Exhibition “Russian landscape from the collection of the Astrakhan Art Gallery. Exhibition “The Charm of Times Past... “Starring the Theatre!”

  • 30.06.2019

Exhibition “Flower Kingdom” (6+)

Regina Fayzulaeva, a member of the League of Designers AROO, is engaged in decorating with artificial flowers. The exhibition presents luxurious interior compositions made of fruits and flowers: panels, bouquets, compositions.

Museum of Culture of Astrakhan, st. Chernyshevsky, 4, tel: 39-11-06

“We are at home too. City of the future" (0+)

The exhibition at the Khlebnikov House-Museum is timed to coincide with the Day of Remembrance of the great Russian poet, scientist, and thinker. Its idea is connected not only with the need to develop the interest of children and adolescents in the works of Velimir, but also to popularize the little-studied aspects of his work. In particular, the architectural ideas of the Poet-Budetlyanin.

In 1915, Khlebnikov wrote the article “We and the Houses,” in which he reflects on what houses will look like in the city of the future. Some of them are figments of his imagination, which have become some kind of visual metaphors. But the reflection of some of his ideas can be seen in reality. The exhibition at the Khlebnikov Museum presents the winning works, created based on the motives and images of the poet’s article, and the children’s own futuristic fantasies.

House-Museum of V. Khlebnikov, st. Sverdlova, 53, tel: 51-64-96

“Colors of Time” (0+)

The picturesque exhibition presents the work of Nadezhda Enaleeva, dedicated to the Astrakhan region. Graduate art school them. P.A. Vlasov, she continues the traditions of the realistic school of painting, which is based on attention to the surrounding reality.

The artist is interested in city streets, surrounding villages and ancient buildings that preserve the memory of the past. The temples depicted in the works give an idea of ​​the diversity architectural styles. The colors of different seasons are reflected through picturesque means and the originality of buildings created in past centuries is conveyed.

The exhibition format is planned to include thematic excursions, museum classes, master classes.

House-Museum of B.M. Kustodieva, st. Sverdlova, 68
tel. 51-16-29

“Starring the Theater!”

Exhibition, dedicated to the Year theater and dedicated to Children’s Day, works in Dogadinka, as part of the “Children’s Art Gallery” project.

To participate in the exhibition "In leading role- Theater!" Students from city children's art schools and art schools were invited. Main idea - " theater stories"or your own participation in the life of the school theater. More than 60 students from 11 art schools and art schools of Astrakhan took part in the project, participating in the creation works of art. The best creative works visitors can now see.

Art gallery, st. Sverdlova, 81, tel. 51-11-21

"Samovars of the Russian Empire"

There are about 100 samovars on display in Zeichhaus Russian Empire. The collection was brought to Astrakhan by collector Alexander Lidovskoy. He has been collecting for over 17 years. Some samovars were purchased in Astrakhan, restored and today they adorn the exhibition.

Astrakhan Kremlin, Tseykhgauz

"Beauty will save the world"

The exhibition is dedicated to the female image and the environment, details that surrounded beautiful ladies at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries. The title of the exhibition is “Beauty will save the world” - famous phrase. It was first heard in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot.” Since then, the saying has become so popular that it is used even without understanding it. deep meaning. You can see many museums, bookstores and art exhibitions under the title “Beauty will save the world”, but each of them contains a different understanding of beauty: be it spiritual beauty or aesthetic beauty created through fine art.

The exhibition of the Astrakhan Museum-Reserve will reveal the beauty female image. It covers the period late XIX— the beginning of the 20th century, when the ideal “ beautiful lady" Try to guess the mysterious riddle female soul, visitors will be able to immerse themselves in the amazing, elegant world of young ladies from the past, and learn about the fashion trends of that time while familiarizing themselves with unique museum exhibits, some of which will be exhibited for the first time.

Guests of the exhibition will see urban and evening dresses, hats, accessories, boxes, perfume bottles, beaded and lace items, vintage cards, porcelain, souvenirs and much more.

"Petersburg Album"

Exhibition of Fakhrikamal Makhmudova and Zohra Aliyeva (Makhmudova) “St. Petersburg Album” at the Museum of Local Lore. For a long time, the artists lived in the northern capital of Russia, exploring the beautiful city and its surroundings. The artists reflected their impressions of contact with the unique atmosphere of St. Petersburg in a series of works that will be presented to Astrakhan residents and guests of the region.

Museum of Local Lore, st. Sovetskaya, 15

"Orthodox churches of the Astrakhan region..."

