Gemini woman: what she is like in different areas of life. How to please a Gemini girl or woman? How to attract attention, make Gemini girls and women fall in love with you, seduce and keep them? What gifts and compliments do Gemini girls and women like? What pa

  • 30.09.2019

Gemini Woman– a very interesting person, versatile and smart. At first glance, it is impossible to guess what kind of character this lady has - it is too elusive, weightless, ambiguous.

She knows that she has many abilities and talents, and is sure that on Earth she has a much higher purpose than other mortals, and all the time she is trying to find her right place in life, jumping from one to another.

Gemini Woman she is very restless, fussy, she really does not like activities that require long-term concentration and a lot of time and effort. She is in constant search, and this forces her to look for an activity to her liking whenever she is already bored with the old one.

Gemini Woman- lucky, because she is perhaps the only representative of the zodiac circle who, without regret and unnecessary memories of the bad things in her life, can part with her past. She is very romantic, her soul, which seeks to protect itself from harsh influences from the outside, and closes itself with its rudeness, is very tender and vulnerable.

Gemini Woman capable of very strong passion for a partner, if he interests her and captivates her. It is impossible to predict the behavior of a Gemini woman; she must be accepted for who she really is, so as not to cause scandals and squabbles. She easily dreams and fantasizes, and her fantasies are always imbued with romance and sublime bliss. She strives for the ideal, and sometimes she simply does not notice what is happening to her here and now.

Gemini Woman knows how and loves to communicate, she can succeed in activities that involve extensive communication, organizing events and negotiating with partners. The frequent changes in her moods can discourage others: just a minute ago she was laughing and having fun, carefree, and now she is sad, preoccupied, afraid of something and does not want to communicate with anyone.

Gemini Woman she really doesn’t like pressure on herself, she always leaves relationships in which they try to put her “on the right path,” teach her, guide her, and this must be taken into account by her chosen one, who wants to keep this partner near him. The Gemini woman, thanks to her extraordinary intelligence, can be not only a good wife, but also a friend, an assistant to her husband - she always gives practical and very wise advice, and her critical comments will allow you to do things in the best possible way.

She will never become a “home” woman who will completely submit to the will of her husband and lay her career at his feet - this representative of the zodiac circle will perfectly combine her own career with caring for her family, and it will be impossible to persuade her to stay at home, because communication and work - this is her life, no more, no less.

If a Gemini woman searches in life for her ideal man, which she exactly imagines, she may remain lonely forever. This woman sees good qualities in her partner, and will be very grateful for his kind attitude and love towards her, but will always compare him with her ideal and find inconsistencies. Despite the variability, the Gemini woman can be very attached to her chosen one, if only he is interesting to her as a man, not boring and active.

As soon as the Gemini woman becomes disillusioned with her relationship, she may leave it for a new one if she meets a better man along her way. Very often, a Gemini woman is in love with two men at once, and for a long time cannot make a choice between them. Over time, the Gemini woman becomes more sedate and calm, but she will never get rid of the passion to travel, change, become better and communicate widely.

The Gemini woman is a complex woman in reality. This Air sign goes wherever a strong wind picks her up. Her mood can change as quickly as the weather, making her a mysterious and pleasant person, but difficult to understand. Prepare for variety!

This duality zodiac sign has a carefully crafted personality: having the ability to be charming and spontaneous one minute, and timid and shy the next. There is never a dull moment with this woman who loves to engage in discussions on every topic in a witty way. Gemini women's interests are wide and varied, allowing them to talk to anyone they encounter on a myriad of topics. Because of this thirst for knowledge, she is always traveling from one place to the next, looking for new and exciting subjects and ideas to add to her repertoire.

This combination of intelligence, sociability, and zest for life makes the Gemini woman a great candidate for jobs that involve travel and problem solving. Always working to solve a problem, she uses any variety of sophisticated ideas and things, and can make a good impression on even the most difficult client. She has a creativity that extends beyond her artistic abilities to every part of her life. Her curiosity and out-of-the-box thinking allows her to keep an open mind about many things, although this can make her indecisive when it comes to making one decision. Her inner strength brings new ideas to the surface, and she is already immersed in solving the next problem. However, since she cannot stop, this all makes her character changeable, and her conduct pattern very frivolous.

