How to become a ballerina at the age of 13. Health, gymnastics, acrobatics, dance - everything to maintain a physically active life at any age

  • 05.06.2019

Do you want to practice ballet? This is a very worthy hobby. Ideally, ballet should be practiced in special group under the guidance of a professional. But not everyone has this opportunity. In this case, you can practice at home.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that even if you thoroughly approach the preparation process, read a mountain of special literature, review many useful videos, it is unlikely that you will be able to learn ballet at such a level to perform on stage. And for yourself, for general tone or in order to speak at a holiday in front of friends, doing ballet at home is quite real.

Benefits of doing ballet at home

Choreography is one of higher species dance activities. The ballet movements were created by the best French and Russian choreographers to perform on stage.

With the help of ballet classes, you can learn to feel your body, understand music and move with it in one rhythm. Regularly practicing ballet, you will improve coordination of movements and train the vestibular apparatus. Besides, ballet classes correct the figure, help get rid of extra pounds, correct posture, and sometimes there can be an increase in the length of the legs and neck, which always looks very graceful.

Passion for ballet is a great way to become interesting to yourself, your beloved man and those around you. For some people, life is based on the principle of "work-home", "home-work", no hobbies, everything is gray and mundane. Bring new colors and emotions into your life! When a person does what he likes, his eyes burn, and in other areas of life everything starts to improve. The groom or husband will definitely appreciate your efforts, slim figure and acquired grace.

How to do ballet at home?

  • The structure of choreography classes is very standard and it doesn't matter if you are doing it with a trainer or at home.
  • The lightest exercises for warming up and stretching the muscles come first. Then long and difficult exercises are performed. A few hours before classes, you need to eat well, otherwise you may simply not have enough strength and energy.
  • Necessarily needed machine, since all the basic exercises are performed on it. At the end, you need to stretch. It is done not on the machine, but in free space - jumps, spins and the obligatory final bow are practiced.
  • You should do ballet 2-3 times a week for an hour, you can do one and a half. If you do it regularly, then in a month you will notice the result. Your shoulders will straighten, your posture will become more proud, and your self-confidence will increase.
  • There is an opinion that to practice ballet, you need to buy a special form, including pointe shoes and a tutu. It's a delusion. To freely dance on pointe, you need years of training, and a beginner simply cannot stand on them. ... For beginners, it is better to use the usual uniform for sports. such as leggings, or elastic skinny pants or a top. Special ballet slippers, which can be found in dance stores, are suitable as shoes. Buy such shoes should be slightly smaller than you wear in Everyday life as ballet slippers should fit snugly around the feet.

Positions in ballet are the basis of all the foundations, without which it is impossible to study some complex choreographic figures. Therefore, it is necessary to start teaching ballet art at home with them.

  1. The first position is to stand up straight, slide your heels together, and turn your toes in the opposite direction from each other, so a straight line forms on the floor.
  2. The second position is very similar to the first, but there is still a significant difference - the heels of the twisted legs are approximately at a distance of one foot.
  3. The third position - the heel of one of the legs is in front of the lift of the other foot and is slightly in contact with it.
  4. Fourth position - put the inverted feet parallel to each other so that you can put another foot between them, while one heel should be placed directly in front of the toe of the second heel, so the body weight is evenly distributed.
  5. The fifth position is in many ways similar to the fourth. But there is also a difference, which is that the feet of both legs are in close contact with each other.
  6. Sixth position - the legs are not located in an inverted manner, but are in the usual position.

There is also basic hand positions, which are better to master after learning the positions of the legs. Each position must be performed very carefully, trying to feel the muscles as much as possible and strain them. The abdomen is always drawn in, the posture is straight and graceful.