Not long ago in Astrakhan, the results of a photo competition held in two categories were summed up:

"Temples: past and present". In this nomination, the competition participants were asked to photograph churches in the Astrakhan region: currently inactive, active and under construction.

"Human. Faith. Temple". And here the authors of the photographs were asked to capture the craftsmen and volunteers involved in construction, restoration and repair work in churches, people visiting the temple, participating in worship, including clergy and temple employees, children in churches.

82 people aged from 12 to 18 years old took part in the photo competition - these are students of general education and secondary special institutions in Astrakhan, Enotaevsky, Chernoyarsky, Ikryaninsky, Volodarsky and other districts of the region. In total, the organizing committee of the competition received 218 photographs, of which the jury selected 50 of the best photographs for the exhibition.

House of merchant G.V. Tetyushinov, st. Kommunisticheskaya, 26
Free admission!

In the period from July 1 to July 31, in connection with the instructions, fire-retardant treatment (impregnation) of wooden structures will be carried out at the Museum and Cultural Center “House of the Merchant G.V. Tetyushinov”. Due to this, the museum center will be closed to visitors.

Exhibition “Gift to the City”

In the Engraving Room of the Art Gallery named after P.M. Dogadin opened the exhibition “Gift to the City” (Western European engraving and a rare book of the 16th-19th centuries from the funds of the Astrakhan art gallery them. P.M. Dogadin and the Regional Scientific Library named after. N.K. Krupskaya).

The exhibition is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the entry into the collection of I.A. Repin into the cultural context of the city of Astrakhan and International Day museums.

In April 1909, the library of bibliophile and philanthropist Ivan Akimovich Repin (1841-1908), who bequeathed his extensive collection as a gift, arrived in Astrakhan hometown. This is significant cultural event in the history of the city and region served further development a number of city libraries and museum collections.

Currently, the main storage place for rare books from the bibliophile collection of I.A. Repina is Regional science Library them. N.K. Krupskaya.

Art gallery, st. Sverdlova, 81
Inquiries by phone: 51-52-32

Exhibition "VREMEMIR"

For the first time in Astrakhan, an exhibition of works by students of the Institute of Business and Design (Moscow) opened.

Curator - Boris Trofimov, professor, head of the graphic design course at the Institute of Business and Design, academician of the Academy of Graphic Design, member of the Union of Artists, member of the Union of Designers of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.

Under the leadership of Boris Trofimov, the exhibition project “VREMEMIR” was created especially for the V. Khlebnikov House-Museum. The first section of the exhibition is an attempt to visually comprehend the super-story “Zangezi” in six scrolls and five commentaries. The second is a gallery of portraits, creative circle Khlebnikov. The third is Velimir Khlebnikov’s neologisms in visual reading. The fourth is a playing field where visitors will be asked to compose their picture, take a photo and send it to the competition.

House-Museum of V. Khlebnikov, st. Sverdlova, 53
Inquiries by phone: 51-64-96

Exhibition "Winners"

The exhibition is dedicated to Astrakhan participants offensive operations 1945 and introduces documents, photographs, awards and personal belongings of our fellow countrymen.

Among those who courageously and selflessly in the ranks of the Red Army completed the defeat of the Nazis in 1945, there were, of course, Astrakhan residents. Among the numerous exhibited materials, trophy maps of Germany are of particular interest. After the war, our fellow countrymen brought them to Astrakhan, and later transferred them to the museum’s funds.

Several maps once belonged to the political officer of the Head Field Evacuation Point of the 28th Army, Major P.S. Sysoev. Among his trophies are original maps of automobile and railways in the area of ​​Frankfurt/Oder, Berlin and its suburbs. On one of them Sysoev wrote: “The map was taken in Berlin in May 1945.”

The maps contain author's notes in the form of arrows; the movement of units and subunits of the 28th Army, which took part in the capture of Berlin, is schematically depicted. Visitors will also see a map " Western Europe» Captain B.G. Batasheva. He made notes in pencil and indicated how, by May 1945, the fronts of the Red Army were positioned as they struck at the Nazis in Germany. The maps are very large, one of them exceeds 0.5 m2 in area.

Museum staff note that the maps will help visitors to the exhibition better imagine the course of events in 1945.

Museum of Military Glory, st. Akhmatovskaya, 7
Inquiries by phone: 39‑26-13

Exhibition of ancient shoes “What were your feet wearing when they ran along the paths of time”

The exhibition runs until September

It was opened as part of the Museum Weekend project. More than 10 pairs of shoes from different eras, as well as national shoes of some peoples living in the Astrakhan region, will be presented for exhibition.

