Triangle of money and signs of wealth in palmistry. Money triangle in palmistry

  • 11.10.2019

Argues that all fundamental events in a person’s life are predetermined and are reflected in the lines on the palm, signs and shape of the fingers. The events destined by fate are reflected on the left hand, and the correction of events by a person in the process of life is reflected on the right hand. Therefore, the lines on the palms may not match. Our topic is the line of wealth: palmistry about banknotes on the hand. Where are these marks located and what can they tell you?

Fortune telling by hand

Where to start fortune telling on your hand about wealth? This ritual must be approached in a complex manner, since there is no independent line of money on the palms. There are 4 fundamental lines:

Where is the money line in the palm of your hand? It is formed by combinations of basic lines. But first you should consider the shape of the hand:

  • a wide shape with a large brush defines a strong-willed person who is able to hold back the flow of wealth;
  • the thin, graceful shape of the hand speaks of either aristocracy or infantilism.

The lucky ones and the darlings of fate are characterized by a special structure of their hands - they have a beautiful shape with elongated fingers and oval nail plates. What can the phalanges of the fingers tell us? If they are wide enough, a person is adequately oriented in the material world. Let's take a closer look:

  • strong phalanges of the little finger and index finger indicate the ability to earn money;
  • a strong phalanx of the middle finger speaks of the ability to maintain financial flows;
  • if the little finger is equal in length to the ring finger, the person will be lucky in commerce;
  • trapezoid-shaped fingertips indicate the ability to attract cash flows;
  • wide square fingers will tell about an empty love for money - a person does not know how to attract it into his life;
  • curls on fingerprints indicate the ability to capture cash flows “into the network.”

Now let's look at the patterns of lines on the palm and their meaning.

Wealth line

The line of luck in money matters is visible on all the main lines of the palm. Let's start with the life line. It should be clearly defined and deep. If the shoots extend upward (towards the fingers), this indicates success. If the life line runs next to the line of the mind, but does not merge with it, this shows adequacy in decision making. A person knows how to think through every step and clearly draw up a strategy for saving money. That is, decoding the life line can indicate the characteristics of a person necessary for a successful fate.

Let's consider the line of fate, which crosses the palm vertically (look at the photo for the location of all the lines). Palmists say that this is the most insidious line: it can disappear and appear again. You can often see an interrupted fateful line. If the fate line has disappeared, this indicates a loss of vital energy. What does this mean? Loss of a job, illness or bankruptcy.

A person’s monetary luck depends on the nature of the outlines of the fate line.

The line of fate should be clearly defined, straight and even. With such a line, a person will easily achieve success and wealth in life. Let's consider the outline options:

  • the line of fate crosses the palm from the Mount of Jupiter to the Mount of the Moon, a person is doomed to good luck in life;
  • the line of fate and life are connected at the beginning - success depends on the personal qualities and determination of a person;
  • shoots extend from the line of fate towards the hill of Mercury and Jupiter - this is a symbol of the cup of wealth;
  • dashes extend from the line of fate towards the Mount of Saturn - money is obtained through hard work, no other way;
  • dashes extend from the line of fate to the Mount of Apollo - a person is given the opportunity to become rich.

Consider the line of the head. If the processes from the head line go in the direction of the little finger, a person will be able to receive material profit from doing science or commerce. If the process is directed to the Mount of Jupiter (index finger), a person can calculate in his mind the correct path to profit.

If the heart line ends with a fork, the person will be wealthy. Such people always occupy the best places in the sun and are at the top of the career ladder or will be patronized by high-ranking officials.

What is the money triangle of success? It can be found in the central part of the palm. This triangle is formed by the intersection of the lines of the head (mind) and fate. The triangle should have a proportional shape, be complete and look symmetrical. The financial volume of a person depends on the size of the triangle. Now let's look at the options:

  • if triangles are found on both palms, this symbolizes the ownership of large capital;
  • if the triangle gets wet, money will constantly flow out;
  • an asterisk made of crossed lines near the index finger speaks of a prosperous fate - a person succeeds in everything;
  • a small line between the ring and little fingers indicates receiving an inheritance or an influx of capital from an unexpected source.

