Split training: choosing the perfect system. A simple and effective push-pull bodybuilder program Pushing and pulling muscle groups

  • 05.07.2023
Extract the useful, discard the useless, add what
That belongs only to you.
© Bruce Lee

Three-day split for mass, the most common option for splitting muscle groups by day. That is why on Monday, Wednesday, Friday evenings there are most people in the rocking chair.

* An experiment was conducted, there were two control groups, one was engaged in a two-day split, the other in a three-day split. As a result, the three-day group scored 50-60% (I don’t remember exactly) more meat than those who worked out for two days

Hence the conclusion: doing a two-day split can only progress at first, in the future it is nothing more than a way to keep fit.


Let's discuss scheme of the ideal three-day split for mass. I will express my opinion, based on the materials I have read and my own practice, and then I will listen to yours. As a result of disputes, an average truth will be born. Go.

Muscles in a three-day period are divided according to the principle push-pull, legs stand out separately:

Pull– Back, biceps
Push– Chest, triceps, deltas
Legs- quadriceps, biceps femoris, calf

With this lineup, the muscles do not overlap and have enough time to recover. Press swing 1-2 once a week on any day. A three-day split for mass, in my opinion, can be improved as follows:

Monday- Back, biceps, rear deltas
Wednesday- Chest, triceps, front deltas
Friday- quadriceps, biceps femoris, calf, middle bundle of deltas

Thus, the load on the shoulder joint is evenly distributed over the days and one of the principles of the correct pumping of the deltas is observed, "Each bundle of deltas must be downloaded on separate days".

Now let's go through the individual days of the 3-day mass split:


Monday(Chest + Triceps + Front Delta)

Bench press 4x6 (preferably in style)
Butterfly (one drop set to full failure)
Dumbbell bench press 2-3x8-10
Incline Dumbbell Press 2-3x8-10
Reverse Dumbbell Press 2-3x8-10

* One basic chest exercise, followed by one exercise for each section of the pectoral muscle (top, middle, bottom and inside). The butterfly is usually placed at the end, but it seems to me that a full drive before stretching exercises (dumbbell presses) will give a greater result due to better stretching of the fasciae (). There are many analogues for each section of the chest, which you must change over time so as not to become a victim of stagnation. A three-day split for beginners is best completed with an isolation exercise.


Lower chest- Dips, Barbell or Dumbbell Reverse Bench Press, Upright Crossover

Mid chest- dumbbell bench press, crossover lying, push-ups, breeding dumbbells lying

Upper chest- Bent-over barbell and dumbbell presses including, bent-over crossover (bench), push-ups (legs on a hill)

Mid chest- butterfly, bench press with a narrow grip, push-ups with a narrow grip, a crossover if you attach the handles on the lower blocks with a straight position of the arms, you can aimly swing the middle of the chest. A beginner's three-day split doesn't always include a mid-chest exercise.

Squats 4x6-8
Lunges/leg press/hack squat 3x8-10
Quadriceps (extension) 2x12
Biceps femoris (flexion) 2x12
Calf muscles (lifting on socks with a barbell) 2x12-20

* A typical scheme without any features one or two basic exercises and study

Working out the middle delta:

Barbell Overhead Press / Dumbbell Press / Chin Row (wide grip) 3x8-10
Breeding dumbbells to the sides 2x10x10 (drop)

… That’s probably all, it’s impossible to mention all the little things at once, there are too many individual things. Remember to put weak muscle groups first, and where possible, work each side separately to increase concentration on the working muscle. For example, I do dumbbell wiring for deltas with one dumbbell.

p.s. What are your opinions? your programs? We are discussing!

In this section, we will consider the general purpose of exercises, the classification of exercises, as well as complex exercises for all muscle groups.

Scrolling below, you will see these exercises for pumping up muscles, or exercises for pumping up muscles, as someone says :)

What are muscle exercises for?

Everyone has long known that our body consists entirely of. With the help of a tendon, each muscle is attached to the bone. Any movement of our body occurs by contraction of a particular muscle, namely, due to cell contraction.

In order for the cells to begin to contract, it is necessary to give them a command. This is what our brain and nervous system do.

The process of muscle training in general is stressful for the body.

The body fights such stress by giving the muscles a kind of stability and endurance. And the consequence of this is an increase in muscle volume, the muscles become larger and stronger.

Classification of exercises for muscles

All muscle training exercises can be divided into basic exercises and isolation exercises.

