Inna Malikova: biography and personal life. Inna Malikova: “I can lean on my husband’s strong shoulder Inna’s further fate

  • 24.06.2019

The representative of the famous creative dynasty Inna Malikova spoke about life, family and creativity.
The charming artist manages to do everything: raise her son, shine on stage as part of the popular cover band “New Gems”, being not only its soloist, but also its producer, conduct cultural events and concerts, and also spend leisure time with friends whom the artist has much contrary to popular belief that there is no friendship in show business.

Inna created “New Gems” in honor of the 35th anniversary of VIA “Gems”, and her group became a successful continuation of the legendary group in a new style and new sound. In addition to the singer, the ensemble includes a member of top musicals Notre Dame de Paris and Romeo & Juliette Alexander Postolenko, daughter of the soloist of “Belarusian Songs” Valery Daineko - Yana Daineko, winner of the fifth “Star Factory” Mikhail Veselov and soloist of the pop-jazz project Music Parking Band Andrei Dievsky.
Your group appeared in 2006; accordingly, in 2016 the team will celebrate a decade of creative activity. Have you already thought about how you will celebrate?
Yes, we are starting to prepare. We want to celebrate it with a big event in a year, in April. But here’s what it will be like... Now there are many different formats, ranging from solo concert, a concert with guests, presentations, ending with a video version or online story. This might be interesting too. So we are still thinking. Maybe we'll do a mini-play. When spring comes, we will feel that the deadlines are running out, and we will begin to move.
You have an interesting combination in “New Gems”: a graduate of “Star Factory”, soloist best musicals and heirs of musical dynasties... Are there any plans to take someone else into the team, for example, graduates of the show “The Voice”?
Our team is already established. Those who already exist will work as long as they have the desire to do so. I don’t hold anyone by force (smiles). Nobody is going to leave yet. In general, there have always been many soloists working in Gems. And if possible, I am for expanding the composition of musicians and soloists. I won’t specifically look for anyone, but if I meet, if fate brings it together, then “New Gems” can accommodate a lot of people. And if you remember the format of “Gems” 30 years ago, when I was little, the ensemble was very large. Although, unfortunately, there is a tendency that large ensembles are not in fashion. If you go on tour, everyone wants smaller teams. Now is the time of DJs, where one person goes out and makes fantastic music. The DJ-vocalist format is very fashionable. And when there are many soloists, many musicians, such groups are not in trend now. But you need to be different from everyone else in some way. So this is my difference.

Are you fully realized in “New Gems”? Or do you have any other dreams about theater or cinema?
Good question, by the way. I am implementing myself in two directions. First of all, as an artist and as a singer. I no longer have any ambitions for solo work. There are a few favorite songs that remain from my solo work, and if I miss them and people ask me to perform them, I sing them with pleasure. They are remembered and loved: “Coffee and chocolate” or “Everything that happened.” Plus I have the opportunity to perform the songs I grew up with. We have a cover program, which includes both “Samotsvetov’s” songs and the entire disco era. That is, the music that I grew up with, which I love madly, which is dear to me. And the fact that I have the opportunity to perform it on stage is a great happiness! Therefore, as an artist, I am 100% fulfilled. I can't dream of anything more. And also in “New Gems” I am fulfilling my administrative duties. That is, I have a calling to engage in administrative activities - to organize something, negotiate something, control something, keep schedules. This is not a producer's job, but a managerial one, and I like it. As for non-realization... Theater. Yes, I had three performances. But, unfortunately, on this moment I don't play them. By various reasons. One of them is that these performances have already left the repertoire, that is, we have already performed them. I am constantly in touch with my theatrical agency. Once they have the right role for me, they will definitely involve me. I know that you can play in the theater at any age, it’s never too late to return there. On the stage too, but the format of our cover band involves celebration, dancing, that is, certain age restrictions There is. I will definitely play on the theater stage again. Here neither earnings nor popularity are important to me, the atmosphere is very important to me, because if we talk about my whole life, then those five years that I studied at GITIS, the theater institute, were really the happiest emotionally. And when I later had rehearsal processes in the theater, I’m not even talking about the performances now, but specifically about the rehearsal processes - they were very similar to this five-year plan at GITIS. And this is the happiness that I experience in the rehearsal process, especially when I play with famous actors and I am incredibly interested in watching them, and I admire their talent, and I was lucky enough to play with great artists, then I have never received this pleasure in anything else . And I want to return to him, so if such an offer is made to me tomorrow, I will agree. Maybe we will resume some of the old performances. I would also really like to work as a presenter on television again. I remember the years that Dima Kharatyan and I hosted the program “Good Evening, Moscow” on TV Center with special warmth. I think that sooner or later I will have to do this kind of work.