Since she often gathers new ideas, she also gathers new friends. She is very open and can easily get along with many zodiac signs. She'll be generous with her time until a new hobby captures her attention, and then she'll move on to her next adventure. It may seem at first that the Gemini woman is insensitive, but even her free spirit cannot stop her from returning to her good friends to strengthen the connection in a new way.

The Gemini woman is carefree, whimsical and capricious, always ready to have fun, such is her inner character and the irresistible force of her nature. It may be difficult to keep up with her, but she will always move back to help you along the way. This means that any man who commits himself to a relationship with a Gemini woman must be patient, because... she may have many lovers at the same time as you and she will have to choose between them. But if you are patient, the rewards will be generous and numerous. Her eternally youthful nature suggests that she is not interested in putting down roots, so her lover will need to be flexible on all fronts.

However, if he remains something of a mystery to her, then she herself will want to get closer to solve the mystery. But her chosen one must admit that, first of all, the Gemini woman remains a mystery to him.

But this level of excitement is perfect for adventurous lovers who want to try new things, and the Gemini woman loves new experiences. She is generous, has a flexible character, hospitable, but often does not care about problems and is irresponsible. Even though she may be difficult to tame, you wouldn't want to do it anyway. Her desire to try and push the envelope in every aspect of her life results in breathtaking moments that will keep you by her side and keep you coming back for more.

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If you are the guy who is able to accept a girl for who she is, not paying attention to her slightly frivolous character and rapidly changing mood, then you can safely start courting a girl born under the sign of Gemini and enjoy her company. The Gemini girl is charming and sweet; since childhood, she has been accustomed to feeling like the darling of society thanks to her optimistic outlook on life, talkativeness and goodwill. Until the end of their lives, Geminis remain excellent conversationalists and reliable friends; they are better than all other zodiac signs at being able to sympathize and help. If on the street or in transport you see that someone is feeling ill, then the first one to rush to his aid will be the one who was born under the sign of Gemini.

The duality of Gemini's nature is manifested in the fact that representatives of this sign are quick in thoughts and actions, they are intellectually developed and open to acquaintance, but are quickly offended. When communicating with a Gemini girl, you should not relax and make inappropriate jokes, hoping that, thanks to her cheerful disposition, she will understand you correctly. If you accidentally or intentionally hurt her pride, she will not remain silent and will express everything to your face, and the next day she will have fun chatting with one of your friends, without paying any attention to you.

The Gemini girl is a good-natured minx. She loves cheerful companies and feels great in the company of guys who behave easily and naturally, just like herself. Her character is kind and flexible, she is able to maintain a conversation on any topic and will never leave you in a critical situation.

It is impossible to win the heart of a Gemini girl with pumped up muscles and the presence of a “cool car” if you do not have the makings of a true aristocrat. Only intellectually developed and enterprising men who have common interests with her can claim her love. Most often, a Gemini girl falls in love with her classmate, fellow student or work colleague, who differs from others in his developed intelligence and erudition. At first she is only friends with him, and then falls passionately in love, forgetting about everything.

Therefore, in order to make a Gemini girl fall in love with you, you must first become her friend, have discussions and confidential, tender conversations with her. And only when she starts telling you about all her joys and sorrows, let her understand that you are the guy who is able to understand her and share them. Do not rush into sex under any circumstances; for a Gemini girl, common interests and mutual support are more important than physical caresses and intimacy.

Having achieved the love of a Gemini girl, do not rush to rejoice at it. From now on you should always be alive, active and young. And most importantly, they know how not to notice the constant changes in their girlfriend’s mood. A Gemini girl in love is a capricious person. Before you have time to rejoice at how she admires your actions and looks at you with eyes full of love, within a few minutes she will be offended over trifles and stop talking to you.

The Gemini girl will constantly call you on the phone and tell you about what interesting programs she watched on TV or read. This is the meaning of her life, to communicate and share fresh information. To keep her from losing interest, you need to show her new signs of attention every day. For example, you shouldn’t offer her every time to go to the cinema together; the next day, invite her to visit an exhibition or theater, and then a restaurant.

