Is Inna Churikova's daughter? Due to the external resemblance, many believe that TV presenter Yana Churikova is the daughter or at least a relative of actress Inna Churikova

  • 24.06.2019

Yana Alekseevna Churikova was born in the year of the Horse, 1978. So don’t believe in horoscopes after that - even in the most extreme of them they write that Horses have such karma - they are not fools when working. This is probably true. I went to school in Hungary - my father served in the Armed Forces. Most of Yana’s memories of childhood date back to this period. Higher education. Yana graduated from the Department of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. That is, he works in his specialty.

Yana began her career in 1992 at the Glagol newspaper as a correspondent. I learned to write notes and articles. She worked at the newspaper until 1996, after which she became a correspondent for the ATV television company. I started filming stories. I realized the Great Television Truth. What it consists of, he cannot formulate.

1997-1998. TV company Biz TV. Editor, VJ. When hiring, Yana Churikova misled her superiors - she added three extra years to herself and distorted the truth about her journalistic experience. The deception was soon exposed, but Yana was forgiven - because, as is already known, Yana works conscientiously. This, as it turns out, weighs more than an insignificant white lie. In general, since then Yana has not been lying and continues to work on television.

1998-2003. TV company MTV Russia". Editor, producer, VJ, chief producer of the program production department. Just one day Biz TV turned into MTV. Yana recalls: “I remember when it all just started, I stopped coming home to spend the night - there was no point. Naturally, we lived at work. I tried almost all television specialties, but in work book Only those mentioned left a trace."

In 2002, Yana became the host of programs on Channel One. She hosts the programs “Good Morning”, “Reaktiv”, “Star Factory”. For the first time in her life, Yana passed a tough selection process for this position. I took into account the experience of previous years - he works, but still comes home to spend the night: they say that presenters need to get enough sleep, because this is the only way to preserve the presentation of their working tool - their face.

Yana's birthday is November 6th. Yana laughs: “Scorpio, therefore. Also a suitable metaphor. I feel sorry - mainly for myself, there is no longer any poison left for those around me. In deep childhood, he was revealed to me wonderful way neutralizing scorpion venom is music. You listen to high-quality music - and, in addition to other sublime feelings and thoughts that overwhelm you, you understand that in the Universe you are only an insignificant arthropod. Take Bach in any quantity - the best cure for star fever! Vivaldi and Purcell, Monteverdi and just Verdi, Catalani and Leoncavallo are also suitable."

78 31.10.2007 07:29:08

Of course, Yana is the namesake of Inna Churikova

Love 26.02.2008 04:46:27

She is Inna's daughter

Drusilla 17.05.2008 09:58:07

Yanochka, I just watched the semi-final (?) of “Circus with the Stars”. I am in awe of your courage! You are so smart - just a hero! It’s a pity that you won’t enter the arena as a professional trainer... But still, think about it, because this niche is now free. ;-))
On this page I read that you are not the daughter of Inna Churikova. In general, I also knew that Inna Mikhailovna only had a son. But, Yanochka, don’t be offended, for God’s sake, when I first saw you, not yet knowing who you were, I thought: wow, how similar you are to ICH! :-))

Yana, good luck to you in all your endeavors! And their wonderful continuations.

Find out everything about Yana Churikova now Russian TV presenter, journalist, actress Date of birth: November 6, 1978 Zodiac sign: Scorpio, Place of birth: Moscow

What is Yana Churikova's height and weight?

Weight: 64 kg Height: 175 cm

First husband of Yana Churikova, according to some sources, was an official, and according to some sources, a common-law spouse. However, the relationship with director Ivan Tsybin lasted about three years. According to Churikova, they were introduced by her mother. The potential gentleman did not make any impression on the TV presenter.

But a little later, the couple had to work on one project and Yana somehow noticed that Ivan was a good professional. From that moment, the director turned his attention to the girl.

During the entire time of this relationship, the press more than once made the TV presenter pregnant. But the couple never had a child together. Yana is generally a closed person when it comes to her family and relationships. Therefore, no one knows whether she lived well with Tsybin. But we think that it’s not special, since three years later, Churikova plunged headlong into whirlwind romance with businessman Denis Lazarev.

