A minute of glory conflict with Litvinova. Continued: Yuri Aksyut lost his right hand after the scandal on the "Minute of Glory"

  • 14.06.2019

The well-known Russian actress has been sharply discussed by users of the network for several days in a row, which are outraged by his behavior as a judge on the "Minute of Glory" show. In the Russian runet, the artist announced a real boycott, who hurried to support the scandalous well-known journalist, who believes that Litvinova is not a moral authority, which has the right to judge people for their talents, reports "Day.ru".

Renata Litvinova - Judge Show "Minute Glory" | mixnews.lv

The scandal around Renata Litvinova occurred after the next release of the show "Minute of Glory", during which the artist in the role of the judge sharply criticized the 8-year-old participant Vika Starikov, who performed on the stage "to live in your head" on the scene. Due to criticism, the judge girl burst into the scene, which caused outrage from the viewers of the project.

The second "victim" of Litvinova on the "Minute of Glory" was the dancer-disabled Yevgeny Smirnov, who performed a dance on the song and "together" on stage. The actress called the participant "amputant", after which accused of operating this delicate theme, advised him to "fasten" the second limb. This comment Litvinova "finished" the audience, which for several days in a row requires disbanding the judging composition "Minutes of Glory".

Supported the indignant Russian journalist Otar Kushanashvili. On his page in Instagram, he in his characteristic manner sharply "kicked" Litvinov, stating that she "lives with life with life" and it could not be allowed to judge people, and especially children.

Masterpieces !!! My masterpieces against your Valtasarov Pir. My masterpieces cause mental vibrations. Today - about Renat Litvinov, the alopecia of it is processed, and the type that makes money for good deeds (PR Ali is small, which?). Litvinova. The function of those who are annoyed to sit in the jury is a moral authority, in this case not so much even professional. But what, to the hell of the dog, the moral authority of Litvinova?! She has a fabulous ability to be with life with a lotway and corpuscot, she is colorful, like a Baranonian grandmother, she was invited to see, she and glad to try. But if she is a normal jury member, then I am the reincarnation of Arno Babajanyan. Her snobbery and applub, her Mofistophelevsky charm is completely inappropriate where it is necessary to be able to pick up words not to hurt people, not to mention the children. I have seen some fragments of the notorious refereeing. She and others behave like oracles like demiurges, in verification being chemically pure cattle, similar to broaching bars. But if you take her films - this is such a pseudo-esthet, chonic, gomeric, pitch horror, which is strange that they were entrusted to the fate of people. Ermilov. PR is or not PR, a person is doing a thing. Well, how is it simple, it is finely arranged for your gross, sales, nasty world, where everyone participates in Valtasar Pirass and have flawed cleaned brains? I do not know all the details, the rich, as a rule, the marked people, but we hope that we are dealing with the exception of the rule. # Otarkushanashvili # Otar # Kusanashvili # journalist # Lingerie # Shooubus # Masterpieces # Litvinova # Renatalytvinova # jury # minute # Yermilov

Appearance Litvinovain the "Minute of Glory" improved ratings and without that popular project. Negative, and sometimes caustic comments The actresses to the participants do not always coincide with the opinion of the audience and cause a squall of critics into its address. Last week, Renata surpassed himself, trying to evaluate the number Evgenia Smirnova. The history of this guy many knew to the "Minute of Glory". The dancer lost his foot as a result of the car accident, but did not quit a favorite thing. This fact seemed to be strongly touched Litvinov. After hearing the opinions of colleagues, she stated that he understood all the difficulties of the life of a "amputant person" and even agrees to miss it further. However, I advised the "fasten the second leg" so that the physical drawback of a young man was not so obvious and he "did not exploit this topic." Who else Litvinova rejected on the "minute of glory", read in the material AIF.RU.

1. "You have been racing me wildly"

Alexander Zagidulini was preparing for the project for about three years, but his "dance", filled with legs, on one head made Renat to indignant: "I was straight straight! I can't understand why I should look so long on these your legs? ". The last drops of the "tight pants" Alexander, who were also not understood by Litvinova.

2. "You have not come here, you need to work further"

Participant Natalia Tragewho spent the judges with verses of his own essay and special video, although it was not possible to go further, but still lucky. Renata quite reservedly appreciated the efforts of the girl and simply advised her to continue working on himself.

3. "I was departed"

Svetlana Tulaci I wanted to conquer the judges with my Indian dance. But she managed to charm only two members of the jury, and Renata among them did not turn out. Litvinova was a few: "There is no couple there," she said ingenuously and resolutely pressed the red button.