As you probably already guessed, muscle isolation exercises target one specific muscle group. In an integrated approach for pumping up muscles, such exercises are performed alternately.

Muscle exercises in vector

Also, all exercises are divided according to the vector into pulling And pushing.

With pulling exercises, we have to pull something towards ourselves, or pull ourselves (for example, when)

In pushing exercises, we push some heavy weight away from ourselves or push ourselves away (for example)

Basic exercises for training muscles by muscle group

Muscle exercise will give our back and neck strength and muscle mass

Large volumes of arms are "obliged" primarily to the muscles of the triceps

A strong, large, healthy back can be achieved by doing these exercises.

Who has not dreamed of a stomach with "cubes", a flat stomach or just pumped up?

From the elbow to the hands, the muscles also need pumping, which will create the impression of the power of the hands.

These exercises are designed to give the legs strength and beautiful shape.

Which of the girls or guys did not dream of a strong big chest? Exercises for the muscles of the chest.

The width of the shoulders is largely due to these particular mice of the hands.

The strongest and biggest mouse of the hand. Beautiful biceps - a pledge of attention

The booty is beautiful and pumped up thanks to these types of exercises. Particularly interested

It is not enough to draw up a sensible bodybuilding training program, you also need to correctly perform exercises for one or another muscle group. When I started exercising, the most common exercises for us were biceps exercises - lifting the barbell and dumbbells while standing, on the chest - bench press and wiring, and for training legs - squats. Not a rich arsenal, but we had enough. I mean that in school we made a lot of mistakes in each of them. Even now I can do some exercises with not quite perfect technique. Therefore, I decided to pay due attention to exercises for all muscle groups for future bodybuilders, and it will not be superfluous for myself either.

Here are the main muscle groups, by going to which you will find exercises aimed at training a particular muscle. Here are the best exercises for bodybuilding and more. This section of the site will be constantly supplemented and updated with reviews of new and old exercises with tips on the correct technique.

The best exercises for muscle training


Exercises are systematically distributed according to the main muscle groups. In the description, I will try to give, if possible, options for substitute exercises. These are exercises for the back, legs, pectoral muscles, neck, exercises for the deltoids (shoulders), arms (triceps and biceps), lower legs and, of course, the press.

Train large muscle groups

To build impressive muscle mass, I recommend starting training with large muscle groups: legs, back, chest. It is the training of these muscle groups that stimulates the release of the hormone testosterone and other hormones into the bloodstream that contribute to gaining mass and strength. There is an expression: “If you want biceps, train your legs.” I felt it myself, when the biceps did not want to grow in any way, I began to squat, the total body mass increased and all the muscles became larger.

All exercises can be divided into two groups: pulling and pushing.

Pulling exercises are performed when you bring the projectile closer to you or yourself to the projectile, for example, pull-ups, deadlifts, etc. Flexion exercises for the arms and legs can be included in this group, because in them the simulator stretches to the body.

Pushing exercises are a group of exercises where efforts are aimed at moving the projectile away from oneself (bench presses or a flock on the shoulders, chest, triceps).

Muscle strength training

Bodybuilding or bodybuilding is the strength training of muscles with the help of exercises with and without weights, to give muscles tone, increase their size and strength. Working with a barbell or dumbbells is always a muscle strength training, because this way you affect the strength indicators of the muscles, and increasing their size is more of a side effect of training.

All exercises can be systematized according to different criteria. The most common classification of exercises in bodybuilding is organized according to the following criteria.

Exercises for training muscles in bodybuilding - classification

Classification by trained muscle group:

  • Leg exercises
  • Back exercises
  • Exercises for the pectoral muscles
  • Arm exercises (biceps and triceps)
  • Exercises to train the deltoid muscles (shoulders)

According to the direction vector of the applied force

  • Pulling exercises for muscles
  • Pushing exercises for muscles

By the number of joints involved in the exercise

  • Single joint or isolated
  • Multi-joint or basic

Multi-joint or basic is a class of exercises characterized by technical complexity and is performed mainly with large weights, because they involve several joints and muscle groups. An example of such exercises: squats with a barbell on the shoulders, deadlift. In squats involved: the hip joint, knee joints. During the deadlift, almost all the joints and muscles of the body work. Both of these exercises are basic and require proper technique. But the extension or flexion of the legs in the simulator is a single-joint or isolated exercise, one joint works there - the knee.

When performing isolated exercises, the minimum number of muscles works, which means that the body receives less stress, and therefore the muscles grow worse.

