How old is the group of inveterate scammers? Biography of the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”

  • 03.07.2019



WITH 2005

Sergei Aleksandrovich Surovenko was born on September 11 1979 of the year. His father worked as a mechanic at a factory, and his mother was a housewife. As a child, Sergei dreamed of becoming a pilot, but this desire quickly passed away.

From the age of seven he was seriously involved in sports and received his first adult rank. But after a serious injury I had to forget about sports. Sergei has a new hobby - painting. People who saw his work believed. That Sergei has a talent for painting.

Sergei Amoralov never studied music anywhere, and his parents dreamed of seeing their son as an electronics engineer. After graduating from school, he went to study at the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, but soon dropped out with the intention of studying at the Academy of Culture at the pop department. But this desire quickly passed away.

Group " Inveterate scammers"formed on December 8 1996 of the year. On this day the group's first concert took place in the city of Cherepovets. Amoralov and Garik Bogomazov were friends since childhood and lived next door. Somewhere at the same time, near Leningrad, in the pioneer camp "Ogonyok", there was an ensemble "Sinkopa", which included two young musicians Evgeny Orlov and Slava Zinurov.

WITH 2005 year, Sergey Amoralov, together with St. Petersburg DJ Repa (or Andrey Repnikov), is working on the “Bootlegs” project. Andrey Repnikov is the author of many songs performed by the group "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels". They create musical compositions using famous old melodies and songs. In parallel with the new project, Amoralov continues to work in the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” group.

TO musical preferences Sergei Amoralov includes music of completely different directions - these are the groups “Prodigy”, “Nirvana”, “Cure”, “DDT”, “Garbage”, “Splin”, “Kino”, “Alisa”, “Tequilajazz”, “Beastie Boys” , "Zero", "Portished".

Sergei did not like long-term relationships with girls. His longest romance lasted three months. But life forced him to change his views. 8 August 2008 year, Sergei married his girlfriend Masha Edelweiss, whom he had known for about four years.

Currently, Sergei is actively touring, is the author of many songs for "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", and participates in various television shows.

Inveterate swindlers (group) Inveterate swindlers (group)

Inveterate scammers- Russian pop group.


“Our pride lies in the fact that we are not a production project. We were not selected based on the casting results. Initially, we had a different team, we read social rap almost with obscenities. Then we met Tom Chaos, a DJ, and started making dance music. Producers, Moscow - all this appeared much later. At first we performed at school discos and didn’t think that our project would be so famous.”

Sergey "Amoralov" Surovenko

Over the years of creativity of the group, 27 video clips were shot and 7 albums were recorded. The group’s hits include the songs “Quit Smoking”, “All sorts of things”, “I Love” (a cover of the song “Blue (Da Ba Dee)” by Eiffel 65), “Love me, love” (created in collaboration with the poet- songwriter Dmitry Panfilov), “Girls are different”, “And by the river”, “Pay attention” and others.

In the song “Hali-Gali” the group borrowed the main lead from the song “I’ll Meet You at Midnight” (album “Midnight Cafe” 1976) British group Smokie, also in the composition “I moved my body” a sample from the song of the group “a-ha” “Lie Down in Darkness” was used

Composition of the group

  • Sergei "Sergei Amoralov" Surovenko (born January 11, 1979)
  • Vyacheslav "Tom-Chaos Junior" Zinurov (born October 20, 1971)
  • Andrey Repnikov Albinovich (born July 18, 1970) - in the group since 2011
Former members
  • Igor "Garik" Bogomazov (born August 31, 1975) - in the group from 1996 to 2011


  • - "From colored plasticine"
  • - "All sorts of things"
  • - "Bullshit"
  • - "Sticky Hands-2"
  • - "Provocation"
  • - "All sorts of songs about different things"
  • - “In spite of the records”

Video clips

  1. - Quit smoking
  2. - I'm learning to dance
  3. - All sorts of things
  4. - Hali-gali
  5. - Love me Love
  6. - Mu Mu
  7. - Move your body
  8. - I moved my body
  9. - I love
  10. - Girls are different
  11. - Do not say anything to me
  12. - And by the river
  13. - Pumps
  14. - “Muz-TV with you” (together with the stars of the Muz-TV channel)
  15. - Note
  16. - Border (feat. Leonid Agutin)
  17. - My star (feat. VIA Slivki)
  18. - Money-mani
  19. - Summer is...
  20. - Summer Winter
  21. - Traffic cops
  22. - Heart to Heart (feat. A "Studio)
  23. - Hands off the oligarchs
  24. - College (feat Dominic Joker)
  25. - It is mine
  26. - Russo Touristo
  27. - Capital
  28. - Get married