  • First position: put your hands down and round, palms facing up.
  • From the first position, the arms are smoothly raised to the level of the abdomen, the shoulders are freely looking down.
  • From the second position, the arms smoothly move to the top of the head, and the hands maintain their basic position.
  • One arm is at belly level in the second position, and the other arm is above the head in the third position.
  • One arm is straight, slightly moved away from the body, and the other is in third position.
  • One hand is still near the body, and the other smoothly goes down, forming a second position.
  • Extend both arms to the sides so that they form a semicircle from elbow to wrist - this is the seventh position.

How to learn ballet at home: video

Even if you do not intend to practice ballet professionally, such classes will be very beneficial for maintaining health and improving appearance... By the way, many professional footballers are engaged in choreography to improve the quality of their game, while an ordinary person ballet develops plasticity and flexibility.,

Ballerina is one of those cherished childhood professions that girls talk about what they want to become when they grow up. Fragile figures, graceful flowing movements, incredible flexibility and attention from the public are the reasons why many want to become ballerinas.

Where are ballerinas trained?

The profession of a ballerina is one of the few professions that you need to choose in childhood. Girls are recruited to dance schools, where they teach ballet art, after they finish the fourth grade, that is, from about ten years of age. The fact is that children's bones are very flexible, children are pain-free and can very quickly learn to sit on all types of twines. And with age, this ability to bend in all directions is quickly lost.

In Russia, such educational institutions enough. Examples include the following:

  • Moscow state academy choreography;
  • Moscow State Choreographic School. Lavrovsky;
  • Academy of Russian Ballet. A. Ya. Vaganova;
  • Novosibirsk State Choreographic College;
  • Voronezh Choreographic School.

In such schools, future ballerinas simultaneously receive a general school education and study choreography. After the students have completed their secondary education, they can continue their studies at the same schools.

Selection criteria

There are many requirements for girls who want to learn to dance ballet steps, in particular, about their appearance. So, the main criterion for future ballerinas is small stature and low weight. Such strict restrictions on the physique are quite justified: the ballerina's partner, who also does not shine with a strong physique and outstanding muscles, must special difficulties, with a slight movement of the hand to raise the girl and perform various supports.

The lighter the girl, the easier it is to work with her. Moreover, fragile girls look sophisticated and light on stage.

The next requirement is strong feet of the correct shape, straight legs and a properly fitted pelvis. With this, too, everything is clear: legs are a ballerina's working tool, and if they cannot withstand heavy loads, you can't build a career.

And the last requirement is to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Often, girls who have just started ballet already imagine their future careers. But there are many factors to consider: different injuries can end a career or a girl can reach too tall or a large physique for ballet. Due to their age, not all girls can come to terms with such circumstances, which affects their mental health.

It is also worth noting that ballet training is not the cheapest pleasure. Leotards, tutus, and pointe shoes are not cheap and need to be constantly updated.

I have not yet begun to write, but I am already burning with the desire to make a "digression". So, a digression:

Do you like ballet?

How often have I heard words that usually leave a very unpleasant aftertaste. Have you guessed what this is about? ..

Yes, we are talking about the phrase uttered by many people: "But I don't like classical dance!"

Can you imagine the years and years of hard work behind a ballerina?

How much sweat! how many tears! how many emotions! And here - "once", and in one phrase everything is in the "trash heap".

And let's ask the ballerinas themselves if they like classical dance?

Do you know what is the most interesting?

The fact that many of them will simply shrug their shoulders in response, say: “What are you talking about? This is work! "

How is it that for many decades more and more girls and boys have been striving to enter the Academy best theaters the world? I don’t think that at their age they think about big earnings or about prestige.

What drives them?

To be honest, I don’t remember what drove me to such torment.

But I did it with great pleasure!

And she looked at the ballerinas with admiration!

Of course, it is not "thinness" that attracts us in professional dancers and dancers. We are attracted by the fusion of inner strength (not only physical, but also spiritual) with the subtlety and grace of the body in women and the noticeable pronounced muscular structure of men.

Ballerina, she is not only on stage. She is a ballerina in real life.

You can never go wrong if you see her walking down the street. Body tucked up. As if not walking, but flying over the asphalt.