Is it possible to change fate, and what will happen on the palms of your hands? Palmists say that all changes in fate are reflected in the right palm. To build a prosperous destiny, you need to change your thinking. Avoid negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. Practice affirmations, meditation, spiritual practices. Thus, you can change your own destiny for the better.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Material well-being is what almost every person strives for. To determine whether you are one of the individuals who were born under a lucky “money” star, you need to look for signs of wealth on your hand. Palmistry identifies several similar symbols.

Where to look for the wealth line

In palmistry, the wealth line does not exist as an independent unit. However, thanks to the position of the main arcs on a person’s hand and the branches from them, you can find out how predisposed he is to attracting money:

  1. The Line of Fate can appear, disappear, or become more or less noticeable throughout life. If it is pronounced, this indicates that its owner is a very successful person, and the probability of achieving success is high.
  2. A long Life Line indicates that the owner is destined for a long, successful and prosperous life. And vertical discrepancies from it make it clear when and in what area a person will succeed.
  3. The Head Line is of key importance in determining a person’s mental abilities, his way of thinking and the ability to concentrate on his goals. The direction of this line shows what kind of mentality the owner has and how he can use his potential to increase money.

Wealth is possible only if all these lines are harmoniously combined with each other. Each of them plays a specific role, and the absence of at least one sign can prevent an individual from building a fulfilling life.

What are the “money” symbols on your hand?

In addition to the lines on the hand, you can find various signs of wealth on the palm.

The symbols on the left and right palms are interpreted differently.

  1. The triangle is a sign that is the main indicator when fortune telling for material success. It is located in the center of the palm, formed using the lines of Fate, Head and another closing line. The figure should be clear, with clearly defined vertices and no gaps.
  2. A long little finger indicates a high level of intellectual development of its owner. It should be higher than the top fold of the adjacent Apollo finger. People with this sign naturally have a predisposition to a good financial situation and easy earning of money. However, practice proves that people with short little fingers achieve good luck and prosperity thanks to their perseverance and persistent work.
  3. No gaps between fingers. If they fit tightly together, this means that a person manages his finances competently, knows how to not only earn money successfully, but also maintain and increase cash flows. Conversely, cracks mean that money is flowing away from the owner like water, and he will not achieve much luck.
  4. Well-developed lines on the right palm will tell you what their owner should do in order to live in abundance. For example, in the case when the arc of Apollo is developed, you should be creative in your work. The Mercury line indicates that it is better to make money through knowledge. The Saturn arc speaks of the need to fulfill one’s own destiny, and then the reward will not be long in coming.
  5. “Money wind” - a large number of vertical lines on the Mount of Saturn. This is a sign that directly affects a person’s ability to make money out of thin air. But such people do not receive large and stable profits. Palmistry as an art makes it possible to easily determine this.

These are not all the signs that you need to pay attention to when examining your palm for the prospect of getting rich. There are many such designations. Through a detailed examination of the right and left palms, one can determine whether a person is destined to achieve material success and how rich he will become.

Today I will continue the conversation about palmistry, and we will turn to the lines of wealth and signs of money on the hand. In our lives, when faced with financial difficulties, we often say: “We haven’t lived richly, there’s nothing to start with.” Once again hearing this famous saying, I thought about the question: “Why is there nothing?” Isn't the proverb a kind of spell, by pronouncing which we doom ourselves in advance to a poor, moneyless life? After all, to be rich, first of all, to feel like one, no matter how much money you have.

Let's imagine this situation: fate has laid in you the potential, by realizing which you can gain wealth, and you constantly repeat to yourself: “You haven’t lived richly, there’s nothing to start with.” Thus, you block the opportunity to open up to receiving cash flow. Often people themselves do not want to do anything to change their lives for the better, and sometimes they are simply afraid of failure. And again the question arises: “How can I determine whether I am destined by fate to become rich? Maybe I really shouldn’t start?” The answer, as you already guessed, will again be looked for in our palms, with the help of palm fortune telling, with which the ancient science of palmistry will help us.

