Children dance in the garden. How to choreograph a dance in kindergarten

  • 12.06.2019

We bring to your attention a methodological dictionary that contains various concepts from the field of pedagogy, which will be useful for educators and school teachers in their professional activities.

A project is any action
done with all the heart
and for a specific purpose.
W. H. Kilpatrick

Type. Cognitive-creative, informational, group.

Duration. Long term. This project is a musical-rhythmic psychotraining for children and teachers developing attention, will, memory, mobility and flexibility of thought processes aimed at developing musicality and emotionality, creative imagination, fantasy, the ability to improvise in movement to music, which requires free and conscious mastery body.

Relevance. On modern stage development, a tendency towards a deterioration in the health status of citizens of different ages has been identified. Therefore, concern for preserving and strengthening the health of children and adults is a priority in our society, since our country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy individuals.

Therefore, the health of children in Lately is becoming a priority in the work of many preschool educational institutions. teachers, medical workers are looking for new methods of preserving and strengthening the health of children, creating favorable conditions for their implementation, based on the results of diagnosing the health status and individual characteristics every child.

The most ancient sources testify to the healing power of music. The organic unity of music and movements is natural and necessary. Movements must reveal the content of the music, correspond to the character, form, dynamics, tempo and rhythm piece of music. Movements encourage conscious perception of a piece of music, and the music becomes more understandable and easier to assimilate, giving the movements special expressiveness, clarity, and rhythm.

Vivid examples of the relationship between music and movement are demonstrated by such sports as rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming. A significant place in the musical and rhythmic education of preschoolers is given to dancing. Children love to dance. By dancing they satisfy their natural need for movement. In the expressive rhythmic movements of the dance, feelings, thoughts, moods are revealed, and the character of children is revealed.

Dance- synthetic art. It is aimed at solving the musical-rhythmic, physical, aesthetic and mental development of children. Movements to music accustom them to collective action and help foster a sense of collectivism, friendship, camaraderie, and mutual respect. They strengthen the children's body. The satisfaction received by the child in the process of motor actions is accompanied by significant physiological changes in his body - breathing and blood circulation improve, excitement nervous system, causes increased activity in the higher parts of the brain associated with associative, intellectual and volitional qualities.

Dancing classes are very useful for physical development children: posture improves, body proportions improve, muscles become stronger. Gradually, children begin to move more easily, more gracefully, and become relaxed. Children develop qualities of movement such as lightness, flight, elasticity, dexterity, speed and energy. The movements of preschoolers become clearer, more expressive and beautiful.

Dancing helps children fall in love with music, sharpens emotional sensitivity, develops an ear for music and a sense of rhythm, and enriches children with new musical knowledge, expand their musical horizons, develop creative imagination and thinking. To convey the expressiveness of dance images, the child must remember not only the movements themselves, but also their sequence (which in itself has a positive effect on the development of memory and attention), mobilize imagination, observation, and creative activity.

Dance accustoms children to the norms of cultural communication. Children are taught modesty, goodwill, and friendliness. Boys begin to treat their partners with care. Dance becomes one of the means moral education child.

Currently, the attention of children and teachers is attracted by modern rhythms of music and new dances. Modern rhythmic dance is “the result of the interaction of rhythmic and plastic dance. It organically combines two opposing principles: complete subordination to internal laws musical form, dictating the rhythmic organization of movements, and freedom of plastic development, which is not associated with any dance tradition"Such dances include mandatory program dance skills (springs, hops, gallop steps, polkas, side steps, rhythmic claps, etc.), many of which are performed in a new modern manner. At the same time, new elements are introduced.

Dancing should be accessible to children and meet their technical capabilities.

Target. Organize musical and recreational work in preschool educational institutions, ensuring that each child maintains and strengthens mental and physical health in order to form a full-fledged personality of the child; to form, through music and rhythmic movements, various skills, abilities, and personality traits; identification and development of musical and creativity, formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle; teach the child to convey the character of a musical work, its figurative content through the plasticity of movements to the music.


Priority tasks: development of the ability to expressively, spiritually perform movements, the ability to improvise to unfamiliar music, the formation of adequate assessment and self-esteem; maintain a passion for music and plastic arts; development of artistic and creative abilities.

Educational objectives: develop the musical and creative abilities of preschool children in various types of musical activities, using health-saving technologies, based on the individual capabilities of each child; began to form musical culture; improve the practical use of musical and rhythmic units in the process of communicating with peers; create a subject-development environment and conditions for the formation of a harmonious, spiritually rich, physically healthy personality.

Educational: form positive attitude the child to the world around him, to his family, peers, himself; develop in children a positive assessment of reality, views, tastes, ideals, taking into account pronounced individual psychophysical characteristics, manifestations of talent in musical activities in preschool educational institutions and rural cultural institutions; bring up respectful attitude to the culture of the country, people, native republic; create positive basis to cultivate patriotic feelings.

Wellness: maintain and strengthen physical and mental health; create conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of each child; with the help of health-saving technologies, increase the adaptive capabilities of the child’s body (intensify protective properties, disease resistance); form correct posture, hygiene skills.

Hypothesis. Application non-traditional forms and methods of healing through teaching preschoolers modern dance will ensure the formation of a healthy harmonious developed personality.

Types of work. Viewing multimedia presentations dance art(ballet, folk, ballroom, modern, character, etc.); hearing musical compositions; learning songs and round dances; elements of musical and rhythmic compositions.

Project participants. Teachers, music director, children preparatory group, parents.

Expected results. Formation of a healthy lifestyle; reduction in disease levels; enriching social experience; broadening one's horizons; children mastering the skill of rhythmic and plastic self-expression based on modern dance; involving parents in a single space “family - kindergarten”.

Project implementation stages.

Stage 1. Preparatory (August-September) Setting goals and objectives; studying concepts related to the project topic; planning thematic educational activities; preparation of presentations: “Ballet”, “Ballroom dancing”, “Modern dancing”; replenishment of the subject-development environment; album creation folk costumes, as well as costumes for modern and characteristic dances; analysis of the results obtained, conclusions.

Stage 2. Practical (October-March) Interaction with group children and parents; implementation various forms work in all types of children's activities; organization of thematic educational activities; use of multimedia presentations to expand understanding of modern dance; the use of information albums on a given topic in educational and independent activity children; organizing joint creativity between teachers, children and parents: making costumes and dance paraphernalia; presentation of work experience in organizing the project in the media.

Stage 3. Generalizing (April) Generalization of work results in the form of consolidation of acquired knowledge; Team work teachers, parents and children of the preparatory group on the formation of a healthy lifestyle through pedagogical project"Seeds" of musical and recreational work in kindergarten through teaching preschoolers modern pop and ballroom dancing in the form of a reporting concert (appendix); presentation of the project "Grains" at SDK.