By the way, he is Yana Churikova’s second husband. It turned out that Denis is a co-owner of the magazine, which Yana was entrusted with managing. To avoid gossip and other troubles, Churikova kept her romance in the strictest confidence. But being an honest girl, she broke off her relationship with Ivan.

A year later, Denis and Yana had a daughter, Taisiya. A year later, the couple formalized their relationship. Moreover, they simply walked past the registry office, decided to go in and see what was what, showed their daughter’s birth certificate and signed. It’s so quiet, peaceful and without noise.

And if before Yana carefully protected her beloved men from the press, now she proudly poses with her husband at almost all events. They say that the businessman was present at the birth and behaved more than courageously. But Churikova doesn’t want to hear about the second child yet. She just got in shape and got her life back on track.

Well-known TV presenter and journalist Yana Churikova has been trying out a new role as a wife and mother for several years now. Remembering her “unmarried” interviews, where she talked about the absolute incompatibility of working on television and motherhood, it is gratifying to see how she own life corrected the mistakes of her youth. Now Yana Churikova clearly understands that every woman faces a choice in her life - family or work, and having chosen only the latter, she may well remain with broken trough. For herself, the journalist chose the third path - combination, and so far everything has worked out for her. Unlike many domestic stars, she does not like PR based on family, so even if any information about marriage, pregnancy appears in the press, children of Yana Churikova, then it certainly does not come from the star itself. The TV presenter herself carefully protects her personal life.

Yana Churikova became a mother 6 years ago, on May 26, 2009. That day she gave birth to a girl (and not a boy, as the overly hasty paparazzi wrote, who did not bother to check the information given to people!). Old Russian name Taisiya's parents had chosen it for their daughter in advance. By the way, it was for my daughter’s birthday happy parents They decided to legalize their relationship exactly two years later. Taisiya's father is a businessman, professionally associated with television and journalism. When asked by journalists about her second child, Yana Churikova evasively answers that she is not yet ready to work in two shifts.

Yana Churikova and Denis Lazarev wedding photo
As for the character, upbringing and special talents of the baby, the TV presenter in these matters stands out from the general background of all mothers, and not just star ones. Yana Churikova believes that your child is only yours, and it is not at all necessary for the whole world to know when he said his first word. In addition, according to the journalist, giving such interviews is a big responsibility, because subsequently the child may think that his birth was somehow speculated on, increasing his personal professional demand. In order to avoid even a hint of such a situation, Yana Churikova does not comment on her daughter in the press and does not publish photographs of her.

Yana Churikova - photo
For those who consider such laconicism as simple inattention to their baby, we add that in many of her interviews the journalist emphasized that Taisiya’s small successes are now worth more to her than her own high-profile victories. Being a mother is quite difficult, which is why it is too early to have a second child, says Yana Churikova. Who knows when she will change her mind?

Is Yana Churikova the daughter of Inna Churikova or not?

Yana Churikova and Inna Churikova. Fans for a long time were sure that Yana Churikova is the daughter of the famous actress Inna Churikova. However, doubts disappeared when a photograph of the journalist with her real mother appeared in one of the magazines. However, Yana says that she knows her “invented” mother. Yana Churikova on video “One day we were actually talking with her about what good relatives we were. The office received a press release about the ceremony of laying the handprints of Inna Churikova and Georgy Danelia on the Walk of Fame near Mosfilm. I came there specifically to meet her. To be honest, I was very nervous. But when she appeared, very beautiful, in a black hat, I relaxed. I came up and said: “Hello, Inna Mikhailovna! Everyone says that I am your daughter." And then we performed an amazing scene. I shouted to her: “Mom!”, and she told me: “My little daughter”!” says Yana Churikova.

Personal life of actor Yana Churikova (Yana Churikova) is now
Films with the participation of actor Yana Churikova - Wikipedia
Filmography - movie roles

2006-2010 - television series “Happy Together” - cameo
2006 - “Get Away!” — Rita Malone (Russian dubbing)
2015 - Gunner - Igor Kalinin
In May 2015, she announced the names of stations on the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line of the Moscow Metro.
Yana Churikova from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
View free photo biography and personal life of actress Yana Churikova All about Yana Churikova actress, Russian TV presenter, journalist available at mobile phones online.

