How people hang in the air secret. Secret of Levishing Street Yogis

  • 16.05.2021

Incredible facts

Many people remember this unique feeling of childhood when we watched focus And believed in miracles. We did not stop admire how the magicians do it.

If you do not want to stay in ignorance and strive to learn how these famous tricks are arranged, this article is for you.

You may be surprised how simply these illusions are performed.

Focuses with people

1. Levitation

A woman lies on a blackboard, which is supported by a metal rod. The magician is worth it to cover the rod and so there where it should define how well this trick is performed.

2. Girl Zigzag

This is a rather simple focus. When an assistant enters the closet, she turns her body, so when they enter the knives, they do not hurt her. When the middle part of the cabinet is put forward, only its hand shifts, but the black lining of the cabinet creates the illusion that the middle part of the body is completely removed.

1. Elements of the cabinet design, which add space for bends for a person inside. They are usually painted black to merge with a wardrobe.

2. Knives enter only part of the vertical space, leaving a place for assistant.

3. Black bands - used space. They are badly visible if you look at them on the side or on TV, because of what the box seems less.

4. The internal space is greater than it seems.

3. In the air

This focus is similar to the levitation focus, but the magician does not stand before the supporting rod. Then he misses the hoop over the assistant, but only as long as the support allows, creating an illusion that the body is soaring in the air.

Focuses with sawing man

4. Woman sawing. Option 1

A man in a box must adjust his legs to create an illusion that his body is cut half. Buta legs attach to another end of the drawer.

5. Woman sawing. Option 2.

Another version of the classic focus is that one assistant is already in the box before the focus begins. When another assistant enters the box, the one is in the box, shook his legs, and the other hides them, demonstrating only the upper part of the body. When the box is cut, we see one half of two people.

Focuses and their secrets (video)

6. Parenting man

Such a trick can often be seen from street artists. The magician actually sits on a metal seat attached to the rod, which is connected to the platform hidden by the carpet.

7. Dance Michael Jackson

This is a dance move when Michael Jackson and dancers leaked at 45 degrees, which could be seen when the song "Smooth Criminal" is fulfilled more easily than you thought. The recess in shoes clings for the rise, so when you lean below the gravity center, you can return to the original direct position without falling.

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It is difficult to believe, but the most spectacular and inexplicable focus on the surface lies on the surface.

We are in website Carefully looked at the famous tricks and are ready to expose them.

10. Disappearance of the Statue of Freedom

In 1983, David Copperfield made the statue of freedom disappear. The secret of the trick is explained simply. The monument was covered with cloth and disconnected its backlight, leaving the light of the sofitwho created the illusion of emptiness and blinded viewers. After the covers fell, people could not see the contours of the statue in the dark, since their eyesight did not have time to adapt.

9. The disappearance of the truck

How to make disappear covered truck (car or aircraft), if the audience surrounds his ring? Easily! It is necessary only attach the bedspread to a special designso that it remains in place invite false observers and take a truck in the utility room. Therefore, we can only see this trick on TV and never live.

8. Levitivation

A man frozen in the air is not a magician and not yogi. Under the layers of clothes at the magician hidden supportThrough which you can hang for a few hours in a row, not tired.

7. Passage through the mirror

To pass through the mirror, the focus is needed special shirms with cuts in the middle. In the one that is attached to the rear of the mirror, two mirror panels are hidden. Design allows shifted this mirror, putting two fakes in his place, and crawl into the hole. At the end of the focus, assistants put a real mirror in place.

6. Transformation of bills

To turn $ 1 at $ 100, magician founding a bill of denominations A special way and hides behind your fingers. Then in the focus process replaces one bill of the other, demonstrating the wonderful transformation.

5. Water walking

Focus is performed in a water branch with muddy water or in the pool where people swim and create waves. The main goal is to distract attention and hide from cameras transparent platform for which illusionist goes.

4. Exemption from the chains under water

The secret of the trick lies in the physical training of the magician and in the castles. Assistant's task - imperceptibly pull the rods from the loop, holding locks, and illusionist - strain, turn out from the way and get out of the water tank.

3. Restoring the signed card

Among the many focus, demonstrated by illusionists of different levels, tricks with levitation remain among the most shocking. Indeed, little can hit the minds of the audience stronger than the spectacle of the cards, roses, or even a person overcoming the earthly attraction and freely soaring in the air.