You mentioned your song “Coffee and Chocolate”. This is your favorite drink and favorite treat?
My favorite treat is a latte. I love him more than anything in the world. I love chocolate too, but most of all I love latte coffee.
Yes, for a chocolate lover you are too slim, you don’t look like a sweet tooth...
The thing is that chocolate can be bitter, and it has absolutely no calories. Therefore, coffee and a small piece of dark chocolate are not a hindrance to your figure. But huge pieces of pie or cake are a completely different story. This is where I limit myself.
Surely you have been asked this question a hundred times: what is it like to be born on January 1?
This is very uncome il faut, to be honest. But nothing... I celebrate the whole month of January. I celebrate on the first day, then on the 14th, in the old New Year. Well, and then again, when everyone comes to Moscow after the holidays.
Recently it was Dmitry Malikov’s birthday...
Yes, my brother's. And my son Dima recently visited. We are all January. My son is on the 26th, my brother is on the 29th. Dima turned 45, his son turned 16. My brother had a big grandiose concert at Crocus. My son took part there. He played the piano with a large orchestra and with Dima. He played great. Girls are already writing to him: “Dima, don’t stop, it was so great, cool!” He posted the video, and he was inundated with good comments, he perked up.

And now he’s thinking about what to do. He has to go to college in a year, not a music one, but, on the other hand, he doesn’t want to give up the piano. And in order not to quit, you need to practice a lot, because you can’t play poorly. And he is now at a crossroads - what should he do? He expects me to handle it as a producer. He would like that. He wants to make his own music program, where he would play the piano, and dreams that it would be interesting to teenagers and even small children. Relatively speaking, he wants to do what big Dima does, only in miniature - to accustom young people to music and show by example that it is great.
Does little Dima sing?
I can't say what he sings, but in his program he sees one concert number, where he would sing. He has good hearing.

That is, you would like him to connect his life with show business?
I would like him to be an artist, but not a singer. Playing the piano really appeals to me. I also want him to do something related to directing. He has good vision good eye. He likes to invent things. By the way, he takes very good photographs.
Your brother’s daughter Stefania also sang at his concert at Crocus and recently captivated American Vogue. She, one might say, is already practically in show business...
Yes, Stesha is taking her first steps in the modeling business. He is engaged in dancing. Star. Gorgeous. good girl Very.

Does she turn to you for advice? For example, how to react to the growing popularity and public interest in it?
In terms of popularity, Stesha consults more with her mom and dad, and with me - more on girly issues. She also has elder sister Olechka, I am the one for these topics. In some matters, she cannot always consult with her parents. But with my aunt and my sister, of course. We have our own secrets with her. We talk about boys and girlfriends. We have very warm relations, and we value them very much.

You are watching the project “The Voice” and the grandiose show that recently started airing vocal show"Main stage"?
I watch “Main Stage,” but not every time, because the project airs on Fridays, and I usually have work at that time. I need to be aware of what's going on there, so I keep an eye on it whenever possible. Sasha Postolenko auditioned for “The Voice” this year and passed all the auditions. But it so happened that when we arrived at blind audition, he was put at the very end of the list, and his turn simply did not reach him. And we sat there as a whole team, supporting him. His mother and daughter arrived. An interview with Nagiyev has already been recorded. But all the mentors’ teams had already been recruited. And he passed automatically, without any castings, in next season. IN next year Sasha is 100% going to the blind audition.
Victor Drobysh recently said that not a single winner of “The Voice” became a star. And, in his opinion, it won’t happen anymore. It turns out that this project is not as promising as many people see. But on " Main stage“There are four producers who can give a start in life.
I think that there is no point for us to touch on this topic - what gives something in life and what does not, because everything is so ambiguous, everything is so difficult. And then there were the “Star Factories” - one of our soloists Misha Veselov went through this school... All these projects give one important thing- Huge experience. Concerning further development, then everything is very individual. For some, everything works out, for some, not everything, for some, nothing. It depends on the talent, but not always. It depends on the relationship with the producers. It depends on the circumstances. From those people who are nearby, from family, from parents. From how they guide, instruct, what advice they give. It depends on the competition. How much strong people they go side by side in the same clip. There are so many nuances here that there is no clear answer. These projects give people the opportunity to open up and try themselves. Sometimes there are offensive moments - they didn’t take you somewhere, they didn’t go somewhere. Well, life is all made up of moments like these. For example, I do not participate in these projects. But I was also once taken somewhere, but not taken somewhere. Some things work out, and some don't. It's good that these projects exist. It's good that budding artists have a chance to make themselves known. I know for sure that if a person is talented, they will pay attention to him.
Who is your ideal woman, role model?
If we consider it from the point of view of attitude to life and character, then this is my mother. And the older I get, the more I notice it. I am emotional, unrestrained. I am quick-tempered and very demanding of people and myself. And mom is great. Everyone is good for her, she is always calm. I would also like to react to life this way. Not emotionally, like I do, but like she does. He justifies everyone, looks for the good in everything. Great. I would like to be like her. While I only look like her in appearance, not in character.
What events in cultural life made the greatest impression on you?
From the world of cinema - “Leviathan” definitely. I really liked Emin's concert. Every year I go to his performances and see how he grows as an artist. This cultural event, which remains in my memory. I really enjoyed Valeria's concert in London. I was simply shocked by the play “The Pier,” the last role of Yuri Yakovlev. This is just a fantastic performance. Dima Malikov had good concert at Crocus. And Dima Bilan’s – in the same place. I'm not a big goer to events because I don't have time, I'm busy with work. When my friends give me tickets, then I go. And there is not enough time. You need to be with the child and work. I don't attend all cultural events.
Do you remember your feelings at that moment when the ruble fell? Was there panic?
Was. Since I live in this country, I spend rubles. It so happened that for the last few months I have not had any trips to America and Europe, so the topic of currency did not affect me much. As I lived, so I live. In general, I am always against sudden movements. But there was still panic in December. I was more concerned not so much about the currency as about the rising prices. This greatly affected all December New Year's gifts. I am concerned about rising food prices, especially for older people who have small pensions. And those whose salaries are small. And in stores prices rise very quickly. This is what really worries me. I would like this unreasonable price increase to stop as soon as possible. And so that this terrible inflation ends soon. In general, I want to live peacefully and amicably. So that this whole nightmare that is happening in eastern Ukraine ends quickly.
There is a boom in the world right now plastic surgery. Even taking into account the crisis, some domestic stars manage to undergo a sixth operation on their chest and change their face beyond recognition. Is it right to bring your appearance to an imaginary ideal, violating what nature has given?
The question is interesting, but difficult. There is such a problem - I really don’t want to grow old. Both women and men, but women in to a greater extent. Youth is too beautiful. And in pursuit of this youth, we sometimes go overboard. But we can be understood. I don’t judge anyone; on the contrary, I treat them with understanding. Sometimes the line gets lost. Here, not only internal assessment is important, but also the opinion of loved ones, who would say: “You are beautiful as is”; the environment that can stop you in time is important. I want to be beautiful, especially now, because now everything for this is there. There are all the possibilities, a million temptations. At the moment I haven’t thought about it much. Let's return to this conversation in 12 years. For now, at 38 years old, I manage to look the way I want, without making large investments. I have not had any surgery and am not planning to in the near future. I play a lot of sports, dance a lot, move a lot. I go to a cosmetologist. I really love the bathhouse. That is, I take care of myself. So far at this level, nothing global. I'm happy with my appearance. That's probably why I don't want to change it. If I were unhappy, I would have corrected something a hundred times already.