Methodological techniques. Display method, verbal, improvisational, illustrative visualization method, playful, concentric. Project effectiveness. Awareness of the need and importance of a healthy lifestyle; knowledge about modern types dances, development of a value attitude towards musical and rhythmic dance creativity; developing interest in joint creative activity; increasing the level of development of children's musical and creative abilities; stability emotional well-being every child; level up speech development; reduction in morbidity rates (in to a greater extent ORZ); stability of physical and mental performance in all seasons of the year, regardless of the weather; increasing parents' interest in participating in musical and rhythmic activities.

Perspective. In order to increase interest in a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to continue working in in this direction through the creation and implementation of new projects.

Conclusions. The hypothesis has been confirmed in practice: work on the formation of a healthy, harmoniously developed personality through teaching modern dance to preschoolers is quite effective, efficient and allows not only to preserve the child’s health, but also to develop in them knowledge about the types of dance art and to convey character musical image through plastic movements to music, expand the horizons of preschoolers; increases the motivation of children and parents to healthy image life.

Impossible without original dances. To set them up, the manager will need imagination. And, of course, it is necessary to prepare dances in kindergarten - these are kind of mini-performances. Therefore, you should carefully think through their plot, work out not only the movements, but also the facial expressions of the dancers. This article will tell you how to stage children's dances in kindergarten.

Dance "Matryoshka"

In addition to costumes, to stage this song you will need props - a child-sized model of a matryoshka doll on cardboard. All the girls in Russian folk sundresses, kerchiefs and painted cheeks are hiding behind him, standing behind each other’s heads in two ranks. The phonogram begins to sound, and to the music of the song “We are cuties, tumbler dolls,” one after another the girls “float out” from behind the nesting doll, holding on to the corners of their scarves and swaying slightly from side to side. Children's dances in kindergarten are not aimed at developing mastery in children, but so that the children are interested, so that they can overcome their embarrassment and tightness. Therefore, the movements themselves should be as simple as possible: “heel-toe”, swinging with arms folded on the chest like a “boat”, turns 360 degrees with a raised hand with a handkerchief.

children in kindergarten

You can stage a “Quadrille” very beautifully in the kindergarten. Russian folk children's dances in kindergarten turn into a real performance! Everyone knows the song “Quadrille” with words and music by V. Temnov, which makes for a fun performance. The first verse is introductory. The girls are on the sidelines “gnawing seeds” and from time to time they turn towards the boys and laugh contagiously. Boys in shirts tied with ropes and caps with large flowers above the visor are sitting on a bench with their hands folded on their chests. As the second verse begins, one stands up and waves his hand, as if to say: “Ah! Come what may!" - and heads towards the girls. The rest of the boys look at each other, laugh at him, pointing their fingers. But the brave man approaches the girls and ceremoniously invites one of them. She, just as primly, accepts the invitation, they hold hands, raise them with their “collars” and slowly walk in a circle to the music. The girl holds the edge of her dress with her other hand, the boy bends his hand behind his back. The rest of the boys look at each other, stand up, pull down their shirts, straighten their caps and, one after another, head towards the girls. After accepting their invitation to square dance, the dance itself begins. The movements of the quadrille are simple. Couples spin around, locking elbows, boys get down on one knee, and girls spin around them, holding their beau's hand. You can enable the “stream” movement - similar to what happens in the game of the same name. Swinging your arms in a “boat” motion, moving closer and further apart in pairs, holding both hands, playing “palm clappers” - all these movements are easy and the kids really like them.

Kindergarten graduation

The dance for this celebration must be associated with the school. Therefore, you can choose as musical accompaniment songs about school: “First time in first grade” to the music of Anna Agafonova and Kamila Izmailova or the famous “ School years wonderful." Children can wear school uniforms or just costumes. You can use the already described “Quadrille”, but in a converted version. Let the words of the song tell about how “Once upon a time, Russians, Valyusha, Alla, Tanya, Arkasha, Sasha, Vanya, entered kindergarten... They asked to see mom and dad and cried, and then, having played too much, they didn’t go back! » In such a “quadrille” you can include couplets about how children shared toys, starting fights, how they music lessons They organized miniature discos with “break” and “hip-hop”. But now they have already grown up, become serious, and very soon they will go to school, holding hands.



in dance production

for children of senior preschool age

Musical director:



(any rhythmic music)

Once upon a time there was a bear in the world and his name was Winnie the Pooh.

Description of the movement: hands - depict a “bear”.

On the count of 1 - right leg forward - to the side,

On the count of 2 - left foot forward - to the left side,

On the count of 3 – return the right leg to the starting position,

On the count of 4, return the left leg to the starting position.

And he had many friends: Owl, who cross-stitches.

Movement description:

On count 1 – step with your right foot to the side;

On the count of 2 - “cross”, that is, the left leg is behind the right;

On the count of 3 – step with your right foot to the side;

On the count of 4 – legs together.

The same goes to the left side.

He had a friend Rabbit.

Description of movement: legs are in VI position, hands near the chest (“paws”).

On the count of 1 – jump on two legs to the right;

On the count of 2 – jump back;

On set 3 – jump to the side;

On the count of 5 - step with the right foot to the right (the right leg is bent at the knee), arms above the head (“bunny ears”) - alternately forward;

On the count of 6 - the same movements as on the count of 5.

The Rabbit had a garden and picked apples.

Movement description:

On count 1 – step with your right foot to the left side forward;

On the count of 2 - the left leg is in front, bent at the knee, in the air; arms straight up - fists clenched;

On the count of 3 – step back with your left foot;

On the count of 4, return the right leg to the starting position.

Same thing in the other direction.

He also had a friend, Piglet, who had two balloons. One is blue and the other is green.

Movement description:

On count 1 – step with your right foot to the right, right hand up;

On the count of 2, the left foot was placed next to the right, the right hand was lowered down;

On count 3 - the same as on count 1;

On the count of 4 - the same as on the count of 2.

Same thing in the other direction.

And one day he flew on these balloons.

Description of the movement: starting position – legs in VI position, arms connected above the head into a fist (straight).

On count 1 – the right leg takes a step to the right;

On the count of 2, the left leg catches up and kicks up the right.

On count 3 - the same movements as on count 1;

On the count of 4 - return to the starting position.

But Vinny went to see his friend Eeyore for his birthday.

Description of the movement: we walk in place (count – 8).

On 4 counts – we walk, turning to the right;

On 4 counts - we step forward;

On 4 counts, we step backwards with our backs.

And along the way he walked through the forest. And there was a wind, the trees were bending.

Movement description:

On count 1 – step with the right foot to the right, arms tilt to the right;

On the count of 2 – legs together, arms down.

We do the same on the left side.

And the sun was shining.

Movement description:

For set 1 – step with your right foot to the right, raise your arms up (reach towards the sun);

We do the same on the left side.

And on the way he met a dog whose name was Jack.