Of course, I'm not talking about pseudo-ballerinas who are trying to deliberately show that they belong to this profession, diligently twisting their legs when walking from one buffet to another.

The time has come for me to admit that I never liked ballet. I hope that I did not disappoint you with my revelation.


what can you learn from a ballerina who doesn't like ballet?

I'll try to explain. For a very long time, as a child, I remember myself in front of the TV, not taking my eyes off the screen. In those days, ballet performances were often shown on the two existing channels. But, to be honest, I cannot tell you a single story. I think that at that time I did not even know about the existence of such.

I looked at beautiful flying girls in magical tutus and this was the only thing that fascinated me.

I don't like to watch classical ballet but I've always loved to feel my body as ballet.

I liked the lessons themselves. Even if they lasted four hours with one single break for changing shoes.

You don't have to love ballet to love yourself and your body.

At any age, you can achieve a flying gait and lightness in your body with any movement.

We must pay tribute to the Russian school classical dance... It was she who developed a full set of exercises that can build the body in this way.

Don't like ballet, love yourself and your body! This is what will make you a real ballerina in the full sense of the word.

First lesson.

Watch the video. It shows the exercises for the first week.

They will not seem difficult to you. These are exercises on the arch of the foot and on the instep.

Do them every day. Allow your body to have a new habit of pulling the sock.

Don't start the next lesson until you stay happy with the result this.

Do you want stunning results?

Increase the number of sessions!

Do you want to know the secret of each ballerina individually and all together?

The same secret that you will never hear spoken from the ballet stage?

Dreaming about the stage? Strive and think how to become a ballerina? It will take a lot of work, and even more so, the criteria are very strict. But we will start from the fact that you have talent, and began to practice ballet in early age, not when you are already an established personality.

It is worth remembering that ballet is a way of life. To consider this not so, it would be outright stupidity. After all, how much time will you have to spend, eliminate from your life personal problems... This is actually the case. At a young age, you are accepted into a choreographic school, then all responsibility for your future falls on you. You decide to study tightly, sacrificing school all day long, depriving you of walking with your classmates. Or so, a fleeting, meaningless hobby that does not lead to anything. So how to become a ballerina?

1. Remember the most important thing is that you will not lose anything if you practice ballet. In any case, your posture and walking style will be envied. When you perform various exercises, they do not pass without a wave of the hand. This is all bright and permanently imprinted on your later life... You will be healthy, but you can do any other occupation.

2. Monitor your weight. There will be a lot of money - spend it, maybe they will take it somewhere. But again, the result will be zero. It is necessary that you have a bright figure, without any excesses and obesity. The ballerina moves a lot and she has to give up "sweets" otherwise she will get fat and her success will be lower and lower. Such a development of events definitely cannot suit anyone. Do your best to ensure that your weight is within the normal range.

3. Understand one beautiful misconception. When you enter the hall, you observe the beautiful "angels" who jump easily and simply, surprise the audience with their movements. You sit and think: "Can I really do it." Yes, we find it easy. For example, can you always keep your shoulders open? I agree, this is quite difficult, but it will have to be done all the time, every minute. No need to eat "appetizing" at night.

I had to watch how ballerinas rehearse. I contemplated clearly behind their faces, and I felt unbearably sorry for them. Tears, clenched teeth due to a mistake stop them a little. But there is such a wonderful exhilaration as "it is necessary", in spite of everything. Then the legs will stop hurting over time. And you will not regret that you used to look for information on how to become a ballerina.

Every girl can actively try herself. Then neither growth nor external data will have any meaning at all. You will try, maybe you will be interested.

4. Mandatory practice. At least 1.5 hours. For example, children also try to dance. This helps a lot in the future. And if after exercise, your body feels light and does not ache at all, then we can say that you have wasted your time. There must be muscle pain. Say that you are still alive and boldly, devote all of yourself to ballet.

Test your skills like musicality, growth. The ability to do something like that will only be a plus for you. It is necessary to "play" so that the enthusiasm could be heard from all sides. Correctly get out of difficult situation, improve and endure hardships.