??? – She was 25, and I was only 18

Prizes and awards

  • 1998-2000, 2003 - III-V, VIII “Golden Gramophone” for the songs “Everything and different”, “Love me, love”, “Girls are different”, “Border” (duet with Leonid Agutin)
  • 1999-2008 - Laureates of the festival “Song of the Year”
  • 1999-2000 - Winners of the “Stopudovy Hit” award
  • 2000 - Popov Prize for the song “Love me, love”

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  • Alekseev A. S., Burlaka A. P.“DIRTINANT SCAMMERS” // Encyclopedia of Russian pop and rock music / Ed. S. Rubis. - M.: Eksmo-Press, 2001. - P. 301. - 432 p. - 7000 copies.

- ISBN 5040066767.

  • Links
  • on "Yandex.Music"
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    on the website - And even then, who called them to us? Serves them right, m... and... in g.... – he suddenly said, raising his head. And, swinging his whip, he galloped, for the first time in the entire campaign, away from the joyfully laughing and roaring cheers that upset the ranks of the soldiers.

    The words spoken by Kutuzov were hardly understood by the troops. No one would be able to convey the content of the field marshal’s first solemn and, at the end, innocently old man’s speech; but the heartfelt meaning of this speech was not only understood, but that same, that very feeling of majestic triumph, combined with pity for the enemies and the consciousness of one’s rightness, expressed by this, precisely this old man’s, good-natured curse - this very (feeling lay in the soul of every soldier and was expressed by a joyful cry that did not cease for a long time. When after this one of the generals turned to him with a question about whether the commander-in-chief would order the carriage to arrive, Kutuzov, answering, unexpectedly sobbed, apparently being in great excitement.
    November 8th is the last day of the Krasnensky battles; It was already dark when the troops arrived at their overnight camp. The whole day was quiet, frosty, with light, sparse snow falling; By evening it began to become clear. A black purple starry sky could be seen through the snowflakes, and the frost began to intensify. The musketeer regiment, which left Tarutino in the number of three thousand, now, in the number of nine hundred people, was one of the first to arrive at the appointed place for the night, in the village on high road
    . The quartermasters who met the regiment announced that all the huts were occupied by sick and dead Frenchmen, cavalrymen and staff. There was only one hut for the regimental commander.
    Like a huge, multi-membered animal, the regiment set to work organizing its lair and food. One part of the soldiers scattered, knee-deep in the snow, into the birch forest that was to the right of the village, and immediately the sound of axes, cutlasses, the crackling of breaking branches and cheerful voices were heard in the forest; the other part was busy near the center of the regimental carts and horses, placed in a pile, taking out cauldrons, crackers and giving food to the horses; the third part scattered in the village, arranging quarters for headquarters, selecting the dead bodies of the French lying in the huts, and taking away boards, dry firewood and straw from the roofs for fires and wattle fences for protection.
    About fifteen soldiers behind the huts, from the edge of the village, with a cheerful cry, were swinging the high fence of the barn, from which the roof had already been removed.
    - Well, well, together, lie down! - voices shouted, and in the darkness of the night a huge fence covered with snow swayed with a frosty crack. The lower stakes cracked more and more often, and finally the fence collapsed along with the soldiers pressing on it. There was a loud, crudely joyful cry and laughter.
    - Take two at a time! bring the horn here! that's it. Where are you going?
    - Well, at once... Stop, guys!.. With a shout!
    Everyone fell silent, and a quiet, velvety pleasant voice began to sing a song. At the end of the third stanza, at the same time as the end of the last sound, twenty voices cried out in unison: “Uuuu!” It's coming! Together! Pile on, kids!..” But, despite the united efforts, the fence moved little, and in the established silence one could hear heavy panting.
    - Hey you, sixth company! Devils, devils! Help us... we will also come in handy.
    Of the sixth company, about twenty people who were going to the village joined those dragging them; and the fence, five fathoms long and a fathom wide, bending, pressing and cutting the shoulders of the puffing soldiers, moved forward along the village street.
    - Go, or what... Fall, Eka... What happened? This and that... The funny, ugly curses did not stop.
    - What's wrong? – suddenly the commanding voice of a soldier was heard, running towards the carriers.
    - Gentlemen are here; in the hut he himself was anal, and you, devils, devils, swearers. I'll! – the sergeant major shouted and hit the first soldier who turned up in the back with a flourish. – Can’t you be quiet?
    The soldiers fell silent. The soldier who had been hit by the sergeant-major began, grunting, to wipe his face, which he had torn into blood when he stumbled upon a fence.
    - Look, damn, how he fights! “My whole face was bleeding,” he said in a timid whisper when the sergeant-major left.
    - Don’t you love Ali? - said a laughing voice; and, moderating the sounds of voices, the soldiers moved on. Having got out of the village, they spoke again just as loudly, peppering the conversation with the same aimless curses.