Description of the movement: starting position – heels together, toes apart. Arms bent at the elbows (fists).

On the count of 1, we jump onto a wide path, that is, to the sides;

On the count of 2 - return to the starting position.

He also met a cat that did this:

On count 1 – step back with your right foot;

On the count of 2, we perform circular rotations with our hands;

On the count of 3 - return to the starting position.

We do the same with our left foot.

And she still jumped.

Description of the movement: starting position – legs together, arms bent at the elbows.

On the count of 1 - jump with your feet different sides, that is, the right leg is forward and the left leg is back;

On the count of 2 - to the starting position;

On the count of 3 – jump;

On the count of 4 - return to the starting position.

And Winnie the Pooh was so scared that he didn’t even know where to go next. And he went first to the right, then to the left, and back.

Description of movement: the starting position is the same.

On count 1 – step with the right foot to the left;

On count 2 - step forward with your left foot to the right;

On the count of 3 – step with the right foot to the right side;

On the count of 4 – left leg back.

Then Vinnie walked straight.

Description of movement: starting position – legs together.

On count 1 – step forward with your right foot;

On the count of 2 – step the left foot in place;

On the count of 3 – step back with your right foot;

On the count of 4, step your left foot in place.

Repeat everything again on the left leg.

And he went to the donkey Eeyore for his birthday.


(“Chico-Nico” CD “Good Hour”)

  1. 1 verse.

No, no, no, this can't happen:

An elephant cannot look like a hedgehog.

Our cat doesn't know how to bark.

Last year's snow cannot melt in summer.

  1. Verse 2

A girl cannot become a boy,

The hero from the book will not come to visit you.

Three times three is certainly not four.

You shouldn't play hockey in your own apartment.

  1. Chorus.

Maybe, maybe this too,

If you give a laugh to a friend.

Maybe, maybe it's a fine day in the morning.

Speak these words.

Luna-Pama, Luna-Pama, one, two, three.

Chico-Nico, Chico-Nico, repeat.

  1. Verse 3

No, the ball cannot become square.

Don't give you a bad night...

Alarm clocks do not grow in the garden.

There can be no morning exercises in the evening.

Description of dance movements.

  1. Introduction.
  2. 1 verse.

1 line: the index finger of the right hand is straight, and the other fingers are clenched into a fist. The right arm is bent at the elbow - movements to the right and left.

2nd line: We raise our hands up - we stand on our tiptoes, and then squat - our hands go down.

3rd line: soft movements with the hands (cat's paws).

4th line: the legs walk on a narrow path, the arms simultaneously move to the right, then to the left.

  1. Verse 2

Line 1: “spring”.

2nd line: we shake our fingers.

Line 3: “spring”.

4th line: we shake our fingers.

  1. Chorus.

1st line: clapping.

2nd line: We raise our hands up.

Line 3: clapping.

4th line: We raise our hands up.

Lines 5 and 6: “motor” to the right – 2 times, then to the left – 2 times. On 3 counts – clap in front of you.

  1. Losing.

We go hopping around in a circle.

  1. Verse 3

We go to the center of the circle by jumping - arms above our heads simultaneously to the right and left. Then back too.

  1. Chorus (repetition).
  2. Losing.

We go hopping around in a circle.

  1. Chorus (repetition).


(“Balalaika” by T. Morozova)

  1. 1 verse.

I'll hang a ribbon on my balalaika,

I'll sing a Russian song of freedom.

Let it float, float

Over the river and forest,

Let them soon hear my song.

Description of dance movements.

Participating: 2 boys and 2 girls.

Props: 2 balalaikas.

  1. Introduction.

Initial position– heels together, toes apart.

The girls stand in a line along the central wall, facing the audience. They perform a "spring". On the left is a column of boys with balalaikas over their shoulders.

  1. 1 verse.

The boys stand in their starting position. The girls slightly raise and spread both arms to the sides, bent at the elbows (“surprised”). Open palms look forward. Girls go around their partner on the right side, in quadrille steps (2 times), stopping to his right.

  1. Chorus.


1 line: perform smooth movements with their hands towards the balalaika, as if asking (2 times).

2nd line: Without lifting their toes from the floor, the girls rhythmically raise their heels, and at the same time, lifting their arms up, open out to the sides.

3 and 4 lines: spin around themselves to the right side, hands with a “skirt” - that is, with the thumb, index and middle fingers (pinch) of both hands, take the edges of the skirt and spread your arms to the sides - up.

Boys play the balalaika.

  1. Losing.

Couples move forward with heel steps. The boys walk importantly, a little imaginative. They stop in front of the audience.

  1. Verse 2

Boys perform deep squats 8 times with their feet on their heels. The girls do the “picking” task.

  1. Losing.

First the couple is walking to the right, turning their backs to the audience, and the other couple to the left. They stop facing each other.

  1. Chorus (repetition).
  2. Verse 3

The girls spin around, forming their own circle. Hands - "skirt".

The boys form their own circle, spin around, playing the balalaika.

  1. Chorus (repetition).

To repeat the chorus, couples line up in one column. They bow and joyfully leave the hall, saying goodbye.


(Audio cassette “Kaleidoscope” by E. Shmakov).

  1. 1 verse.

The wind waltzed with the clouds,

One two Three.

“Look,” I tell my mother,

And look at the waltz, look

And look at the waltz."

  1. Verse 2

I love modern dances

But it’s hard for me to compare them with the waltz.

Do I have a chance mommy?

Learn to dance it.

  1. Verse 3

My mother answers me sadly:

“We began to forget the waltz with everything.

Hurry up and start the record,

I’ll teach you to waltz.”

  1. Verse 4

Take one step and then two steps

Look, look at me.

Feel free to dance the waltz with me, daughter

One two Three.

  1. Verse 5

I hug the wind with my hands,

The wind sets the right rhythm for me.

And I'm spinning with the clouds,

One, two, three, one, two, three,

One two Three.

Description of dance movements.

  1. Introduction.

Couples stand in the upper left corner of the room. Hands are connected in the “Forward” position (“arrow”). The boy's left hand is behind his back, the girl's right hand is holding the dress.

The pairs walk in a circle and stop at four points, i.e. two pairs in front and two in back. Turning to each other, the hands are connected with a “candle”.

  1. 1 verse.

1st and 2nd phrase: take a side step towards each other, then do the same back.

3 and 4 phrase: couples swirl. The hands remain in this position. They stop sideways to the audience, facing each other.

  1. Verse 2

1st and 2nd phrase: couples, joining their hands in a “boat”, swing forward and backward.

3 and 4 phrase: hands - “boat”. The couples spin and stop facing the audience, standing at an extended distance. The boy's left hand is behind his back, and his right hand is connected to the girl's left hand. The right hand holds the dress.

  1. Verse 3

1st and 2nd phrase: The girl spins on the boy for a 3 count. On the 4th count he performs a “spring”. Then it does the same in reverse.