You can get to know yourself, find out the future and past from your hand by learning to read the lines and signs on your palms - this is palmistry. The wealth line, the money triangle, other signs of prosperity on the hand, this whole set of markers on the palm, together or separately, predict wealth and money for us.

Wealth line

Wealth line– an abstract concept. I would like to immediately note that it does not exist as such, but there are several certain features in the palm of your hand that indicate possible circumstances that will lead to wealth and an influx of money into your life. As a rule, this is the direction of the main lines (head, heart, life, fate) and branches from them, as well as various signs on these lines.

I talked about the main lines on the palms in the article “”. After reading it, it will be easier for you to navigate the lines and find signs of wealth on your hands. Let us turn to one of the main lines in palmistry - life lines. If it is deep, this indicates that its owner has already achieved certain successes; he definitely has the potential to get rich.

Also, numerous successes in life are indicated by branches from it directed clearly upward, towards the fingers. A branch pointing upward at the very beginning of this line means extraordinary self-confidence. An arrangement of lines in which the line of life does not merge with the line of the head, but passes at a distance of several millimeters, will tell us about a person’s ability to make informed decisions. All these qualities are inherent in successful people, and they always know how to make big money.

Plays a big role in determining your potential to get rich. line of fate. I have already told you that this line is very insidious; it can appear and disappear throughout life, but many do not have it at all. But if you find this line on your hand, it could mean the following:

  • right now, fateful events are taking place in your life that determine your future destiny;
  • if the line of fate is deep and straight, you are the person who knows how to set goals and steadily moves towards achieving them; it is this quality that defines wealthy people who have managed to independently achieve financial independence.

Therefore, the presence of this line on the hand in itself indicates a great potential to get rich. A man destined for success fate line must be located at a distance from the life line, start from the lunar hillock, be clear, intersect with the heart line, and rest against the end Mount of Jupiter or Saturn(tubercle under the index or middle finger, respectively).

All these features speak of a person’s inner strength, which he knows how to accumulate to achieve maximum financial results. He is a professional in his field, has a high social status and income, at least he has everything to achieve the above achievements.

A person’s versatile abilities and talents often help him achieve success and material well-being - this will be indicated by a double or even triple line of fate. When it begins at the same point with the life line, success will come thanks exclusively to personal achievements and the merits of a person. A fork at its end means a prosperous, wealthy old age.

If one day you discovered the disappearance lines of fate, be prepared for the fact that you will lose your goal, and with it your money. It may also mean loss of money job.

Thin branches from the line of fate or life aimed at Mount of Mercury(under the little finger) or on Mount of Jupiter(under the index finger), are often called scoops of wealth. Moreover, the clearer and deeper these lines are, the more wealth and money will come into your life.

When the twig comes to Mount of Saturn(under the middle finger), you can get the money you want only with the help of persistent, hard, monotonous work. When the twig comes to Apollo(hillock under the ring finger), money will flow like a river thanks to the discovery of a person’s abilities and talent. The twig will rest against Mercury(bump under the little finger) get super profits in commerce or with the help of science.

There are signs of wealth on lines of the mind(heads). The line extending from it to the index finger (Jupiter) speaks of self-confidence, which leads to the achievement of the set goal, including the achievement of material well-being and stability.

If the branch is directed towards the little finger (Mercury), a person succeeds in risky financial transactions; when it is clear, one can judge the clearly expressed entrepreneurial, commercial spirit of its owner.

There are signs on heart lines. A sign that looks like a fork, with its ends directed towards the index finger, determines the high social status of a person. People in this position cannot be poor by themselves. Branches upward are also a positive factor influencing wealth.

The human brain acts as an artist writing lines on the palms. During his life, as a rule, he does not have to correct the main lines, which cannot be said about the more subtle secondary lines, various branches, signs. He regularly adjusts them depending on upcoming and past events in a person’s life.

Triangle of wealth and money

So-called money triangle, palmistry describes as one of the powerful signs for determining wealth. We will look for it in the very center of the palm. A triangle-shaped figure formed by the main head and fate lines, intersecting each other and an additional line that closes the triangle.