Novelty of impressions, travel, adventures are the element of the Gemini girl. She will be happy to keep company if you invite her to football, gym or hiking. Any walks and trips will appeal to her, but the office lifestyle of a sedentary life does not suit her. Aimless loitering, calm and long sorting through papers, monotonous work at the computer - all this is not for the Gemini girl. She wants a job that impresses, amazes and delights her every day, where she can take the initiative and make her own decisions.

Don’t worry if you are a simple guy and don’t yet have enough money to give expensive gifts to your girlfriend. Geminis rarely think about money, mostly only when they no longer have any. She is unselfish and naive, which is what attracts the attention of men who choose a mate based on their spiritual qualities. The Gemini girl is unpretentious in clothes and gifts; she is not interested in the thickness of a man’s wallet. Give her a soft toy or handmade jewelry, and she will be as happy with such a gift as a child.

A dreamy and active, kind and demanding, beautiful and intelligent Gemini girl has a lot of fans, and only a guy who intends to have a serious relationship with her and is ready to maintain spiritual intimacy with her for a long time without offering intimate intimacy will be able to make her fall in love with him.

Gemini women are like the embodiment of seven women in one, who somehow get along with each other.

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their developed intellectuality, they are attracted to everything new and unknown. They need communication like air, so they make friends wherever they go. However, only a select few are allowed to look into their souls, because it is sometimes difficult for them to understand themselves, and they look for someone who is able to understand them.

To resolve an important issue or make a significant choice, the Gemini woman will first weigh everything thoroughly, and only under the guidance of reason and a set of arguments for and against will she make a final decision. Since she does not always know what exactly she wants, she often considers her choice to be wrong, be it an evening dress or a husband.

Her attention often jumps from one thing to another, she is often overwhelmed by brilliant ideas, but due to her rapid changeability, they are rarely implemented. Everything interesting and new attracts her like a magnet, and she easily leaves old plans, rushing headlong into new ones.

The monotony of life and boredom can lead this woman to depression; she needs forays into the world, where she can shine in the company of successful people. Yes, it is successful, purposeful individuals who attract her, and mediocrities who can only lie on the sofa are not impressive, even if they are capable of conducting intellectual conversations. In general, Gemini women rarely listen to anyone, because they prefer to talk themselves.

Conceit and egocentrism are highly developed in these women. However, they do not show this in public, but prefer to achieve complements through false pretense, so that they will once again be told how wonderful, charming and unique they are.

Communicating with them is still easy and pleasant. They are able to listen to the problems of others and give practical advice. They like to delve into problems and relationships, like a fanatical psychologist, but they draw conclusions through the prism of their own beliefs, so they often condemn people’s actions or critically evaluate them. If they are not interested in a person or they do not see the benefit of communication, in rare cases they can interrupt the connection, but since they believe that everything in life can be useful, they try to maintain even not entirely pleasant relationships.

This woman loves strong men with developed intellectual abilities. She will not allow simpletons or small-minded people to approach her. She is capable of playing the game of seduction, luring many men into her networks, but she herself often falls in love with unattainable goals. This is a distinctive feature of a woman of the Gemini sign - to love someone whose heart she has not won.

She still leaves the rude and sexually preoccupied at a distance. Her man should be harmonious, but not a wuss, but with a slight impudent insistence. But most often, when choosing a life partner, this woman relies on calmly balanced decisions. If she sees hopelessness in a person, then no amount of love will force her to get married. “Paradise in a hut with a sweetheart” is not about her. She dumps men easily, without going into explanations, but if necessary, they pretend to be a “hose” or come up with something on the fly.

But if she falls in love, then it must be with someone who rejected her or feels slight sympathy, nothing more. The Gemini woman turns into a predator, skillfully placing nets, and, seeing the target, uses the “all means are good” method. When the goal is out of reach, he continues to suffer, firmly believing in his “bad luck.”

For a Gemini woman to set her eyes on a man, it is enough that someone else has already laid eyes on him. Otherwise, if no one needs a man, then she doesn’t need him either.

All essences of a Gemini woman can be embodied in family life depending on the situations. She can be gentle and flexible, or she can suddenly turn into an explosive rebel who wants to turn the whole world upside down. Since this woman is never happy with what she has, she experiences an irresistible urge to change the space around her - rearranges the apartment, changes her appearance, re-educates her husband.