4. "I almost took out"

Ability to deftly juggle balls once brought Nikita Izmailovthe victory in the eighth season "Minutes of Glory". The second attempt of the guy repeat his success almost failed. The judges thought for a long time, can Nikita and his partner Gregory Bondarevsky. And when young people came closer to the jury to the table, in order to once again demonstrate some elements of the number, Renata said: "Whether I will fall asleep, whether I will break a little bit now."

Read also:

5. "I'm internally protesting this"

When eight years old Victoria Starikova He went on stage with the song Zemfira "live in your head," nothing foreshadowed trouble. But she still happened. Judges, despite the expectations, did not die by the execution of the young artist, and began to criticize it. As a result, the girl was crying straight on stage. By the way, Litvinova was far from the main thing in this attack, but it was her all the negative of social network users.

At the same time, the musician Yuri Loza decided to interfere with the director and actress

The next release of the entertainment show "Minute Glory" caused a storm of indignation from users of social networks and representatives of the Russian show business. The refereeing of Renata Litvinova, who called Evgenia Smirnov's dancer, was the reason for fierce disputes, which was called the dancer Evgeny Smirnov, who did not have one leg, a "amputant man" and advised him to fasten the prosthesis.

Show "Minute Glory" continue to shake scandals. So, in one of the issues of transmission of this execution, eight-year-old Victoria Starikov, who performed the Zemfira composition "to live in your head". Members of the jury hit the child with far from childhood criticism than brought a little Wika to tears.

Another incident occurred on March 4 during the performance of the duet duet Alena Puneva and Yevgeny Smirnov. The artists showed a piercing number on the song Maxim Fadeev and Nargiz "together". According to Evgenia, after the automotive accident he was amputated to the leg, but he did not throw classes with dancing and now inspires people with disabilities.

However, not all members of the jury reacted to his act with understanding. Thus, the TV presenter Vladimir Pozner called the dance of Eugene "the great feat", but at the same time he made a reservation that the young man used the "prohibited reception". "When a person comes out like you, without a leg, it is impossible to say" no "," explained Posner and voted "against" what caused the disapproving buzz in the hall.

Then the word took Renata Litvinova, who decided to "sympathize" Eugene, calling him a "amputant man." Then she suggested a contestant to fasten the second leg so that his disabilities would not be so obvious. For the participant, as in the case of Vika Starikova, Sergey Svetlakov was stipulated. According to him, Eugene "did the fact that many of us with two legs cannot do." After that, Mikhail Boyarsky's leading program with Paphos thanked the members of the jury for sincerity and honesty.

To protect Renat Litvinov from the "accused" suddenly a Russian musician and blogger Yuri Loza called. As the performer wrote on his page On Facebook, "amputant is the official name of people with amputated limbs or limbs, and no offensive nickname."

Vine noted that he had already seen this number in the Maxim Fadeev and Nargiz - "he really impressive and touches." However, "Install" with this number in a competitive program on a par with healthy people, a musician considers "wrong and in its own way immoral."

The artist said that they should "get off" not members of the jury, but the organizers. "Do not confess the foreheads of children with disabled people and do not force media comrades to choose - who goes on, and who is not! There should be no winners here! He got his minute of glory, and home!" - concluded vine.

The opposite point of view adheres to Producer Maxim Fadeev. According to him, until recently, he considered Vladimir Posner one of the best interviewes of Russia, but now he saw a man in him "with absolutely cold heart."

"Do I understand correctly that Mr. Pozner against the participation of people with any form of disability in any TV contests? Access to them should be closed there as a sweefer? And as if there are no them?", - Write Fadeev in your column on life.ru called. "Ammputation of conscience in Prime Time."

Especially the behavior of Litvinova, who called Evgenia "amputant" was especially indisputable. Producer noted that if Renata said such a replica on the air of any American TV show, she would have to pay a fine for the public insult and humiliation of a person, and in the future she would have threatened "real social insulation - from the impossibility to get a job before the circle loss Friends. "

"Summarizing your text, I want to say that it is better to be a disabled person in physical than a disabled spiritual. I hope you understand me," Fadeev concluded.

Renata Litvinova Renat Litvinova, being in the jury "Minutes of Glory", thrown into a 8-year-old child. The boat did not like the girl, as the girl sang the Zemfira song.

I have no relationship with music. At all. Anyone - even the most beautiful music - I would prefer silence.

Such a person, as you understand, cannot adequately appreciate the musical performance, and, nevertheless, I will say: I was touched by the performance of this child.