If you are new to bodybuilding and looking for the best exercises for training muscles, then choose only the basic - multi-joint exercises. Compound exercises are the best option for building muscle and increasing strength in bodybuilding.

Two-day split for mass or in other words, a two-day training program is a kind of separate training systems, according to which you divide the study of all the main muscle groups of the body into two separate workouts. As a rule, in one workout they work out the top, and in the second the bottom of the body. What is the advantage of a two-day split training program and why is it so popular among straight people?

Two day training program

The 2-day mass split is great for both beginners and more experienced riders who don't use anabolic steroids. As you know, the growth of muscle mass without the use of steroids is possible only under the condition of a constant increase in working weights in exercises. However, most gym goers are in a state of deep stagnation. Due to the blind copying of the champion training programs that the entire Internet is littered with, the natural body simply does not have time to recover, which leads to a state of overtraining, in which there can be no question of any progress. A two-day split for mass allows you to fully recover between workouts, which will positively affect the increase in working weights and muscle mass of the athlete. With this, you are guaranteed to be able to break through the stagnation and reach a new level. Verified by personal experience!

The most common options for building a two-day split are "TOP-BOTTOM" and "PULL-PUSH". According to the first option, in the first workout you work out the muscles of the upper body (CHEST, BACK, ARMS), and in the second workout the muscles of the lower body (LEGS, PRESS). According to the second option, in one workout you work out pulling muscle groups (BACK AND BACK THIGH MUSCLES, BICEPS), and in another workout, pushing muscle groups (CHEST MUSCLES, TRICEPS, FRONT DELTA, QUADRICEPS). For clarity, I will give examples of both options for a two-day split for mass.

Two-day split on the mass "TOP-BOTTOM"

Workout #1 (TOP)

1. Bench press lying on a horizontal bench 3x8-10

2. Dumbbell bench press on an inclined bench head up 3x8-10

3. Pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip 3x8-10

4. Rod pull to the belt in an incline 3x8-10

6. Bending the arms with a barbell while standing 3x8-10

7. French bench press with a barbell 2-3x8-10

Workout #2 (NIH)

2. Leg press in a lying simulator 3x8-12

3. Deadlift with a barbell 3x8-10

4. Rise on socks standing or sitting 3x12-20

5. Hanging leg raise 3x12-20

Two-day split on the mass "PUSH-PUSH"

Workout #1 (PULLING)

1. Deadlift with a barbell 4x8-10

2. Pull-ups on the crossbar 3x8-10

3. Rod pull to the belt in an incline 3x8-10

4. Bending the arms with a barbell while standing 3x8-10

5. Hanging leg raise 3x12-20


1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 4x8-10

2. Leg press lying in the simulator 3x8-12

3. Rise on socks standing or sitting 3x12-20

4. Bench press lying on a horizontal bench 3x8-10

5. Bench press barbell or dumbbell up sitting 3x8-10

6. French press with a barbell lying or standing 3x8-10

Notes on the 2-Day Mass Split Program

The number of workouts per week will depend on your body's recovery capacity and other factors. The optimal number of workouts is 2-3 times a week. If you have a busy work schedule and some other issues that prevent a full recovery, then you will need more time to recover. In this case, I recommend doing only 2 times a week, for example, on Monday and Friday. If you recover quickly, then you can do 3 times a week every other day (Mon, Wed, Fri or Tue, Thu, Sat) alternating workouts. For example, on Monday, the top of the body, on Wednesday, the bottom, on Friday, the top again, etc. Thus, in the first week you will have two workouts for the top and one for the bottom. In the second week there will already be two workouts for the bottom and one for the upper body, etc. Lots of options. The choice is yours.

Frankly, I prefer the first option for building a two-day split training program for the “UP-DOWN” mass, although both options are equivalent. At one time, I was engaged in a two-day split for mass in order to break through stagnation in working weights and muscle growth. And I succeeded. I hope you succeed too. I wish you good luck, friends!

Human muscles are designed to move his skeleton in space. And move objects relative to the skeleton. This is the same for all people. The only question is how we can do it: how hard, fast and powerful, with what amplitude and for how long. And any training is aimed at developing these qualities. Read more about this in, and here we will move on to the more practical part - the selection of the right exercises for the optimal development of our body.

But first, I will nevertheless briefly run through the main theses on which we will rely.