She doesn't like being told what to do. The Gemini woman will pretend to listen, but will do everything herself as she sees fit. In family relationships, she often makes the mistake of believing that a man can be re-educated, but most often she is disappointed in this.

She teaches her children independence from early childhood, while showing both love and care. She loves to be proud of her children’s achievements, so she will not leave their education to chance, and when buying toys, she will primarily be guided by “usefulness” and functionality.

In her relationships with children, she also has breakdowns when she can get angry with them due to a bad mood. But in general, this mother is a friend of the children.

At work, these women show remarkable self-discipline and organization. They are irritated by the stupidity, lack of initiative, frivolity and irresponsibility of people. Gemini women cope well with the responsibilities of both bosses and subordinates, taking a liberal approach to labor relations. They are productive and responsible in any field.

Gemini woman
Gemini woman detailed characteristics of her zodiac sign. Gemini in society, in love, in family, at work.

Gemini woman

Those born under the sign of Gemini from May 21 to June 21 have quite a lot of contradictions in their character, feelings and their entire way of life. This is an air sign, characterized by a tendency to changeability and instability. Although you cannot deny them agility of mind, intuition and a penchant for the arts.

The Gemini woman in her youth views love as an interesting pastime. Her pride is gratified by the attention of the opposite sex, because she has an attractive appearance. Over the years, the thrill of love adventures does not dull, but enters a new orbit. She seeks ease and entertainment, but often fails due to her inconstancy. If she is destined to experience true love, she demands the same all-consuming feeling from her chosen one and displays hypertrophied jealousy, bordering on neurasthenia.

Attempts to get married are made repeatedly. After the first early marriage, several more may follow. If a Gemini woman did not get married for the first time at a young age, then there is a chance to live in marriage for a long time. For family harmony, it is important that the spouse fulfills all the wishes of his chosen one. These women are in no hurry to burden themselves with children - the thirst for freedom and constant change of environment forces them to abandon everything that could limit this freedom.

Knowing about her extraordinary mental abilities, the Gemini woman starts many projects at the same time, but almost never completes her plans. This is caused by her indifference to the result, the desire for constant change and partly a tendency to deceive. An interesting characteristic of the sign is the general unsettled nature of life. Today a Gemini woman can swim in luxury and wealth, and tomorrow she can be left penniless. And at the same time, she does not want to listen to the advice of other people. He tries to turn a deaf ear to criticism and even irony addressed to himself, demonstrating indifference to ill-wishers as a defensive position.

A Gemini woman can find her happiness in the family, already in adulthood. By that time, she has gained life experience and agrees to give up her egocentrism. The ability to guess the secret thoughts of other people can serve well in family life. There is a chance to prevent conflict from arising and smooth out misunderstandings at the stage of their inception.

The Gemini woman is a real workaholic. She enthusiastically takes on any task at home and at work. But her natural disorganization does not allow others to appreciate her attitude to work. The Gemini woman scatters her attention on everything at once, so the impression of confusion and chaos in affairs is created. She tries to help her colleagues at the expense of completing her task, which leads to conflicts with her superiors.

The Gemini woman is distinguished by her sociable character. She can easily tell a lot to an almost stranger, shrewdly observing what exactly arouses his greatest interest. She can quickly determine the character of her interlocutor, even if she sees him for the first time.

Gemini women are fond of astrology, predictions, and are prone to extrasensory perception.

Gemini woman
Those born under the sign of Gemini from May 21 to June 21 have quite a lot of contradictions in their character, feelings and their entire way of life. This is an air sign, characterized by a tendency to

Gemini woman

Gemini Woman the most curious and intelligent of the entire zodiac. She is charming, light as a breeze, always youthful, fluttering through life like a butterfly.

Gemini Woman very attached to the material values ​​of life, intuitively feels her financial “wave”.

Gemini Woman wants to shine in conversation, to be the leader. Her diverse interests and rich communication experience make her the queen of public speaking.

Gemini Woman I am very picky about the order in my home. Any little things can throw her off balance. She likes everything to be in its place.

Gemini Woman in love she is very balanced and harmonious, she does not rush into the pool of passions. She treats her lovers as equal partners, giving them the opportunity to shine in society with their intelligence.