Who in show business are you best friends with?
Inna Mikhailova is my closest friend, my son’s godmother. We have been friends for 19 years. I’m friends with my team because we spend a lot of time together with them. We communicate with Anya Semenovich, with Sasha Savelyeva. These are the ones with whom we correspond and with whom we can go for coffee. With Emin. With Dzhigan. With Dimochka Kharatyan. With Valeria and her family. Dima Bilan - very good guy, touching. In general, I have good relationships with everyone. I try not to conflict with anyone. There is always something good in every person. I don't listen if someone says bad things about someone else. I never believe this. It happens that things don’t work out with someone else, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work out for you. There are good short meetings that leave lasting memories. We won’t go far, just an example. Lesha Panin. He and I were once very friends. Thanks to him, I found the group “New Gems,” because nine years ago, when I was playing in the theater, we were once sitting in a cafe, having lunch during a break. And I told him that I wanted to make a team. And he recommended his friend Sasha Postolenko to me. He gave me his phone number, we called each other, we met, and we’ve been working together for nine years now. If Lesha had not introduced me to Sasha, I don’t know how things would have turned out, because Sasha is the pillar, the basis of our group - both vocal and visual. After the theater, life separated Lesha and me. Then he started having problems in his family. He once asked me to participate in a program in support of him. And then he took the child from his wife. I told him: “Lesh, I won’t support you, I can’t. I will never support a man for taking a child from his mother, no matter what she is.” Then I acted on principle. We didn’t communicate for some time, and then recently he called me, and we talked for a long time. He has his own truth. And everyone says how bad he is. And he's not bad, he's just lost. He is unrestrained and overly emotional. I understand that a person must control himself, but not everyone succeeds. He failed, but that doesn't mean he's a bad person. This means that there was simply no woman nearby who he needed and could understand and neutralize him. Therefore I think not bad people. You need to understand everyone and try not to judge anyone.

Inna Malikova - famous Russian TV presenter, singer, actress, who also tries her hand as a producer. Today she is 41 years old, height 163 cm. Inna is not married - she is divorced. The woman continues the family’s work, devoting herself entirely to music. Zodiac sign: Capricorn. She is very sociable. Topics of personal life, biography, and children of Inna Malikova often appear in articles from well-known publications that carefully monitor the life of the star.

Biography of Inna Malikova

Inna was born on January 1, 1977 in Moscow (Russia). The parents were creative people who tried to raise their children accordingly. The Malikovs are known throughout the country as a musical dynasty, where everyone in one way or another connects their life with creativity. Father Yuri is the founder of the Gems group, famous in the 70s, mother Lyuda is a dancer. She was also a soloist of the Moscow Music Hall. Inna's brother is famous Russian singer Dmitry Malikov.

The spirit of art always lived in their house; dad taught his daughter and son to listen to high-quality music. IN kindergarten Inna walked only for a short time; her mother decided to study with her daughter at home. Being very young, the girl, at the request of her parents, goes to Merzlyakovskaya music school(piano class).