It should be obvious, not blurry, closed. By its size you can judge the amount of money, of course, the larger the size, the greater the fortune. When such a sign appears on both hands at once, then wealth in your life is simply inevitable. A triangle within a triangle is an excellent sign of a successful investor.

Let's consider a situation where a triangle is formed only from the lines of the head and fate, it is not closed by an additional line. This ratio of lines can only mean one thing: your money is gradually floating away from you, it is not multiplying, and, in the end, you can lose it completely.

Other signs of wealth and money on the hand

If suddenly, when examining the hand of a rich person, you do not find the above markers of wealth, then do not be alarmed, since there are several more signs of wealth and money on the hand, indicating the potential to live a comfortable life. Be sure to take a closer look at your fingers. These are the most mobile parts of the hands, which primarily respond to signals from our brain. That is why they carry a lot of information about a person’s character, thoughts, and emotions.

Take a look at little finger. Its size plays a role here. The owner of a long little finger (aka Mercury finger), the length of which reaches the first joint b ring finger (Apollo finger), that is, practically down to his nail plate, knows how to make money from almost everything he touches. This is a very favorable money sign.

The less Mercury finger, the chances of big earnings decrease along with its size. If the little finger is unusually small and does not even reach the first knuckle of the Apollo finger, this is even worse. This man has no natural commercial acumen. He does not know how to discern benefits, does not see opportunities, often runs a business at a loss, or spends much more than he earns.

If you take a closer look at the Mount of Mercury, you can also find some banknotes there. Short vertical lines under it indicate constant cash receipts, and the clearer the lines, the greater the income.

Another technique that allows you to understand how a person knows how to manage and increase his money is clasping his fingers. If there are gaps or cracks between your fingers, money leaks through your fingers, you don’t know how to manage money correctly, so it doesn’t stay with you. And vice versa, if your fingers are tightly closed, without forming gaps, you are an excellent financier who, even without proper education, competently manages funds, knows how to not only save them, but also increase them.

Star- these are several crossed lines, in itself a very good sign, indicating a rich person, wherever it is. If you find it on the Mount of Jupiter (under the index finger) - this is a good warning of satisfied ambition, a sign of honor, happy love, a destiny for great things, unexpected well-being, wealth.

Inheritance or unexpected win in hand

Receiving an inheritance or winning the lottery is the easy money that every person dreams of. Getting rich unexpectedly without making any effort is not that common, but there is still a chance. And it can also be found on the palm. To do this, let's pay attention to the life line.

Easy money is one or more triangles with their vertices facing the thumb, and the basis for them is the life line itself. If you break this line down by date, you can determine at what age unexpected wealth will fall on you. Such signs can also indicate a profitable marriage.

A small but clear line between the ring finger and little finger indicates inheritance. These signs are extremely rare. If you are the owner of such a sign, then you are incredibly lucky. You are the darling of fate, there is easy money in your life. Try to use the gift of fate wisely.

Which hand should you use to look for wealth and money?

If you look at the palms of your right and left hands separately, you will notice a big difference. The patterns of skin patterns on the hands, as a rule, differ, to a greater or lesser extent. That is why you cannot take into account only the drawings of one palm. In order to make accurate predictions, palmists always examine both hands, first the left, then the right. And here's why: the pattern of the left palm appears at the embryonic stage in the mother's womb and remains virtually unchanged throughout life.

This is due to the fact that the left palm is the carrier of the program embedded in us, which must be implemented while living this earthly life. The right palm, on the contrary, constantly undergoes changes throughout life under the influence of our real actions, emotions, experiences, reflects our inner world at a given moment in time, showing the future in accordance with the choices we make. That is why the pattern on the right palm changes over the years. For left-handed people the rule is the opposite.

If, after examining your palms, you find that the lines are generally the same, this indicates that your life corresponds to the program that is embedded in you, most likely, you have excellent intuition, an unknown voice from above always shows you the right path. To avoid mistakes, palmists carefully study the inconsistencies on both hands, since this is what helps to give the correct forecast about fate and suggest how to proceed.