Gemini Woman chooses difficult and stressful work. Everything should boil and sparkle. It’s not surprising that she’s always either overwhelmed or in a rush.

A man you might like Gemini woman must be more mature, a person of a broad soul, with a huge horizon, rich both spiritually and materially. He must take off with her at any moment, go on a trip, change plans and... just have a sense of humor.

Gemini Woman does not like strict hierarchy in relationships, arrogant conversations, instructive speeches, demandingness and specificity.

Gemini Woman In her development, she strives for freedom and independence of communication and self-expression; she seeks and finds new friends everywhere, even in her homeland, even in Africa. And he loves to study everything unusual and unconventional.

Gemini Woman intuitively feels his “track” in the profession, chooses his path intuitively, with his heart. She devotes herself wholeheartedly to her chosen profession and achieves human recognition and love in it.

Gemini Woman meets friends quickly and is usually the first. She is distinguished by sincerity and honesty in friendship.

Gemini Woman inside he often worries about the hardships of earthly existence. After all, you need not only to communicate pleasantly, but also to think about your daily bread.

Gemini woman
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Gemini woman

The entire gentle appearance of the Gemini woman reflects the mobility, variability and spontaneity of nature. Your movements are fast and dexterous - just like your thoughts and actions. Gemini women are usually tall, slender, and look youthful, even after reaching a very advanced age.

You have good taste and know how to present yourself in such a way that you can conquer any society. In everyday life, you want to rely on a style that is close to sporty, as comfortable as possible and does not restrict movement. The sparkle in your eyes never goes out; your energy and liveliness attract men, including young men. YOU take care of yourself, keep your figure in good shape, for example, by visiting sports clubs, fitness centers and so on.

Gemini women are very smart and businesslike people with a deep and clear mind. YOU may sometimes seem frivolous, but this is actually far from the case. YOU are used to living exclusively for today, you are fickle and unpredictable. You can easily be offended or delighted by things that would leave others indifferent.

Your element is company, as it gives you the opportunity to satisfy the increased need for communication and shine with your talents. It costs you nothing to get closer to any social group and adequately maintain a conversation on any topic. Those around you are quite comfortable in your company, because you are friendly and flexible, but on the other hand, you can be very demanding and unyielding. Your restless nature forces you to be in constant motion, be physically active and undertake some sort of forays and travels. Your loved ones are involuntarily drawn into the same rhythm.

It’s simply unthinkable to imagine a Gemini woman going through documents for a long time and methodically or constantly chasing tea at work, not knowing what to do with herself. During the day you have time to go everywhere, communicate with a large number of colleagues and at the same time redo a lot of things, because the work is literally burning in your hands. You think very quickly when you make decisions, and you don't like it if someone thinks they are wrong. The Gemini woman is smart, knows how to find an approach to anyone, which ensures your success in work, however, your advancement up the career ladder is hampered by inconstancy, inconsistency, disorganization and the inability to concentrate on completing a specific task.

The Gemini woman will never allow herself to be completely deprived of personal freedom, but still dreams of true and faithful love. The problem is that you are looking for an ideal partner and cannot find one. Sometimes the search drags on for a lifetime, but never leads to the result you need.

This state of affairs ends with the fact that Gemini women often live feeling the incompleteness of life, a lack of feelings and suffering from the inability to find their man. But if you are lucky and you find a partner whom you consider worthy, then you will not only be happy yourself, but also make this man happy.

It cannot be said that the Gemini woman is not interested in the intimate side of relationships, but purely physical pleasure for you is not all that you need for complete satisfaction. It is extremely important for you that physical intimacy is complemented by spiritual and intellectual intimacy. But you yourself, due to your ineradicable penchant for novelty, can be a very addicted person. While maintaining affection for your partner, you can nevertheless be interested in other men, going far beyond the bounds of decency.

The horoscope warns that the Gemini woman is not suitable for a man who dreams of a calm family life. If a man once accomplishes the impossible - he conquers a Gemini woman, then he will have to live in such a tense rhythm for the rest of his life, because such a woman needs constant confirmation that next to her there really is a man who is worthy of her, the best of the best. In addition, many Gemini women are not initially inclined to devote their entire lives to their only companion. You never neglect the possibility of flirting, since you need to constantly receive confirmation of your attractiveness in the eyes of men.