5. If you look for information, you will find things that can turn you away from your dreams. They say that they leave for the so-called pension at the age of 35, with health that only leaves much to be desired. They are right, because you gave yourself away, and now you can do something else. Tutors are required everywhere, and therefore, the one who teaches you, keep an eye on him and learn. They have unconditional experience, they give instructions, so they know their business.

6. Ask what the future holds? If you do not see anything good, but only a miserable existence for the fees from concerts, then think, is it necessary? Get used to the thought. Hard work doesn't always play an important role. Legacy data can stop you. And in general, no further doubts and nothing to do, immediately find out the requirements. If so, great! Talk to your parents, they will understand your choice.

7 ... Solve the issue immediately, without thinking that someone will make you an offer to enroll in studies. Self-confident people achieve results that others have never dreamed of. They just dreamed, so they stayed in the same place. Others, however, acted much wiser and wiser. And what results have you achieved? Incredible achievements, and everyone will be right who thinks so. Especially gifted girls wanted to learn expressively how to become a ballerina. Didn't sit. Lead others, and showed their ardent desire.

What girl doesn't dream of becoming a ballerina? Is it easy to dance around, causing the amazement and delight of others? After all, children are very susceptible to everything truly beautiful, pure, and high.

And so parents are asked the question over and over again: "How do they become ballerinas?"

To become a professional ballerina, you have to go a long and difficult path, to finish the class of classical dance at a choreographic school. Children are accepted into it after primary school, that is, at the age of 9-10 years. It is not easy to enter such a school: sometimes up to 10 people apply for one place.

External and physical data play a decisive role. Preference is given to short girls with a neatly set head. Educators pay attention to the physique of parents, because genes are rarely tricked, and if in adolescence the dancer will grow very much, it is unlikely that they will be able to find a partner for her. Flexibility, muscle elasticity, and the structure of the arch of the foot are necessarily assessed. Artistry and ear for music develop well in childhood therefore they become the third most important factor in selection. But the state of health is very important: a professional dancer should be able to handle serious overloads.

Classes at the school are divided into two blocks: special and general education, and the first is of greater importance. It includes lessons at the machine, dance lessons, music, theater history.

Even after college, not all girls will become ballerinas and will shine on stage, because with age, many life attitudes are revised, and not everyone is ready for such a rhythm of life and stress.

Training in a choreographic school is not suitable for everyone, but the ballet school "On pointe" removes all restrictions and believes that the main condition for starting classes is the desire to dance, the desire for self-improvement and the embodiment of a child's dream.

Lessons on how to become a ballerina leave their imprint on a lifetime.

This is a regal posture that immediately distinguishes a person in a crowd, a special plasticity of movements. Ballet teaches work on oneself, perseverance, patience, dedication, which is worth a lot, because it is these qualities that affect a person's success. For several years of studies, a love for proper nutrition and a sporty lifestyle. And, of course, the sensation of dance, in which to throw out and express all the overwhelming emotions and feelings!

Our teachers are ballet dancers working in Bolshoi Theater Russia and Moscow State Theater- are sure that age cannot be a hindrance. Specially designed soft stretching programs will help you start from any level of physical fitness, acquire the gracefulness and plasticity of a ballerina, her erect posture.

Several different directions will allow you to find your way to dance: classical ballet, Corsaballet, Power Stretching, Streetlet or En Pointe. Whatever you choose for yourself or your child, be ready for the transformation: the body will gradually begin to shed the shackles, the muscles will become more elastic and stronger, and the movements will acquire accuracy and completeness. Many people note that dance classes can replace psychotherapy sessions, because training contributes to the production of hormones of happiness, endorphins, and achievements at the bar also affect ordinary life opening up new horizons.

When the daughter begins to ask: "How do they become ballerinas?" - bring her to the En Pointe ballet school. Experienced choreographers will discover Magic world a dance that will stay with her for life!