3 and 4 phrase: the boys kneel on their right knee, their left leg bent like a chair. The foot of the left leg is at the knee of the right leg. The girls are spinning around their boy.

  1. Losing.

1st and 2nd phrase: boys stand up - swinging left and right (shifting body weight), and girls run to the center of the circle - spin around themselves, and return to their partners.

  1. Verse 4

On the 4th count, the couples, having connected their hands with an arrow, walk forward with the usual step - “spring”. And for 4 counts the same thing, only backwards.

  1. Losing.

The boys kneel down on their right knee, their left leg bent like a chair. The foot of the left leg is at the knee of the right leg. Hands behind your back. The girls circle their boy once. Then they run to the next boy - spin around once, etc. in a circle, returning to their partner. The girl and boy turn to face each other.

  1. Verse 5

1st and 2nd phrase: swinging in pairs left and right (body weight transfer). Hands "boat".

3 and 4 phrase: couples spin around, hands in a boat shape.

  1. In conclusion stand in pairs, connecting your right hands in an asterisk, and for the last chord, leave your left foot to the side on your toe, slightly move your left hand and look to the left.


(melody by D. Verdi from the opera “La Traviata”

performed by P. Mauriat's orchestra)

Participating: 6 children (dressed up as cranes: hats on their heads, wings on their hands).

Initial position:children stand at the central wall in a “crane wedge”, the first is the “leader”.

  1. Introduction.

1 phrase: The first child runs out, flapping his wings, and stops in the center of the hall.

2 phrase : two Cranes fly up to him (also flapping their wings).

3rd phrase: the next three Cranes fly up and stand behind them.

Everyone flaps their wings until the end.

  1. 1 figure.

Starting position: main stance.

1-2 bars: all Cranes stretch to the right behind the right hand, legs slightly apart, body weight transferred to the right leg.

3-4 beats: return to i.p.

2nd phrase: the same to the left.

3rd phrase: Until the end of the music they stand, flapping their wings up and down.

  1. Repetition of music.

The cranes fly (easy run) behind the leader forward towards the audience, then along the side wall to the central one and return to the center of the hall without breaking the “wedge”.

  1. 2 figure.

Subject - repetition of movements of 1 figure (once to the right and once to the left).

  1. Losing.

1 bar: run forward to the audience.

2 measure:

3-4 measures: the same movements, only running back with your back.

Subject - repeating the movements of 1 figure (once to the right and once to the left).

  1. Losing.

1st beat: on lightly running, turn their backs to the audience.

2 measure: flap their wings twice (below).

3 measure: turn to face the audience.

4 measure: stop and flap their wings twice (below).

  1. Conclusion.

All the Cranes run away from the hall after the leader (flying in a wedge).


(“Light Up” performed by “People’s Artist”)

  1. 1 verse.

It caught fire, it sparkled,

Like a bright star.

As if born again

You are still young.

And the soul is not rusty,

My heart beats in my chest.

So, do your thing

There's more to come.

  1. Chorus.

This is not fun, this is not a game.

You have the right and it's time for you.

Light it up so it burns clearly

Light it so it doesn't go out.

Light up the stars in the blue sky,

Rock it, made in Russia.

  1. Verse 2

Give yourself luck

You are a star today.

And it can't be otherwise

Why, never.

You carry it around the world

This song with you

Everything that was left unsung

Finish your drink today.

Description of the dance movement.

Participating: 4 children.

  1. Introduction.

Feet - shoulder width apart. Hands slide along the body.

Perform sudden movements of arms and legs.

  1. 1 verse.

The hands are closed with a lock.

1 line: double “lock” to the shoulder (to the right, then to the left), the legs perform a double “path”.

2nd line: the same movements, but towards the knees.

3rd line: single “lock” to the shoulders (right-left), single “path”. The same movements to the knees.

4th line: one clap in front of you, one clap behind your back, a small “twist”.

Line 5: right hand forward, then left. Right hand on left shoulder, left hand on right shoulder(crossed).

Line 6: alternate hands on the belt (starting with the right hand), then the right hand forward, the left hand also forward.

Line 7: alternate arms to the sides.

Line 8: clap in front of you, clap behind your back, a little “twist”.

  1. Chorus.

1st and 2nd line: throwing the right leg forward while jumping (sideways towards the audience). Then the left leg.

3 and 4 lines: alternately raising your arms up, legs - “path”.

Lines 5 and 6: “unwinding” is performed in 3 steps. On the count of 4 - “spring” with a clap to the right and then to the left.

  1. Verse 2 (repetition).
  2. Chorus (repetition).
  3. In conclusion feet shoulder width apart. Right hand in front of you in front (shows that everything is ok!)


(“Tashlar, tashlar” performed by the group “Orange Boys”)

Participating: 4 girls and 4 boys in Chuvash national costumes.

Children stand sideways to the audience: 2 pairs stand on the right in a column, 2 pairs stand on the left in a column.

  1. Introduction.

On the count of 9: 1st and 3rd pairs go towards each other on 4 counts and turn to face the audience - go forward. Pairs 2 and 4 do the same movements, but stand behind them.

  1. 1 verse.

For 8 accounts: couples, joining their hands crosswise, spin to the right in a fall.

For 8 counts: circle to the left.

For 6 accounts: The girls perform the heel move on the spot. The boys walk heel to toe around their girl.

On the count of 7 and 8: perform a triple stomp. Then repeat again.

The boys clap their hands and the girls walk in a circle. They join hands and dance in a circle.

The boys squat on their right knee and slap their left knee with their left hand. The girls are spinning around their boy.

  1. Losing.

The girls clap their hands. The boys walk in a circle. With their hands on each other’s shoulders, they walk in a circle, “stomping”.

The girls clap. Boys perform a 4-count squat in place (arms are in the same position).

  1. Verse 2

The girls come up to their boys, grab them by the waist and “drag” them to their seats. After connecting their hands in a “lamb” manner, they spin 6 counts to the right and perform a triple stomp on the count of 7, 8. The same movements to the left.

  1. Verse 3

Couples go to the center. Form a circle by joining your hands. They walk to the right with their heels.

  1. Losing.

The couples go to their places, spinning like a lamb.

  1. Chorus.

The boys do a squat.

The girls walk in a circle on a count of 3, and on the count of 4 they stomp with their right foot next to their left foot. Then on count 3 they walk backwards, and on count 4 they stomp with their right foot next to their left.

  1. Losing.

Couples. those standing in front walk sideways to each other, “stomping”. The couples standing behind go forward to the couples standing in front for 4 counts. Couples, standing in a column, join hands, raise their hands up, then lower them down (“bow”).


(“Gypsy Girl”, audio cassette “Carnival”)

  1. 1 verse.

To the guitar chords

Playing with a bright shawl,

Under the slams and stomps

The girl came out barefoot.