The secret of levitation is a thorough preparation of presentation, dexterity of hands and long-term workouts. Depending on the complexity necessary for focus, the tools may be limited to transparent caproic thread or copper coin, and may be complex mechanisms and devices. Therefore, before making the levitation of the subject, it is necessary to think about what exactly you intend to raise into the air, how many viewers you have and what devices you need to complete the focus.

Focus with Levitation Covers: Riprage

This focus is best suited for execution by novice illusionist. It is quite simple and practically does not require training, however, the audience, no doubt, will irrigible the type of bills balancing, contrary to all the laws of physics, on the finger of the magician. The main part of the bills at the same time hangs freely in the air, breaking in the tact of the movement of the magician's hand.

In order to hit friends by this view, you will need only a cash bill of any dignity and a metal coin. And, of course, the dexterity of the hands. Take the coin and tightly hold it between the palm and the base of the nameless finger. So you can use other fingers, not attending it to pick it up, and your "cache" will be invisible to the audience. Coin can be taken any - the main thing is that it is more or less severe.

Now take bills and show the public to prove that it is real. You can allow the audience to sweat or even hold it - it will not affect the outcome of the focus.

Having received money back into your hands, carefully roll up the bills three times in length. The main complexity of this stage is to imperceptibly attach a coin hidden in your palm between paper folds. To achieve this, you will have to practice a little in front of the mirror.

After that, you just have to put the folded appliance on the finger so that the coin that be with the edge balanced its length. To achieve a larger effect, you can beat a little bill or make some mysterious passes with free hand.

The secret of levitation roses

Levitation roses has always been considered one of the most beautiful and romantic focus. The illusionist takes a real or rolled flower from the napkin, and he, obeying the light marvel of his arms, rises into the air. Rose seems to be very free, viewers do not see neither supporting threads or other levitation devices.

Despite the unusualness, the focus with the levitation of the rose is quite possible to learn how to do it yourself. In order to repeat it, you will need to prepare the following items:

  • Thin invisible thread (order it is inexpensive) or the fishing line;
  • small buttons;
  • needle or scotch;
  • flower.

Carefully attach thread to your flower. For the greatest aesthetic, it is worth finding the center of gravity of roses so that her flight looks more natural. The second end of the threads are tied to a button, which will then need to sew your clothes to the door. Now you need to come up with what to skip the bulk of the thread. It can be transferred through a hook from the chandelier, tree branches, if you are on the street, or just stretching on your own head, throwing a loose loop on your fingers one of the hands. Tailing to the fingers the end of the thread is not worth it: in this case, any attentive viewer will be able to notice the dependence of the rose movements from your gestures.

So you can control the flight of your flower with light fingers and head movements. Of course, during the stage performances, illusionists have the opportunity to use much more complicated devices, which allows you to make a flight of roses intricate and completely unusual. If you want to make your focus more spectacular, then it is worth thinking about the block of blocks through which you miss the thread and, thanks to this, you can move the levitable item not only vertically, but also to the parties.

If you decide to hit your friends with your abilities, do not forget that the success of the focus depends largely on how beautiful and mysteriously looks like your actions. You can accompany the flight of roses by spells or mysterious gestures, or, on the contrary, limit to light nicknames of the head. You can even skip the "magic flower" through the hoop or spend the palm over it; Of course, only if you practice well alone and learn not to touch the fishing line during presentation.

Levitation training is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. For example, one of the ways can be seen on this video:

Having mastered the focus with the levitation of roses, you can repeat it with any other small and sufficiently light item - for example, a cigarette or card.

Levitation of man: deception or illusion?

Illusionists have always spent many efforts to develop new, increasingly shocking focus, among which one of the most difficult, is considered to be an independent flight of people.

The secret of focus with the levitation of a person is, first of all, in distracting tricks that interfere with the audience to see the way, with the help of which a person rises into the air. Since to keep in the air, without having a propeller, no anti-government device, it is impossible, the magicians have to be inventing all sorts of levitation devices. An example of such a focus can be viewed in the short roller of the Safron brothers, where they opened one of their secrets.

In the tricks of this type, a special mechanism played by a special mechanism, which is controlled by the magician himself or its assistant and slowly lifting a lying person. It is for this reason that for most stage focuss with levitation used covers, which hides not only the person himself, but also the device that allows it to "take off".

A much greater amazement of the public causes the flights of the focker himself, which seems to steer completely independently, not supported by anything. The tricks of David Copperfield have always been particularly popular, who not only swept over the scene, but also fluttered through rotating hoops and transparent boxes. The impact of this "magic" consists in a variety of finest invisible cables and cutters with slots in which cables are included during the "captivity". But, of course, the main condition for the successful trick with levitation was the ease and artistry of the magician himself.