In conclusion, I would like to say that wealth, before manifesting itself in real life, originates on the subtle planes of our consciousness. A strong thread connects the manifestation of spiritual wealth with the riches of the material world.

Form images and thoughts in the right direction, feel rich, act even if you do not find signs indicating wealth. By following these rules, you will soon see the treasured signs on your palm. And remember, you should start living richly at any time, because human possibilities are limitless!

Everyone wants to know whether he will be rich and whether he will be able to achieve success. Palmistry deals with deciphering the code that reflects the essence of a person, predetermining the main events of life. The wealth line on your hand will tell you a lot about wealth and financial success. There are several banknotes on the palm; they also include the shape of the hand and fingers.

Basics of fortune telling by hand for money

They begin to guess money with a general examination. There are no gaps between the fingers – that’s good. Poverty does not threaten the owner of closely closed fingers. Determine the shape of the palm, compare the right and left hands. The permanent lines are on the left hand. The right one imprints the current experience and reflects the upcoming choice. These features are characteristic of right-handed people. For left-handed people the situation is reversed.

Next, the fingers are carefully examined and the appearance of the phalanges is analyzed. People who are able to relate rationally to material values ​​have dense, strong, and powerful phalanges. If not all fingers are equally developed, pay attention to the following points:

  • Pronounced phalanges of the index finger and little finger show that the person is endowed with the ability to receive good income.
  • Developed phalanges of the middle finger occur if fate has given the ability to save money.
  • An elongated little finger means a tendency towards commercial activities.
  • Trapezoidal nail phalanges are a kind of magnet for wealth.
  • Square nail phalanges - the love of money is not supported by the ability to earn money.
  • Curls on several pads are a sign of the ability to attract money.

Interpretation of wealth lines

Information about wealth/poverty, stable income/financial problems is learned by looking at the lines on the hand. However, you shouldn’t look for where the special line of wealth is on your hand. There is no such thing. Financial victories and defeats destined by fate are recognized by other features. The main lines that reveal the possibility of monetary luck are as follows:

  • Life;
  • Hearts;
  • Fates.

All marks on the palm are analyzed. Which line is deeper, smoother, clearer, in this way it is advisable to make a living. If Apollo is a deep trait, they make money through the realization of creative abilities. With a pronounced Mercury trait, they rely on education. The Life trait, which is responsible for all significant changes, stores the most information. A smooth, deep stripe represents stability in life. People with this mark are in a good place, have enough money, and are often the darlings of fortune.

Branches going towards the fingers are considered harbingers of success. If similar ones are visible at the beginning of the line, the person is distinguished by self-confidence from an early age. The proximity of the Life line to the Mind line shows a calculating mind, the ability to take only deliberate steps. Such people acquire wealth early and become the owners of real wealth by adulthood.

On the palm, the amount of money intended by fortune is recognized by the Fate trait. To understand what lies ahead, they look at what the line of Fate is. Smooth, clear, deeply drawn - stability and security are guaranteed. Intermittent - a period of contentment will be replaced by a complete lack of money associated with the loss of sources of income.

Some palmists believe that the lines of wealth and possible success on the hand are concentrated precisely in the line of Fate. After all, there are many nuances of its interpretation from the financial side. The main signs of monetary success on the Fate line are as follows:

  • The beginning of this line rests on the hill of the Moon, its movement is close to the line of Life, there is an intersection with the line of the Heart in the palm, which means that life will pass in contentment.
  • A doubled or tripled line indicates the numerous gifts of fate that a person will receive throughout his life.
  • The branches facing Jupiter, Mercury is called the ladle of wealth. Palmistry considers these lines to be an undoubted sign of constant cash flows going to the owner of the hand.
  • Branches to Saturn foretell money earned through hard work.
  • Branches to the Mount of the Sun show that money will come thanks to talents and individual abilities.

Symbols of wealth on the lines of Mind and Heart

Examples of predictions of monetary wealth are also found on the line of the Mind. In this case, signs and branches are analyzed. The branch from the Mind line, which is responsible for the opportunity to get rich as a result of scientific activities, goes on the palm from the Mind line to the Mount of Mercury.