And the guitar, oh, how it sang

The sounds of crying, sobbing,

And gypsy tunes

The curious were collected.

  1. Chorus.

Eh, gypsy girl, gypsy girl,

Crazy girl

Dance more joyfully, dark-skinned girl,

Help the ringing guitar.

And while the guitar sings,

The legs dance on their own,

Soul tearing sounds

They remain in the heart.

  1. Verse 2

And the girl sang along

Barefoot gang

And to the girl as a reward

The horse danced all sorts of ways.

Sparkling with gold

Who could do it, who couldn't

So kicking back, beating

Everyone shouted: “Eh, chavella.”

Description of dance movements.

Participating: 4 girls and 4 boys.

  1. Introduction.

The gypsies, holding the ends of the skirt with their hands on the sides, come forward to the audience. They twirl and crouch.

  1. 1 verse.

In a sitting position, gypsies perform the same movements with their hands to the right and left. At the end of the chorus, stand on both feet.

  1. Chorus.

1 phrase: holding the ends of the skirt, the gypsies perform a stamp with their right foot.

Phrase 2: they spin around themselves, falling on their right leg.

Phrase 3: side gallop (4 counts) to the right, then left (4 counts).

4th phrase: they spin around themselves, falling on their right leg.

  1. Losing.

Gypsies walk one after another in a circle, “playing” with their skirts.

Gypsies - boys come out (starting position - right hand behind the back of the head, and left hand behind the belt). And at this time, the gypsy girls spin around themselves, falling on their right legs.

  1. Verse 2

Phrase 1 and 2: the girls sat down and simultaneously lifted the ends of their skirts up and down.

Boys circle around their girls.

Phrase 3 and 4: boys perform the “vest” movement. Gypsy girls spin around boys.

  1. Chorus (repetition).

The same thing, but everything is done in pairs.

  1. Losing.

They walk in pairs in a circle.

  1. Chorus (repetition).


(“Rain” - CD “Clap Your Hands”)

  1. 1 verse.

The rain is drizzling outside the window,

Doesn't let me go without an umbrella

Making circles in the puddles,

It goes on and on all day.

There is silence in my room,

The room is cozy and warm.

And I'm sitting at home alone,

And I look at the rain out the window.

  1. Chorus.

Rain. Rain,


Doesn't allow me to go for walks.

Rain, rain,

It pours and pours

Doesn't let us go for a walk.

  1. Verse 2

But I won't wait any longer

Let it rain today.

Tomorrow I'll walk through the puddles

I'll be there all day long.

Let the water flow from the branches,

And everything is strewn with leaves.

Autumn is the golden time,

How can I not love her?

Description of dance movements.

Participating: 4-6 girls.

Props: umbrellas.

  1. Introduction.

The girls stand in a checkerboard pattern. In front of each girl there is an open umbrella on the floor. Perform imitating the movement of droplets falling onto the palm.

  1. 1 verse.

1-4 lines: Taking umbrellas and placing them on their right shoulders, the girls walk in a circle. The left hand holds the dress.

5-6 lines: go to the center of the circle for 3 counts, and on the count of 4 they perform a “spring” and back.

7-8 lines: running on tiptoes to their seats.

  1. Chorus.

1 line: take an additional step with a “spring” to the right.

2nd line: side step with a “spring” to the left.

3rd line: the same movements as in lines 1 and 2.

4-6 lines: spinning around themselves.

  1. Losing.

Stretching the umbrellas forward, they twirl them.

  1. Verse 2

1-4 lines: the girls divide into two circles and walk in a circle.

5-8 lines: turning their backs to each other, holding their umbrellas forward, they walk in small steps in a circle.

  1. Chorus (repetition).
  1. Losing.

The girls go forward (towards the audience) on 4 counts - spinning around themselves. Then, for 4 counts, they go backwards with their backs - spinning.

  1. Chorus (repetition).
  2. In conclusion girls put umbrellas on the floor - onlast chordarms are raised up to the sides.



Participating: 3 children (if boys wear a tuxedo and top hat).

Props: canes.

Description of dance movements.

1. The right hand holds a cane (the cane is on the floor), the left hand is on the belt. The right leg bends at the knee and straightens every other time.

2 . Starting with the right leg, go forward (4 counts), the cane is in the right hand, where the waist is.

4. Starting with the right leg, go forward (4 counts), the cane is in the right hand, where the waist is.

5. For 4 counts, tap the cane on the floor, feet together.

6 Perform 2 side steps to the right, hands hold the cane and at the same time perform the movement together with the leg.

7. The same goes to the left side.

8. The legs are in a “path”, the arms alternately raise and lower the cane in front of them.

9. The girls place the cane next to their right leg and spin around it (for 6 counts) and for the count of 7, 8 - they stomp their right and then their left foot next to the other leg.

10. For 4 counts, tap the cane on the floor, feet together.

11. For 4 counts, tap the cane on the floor, feet together.

12. For 4 counts, tap the cane on the floor, feet together.

13. For 4 counts, tap the cane on the floor, feet together.

14 On the count of 1, raise the right leg 45 degrees, on the count of 2, raise the left leg. Perform this movement 4 more times. Hands hold the cane in front of you.

15. They spin around the cane (for 6 counts) and for the count of 7, 8 - stomp with the right foot next to the left, then stomp with the left foot next to the right.

16. In conclusion one after another they leave in a circle, saying goodbye with their right hand, and their left hand holding a cane.


(“Harmonist Timoshka” by T. Morozova)

  1. 1 verse.

All day long there is an accordion in the yard under the window,

It makes my head spin.

Don't lure me in either.

Don't play, don't play, accordionist Timoshka,

Don't lure me in either!

  1. Verse 2

I'm not myself from such melodies,

I don't care - I don't care.

Let's sing, let's sing about this and that.

So be it, let's sit, sit for a while,

Let's sing, let's sing about this and that.

  1. Chorus.

Sing songs and dance from heel to toe,

Golden planks, beauty maiden,

Have fun, have fun, Russian soul!

  1. Verse 3

We sit and sing about everything in the world:

About flowers, about spring and about love,

A stronger friendship than ours cannot be found,

Look into my eyes, my friend Timosha,

A stronger friendship than ours cannot be found.

Description of dance movements.

Participating: 4 boys and 4 girls in Russian costumes.

Props: accordion.

  1. Introduction.

The boy holds an accordion in his hands and plays it. Then a girl runs up to him and moves her skirt back and forth.

  1. 1 verse.

The girl performs movements according to the text of the song, and the boy plays the harmonica.

3 pairs come out one after another. They go in circles. The hands are connected by a “lamb”. They stop in their places and spin around like a boat.

At the end of the verse, 1 pair goes to their place.