The husband of popular TV presenter Yana Churikova said that they are no longer together. According to Denis Lazarev, he left his wife a year ago. The man refused to comment in more detail and asked to respect their privacy.


"I don't know a man who similar situation I would be happy to discuss the details. I can only say that I left a year ago, and I would be very grateful if journalists did not bother us now: this is a very personal story,” Lazarev shared with “7 Days”.

Let us remind you that at the beginning of the week there were rumors that Yana Churikova separated from her husband Denis Lazarev after five years of marriage. For the first time about changes in personal life The TV presenter was talked about about a year ago. Many noticed that she began to appear alone at social events. And recently, during the filming of one of latest issues Channel One show “Without Insurance”, Churikova was noticed without a wedding ring.

Let us remember that Yana Churikova and Denis Lazarev were together for eight years. In 2009, their daughter Taisiya was born, and a couple of years later they got married. “Everything has finally come together in my life: next to me the right man, I have new job music channels, I have a child... And a child of the right age - five years old. They say that some people feel inner harmony as soon as they become mothers. Let's be honest - raise your hands, who immediately felt the joy of motherhood in the heat of lack of sleep, diapers, diapers, vaccinations, fear of doing something wrong, the realization that your life is now not yours? Moreover, any experienced mother strives to teach you how to raise children! I admit that the feeling of real happiness from the fact that I am now a mother did not come immediately. It's a different matter now. At five years old, Tasya even does Pilates with me,” Churikova said in an interview with the publication a year and a half ago.

The biography of Yana Churikova interests many fans. This is what we will talk about next.

Yana Alekseevna Churikova is known to everyone as the host of Russian television projects. She was born in the capital then Soviet Union, on an autumn November day in 1978.

Myth or one surname

Many believe that TV presenter Yana Churikova is the daughter of her famous namesake Inna Churikova. But there are no connections, other than good friendships, between these famous women No.

Yana Churikova: biography

Yana's parents are Alexey and Elena Churikov. Her father, being a military man, served in Hungary at the time of her birth. Mom Elena received an economic education. It was in Hungary, in a military town, that the most of Yanina's childhood. Like many military children, she could easily fight, knew how to shoot, and drive a car.

1985 was her first school year. The school was located in the small Hungarian town of Thököl, which was located almost in the center of the country.

Vivid Memories

The biography of Yana Churikova contains the fact that it was on school years are the most vivid childhood memories. Yana considers her childhood happy and cloudless. Children of that time had their own entertainment. With their girlfriends, they ran through the old trenches overgrown with grass, the airfield, and found cartridges and cartridges left in the ground from World War II.

School was easy for Yana. She didn't really try. Getting excellent grades was not difficult. The only problem was bad behavior, which was the reason for all her school troubles. But the teachers turned a blind eye to her behavior because of her bright head. Mathematics became the Achilles heel that left the girl without a gold medal at the end of school. But this did not become a stumbling block. She was not at all upset about this, and no one demanded from her great abilities in the exact sciences.

Ability to communicate easily with almost completely different people and led her to future work. She was distinguished by this quality of character even as a child.

As often happens, already in adulthood, Yana, having returned to her school places, to her once native Hungary, dear to her childhood, did not find there what was so dear to her. The old garrison was still there, but in great decline and desolation.

Childhood dreams

The biography of Yana Churikova also talks about her childhood dreams. What did the girl dream about? Many professions were changed by her. But she was no longer attracted to the essence of the profession, but to the external attributes. Hobbies from time to time included paleontology, animal life, and music. Dentistry was no exception. And this is just a small list of what occupied her longer than others.

Later, Yana admits that what attracted her to the profession of a journalist was that with its help you can learn about all professions.

One day she got into Opera theatre. This made a completely unforgettable impression on her. The girl’s imagination overwhelmed everything: magical music, wind instruments, theater design and scenery, elegant, formal dresses for ladies.

Return to Moscow

The biography of Yana Churikova is eventful. In the late 1980s, the entire Churikov family returned to live in Moscow. At that time Soviet troops left Hungary.

The girl immediately did not like the capital and disappointed her. She saw Moscow as a dark, sad city. The people she met on the street seemed gloomy and gloomy to her. She didn't have any friends yet. And despite her cheerful and lively disposition and ease of communication, her friends did not appear for a long time. The whole capital seemed like one continuous negative.