On the other hand, a sincerely loving Gemini woman turns into a wonderful friend and assistant to her husband and takes an active part in his life, affairs and career. Despite all the possible problems in family life, in the event of separation you leave behind the warmest and most pleasant memories. At a minimum, none of your “exes” will be able to just forget about the time they spent with you. You yourself, even if you remain in the bosom of your family, will not devote yourself completely only to it.

What the home in which you are the owner looks like depends on your mood. With your characteristic speed, you can bring your house into perfect condition in a matter of hours or turn even the most standard apartment into a cozy, charming corner.

On the other hand, you may not pick up a rag or mop for weeks. It is quite natural for you that you can give up on the farm, bringing it into disrepair. The prospect of dealing with all this household routine does not make you happy at all. But still, even in everyday life, you always try to bring something new into everyday life, change or rearrange furniture, and periodically think about the next change of housing.

The Gemini woman loves children, but does not believe that she is obliged to devote her entire life and all her free time to them. Such a mother finds the prospect of looking after her children day and night quite tiresome. Usually, from early childhood, you strive to develop children intellectually, buy a whole arsenal of educational and educational games, and succeed a lot in this.

You enjoy having fun with children and are interested in their hobbies, although you can severely punish them in case of disobedience. However, you most often give your children a real free reign, and as a result, they grow up to be spoiled people who do not know what self-discipline is.

The Gemini woman attracts a man with her intelligence, varied interests and sociability. You can really talk about a lot with her. It’s hard to imagine her sitting for a long time without communicating. She needs information like air, and the more interesting, the better. She is always up to date with the latest information and news. Which allows her to be a wonderful, erudite interlocutor.

It’s hard to imagine that there is something that she hasn’t heard, known, or seen. She absorbs information like air, quickly processes, analyzes and notices important facts. In love relationships, she is guided more by reason than by feelings and emotions. Although she communicates quite emotionally and sincerely.

There is a weakness for coquetry and flirting. She likes to show off her knowledge and erudition, which attracts the attention of men even more. Sometimes her coquetry and flirting can be misleading that she expresses sympathy and feelings in this way. When in fact, she sometimes wants to have fun, thus show her femininity and get more attention and compliments.

She cannot stand boredom and monotony. She tends to constantly change, to be different. Sometimes there may even be duality in behavior. What she explained with liveliness today may lose its relevance over time, and she will refute it with the same confidence.

Moreover, it is very difficult to convict her of cunning and duality. She perfectly knows how to maneuver in difficult situations. He will find an excuse for everything and can move from topic to topic, so that the person will even forget what he started talking about. There is sometimes no consistency in her judgments, and thoughts and ideas fall on her interlocutor like a fountain.

But on the other hand, she is quite an interesting person, with versatile views and flexibility in relationships. She knows how to adapt, find an approach to a man, knows how to seduce him and interest him. In addition, her eloquence can disarm even the most inveterate skeptic. Her words are easy to believe, they are quite convincing. The only problem is that words often remain words. And her interest in a man can change quickly.

But this applies not only to men, but to her entire life; it can hardly be called stable. But on the other hand, this creates diversity that is important for her, and there is an opportunity to gain new impressions.

Positive qualities of a Gemini woman in love

  • Sociability
  • Openness
  • Information content
  • Contact
  • Curiosity
  • Erudition
  • Diverse interests
  • Activity
  • Mobility
  • Intellectual abilities
  • Analytical mind
  • Rationality
  • Wit
  • Impassivity
  • Flexibility in relationships
  • Persuasiveness
  • Dexterity in actions and words
  • Ease of contacts

Negative qualities of Gemini women in love

  • Lack of composure
  • Chaotic
  • Impermanence
  • windiness
  • frivolity
  • Irresponsibility
  • Impracticality
  • Superficiality of judgment
  • Unreliability

See also Characteristics of Gemini Characteristics of people of the Air element

Gemini woman in bed

Despite her weakness for flirting and coquetry, the Gemini woman is more excited by a man's mind than by bodily pleasures. She can treat them quite reservedly, and sometimes even with coldness. But the smarter and more interesting a man is, the more diverse he is, the more attractive and seductive he will seem to her.