Our body was originally created by nature and evolution not to be external. On the contrary. It takes shape depending on our lifestyle. That is, as far as we CAN, as much as we look. This is the most natural way to be beautiful - to become healthy first. Because beauty is just an indicator of health (there is one on this topic).

In order to become healthy and develop effectively in a functional direction (and, as we found out, this will also change us outwardly for the better), we need to move in a certain way. In other words, apply yourself as intended. And in practical terms, this means training the basic movements for which our body was originally created.

And there are actually only three types of such movement. This pushing movements: when we push something away from ourselves or push it away from us (press). - this is when we attract something to ourselves or ourselves to something. And, roughly speaking, kicking. That is, when we push something away with our feet. Or yourself from the ground.

It turns out that the systems of the body are designed in such a way as to push, pull and kick. And, no matter how you look at it, all physical labor, struggle (hunting), gathering - everything is based on these movements. That is why they are called basic. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

Pushing movements

Hitting, throwing stones, spears and other objects - all this belongs to the "push" category. And, of course, there are directly pushes. From pushing the enemy to pushing the cart out of the mud.

In pushing movements, as the main muscles involved pectoral, anterior and middle deltoids (shoulders) and triceps. This does not mean that others do not work. It's just that the main load falls on these muscles.

As the main exercises for the development of pushing functions, we use push-ups and push-ups(horizontal, vertical, oblique). For home workouts, push-ups are definitely the king of pushing exercises.

Picking up objects, throwing the enemy (pull, lift off the ground, and release), climbing up (rock climbing, rope climbing, trees, etc.) and crawling on the ground, In general, everything that brings us closer to the subject or the subject to us with the help of hands - this is the category of “pull”.

When we pull, first of all, everyone works for us back muscles, biceps, trapezius and back of the deltoid muscles.

The main exercises for developing attraction skills are pull-ups and pulls(blocks, bars, dumbbells in different planes). Pull-ups are recognized as the most useful and natural exercise in this sense. It is difficult to argue with this, but for home athletes this fact is very beneficial - the horizontal bar is more accessible than the block simulator.

In fact, kicking movements are all movements with the legs. Jumps, squats, lunges, kicks. Even running and walking have a pushing character using the legs.

In kicking movements, all the muscles of the lower body, including the lower back, receive the main load. But the main burden is on buttocks and thighs.

The undisputed leader in training the lower body are squats. Moreover, most athletes and physiologists agree that squats are the most effective exercise of all time. And there is a lot of scientific evidence for this fact. The maximum number of muscle fibers is involved in this exercise (the muscles of the legs and buttocks are the largest part of all the muscles on the human body). In addition to squats, the main exercises for training legs include various kinds. lunges, steps and jumps.

By and large, all human movements can be attributed to these three groups. Another thing is that all sorts of biceps curls or leg extensions are only a separate part of a complete movement. Or an attempt to load a particular muscle more than others.

This kind of activity is most often unnatural for a person. It is difficult to imagine a situation, for example, in which a person will move an object through the side up or lift something from the ground with his foot, bending it. In bodybuilding, such exercises are conditionally called "isolated". At the same time, many professional trainers question the benefits of such exercises for natural (without the use of “chemistry”) training.

The fact is that the more natural the movement, the more often it occurs in everyday life (well, let the caveman, and not the modern user), the more useful it is for a person. Moreover, natural loads cause the body to develop the most harmoniously. That is, proportionally, aesthetically, without any excesses.

Therefore, it is recommended to focus on these three basic movements (for us, these are push-ups, pull-ups and squats). And not on some separate exercises for the priests, hips, arms, shoulders or abdomen. Because the “base” is the fastest, most useful and effective way to make those very separate parts of the body beautiful.

Here is another important point. It's not just that basic exercises have a better effect on target muscles. They affect the entire body in a complex way. Including, the production of hormones, protein synthesis. That is, on metabolism, metabolism in general. Practically, this means that squats (pull-ups or push-ups) are much more effective for creating a flat stomach than crunches.

Moreover, basic movements are energy-consuming. And, therefore, it is much more effective not only for building muscle, but also for burning fat. And it was not in vain that he cited them as a practical example in.

So whatever your goal is, focus on getting better at the basics—push, pull, and kick. And, to be specific, then push-ups, pull-ups and squats. Do not spray on any nonsense like swings, wirings and rotations. Do not look for any separate exercises for the butt or abdomen. And, moreover, do not buy and do not use any dubious simulators. Push up, pull up and squat. And you will be happy and result.