  1. Verse 2

Pairs walk in a circle and make “gates” (pass through them). After which the boys go to the left, and the girls to the right. A girl and a boy join together in the center of the hall and go in pairs to their places - they spin around like a boat, throwing their legs back.

  1. Chorus.

Phrase 1 and 2: boys do a squat. Girls circle around boys.

Phrase 3 and 4: having joined your hands in a “boat”, they perform a side jump to each other and back, then spin around.

  1. Verse 3

Phrase 1 and 2: girls run on their toes to the center of the circle and “whisper.” The boys are “surprised” - they slightly raise and spread both arms to the sides, bent at the elbows.

Phrase 3 and 4: boys run after girls. Taking the girls by the waist, they drag them to their place. Having arrived at their place, they spin around (hands like a lamb).

  1. Chorus (repetition).

In conclusion couples stand facing the audience. Girls hold the ends of their dresses, boys hold their hands on their belts.


(“I’ll take you to the tundra” group “Na-na”)

  1. 1 verse.

I will take you to the tundra, I will take you to the gray snows.

With the white skin of a bear I will throw them at your feet.

Through the crisp frost we will hasten to the ends of the Earth

And among the smoky snowdrifts we will get lost in the distance.

  1. Chorus.

We'll go, we'll race on reindeer early in the morning,

And we will desperately rush straight into the snowy dawn.

You will learn that it is in vain that they call the extreme north

And you will see it is endless, I give it to you.

  1. Verse 2

I’ll take you to the tundra, I’ll take you alone.

I will wrap the bright northern lights around your shoulders,

Starry frost will light up on your eyelashes like silver,

We will collect as many gems as you want.

  1. Verse 3

I'll take you to the tundra and then you, too, will suddenly understand,

Why is the Arctic Circle so beckoning and calling to you?

It’s okay that there are snowstorms here, it’s okay that it’s cold,

You will fall in love with the extreme north, you will never stop loving it.

Description of dance movements.

Participating: 4 girls in northern costumes.

  1. Introduction.

The girls stand in a square.

Hands to the right side (straight) - raise and lower your shoulders at the same time, then do the same to the left side (for 8 counts).

Spin around themselves (for 8 counts).

  1. 1 verse.

1 line:arms crosswise above your head, running forward on your toes (8 counts).

2nd line:run back, the starting position is the same.

3 and 4 lines:We spin around ourselves, arms to the sides (palms facing the wall).

  1. Chorus.

1 and 2 lines:fists in front of the chest, elbows bent, legs performing a “spring”.

3 and 4 lines:spinning around themselves, arms crossed over their heads.

  1. Verse 2

1 and 2 lines:running on tiptoes in a circle, holding hands.

3 and 4 lines:step with the right foot into the center of the circle - the head is thrown back, step back - the head is in its original position.

  1. Chorus(repetition).

Only in a circle.

  1. Losing.

The girls sat on the floor (in a circle). Arms to the sides - raise and lower your shoulders at the same time.

  1. Verse 3

They get to their feet and run around the tree in one circle on their toes. Hands hold the skirt. At the end they run to their places.

  1. Chorus(repetition).
  2. Conclusion.

Spin around themselves, arms crossed over their heads. For the last chord – arms up to the sides.


(“Fortune Teller” from the Vitas repertoire)

  1. 1 verse.

Fashion changes daily

At least as long as it's worth it White light.

Here is a gypsy with an old deck,

At least one client will be found.

Waiting for impossible miracles

At least someone will knock on her door.

And she will tell and explain

Their noble kings.

  1. Chorus.

Well what can I say, what can I say

That's how people are built.

They want to know, they want to know,

They want to know what will happen.

  1. Verse 2

Happiness in life will be predicted by fortune telling,
And the sudden blow is fatal.
A government house with a distant road,
And love to the grave.
Old cards will fall like a fan
On a scarf with fringed edges,
And the gypsy herself will suddenly believe
To your noble kings.

  1. Verse 3

Time destroys granite castles,
And the cities are covered in sand
But for the cards that the gypsy is holding
They have no significance for the year.
My heart swells, listening to the fortune teller,
And at all the crossroads of the earth
Facial expressions without changing
Noble kings lie.

Description of dance movements.

Participating: 4 girls.

In the center of the hall there are two fake cards, behind which gypsies are hiding (two gypsies behind each card).

  1. 1 verse.

1 - 4 lines:2 gypsies come forward to the audience, holding the ends of their skirts, as if “playing” with their skirts.

5-8 lines:The gypsies who have come out are circling around themselves. 3 and 4 gypsies also come out and perform the same movements. Same as the first two.

  1. Chorus.

They walk in a circle, “playing” with the skirt, then stopping, moving to the center of the circle for 4 counts and back. Then they spin around themselves.

  1. Verse 2

The first gypsy takes out cards and passes between the other gypsies. The rest of the gypsies crouched down and simultaneously lifted their skirts up and down.

  1. Chorus(repetition).
  2. Losing.
  3. Verse 3

Gypsies “play” with their shoulders, tilting their body first and then back.

Perform a side gallop to the right - 1 and 3 gypsies, to the left - 2 and 4 gypsies. Then vice versa.


(“Birches” performed by the group “Lube”)

Participating: 12 girls with green branches.

Starting position: the girls stand in two columns near the central wall, the branches are lowered.

Description of dance movements.

Why is this so.....

1. They walk in round dance steps to the opposite wall, arms with branches are lowered. Forming two circles, they are rearranged into two columns at opposite walls, the branches are held at the top.

I'll go down the road......

2. They pass with a comb, meeting in the center, lift the branches up, shaking them slightly (the branches tremble). So they change places twice.

And on the heart………

3. Form big circle, walk in a round dance step, arms slightly moved to the sides.


4. They form two circles and move in different directions.

Let's sit on the path...

5. The large and small circles change places, narrowing the circle, lifting the branches up (trembling).

From what…..

6. Forming a circle, they walk in a snake towards the central wall and stand in two lines.

And on the heart...

7. They pass with a “comb”, the row going forward raises its arms up, slightly swaying the branches.


8. Line up in a semicircle, bow.



Participating: boys in pairs.

The boys stand behind each other (in a column), hands on their belts.

1 The boys run out in leaps, run a circle and take their places (in a checkerboard pattern) facing the audience.

2 . Hands in front of the chest (as if holding a lasso), legs together. Perform jumps in place - arms forward (straight) and back.


4. Legs are in third position, hands on the belt. Alternately, the heels are lifted off the floor (for 7 counts) and for the count of 8, we place the right foot on the heel. Then the same movement with the left leg.

5. They run around in circles and stop.

6. Hands in front of the chest (as if holding a lasso), legs together. Perform jumps in place - arms forward (straight) and back.

7. The legs perform a “spring” - the right hand makes circles above the head, the left hand is on the belt.

8. They spin around themselves in jumps.

9. They jump back to their places.

10. Boys perform a side gallop to the right side (for a count of 3) and for a count of 4 - stomp with their left leg next to their right leg. Then do the same to the left. Onconclusion- They run away one after another.