“Shoes of the 19th – early 20th centuries were, as a rule, made by hand from materials such as leather, silk, velvet and lace,” said Elizaveta Kazakova, head of the history department of the museum-reserve. “Women’s shoes were decorated with embroidery, which for wealthy people was made from threads of silver and gold, and was decorated with river and sea pearls.” At the exhibition, museum visitors will be able to see elegant wedding and evening shoes of the 19th century, Tatar Chitek boots, leather pistons and much more. Among all the exhibits, women's shoes stand out with particular elegance; they fit the standard of the so-called “Cinderella shoes” - size 32.

Museum of Local Lore, st. Sovetskaya, 15
Inquiries by phone: 8(8512) 52‑50-62

"In the world of forgotten things"

IN exhibition hall The exhibition of family heirlooms “In the World of Forgotten Things” continues its work at the House of Crafts. The exhibition presents embroidered, embossed, tied towels, towels, bed valances, napkins and tablecloths, interior items: whatnots, mirrors, hanging shelves, antique utensils, tools, dishes, etc.

Handicrafts and crafts collected by townspeople and old-timers of the village of Karalat, Kamyzyak district, are connected by the memory of the ancestral roots that characterize cultural traditions of the past.

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For the first time in Moscow! Unknown works by famous artists!

Exhibition project



29.09.2017 – 03.12.2017

Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

The exhibition takes place in the Great Exhibition Hall

The United Museum-Reserve displays the landscape collection of paintings and graphics of the Astrakhan State Art Gallery named after P.M. Dogadina. What is unique about this project? Most of the works of great artists are exhibited in Moscow for the first time! By visiting the exhibition, residents of the Mother See will be able to see 56 previously unknown works famous authors! Variants of paintings, studies, sketches, graphics - all this will allow you to look into the holy of holies - the creative “kitchen” of artists!

The exhibition allows you to present various artistic trends, reflected in the landscape genre: narrative depiction in realistic works I.I. Shishkin and I.N. Kramskoy, lyrical spirituality in the “landscape of mood” by I.I. Levitan, impressionistic painting effects in the works of I.E. Grabar and A.B. Lakhovsky, coloristic expression and simplification of forms in the paintings of the “Russian Cézanneists” I.I. Mashkova, P.P. Konchalovsky and R.R. Falka.

The collection of the Astrakhan Art Gallery is associated with such significant names for Russian and world culture as, for example:

Velimir Khlebnikov(1885 - 1922) - futurist poet, native of the Astrakhan province, staying in Astrakhan with his parents during the transfer of P.M. Dogadin collections to the city, wrote an article about the opening of the gallery in the newspaper “Red Warrior” (1918).

B.M. Kustodiev(1878 - 1927) - Astrakhan, world-famous artist, together with P.M. Dogadin was a member of the Astrakhan art circle, initial art education received in Astrakhan in the private studio of P.A. Vlasov, artist, graduate of the Academy of Arts of St. Petersburg, founder of the circle.

V.A.Eifert(1884 – 1960) – associate of P.M. Dogadin on the organization of the gallery, then the head of the cultural and educational department of the Gubernia Trade Unions, subsequently worked in museums in Moscow, including in 1936–39. headed the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, in 1919–20 he contributed to the replenishment of the Astrakhan Art Gallery from the State Museum of Music Fund, including landscape works.

It is also important to note that the creation of an exhibition aimed at environmental, historical and cultural education is timed to coincide with the current Year of Ecology in Russia. It is symbolic that the joint exhibition project is being implemented in the year of the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Astrakhan province and on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Astrakhan Art Gallery.

Paintings and graphic works from the collection of the Astrakhan Art Gallery, representing the art collection of Pavel Mikhailovich Dogadin (1876 - 1919), the founder of the gallery, a native of Astrakhan, set the main leitmotif of the exhibition project.

P.M. Dogadin, who came from a family of eminent Astrakhan merchants, the Dogadins, was personally acquainted and was in correspondence with Moscow artists and gallery owners K.V. Kandaurov, P.P. Saurov, I.K. Kreitor, writer V.A. Gilyarovsky. Many of the works in his collection were purchased in Moscow from authors, collectors, antique salons, and exhibitions.

