albert Begrakyan, a resident of the northern capital of Russia, was marked by such an extraordinary event as winning 100 million rubles in the All-Russian State Lottery. Knowing the passion of our compatriots for the good of others, Albert carefully hid his unprecedented luck until he received the entire amount at the company office.

Many people love lotteries and play them regularly. The ability to invest a small amount and then hope to get a large one is a great way to tickle your nerves without the slightest risk. In addition, it is always interesting to try your luck, to determine how much fortune favors you.

It is not surprising that lotteries exist in one form or another in almost all countries. In America, for example, they have even become a national pastime. They appeared in our country relatively recently, under Peter the Great, who brought them along with tobacco, shipbuilding and other useful things.

Since then, there have been not just a lot of them, but a lot of them, but everyone is interested in what is the most winning lottery in Russia. After all, by participating in something like this, you can hope that luck will be more likely.

But do not forget that a lottery is a lottery, which means that just because one person is lucky does not mean that you will be lucky too. But at least for fun, you can see where people win most often, exactly how much they win, and most importantly, how they then manage it.


The biggest winnings were noted in Gosloto. And in this case, the main thing is not only quality, but also quantity: quite a lot of people hit the jackpot here. Here are the most impressive examples:

  1. 100 million rubles is the most big win in the lottery for the history of Russia. Albert Begrakyan, resident of St. Petersburg, 2009. He played the lottery quite often, he was mentally prepared to win, so he managed to use it correctly: he invested a third in the construction of a hotel, bought several apartments: for himself, his sister and two as an investment, cars for himself and his parents, and spent some on charity and travel in Europe. In general, he used his money wisely.
  2. 35 million rubles. Evgeny Sviridov, resident of a Moscow suburb. The resulting winnings were almost completely invested in the improvement of his native village: he built a road, a water supply system and was going to organize a livestock farm that would create new jobs for the village residents. A good investment of money: promising, reasonable and socially useful.
  3. 4.5 million rubles. Married couple, Oleg and Natalya from Samara. They play lotto regularly, and apparently they immediately knew what to spend the money on. The entire amount was transferred to charitable foundation to build a church in his native land.

Different winning amounts, different winners, different ways their investments. But all three winners with the largest jackpots managed to manage them wisely and calmly. But not everyone does this.


This lottery is also often marked by winnings, which can vary from symbolic amounts that only partially cover the cost of the ticket, to quite impressive amounts.

And here's the most shining example- more than 29 million rubles. Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova, an unemployed resident of Ufa, received a very large winnings, but her family was unable to properly manage it. The luxury apartment we bought burned down, two cars were destroyed in serious accidents, the children abandoned their studies, guests and relatives frequented the apartment, attracted by free drinks and snacks. The darling of fortune herself died a few years after the win - her middle-aged body could not stand it.

Fortunately, other winners of this lottery did not win such impressive sums, which means they did not receive as much swipe. But still, this allowed Bingo to get into the most winning lotteries.

Russian lotto

This company has one of the largest prize funds, which ensures her place in this ranking. And although no one here received the sum of one hundred million rubles, many of the winnings can also be quite impressive. For example, 29.5 million, which, as fate would have it, went to an unknown resident of the Yaroslavl region. Unfortunately, apart from this information, nothing more is known about the lucky winner; it is difficult to say what this money was used for. Let's hope that he was able to find useful and worthy use for them.

Lottery company Russian Railways

This specific lottery can also be quite profitable if a certain share luck, of course. Its big advantage is that you don't need to do anything special. You simply buy your train ticket, along with a lottery sticker, and cross your fingers.

Apparently, an unknown businessman from Stavropol crossed them in some particularly cunning way, since he managed to win 11.5 million rubles. True, the reward searched for the hero for more than two weeks, but eventually found him. Their further fate is unknown.

Another win in this lottery was also not bad - 8 million went to a pensioner in the Kemerovo region. The search for her took even longer - two months. The woman did not say how she would spend the unexpected joy.