Girl's school years

Creative biography Inna Malikova starts in 5th grade secondary school. It was then that the father decides to transfer the child to musical and choreographic educational institution. It is very famous among show business stars. At one time, Nikolai Baskov and girls from the Lyceum team studied at this school. Inna graduated from the Merzlyakov school with excellent marks, and she also mastered the violin.

The girl's favorite subjects at school were literature and biology. She always prepared most carefully for these lessons. In addition, the biology teacher often praised Inna for her diligence and desire to learn something new.

Life of Inna Malikova after school

Having received a school certificate, the girl went to apply to a music school. Her choice fell on the conducting and choral faculty. She was immediately enrolled in the ranks of students. From September 1, the girl was already focused on her studies. Active and full of energy, Inna signed up for additional classes. So, in the biography of Inna Malikova, a column about vocal education appeared, because she was talented in everything. Vladimir Khachaturov became her mentor.

Having received a college diploma, the girl realized that she did not want to stop there. She went to storm the well-known GITIS.

Girl's career

My beloved older brother gave a song called “At the Summer Festival” for my sister Inna Malikova’s birthday. The girl’s biography and discography have since been replenished with her first solo composition. The young artist performed with her in many Russian television programs.

Then the career of the aspiring performer rapidly took off. Some of the first songs that Inna recorded were “Who Was Right” and “I Don’t Want to Be Serious.” After some time, video clips were shot for these compositions.

One of the most memorable events in Inna Malikova’s biography was the release of her video for the song “Coffee and Chocolate.” Then the creation of this work was carried out great amount of people. They filmed frame by frame for many weeks, resting 4 hours a day. Inna appeared on film set at 4 o'clock in the morning and left there after midnight. The result of such long and painstaking work pleased everyone.

Work in the theater

Inna also tried her hand at the theater stage. Thus, she became one of the main characters in the production of “Divorce, Moscow Style” under the leadership of the Lekur agency. She was also invited to play Adele in Die Fledermaus, to which Malikova, of course, agreed.

Several more times Inna tried to contact theater stage, but realized that the pop stage is what she really likes and what she wants to connect her life with.

"New Gems"

In 2006, Inna and her father Yuri Malikov decide to create the New Gems team in honor of the 35th anniversary legendary group 70s. The participants of the newly formed “Gems” were the young, talented Yana Daineko, Misha Veselov, Andrey Dievsky. Inna served as the main leader of the team. After several years of existence, the group releases its first album, which is called “Inna Malikova. Gems New."

Inna's further fate

In 2010, a young and talented girl tries herself as a TV presenter. So, she receives an offer to host the program “Good Evening, Moscow” with Kharatyan and, of course, agrees.

In 2014, the artist released another album, which was recorded with the group “New Gems” and was called “The Whole Life Ahead.” It includes famous compositions of the legendary group in the form of remixes. The viewer adequately appreciated this work. Inna gained many fans who began to send her expensive gifts and interesting messages. But the only thing that Inna Malikova did not have time for at that moment was personal life. The biography of this girl could already be seen in many well-known publications with the title “How to gain popularity on your own.” Inna often gave interviews to journalists, talking about her plans.

New songs for “New Gems”

Inna and her father understood that it would be good to cover the band’s old songs, but they wouldn’t last long at this. Therefore, it was decided to smoothly change the repertoire to a more modern one.

In 2016 music group turned exactly 10 years old. They devoted this time to recording songs, filming video clips and, of course, touring native Russia. Over these 10 years, the composition of the team has not changed. Some publications recognized "New Gems" best group countries for last decade.

Personal life in the biography of Inna Malikova

Inna was married. She is now divorced. The star's husband was the famous businessman Vladimir Antonichuk. From the very beginning of their relationship, the couple was called the most beautiful in Russian show business. They gave birth to a wonderful son, who was named Dmitry in honor of Inna’s brother. When he was 12 years old, the family broke up, the divorce was explained by misunderstanding and mistrust. So, the husband did not appear in Inna Malikova’s biography for long.

Inna was active creative person, who often disappeared on tours, filming video clips, and photo shoots. The husband, alas, could not treat this with understanding. He was more conservative in his views on the family. In his opinion, the wife should always be at home, cooking, washing, cleaning and raising the child. Now the singer is not interested ex-husband personal life. Children in Inna Malikova’s biography come first today.

After the divorce, this couple could not resolve the issue of custody for a long time. Since Dima was already an adult boy, he gave preference to his mother. With her they were closer in spirit. In the biography of Inna Malikova, children are the most valuable and important. She is very grateful to her son for this choice. Although for a split second, when Dima was asked who he wanted to be with, she doubted. After all, as a rule, boys choose their dad, Malikov shares her emotions.

Inna's son bears her family's star surname. Despite the fact that everyone around only knows what to talk about creativity, the guy chose the profession of a cook. He's already with school years He knew how to cook unusual dishes and always delighted his family with them on holidays. Dima interned with a famous Italian chef, then became a student at one of the best culinary institutes in France.