From 1912 to 1917 P.M. Dogadin acquires works of famous Russian artists: I.L. Kalmykova, I.I. Shishkina, I.N. Kramskoy, M.V. Nesterova, A.B. Lakhovsky, V.A. Serova, I.I. Levitan, A.I. Kuindzhi, V.D. Polenova, S.Yu. Zhukovsky, A.N. Benoit, N.K. Roerich, K.F. Bogaevsky, K.A. Somova, early works A.M. Gerasimov and other authors of the late 19th – early 20th centuries, paying special attention to landscape painting.

The result of the collecting activities of P.M. Dogadin was the fact of transferring the collection and his own estate on the Kutum River in 1918 to his hometown of Astrakhan.

In 1921, the museum moved from a small Dogadinsky mansion to one of the most beautiful city buildings - the former Plotnikov estate, where it is located today. The collection continued to be replenished, including landscape works, reflecting the pictorial and graphic searches of Russian artists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among the acquisitions in subsequent years are works by L.F. Lagorio, P.I. Petrovicheva, K.F. Yuona, B.M. Kustodieva, P.P. Konchalovsky, R.R. Falka, I.I. Mashkova, N.P. Krymov and other artists.

Organizers: Moscow State United Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye-Izmailovo-Lublino"

Exhibition participants:

  • Moscow State United Museum Reserve "Kolomenskoye-Izmailovo-Lublino"
  • Astrakhan State Art Gallery named after P.M. Dogadina
  • Exhibition partners:
  • Radio Russia
  • Radio Culture
  • LLC Insurance Company "VTB Insurance"
  • TV channel "Tsargrad"
  • TV channel "Spas"

Exhibition opening hours:
Tuesday-Sunday from 10.00 to 18.00.
Monday is a day off.
Cash desk opening hours: from 10.00 to 17.30

Ticket price:
for the main category 150 rubles, for the preferential category 70 rubles, special price - free.

Address: Art. metro station "Kashirskaya" (last car from the center), Andropov Avenue, 39, building 69

Passage diagram:

On September 29, 2017, the exhibition “Russian Landscape from the Collection of the Astrakhan Art Gallery” will open in the Grand Exhibition Hall of the Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, which will continue to run until December 3, 2017.

Every year, the Moscow State United Museum-Reserve presents exhibition projects to visitors, organized jointly with cultural institutions of various regions of our country. Such projects introduce visitors to the core collections of leading museums, galleries and archives, and the history of the formation of their collections. This time the museum-reserve demonstrates the landscape collection of paintings and graphics of the Astrakhan State Art Gallery named after P.M. Dogadina. The museum-reserve, which has a territory with amazingly beautiful landscapes and unique flora, giving visitors direct communication with pristine nature, and to one degree or another transformed by man, immerses the visitor from the atmosphere of “living landscapes” into the world of “portraits” of nature. The creation of the exhibition, aimed at environmental, historical and cultural education, is timed to coincide with the Year of Ecology in Russia in 2017. It is symbolic that the joint exhibition project is being implemented in the year of the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Astrakhan province and on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Astrakhan Art Gallery.

Paintings and graphic works from the collection of the Astrakhan Art Gallery, representing the art collection of Pavel Mikhailovich Dogadin (1876–1919), the founder of the gallery, a native of Astrakhan, set the main leitmotif of the exhibition project.

The result of the collecting activities of P.M. Dogadin was the fact that the collection was transferred to his hometown of Astrakhan in 1918. The meeting became the basis of the first in the Lower Volga region art museum– Art gallery, as well as the Council Museum Trade Unions Astrakhan region named after its founder P.M. Dogadina. This gift was a manifestation of high citizenship and a significant contribution to cultural heritage Astrakhan province.

The exhibition allows us to present various artistic trends reflected in the landscape genre: narrative depiction in the realistic works of I.I. Shishkin and I.N. Kramskoy, lyrical spirituality in the “landscape of mood” by I.I. Levitan, impressionistic painting effects in the works of I.E. Grabar and A.B. Lakhovsky, coloristic expression and simplification of forms in the paintings of the “Russian Cézanneists” I.I. Mashkova, P.P. Konchalovsky, R.R. Falka.

Exhibition opening hours:

Tuesday – Sunday, from 10.00 to 18.00, Saturday from 11.00 to 19.00

Monday is a day off.

Opening hours of the museum-reserve box office: from 10.00 to 17.30, on Saturday – from 11.00 to 18.30

Ticket price: for the main category 150 rubles, for the preferential category 70 rubles, special price - free.

Address: st. metro station "Kashirskaya" (last car from the center), Andropov Avenue, 39, building 69