The beginning of journalism

Everything changed for the better when my mother brought the girl Yana Churikova to study at the youth newspaper “Glagol”. This newspaper was somewhat similar to " Pioneer truth" She took under her wing all children who showed writing abilities. Here they learned the basics of the profession. It was here that Yana’s mother brought her.

Since then, everything in Churikova’s life has changed once and for all. A lot of new friends appeared in the newspaper, interesting activities. From then on, she had the profession of her whole life in her hands. A few years later, in 1994, she took second prize at the Literature Olympics in Moscow.

With her all-consuming passion for journalism, she sang in a rock band with the provocative name “Fairy Tales for Adults.” This group was not destined to become famous. She broke up after several concerts.

In 1995, Yana entered the first time and began her studies at the Faculty of Television and Radio Broadcasting of the Moscow State University. state university. “The influence of music television on mass consciousness using the example of the MTV channel” was the title of a difficult graduation project. Then there was graduate school.

Famous and fashionable

Over time, she becomes one of the most talented and sought-after presenters. She easily manages any projects on television. Her professional life scheduled in advance.

However, people those who know Yana close, they note her shyness and modesty. She doesn't like to draw attention to herself. Strives to remain in the shadows in any company. Such diametrically opposed opinions indicate, first of all, that she is different for television and for close people.

Simply a wonderful actress Yana Churikova. On television, she easily has lively dialogues with different people, she intrigues, provokes, and has easy conversations.

Main projects

She became famous on television through the program “12 Angry Spectators,” which aired on MTV. A little later, the talented presenter was noticed and she was given an offer to work as a presenter on Channel One. She agreed. Then came a series of well-executed projects: “ Good morning", "Star Factory", "Lens". Today's project she is leading is called “Cruel Intentions”. In addition, she becomes the editor of Viva magazine.

Yana Churikova: personal life

Churikova did not meet her man right away. We had to wait quite a long time for him.

The first marriage was not official. It ended due to stormy and active life Yana, who did not suit her husband.

In addition, a busy schedule and dedication to work did not leave much time for family. What seemed to Yana the essence of life, for her common-law husband was empty vanity.

Yana Churikova's first official husband is Ivan Tsybin, a producer and director. Yana owes her mother the opportunity to meet him. However, the first acquaintance did not become fateful. Then there were several more meetings, usually about work. Ivan was persistent. Over time, they fell in love with each other. Marriage was the natural outcome of their relationship. Relations after registering the relationship remained almost ideal for everyone. This was Ivan Tsybin’s third marriage. For Yana, he became the first. But in this marriage, Yana Churikova was never able to give birth. Children were part of her plans, but it didn’t work out.

But one day, while working as an editor for a fashion magazine, Yana meets with businessman Denis Lazarev. This meeting changed everything. Everything became clear almost immediately.

Having lived with her first husband for 4 years, she leaves him for Lazarev. 2009 was the last year in her first official marriage.

Living with Denis Lazarev, she soon gave birth to her first child. The pregnancy was easy, and she hid it as long as possible.
The civil marriage lasted three years. When their daughter Taisiya turned 3, their civil marriage became official in 2011. Now Denis Lazarev is the second husband of Yana Churikova.

Today Yana Churikova is a beautiful, elegant woman, a successful and talented TV presenter. She is demanding of herself and does not like amateurs, which she openly declares. Work is extremely important to her. But it's not the same as before.

Yana Churikova was born in Moscow on November 6, 1978. She attended a Hungarian school because her Air Force father was sent there to serve. It is the years spent in Hungary that Yana remembers as the happiest in her childhood. Returning back, they found the collapse of the Union, and felt a change in the values ​​and guidelines of society.

Upon arrival, Yana was sent to a gymnasium and music school, which, by the way, she graduated with honors.

As a child, she dreamed of becoming a paleontologist, but then she was attracted famous singer Monserat Caballe, and Yana also decided to become opera singer. Therefore, the girl was actively involved in vocals and music.

But Yana was attracted to too many different things. She liked biology, medicine, she even wanted to go work for Far North. But then she realized that paleontology, physics, medicine, biology and other sciences can only be studied by becoming a journalist and nothing else. Therefore, Yana began to attend classes at the School of Young Journalists. In 1992, she began working for the local newspaper “Glagol” as a journalist. It was there that she learned to write articles and notes correctly. In 1994, she took second place in the Moscow Literary Olympiad.