The guy wanted to get an education there so much that in a short six months he mastered the French language perfectly. That’s how persistent the Malikovs’ children can be. In Inna’s biography it is repeatedly mentioned that the main character traits of their entire family are determination and perseverance. The son always pleases his mother with visits on weekends or holidays. According to Inna herself, everything is fine in her personal life. Now she has a beloved man, whose name she is still hiding. Nowadays, not much is said about Inna Malikova’s personal life and children, which is probably why the paparazzi are watching her more and more closely.

Biography of Inna Malikova

Inna Malikova - Russian singer, actress, founder and soloist of the group “New Gems”, successor to the work of her father - Yuri Malikov, leader of the Soviet VIA “Gems”.

Childhood and family
Inna Malikova was born on January 1, 1977 in Moscow, in the family of Yuri Malikov, People's Artist Russia, founder of VIA “Gems”, and Lyudmila Vyunkova, former soloist Moscow Music Hall. The famous Russian singer Dmitry Malikov is Inna’s older brother.

A post shared by Inna Malikova (@innamalikova) on Nov 26, 2017 at 12:05am PST

Inna grew up in a creative atmosphere, often visited concert halls, met famous musicians, therefore with my future profession decided early.

“My parents didn’t even let me touch another profession,” she joked.

Inna spent most of her childhood years with her grandparents - her mother and father were constantly on tour. Malikova admits that in early years they were not particularly friendly with Dmitry, but now they have an excellent relationship.

Dmitry and Inna Malikov in childhood and now
Initial musical education the girl received at the Merzlyakovsky school at the conservatory, where she mastered musical notation, piano and violin. In the 5th grade, Malikova moved to school with in-depth study of music and choreography No. 1113, where Anastasia Stotskaya, Nikolai Baskov, members of the Vintage group, and artists once studied Bolshoi Theater and many other stars.

Inna Malikova has been involved in music since childhood
When Malikova turned 16 years old, her older brother wrote her the song “At the Summer Festival” as a birthday present, with which Inna subsequently performed on television programs “ morning Star" and "Under the sign of the zodiac."
Inna Malikova's debut with the song “At the Summer Festival” (archive recording 1993)
After school, Malikova entered the conducting and choral department of the music school, and also took private vocal lessons in pop-jazz school. Some time later, the girl became a student in the variety department of GITIS.

Music career
Your first music album"Who was right?" Inna created it while still a student – ​​two video clips were released at the same time.

Inna Malikova and Dmitry Isaev on the set of the video “Coffee and Chocolate”
In 2002, the singer began collaborating with famous domestic composers and working on her second album, “Coffee and Chocolate,” which was released 3 years later. Actor Dmitry Isaev starred in the video for the title song of the album.

Inna Malikova and her group “New Gems”
In 2006, Malikova founded the group “New Gems”, coinciding this moment with the 35th anniversary musical group father. The group included participant of the show “Voice-4” Alexander Postolenko, daughter of the soloist of “Belarusian Songs” Yana Daineko, participant of “Star Factory-5” Mikhail Veselov and Inna herself as a soloist and leader. The musicians perform world and domestic hits from the 1970s-1990s and their own songs.
Inna Malikova & “New Gems” - Remember Modern Talking
Three years after its founding, the group released its debut album, “Inna Malikova & Samotsvety NEW.” The band's second album was released in 2014. Malikova’s group, with which the singer traveled to many cities in Russia and abroad, was more than once called “the best cover band in the country.” It is also surprising that for more than 10 years of the group’s existence, its composition remains the same.

Other projects
In 2004, Inna became the face of the Swiss watch brand “Milus” in Russia. Subsequently, Dmitry Malikov also became the face of this company.

Inna Malikova - the face of “Milus” in Russia
In 2006, the Lekur theater agency announced the premiere of the play “Divorce, Moscow Style,” in which Inna made her debut, and Stanislav Sadalsky, Alla Dovlatova, Zhanna Epple and Ruslana Pysanka also played.

Inna Malikova, Alexey Panin and Stas Sadalsky in the production of “Divorce Moscow Style”
2008 was marked by the premiere of the production “ Bat", in which the actors of "Lekura" were involved - Inna Malikova (in the role of the maid Adele), as well as Andrei Noskov, Fyodor Dobronravov, Anna Snatkina, etc.

Inna Malikova and the actors of the play “The Bat”
In 2010, Malikova replaced Olga Budina as host of the television program “Good Evening, Moscow!” on the TVC channel. The singer's co-host was Dmitry Kharatyan.

Inna Malikova and Dmitry Kharatyan became the hosts of the TV program “Good evening, Moscow!”
In 2016, Inna became a brand ambassador for the Crystal and Master Brilliant jewelry houses, as well as the Italian clothing and footwear brand Pinko in Russia.

Personal life of Inna Malikova
Inna's first husband was businessman Vladimir Antonichuk. When they met, Inna was very young - she was 21, Vladimir was 5 years older. The romantic man won the girl’s heart, the lovers got married, and already in January 1999, a son, Dmitry, was born into the family.