How to make a focus with levitation yourself

Repeat the achievements of David Copperfield or Safron brothers at home almost impossible - if, of course, you are not a brilliant mechanic capable of creating a car for levitation from girlfriend. However, there are many other, much easier ways to convince viewers in their abilities to levitation. The most affordable of them is the optical deception, which is under the power to master any person. In this case, you do not even have to take off: it will be enough to convince it in this.

To perform the focus you will need only 2 things:

  • Discussion shoes without laces, a few sizes more than your feet;
  • wide pants;

The secret of such a focus consists, first of all, in choosing the right place for focus. Spectators, regardless of their quantity, should see only one of your foot: the success of your trick depends on this. The best location is 2-3 meters from the audience.

Prepared to focus, you need carefully, so as not to attract attention, take out the foot of the shoe hidden from the public. It is for her that you will rely during the flight. And now start slowly climbing the tiptoe, at the same time lowering your hands down or recording "spells". The released shoes better press the second leg so that she "climbed" with you and at the same time hid a support leg. If you do everything right, the audience will see how you smoothly take off for several centimeters above the floor and, having freezed for a few seconds, we smoothly fall back.

It is important! Making such a trick is much easier with the assistant, which at the right moment allegedly passes pass by you, and the moment will close your actions from the public.

Video training focus "Levitation" can be found in this video:

The focus with the levitation of a person requires patience and numerous workouts in front of the mirror. In order for it to be more spectacular, it is worth remembering several small tricks:

  • Do not warn the audience in advance about focus: otherwise they can look around and solve your secret.
  • The easiest way to demonstrate levitation in a semi-mounted room or with a light vendor, which will hide some of the presentation nuances.
  • Do not delay in the air longer than 4 seconds.
  • Make sure your viewers look at you at an angle of about 45 °, and no one stands behind you.


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Belief in a miracle is what is inherent in any child. With age, such sensations are lost.

However, even adults begin to think about the existence of magic, watching the work of some illusionists. websitei decided to figure out what the secret of the most popular among the public focus.

Disappearance of the wagon

Focus: People, holding hands, overeat the car. A large piece of fabric is lowered on it, which will soon turn up. Wagon under the cloth does not turn out.

Exposing: The car goes into the compartment, located under the scene. The imitation of its outlines is achieved at the expense of a thin frame in the fabric. People do not see that the car goes under the ground, thanks to unevenly arranged light.

Passage through a person

Focus: The assistant is placed in a narrow box, in the middle of which the hole is covered with a curtain. The magician comes over the design and breaks forward through this hole. It seems as if he passes through his assistant.

Exposing: The box turns out to be narrow only if you stand in it directly. But if the assistant turns the torso and draw the stomach, inside the box will be enough free space so that the magician can crawl through it.

Fish in a bottle

Focus: The illusionist shows the public closed with a water bottle cover. She covers it with a handkerchief, pronounces magical words and, when the shawl rises, a little wildfish is turned out in the bottle.

Exposing:Under the neck, the bottle is installed fine jumper with an eye for which it can be easily pulled out. This obstacle lies a fish that is not visible due to the lid. Raising a handkerchief, the magician pulls the jumper, and the fish falls into the water.

Chain of swallowed needles

Focus: This trick invented Harry Hudini. The illusionist in front of the public swallowed thread and 50 needles, drinking all this with water. After some time, he pulled his mouth with needles with needles, already carefully for her.

Exposing: The magician does not swallow the needles, but spits them into a glass with water. The viewer does not notice this due to the right light. All this time, the artist hides in his mouth a chain of needles wound into a dark color cardboard, which covered with a finger when the magician demonstrates the public "empty" mouth at the beginning of the presentation.

Magic chair

Focus: Illusionist sits on a stool. Gradually, assistants remove the chair, but the magician continues to sit in the air calmly.

Exposing:In the platform, on which the magician sits, there is a small pin. If you attach the cherry of the illusionist's boot to it, the foot will be fixed and will not slip. The outlines of the stool itself imitate the frame attached to the same leg.

Exemption from strait-shirt

Focus: A strait shirt is put on the illusionist, the sleeves tie and cover the artist of the screen. After a few minutes, it is miraculously exempt from textile shackles. In one of the variations of the focus "Maga" can also hang down their heads or try to blow up.

Exposing: When the shirt is tied, the magician strains his hands on his chest and takes a deep breath. After exhalation inside the shirt, a little free space appears for maneuver Hands. Hudini once had to dislose yourself shoulder to perform this trick.