Who is Sergei Amoralov? What is known about this talented person? Now we will talk about it in this article.


Sergey Amoralov - famous artist Russian stage and participant cult group"Inveterate swindlers." At the end of the nineties, he was able to prove himself as a very talented singer and charismatic personality. It was thanks to this that the group had such a stunning success with listeners. He is also the author of most of the songs, so Sergei is the undisputed leader of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” for more than twenty years.

Youth and school years

Sergei Amoralov, whose photo you see in the article, was born on January 11, 1979 in Leningrad, where he eventually spent his entire childhood and youth. Despite the fact that Sergei later became a musician, his initial plans were to become a pilot. Quite an unusual choice for young guy. Subsequently realizing that he would not be able to realize this dream, he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and learn to be a mechanic. But this was not destined to come true in the end. Mother future star Estrada took care of housework and raising her son, while the head of the family disappeared from morning to evening at work.

At school, Sergei was a fairly gifted student. Even in junior school, he managed to show his full potential in the field of gymnastics. He trained almost every day and was sure that someday he would be able to take up this sport professionally. But, as often happens, injury put an end to his future career. As a result, he was forced to look for himself in some other activity.

Carier start

Subsequently, the young guy became interested in music. He could listen to the albums of his favorite artists all day long and sing along to them. Of all genres, he preferred alternative rock, which was incredibly popular in those years. Soon, thanks to this hobby, he was able to find his first like-minded person in the person of Garik Bogomazov. He was his neighbor, so that's it free time they spent time together coming up with their own songs. Subsequently, they performed them in the courtyard of their house, which often caused dissatisfaction on the part of the residents. But then all this was just ordinary tomfoolery. Sergei could not even imagine that a few years later his passion for music would develop into something more.

This was followed by military service. After graduation, Amoralov tried to enter higher education. educational institution, but lasted there only a year. After that, he realized that it was time to look for his path in life. It was during this period of his life that he met Zinurov, who would soon long years will become the lead singer of the group. It was this acquaintance that led to the birth of a group called “Inveterate Scoundrels”.

“Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” and All-Russian Fame

Initially, they composed fairly simple melodies and complemented them with no less in simple texts. By that time, the usual composition of the group had already been completely formed. The friends approached the matter with enthusiasm and were completely absorbed creative process. Gradually, the level of their creativity increased noticeably. But “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” could not even dream of becoming famous throughout the country. The first serious step towards success was signing a professional contract with a producer. This is what brought the group to a new, much higher level.

Soon after, they made their first major performance and recorded a single called “Quit Smoking.” This song became a nationwide hit overnight. It could be heard both on TV and on all radio stations in the country. This led to the fact that the whole country learned about the daring young guys. Subsequently, they released their first record, which had serious success from the listeners.

But real success came with the release of subsequent hits, which are remembered to this day. This was followed by long musical tours, as well as participation in largest festivals. The army of Fraudsters fans gradually increased. As a result, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” quietly began to attract thousands of people. By this time, Sergei Amoralov had become the main star of the group and its leader. It was he who wrote most songs and did vocals. Almost every young girl in the country was crazy about him. So we can say with complete confidence that it was he who became the reason for such a tremendous success of the group.

Decline in popularity

For ten years, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels dominated the charts and appeared regularly on television. Almost every person who lived at that time was in one way or another familiar with their work. But around the middle of the 2000s, a serious decline occurred. Quite a few new young performers have appeared, looking much more interesting and energetic than the “Fraudsters” who have fed up with many. So in just a few years they finally went into the shadows, where they remain to this day. Despite the fact that they did not officially announce their breakup, they appear in public on very rare occasions.

Personal life

Who is Sergei Amoralov's wife? This question worries many of his fans. In his younger years, Sergei had great success with the fair sex. He often started short-term affairs, but Serious relationships to him for a long time could not be built. This only happened with the advent of popularity, when he met famous singer Dasha Ermolaeva. They were one of the most beautiful couples Russian show business. But ultimately, after three years relationship, they announced their separation.

A few years later, Amoralov found himself new lover in the person of the girl Maria. Many were sure that this relationship would not last long. However, a year later they played a magnificent wedding. Sergei Amoralov and his wife Maria live together to this day. They can often be found at various social events. Also, Maria and Sergey often travel around the world, visiting the most different countries. They still don’t have children, but they plan to correct this situation in the near future.