Inna Malikova failed to build family happiness with her first husband
But family life didn't work out. Soon Malikova began to notice the difference in characters. She was a creative person, easy-going and sociable, but her husband, on the contrary, turned out to be gloomy, often silent, and accepted only one point of view - his own. In addition, Vladimir was a very jealous husband and took hostility creative activity Inny.

Inna Malikova with her son in her youth
When their son turned 13, Inna filed for divorce. After long legal proceedings, Dmitry remained to live with his mother. Although the guy was also observed musical abilities, and he even accompanied his uncle on the piano during a concert at Crocus, he took a different path. In 2016, Dmitry graduated from school and entered the Paul Bocuse Institute at the faculty of " culinary arts and organization restaurant business" He maintains a warm relationship with his cousin Stefania Malikova.

Son of Inna Malikova Dmitry and Stefania Malikova
Whether Malikova’s heart is free now is unknown. In some interviews, the singer hinted that she has a lover, but claims that she is fine on her own.

Inna Malikova with her son now
Looking at Inna, it’s hard to believe that in 2017 she reached her fifth decade. As the singer admits, she began visiting a cosmetologist at the age of 17, inspired by the example of Dmitry’s wife, whose appearance Inna always considered ideal. Now she regularly visits beauty salons and follows all the new products in the world of aesthetic medicine. Many fans believe that she looks the same age as her son.

Inna Malikova is in great shape
Inna plays a lot of sports, practices stretching and Pilates. The singer also attends Evgeniy Papunaishvili’s dance school, where she masters hot Latin dances.
Inna Malikova dances Cha-cha-cha
Inna calls Oksana Fandera, Ekaterina Andreeva and Ingeborga Dapkunaite her idols in the fashion world.

Inna Malikova now

Inna continues to tour a lot with her group, participate in concerts, and record new compositions. So, in March 2018, “New Gems” performed on the “Tonight” show on Channel One. Malikova is also mastering Instagram - she regularly pleases hundreds of thousands of her subscribers with interesting shots from life, and also gives advice on proper nutrition and self-care.

Inna Malikova delights fans with new creativity and care tips

Inna Malikova did not interrupt the creative dynasty of the family. The woman connected her life with music and at the beginning of the 2000s released two solo album. Then the artist became a member, producer and leader of the group. In addition, Inna collaborates with many famous brands. For example, in 2016 she became the face of the Crystal and Master Diamond jewelry houses.

Inna Malikova is a representative of the country’s famous musical family, the Malikovs. The girl’s father, Yuri Malikov, is the creator and leader of the super-popular vocal and instrumental ensemble “Gems” in the 1970s. Brother - famous pop singer, composer and pianist. Mom Lyudmila Vyunkova was a former soloist of the capital’s music hall and dancer, then became concert director son Dmitry.

Probably nothing other than musical creativity, the girl could not study, because in the family home there was always an atmosphere of art, the sound good music. Therefore, she gladly went to the famous Merzlyakovsky music school, formed at the conservatory. I chose piano class.

When my daughter was in the 5th grade of a regular secondary school, the parents, seeing musical success girls, transferred Inna to music and choreography school No. 1113, which is located on Tverskaya Street. It is known for its graduates, among whom are the vocalists of the group.

The future singer graduated from the Merzlyakov school not only in piano - she also mastered the violin. After that, I went to a music school, choosing the conducting and choral department. At the same time, she worked on vocals, studying with the famous mentor Vladimir Khachaturov at the pop and jazz school.

After receiving her diploma, Malikova did not want to put an end to her education. Inna entered GITIS, choosing the variety department for herself.


The creative biography of Inna Malikova began in 1993. Brother Dmitry gave his sister the song “At the Summer Festival” for her 16th birthday. The young singer successfully debuted with her on the popular television projects “Morning Star” and “Under the Zodiac Sign.”

From that moment on, she began collaborating with other authors and composers. The vocalist has new compositions “I Don’t Want to Be Serious” and “Who Was Right.” Video clips are recorded on them. The last song not only becomes the title track in Inna Malikova’s first album, but also gives it its name.

Starts in 2002 new stage the singer's creativity. She gathers a team of like-minded people and collaborates with composers Evgeny Kuritsin, Pavel Yesenen and Sergei Nizovtsev. Together with them, the vocalist begins recording new songs for the second album.

A highlight of the next two years in Inna Malikova’s life was the release of videos for the compositions “Everything That Was” and “Coffee and Chocolate.” Director Oleg Gusev worked on the first video, and Georgy Toidze worked on the second.

The following year, theatergoers in the capital could note the birth of a new actress: Inna Malikova played one of the main roles in the play “Divorce, Moscow Style,” which was staged by the Lekur theater agency. Looking ahead, let’s say that Malikova was able to appear on stage again as an actress in 2008. She played Adele in the production of Die Fledermaus.

Major success I expected the vocalist not on the theater stage, but on the pop stage. In 2006, the legendary VIA “Gems” celebrated its 35th anniversary. In honor of this event, father and daughter created new project, which was called "New Gems".