The branches to the index finger show the ability to think soberly and take responsibility for all decisions made. People with such a gift rarely live in poverty. Even having sunk to the bottom, they retain the ability to soar upward and achieve complete success in everything. A small twig to the little finger is also a good sign. Its owners know how to take risks at the right moment. As a result, they often win and achieve significant wealth.

Palmistry states: the line of wealth is often personified by the line of the Heart. Especially when the heart mark on the hand ends with a fork. Holders of these signs are always “on horseback”: they have an impressive bank account, enjoy universal respect and attention.

Interpretation of other signs of wealth

Signs of monetary wealth on the hand are represented by various symbols. On the hand, palmistry suggests looking for a confluence of 3 lines, which are called a “triangle”. It can be seen in the central part of the right palm. It consists of dashes of the Head, Fate, and is closed on the third side by a special dash. The big triangle promises big money. A small triangle, but duplicated on both hands, is also considered a sign of a real opportunity to get very rich.

The wealth triangle does not mean that the owner can become a millionaire. His wealth will be obvious only to his usual surroundings. A person will be able to stand confidently on his feet, be more prosperous than the people next to whom his life takes place. he will have enough money for everything he needs, he will leave a decent inheritance to his children and grandchildren.

Important! A triangle is considered a harbinger of monetary success when it consists of completely closed sides. Open sides show that incoming money will go out at the same speed.

A triangle is often formed by branches from the life line to the thumb. Such figures are signs of an easy opportunity to gain financial profit and achieve success without much effort. Such triangles are often interpreted as signs of an arranged marriage. Not only the triangle indicates financial success. A star on the Mount of Jupiter is a common sign that palmistry interprets unambiguously. People with a star on this hillock are called “lucky”. Everything comes easy to them: true love, a happy family, prosperity, the opportunity to become famous.

Palmistry calls the strip between the little finger and index finger the line of inheritance. Nature can draw one like this when you have to take on the role of heir. So it can also act as a line of future wealth in the palm. But this is a sad symbol, meaning both the arrival of money and the passing of a loved one. It is important to analyze the length of the little finger. The longer it is, the more significant role money will play in a person’s life. Such people are ready to do anything for money. Therefore, in most cases they become rich, but lonely. They betray friends for profit, enter into arranged marriages, and easily trample over the heads of their colleagues at work.

The little finger, one third behind the ring finger, tells the owner that he should work hard. Your efforts will bring the desired results. True, one cannot dream of super-profits. But such people are guaranteed a stable financial position by fate, provided that they work hard. The short little finger warns the owner about the ban on working in the financial sector. There will be no benefit, losses cannot be avoided. The banking sector, the stock exchange are prohibited. You shouldn’t go into commerce either, so as not to end up in a debt trap.

In conclusion, it is necessary to say something about the “money wind”. This is the name of the strokes that vertically streak the Mount of Saturn. This distinctive sign occurs if a person is given the opportunity to “make money out of thin air.” But the owners of the “money wind” do not achieve real wealth. Profit quickly disappears, leaving no trace.

Palmistry is the ancient practice of studying the palm of the hand, designed to learn about aspects of the owner's character, inclinations and talents. It can even reveal the secrets of the future. Some of the things that palm reading can tell you about are health, love, and even finances - which is what we will be discussing today.

In the article:

What is a money line?

There are four main lines that are used in palmistry and these are the lines of the heart, mind, destiny and life. Markings that are responsible for finances are not distinguished as a separate trait. But, nevertheless, they interact with them, changing their meaning, depending on the proximity of a particular mark.

There is not one single trait of money that all people have, but usually there are several traits that may appear in a particular person. They symbolize different aspects of your potential wealth (or lack thereof) depending on their placement.

What's specific about the information is that it doesn't mention how much money you'll have or how soon it will happen, but rather how you'll accumulate that money and how that will impact other aspects of your future.