The Gemini woman likes variety in bed, constantly coming up with something new. Sometimes she wants variety to the point of disgrace. Thus, she strives to create the atmosphere of novelty she needs. She is not characterized by stereotypical behavior, especially in bed. She has no complexes, does not strive to adhere to strict rules, and is always ready to compromise.

Sometimes in bed she can show her characteristic duality. One day be tender, affectionate, another day cold and inaccessible. There is no stability in her behavior. It changes, like gusts of wind, and so does she, sometimes warm, hot, sometimes cold and impassive. Most Gemini women have a moderate sexual temperament, although there are exceptions.

Who is suitable for a Gemini Woman?

A Gemini woman would like a man with a similar character, or at least someone with something in common between them. Despite the fact that she easily gets along in relationships and starts communicating without problems, she still won’t be interested in every man. And if her interest disappears, then communication along with the relationship can quickly end.

Men suit a Gemini woman

  • Active
  • Cheerful
  • Sociable
  • Versatile
  • Interesting
  • Generous
  • Erudite
  • Uncomplexed
  • Confident

Gemini woman will have difficulty with men

  • Conservative
  • Pedantic
  • Laconic
  • Inert
  • Homebodies
  • Overly emotional
  • Strict
  • Secretive
  • Demanding

Gemini woman in a relationship with a man


How to win a Gemini Woman

It is in vain to think that a Gemini woman can be won over with expensive gifts, jewelry and by creating a luxurious life for her. She certainly doesn't mind comfort. But most of all, she values ​​a man’s mental abilities and his intellectual potential. For her, material values ​​are not as important as a man’s intelligence, his versatile views, his ability to bring an element of novelty and impressions into a relationship.

Therefore, the more interesting and sociable a man is, the more chances he has to captivate a Gemini woman. But she needs to constantly be captivated and interested in something. Since she is a passionate nature, she is constantly interested in something. And if a man does not suit her with something, then she can easily replace him.

See also How to conquer a Gemini woman How to conquer a Gemini woman

Gemini woman in marriage

It is in vain to expect that a Gemini woman in marriage will limit herself only to household chores. She is not one of those women who can withdraw and do only household chores. She cannot bear life without communication and impressions. But at the same time, household chores will not suffer at all.

She deftly copes with household chores and worries and generally manages to do several things at the same time. She will find time for everything, including cleaning the house, cooking food, and meeting her friends, having a good time, having fun and chatting.

She doesn't tend to be a homebody. By her nature, she is quite mobile and confining herself within four walls is not for her. But on the other hand, due to its excessive mobility, it can be unassembled. It is difficult for her to concentrate for a long time on one thing. And with so many ideas in your head, you can often completely forget about what was promised. What may look like irresponsibility, frivolity, frivolity.

But on the other hand, she approaches relationships easily, does not dramatize problems, does not focus on problems. She does not tend to conflict and fight for leadership in relationships; she is not pedantic or strict.

It is important for her to have means of communication and information in her home. Sometimes she wishes there was a TV not only in the living room, but also in the kitchen, because while preparing food she can listen to the news that she adores. Internet is also required, and telephones are always at hand.

How to get a Gemini woman back

On the one hand, she easily gets along with men and knows how to communicate casually and interestingly. But he can also easily and easily break off relationships. At best, transfer the relationship to the category of friendship, with ordinary communication, without which she cannot live.

The problem is further aggravated by the fact that she does not tend to become emotionally attached to a man. She loves freedom, a free life, so that no one limits her in anything. When restrictions appear in a relationship, excessive seriousness, or interest disappears, then the relationship comes to a natural end. And she may lose interest in a man quite quickly.

But on the other hand, if she agrees to friendly communication, then there is still a chance of getting her back. It’s much worse when she completely starts to ignore the man, then it will be quite difficult to return the twin woman. This is how her element air, wind, manifests itself. And it is like the same wind, elusive, changeable, fickle, sometimes cold, sometimes warm, hot, then it can become cold again.

See also how to get a Gemini woman back How to make peace with a Gemini woman

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, and a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to find out more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

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