The composition included, although young, but already famous vocalists: a member of several popular musicals Alexander Postolenko, daughter of one of the soloists of “Belarusian Songs” Yana Daineko, winner of the 5th “Star Factory” Mikhail Veselov and soloist jazz band Music Parking Band Andrey Dievsky. The leader of the new team was Inna Malikova.

After 3 years, the group released their first album, called “Inna Malikova. Gems NEW.”

In 2010, the singer and actress tried her hand as a TV presenter. Together with her, she hosts the program “Good evening, Moscow!”

Home in creative life Inna the music remains. In 2014, the fourth album of the singer and the band was released with the nostalgic title “The Whole Life Ahead.” It consists of remixes popular songs"Gems" 1970-80s. But the team is developing. IN further group planned to release new songs that smoothly “flow” from the old “Samotsvetov” songs.

In 2016, New Gems celebrated its 10th anniversary. Over the years, the quartet has toured all over Russia. However, the composition of the team has never changed. The press even called the artists the best cover band in the country.

With “New Gems” Inna performed her favorite old compositions on new way: “Remember”, “Glue it together”, “The world is not simple”, “The heart is not a stone” and others.

Personal life

The singer and actress was married. The star’s husband was businessman Vladimir Antonichuk. Inna Malikova’s personal life seemed happy at first. The couple had a son, Dima. But when the boy turned 12 years old, they separated. The reason for the breakup turned out to be different views on life. Inna is a creative and sociable person. She has many friends and girlfriends. And my husband showed more Domostroevsky, if I may say so, classic looks per family. He wanted his wife to sit at home and take care of only the family.

The parting turned out to be painful. Over the course of a year, the question of who his son would stay with was decided, but Dima was already a fairly old boy. At the same time, spiritually his mother is closer to him. Her son stayed with her. He also wears famous surname Malikov. Apart from Dmitry, Inna has no children.

It is noteworthy that the son, although he has excellent hearing and plays the piano beautifully, chose the profession of a cook. He is already an excellent cook, completed an internship in Italy and entered the famous The Institute Paul Bocuse. This is a French culinary institute. Dmitry's desire to study here was such that he learned in six months French.

Although the young man studies in another country, he tries to fly in on weekends and spends his holidays at home. Mother and son also text each other and call each other during the day. In addition, Inna is close to her niece, the daughter of Dmitry Malikov.

The personal life of Inna Malikova is quite arranged. According to the artist, she has a loved one with whom she has complete understanding. But the singer does not name her chosen one.

Few people know, but the popular performer is very afraid of heights. As a child, she fell on an escalator and rolled down. Now this phobia haunts the star.

Inna Malikova is a fan of swimming. In 2017, the woman began to engage in this sport professionally in order to develop her breathing apparatus.

Thousands of fans watch the life and work of their favorite artist. Inna shares personal and work photos with subscribers in “ Instagram" She also leads

Malikova was born into the family of Yuri Fedorovich Malikov, the creator and director of the Gems ensemble, and Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vyunkova, a ballerina and singer. She, like her brother, became a singer: now she works with the group " New Gems" And also, together with Dmitry Kharatyan, he hosts the program “Good evening, Moscow!” The artist is married to a businessman named Vladimir. They met at Inna's concert. It was not possible to find out anything more about her husband “Cleo” - the singer refused to answer most questions about my husband.

Inna, your husband is a businessman and is probably constantly busy. How often do you manage to be together?

Vladimir is not exactly a businessman. We can say that he is an employee, a manager. He has a completely normal working day, and he comes home quite early. So we don’t have such problems at all. On the contrary, I am often not at home due to being very busy on filming, concerts or performances. I also have the “New Gems” project - it also takes a lot of time.

What do you do and where do you go when you get together?

We like to go to the cinema, to visit, for example, mutual friends not related to show business. Or somewhere to eat. It happens that everything is possible Malikov family go to Zhukovka or some beautiful place, interesting place- say, take a walk in the park, go to the Rublev Museum or visit some historical monument, old manor, monastery.

Blitz survey “Cleo”:
— Are you friends with the Internet?

- Yes.

— What is an unaffordable luxury for you?
- Take it and go on vacation alone.

— Which animal do you associate yourself with?
- I never thought about it.

— Did you have a nickname as a child?
- Never in my life.

-What turns you on?
- Rudeness and rudeness.

—Are you an owl or a lark?
- Owl.

In general, my child and I often go to concerts, ballets, and cultural events, in order to develop the boy’s good taste and a sense of beauty.

Don't you quarrel with your husband? Do you always understand each other?

We are just like people - an ordinary, normal family. And there are quarrels, and reconciliations, and views on this or that event or opinion sometimes diverge. Why be surprised here - anything can happen. Vladimir and I are no exception either.

What qualities attract you in a husband?

His calm, confidence. This is also an opportunity to lean on your husband’s strong shoulder.

Are you planning on adding to your family?

I think that in principle - yes, but not in the near future. I don’t know when yet. In general, the optimal number of children in a family is three. So, by and large, I dream of three children - this is such a golden mean.

- What is your psychological age?
- 30 years.