Signs that portend wealth

Palm card

  1. A line that starts at the base of the thumb and curves towards the index finger, ending in a figure similar to an asterisk. This variety indicates that you have a natural talent for making money.
  2. It starts at the base of the thumb and goes to the little finger. This means that, most likely, you will inherit money or unexpected luck will fall on you.
  3. It starts from the thumb and extends all the way to the middle finger. This foretells that you will earn a fortune through management skills.
  4. It does not start from the thumb, but on the other side of the palm. Intersects and , and . The line of money starts from the line of the mind, extends all the way to the ring finger, crossing the line of success. The presence of this figure indicates that your endeavors will end in success.

Money line on hand

Palmistry and the hands of rich people

If there are many lines, they are deep and straight, this shows that you are smart, well versed in investing money and can make a fortune. Plus, you will meet a lot of good people who will support you. If your palm is also straight and clear, you can gain both fame and wealth.

A winding line shows that your financial situation will always be unstable. The level of your well-being will fluctuate sharply, you will either become the owner of a whole fortune, or again find yourself at the bottom of your life. You will have a lot of troubles in business or while building a career. If you want to succeed and stay afloat, it will take a lot of effort.

If this line is often interrupted, then this often indicates bad luck in a monetary sense. You can make a lot of efforts, but money does not want to come into your hands. It doesn’t even depend so much on your personal qualities, although, of course, they are also important. You are simply unlucky for a variety of reasons. Of course, this is not a death sentence, and if you do your best, you will achieve success.

Other signs of wealth on the hand

You can consider all options for signs of wealth and the sun line

There are other signs that indicate a potential opportunity to get rich. The sun line, which is located under the ring finger, usually symbolizes popularity, reputation and success. Therefore, it is easier for those who have this line to become successful.

The branch from the Sun line that extends towards the little finger can also be called the money line. If a person has such a mark, then this indicates that he can understand the intricacies of business, knows how to inspire people and has every chance to become a business shark.

If the branch connects the mind together, then this means that such a person will not burden himself with hard and burdensome work. Nevertheless, he will not be in poverty either. Throughout his life, this person will find a wide variety of sources of financing. Or they will fall on him themselves. This is a lucky sign of fate.

If the lines of the mind and the Sun intersect with short horizontal lines, then the individual must be careful not to bring petty, limited people closer to him, who can set him up and take away his fame and wealth. Also, he needs to avoid displaying wealth in public.

If a person passes through the line of mind in an upward direction and reaches, then they can form a figure similar to the letter “M”. According to Chinese palmistry, if she has such a sign on her hand, then she will be able to accumulate wealth before the age of 40. However, this does not mean that you can relax and do nothing.

What you need to know about the thumb in palmistry?

If you want to know more, you can also pay attention to other marks that can also shed light on your future financial situation in life, as well as how you can improve it.

In addition to these features, the thumb also plays an important role in palmistry. According to, Phala - the line that separates the first phalanx of the finger from the second - can tell a lot about a person’s future well-being.

  1. When this mark is not interrupted, clear and deep, then a person will not climb to the top of success. He will have a simple life, without any frills. However, he will not go hungry or be in need either.
  2. If it forms a figure in the form of an eye, then the person will have a difficult childhood, but this will pay off in full in later life.
  3. When the Phala is very wide, it is a sign of trouble. All his life such an individual will be in poverty and in need of the bare necessities.
  4. If it is interrupted in many places, then life will always be black and white. Such people experience both periods of wealth and bankruptcy.
  5. If at the end the line bifurcates, it means that this person will be provided for by his children. In old age he will not experience need.

A few more signs of wealth

It is believed that the line that is located horizontally above the heart line shows your ability to manage money. If you have this line of moderate length, then you are careful and prudent in matters of money and know how to take care of others. Even if you don't work, your partner makes a good living and can provide for you. You, in turn, can manage this money wisely.

It happens that it extends upward towards the ring finger, and at the end there is a mark that looks like a star. This suggests that with a high degree of probability the partner will be fabulously rich. If an intelligence trait has an ascending branch, it usually indicates that the person is good at making money. He can look into the future and invest his money in the best way. He perfectly distinguishes financial fraud, and therefore does not fall for a scam. Oddly enough, he is often lucky in gambling.