  • Sergei Amoralov, whose biography was the subject of review in the article, is a big fan of football and tries not to miss a single match of his favorite team. Among other sports, he likes Formula 1.
  • Amoralov is a big music lover who cannot imagine a day without music. Prodigy is the musician's favorite band. Among other things, Sergei is interested in domestic and foreign rock.
  • Sergei's height is 175 cm.
  • Sergei's real name is Surovenko.
  • As a child, I was interested in painting and drew a lot.

This is such an interesting and extraordinary person Sergey Amoralov. Well, let's wish him good luck on creative path and in personal life. We hope that he will soon delight his fans with great music.

The group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” was incredibly popular 20 years ago. Then many girls tried to attract the attention of star kids: Sergei Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov, Igor Bogomazov. Fans were on duty outside their houses around the clock and were ready for literally anything.

Now soloists have not caused such a stir for a long time and they look at it quite normally. But sometimes echoes former glory still make themselves felt and remind the stars of the negative side of popularity. For example, one of his fans began to threaten Sergei Amoralov’s wife.

“There was a case: a girl on Instagram started writing “I love you” and all that, I deleted her. So she started writing nasty things to my wife, like “I’ll meet you at the entrance.” My wife was always calm on this topic, but here she really got scared. I say: “Man, what kind of nonsense is this? Well, I’m not 17 years old anymore.” We passed this a long time ago...” said the musician.

Sergey Amoralov // Photo: Instagram

Now the group continues to release new songs, but with a new lead singer. Igor Bogomazov left the team back in 2011, and Andrei Repnikov came to replace him. Musicians believe that the absence of such close attention to their personal lives from fans has a positive impact on their creativity.

Sergei Amoralov, Tom Chaos, Andrei Repnikov have matured greatly, become seasoned and well-fed. However, the style of clothing (stage costumes), and the manner of communication are still the same. “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” radiated energy and positivity, happily posed for the cameras and laughed a lot.

- How did the Rostov public greet you?

Sergey Amoralov: Very positive. It feels like we are at home. This is not our first time here. We liked everything, as always. We have many friends in Rostov. Everything's OK!

- Where did you vacation in Rostov, where have you been?

Sergey Amoralov: On the left coast! We love crayfish, we love beer, and we love Rostov!

- Why do you think the music of the 90s is becoming popular again?

Sergey Amoralov: Because it's high quality. At one time, when we wrote tracks, we didn’t fake anything, didn’t imitate anyone. And now it turns out like this: “Oh, this is a hit? Let's do exactly the same." You watch all these shows, instead of creativity - karaoke. It is not right. I would like to wish all people writing music: Make your own music, don't look at anyone.

- According to my feelings, the 2000s were a failure for Russia in terms of music...

Sergey Amoralov: It’s so strange, everyone refers us to the 90s, although most of our hits were recorded in the 2000s. Only “All sorts of things” in 1998 and “Love me, love” in 1999.

Tom Chaos: Our zeros! And we are classified as the 90s because the “Star Factory” is invited to the discos of the 2000s, and this is all artificial.

Sergey Amoralov: It's all karaoke!

Sergey Amoralov: When we go on stage, we understand that this music is ours. We're having a blast. Not only do we like it, but people also like it.

Andrey Repnikov: Plus plastic surgery(laughs).

-What are you most nostalgic about from the 90s?

Sergey Amoralov: I remember the institute, the students I knew. I was kicked out of there because the tour began and I could no longer study. I liked studying there, and in other words, this was my first sex education.

- Did you live in a dormitory?

Sergey Amoralov: No. I visited the dorm, and sometimes lived there at night.

Feelings have changed, how did you feel on stage in the 90s and how do you feel now?

Sergey Amoralov: You know, the public has probably become a little more demanding. If previously our site was one of the first on the Internet, now people know how to download music, watch it, listen to it. We are doing well in this regard. We are always honest. Come, look at us - we are who we are.

Today's concert is dedicated to the birthday of Radio Record. I would like to know how you feel about your birthdays?

- Will you celebrate somehow?

Tom Chaos: Naturally, we will congratulate each other. But we won’t drink alcohol until we die.

Sergey Amoralov: I’ll sit down with my wife, take some wine, put on my music, and we’ll sit and enjoy ourselves. By the way, we have a lot new music. By the way, we are currently installing new clip to the song “I don’t want to study, I want to get married.” We'll launch it sometime in the spring. Everyone will fall in love and get married.

- What would you wish to the Rostovites?

Sergey Amoralov: These are difficult times. Be patient! And all the best. And great real and sincere love!

- Does life get better over the years?

Sergey Amoralov: Over the years, the backpack on the back gets bigger.

The editors would like to thank the organizers of the “Radio Record in Rostov” event and personally Malvina Semynina for her assistance in conducting the interview.