Participating: 3 girls

Initial position:The girls stand in the center in one column. Two fans are held in front of the chest, fanning them lightly.

  1. The first girl raises the fans up from the sides and remains in this position (count by 4).

The second girl spreads her arms to the sides and remains in this position (count 4).

The third girl spreads her arms slightly to the sides so that her fans are lower than those of the second girl (count 4).

Everyone brings the fans together in front of the chest (count 4).

2 . The third girl moves to the left with two extra steps (count 4).

The second girl moves to the right with two side steps (count 4).

The first girl does a spring, fanning herself (count 4).

Everyone spins around themselves together to the left side of the fan in front of the chest (count 4).

3. The presenter is the first the girl is walking on tiptoes, swinging his arms like wings, he goes around the third, and then the second, in a figure eight. The second and third girls make a spring, turning half a turn, showing either the right or the left fan (count 8). Then they flap their wings like birds (count 8) and stop with their backs to the audience.

4. The girls, standing with their backs to the audience without lifting their legs, turn their faces half a turn and show their fans. First right, then left. This movement is repeated 8 times. Then they spin around (arms to the sides, flapping their wings like birds) (count 8). While circling, they line up.

5. Go forward 4 steps - bow and back 4 steps - bow. Repeated 2 times.

  1. Two additional steps to the right, with smooth circular movements with fans in the direction of movement, two additional steps to the left in the same way (count 4).

Wave your fans in front of you in waves (count 4). Repeat everything 2 times.

  1. onconclusion– step back in small steps and bow.


(“Folk dance” audio cassette “Dances of the peoples of the world”)

Participating: 2 girls in Spanish costumes.

Starting position: girls stand facing the audience on the same line.

1. The first girl, with a “creeping” step (on her toes and half-bent legs), runs out to her place, does a triple step and puts her foot on her toes to the side - 2 times.

2. The second girl performs the same movements.

3. Both girls clap on the right side, legs - “path” (for 8 counts).

4. We perform a lunge - arms crosswise 2 times to the right, then 2 times to the left.

5. The girls, turning to face each other, walk towards each other (in 4 counts) - they rise on half-toes, walk around each other (“before-before-before”); They move away from each other and freeze, turning away from each other. Hands are held at the left hip.

6. They spin around themselves (the right hand holds the dress, the left hand holds the back).

7. Legs - “path”, arms crosswise in front of the chest. For 4 counts, we raise our arms up through the sides; for 4 counts, we lower our arms down (crosswise). This movement is repeated again.

8. They move away in different directions and meet in the center of the hall - spinning (looking at each other); go to their seats facing the audience.

9. Claps on the right side, legs - “path”.

10. Lunge – arms crosswise to the right side, then to the left.

11. The right leg performs a semicircle in the air, then we do a double-legged dismount.

Project “World of Dance!” (senior group). The final musical and creative leisure activity "Little Princess".

Project type: informational-creative, educational, gaming.
Project duration: short-term - 1 week (from 11/13/2015 to 11/27/2015)
According to the composition of project participants: group.
Project participants: parents, children senior group, teacher.
Relevance and pedagogical expediency:
The relevance of this topic is determined social significance problems of raising active creative personality. The solution to this important problem begins already in preschool age. It is in kindergarten that children become acquainted with dance and their first active involvement in this type of creative activity. Music and movement help raise children and provide an opportunity to explore the world. Through music and movement, a child develops not only artistic taste and creative imagination, but also a love for life, man, nature, and an inner spiritual world child. Musical-rhythmic and dance moves perform the function of mental and somatic relaxation, restore a person’s vital energy and his sense of self as an individual.
A fairly wide use of dance is envisaged in the aesthetic education of children and the formation of their creativity.
The problem is that it is necessary to continue to develop in preschoolers the musical, rhythmic and dance movements inherent in nature, because musical and rhythmic creativity can develop successfully only under the condition of targeted guidance from the teacher, and proper organization and carrying out this type of creativity will help the child develop his creative abilities.
Objective of the project:
To develop the creative abilities of children of senior preschool age, the need for self-expression in movement to music through dance activities.
introduce children to various types dances (music, composer, history).
development of musicality (emotional responsiveness to music, auditory perceptions, sense of rhythm);
formation of artistic taste;
development of expressiveness of movement;
development of movement coordination.

nurturing interest in rhythmic classes;
psychological liberation of the child, creativity in movements;
development of thinking, imagination, cognitive activity;
cultivate a love for ancient Russian dances, Russian folklore, etc.
Expected results:
Manifestation of independence and creative initiative in children of senior preschool age in dance.
Transition to detailed and complex dance compositions, using which one develops children's creativity in motion (performing and compositional).
Revealing the individuality of each child.
Children are eager to learn to dance.
Increasing interest in children's musical activities,
Understanding the need for cooperation in solving common problems musical development children,
Active interaction with parents.
Musical director:
Organization of work with children, taking into account children's interests and capabilities. Methods of activity: Verbal (conversations, situational conversation, explanations, artistic word). Visual (demonstration of video recordings). Practical (exercises of imitative performance and creative demonstration). Game (use of game situations and motivations in teaching and performing improvisations).
Active forms of work with parents: Organization of work on preparing concert costumes for musical leisure.
Technical support: The use of ICT to more clearly show high-quality illustrative material. Media library: Multimedia presentations Phonograms with recordings of music of various styles. Equipment: Various items for dance creativity(colored scarves, ribbons, rings, balls, wooden spoons, sultans, etc.)
Costumes for performances. Stage 1: Organizational and preparatory: Selection musical repertoire. Selection of dances taking into account individual and age characteristics children.
Compilation long-term plan using the repertoire: 1. Russian folk dance. 2. Polka. 3. Waltz. - Optimal interaction of all participants in the educational process.
Stage 2: Basic (practical). Organized educational activities:
Conversation “The influence of dance on the human body.” Conversation “Who is a dancer?” History and variety of dances, discussions on the content of dances.
Game on musical instruments.
Musical and didactic games, simulation games, game tasks.
Preparation for the final event “Little Princess”.
Musical and play situations using modern children's dances.
Purpose: to determine the characteristics of children’s knowledge of the musical repertoire.
1. "Musical Lotto"
Picture cards (according to the number of children playing) illustrating the content of the dances.

2. "Guessing Game"
Discs with recordings.
Progress: A dance sounds, the child names the type of dance. For the correct answer - points. Whoever has more points wins.
Stage 3: Final. Musical leisure "Little Princess".

Conclusion We can draw the following conclusion: consistent and systematic work on solving problems in the field of musical, rhythmic and dance activities develops children’s imagination, their creative activity, and teaches them a conscious attitude towards the perceived music and emotional and dynamic understanding of movements. Children's creativity increases and leads to positive results if pedagogical activity in musical-rhythmic and dance direction implemented in accordance with their preparedness. All this fills the child with joy, and creating joyful conditions for children to stay in preschool institution– the main task of the teacher.