Now you know which lotteries are the most winning. Of course, if you buy a ticket from one of them, this does not guarantee you a win. But, on the other hand, if you don’t buy it, then there will definitely be no chance of winning. Therefore, you should not be like the Jews from the famous joke: give fate a chance. But what if?..

The seven biggest lottery wins. Interesting Facts

Editor's response

January 29, 2000 waitress Cynthia Jay won 35 million dollars on a slot machine One-armed bandit" Who managed to break Cynthia's record and under what circumstances lucky tickets are purchased - says

1165 years of waitressing

Cynthia worked as a waitress. She decided to stop by the casino after her work shift. She did not intend to play big - the girl had only 27 dollars in her pocket. Despite this, she took the risk of playing “The One-Armed Bandit.”

Losing dollar after dollar, the girl was already thinking about leaving, when suddenly a loud sound was heard, notifying the entire casino that the jackpot had been won.

The slot machine on which Cynthia played was part of the unified Megabucks system. Interest was paid into it on money lost on many other slot machines, which totaled a jackpot of $34,959,458. Thus, Cynthia Jay became the owner of the largest slot machine winnings in the world at that time. In order to earn that amount as a waitress, she would have to work 1,165 years.

Unfortunately, the girl did not enjoy the unexpected wealth for long. Just a few months after winning, she was seriously injured in a car accident and ended up in wheelchair. In an interview, Cynthia said that she would trade all her money for the opportunity to walk and work as a waitress as before.

74th birthday gift

May 27, 2002 elderly American Johanna Hoindl decided to celebrate her 74th birthday in Las Vegas. After visiting several casinos, she went to play a slot machine at the Baileys Hotel. There she won the $22.6 million jackpot the first time. The winnings have been accumulating since that same waitress Cynthia played on “The One-Armed Bandit.”

With the money she won, Yohana decided to travel around Europe and also renovate her home.

Waiting for the match

A 25-year-old programmer from Los Angeles managed to break Cynthia's record in March 2003. For security reasons, he wished to keep his name and other personal information confidential.

The young man did not know what to do with himself before the start of the basketball match, and decided to throw a couple of coins into the slot machine. At first, the lucky guy mistook his luck for a glitch in the program and intended to leave with nothing. However, casino workers stopped him and explained that he had actually won about $40 million.

$90 million for the love of a hot dog

Winning the lottery far exceeds the slot machine jackpot. Most often, several people win lotteries at once, and they divide the money they win into equal parts among themselves. This happened with the most big win in the world. $363 million for the Big Game lottery ( Big game) was played by two US residents in May 2000. According to one of the lucky ones Larry Ross, he had never played the lottery before. Buy happy ticket he had to change money for a hot dog.

However, after paying all taxes, each person was left with “only” $90 million.

"Happy ticket

The record holder for individual winnings was American Andrew Jackson Whittaker— 55-year-old director construction company from Hinton, West Virginia. He got the biggest win in the world, which did not have to be divided between the participants - $314 million.

Andrew purchased his lucky ticket in a regular supermarket in December 2002. According to US law, such a large winning must be paid in installments. But Whittaker wanted to get everything at once and ended up overpaying taxes. He received about $114 million in his hands - quite enough for a comfortable life.

Andrew didn't skimp on his money. He left $500,000 to the woman who sold him the winning ticket. Several churches were built with his donations. The American even founded his own charitable foundation, to which he contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars every month.

But he, like Cynthia, suffered misfortunes. Part of the winnings was stolen, which was not the worst thing. Andrew's 17-year-old granddaughter died in 2004, and he lost his daughter in 2009. Now the winner of the biggest prize is lonely and unhappy. He blames the “lucky” lottery ticket for everything.

The biggest win in Russia

In our country, the largest amount in the lottery in 2009 was won by a native of Armenia Albert Begrakyan, living in St. Petersburg.

He won the All-Russian jackpot state lottery: 100 million rubles. The winning ticket cost the lucky winner 840 rubles.

Albert came to Russia in 2001 with his wife and two daughters. He played the lottery regularly. The money he won lasted only two years.