- Do you have a talisman?
- No.

— How do you relieve stress?
- I'm trying to get some sleep.

— Where did you spend your last vacation?
- In Egypt.

— What melody is on your mobile phone?
- Normal beep.

— What is your favorite aphorism?
- Do what you can. And what will be will be.

Are there any disagreements about which of you earns how much?

Previously, of course, they demonstrated character in front of each other - they tried to prove something. We were young, and disagreements often arose, and sometimes serious ones. And now it’s no longer there. On the contrary, we try to put ourselves in each other’s shoes, help and support each other morally. And in general we treat each other as carefully as possible.

How does he feel about your work? Any advice?

Not often, but sometimes he gives advice, and it is substantive and accurate. And, as a rule, he is not mistaken. Because, firstly, he is an outsider. And secondly, he has good taste and you can trust him.

It happens that he comments on my performances on television and always gets to the point, noting interesting or noteworthy moments of filming.

Do your husband and Dima go to your performances?

I can't say that this happens often or regularly. But it happens. More often I take Dimochka with me to concerts, performances or filming of programs, where he sees not only me, but also my colleagues, gets to know them...

In general, the boy is growing up, as befits a son and grandson creative people, behind the scenes?

You can say so, but to a lesser extent than I do. And it should be noted that this attracts him much less - he is so drawn to the stage. Although he treats everything I do with respect great respect. Dima is now 12 years old, and he is more involved in sports: swimming, athletics, football. He is also interested in technology and computer programs.

I completely agree with this opinion. And I’m glad that Vladimir is raising Dima to be a man - this is the most important thing. In summer they ride bicycles, in winter they go skiing. And they can simply sit down on the sofa together and watch some “male” programs on TV - for example, biathlon competitions.

When we first talked about Dima, he was only 4 years old. And you said that as soon as you told him: “This toy is expensive,” he immediately understood everything and did not demand it anymore. And now Dima understands what is possible and what is not?

Not always. We have to educate, and reprimand, and simply explain something. On the other hand, he undoubtedly understands some things, although not all of them. Dima can wait for his birthday, for example, for a gift of 10,000 rubles, in order to buy himself the one he likes mobile phone. But for someone to want something out of the blue and immediately begin to demand it, that doesn’t happen with us.

Because he already has an understanding of how money is made. And all the same, as soon as they fall into his hands, he can spend them at that very second.

Do you also go on vacation with your whole family?

Necessarily. Moreover, we often go on vacation with my older brother’s family and mutual friends. I remember a trip to the Maldives, where we spent one of our vacations together. We really enjoyed fishing in the ocean there. Together with Dmitry's friends, they collectively caught a sailfish more than two meters in length and a predatory barracuda. And Dima Jr. and his cousin Stesha also proved themselves to be real fishermen - they caught two fish each. Moreover, in my son’s bucket there was a rare red snapper. My Dimochka even swam underwater with a mask there. He said that he succeeded, as if seahorse, saddle a turtle and ride it. Dima is a boy who is interested in crafts. And for this purpose, he collected various seashells and brought them home.

What was your catch?

I also “caught” something there: in one of the shops I became the owner of a set of homemade boxes in the form of original canvas braids - as they say, for the home, for the family. Lena could not resist purchasing a scarf: the national embroidery on it was in harmony with the massive gems sewn into it. Everyone bought something. And Dmitry Sr. brought a healing tincture with local herbs from the Maldives.

Where do you like to relax most?

We have been to the Maldives, Thailand, and many other resorts and places. Last time I was in Egypt in November - I was lucky enough to have a rest before the unrest began. But for several years in a row we have been making sure to visit the small Italian resort of Forte dei Marmi on the seashore. There is the so-called “dacha” of my brother Dmitry.

He rents for two months a year big house 15 minutes walk from the beach. And we are happy to keep him company. He takes Dimochka to live with him. And Vladimir and I are staying at a local hotel, since our parents also live in the house (when they arrive).

By the way, a few kilometers from this town, the world-famous snow-white Carrara marble is mined, from which local sculptors carve statues. And in general, Pisa, Verona, Florence are relatively nearby... So there is something to see and where to go.

You are relaxing together. Do you live nearby too?

Yes, our houses are literally on one large plot. Dmitry built his house just a year before us. It’s cozy here: a female teacher comes to our home and works with Dimochka, and at the same time she also cooks well, looks after Dima, and feeds him. And she also helps clean the house.

Do you have a lot of guests?

Previously - yes, now, unfortunately, we are moving away from these gatherings - life has become fleeting, somehow there is no time. If we meet, it’s more often in the city - now there are a lot of cafes where you can meet, sit, have a calm, easy conversation, and eat delicious food. Of course, we also gather at home, but, as a rule, on holidays.

Your dad, Yuri Fedorovich, is understandably a busy man. Does your mother come to see you often?


What do you value most in your home?

Probably the familiarity that has developed over all these years. After all, it’s wonderful when you have a home where you can feel calm, take a break from the bustle of Moscow and understand that here your loved ones and family, familiar things, are always with you. And the atmosphere of warmth and comfort.