In 1995, the girl decided to enter the Faculty of Television and Radio Broadcasting at Moscow State University. In 2000, she graduated from the institute and entered graduate school to write a scientific dissertation on the topic “The influence of television on the process of socialization of youth audiences.”

And in 1996, after her first year, Yana began working at the ATB television company, where she independently filmed stories for television and gained real work experience.

A year later she moved to the television company Biz TV, where she worked as a TV presenter and editor. When applying for a job, Yana Churikova deceived her superiors, adding three years or more of experience in the field of journalism. The deception was later exposed, and Yana, with her conscientious work, earned the forgiveness of her superiors.

In 1998, she became a producer, editor, and host of the popular MTV channel, because the Biz TV channel was renamed. In an interview, Yana said that she had a time when the channel had just been transformed, that she spent the night at work because there was no time to rest. She worked in almost all television specialties, but only producer, editor and TV presenter were official.

Yana became popular after the release of the program “Twelve Evil Spectators.” This show became incredibly popular and she was noticed on Channel One. And in 2002, she was invited to make her own program for young people, “React,” but it didn’t air for too long. Yana's next project is the show "Star Factory", which stretched over six seasons, all of which were hosted by Churikova. In order to become a presenter, Yana went through an incredibly tough casting. She took into account previous experience and set aside time for rest, because it is important for the presenter to appearance, but only healthy sleep helps you look good.

Yana Churikova took part in the show “Two Stars”, where she sang with Prokhor Chaliapin. And in the television project of the First Channel of Russian Television “Circus with the Stars”, she showed herself to be a good animal trainer.

Everyone considered Yana to be the daughter of actress Inna Churikova, but all rumors were dispelled after the presenter appeared with her mother on the set of a popular magazine. By the way, Inna and Yana know each other very well and are friends.

“Once, Inna and I were talking about how we were considered relatives. Our office received a fax about the laying of Inna Churikova’s handprint on our Moscow Walk of Fame. I went to this ceremony specifically to meet Inna. And I was very worried about this. But when Inna came, all beautiful, I felt better. I went up to her and said hello and said that everyone says that I am your daughter. We even acted out a skit, shouting “Daughter” and “Mom” to each other.

Yana Churikova's zodiac sign is Scorpio. Yana always says about this: “I really am a Scorpio. But I only feel sorry for myself, and I have no strength left for others. As a child, I realized how to cool down my ardor; only music helps me. Moreover good music, listening to her, you understand that all your problems are simply insignificant compared to the entire Universe. I really like Vivaldi, Bach, Verdi.”

Yana divides all sports into those that you can practice and those that are better just to watch. She is constantly interested in fitness and swimming. Constantly follows the football world. She can often be found at championships in different countries.

Now Yana Churikova is actively interested in documentary films. She is creating a project for Channel One, “The History of a Song,” in which she talks about the entire process of recording popular Soviet songs.

Personal life of Yana Churikova:

Yana was introduced to her first husband, Ivan Tsybin, by her mother. But love at first sight did not work out. Having seen Tsybin at one presentation, the TV presenter considered him not worthy of her attention. But then everything changed. During the filming of the “Idols + Idols” program, Yana and Ivan worked together.

In one of her interviews, Yana said: “I like professionals who clearly know their business. I told Ivan that he was doing a good job.” Tsybin was flattered by this. But Yana didn’t even think about the relationship between them; at that time she had common law husband. But then they separated, and Ivan began to court her. That's how they started love affair at work which ended with a wedding.

Yana and Ivan lived together for four years. All this time, the press constantly published rumors about the TV personality’s pregnancy. Then Yana repeatedly admitted that she was surprised to read this. Invented pregnancies constantly spoiled her mood.

A year ago, Churikova divorced; the reason for the divorce was Yana’s affair with the head of one of the PR services, Denis Lazarev. They met while Churikova was working at VIVA magazine. Now Yana and Denis live in his apartment.

Now rumors about Yana’s pregnancy are also leaking into the press. Churikova was supposed to host the Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow, but Alsou was the host instead. Therefore, it is still unknown whether this is really another rumor or the truth.