"Little Princess". Entertainment for older children

Solemn music sounds. The presenter enters the hall.
Ved.: Good evening dear guests! We are glad to see you in our hall today!
Rumor has been going around for a long time,
What a wonderful country there is.
At least go around the whole wide world.
But there is no better state.
Princesses live in that country.
They dance and sing.
Smart, beautiful, cheerful.
They can do everything, they are kind at heart.
And so a decree was issued in the country.
We will find out now.
Music is playing. A child (boy) enters the hall. He reads the decree:
Attention! Attention!
Hurry to our kindergarten!
Today in our kindergarten
We are opening the ball.
Beautiful princesses
Great craftswomen,
With your talents,
Are you ready to fight?
Ved.: Our young princesses heard our royal decree and began to prepare. They took the most beautiful outfits with them and came to our kingdom. I invite all princesses to join us!
The girls enter to the music. The boys lead them out by the hand.
Ved.: It is my pleasure to present to you:
Princess Pauline…….(etc.)
Children sit on chairs.
Ved.: Our ball has begun! But, I want to remind you that our ball is also a competition, we want to choose the best girl.
And for this they need a lot of talents and skills. They came in beautiful outfits, learned dances and songs, and prepared to solve difficult problems.
Ved.: And who will judge which princess will be the winner, because they are all so good!
In order to properly evaluate the merits young participants, we have selected a jury that will evaluate the competitions.
Allow me to introduce:….. (jury presentation)
Ved.: Well, let's continue. After all, our participants are looking forward to their appearance to talk about themselves. We invite…..
(Each girl talks about herself).
Ved.: It seems that the girls presented themselves well. And I invite the jury to sum up.
Ved.: I want to open one little secret. Our princesses came not alone, but with their mothers. After all, it was their mothers who helped them prepare for our competition. Let's greet them with applause.
(Applause sounds)
Ved.: And now a word to our boys.
1 Child:
Fashionable dresses.
Heels, hairstyles,
Brooches, pins.
Bows, combs.
Lace, velvet,
Rhinestones, flowers,
All this is needed
For such beauty.
2 Child: Oh, what a beauty
Just a sight for sore eyes!
Everything from holiday outfits
Just a sight for sore eyes!
Ved.: Dear guests, get ready to clap, our contestants are starting a real fashion show. They will present their outfits, which they prepared together with their mothers.
(Girls show off dresses)
Ved.: Our princesses are good, let's ask the jury to count the points.
Ved.: Well, well, while our participants are preparing for the next competition, I invite the boys to sing ditties about our girls. Come out boys!
(Boys sing ditties about girls)
Ved.: It's no secret that princesses must be able to dance. After all, they are future queens. And so, our third competition.
(Group 1 of girls is dancing, group 2 is getting ready)
Ved.: I invite our young gentlemen to compete in their wits and solve riddles:
(Riddles about girls).
Ved.: And now, the second group of girls will perform their dance.
Ved.: But princesses must not only dance, but also know the names of the dances. And now they will show us their knowledge. And they will guess by tearing off a petal from a flower. On each petal there is a task.
Ved.: While our esteemed jury sums up the results, a song will be performed by the children.
The song is being performed...
1 Child: Children love pies
And with cabbage and jam.
They love marmalade very much
And chocolate chip cookies.
Girls love cakes
To have more cream.
2 Child:
Boys love soufflé
With chocolate and cake.
Well I love pie
Delicious and cheesy.
So that mom and sister
Having prepared it early in the morning,
Wake me up
Delicious smell from the kitchen.
Ved.: Now, we have the opportunity to evaluate the culinary abilities of the participants. Dear mothers and princesses, I ask you to go to the middle of the hall.
Ved.: Dear jury, please rate the competition. And for you, dear guests, our dance “Chamomile”.
Performing a general dance. Ved.: Our competition is over. All the princesses today were delightful, charming, talented and charming.
So, the jury has already summed up the results of our competition and therefore we invite our princesses to the award ceremony.
Ved.: Once again we give applause to our princesses! The floor is given to the chairman of the jury... ANNOUNCEMENT OF NOMINATIONS
1. Princess Charming
2. Princess Miss Little Star
3. Princess Fashionista
4. Princess Little Fairy
5. Princess Smile, etc.
Ved.: Our boys also want to express their recognition to the girls and give them flowers. (The boys come out, each holding a live rose in their hand. They get down on one knee in front of the girls and give them flowers).
Ved.: Today our princesses were helped by their mothers. They also deserve our applause. Dear guests, all good things come to an end. And our ball also came to an end. We don't say goodbye because we invite you to the tea room, i.e. to our group for tea.
Tea party.

Most adults believe that dance classes- this is a waste of time. Especially if their child will dance in kindergarten and not study additional mathematics. Are they right? The answer is clear - no.

Dancing is a most interesting and enjoyable activity. Through in kindergarten is being decided great amount tasks related to the development of fine and gross motor skills, musical ear, flexibility and smoothness of movements, ability to work in pairs, teams, discipline, creativity, intelligence and memory. And most importantly, dancing gives the child the opportunity to have a good time.

in kindergarten give the correct load on the heart, perfectly train all muscle groups, joints, vestibular apparatus, and form correct posture.

But it is worth remembering that it is recommended to practice dancing with three years. We must understand that in preschool age the foundations of personal, mental and physical development begin to form and be laid. In this type of activity, children memorize dance compositions, learn to interact with each other, improvise and navigate correctly in space.

Teacher conducting dancing in kindergarten, introduces children to cultural heritage your country through folk dances. In addition, children love to perform rhythmic movements and under modern music, one of the directions is . And it doesn’t matter whether the child moves correctly or not, the most important thing is to express yourself through performing movements to the music.

When organizing classes, he should not keep the child within certain limits; he is obliged to give only a positive assessment of his actions.

At 4-5 years old, children learn simple movements and simple dance compositions. At 6-7 years old they master more complex movements using props. Children demonstrate their talents at holidays and entertainment events. Parents are amazed by the performances of little dancers. Showing your skills and talent in front of a large audience allows you to get rid of stiffness and feelings of fear, which will undoubtedly come in handy in the future.

Elements of choreography are used when theatrical production for a more revealed and vivid development of the plot.

Psychologists have long proven the fact that children who engage in this type of activity are ahead of their peers in development, are successful in their studies, and better develop mathematical and logical concepts, speech, and the ability to quickly navigate in space.

Helps develop such personality qualities as: hard work, determination, organization. Children who are withdrawn become sociable and relaxed. This type of activity can even help solve some psychological problems, which is why very often mentally retarded children are enrolled in special dance clubs.