It has so much purity, so much sincerity, so many courage. The little girl is one, behind the piano, in a huge hall in front of the jury and the crowd of the audience - sings. Sings, putting his pure soul into the words. Sings full inspiration and hopes.

Photo: YouTube.com.

And what does it receive in response?

"I'm internally protest against this!" - Brutally throws Litvinova in the face of the girl.

Photo: YouTube.com.

What kind of "such" do you protest? Who are you? Student, which saved the fame of the name on the fuses and the status of Lesbian?

Photo: Social School

"And crying. So why is crying? " - It promotes the insulted inadvertent, as it seems to her, the performance of Litvinov's song.

Photo: YouTube.com.

Who insulted this child? Her, or what?

Photo: Social School

Litvinova with her cheap theatrical sighs would be better to continue to sigh between the legs of Zemfira, than washed over an innocent child.

The same me - the judge!

I never considered Litvinov neither smart or beautiful. She has always been a gross fake under Grace Kelly, which even the soiled nose has not added a class. Cheap crushing, cudaling an aristocrat. A fortress peasant playing in the steep theater is a lady, who is Litvinova for me.

Photo: Litvinova, collage

I don't know who recorded this woman in the icon of the style of this woman with disgusting posture, yellow teeth, bad skin, thick hands, piglets, and a round paw milking, but someone would have been, he was exactly a fool.

No beauty, no mind, no talent, nor soul.

Nasty babe just trampled a innocent child, driving him into a feeling of shame and guilt.

Photo: YouTube.com.

It is not clear, however, for what? For the fact that the girl dares to sing the song, which Ramazanova wrote for his Renat?

And maybe it got to Litvina Klimaks? However, in my opinion, this Babius is always in Klimakse. FIG with it. Humpback, as they say, the grave.

It's bad that the child was humiliated. Too early, a person passed through his first public humiliation. It may injure the girl for a long time.

Creatures, of course. Dumb, soulless creatures.

Each new edition of the anniversary season of the show on the search for the talents "Minute of Glory" on the "First Channel" turns into a scandal. Spectators are indignant by the behavior of the jury in this project. "Nothing from release to release does not change. All the same cynical-inadequate jury with a strange judgment of the participants," Boyarsky, Litvinova, Pozner, Jurassic ... A set of jury did Galkin, what? The only beam is Svetlakov, which they took, Probably because of the ratings, because without him there is a raft of startups, "if people do not understand what criteria to judge, it was necessary to explain to them in advance. With respect, I respect people, seeking this contest, as to professionals of your business, But as the jury they are terrible. Especially striking Litvinova. The lady is full of their some fears, phobias, complexes. Why know about them all the country? " - There are angry viewers in the comments to the records of issues.


The most of them is outraged by the actress, director and screenwriter Renata Litvinova. She always played an edeak unearthly lady of the Epoch of Decadence with all the signs of signs - aestheticism, individualism. Practitioner, branded intonations, for which Renat, can be recognized even in the dark, turns of the head, the hallmark of the hands - for this, obviously, Litvinov and called to judge the participants of the "Minutes of Glory". The star acts here in the role of Clonessee, and herself does not give up this report. After all, the hall is often rolled with laughter, listening to her ridiculous comments.

"If I went crazy, then it would look exactly the same. I thought that you were some kind of senior nurse from the" cuckoo nest ". You've got shaking the counting things about these things ... I'm just afraid. This is what "It's absurdism. I probably even overspended," she says an ensemble playing on unusual tools. "Do you want to change the surname? Just you came and did not say it. I thought you were shy," she said to the participant in the name Pisyach. "I know that in our country it is difficult to be a person amputant ... Maybe you will fastened the second leg? It may not be so obvious to not exploit this topic!" She advised the disabled person.

The last statement turned into a scandal. After a squall of perturbations on social networks, as before, with the "First Channel", a staff member of the company "Red Square", who was responsible for the preparation of the "Minutes of Glory" to the broadcast of Ether. He watched the release in which the dancer Yevgeny Smirnov participated in the leg, and missed the Kham word Litvinova.

The viewers note that Renata is not only a khamit, but generally owns a Russian language, richly speaking speech by expressions and words that herself immediately invents: "Girl, I have every hair on a bill, and you can advertise hair", "horror ! Your pants are scary tight! With all the details! " It should be noted that Litvinova graduated from the scenic Faculty of Vgika. When writing a graduation scenario called "The principal and foul story of Ali K." Litvinova had problems with a reviewer who had a negative impact almost ready work, accusing Renat in the inability to speak Russian. As a result, it had to rewrite three times.